Lo scopo delle Note-LNF/INFN è quello di documentare attività di ricerca teoriche o sperimentali effettuate da personale dipendente o associato ai LNF/INFN. La richiesta di pubblicazione di una nota si effettua compilando gli appositi moduli: modulo LNF, modulo INFN.
Per quanto riguarda le Note-LNF la pubblicazione online è soggetta al seguente iter autorizzativo.
Il testo completo delle note è disponibile in formato PDF. Il catalogo NOTE LNF include tutte le note LNF dal 1953 ad oggi, mentre il catalogo NOTE INFN quelle dal 1987 ad oggi.
ID | Data | Titolo | Anno | Autori | Abstract | |
5988 | 2024-11-18 | ELETTRONICA DI LETTURA PER RIVELATORI A SEMICONDUTTORE | 2024 | INFN-24-12-PD.pdf | Rubens Raffagnato | I moderni ASIC di readout implementano circuiti frutto di evoluzioni di topologie di amplificazione e formatura. La progettazione presta particolare attenzione al rumore elettronico e le scelte progettuali sono volte a mitigare il suo effetto allo scopo di rendere lo stadio di acquisizione più performante e affidabile possibile. Questo lavoro ha l’intento di studiare ed analizzare in maniera approfondita e dettagliata il funzionamento di un circuito amplificatore di carica e discutere gli aspetti tecnici. Verranno trattati i concetti generali legati alla rilevazione di particella e verrà affrontata l’architettura e la topologia circuitale, concetti fondamentali per le odierne e le future applicazioni di ricerca scientifica. |
5987 | 2024-11-04 | Ansatz about a zero momentum mode in QCD and the forward slope in pp elastic scattering | 2024 | INFN-24-11-LNF.pdf | G. Pancheri, Y. N. Srivastava, O. Shekhovtsova | We recall a resummation procedure in QED to extract the zero momentum mode in soft photon emission and present an ansatz about a possible mechanism for the forward peak characterizing elastic proton proton scattering |
5986 | 2024-10-28 | Datawarehouse della Direzione Sistemi Informativi INFN : Aggiornamenti alla Struttura dell’ETL | 2024 | INFN-24-10-DSI.pdf | Thomas Angelini, Claudio Galli | L’ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) è il processo che, in notturna, si occupa di aggiornare la banca dati del Data Warehouse INFN al fine di esporre agli utenti dati consistenti e certificati tramite strumenti di Business Intelligence (BI). Essendo un processo complesso e articolato, la sua esecuzione tramite un tool dedicato richiede molto tempo, eppure è fondamentale per la certificazione dei dati da rendere fruibili tramite report e dashboard. Uno degli obiettivi dell’Ufficio Data Warehouse e Business Intelligence della Direzione Sistemi Informativi (DSI) è quello mantenere ed evolvere questo processo, migliorarne le performance ed occuparsi della correttezza, completezza e consistenza del contenuto informativo della banca dati. Questa nota tecnica si concentra sull’evoluzione dell'architettura di ETL |
5985 | 2024-10-15 | Gestione e operatività dei database per le nuove applicazioni della Direzione Sistemi Informativi | 2024 | INFN-24-09-DSI.pdf | Stefano Bovina Guido Guizzunti Giuseppe Misurelli | La modernizzazione dei database, necessaria all’evoluzione di alcuni applicativi verso l’architettura a microservizi, è stata un momento di svolta per il servizio Database dell'Ufficio Sviluppo e Gestione Strategica dell’Infrastruttura. Una svolta tecnologica, organizzativa e di sostenibilità economica basata sulla possibilità di esplorare soluzioni Open Source con cui superare alcuni limiti del modello commerciale, come ad esempio l'indipendenza da una soluzione Oracle, e allo stesso tempo validare l’inclusione nella piattaforma, alla base di sviluppo e gestione dell’Infrastruttura della Direzione Sistemi Informativi (con i suoi servizi e le buone pratiche), di un ulteriore tassello con cui gestire i dati strutturati e non strutturati generati all’interno dell’ecosistema degli applicativi. In questa nota interna viene descritto, evidenziandone architettura e operatività, come le due tecnologie di database pensate rispettivamente per gestire dati di tipo SQL e NoSQL siano state introdotte all’interno della piattaforma e integrate nel contesto di efficienza operativa della piattaforma stessa. |
5984 | 2024-09-09 | Conceptual electromagnetic design of the detector magnet for the ALICE 3 upgrade | 2024 | INFN-24-08GE.pdf | Alessio Dellacasagrande, Andrea Bersani, Stefania Farinon, Filippo Levi, Riccardo Musenich | Canted cosine theta (CCT) windings are often chosen for the fabrication of acceler-ator magnets. This innovative winding technique can also be adapted for use in detector magnets, introducing a dipole component to the magnetic field alongside the conventional solenoid field. By incorporating this dipole component, the momentum resolution at low emission angles is significantly enhanced, offering improved performance and accuracy in particle detection. |
5983 | 2024-07-03 | Characterization of Cu plates and films implanted with Ag ions | 2024 | INFN-24-07-LNF.pdf | C. Balasubramanian, K. Asokan, B. Spataro, J. Rezvani, and A. Marcelli | In this study, we present the characterization of 100 MeV Ag ions implanted on thick copper plates (5 mm) and of 70 keV Ag ions implanted on thin copper films (~300 nm) deposited on Si and Sapphire substrates. Ion implantations were carried out at the Inter University Accelerator Centre (IUAC) in New Delhi. After the implantation of silver ions, characterizations of the surface morphology and the chemical composition were performed on both pristine and implanted samples. The Rutherford backscattering spectrometry probed the thickness of the films showing the presence of implanted Ag ions in the Cu thin films. Raman spectra confirmed the depth of ion implantations. |
5982 | 2024-06-19 | Linee guida per la produzione di documenti accessibili | 2024 | INFN-24-06-DSI.pdf | G. Perillo | I documenti accessibili sono tali quando consentono di accedere alle informazioni necessarie a tutti, inclusi coloro che hanno disabilità visive, cognitive o motorie, anche se dovessero utilizzare tecnologie assistive o configurazioni particolari. Questo documento descrive l'importanza per le pubbliche amministrazioni di produrre documenti accessibili e fornisce informazioni tecniche e pratiche sull'utilizzo di alcuni strumenti software dedicati alla creazione dei documenti per perseguire questo scopo. In particolare, viene descritto il ciclo di produzione completamente digitale di un documento, dall'utilizzo dell'editor di testo fino alla corretta conversione in formato pdf che mantenga tutti i criteri di accessibilità. DOI n. 10.15161/oar.it/211555 |
5981 | 2024-05-21 | Raoul Gatto and Bruno Touschek's joint legacy in the rise of electron-positron physics | 2024 | INFN-24-05-LNF.pdf | Luisa Bonolis, Franco Buccella, Giulia Pancheri | Raoul Gatto and Bruno Touschek's collaboration in the establishment of electronpositron colliders as a fundamental discovery tool in particle physics will be illustrated. In particular, we will tell the little-known story of how Gatto and Touschek's pioneering visions combined to provide the theoretical foundation for AdA, the first matter-antimatter collider, and how their friendship with Wolfgang Pauli and Gerhard Lüders was crucial to their understanding of the CPT theorem, the basis for AdA's success. We will see how these two exceptional scientists shaped physics between Rome and Frascati, from the proposal to build AdA and soon after the larger machine ADONE in 1961, to the discovery of the 𝐽/Ψ particle in 1974. We will also highlight Gatto and Touschek's contribution in mentoring an extraordinary cohort of students and collaborators whose work contributed to the renaissance of Italian theoretical physics after the Second World War and to the establishment of the Standard Model of particle physics. |
5980 | 2024-05-20 | TRACCIATORE A PIXEL DI SILICIO DEL PRECISION PROTON SPECTROMETER DI CMS: SVILUPPO DELLA NUOVA MECCANICA CON MOVIMENTAZIONE INTERNA, PROCEDURE DI ASSEMBLAGGIO E TEST | 2024 | INFN-24-04-GE.pdf | Adriano Bevilacqua, Stefano Cerchi, Antonello Mercenaro, Rosanna Puppo, Enrico Robutti, Cecilia Rossi, Andrea Trovato | Il presente lavoro descrive l’evoluzione del supporto meccanico e del sistema di movimentazione interna del tracciatore del Precision Proton Spectrometer (PPS) dell’esperimento CMS. Scopo di questo upgrade è quello di rendere più agevoli e meno rischiose le procedure di assemblaggio e installazione, e di migliorare le prestazioni del sistema di movimentazione interna. Vengono inoltre descritte le procedure di test utilizzate per l’installazione e la movimentazione, nonché quella per la misura di posizione dei sensori. |
5979 | 2024-04-03 | Accessibilità delle Web APP della DSI | 2024 | INFN-24-03-DSI.pdf | Marzio D’Alessandro, Claudio Ciamei | Rendere un’applicazione web accessibile, oltre ad essere un dovere sociale, permette ad ogni utente di poter usufruire delle sue funzionalità in un modo più profittevole. Gli aspetti caratterizzanti l’accessibilità si dividono in due categorie principali: visibili e invisibili. I primi sono degli aspetti di cui l’utente ha un’esperienza diretta e sono ad esempio i colori utilizzati e il modo in cui sono realizzati gli elementi interattivi della pagina. I secondi, invece, corrispondono al modo in cui le pagine web sono codificate e possono essere analizzate da un lettore automatico. In questa trattazione saranno discusse entrambe le tipologie di aspetti e il focus sarà puntato sulla loro gestione nell’ambito dello sviluppo interno alla DSI, che ha tra i propri obiettivi la realizzazione di applicativi web a supporto delle attività amministrative dell’INFN. |
5978 | 2024-03-26 | EuroSIG FRAMEWORK - CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT OF THE SUPERCONDUCTING ION GANTRY (SIG) DIPOLE DEMONSTRATOR MAGNET | 2024 | INFN-24-02-MI.pdf | Marco Prioli, Emma Bianchi, Anna Giulia Carloni, Roberto Cereseto, Stefania Farinon, Andrea Gagno, Filippo Levi, Samuele Mariotto, Alessandra Pampaloni, Lucio Rossi, Carlo Santini, Riccardo Umberto Valente, Enrico Felcini5, Guglielmo Frisella, Alessio Mereghetti, Simone Savazzi, Marco Pullia, Elisavet Oursoula Kavoura, Ioannis Georgiadis, Charilaos Kokkinos | This Conceptual Design Report (CDR) concerns the demonstrator of a curved dipole demonstrator magnet for an innovative superconducting gantry for ion therapy. The demonstrator will be realized in the framework of both the INFN (the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics) grant SIG (Superconducting Ion Gantry) and of the international collaboration EuroSIG among INFN, CNAO, CERN, and MedAustron. SIG and EuroSIG aim to demonstrate enabling technologies for nextgeneration ion gantries and they overlap in several developments while at the same time pursuing some solutions independently. After a brief overview of the gantry optical layout and requirements, the report illustrates the adopted conductor, the electromagnetic design of the demonstrator with the relative guiding principles, its thermal design and quench behavior and its structural design. For the structural design, a sensitivity analysis is conducted taking into account the possible tolerances, uncertainties in the material properties, and also and different materials. An alternative winding technique is developed as a backup solution and it applies to a coil block magnet design. PACS:xxx |
5970 | 2024-03-05 | Booking: un software per la prenotazione delle risorse dell’ente | 2024 | INFN-24-01-LNF.pdf | Giovanni Lorenzo Napoleoni, Claudio Bisegni, Michele Tota, Ramon Orrù, Foggetta Gennaro Luca | Progettazione e sviluppo di un software per la prenotazione delle risorse dell’ente che richiedono un workflow approvativo (semplice o complesso) come la prenotazione di facility per esperimenti e aule per conferenze. Lo scopo del software consiste nell’informatizzare tutti i processi di business(1) applicati alla prenotazione di una determinata risorsa e nell’eliminazione dei processi cartacei non tracciati, garantendo i principi di autenticazione e autorizzazione in base ai ruoli che l’INFN assegna ai singoli utenti. Attraverso la definizione del workflow è possibile configurare, oltre al normale flusso procedurale, timer, sotto workflow, invio di email scadenzate e attivare procedure custom come l’invio di comandi ad apparecchiature elettroniche. Il core del progetto è basato sull’utilizzo della notazione BPMN per descrivere i workflow legati alle prenotazioni delle risorse e all’implementazione di un orchestratore per gestirne il ciclo di vita. A differenza di altri strumenti, la notazione BPMN permette di definire un workflow senza la scrittura di codice con un linguaggio di programmazione ma con una definizione grafica che facilita la gestione di tutto il processo di prenotazione. E’ stata anche sviluppata un’applicazione web che attraverso una GUI guida l’utente e gli amministratori nel processo di creazione e prenotazione delle risorse. Al momento il software è in uso per la prenotazione della Beam Test Facility dei LNF e della Labec Facility della sezione di Firenze |
5969 | 2023-12-22 | Heavy-ion test report of LTC1668 DAC LiteBIRD-NOTE-84 | 2023 | INFN-23-32-MIB.pdf | A. Cotta Ramusino, S. Della Torre, L. Galli, A. Limonta, R. Malaguti, D. Nicolò, G. Signorelli, L. Silvestrin, F. Spinella, A. Tartari, M. Tessaro, J. Wyss and M. Zannoni | This document presents the results of a heavy-ion test program carried out on the Linear Technology LT1668 16-bit 50 Msps DAC (LTC1668IG) to identify single-event effects. In particular, it was studied the detection of single-event latch-up (SEL), single-event upsets (SEU), and single-event transients (SET) due to heavy-ions radiation. The tests were performed at the heavy-ion facility Tandem-ALPI at INFN Legnaro National Laboratory (Italy) in February 2021 and June 2022 for a total irradiation time of ∼51 hours |
5968 | 2023-11-13 | Piattaforma 3DExperience: procedura operativa per la gestione del ciclo di vita di un prodotto e della documentazione di progetto | 2023 | INFN-23-31-LNGS.pdf | Daniele Cortis, Alessandro Lalli | Il presente documento descrive la procedura operativa per la gestione del ciclo di vita di un prodotto e della documentazione di progetto, implementato dal “Reparto di Progettazione” del Servizio di Meccanica dei Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) dell’INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), attraverso la piattaforma di Project Life-Cycle Management della Dassault System “3DExperience” [1]. Il documento descrive altresì l’integrazione della piattaforma con gli altri sistemi informativi messi a disposizione dall’INFN ai suoi dipendenti ed associati. |
5967 | 2023-11-02 | Magnetic field, Lorentz forces and stored energy of multipole cos(nθ) and sector magnets with and without iron yoke | 2023 | INFN-23-30-GE.pdf | Stefania Farinon and Daniel Novelli | When approaching the design of a multipole magnet, such as a dipole, quadrupole, sex-tupole, and so on, it is highly advantageous to initiate the process by establishing the fundamental parameters. These parameters include conductor size, current density, inner and outer radius of the iron yoke, and more. This preliminary dimensioning enables the acquisition of the necessary specifications for the design. Within this report, analytical expressions for the magnetic field, Lorentz forces, and stored energy of multipole mag-nets with the cos(nθ) and sector coil configurations, both with and without the presence of an iron yoke, are derived. These derivations are based on the vector potential of a current line. |
5965 | 2023-10-31 | Raoul Gatto and Bruno Touschek’s collaboration in the birth of electron-positron physics | 2023 | INFN-23-28-LNF.pdf | Luisa Bonolis, Franco Buccella, Giulia Pancheri | Raoul Gatto’s contributions to the establishment of electron-positron colliders as a fundamental discovery tool in particle physics is illustrated. His collaboration with Bruno Touschek both in the construction of AdA and proposing ADONE is highlighted, through unpublished photographs and original documents. |
5966 | 2023-10-31 | Structural analysis of the double-walled copper-steel cryogenic chamber of the ASTAROTH experiment | 2023 | INFN-23-29-LNGS.pdf | Daniele Cortis, Donato Orlandi, Andrea Zani, Davide D’Angelo | This document describes the verification process of structural performance of the doublewalled copper-steel cryogenic chamber of the ASTAROTH (All Sensitive crysTal ARray with lOw THreshold) experiment and the evaluation of the stresses generated near the thermal bridge connecting the inner and outer wall. The chamber consists of an external AISI 316L stainless steel dewar and an inner double-walled OF (Oxygen Free) copper dewar connected to an AISI 316L stainless steel flanged collar. The results showed that close to the thermal bridge (copper-steel junction) the stresses slightly exceed the YS of copper at the estimated operating temperature (localised strain-hardening condition). On the other hand, the safety coefficient respect to fracture is well above one for both materials. This condition, together with the fact that limited cooling cycles are expected during the operating life of the system, leads to the assumption that a progressive material hardening will occur in this area, thus locally raising the YS limit. |
5964 | 2023-10-26 | Manufacture of a Mo3 coated copper made device | 2023 | INFN-23-27-LNF.pdf | S. Macis, A. D’ Elia, L. Mosesso, J.S. Rezvani, B. Spataro, S. Lupi, and A. Marcelli | We describe the procedure to manufacture a model of a cylindrical RF cavity made in copper and coated with a 100 nm thick layer of molybdenum trioxide. The device is 100 mm long, has an internal diameter of 60 mm and an external diameter of 80 mm. The cylindrical device was carefully divided into four sections to make possible the coating on the internal curved surfaces polished to a roughness < 10 nm. The molybdenum trioxide has been deposed utilizing a thermal evaporation technique with a dedicated high vacuum chamber equipped with a high-temperature Alumina crucible working in the temperature range of 400° - 600° C. |
5963 | 2023-09-06 | La piattaforma alla base di sviluppo e gestione dell’Infrastruttura della Direzione Servizi Informativi | 2023 | INFN-23-25-DSI.pdf | Stefano Bovina, Guido Guizzunti, Giuseppe Misurelli | Garantire la continuità di servizio dei sistemi gestionali usati dagli utenti dell’Istituto e favorirne l’evoluzione tecnologica sono due delle principali sfide a cui l'Ufficio Sviluppo e Gestione Strategica dell’Infrastruttura risponde. In questo lavoro viene descritta la piattaforma, creata dall’Ufficio nel corso del tempo, con cui continuità di servizio ed evoluzione tecnologica vengono soddisfatte grazie all’unione fra l’Infrastruttura di Virtualizzazione utilizzata, una serie di Servizi messi a disposizione (es. Monitoraggio e Allarmistica, CICD) e delle Metodologie (es. Efficienza Operativa, Approccio DevOps) che regolano le attività e l’interazione con la piattaforma stessa. Una piattaforma tecnologica, organizzativa e culturale che nel tempo ha fatto emergere un ecosistema in grado di alimentare processi capaci da una parte di operare infrastruttura e servizi in maniera efficiente, dall’altra di promuovere flessibilità ed elasticità nell’evoluzione dei sistemi gestionali informatici usati nell’Istituto. DOI n. 10.15161/oar.it/77193 |
5962 | 2023-06-30 | Assessment of hadronic reactions in GEANT4 and FLUKA for the POKER experiment | 2023 | INFN-23-24-GE.pdf | Pietro Bisio, Mariangela Bondì, Andrea Celentano, Anna Marini, Luca Marsicano | The goal of the POKER ERC project is to establish and demonstrate a new approach to the search for light-dark matter, based on a missing energy measurement with a positron-beam, active thick-target setup. In the experiment, a high-energy e+ beam impinges on a high-performance hermetic calorimeter, that measures the deposited energy event by event. Light dark matter particles could be produced by the annihilation of the positron with atomic electrons, and would then escape from the detector without further interactions. One of the most critical background reactions for the measurement involve one or more high-energy hadrons produced by the developing electromagnetic shower and escaping from the calorimeter, thus resulting in a sizeable missing energy. A Monte Carlo estimate of this background yield is required in order to properly design the experimental apparatus. In order to validate the simulation results, we compared the predictions from the FLUKA and GEANT4 Monte Carlo programs with available data for a few hadronic reactions involving long-lived neutral hadrons or particles emitted at backward angles. Our results show that, in general, the agreement between the Monte Carlo predictions and the real data is good, with FLUKA results closer to the experimental measurements, in particular concerning the shape of the cross section. PACS:13.40.- |
5948 | 2023-06-07 | GESTIONE DEI RIFIUTI ALL’INTERNO DELLA SEZIONE INFN DI FIRENZE | 2023 | INFN-23-20-FI.pdf | Carlo Cialdai, Riccardo Ciucchi, Paolo Gentili | La presente nota interna ha l’obiettivo di fornire uno strumento di riferimento e di consultazione per il personale INFN della Sezione di Firenze che è coinvolto direttamente nella produzione, gestione e smaltimento dei rifiuti. |
5949 | 2023-06-07 | Il sistema gestionale dei progetti di ricerca INFN | 2023 | INFN-23-21-DSI.pdf | Antonello Paoletti, Marzio D'Alessandro, Roberto Gomezel, Emanuele Turella, Francesco Serafini | In questo lavoro è descritto un ecosistema applicativo per la gestione dei progetti di ricerca in ambito INFN. Il sistema qui presentato supporta molteplici processi gestionali a partire dal censimento dei progetti, passando dalla fase di allocazione risorse e referaggio, per poi concludersi con attività di monitoraggio e valutazione della produttività scientifica. Saranno descritti i succitati processi gestionali in relazione agli attori e alle specificità dell’Ente e analizzato lo status quo degli applicativi su cui è in corso un’attività di revisione e graduale reingegnerizzazione. |
5950 | 2023-06-07 | A time tracking system for EU-funded INFN projects | 2023 | INFN-23-22-DSI.pdf | Antonello Paoletti, Marco Canaparo, Claudio Galli, Francesco Serafini | The aim of this work is to describe the structure of a web application to support EU-funded INFN projects in the process of time tracking and reporting. The system has been designed in the early 2010s, following the growth of the EU-funded projects and the need for a framework to handle consistent reports according to the EU guidelines. One objective of this project is to guarantee and certify a valid distribution of hours declared on EU projects by INFN personnel in consistency with the official INFN clocking system, the scientific project management system and, overall, any signed agreements between the INFN and the founding bodies. The system allows the project participants to declare the hours worked on their projects, detailing their distribution across days, work packages and tasks. Interfaces are provided for Project Managers and Financial Officers to manage a project and monitor its trend. This activity is also supported by the INFN Business Intelligence Service, integrated with this system, to provide comprehensive reports for the upper management. DOI |
5947 | 2023-05-26 | LINEE GUIDA PER LA DISTRIBUZIONE E L’UTILIZZO DI GAS COMPRESSI IN LABORATORIO | 2023 | INFN-23-19-FI.pdf | Carlo Cialdai | La presente nota interna costituisce riferimento generale per la distribuzione e l’esercizio di impianti di distribuzione di gas tecnici oltre che per il deposito di bombole di gas compressi all’interno della sede INFN di Firenze. I sistemi di distribuzione considerati sono quelli in cui i gas sono stoccati come gas compressi, gas liquefatti o gas disciolti in un solvente; sono esclusi i liquidi criogenici (es. azoto liquido), la rete dipartimentale dell’aria compressa (alimentata da compressori) e la rete di distribuzione del metano (prelevato da rete esterna). |
5946 | 2023-05-15 | Impianto di aria compressa a servizio della camera bianca: schema funzionale e procedura di messa in servizio | 2023 | INFN-23-18-FI.pdf | Carlo Cialdai | La presente nota interna ha l’obiettivo di descrivere l’impianto di aria compressa a servizio della camera bianca collocata nell’edificio di Fisica Sperimentale della Sezione di Firenze dell’INFN e di illustrare la procedura per la sua messa in servizio attraverso il portale CIVA di INAIL. Published |
5961 | 2023-05-15 | INFN-CHNET RADIATION DATA STORING AND VISUALIZING SYSTEM FOR THE LABEC TANDEM ACCELERATOR | 2023 | INFN-23-23-FI.pdf | Alessandro Bombini, Caroline Czelusniak, Luca Carraresi, Lorenzo Giuntini, Mirko Massi, Francesco Taccetti | In the INFN section of Firenze, a TANDEM accelerator (3MV TANDETRON by HVE) is installed at the LABEC laboratory. The environmental radiation monitoring is guaran-teed by a set of gamma and neutron dosimeters placed around the accelerator and in the adjacent rooms and by three gamma-neutron dose rate monitors placed inside the acceler-ator hall for real-time measuring. In the context of the INFN-CHNet (INFN network for Cultural Heritage) development activities, we set up a home-made, low-cost system for the remote acquisition, storing and visualization of dose rate measurements from radia-tion monitors. The system was built using Arduino boards which communicate with the three monitors and send data over a internal network. A main PC is used for remote data collection and display, while Raspberry mini-PCs serve as backup devices. The software was designed and implemented in modules for a future service-oriented application on cloud. In this note, a brief description of the system is reported. |
5945 | 2023-05-08 | Un motore di Workflow per applicazioni web | 2023 | INFN-23-17-DSI.pdf | Antonello Paoletti, Giancarlo Terilli, Claudio Ciamei, Francesco Serafini1 | Progettazione e sviluppo di un motore di workflow per processi gestionali informatizzati. Il termine workflow identifica il modello digitale di un processo di business1 attraverso la sua rappresentazione in forma di grafo orientato2. Ogni nodo del grafo identifica un’azione ben definita, declinata in forma di passaggi decisionali, sottoprocessi e/o manipolazione dei dati di contesto, con l’obiettivo di supportare l’iter di un processo in maniera efficiente, misurabile e ripetibile. La definizione di un workflow implica sia aspetti statici che dinamici di un processo e ne modella il comportamento come un automa a stati finiti3. Ogni collegamento dell’automa stabilisce un collegamento fra due attività, definendo condizioni di percorrenza formalizzate come funzioni booleane. Tali funzioni sono attivate nel momento in cui un attore o un sotto-processo conclude le attività previste dalla fase attuale e vuole transire alla successiva. Emerge, a questo punto, la necessità di un orchestratore che governi l’andamento del workflow, garantisca il rispetto dei vincoli imposti dal processo sottostante e punti alla “fase attuale” del flusso, permettendo di individuare i percorsi attivabili e le condizioni di percorribilità in funzione del contesto e degli attori. |
5943 | 2023-05-02 | Assembly of the SM1 Micromegas chambers for the muon spectrometer upgrade of the ATLAS experiment at LHC | 2023 | INFN-23-15-LNF.pdf | Antonelli M., Arcangeletti C., Beretta M., Capitolo E., Cerioni S., Lauciani S., Mancini G., Pileggi G., Ponzio B., Russo V., Tskhadadze E., Vassilieva T. | MicroMegas (MICRO MEsh GAseous Structure) detectors are the new precision tracking detectors installed in the forward muon spectrometer of the ATLAS experiment, composing the New Small Wheel (NSW). The INFN built 32 (+2 spare) MicroMegas chambers for the small sector of the NSW (SM1). The SM1 modules have 2m2 surface area and they are composed of four gaps, each one made of a catodic plane, a metallic micro–mesh and an anodic plane with the readout strips to reconstruct the precision coordinate and the second coordinate stereo. The assembly procedure of the SM1 modules is presented. |
5944 | 2023-05-02 | Validation procedure of the SM1 Micromegas chambers for the muon spectrometer upgrade of the ATLAS experiment at LHC | 2023 | INFN-23-16-LNF.pdf | Antonelli M., Arcangeletti C., Beretta M., Capitolo E., Cerioni S., Gauzzi P., Lauciani S., Mancini G., Massarotti P., Pileggi G., Paris M., Ponzio B., Putino F., Russo V., Tskhadadze E., Vassilieva T. | MicroMegas (MICRO MEsh GAseous Structure) detectors are the new precision tracking detectors installed in the forward muon spectrometer of the ATLAS experiment, composing the New Small Wheel (NSW). The INFN built 32 MicroMegas chambers for the small sector of the NSW (SM1). The validation procedure developed at LNF to ensure the geometry requirements, the gas tightness and guarantee good performance in High Voltage of the SM1 modules is presented in this note. |
5942 | 2023-04-13 | Feebly-Interacting Particles: FIPs 2022Workshop Report | 2023 | INFN-23-14-LNF.pdf | C. Antelantel, M. Battaglieribattaglieri, J. Beachambeacham,a, C. Boehmboehm, O. Büchmullerbuchmuller, F. Calorecalore, P. Carenzacarenza, B. Chauhanchauhan, P. Cladèclade, P. Colomacoloma, P. Crivellicrivelli, V. Dandoydandoy, L. Darmedarme, B. Deydey, F. F. Deppischdeppisch, A. De Roeckroeck,a, M. Drewesdrewes,a, B. Echenardechenard,a, V. V. Flambaumflambaum, P. Foldenauerfoldenauer, C. Gattigatti, M. Giannottigiannotti,a,∗, A. Golutvingolutvin M. C. Gonzalez-Garciagonzalezg1,gonzalezg2,gonzalezg3, S. Gorigori, E. Goudzovskigoudzovski, A. Granelligranelli, H. Grotegrote, S. Guellati-Khelifaclade,guellati, J. Hajerhajer,a, P. Harrisharris, C. Heartyhearty, M. Hosterthostert, S. Juniusjunius, F. Kahlhoeferkahlhoefer, J. Klaricklaric, F. Klingkling, P. Kloseklose, J. Knolleknolle, J. Koppkopp1,kopp2, O. Kwonkwon, O. Lantwinlantwin, G. Lanfranchilanfranchi,a,∗, L. Lili, A. Lindnerlindner, J. Lopez-Pavonlopezpavon,a, J. Maroccomarocco, J. W. Martinmartin, S. Middletonmiddleton, S. Milsteadmilstead, C. A. J. O’Hareohare, A. Paolonipaoloni, S. Pascolipascoli1,pascoli2,a S. T. Petcovpetcov, M. Pospelovpospelov1,pospelov2, R. Pöttgenpottgen, M. Raggiraggi, G. Ripellinoripellino I. B. Samsonovflambaum, S. Sandnersandner S. Söldner-Remboldsoldner, J. Sheltonshelton, N. Songsong, C. Sunsun, Y. V. Stadnikstadnik,a,∗, N. Tastettastet, N. Torotoro, N. Trantran, N. Trevisanitrevisani, S. Ulmerulmer, S. Urreaurrea, B. VelgheV elghe, B. Wallishwallish1,wallish2, Y. Y. Y. Wongwong, C. Zorbilmezzorbilmez, K. Zurekzurek,.... | Particle physics today faces the challenge of explaining the mystery of dark matter, the origin of matter over anti-matter in the Universe, the origin of the neutrino masses, the apparent fine-tuning of the electro-weak scale, and many other aspects of fundamental physics. Perhaps the most striking frontier to emerge in the search for answers involves new physics at mass scales comparable to familiar matter, below the GeV-scale, or even radically below, down to sub-eV scales, and with very feeble interaction strength. New theoretical ideas to address dark matter and other fundamental questions predict such feebly interacting particles (FIPs) at these scales, and indeed, existing data provide numerous hints for such possibility. A vibrant experimental program to discover such physics is under way, guided by a systematic theoretical approach firmly grounded on the underlying principles of the Standard Model. This document represents the report of the FIPs 2022 workshop, held at CERN between the 17 and 21 October 2022 and aims to give an overview of these efforts, their motivations, and the decadal goals that animate the community involved in the search for FIPs. |
5935 | 2023-04-07 | Scouting tecnologico e primi test del nuovo servizio di Business Analytics della Direzione Sistemi Informativi INFN | 2023 | INFN-23-13-DSI.pdf | Claudio Galli | Dalla fine del 2021 in poi sempre più utenti hanno espresso la necessità di analizzare i dati provenienti dai sistemi della Direzione Sistemi Informativi (DSI) con maggior autonomia rispetto a quanto non fosse possibile fino a quel momento. Per dare una risposta adeguata a tali richieste è stata avviata una fase di scouting tecnologico coinvolgendo diversi competitor internazionali nel settore Business Analytics. L’obiettivo era identificare quale soluzione potesse meglio rispondere alle nuove esigenze, nel rispetto delle linee guida dell’Agenzia per L’Italia Digitale (AGID)[ 1] per la transizione digitale delle pubbliche amministrazioni (PA). Un requisito fondamentale è stato il grado di integrazione che tali prodotti garantivano. Si è valutato quindi la capacità di connettersi con altre tecnologie impiegate nella direzione, la sostenibilità infrastrutturale (risorse, attivitàa di DevOps ...) e quanto si integrassero con gli strumenti usati abitualmente dalle altre direzioni ed utenti INFN. Dopo una breve introduzione, questo elaborato si concentra sul prodotto scelto, Microsoft Power BI Premium, le funzionalità più importanti che offre in associazione con il Tenant 365 dell’INFN ed il setup del nuovo servizio di Self Service BI. |
5936 | 2023-04-06 | EuPRAXIA Advanced Photon Sources PNRR_EuAPS Project | 2023 | INFN-23-12-LNF.pdf | M. Ferrario, R. Assmann, L. Avaldi, P. Bolognesi, R. Catalano, A. Cianchi, P. Cirrone, A. Falone, T. Ferro, L. Gizzi, M. G. Iungo, L. Labate, C. Mustarelli, G. Petringa, A. R. Rossi | The EuPRAXIA Advanced Photon Sources (EuAPS) project, led by INFN in collaboration with CNR and University of Roma 'Tor Vergata', foresees the construction of a laser-driven “betatron” X Ray user facility at the LNF SPARC_LAB laboratory. EuAPS also includes the development of high power (up to 1 PW at LNS) and high repetition rate (up to 100 Hz at CNR Pisa) drive lasers for EuPRAXIA. EuAPS has received a financial support of 22.3 M€ from the PNRR plan, Mission 4 “Education and Research”, Action 3.1.1 “Creation of new research infrastructures strengthening of existing ones and their networking for Scientific Excellence under Horizon Europe” and has received the highest score among the submitted projects of the ESFRI area “Physical Sciences and Engineering”. The EuAPS project starting date has been fixed on December 1st, 2022 and will last 30 months (with a possible extension of additional 6 months). In this paper we report the introductory part of the submitted proposal. |
5934 | 2023-04-05 | Sistema Gestionale dei Prodotti della Ricerca: CDR e WBS di Progetto | 2023 | INFN-23-11-DSI.pdf | Antonello Paoletti, Marzio D’Alessandro, Mauro Gattari, Francesco Serafini, Luca Sanelli | Sviluppo di un sistema gestionale per l’archiviazione di metadati e documenti relativi a prodotti della ricerca INFN. Il sistema qui descritto è parte di un progetto più ampio, coordinato con il gruppo OpenScience e il Gruppo di Lavoro sulla Valutazione dell’INFN mirato allo sviluppo di un CRIS (Current Research Information System) d’Istituto. Il sistema gestionale è progettato per fornire servizi di archiviazione e gestione dei dati relativi a prodotti della ricerca, interoperando con servizi e banche dati interni (GODiVA, Zenodo, GLVsoft) ed esterni (Clarivate, Scopus, DOI) al fine di costruire un repository autoritativo e integrato a supporto di attività gestionali, di archivio, divulgazione, monitoraggio e valutazione. Questo lavoro nasce con il superamento del concetto di “Database delle Pubblicazioni”, inteso come mirror o archivio di metadati e punta, invece, sullo sviluppo di un sistema di “transito” e arricchimento delle informazioni nell’ambito di una rete di “produttori” e “consumatori” di dati sulla produttività scientifica dell’Ente. Tale sistema ha la capacità di acquisire, far coesistere e collegare informazioni provenienti da fonti diverse, al fine di generare un patrimonio informativo complesso attraverso interfacce (UI/API) e meccanismi semi-supervisionati di machine learning. |
5932 | 2023-03-28 | PROGRESS ON THE MECHANICAL DESIGN OF FCC e+e− INTERACTION REGION | 2023 | INFN-23-10-LNF.pdf | Francesco Fransesini, Stefano Lauciani | We present the progress made in terms of the mechanical design of the vacuum chamber, the supporting structures and bellows of the Future Circular Collider e+e− FCCee. We also present the preliminary assembly procedure for the Interaction Region (IR) components and the preliminary technical solutions proposed for the insertion of all components into the main detector. |
5933 | 2023-03-26 | Lettura Codici da Timbratrice nel Sistema di Gestione delle Presenze | 2023 | INFN-23-09-DSI.pdf | Marco Canaparo, Barbara Demin | Questo documento descrive l'attività svolta per permettere al Sistema di Gestione delle Presenze INFN di leggere i codici digitati nel marcatempo. Questa funzionalità non era stata prevista nel Sistema Presenze quando era gestito da un'azienda esterna, e quindi è stata interamente implementata dal personale della Direzione Sistemi Informativi. In sostanza, le specifiche richiedevano che il software leggesse un codice inserito nel marcatempo quando il badge veniva passato e creasse il giustificativo corrispondente nel cartellino, come se fosse stato inserito dalla pagina web. L'attività è stata completata nel 2018 e viene utilizzata da alcune strutture abilitate. |
5931 | 2023-03-06 | Business Intelligence INFN: Modello Dati Multidimensionale per Ordini e Acquisti | 2023 | INFN-23-08-SDI.pdf | Thomas Angelini, Barbara Demin, Claudio Galli | L’obiettivo di questo elaborato è documentare le difficoltà incontrate, e le soluzioni tecniche adottate, nella creazione di un modello multidimensionale che consenta l’esplorazione dei dati di Gare e Ordini dell’INFN. Da principio ci si è concentrati sull’analisi delle fonti, tra cui il tool RDA che dal 2020 è fonte autoritativa per le gare sotto la soglia dei 40keuro. In un secondo momento, sono stati presi in esame i dati storici e sopra soglia provenienti direttamente dal sistema contabile. I due modelli sono stati uniformati per ottenere una visione coerente e consistente di tutti i dati in possesso dell’ente. Nel documento vengono utilizzati due diversi formalismi descrittivi: i diagrammi E/R (Entity Relation-ships) [2] e DFM (Dimensional Fact Model)[3] utilizzati, rispettivamente, nella fase di indagine dell’as is e nella progettazione multidimensionale. A seguire viene presentata l’implementazione del modello sul data warehouse della Direzione Sistemi Informativi attraverso i processi di ETL (Extract Transform Load). Infine sono riportate alcune note conclusive e i vantaggi ottenuti. |
5926 | 2023-02-28 | TDR CYGNO-04/INITIUM - Technical Design Report | 2023 | INFN-23-06-LNGS.pdf | Fernando Domingues Amaro, Rita Antonietti , Elisabetta Baracchini, Luigi Benussi, Stefano Bianco, Cesidio Capoccia, Michele Caponero, Danilo Santos Cardoso, Gianluca Cavoto, André Cortez, Igor Abritta Costa, Rita Joanna da Cruz Roque, Emiliano Dané, Giorgio Dho, Flaminia Di Giambattista, Emanuele Di Marco, Giovanni Grilli di Cortona, Giulia D’Imperio, Francesco Iacoangeli, Herman Pessoa Lima Júnior, Ernesto Kemp, Guilherme Sebastiao Pinheiro Lopes, Amaro da Silva Lopes Júnior, Giovanni Maccarrone, Rui Daniel Passos Mano, Robert Renz Marcelo Gregorio, David José Gaspar Marques, Giovanni Mazzitelli, Alasdair Gregor McLean, Andrea Messina, Cristina Maria Bernardes Monteiro, Rafael Antunes Nobrega, Igor Fonseca Pains, Emiliano Paoletti, Luciano Passamonti, Fabrizio Petrucci, Stefano Piacentini, Davide Piccolo, Daniele Pierluigi, Davide Pinci, Atul Prajapati, Francesco Renga, Filippo Rosatelli, Alessandro Russo, Joaquim Marques Ferreira dos Santos, Giovanna Saviano, Neil John Curwen Spooner, Roberto Tesauro, Sandro Tomassini and Samuele Torelli | This document identifies and describes the characteristics and technical requirements from the CYGNO-04/INITIUM Experiment related to the installation at Hall F of the Gran Sasso National Laboratories (LNGS) |
5930 | 2023-02-28 | IMPLEMENTAZIONE DEL LAVORO AGILE NEL SISTEMA DI GESTIONE DELLE PRESENZE | 2023 | INFN-23-02-SDI.pdf | Marco Canaparo, Barbara Demin | L’obiettivo di questo documento `e descrivere il lavoro che `e stato fatto per dotare il sistema di Gestione delle Presenze del giustificativo “Lavoro Agile”. Il lavoro `e iniziato con l’analisi delle specifiche a met`a novembre 2019 e una prima installazione del giustificativo `e stata effettuata il 16/03/2020 in forma sperimentale e solo per un gruppo ristretto di strutture. L’estensione a tutte le strutture INFN `e avvenuta il 15/05/2020. Da questa data in poi si sono succedute diverse installazioni per modifiche dei requisiti, introduzione di migliorie o soluzioni di bug. L’ultima installazione relativa a questo giustificativo `e avvenuta il 24/03/2021. L’inserimento del “Lavoro Agile” nel sistema di Gestione delle Presenze ha assunto carattere di urgenza con lo scoppio della pandemia nel marzo 2020. |
5925 | 2023-02-24 | Ripresa dati dal nuovo sistema stipendiale Zucchetti verso l’Identity Management della Direzione Sistemi Informativi | 2023 | INFN-23-05-DSI.pdf | Francesco Serafini, Luca Sanelli | L’obiettivo di questo documento è descrivere il lavoro effettuato per consentire il passaggio dei dati dei dipendenti tra GODiVA e il nuovo sistema stipendiale Zucchetti. È stato necessario produrre diversi script di sincronizzazione per acquisire tutte le variazioni eseguite sul software Zucchetti, in modo da avere le informazioni aggiornate sul sistema di Identity Management GODiVA della Direzione Sistemi Informativi. |
5924 | 2023-02-23 | Business Intelligence INFN: introduzione ai Nuovi Report di Bilancio INFN. | 2023 | INFN-23-04-DSI.pdf | Claudio Galli | L’obiettivo di questo elaborato é descrivere le scelte progettuali che hanno portato nel 2020 alla ristrutturazione della reportistica dedicata al Bilancio INFN presente sull’impianto di Business Intelligence (BI) INFN. Nello specifico vengono presentate le motivazioni della dismissione dei vecchi report multidimensionali basati su Viste OLAP [2] in favore degli attuali report JRXML [3]. Vengono anche presentati alcuni aspetti peculiari delle soluzioni implementate sul data warehouse che offre funzionalità di backend per l’impianto volte a garantire il giusto layer autorizzativo nell’accesso ai dati ed alle risorse [4]. DOI n. 10.15161/oar.it/76951 |
5923 | 2023-02-20 | IL PORTALE WEB DEGLI ACQUISTI INFN | 2023 | INFN-23-03-DSI.pdf | A. Paoletti, C. Ciamei, A. Moni, E. Turella, F. Serafini, L. Sanelli, M. D’Alessandro, M. Gattari, G. Terilli | L’oggetto di questo lavoro consiste nella descrizione delle applicazioni e dei servizi web progettati per il nuovo portale degli acquisti INFN. Sono descritti aspetti architetturali, metodologici ed organizzativi relativi al sistema nel suo insieme, rimandando a futuri lavori gli approfondimenti sulle singole componenti applicative. |
5922 | 2023-01-19 | MODIFICHE AL SISTEMA DI GESTIONE DELLE PRESENZE INFN PER LA COMUNICAZIONE CON IL NUOVO SISTEMA STIPENDIALE | 2023 | INFN-23-01-DSI.pdf | Canaparo M. | L’obiettivo di questo documento `e descrivere il lavoro che `e stato fatto per adattare il software del sistema di gestione delle presenze INFN al fine di consentire il passaggio automatico di dati al nuovo sistema stipendiale Zucchetti. Il sistema di gestione delle presenze INFN non era dotato di funzioni e strutture dati atte alla trasmissione automatica dei propri dati ad un sistema stipendiale, per questo `e stato necessario in pochissimi mesi implementare tutto il necessario in modo tale da partire il prima possibile con la fase di test. |
5921 | 2023-01-18 | My collaboration with Edoardo Amaldi and its impact on Gravitational Waves | 2023 | INFN-23-07-LNF.pdf | G. Pizzella | During one of our daily coffees, Edoardo Amaldi told me I was the researcher with whom he had collaborated the longest. This compels me to describe how our collaboration developed from the beginning and what fruits it brought in the search for gravitational waves. I remember, among the myriad events that occurred during the more than a thousand days spent collaborating with Edoardo, some events that most struck me. |
5920 | 2022-11-16 | High electric field induced damage using a pulsed THz source: a new technique to test metallic surfaces | 2022 | INFN-22-05-LNF.pdf | S. Macis, A. D’ Elia, A. Irizawa, M.Carillo, B. Spataro, Z. Ebrahimpour, L. Mosesso, J.S. Rezvani, S. Lupi1, and A. Marcelli | We used the ISIR Free Electron Laser (FEL) of the Osaka university to irradiate with THz pulses the surface of a Cu thick sample and MoO3 films with different thicknesses deposited on Cu. The linearly polarized, intense and coherent THz radiation pulses induced extensive and visible damages as a function of the irradiation angle. This approach allowed to define a protocol of irradiation in order to study the damage as a function of the beam intensity, the number of shots,the angle of incidence and the polarization of the radiation. This irradiation procedure applies to the sample surface under study an electric field gradient that may reach values as high as few GV/m. This original approach makes possible to test in a reproducible way films or the surface of a bulk material to a high electric field gradient on a well-defined region of the surface. *now at SR Center, Res |
5919 | 2022-07-14 | Analisi termica e meccanica con il metodo degli elementi finiti del Dewar criogenico dell’esperimento ASTAROTH mediante ANSYS software | 2022 | INFN-22-04-MI.pdf | M. Monti, S. Coelli | In questo report sono raccolti i risultati ingegneristici dell’Analisi ad Elementi Finiti (FEA) della camera centrale dell’apparato sperimentale ASTAROTH (All Sensitive crysTal ARray with lOw THreshold), un rivelatore basato su un concetto innovativo per la ricerca diretta di Dark Matter, con cristalli scintillatori di NaI(Tl). ASTAROTH ha un design basato su cristalli cubici con lettura su tutte le facce, mediante matrici di SiPM (Silicon Photo-multiplier), operante a temperatura criogenica e con materiali a bassissima radio-attività per ridurre il rumore di fondo. |
5917 | 2022-06-08 | Beamstrahlung radiation at FCC-ee | 2022 | INFN-22-03-LNF.pdf | A. Ciarma | Beamstrahlung is a dominant effect in high luminosity next-generation lepton colliders. The characterisation of the beamstrahlung radiation produced at the four working points of FCC-ee is presented, together with the tracking of these photons in the MDI region. As the emitted power results to be Ο (100kW ), the design of a dedicated extraction line is necessary in order to avoid energy deposition and secondary production on the beam pipe material |
5918 | 2022-05-25 | Radiation damping in a 100 TeV Muon Collider based on the FCC-hh lattice | 2022 | INFN-22-04-LNF.pdf | A. Ciarma | Muon based facilities are raising interest in the high energy physics as they offer unique potential in particular for the next generation of leptonic colliders in the multi-TeV regime. In this note the possibility of using the FCC-hh tunnel to house a 100 TeV muon collider is explored, in order to have a first estimate of the radiation damping on the stored beam |
5914 | 2022-01-31 | INSTALLAZIONE, CONFIGURAZIONE E MANUTENZIONE DI UN SERVER PER SCANSIONI DI VULNERABILITA' NON INVASIVE | 2022 | INFN-22-02-CCR.pdf | Leandro Lanzi | Lobiettivo di questa guida   fornire un supporto da un punto di vista sistemistico per linstallazione, la corretta configurazione e la manutenzione di uno o piu` server per effettuare scansioni di vulnerabilit  non invasive tramite il framework open source Greenbone Vulnerability Manager. Published |
5915 | 2022-01-31 | TECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT OF THE FalconD Nb3Sn COS-THETA DIPOLE MODEL FOR THE FCC-hh AT CERN | 2022 | INFN-22-01-GE.pdf | Sergio Burioli, Barbara Caiffi, Ernesto De Matteis, Pasquale Fabbricatore, Stefania Farinon, Friedrich Lackner, Filippo Levi, Samuele Mariotto, Riccardo Musenich, Alessandra Pampaloni, Marco Prioli, Massimo Sorbi, Marco Statera, Davide Tommasini, Riccardo Umberto Valente | Within the European Project EuroCirCol, INFN developed the design of a twin aperture 16 T 4-layer Nb3Sn cos-theta dipole for the Future Circular Collider, which was finally chosen as the baseline for the Conceptual Design Report (CDR). In this framework, the Genoa and Milan groups of INFN, in collaboration with CERN under the Addendum No. KE4102/FCC to FCC Memorandum of Understanding FCC-GOV-0004/17.10.2014, are developing a short model which targets a bore field of 12 T, with the possibility of reaching an ultimate field of 14 T, named Falcon Dipole (Future Accelerator post-Lhc Cosθ Optimized Nb3Sn Dipole). As peculiar aspect of the program, already foreseen by the INFN - CERN agreement, the construction of the magnet involves from the beginning industrial partners. INFN has selected ASG Superconductors for this contract, which is now responsible for the construction of the coils. The integration of the magnet in the mechanical structure with the bladders and keys technique instead will be carried out at the LASA laboratory in Milan, where a functional test at 4.5 K and 12 T will also be performed. This document, which is the first deliverable of the INFN/CERN collaboration, outlines the main features of the magnet, showing in details the electromagnetic and mechanical design and the quench protection analysis |
5916 | 2021-09-30 | Report: Fundamental Physics at Frascati(*) Fabio Bossi, Paola Gianotti, Enrico Nardi Editors INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, C.P. 13, I-00044 Frascati, Italy | 2021 | INFN-21-04-LNF.pdf | F. Bossi, P. Gianotti, E. Nardi | Anstract This report summarizes the scientific discussion of the workshop 'Fisica Fondamentale a Frascati' that was held on January the 13th, 2021. The aim of the meeting was to brainstorm on the opportunities to continue to carry out at the LNF experimental activities that could contribute to the scientific exploration of fundamental open questions in particle physics. This initiative has been triggered by the awareness that while the ongoing DA NE scientific program is coming to an end, the EuPRAXIA project, identified as the major future activity of the LNF, has a time horizon of several years before entering the operation phase. Therefore, we asked ourselves to which fields in fundamental physics the LNF can give a sound contribution within the medium-term by exploiting the existing infrastructures or, in case some breakthrough for some specific research is foreseeable, by implementing minor upgrades. The topics that have been identified are: (i) the quest for dark matter candidates in terms of feebly interacting light particles; (ii) probing the axion solution to the strong CP puzzle by searching for dark matter axions with superconducting cavities and with large volume haloscopes; (iii) the study of the low energy QCD problems related to the role of strangeness in nuclear matter. Theoreticians and experimentalists convened to scrutinize the different aspects of these scientific issues. The format chosen for the workshop foresaw a theory talk introducing each subject, followed by experimental contributions describing in detail how the scientific goal can be best addressed. This document resumes the various contributions in a condensed form, and is intended to provide a guideline for who will be asked to evaluate this program. Additional material can be found at the webpage of the meeting (https://agenda.infn.it/event/25299/). |
5913 | 2021-09-23 | Crystal slow extraction of positrons from DAΦNE: the SHERPA project | 2021 | INFN-21-03-LNF.pdf | M.Garattini, D. Annucci, O. R. Blanco-Garc�ıa, P. Gianotti, S. Guiducci, A.Liedl, M. Raggi, P. Valente | The SHERPA project aim is to develop an efficient technique to extract a positron beam from one of the accelerator rings composing the DAΦNE complex at the Frascati Na-tional Laboratory of INFN, setting up a new beam line able to deliver positron spills of O(ms) length, excellent beam energy spread and emittance. The most common approach to slowly extract from a ring is to increase betatron oscillations approaching a tune reso-nance in order to gradually eject particles from the circulating beam. SHERPA proposes a paradigm change using coherent processes in bent crystals to kick out positrons from the ring, a cheaper and less complex alternative. A description of this innovative non-resonant extraction technique is reported in this manuscript, including its performance preliminary estimation. |
5912 | 2021-05-26 | Crilin: CRystal calorImeter with Longitudinal InformatioN for a future Muon Collider | 2021 | INFN-21-02-LNF.pdf | E. Diociaiuti, D. Paesani, A. Saputi, I. Sarra, D. Tagnani | Being modern tracking systems very precise, jet performance in particle flow-like reconstruction algorithms is usually limited by the calorimeter performance. In particular, a high granularity is required in order to distinguish signal particles from background and to solve the substructures necessary for jet identification. Time of arrival measurements in the calorimeter could play an important role in HL-LHC, since a high number of pile-up collisions is expected, and the timing could be used to assign clusters to the corresponding interaction vertex. In a Muon Collider, the timing could be used to remove signals produced by beam-induced background, asynchronous with respect to the bunch crossing. The calorimeter energy resolution is also fundamental to measure the kinematic properties of jets: a finely segmented calorimeter design should be favored in order to solve the jet substructure. However, this contrasts with the requirement for high timing resolution even for signal events involving low energy deposits, such as in the case of high impulse muons. Our proposed design, the Crilin calorimeter, is a semi-homogeneous calorimeter based on Lead Fluoride (PbF2 ) Crystals readout by surface-mount UV-extended Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs). In this paper, the development of a small prototype consisting of 2 layers of 3 3 crystals each is reported along with the relative results. Published by Laboratori Nazionali |
5911 | 2021-05-04 | PROPOSAL FOR THE REUSE OF THE ELI-NP GBS PRE INJECTOR FOR A RADIOACTIVE BEAMS FACILITY | 2021 | INFN-21-01-LNF.pdf | A. Variola, D. Alesini, K. Cassou, K. Dupraz, F. Falcoz,A. Falone,A. Giribono, A. Martens, S. Pioli, J. Scifo, C. Vaccarezza, F. Zomer | In the framework of the ELI-NP GBS program a full pre-injector was delivered in the Magurele premises (Romania). This article develops the scenario of the re-use of the pre injector components to integrate a radioactive beams facility in the ELI site, considering the possible interest of the local nuclear physics community. |
5729 | 2020-11-24 | EVALUATION OF THE SHIEDLING IN THE BUNKER FOR THE SUPERCONDUCTING CAVITY TEST AT LASA | 2020 | INFN-20-18-MI.pdf | M. Bertucci, F. Broggi, P. Michelato | In the LASA (Laboratorio Acceleratori e Superconduttività Applicata) laboratory of the Milan section of INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) a facility for testing superconducting cavities is operating. The possibility to operate with a generation of radiation up to 10 MeV and more requires a careful evaluation of the shielding efficiency of the existing bunker The calculation was performed with the FLUKA code, the whole cryostat, bunker and ceiling of the building was taken into account. Two hypothesis for the radiation source have been adopted to carry out the calculations: the very conservative hypothesis of 10 MeV electron pencil beam, and the second hypothesis (maybe more realistic) of an isotropic 10 MeV electron source. In the less conservative hypothesis a safe operation is guarantee by the foreseen shielding. The simulations show that even in the most conservative hypothesis a negligible amount of photons can exit the bunker, without interaction with the simulated detectors. In the future, at the starting of the tests in the upgraded configuration, direct measurements will be used to definitely check the shielding adopted. |
5627 | 2020-11-12 | About soft photon resummation | 2020 | INFN-20-17-LNF.pdf | G. Pancheri and Y. N. Srivastava | The first time one of us (G.P.) encountered Earle was in Summer 1966, when she was di- rected to study Earles papers on radiative corrections to quasi-elastic electron scattering [ 1, 2]. The suggestion had come from Bruno Touschek [ 3], at the time head of the theo- retical physics group at the Frascati National Laboratories near Rome. About the same time, Earle came from MIT to visit University of Rome and Frascati. G.P. was a young post-graduate, who had studied Earles papers and was awed by his already impressive scientific figure. After almost 40 years had passed, Earle visited Italy with his wife Ruth, making Frascati their base for an extended visit of almost a month. They were housed in what was then the laboratory hostel for foreign visitors, a small villa higher up above the hill, toward the town of Frascati. Since then, we became close friends, a friendship which included both his family and ours, and which has been very important for us. In memory of that first visit and in gratitude for the many years of friendship, we will tell here a story of infrared radiative corrections to charged particle scattering, to which Earles papers gave an important contribution. |
5626 | 2020-11-09 | Asymmetric Elastoplastic Behavior and Failure of GEM Foils | 2020 | INFN-20-16-LNF.pdf | G. Raffone | The nonlinear isotropic power hardening and the cohesive zone material (CZM) [1] criteria are applied in ANSYS® [2] finite element simulations to analyze very large deformations of the GEM foils up to the failure in uniaxial tensile tests. Some data available in literature concerning both the PI/Cu and the grain boundary interfaces are utilized. The computed progressive plasticization of the perforated thin multilayer agree very well with the experimental results published by some researchers [36]. However the present work provides a different explanation of that behavior (already suggested in an earlier note of the author [7]) and it should be considered as a critical review concerning the conclusions of the aforementioned works. |
5588 | 2020-11-02 | Updates on the INFN High Power Ka-band klystron amplifier design program | 2020 | INFN-20-15-LNF.pdf | M. Behtouei, B. Spataro, F. Di Paolo and A. Leggieri | In the framework of the Compact Light XLS project, a short ultra-high gradient lin-earizer working on the third harmonic of the main linac frequency is requested. Increas-ing gradients and reducing dimensions are requirements for XLS and all next genera-tion linear accelerators. Actually, ultra-compact normal conducting accelerating struc-tures, operating in the Ka-band regime ranging from 100 to 150 MV/m are required to achieve ultra-high gradients for research, industrial and medical applications. To fulfill these strong requirements, the R&D of a proper Ka-band klystron with RF power output and a high efficiency is mandatory. This contribution reports the design of a possible klystron amplifer tube operating on the TM010 mode at 36 GHz, the third harmonic of the 12 GHz linac frequency, with an effiency of 42% and a 16 MW RF power output. This contribution discusses also the high-power DC gun, the beam focusing channel and the RF beam dynamics. |
5461 | 2020-09-15 | The Automated Welding Machine in the integration process of the Detection Units of the KM3Net experiment:general description | 2020 | INFN-20-12-GE.pdf | G. Cacopardo, G. Ottonello, S. Ottonello, M. Cresta, F. Parodi, F. Pratolongo | This note describes one of the tools used during Process-1 of the integration of the Detection Units (DUs) in the KM3NeT experiment. In particular, the device is designed to seal the Break-out-box (BOB). The BOB is a box interface between a Digital Optical Module (DOM) and the electro-optical cable (VEOC) for power and optical connection of each optical module (DOM) to the DU. The original manual version of the tool developed by NIKHEF was automatized by INFN-LNS in order to guarantee a reproducible operation in the recursive process of the DU integration and two samples have been realized for the integration sites at LNS and Genova respectively. |
5462 | 2020-09-15 | The automation of the Welding Machine for the DUs integration in the KM3NeT experiment | 2020 | INFN-20-13-GE.pdf | G. Cacopardo, G. Ottonello, S. Ottonello, M. Cresta, F. Parodi, F. Pratolongo | This note describes some technical aspects, in particular the control system, of one of the tools used during Process-1 of the integration of the Detection Units (DUs) in the KM3NeT experiment. In particular, the device is designed to seal the Break-out-box (BOB). The BOB is a box interface between a Digital Optical Module (DOM) and the electro-optical cable (VEOC) for power and optical connection of each optical module (DOM) to the DU. The original manual version of the tool developed by NIKHEF was then automatized by INFN-LNS in order to guarantee a replicable operation in the recursive process of the DU integration and two samples have been developed for the integration sites at LNS and Genova respectively. The general principle and performances of the automated welding machine will be presented shortly in a dedicated INFN report. Here we summarize the cycle of the operations performed by the machine and how they are managed by corresponding control program and related electronics boards. |
5463 | 2020-09-15 | The automation of the Welding Machine for the DUs integration in the KM3NeT experiment | 2020 | INFN-20-14-GE.pdf | G. Cacopardo, P. Pollovio, C. Pizzorno, A. Trovato, A. Lo Cicero2, G. Tavilla, F. Parodi, G. Ottonello, S. Ottonello, M. Cresta | This note describes some technical aspects, in particular the control system, of one of the tools used during Process-1 of the integration of the Detection Units (DUs) in the KM3NeT experiment. In particular, the device is designed to seal the Break-out-box (BOB). The BOB is a box interface between a Digital Optical Module (DOM) and the electro-optical cable (VEOC) for power and optical connection of each optical module (DOM) to the DU. The original manual version of the tool developed by NIKHEF was then automatized by INFN-LNS in order to guarantee a replicable operation in the recursive process of the DU integration and two samples have been developed for the integration sites at LNS and Genova respectively. The general principle and performances of the automated welding machine will be presented shortly in a dedicated INFN report. Here we summarize the cycle of the operations performed by the machine and how they are managed by corresponding control program and related electronics boards. |
5459 | 2020-08-07 | Electron Gun and Magnetic Systems Studies for a 36 GHz Klystron Amplifier | 2020 | INFN-20-10-LNF.pdf | M. Behtouei, B. Spataro, F. Di Paolo, L. Valletti and A. Leggieri | Self consistent analytic and numeric design for a set of innovative electron guns suitable for Ka-band klystrons is proposed in this paper. The proposed electron sources are designed to produces narrow beam with high currents that can be used in devices with critical dimensions. The proposed set of electron gun is destined to high power klystrons to be used as power sources for accelerating structures operating in Ka-Band. This family of accelerators is foreseen to achieve energy gradients around 150 MV/m. A klystron amplifier is being investigated in order to feed a linearizer structure. In this paper different electron gun and beam focusing channel designs are presented. |
5460 | 2020-08-07 | The Ka-Band High Power Klystron Amplifier Design Program of INFN | 2020 | INFN-20-11-LNF.pdf | M. Behtouei, B. Spataro, F. Di Paolo, S. Fantauzzi and A. Leggieri | Novel accelerating structures operating in Ka-Band are foreseen to achieve gradients around 150 MV/m. Among applications of Ka-Band accelerating structures in this contribution we describe the linearization of the longitudinal phase-space for the Compact Light XLS project. We also describe and characterize a Klystron amplifier to feed a linearizer structure. The design here presented includes the high-power DC gun, the beam focusing channel and the RF beam dynamics. |
5458 | 2020-07-28 | Application of Fractional Operators in Physics and Engineering | 2020 | INFN-20-09-LNF.pdf | M. Behtouei, L. Faillace, L. Palumbo, B. Spataro, A. Variola and M. Migliorati | In this paper we present a solution to a fractional integral of order 3/2 with the use of fractional Cauchy-like integral formula. The integral arises during the solution of Biot-Savart equation to find the exact analytical solution for the magnetic field components of a solenoid. The integrals are computed by cutting the branch line in order to have an analytic function inside the integral instead of multi-valued operation. |
5457 | 2020-06-26 | First characterisation of the PADME electromagnetic calorimeter | 2020 | INFN-20-08-LNF.pdf | G. Piperno | The PADME experiment, hosted at the LNF Beam Test Facility, is searching for a dark photon that decays into dark matter particles. This search is performed looking for the reaction e+ + e- -> A' + γ, where A'; is the dark photon, which cannot be observed directly or via its decay products. A key role in the experiment is played by the electromagnetic calorimeter, which measures the energy and the position of the γ in the final state. From this, the missing four-momentum carried away by the A'; can be evaluated and the particle mass can be inferred. This article will present the process followed for the construction and calibration of the electromagnetic calorimeter of the experiment. The results achieved in terms of equalisation, detection efficiency and energy resolution during the first phase of the experiment, demonstrate the effectiveness of the various devices used to improve the calorimeter performance with respect to first prototypes. |
5456 | 2020-06-10 | MUFASA: MUon FAst Simulation Algorithm | 2020 | INFN-20-07-LNF.pdf | A. Ciarma | This note describes the simulation code named MUFASA (MUon FAst Simulation Algorithm), developed to study the muon pair production due to the interaction of a positron beam with a target using a custom Monte Carlo, while also providing an interface with the particle tracking code MADX PTC. MUFASA is a powerful tool developed as a start-toend simulation code for the study of the muon production and accumulation process for the Low EMittance Muon Accelerator (LEMMA) [1], in order to test different targets, optics and configurations. In this paper the structure of the code is described and validation tests performed with GEANT4 [2] together with some example of results are shown. |
5454 | 2020-05-22 | Sistema di movimentazione del tracciatore a pixel del Precision Proton Spectrometer di CMS | 2020 | INFN-20-05-GE.pdf | Stefano Cerchi, Rosanna Puppo, Enrico Robutti, Cecilia Rossi, Andrea Trovato | Il presente lavoro descrive il sistema di movimentazione del tracciatore PPS dellesperimento CMS. Scopo del sistema di movimentazione è quello di minimizzare la disuniformità di danneggiamento dei chip di lettura dei rivelatori. Il sistema è stato progettato e prodotto presso la Sezione di Genova dellINFN. Vengono inoltre descritti alcuni test preliminari di funzionamento. |
5455 | 2020-05-22 | A GEM-based Optically Readout Time Projection Chamber for charged particle tracking | 2020 | INFN-20-06-LNF.pdf | V. C. Antochi, G. Cavoto1,, I. A. Costa, E. Di Marco, G. DImperio, F. Iacoangeli, M. Marafini, A. Messina, D. Pinci, F. Renga, C. Voena, E. Baracchini, A. Cortez, G. Dho, L. Benussi, S. Bianco, C. Capoccia, M. Caponero, G. Maccarrone, G. Mazzitelli, A. Orlandi, E. Paoletti, L. Passamonti, D. Piccolo, D. Pierluigi, F. Rosatelli, A. Russo, G. Saviano, S. Tomassini, R. A. Nobrega and F. Petruci | The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is an ideal candidate to track particles in a wide range of energies. Large volumes TPCs can be readout with a suitable number of channels offering a complete 3D reconstruction of the charged particle tracks and of their released energy allowing the identification of their mass. Moreover, He-based TPCs are very promising to study keV energy particles, opening the possibility for directional searches of Dark Matter (DM) and the study of Solar Neutrinos (SN). On the other hand, in order to reach a keV energy threshold, a large number of channels is required to obtain a high granularity, that could be expensive and hard to manage. A small prototype (named LEMOn) to test and validate an innovative read-out technique is described here. It based on the amplification of the ionization in Micro Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD) producing visible light collected by a sub-millimeter position resolution sCMOS (scientific CMOS) camera. This type of readout - in conjunction with a fast light detection - allows a 3D reconstruction of the tracks, a sensitivity to the track direction and a very promising particle identification capability useful to distinguish DM nuclear recoils from a γ-induced background. |
5453 | 2020-05-01 | Bruno Touschek in Glasgow. The making of a theoretical physicist | 2020 | INFN-20-03-LNF.pdf | Giulia Pancheri, Luisa Bonolis | In the history of the discovery tools of last century particle physics, central stage is taken by elementary particle accelerators and in particular by colliders. In their start and early development, a major role was played by the Austrian born Bruno Touschek, who proposed and built the first electron positron collider, AdA, in Italy, in 1960. In this note, we present a period of Touscheks life barely explored in the literature, namely the five years he spent at University of Glasgow, first to obtain his doctorate in 1949 and then as a lecturer. We shall highlight his formation as a theoretical physicist, his contacts and correspondence with Werner Heisenberg in G¨ottingen and Max Born in Edinburgh, as well as his close involvement with colleagues intent on building modern particle accelerators in Glasgow, Malvern, Manchester and Birmingham. We shall discuss how the Fuchs affair, which unraveled in early 1950, may have influenced his decision to leave the UK, and how contacts with the Italian physicist Bruno Ferretti led Touschek |
5452 | 2020-04-28 | Analisi della evoluzione delle tecnologie hardware per il Calcolo Scientifico | 2020 | INFN-20-04-CCR.pdf | Alessandro Brunengo, Gianpaolo Carlino, Andrea Chierici, Luca Dell'Agnello, Alessandro De Salvo, Sergio Fantinel, Gaetano Maron, Enrico Mazzoni, Michele Michelotto, Vladimir Sapunenko, Stefano Zani | Gli esperimenti della fisica HEP avranno bisogno, nel prossimo decennio, di strumenti di calcolo di enorme potenza, che le tecnologie attuali non potranno soddisfare. Questo lavoro è un'analisi dell'evoluzione delle tecnologie di CPU, di storage e di rete, volta a valutare alcuni degli indicatori (prestazioni, consumi) su cui poter basare la progettazione di un centro di calcolo valida per i prossimi 10 anni. Previsioni sull'evoluzione tecnologica di tale durata sono facilmente soggette ad errori di valutazione anche macroscopici: roadmap valide solo per tre-quattro anni, inaspettati balzi tecnologici, imprevedibili mutamenti di andamento del mercato, possono facilmente cambiare o anche ribaltare previsioni così a lungo protratte nel futuro, ed invalidare estrapolazioni per quanto accurate. Ciononostante, un'analisi della situazione e di quello che oggi può essere detto in relazione all'evoluzione di queste tecnologie è un punto di partenza senza il quale non sarebbe possibile fare alcun tipo di ipotesi. |
5451 | 2020-04-16 | The cryogenic magneto-optical device for terahertz radiation detection | 2020 | INFN-20-02-LNF.pdf | S.J. Rezvani, D. Di Gioacchino1, S. Tofani2, A. DArco3, S. Lupi3 C. Gatti1, M. Cestelli Guidi1, A. Marcelli1 | We present here a small-scale liquid helium (LH) immersion cryostat with an innovative optical setup suitable to work in long wavelength radiation ranges and under applied magnetic field. The cryostat is a multi stage device with several shieldings in addition to several optical stages. The system has been designed with an external liquid nitrogen boiler to reduce the liquid bubbling. The optical and mechanical properties of the optical elements were calculated and optimized for the designed configuration while the optical layout has been simulated and optimized among different configurations based on the geometry of the device. The final design has been optimized for low noise radiation measurements of proximity junction arrays under applied magnetic field in the wavelength range λ=250-2500 µm. |
5450 | 2019-11-29 | Ideas for extending the Frascati LINAC positron beam pulses for the resonant search of a X(17 MeV) boson. | 2019 | INFN-20-19-ROMA1.pdf | P. Valente | The results on the so-called 8Be anomaly, recently corroborated by similar experimental evidence in the radiative transitions of excited 4He nuclei, could be justified by the creation of a new particle with a mass of mX ~16.7 MeV/c 2. The PADME experiment, designed for searching light dark sector particles, like a dark photon or an axion-like particle, both in ϒ+ missing energy and e+e- final states, has the potential of performing a completely independent search, also exploiting the cross-section enhancement at the resonance √s~mX. In the case of the X(17 MeV) boson, this corresponds to a positron energy of 282 MeV when annihilating on electrons at rest. In order to keep the pile-up and the over-veto probabilities under control, the positron beam hitting the PADME active target should be as much diluted in time as possible. PADME has already collected a first data-set at the Frascati beam-test facility, using the positron beam accelerated by the DAΦNE LINAC, with maximum length of tilde ~200 ns and energy 490550 MeV. In this note, the possible modifications to the RF system of the LINAC, aiming at further extending the pulse length at the expenses of the maximum beam energy, are briefly discussed. |
5449 | 2019-11-12 | Proposta per la definizione di INFN CSIRT | 2019 | INFN-19-19-CNAF.pdf | R. Veraldi e V. Ciaschini | Il seguente documento definisce limplementazione generale di INFN CSIRT e le funzioni principali erogate per la propria constituency. |
5448 | 2019-11-07 | KLASH Conceptual Design Report | 2019 | INFN-19-18-LNF.pdf | D. Alesini et al. | The axion, a pseudoscalar particle originally introduced by Peccei, Quinn [1, 2], Weinberg [3], and Wilczek [4] to solve the strong CP problem, is a well motivated dark-matter (DM) candidate with a mass lying in a broad range from peV to few meV [5]. The last decade witnessed an increasing interest in axions and axion-like particles with many theoretical works published and many new experimental proposals [6] that started a real race towards their discovery. Driven by this new challenge and stimulated by the availability, at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF), of large superconducting magnets previously used for particle detectors [7, 8] at the DAFNE collider, we proposed to build a large haloscope [9] to observe galactic axions in the mass window between 0.2 and 1 μmeV [10]. This paper is the Conceptual Design Report (CDR) of the KLASH (KLoe magnet for Axion SearcH) experiment, designed having in mind the performance and dimensions of the KLOE magnet, a large volume superconducting magnet with a moderate magnetic field of 0.6 T. In the first part of this Report we discuss the physics case of KLASH, the theoretical motivation for an axion in the mass window 0:1 1μeV based on a review of standard and non-standard axion-cosmology (Sec. 1), and the physics reach of the KLASH experiment (Sec. 2), including both the sensitivity to QCD axions and to Dark-Photon DM. The sensitivity plots are based on the detector performance discussed in the second part of the CDR. Here, we summarize the results obtained with calculations and simulations of several aspects of the experiment: the mechanical construction of cryostat and cavity based on the study commissioned to the mechanical engineers of the Fantini-Sud company [11] (Sec. 3); the cryogenics plant (Sec. 4); the RF cavity design and tuning based on detailed simulations with code Ansys-HFSS (Sec. 5); the signal amplification, in particular the first stage based on a Microstrip SQUID Amplifier (Sec. 6). Finally, in Sec. 7, mainly based on the experience of existing experiments [1214], we discuss the data taking, analysis procedure and computing requirements. The main conclusion we draw from this report is the possibility to build and put in operation at LNF in 2-3 years a large haloscope with the sensitivity to KSVZ axions in the low mass range between 0.2 and 1μeV in a region complementary to that of other experiments with a cost of about 3 MAC. Timeline and cost are competitive with respect to other proposals in the same mass region [15, 16] thanks to the availability of most of the infrastructure, in particular the superconducting magnet and the cryogenics plant. During the writing of this CDR, in July 2019, we were informed about the decision of INFN management to devote the KLOE magnet to the DUNE experiment at Fermilab. The KLOE magnet has always been the preferred choice for several reasons: it was in operation until 2018; its mechanical structure is able to support the several-tons weight of the cryostat and cavity; it is placed in the KLOE assembly-hall that can be used as the experimental area of KLASH. However, another option is given by the FINUDA magnet. The are few aspects to be explored (mechanical strength, move to experimental area, put in operation after more than 10 years), but it has a higher nominal field of 1.1 T in a large volume with an inner radius 1385 mm and length 3800 mm. A preliminary estimate of sensitivity to axions of FLASH, the haloscope built with the FINUDA magnet, gives results similar to those obtained for KLASH. This option will be eventually investigated in another document. |
5444 | 2019-10-10 | Bruno Touschek in Germany after the war: 1945-46 | 2019 | INFN-19-17-LNF.pdf | Bonolis L. Pancheri G. | Bruno Touschek was an Austrian born theoretical physicist, who proposed and built the first electron positron collider in 1960 in the Frascati National Laboratories in Italy. In this note we reconstruct a crucial period of Bruno Touscheks life so far scarcely explored, which runs from Summer 1945 to the end of 1946. We shall describe his university studies in G¨ottingen, placing them in the context of the reconstruction of German science after 1945. The influence of Werner Heisenberg and other prominent German physicists will be highlighted. In parallel, we shall show how the Allied decisions towards restructuring science and technology in the UK after the war effort, determined Touscheks move to the University of Glasgow in 1947. |
5445 | 2019-10-06 | Sviluppo applicativo per lintegrazione della Coordinate Measuring Machine con un sensore ottico Confocal Chromatic Sensor | 2019 | INFN-19-16-GE.pdf | Antonello Mercenaro, Cecilia Rossi | Questo documento descrive lupgrade del software della CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) per lintegrazione della stessa con uno strumento di misura ottica. Lapplicativo sviluppato, denominato PC DMIS Automation Support Tool, è stato realizzato per eseguire misure di rivelatori soggetti a stress termici per lesperimento ATLAS-ITk. Lintegrazione dei due strumenti amplia notevolmente le potenzialità del Centro Misure presente in Sezione, consentendo misure prima impossibili. |
5441 | 2019-07-19 | Nb superconductive thin film coating on flat Cu disks for high gradient applications | 2019 | INFN-19-15-LNF.pdf | Marcelli A. et al. | In this work we present the characterization of Nb superconductive films deposed on copper substrates with two different techniques: the PVD magnetron sputtering and the Pulsed Laser Ablation. In the first method Nb films ~3 μm thick were deposited with an average roughness of 160 nm. The superconductivity properties of these films were also determined with a 4-probe resistivity measurement. Data show a superconducting transition at 9.6Κ as expected from Nb films. With the second technique thick Nb films were deposited on copper substrates using the Pulsed Laser Ablation. In this case the Rutherford Backscattering was used to determine the thickness and the chemical state of these films that show different degrees of oxidation. |
5442 | 2019-07-19 | THE SCIENTIST' EXPERIENCE IN PARTICIPATED SCIENCE COMMUNICATION | 2019 | INFN-19-13-LNF.pdf | Mazzitelli G. et al. | Since 2006 a small group of researchers from the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics started to realized one of the first European Researchers Night in Europe: a one night-event, supported by the European Commission, that falls every last Friday of September to promote the researchers figure and its work. Today, after thirteen editions, the project has evolved by involving more than 60 scientific partners and more than 400 events/year spread from the North to the South of Italy in 30 cities, captivating more than 50.000 attendees with a not negligible impact on the people and the press. During the years, the project has followed and sometimes anticipated the science communication trend, and BEES (BE a citizEn Scientist) is the last step of this long and thrilling evolution that brought to a huge public engagement in our territory. The experience, the methodology, and the major successful examples of the organized events are presented together with the results of the long term project impact. |
5443 | 2019-07-19 | PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE? | 2019 | INFN-19-14-LNF.pdf | D. Domenici, G. Mazzitelli | Halfway between the experiment and the focus group, between the quiz and a game, we have experienced a new format to 'focus' on sustainability and the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and its principles. Concepts as reversibility, efficiency and entropy, are then 'visualized' by the participants, showing the relations with the economic value, waste, the energetics budget and raw material costs are explained from a different point of view, proving the physical limits to the economic growth and the environmental exploitation. |
5440 | 2019-07-08 | Initial electromagnetic and beam dynamics design of a Klystron amplifier for Ka-Band Accelerating Structures | 2019 | INFN-19-12-LNF.pdf | Behtouei M. et al. | In the framework of the Compact Light XLS project a compact third harmonic RF accelerating structure at 35.982 GHz with respect to the main Linac frequency 11.994 GHz, working with an ultra-high gradient accelerating field in order to linearize the longitudinal space phase is adopted. To this end an innovative high power Ka band klystron operating at about 35.982 GHz has to be designed for feeding the linearizer structure. In addition, we also are planning to design a Ka band klystron operating on the third harmonic of TM01 mode. The generation of a high density electron beam by using the Pierce type electron gun is also requested. The electron gun goal is to produce a converging high beam current that matches to a focusing magnetic field in such way to obtain about 100 MW beam power. This paper proposes a possible design of a electron gun to be used in millimetric waves vacuum tubes. We here report the preliminary studies of the electron gun and the related beam dynamic. Estimations have been obtained by using the numerical code CST and analytical approaches. |
5439 | 2019-07-02 | A Ka-band TW accelerating structure as RF linearizer for the Compact Light XLS project | 2019 | INFN-19-11-LNF.pdf | Behtouei M. et al. | Ultra-high gradient accelerating structures are in strong demand for the next gener-ation of compact light sources. In the framework of the Compact Light XLS project, we have designed a higher harmonic RF accelerating structure in order to linearize the longi-tudinal space phase. We here present the design of a compact TW accelerating structure operating on the third harmonic with respect to the linac frequency (11.994 GHz) with a 100-125 MV/m accelerating gradient. Numerical electromagnetic simulations were car-ried out by using the numerical codes HFSS and CST. |
5438 | 2019-06-27 | Particle Astrophysics in Space with an Antimatter Large Acceptance Detector in Orbit (ALADINO) | 2019 | INFN-19-10-GE.pdf | O. Adriani, et al. | The note describes a proposal for a large acceptance magnetic spectrometer based on a novel superconducting magnet technology, equipped with a silicon tracker and a 3D isotropic calorimeter. ALADINO (Antimatter Large Acceptance Detector IN Orbit) is conceived to study anti-matter components of the cosmic radiation in an unexplored energy window which can shed light on new phenomena related to the origin and evolution of the Universe, as well as on the origin and propagation of cosmic rays in our galaxy. The main science themes addressed by this mission are therefore the origin and composition of the Universe (by means of direct search for primordial anti-nuclei in the Cosmic Ray (CR) flux and indirect search for Dark Matter signals in the CR anti-particle fluxes) as well as the origin and propagation of CR in the Galaxy (by means of precise measurements of the energy spectra and chemical composition of the CR). |
5437 | 2019-05-22 | CONJECTURE ON THE COSMIC RAYS SPECTRUM | 2019 | INFN-19-09-LNF.pdf | G. Pizzella | The PAMELA experiment has shown that a fraction of cosmic rays could be due to proton fluxes generated by the magnetosphere of the planet Jupiter. Thus, a conjecture that astrophysical objects provided by magnetospheres be sources of the cosmic radiation is put forward. With simple geometric considerations the energy spectrum E-2.5 is obtained, independently on the particle species, very close to the experimental CR spectrum, under the hypothesis that particle acceleration mechanisms act uniformly in the magnetospheric region. |
5436 | 2019-05-08 | Science Communication a New Frontier of Researchers Job | 2019 | INFN-19-08-LNF.pdf | Mazzitelli G. | In the world of communication, nobody can be out of the fray! Since many years science communication and more in general the ability of a researcher to communicate his/her work to founding agency, policy makers, entrepreneurs and public at large, starts to be a fundamental skill of the researchers job. This skill is needed and requested to access funds and successfully disseminate the research outcome, as well as to engage society in understanding science and its benefits. Moreover, due to the large decrease of research funds and of people starting scientic carrier, researchers must be in the front line to promote the scientic culture in order to invert the dreadful trend of last years. Where are we and where are we going to? We try to answer such questions introducing successful models that can be used without huge overloads for our job. This paper reports on the experience of one of the largest and oldest project in Europe of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions European Researchers Night and describes how this project followed the evolution in science communication. |
5435 | 2019-04-18 | Advanced beam protection systems for high-brightness electron-beam and linac-based Compton sources | 2019 | INFN-19-07-LNF.pdf | S. Pioli | The Gamma Beam System (GBS), within the ELI-NP project, under installation in Magurele (RO) by INFN, as part of EuroGammas association, can provide gamma rays that open new possibilities for nuclear photonics and nuclear physics. ELI-GBS gamma rays are produced by Compton backscattering to get monochromaticity (0,1 % bandwidth), high flux (1013 photon/s), tunable directions and energies up to 19 MeV. Such gamma beam is obtained when a high-intensity laser collides a high-brightness electron beam with a repetition rate of 100 Hz in multi-bunch mode with trains of 32 bunches. An advanced high reliability and availability Machine Protection System, compliant with IEC-61508 Functional Safety regulation, has been developed in order to ensure proper automated operation for this challenging facility. Such system operates on different layers of the control system: it is equipped with an EPICS supervisor for on-line monitoring of all subsystems, different beam loss monitors to verify electron beam transport and gamma beam luminosity, a real-time interlock system based on distributed FPGA over EtherCAT to monitor vacuum and RF systems which requires fast response within next RF pulse. |
5434 | 2019-04-12 | CYGNO Conceptual Design Report | 2019 | INFN-19-06-Roma1.pdf | E. Baracchini e al. | The conceptual design of the experiment named CYGNO (a CYGNUs module with Optical readout) is presented here. CYGNO aims to make significant advances in the technology of single phase gas-only time projection chambers (TPC) for the specific application of rare scattering events detection. In particular it will focus on a read-out technique based on the GEM amplification of the ionisation and on the visible light collection with a sub-mm position resolution by sCMOS camera. This type of readout - in conjunction with a fast light detection - will allow to reconstruct three dimensional (3D) images of the recoiling particles with high precision, offering new ways to distinguish the electron and nuclear recoils. The recoil direction resolution is also being investigated as a further tool to reject neutral background in the detection of Galactic Dark Matter (DM) particles. The final goal is to build and operate a high resolution gas TPC detector at the 50 kg scale for the directional search of a DM signal, in underground Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. In order to achieve this very demanding goal, we are going to develop firstly a 1 m3 volume, 1 kg mass detector based on these concepts, to assess on a real underground experiment the design performances and capabilities of our approach, while at the same time testing innovative techniques and methods to reach the 50 kg scale. This project is part of the world-wide effort of the CYGNUS collaboration to define an optimal DM detection scheme sensitive to DM direction, towards a one-ton gas TPC nuclear recoils observatory. |
5433 | 2019-02-26 | Expression of Intent Singularity | 2019 | INFN-19-05-LNF.pdf | Pioli S. | Lautomazione dei processi che riguardano il commissioning e loperazione di un acceleratore prevede in prima istanza lintegrazione di hardware per la gestione dei rischi nei sistemi crit- ici secondo standard di riferimento, come quello sulla Sicurezza Funzionale (IEC-61508) o la ANSI N43.1 Radiation Safety for the design and operation of Particle Accelerator, e successivamente linserimento di software di alto livello, intelligenza artificiale (IA), per loperazione di un acceleratore tramite controllo automatizzato di differenti apparati. Le criticità peculiari dei diversi sistemi di un acceleratore richiederanno limpiego di diverse tecnologie (FPGA veloci e sicure con connessione diretta allhardware, server connessi al sistema di controllo, detector per il monitoraggio perdite di fascio, . . . ). Il progetto che si va a proporre punta a realizzare una piattaforma composita di diversi dispositivi che consentano di integrare intelligenze artificiali per il controllo e la gestione automatizzata di intere facility. Tali dispositivi dovranno essere realizzati e mantenuti secondo gli standard della Sicurezza Funzionale con design scalabile e modulare che ne permetta il versatile upgrade per soddisfare nuove richieste dellacceleratore o lapplicazione su nuove infrastrutture. La possibilità di sviluppare una piattaforma con IA a cui vengano affidate mansioni specifiche per la gestione di un acceleratore, la prevenzione dei rischi e la relativa realizzazione dellhardware necessario per lintegrazione di tale intelligenza permetterà di esplorare aspetti innovativi nel campo tecnologico quali: automazione di sistemi complessi, realizzazione ed integrazione di nuovo hardware per la diagnostica dei sistemi di un acceleratore. Lente potà così beneficiare di una migliore gestione dei rischi e dei costi delle facility, ottimizzare lup-time degli acceleratori e ridurre i costi del man-power coinvolto nella gestione e nella manutenzione di tali apparati. In aggiunta a questo, i dispositivi realizzati, essendo in conformità con gli standard industriali, potranno essere daiuto al trasferimento tecnologico arricchendo lofferta con i partner. |
5432 | 2019-02-24 | Low cost SiPM-based detector for the measurement of the energy loss of a proton beam, with particular focus on the Bragg peak | 2019 | INFN-19-04-MI-Bicocca.pdf | V. Pagliarino, F. Serra, A. Robino, F. Filippa, R. Ponte, G. Branda, A. Massolino, A. Lovisolo, F. Boido | Nowadays, thanks to the spreading of different applications in the field of applied nuclear physics, such as proton therapy, detector testing and radiation hardness measurement, the number of particle beam facilities all around the world is significantly growing and the characterisation of these beams is becoming a very frequent operation. Here we present a low cost detector, made up by a student team selected by the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics, for the study of the energy loss curve of charged particle beams, employing scintillator and SiPM technology, that allows both to make quick measurements without a complex setup and to run experiments for educational purposes, thanks to its expandable design. |
5431 | 2019-01-21 | TM oxides coatings for high demanding accelerator components | 2019 | INFN-19-03-LNF.pdf | J. Scifo et al. | Large electric gradients are required for a variety of new applications, notably including the extreme high brightness electron sources for X-ray free electron lasers (FELs), RF photoinjector, industrial and medical accelerators and linear accelerators for particle physics colliders. In the framework of a INFN-LNF, SLAC (USA), KEK (Japan), UCLA (Los Angeles) collaboration, the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF) is involved in the modelling, development and test of RF structures devoted to acceleration with high gradient electric field of particles through metal device. In order to improve the maximum sustainable gradients in normal conducting RF accelerating structures, we had to minimize the breakdown and the dark current. To this purpose the study of new materials and manufacturing techniques is mandatory to identify solutions to such extremely demanding applications. We considered the possibility to coat copper (and other metals) with a relatively thick film to improve and optimize breakdown performances. We present here the first characterization of MoO3 films deposited on copper by pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) starting from a commercial MoO3 target. |
5427 | 2019-01-15 | CYGNO: a CYGNUs Collaboration 1 m3 Module with Optical Readout for Directional Dark Matter Search | 2019 | INFN-19-02-LNF.pdf | CYGNO Collaboration | The design of the project named CYGNO is presented. CYGNO is a new proposal supported by INFN, the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics, within CYGNUs protocollaboration (CYGNUS-TPC) that aims to realize a distributed observatory in underground laboratories for directional Dark Matter (DM) search and the identification of the coherent neutrino scattering (CNS) from the Sun. CYGNO is one of the first prototypes in the road map to 100-1000 m3 of CYGNUs and will be located at the National Laboratory of Gran Sasso (LNGS), in Italy, aiming to make significant advances in the technology of single phase gas-only time projection chambers (TPC) for the application to the detection of rare scattering events. In particular it will focus on a read-out technique based on Micro Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD) amplification of the ionization and on the visible light collection with a sub-mm position resolution sCMOS (scientific COMS) camera. This type of readout - in conjunction with a fast light detection - will allow on one hand to reconstruct 3D direction of the tracks, offering accurate sensitivity to the source directionality and, on the other hand, a high particle identification capability very useful to distinguish nuclear recoils. |
5426 | 2019-01-14 | MPGD Optical Read Out for Directional Dark Matter Search | 2019 | INFN-19-01-LNF.pdf | G. Mazzitelli et al. | The Time Projection method is an ideal candidate to track low energy release particles. Large volumes can be readout by means of a moderate number of channels providing a complete 3D reconstruction of the charged tracks within the sensitive volume. It allows the measurement not only of the total released energy but also of the energy release density along the tracks that can be very useful for particle identification and to solve the head-tail ambiguity of the tracks. Moreover, gas represents a very interesting target to study Dark Matter interactions. In gas, nuclear recoils can travel enough to give rise to tracks long enough to be acquired and reconstructed. |
5425 | 2018-12-31 | Bruno Touschek with AdA in Orsay and the first direct observation of electron-positron collisions | 2018 | INFN-18-12-LNF.pdf | Giulia Pancheri, Luisa Bonolis | We describe how the first direct observation of electron-positron collisions took place in 1963-1964 at the Laboratoire de lAccélérateur Linéaire dOrsay, in France, with the storage ring AdA, which had been proposed and constructed in the Italian National Laboratories of Frascati in 1960, under the guidance of Bruno Touschek. The obstacles and successes of the two and a half years during which the feasibility of electron-positron colliders was proved will be illustrated using archival and forgotten documents, in addition to transcripts from interviews with Carlo Bernardini, Peppino Di Giugno, Mario Fascetti, François Lacoste, and Jacques Haïssinski. |
5424 | 2018-10-31 | The system to fill with oil the empty Break Out Boxes (BOBs) of the KM3NeT Detection Units | 2018 | INFN-18-11-GE.pdf | R. Cereseto | The KM3NeT collaboration aims to construct the largest underwater neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean sea. The detector is located in two sites, one in front of Toulon at 2500m sea depth and one SE Capo Passero in Sicily at 3500m depth. On both sites, one or two blocks of 115 Detection Units (DU) are connected to shore , each Du being composed by a Vertical Electro-Optical Cable (VEOC) connecting 18 Digital Optical Modules (DOMs). In this report we describe the integration of the DU carried out in our INFN laboratory in Genova, in particular one important phase of the process where some components in the VEOC have to be carefully filled with oil before connection to the DOMs. |
5423 | 2018-10-05 | Proposal for a possible use of DAFNE as an open infrastructure (DAFNE-TF) for the study of physics and innovative technologies for accelerators | 2018 | INFN-18-10-LNF.pdf | C. Bloise et al. | The conclusion of the Siddharta-2 run will make DAFNE available to accelerator researchers and technologists by 2020 onwards. This comprises an infrastructure made of a Linac, an accumulator, two storage rings for electrons and positrons, and a synchrotron-light laboratory with seven beam lines. A complex that is almost unique in the world, could become a test facility (DAFNE-TF) open to the international community for studies of accelerator technologies, beam physics, for small experiments, and to be used as a technological test bed for enterprises in the sector. This report, prepared for the INFN management, is intended to list some of the most interesting research options and to present a preliminary assessment of the operation costs together with the necessary refurbishments. |
5421 | 2018-09-19 | The KLASH Letter of Intent | 2018 | INFN-18-09-LNF.pdf | D.Alesini et al. | Con questo documento proponiamo di effettuare una ricerca di assioni galattici nellintervallo di massa tra 0.3 e 1 μeV usando una cavità risonante con un volume di circa 33 m3 raffreddata a circa 4 K ed immersa in un campo magnetico di 0.6T generato dal magnete superconduttore costruito per lesperimento KLOE situato ai Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. Questo esperimento, chiamato KLASH (KLoe magnet for Axion SearcH), avrebbe la sensibilità necessaria ad osservare assioni QCD predetti dal modello KSVZ [1]. Nel seguito descriviamo brevemente il caso scientifico, lapparato sperimentale e diamo una stima dei costi e dei tempi necessari alla realizzazione del progetto. |
5422 | 2018-08-23 | First magnetic measurements of fast-ramping dipole DHPTB102 of BTF upgraded beam-lines | 2018 | INFN-18-08-LNF.pdf | G. Armenti et al. | In the framework of the BTF upgrade, aimed at realizing two beam-lines serving two distinct experimental areas, the splitting of the beam coming from the Linac is realized by a dipole, labelled DPTB102, with a bending angle of 15° and a fast ramping (<100 ms) in order to optimize the duty-cycle. This note reports on the first dimensional checks and magnetic measurements, performed in DC, intended for verifying the basic parameters of the magnet, like the excitation curve, the maximum field, and field quality. |
5420 | 2018-07-27 | Construction techniques and performances of a full size prototype Micromegas chamber for the ATLAS muon spectrometer upgrade | 2018 | INFN-18-07-LNF.pdf | M. Alviggi, M. Antonelli, F. Anulli, C. Arcangeletti, P. Bagnaia, A. Baroncelli, M. Beretta, C. Bini, D. Calabr, V. Canale, G. Capradossi, G. Carducci, A. Caserio, C. Cassese, S. Cerioni, G. Ciapetti, V. DAmico, B. De Fazio, M. Del Gaudio, C. Di Donato, R. Di Nardo, D. DUffizi, E. Farina, R. Ferrari, A. Freddi, C. Gatti, G. Gaudio, E. Gorini, F. Gravili, S. Guelfo Gigli, A. Innocente, G. Introzzi, M. Iodice, A. Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi, F. Lacava, A. Lanza, L. La Rotonda, S. Lauciani, L. Luminari, G. Maccarrone, G. Mancini, L. Martinelli, P. Massarotti, A. Miccoli, A. Mirto, S. Palazzo, G. Paruzza, F. Petrucci, L. Pezzotti, G. Pileggi, A. Policicchio, G. Pontoriere, B. Ponzio, E. Romano, V. Romano, L. Roscilli, G. Rovelli, C. Scagliotti, M. Schioppa, G. Sekhniaidze, M. Sessa, S. Sottocornola, P. Turco, M. Vanadia, D. Vannicola, T. Vassileva, V. Vecchio, F. Vercellati, A. Zullo | A full scale prototype of a Micromegas precision tracking chamber for the upgrade of the ATLAS detector at the LHC Collider has been built between October 2015 and April 2016. This paper describes in detail the procedures used in constructing the single modules of the chamber in various INFN laboratories and the final assembly at the Frascati National Laboratories (LNF). Results of the chamber exposure to the CERN H8 beam line in June 2016 are also presented. The performances achieved in the construction and the results of the test beam are compared with the requirements, which are imposed by the severe environment during the data-taking of the LHC foreseen for the next years. |
5419 | 2018-07-04 | THE INTEGRATION OF THE DETECTION UNITS OF KM3NET IN GENOVAR | 2018 | INFN-18-06-GE.pdf | R. Cereseto et al. | The KM3NeT experiment (1) for the detection of high energy cosmic neutrinos is being built in two sites of the Mediterranean Sea: Capo Passero in Sicily and Toulon in the French coast. The full detection system includes 3 building blocks of Detection Units (DU) (2), each block of 115 DUs. The DU accommodates up to 18 digital optical modules (DOMs) (3). In this note we describe the facility to integrate the DOMs to the vertical cable of the line (VEOC) as realized in our ground floor laboratory of the INFN Institute in Genova. Pubblicato |
5418 | 2018-06-04 | Bruno Touschek and AdA: from Frascati to Orsay | 2018 | INFN-18-05-LNF.pdf | Luisa Bonolis, Giulia Pancheri | This paper is dedicated to the memory of Bruno Touschek, who passed away forty years ago, in Innsbruck, Austria, on May 25th, 1978. The first electron-positron collisions in a laboratory were observed in 1963-1964 at the Laboratoire de lAccélérateur Linéaire dOrsay, in France, with the storage ring AdA, which had been constructed in the Italian National Laboratories of Frascati in 1960, under the guidance of Bruno Touschek. The making of the collaboration between the two laboratories included visits between Orsay and Frascati, letters between Rome and Paris, and culminated with AdA leaving Frascati on July 4th, 1962 to cross the Alps on a truck, with the doughnut degassed to 10- |
5417 | 2018-05-15 | Sistema per la manipolazione remota in vuoto dei bersagli per la camera di reazione di GALILEO installata presso i LNL | 2018 | INFN-18-04-MI.pdf | S. Coelli et al. | The realisation of a remotely-controlled target-exchange system for the multi-detector array GALILEO has been proposed to the Mechanical Design and Machine Workshop Department of INFN Milano, with the following requirements: possibility of pre-loading 7-10 targets, including quartz and collimators for beam centering procedures; downstream location in front of the beam-dump, almost 3 m away from the scattering chamber; minimum material which can interact with the beam, and under vacuum working conditions, with pressures around 10-6 mbar. The system has been designed and built within the Mechanical Design and Machine Workshop Department of INFN-Milano and installed onto the GALILEO beam line at the LNL INFN laboratories in Legnaro. |
5416 | 2018-05-07 | EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB Conceptual Design Report | 2018 | INFN-18-03-LNF.pdf | D. Alesini, et al | |
5413 | 2018-03-26 | Proposal of an experimental test at DAϕNE for the low emittance muon beam production from positrons on target | 2018 | INFN-18-02-LNF.pdf | M. Boscolo, et al. | We present in this paper the proposal of an experimental test at DANE of the positronring- plus-target scheme foreseen in the Low EMittance Muon Accelerator. This test would be a validation of the on-going studies for LEMMA and it would be synergic with other proposals at DAϕNE after the SIDDHARTA run. We discuss the beam dynamics studies for different targets inserted in a proper location through the ring, i.e. where the beam is focused and dispersion-free. Optimization of beam parameters, thickness and material of target and optics of the target insertion are shown as well. The development of the existent diagnostic needed to test the behavior of the circulating beam is described together with the turn-by-turn measurement systems of charge, lifetime and transverse size. Measurements on the temperature and thermo-mechanical stress on the target are also under study. |
5412 | 2018-02-28 | A Novel Highly Symmetric TM Mode Launcher for Ultimate Brightness Applications | 2018 | INFN-18-01-LNF.pdf | G. Castorina et al | The R&D of high gradient radiofrequency (RF) devices is aimed to develop innovative accelerating structures based on new manufacturing techniques and materials in order to construct devices operating with the highest accelerating gradient. Recent studies have shown a large increase in the maximum sustained RF surface electric fields in copper structures operating at cryogenic temperatures. These novel approaches allow significant performance improvements of RF photoinjectors. Indeed the operation at high surface fields results in considerable increase of electron beam brilliance. This enhancement requires high field quality in the RF photoinjector and, specifically in the design of the power coupler. In this work we present a novel device for the RF photoinjector: a compact X-band TM01 mode launcher with a fourfold symmetry which minimizes both dipole and quadrupole RF components. |
5411 | 2017-12-31 | LUNA MV Proposal 2018 - 2022 | 2017 | INFN-17-19-LNGS.pdf | P. Prati et al | This is the proposal of the LUNA MV Experiment |
5410 | 2017-10-25 | EX-TRIM A proposal for a Coherent Imaging XUV-FEL users endstation | 2017 | INFN-17-18-LNF.pdf | S. Bartocci et al | A proposal for building a Free Electron Laser, Eupraxia@SPARClab, at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, is at present under consideration. This FEL facility would produce ultra-bright photon pulses with durations of few femtoseconds and a wavelength in the extreme ultraviolet region. In this document we describe the proposal for a user endstation that will enable exploiting the high-brilliance, coherent photon flux to perform coherent imaging experiments on a variety of samples, ranging from biological objects to metals and superconductors. Details about the photon beamline, the experimental chamber, sample delivery, photon detection and computational requirements are discussed. Keywords: Free Electron Laser, Coherent Imaging, X-ray optics. |
5409 | 2017-07-03 | BEAM TEST OF ALPIDE SENSOR | 2017 | INFN-17-16-LNF.pdf | A. Fantoni, P. Gianotti, P. Larionov, P. F.T. Matuoka, V.a Muccifora, S. Pisano, F. Ronchetti, E. Spiriti, M. Toppi | The Alice Pixel Detector (ALPIDE) is developed for the upgrade of the Inner Tracking System of the ALICE experiment at CERN, which will take place during second Long Shutdown in 2019-2020. ALPIDE is a Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS), manufactured in a 180 nm CMOS Imaging Process of TowerJazz. Forecoming tracking detectors, based on this technology, will see strong advantages with the application of these sensors as they provide the highest capabilities in spatial resolution and utmost potential for being thin. In this work, the results of the ALPIDE sensor beam test, which took place at the Beam Test Facility of Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, are presented |
5408 | 2017-06-28 | Characterization of the transport properties of MoO3 films on copper | 2017 | INFN-17-13-LNF.pdf | C. Bonavolont, M. Valentino, M. de Lucia, M. Ambrosio, C. Aramo, S. Macis, I. Davoli, G. Castorina, F. Monforte, B. Spataro, M. Scarselli, S. Lupi< and A. Marcelli | In this study we report the first transport experiments performed on a series of thin films of MoO3 grown on a thick Cu substrate. Electrical resistance measurements have been performed for different film thickness as function of temperature down to ~20 K. Data show, due to the copper substrate, that thin films of molybdenum trioxide also at low temperature exhibits a metallic behaviour while for films with a thickness > 250 nm the semiconducting behaviour start to prevail on the metallic one. Local morphological properties and optical data are also showed to support the interpretation of the conductive behaviour of these thin layers of molybdenum oxides. |
5407 | 2017-06-26 | The KLASH Proposal - Axion Calling | 2017 | INFN-17-14-LNF.pdf | D. Alesini, D. Babusci, D. Di Gioacchino, C. Gatti, G. Lamanna, C. Ligi | We propose a search of galactic axions with mass about 0.2 μeV using a large volume resonant cavity, about 50 m3, cooled down to 4 K and immersed in a moderate axial magnetic field of about 0.6 T generated inside the superconducting magnet of the KLOE experiment [1] located at the National Laboratory of Frascati of INFN. This experiment, called KLASH (KLoe magnet for Axion SearcH) in the following, has a potential sensitivity on the axion-to-photon coupling, gaγγ, of about 6 X 10-17 GeV-1, reaching the region predicted by KSVZ [2] and DFSZ [3] models of QCD axions. |
5406 | 2017-06-20 | POSEYDON Converting the DAΦNE Collider into a double Positron Facility: a High Duty-Cycle pulse stretcher and a storage ring | 2017 | INFN-17-15-LNF.pdf | P. Valente | This project proposes to reuse the DAΦNE accelerator complex for producing a high intensity (up to 1010), high-quality beam of high-energy (up to 500 MeV) positrons for HEP experiments, mainly but not only motivated by light dark particles searches. Such a facility would provide a unique source of ultra-relativistic, narrow-band and low-emittance positrons, with a high duty factor, without employing a cold technology, that would be an ideal facility for exploring the existence of light dark matter particles, produced in positronon- target annihilations into a photon+missing mass, and using the bump-hunt technique. The PADME experiment, that will use the extracted beam from the DAΦNE BTF, is indeed limited by the low duty-factor (10-5=200 ns/20 ms). The idea is to use a variant of the third of integer resonant extraction, with the aim of getting a <10-6 m⋅rad emittance and, at the same time, tailoring the scheme to the peculiar optics of the DAΦNE machine. In alternative, the possibility of kicking the positrons by means of channelling effects in crystals can be evaluated. This would not only increase the extraction efficiency but also improve the beam quality, thanks to the high collimation of channelled particles. This is challenging for < GeV leptons, and in particular this would be the first positron beam obtained with crystal-assisted extraction (generally limited to protons and ions). The availability of an intense extracted positron beam with a tuneable pulse length will also enable other applications, ranging from radiation production from crystal undulators to irradiation for aerospace industry. The second ring can be used for storing positrons accelerated by the LINAC, both for producing synchrotron radiation (reversing the polarity of the ring currently used for electrons) and for machine studies with positively charged particles, like for instance instabilities driven by the electron cloud effect. |
5403 | 2017-06-01 | The Inelastic cross-section and Survival Probabilities at LHC in mini-jet models | 2017 | INFN-17-12-LNF.pdf | D. A. Fagundes, A. Grau, G. Pancheri, O. Shekhovtsova, Y. N. Srivastava | Recent results for the total and inelastic hadronic cross-sections from LHC experiments are compared with predictions from a single channel PDF driven eikonal mini-jet model and from an empirical model. The role of soft gluon resummation in the infrared region in taming the rise of mini-jets and their contribution to the increase of the total cross-sections at high energies are discussed. Sur- vival probabilities at LHC, whose theoretical estimates range from circa 10% to a few per mille, will be estimated in this model and compared with results from QCD inspired models and from multichannel eikonal models. We revisit a previous calculation and examine the origin of these discrepancies. |
5398 | 2017-05-29 | Relativistic Aspects of the Centripetal Force | 2017 | INFN-17-11-GE.pdf | M. Conte | The use of partially ionized atoms revolving in a storage ring is here proposed. Easy and low cost experiments, regarding the radiation emitted by these ions duly excited, can be performed. Particularly, the eects of the centripetal force on the light spectrum can be analyzed. |
5397 | 2017-05-22 | Studio di fattibilit dei magneti in configurazione Halbach dello spettrometro dellesperimento FOOT | 2017 | INFN-17-10-LNF.pdf | C. Sanelli | Questa nota presenta uno studio di fattibilit`a per dei magneti permanenti da utilizzare nella costruzione dello spettrometro dellesperimento FOOT. Vengono presentate simulazioni magnetiche in 2D e 3D per differenti configurazioni dei magneti permanenti in configurazione Halbach facendo una valutazione comparativa delle dimensioni necessarie, in particolare per il materiale magnetico, per ottenere i valori di campo richiesti. Infine si presenta una simulazione di un sistema di due magneti cos`ı come al momento si pensa di realizzare il sistema finale dellesperimento. |
5396 | 2017-04-27 | Time resolution of a Triple-GEM detector for future upgrade of the CMS muon system | 2017 | INFN_17_09_LNF_THESIS_.pdf | L. Benussi, E. Santovetti, A. Alfonsi | In this report results of the time resolution analysis of a GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) detector prototype are discussed. This study was performed within the purview of an R&D activity regarding muon detectors for the CMS experiment, aiming at the future high luminosity upgrade of LHC, where a high-rate triggering for charged particles is needed. GEM chambers are particularly promising for this purpose, since they are able to handle the extremely high particle rates expected, especially in the muon forward region. The measurements were performed at the ASTRA facility of the INFN National Laboratory of Frascati (LNF). The study was accomplished by using cosmic muons, and by employing two different gas mixtures: Ar/CO2/CF4 (45%/15%/40%), and Ar/CO2 (70%/30%). |
5394 | 2017-04-10 | I Servizi Informatici Del TIFPA | 2017 | INFN-17-08-TIFPA.pdf | P. Spinnato | In questa nota sono descritti i servizi informatici del TIFPA. Viene fornita una panoramica della peculiare situazione in cui i servizi sono stati sviluppati, vengono descritte le sinergie attuate con i servizi informatici dellUniversità di Trento, sono analizzate le soluzioni in cui linterazione con lUniversità si è rivelata la scelta migliore e quelle in cui la scelta più adeguata è stata una gestione autonoma del servizio. |
5395 | 2017-04-10 | Introduzione alla Cosmologia | 2017 | INFN-DIV-17-01-LNF.pdf | D. Babusci | |
5393 | 2017-04-07 | La realizzazione della sede del TIFPA | 2017 | INFN-17-07-TIFPA.pdf | P. Spinnato | In questa nota è illustrata lattività svolta durante il primo anno di effettiva operatività del TIFPA allo scopo di realizzare un progetto per la ristrutturazione degli spazi da destinare a sede del Centro, allinterno delledificio di proprietà dellUniversità degli Studi di Trento che ospita le attività del Dipartimento di Fisica. Vengono descritte le successive fasi di evoluzione del progetto, da quelle iniziali di definizione delle linee guida generali, fino alle attività conclusive di allestimento dei locali e dei laboratori. |
5392 | 2017-03-28 | U-LITE, 6 years of scientific computing at LNGS | 2017 | INFN-17-06-LNGS.pdf | B. Demin, S. Parlati, P. Spinnato, S. Stalio | The computing infrastructure of Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) is the primary platform for data storage, analysis, computing and simulation of the LNGS-based experiments, which are part of the research activities of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). Groups running such experiments have diverse needs, and adopt different approaches in developing the computing frameworks that support their activities. Since the emergence of the Cloud paradigm, the Computing and Network Service has built on its experience in operating and managing the LNGS computing infrastructure to develop U-LITE, a versatile environment apt at hosting such varied ecosystem and providing LNGS scientific users a familiar computing interface which hides all the complexities of a modern data center management. Over the last 6 years U-LITE has proved as a valuable tool for the LNGS experiments, and provides an example of effective use of the Cloud computing approach in a real scientific context. |
5391 | 2017-03-27 | The Water Properties of the Site in Capo Passero using the LED Beacon of the Prototype Tower | 2017 | INFN-17-05-GE.pdf | N. Briukhanova, C.M.F. Hugon, C. Nicolau, M. Sanguineti, M. Anghinolfi | In that work we study the scattering parameters of the water on the KM3Net site in Capo Passero. To this purpose we compare the real data from the time calibration runs of the detector to the results of a simulations of the light emission, propagation and detection according to the expeimental apparatus. |
5390 | 2017-03-06 | Feasibility of Stresses Release Monitoring of GEM Foils | 2017 | INFN-17-04-LNF.pdf | G. Raffone | A brief note concerning the evaluation of the strains to be measured on a typical GEM foil in order to monitor the possible release of stresses during long time operation in a severe environment |
5389 | 2017-03-02 | The High Voltage Regulator Board for the BDX Experiment | 2017 | INFN-17-03-GE.pdf | A. Celentano, M. Cresta, G. Min, G. Ottonello,F. Pratolongo | In this note we describe the design and construction of SiPM High Voltage (HV) Regulator board for the BDX experiment. The board is used to provide bias voltage to the Silicon PhotoMultipliers (SiPMs) used in the BDX detector. It hosts four independent channels, each with a selectable output voltage in the range 37 V to 80 V: each channel is individually regulated by means of a variable resistor. In the note, after a brief introduction to the BDX experiment, we present the design of the board, discussing in particular the critical aspects that we identified during the circuit implementation phase. We also show the results obtained from the characterization of a first sample of 10 boards. |
5388 | 2017-02-02 | A Proposal for the IAXO Magnet System | 2017 | INFN-17-02-GE.pdf | R. Musenich, S. Farinon | The note describes a proposal for a superconducting toroidal magnet for the IAXO axion helioscope obtained assembling several canted solenoid dipoles. Respect to toroids made with racetrack coils, having the same average field, it has lower stored energy, lower peak magnetic field at the conductor and lower cold mass. |
5387 | 2017-01-18 | Implementation of a new Electronic Trigger for BOREX @ LNGS | 2017 | INFN-17-01-GE.pdf | M. Cariello | To adapt signals between the new trigger board and the DAQ of borexino experiment it was necessary to implement an interface board to deal with a large number of signals at different logic levels. |
5960 | 2016-12-20 | The PADME experiment Technical Proposal | 2016 | INFN-16-15-LNF.pdf | Mauro Raggi, Venelin Kozhuharov, Paolo Valente | |
5386 | 2016-11-30 | The system to mitigate sediment deposition in the upper surface of the Digital Optical Module in KM3NeT: PART II | 2016 | INFN-16-14-GE.pdf | M. Anghinollfi, C. DAmato, A. Domi, C. Hugon, G. Riccobene | The experiments ANTARES and NEMO have shown the accumulation of a thin layer of material in the upper surface of the Optical Modules (OMs). The proposed vibration system to remove this sedimentation from the DOMs surface was tested successfully in a water tank at atmospheric pressure (see [2]). In this note we describe the behaviour of the system in an hyperbaric chamber at a pressure of 360 bar, close to the operating conditions in the sea. We find that the effect of the pressure does not significantly affect the vibration intensity in the glass sphere. |
5385 | 2016-11-03 | Introduction to the physics of the total cross-section at LHC - A Review of Data and Models | 2016 | INFN-16-13-LNF.pdf | G. Pancheri, and Y.N. Srivastava | This review describes the development of the physics of hadronic cross sections up to recent LHC results and cosmic ray experiments. We present here a comprehensive review - written with a historical perspective - about total cross-sections from medium to the highest energies explored experimentally and studied through a variety of methods and theoretical models for over sixty years. We begin by recalling the analytic properties of the elastic amplitude and the theorems about the asymptotic behavior of the total cross-section. A discussion of how proton-proton cross-sections are extracted from cosmic rays at higher than accelerator energies and help the study of these asymptotic limits, is presented. This is followed by a description of the advent of particle colliders, through which high energies and unmatched experimental precisions have been attained. Thus the measured hadronic elastic and total cross-sections have become crucial instruments to probe the so called soft part of QCD physics, where quarks and gluons are confined, and have led to test and rene Regge behavior and a number of difiractive models. As the c.m. energy increases, the total cross-section also probes the transition into hard scattering describable with perturba- tive QCD, the so-called mini-jet region. Further tests are provided by cross-section measurements of γp, γ*p and γ*γ* for models based on vector meson dominance, scaling limits of virtual photons at high Q2 and the BFKL formalism. Models interpolating from virtual to real photons are also tested. It seems to us to be a necessary task to explore bit-by-bit the rigorous consequences of analyticity, unitarity and crossing. Who knows if someday one will not be able to reassemble the pieces of the puzzle. - A. Martin and F. Cheung, based on 1967 A.M. Lectures at Brandeis Summer School and Lectures at SUNY and Stony Brook |
5383 | 2016-10-10 | Configuration of User/Node Affinity in a Sendmail+Dovecot+Squirrelmail E-Mail Cluster | 2016 | INFN-16-11-CCR.pdf | M. Bensi, S. Barberis, M. Mezzadri, F. Prelz | The storage of user e-mail boxes on a shared filesystem and their read/write access on multiple cluster nodes requires special care to benefit from file persistence in the filesystem cache on each node and to prevent system response to be significantly degraded by frequent file synchronisations onto physical storage. The simplest measure towards this goal is to divide access to nodes on a per-user basis, while keeping the cluster failsafe. In this paper we share a few non-obvious details for the configuration of such user/node affinity in sendmail, dovecot, squirrelmail. |
5384 | 2016-10-10 | DA-DA: a method to ease IPv6 Rollout at Non-SLAAC Sites | 2016 | INFN-16-12-CCR.pdf | F. Prelz | The exhaustion of IPv4 addresses is handled in version 6 of the IP suite of protocols via a massive (x296) increase of the available address space. EUI-64 based automatic addressing (SLAAC) becomes possible, but it is not the only option for address allocation in this wide space - in certain cases it may not be an option at all. A mechanism (DA-DA: DNS-driven Allocation of DHCPv6 Addresses) is proposed to provide public addresses to dual-stack IPv4/v6 hosts via DHCPv6 and to populate the DHCPv6 configuration database in the course of the IPv4  IPv6 transition. Address assignment is driven by the DNS contents only and (similarly to SLAAC) provides hosts with access to the public IPv6 Internet with no user intervention. A reference implementation (in the form of an ISC DHCPv6 patch) is available. |
5382 | 2016-06-30 | Studies of geometric wakefields and impedances due to collimators | 2016 | INFN-16-10-LNF.pdf | A. Brynes, G. Castorina, O. Frasciello, A. Marcelli, B. Spataro | In this note we study the geometric wakefields generated by a driving electron bunch in the SPARC LAB COMB chamber. Due to the change in iris radius of the beam pipe leading into the chamber, the electron beam will induce wakefields, which can have an effect on the bunches in the train used for the SL COMB experiment. Here, we present wakefields and impedances simulations and determine the effects that they may have on the beam properties. |
5381 | 2016-06-10 | The system to mitigate sediment deposition in the upper surface of the Digital Optical Module in KM3NeT | 2016 | INFN-16-09-GE.pdf | C. Hugon, A. Domi, M. Sanguineti, M. Anghinolfi | The experiments ANTARES and NEMO have shown the accumulation of a thin layer of material in the upper surface of the Optical Modules (OMs). This effect may represent a problem for the KM3NeT experiment in which the DOMs contain upward pointing photomultipliers also upwards, resulting in a loss of efficiency in Cherenkov photons detection. In this note we describe our investigations on a micro vibration system to remove the deposits from the DOMs surface. |
5380 | 2016-05-31 | Thermal Analysis of the Antineutrino 144Ce Source Calorimeter fot the SOX Experiment | 2016 | INFN-16-08-GE.pdf | S. Farinon, R. Musenich, M. Pallavicini, F. Bragazzi, R. Cereseto, A. Caminata, L. Di Noto, P. Saracco, C. Rossi, G. Testera, S. Zavatarelli | The technical note describes the calorimeter which will be used to measure the activity of the antineutrino 144Ce source of the SOX experiment at the Gran Sasso Laboratories. The principle of the calorimeter is based on the measurement of both mass flow and temperature increase of the water circulating in the heat exchanger surrounding the source. The calorimeter is vacuum insulated in order to minimize the heat losses. The preliminary design and thermal Finite Element Analysis (FEA) are reported in the note. |
5379 | 2016-04-14 | Study of the displacement per atom in the n-alpha reaction on MgB2 | 2016 | INFN-16-07-MI.pdf | F. Broggi, A. Bignami, C. Santini | In the frame of the High-Luminosity LHC*) project (Working Package 6.4, dedicated to the energy deposition and material studies), the effects of the energy deposition from the 7+7 TeV p-p debris on the High Temperature Superconducting Links (made of MgB2) is evaluated. This paper is focused on the effect of the n-alpha reaction on MgB2 and the determination of the induced Displacement per Atom (DPA). The contribution of the single component of the reaction i.e. neutrons, alpha particles and lithium atoms on the DPA is evaluated. |
5378 | 2016-04-06 | !CHAOS: final project report | 2016 | INFN-16-06-LNF.pdf | S. Angius, G. Baldini, C. Bisegni, S. Caschera, P. Ciuffetti, P. Conti, G. Di Pirro, F. Galletti, R. Gargana, O. Giacinti, E. Gioscio, D. Maselli, G. Mazzitelli, A. Michelotti, R. Orr, M. Pistoni, F. Spagnoli, D. Spigone, A. Stecchi, T. Tonto, M. A. Tota L. Catani, C. Di Giulio, G. Salina P. Buzzi, B. Checcucci, P. Lubrano E. Fattibene, M. Panella M. Michelotto S. Aurnia, S. R. Cavallaro, B. F. Diana, E. Furia, S. Pulvirenti | |
5377 | 2016-03-17 | Parametric X-Ray detection in UA9 expreriment | 2016 | INFN-16-05-LNF.pdf | Dabagov S., Capitolo E., Gogolev A., Hampai D., Liedl A., Polese C. | Parametric X-Ray radiation (PXR) is a phenomenon due to the interaction of charged particles inside a crystal well ordered lattice. The passage of the particles inside the potential field into the crystal causes small deflections which result in radiation emissions. By this way the emission is diffracted by the crystal planes. In this work the results of the last five years of activity on PXR detection during UA9 experiment are reported. The beam provided in H8 area, protons or Pb ions, is channeled inside different crystals and PXR emission is detected. |
5376 | 2016-03-11 | Linear Accelerator Test Facility at LNF Conceptual Design Report | 2016 | INFN-16-04-LNF.pdf | P. Valente, M. Belli, B. Bolli, B. Buonomo, S. Cantarella, R. Ceccarelli, A. Cecchinelli, O. Cerafogli, R. Clementi, C. Di Giulio, A. Esposito, O. Frasciello, L. Foggetta, A. Ghigo, S. Incremona, F. Iungo, R. Mascio, S. Martelli, G. Piermarini, L. Sabbatini, F. Sardone, G. Sensolini, R. Ricci, L.A. Rossi, U. Rotundo, A. Stella, S. Strabioli, R. Zarlenga | |
5375 | 2016-02-17 | Unconventional physical way for the orbital velocity evaluation | 2016 | INFN-16-03-LNF.pdf | G. Modestino | The trajectory and the orbital velocity are determined for an object moving in a gravitational system, in terms of fundamental and independent variables. In particular, considering a path on equipotential line, the elliptical orbit is naturally traced, verifying evidently the keplerian laws. The case of the planets of the solar system is presented. |
5374 | 2016-02-04 | Feasibility study and performance evaluation of a GPFS based storage area accessible simultaneously through ownCloud and StoRM | 2016 | INFN-16-02-CNAF.pdf | A. Falabella, S. Taneja, M. Tenti | In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of a GPFS based storage area accessible through both ownCloud and StoRM, as solution which allows VOs with storage manager service to access directly the files through personal computer. Furthermore, in order to study its performance, in load situation, we set up two load balanced ownCloud web servers and a front-end, back-end and gridFTP StoRM server. A Python script was also developed to simulate user performing several file transfers both with ownCloud and StoRM. We employed the average file transfer time and efficiency as a figure of merit, which was measured as a function of the number of parallel running scripts. We observed that the average time increases almost linearly with the number of parallel running scripts, independently of the used software. |
5373 | 2016-01-27 | Personal recollections: Frascati and the search for gravitational waves at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) | 2016 | INFN-16-01-LNF.pdf | G. Pizzella | |
5372 | 2016-01-18 | La Realt Quantistica | 2016 | INFN-DIV-16-01-LNF.pdf | D. Babusci, M. Mascolo | |
5367 | 2016-01-14 | Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors as flatness and mechanical stretching sensors | 2015 | INFN-15-09-LNF.pdf | D. Abbaneo, M. Abbas, M. Abbrescia, A.A. Abdelalim, M. Abi Akl, O. Aboamer, D. Acosta, A. Ahmad, W. Ahmed, W. Ahmed, A. Aleksandrov, R. Aly, P. Altieri, C. Asawatangtrakuldee, P. Aspell, Y. Assran, I. Awan, S. Bally, Y. Ban, S. Banerjee, V. Barashko, P. Barria, G. Bencze, N. Beni, L. Benussi (Corresponding Author), V. Bhopatkar, S. Bianco, J. Bos, O. Bouhali, A. Braghieri, S. Braibant, S. Buontempo, C. Calabria, M. Caponero, C. Caputo, F. Cassese, A. Castaneda, S. Cauwenbergh, F.R. Cavallo, A. Celik, M. Choi, S. Choi, J. Christiansen, A. Cimmino, S. Colafranceschi, A. Colaleo, A. Conde Garcia, S. Czellar, M.M. Dabrowski, G. De Lentdecker, R. De Oliveira, G. de Robertis, S. Dildick, B. Dorney, W. Elmetenawee, G. Endroczi, F. Errico, A. Fenyvesi, S. Ferry, I. Furic, P. Giacomelli, V. Golovtsov, L. Guiducci, F. Guilloux, A. Gutierrez, R.M. Hadjiiska, A. Hassan, J. Hauser, K. Hoepfner, M. Hohlmann, H. Hoorani, P. Iaydjiev, Y.G. Jeng, T. Kamon, P. Karchin, A. Korytov, S. Krutelyov, A. Kumar, H. Kim, J. Lee, T. Lenzi, L. Litov, F. Loddo, A. Madorsky, T. Maerschalk, M. Maggi, A. Magnani, P.K. Mal, K. Mandal, A. Marchioro, A. Marinov, R. Masod, N. Majumdar, J.A. Merlin, G. Mitselmakher, A.K. Mohanty, S. Muhammad, A. Mohapatra, J. Molnar, S. Mukhopadhyay, M. Naimuddin, S. Nuzzo, E. Oliveri, L.M. Pant, P. Paolucci, I. Park, G. Passeggio, L. Passamonti, B. Pavlov, B. Philipps, D. Piccolo, D. Pierluigi, H. Postema, A. Puig Baranac, A. Radi, R. Radogna, G. Raffone, A. Ranieri, G. Rashevski, C. Riccardi, M. Rodozov, A. Rodrigues, L. Ropelewski, S. RoyChowdhury, A. Russo, G. Ryu, M.S. Ryu, A. Safonov, S. Salva, G. Saviano, A. Sharma, A. Sharma, R. Sharma, A.H. Shah, M. Shopova, J. Sturdy, G. Sultanov, S.K. Swain, Z. Szillasi, A. Tatarinov, T. Tuuva, M. Tytgat, I. Vai, M. Van Stenis, R. Venditti, E. Verhagen, P. Verwilligen, P. Vitulo, S. Volkov, A. Vorobyev, D. Wang, M. Wang, U. Yang, Y. Yang, R. Yonamine, N. Zaganidis, F. Zenoni, A. Zhang | A novel approach which uses Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors has been utilised to assess and monitor the flatness of Gaseous Electron Multipliers (GEM) foils. The setup layout and preliminary results are presented. |
5368 | 2016-01-14 | A novel application of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors in MPGD | 2016 | D. Abbaneo, M. Abbas, M. Abbrescia, A.A. Abdelalim, M. Abi Akl, O. Aboamer, D. Acosta, A. Ahmad, W. Ahmed, W. Ahmed, A. Aleksandrov, R. Aly, P. Altieri, C. Asawatangtrakuldee, P. Aspell, Y. Assran, I. Awan, S. Bally, Y. Ban, S. Banerjee, V. Barashko, P. Barria, G. Bencze, N. Beni, L. Benussi (Corresponding Author), V. Bhopatkar, S. Bianco, J. Bos, O. Bouhali, A. Braghieri, S. Braibant, S. Buontempo, C. Calabria, M. Caponero, C. Caputo, F. Cassese, A. Castaneda, S. Cauwenbergh, F.R. Cavallo, A. Celik, M. Choi, S. Choi, J. Christiansen, A. Cimmino, S. Colafranceschi, A. Colaleo, A. Conde Garcia, S. Czellar, M.M. Dabrowski, G. De Lentdecker, R. De Oliveira, G. de Robertis, S. Dildick, B. Dorney, W. Elmetenawee, G. Endroczi, F. Errico, A. Fenyvesi, S. Ferry, I. Furic, P. Giacomelli, V. Golovtsov, L. Guiducci, F. Guilloux, A. Gutierrez, R.M. Hadjiiska, A. Hassan, J. Hauser, K. Hoepfner, M. Hohlmann, H. Hoorani, P. Iaydjiev, Y.G. Jeng, T. Kamon, P. Karchin, A. Korytov, S. Krutelyov, A. Kumar, H. Kim, J. Lee, T. Lenzi, L. Litov, F. Loddo, A. Madorsky, T. Maerschalk, M. Maggi, A. Magnani, P.K. Mal, K. Mandal, A. Marchioro, A. Marinov, R. Masod, N. Majumdar, J.A. Merlin, G. Mitselmakher, A.K. Mohanty, S. Muhammad, A. Mohapatra, J. Molnar, S. Mukhopadhyay, M. Naimuddin, S. Nuzzo, E. Oliveri, L.M. Pant, P. Paolucci, I. Park, G. Passeggio, L. Passamonti, B. Pavlov, B. Philipps, D. Piccolo, D. Pierluigi, H. Postema, A. Puig Baranac, A. Radi, R. Radogna, G. Raffone, A. Ranieri, G. Rashevski, C. Riccardi, M. Rodozov, A. Rodrigues, L. Ropelewski, S. RoyChowdhury, A. Russo, G. Ryu, M.S. Ryu, A. Safonov, S. Salva, G. Saviano, A. Sharma, A. Sharma, R. Sharma, A.H. Shah, M. Shopova, J. Sturdy, G. Sultanov, S.K. Swain, Z. Szillasi, A. Tatarinov, T. Tuuva, M. Tytgat, I. Vai, M. Van Stenis, R. Venditti, E. Verhagen, P. Verwilligen, P. Vitulo, S. Volkov, A. Vorobyev, D. Wang, M. Wang, U. Yang, Y. Yang, R. Yonamine, N. Zaganidis, F. Zenoni, A. Zhang | We present a novel application of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors in the construction and characterisation of Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector (MPGD), with particular attention to the realisation of the largest triple (Gas electron Multiplier) GEM chambers so far operated, the GE1/1 chambers of the CMS experiment at LHC. The GE1/1 CMS project consists of 144 GEM chambers of about 0.5 m2 active area each, employing three GEM foils per chamber, to be installed in the forward region of the CMS endcap during the long shutdown of LHC in 2108-2019. The large active area of each GE1/1 chamber consists of GEM foils that are mechanically stretched in order to secure their flatness and the consequent uniform performance of the GE1/1 chamber across its whole active surface. So far FBGs have been used in high energy physics mainly as high precision positioning and re-positioning sensors and as low cost, easy to mount, low space consuming temperature sensors. FBGs are also commonly used for very precise strain measurements in material studies. In this work we present a novel use of FBGs as flatness and mechanical tensioning sensors applied to the wide GEM foils of the GE1/1 chambers. A network of FBG sensors have been used to determine the optimal mechanical tension applied and to characterise the mechanical tension that should be applied to the foils. We discuss the results of the test done on a full-sized GE1/1 final prototype, the studies done to fully characterise the GEM material, how this information was used to define a standard assembly procedure and possible future developments. | |
5369 | 2016-01-14 | Candidate eco-friendly gas mixtures for MPGDs | 2016 | L. Benussi, S. Bianco, G. Saviano, S. Muhammad, D. Piccolo, F. Primavera, M. Ferrini, M. Parvis, S. Grassing, S. Colafranceschi, J. Kjbro, A. Sharma, D. Yang, G. Chen, Y. Ban, Q. Li | Modern gas detectors for detection of particles require F-based gases for optimal performance. Recent regulations demand the use of environmentally unfriendly F-based gases to be limited or banned. This review studies properties of potential eco-friendly gas candidate replacements. | |
5370 | 2016-01-14 | Characterization of the GEM foil materials | 2016 | L.Benussi, S.Bianco, G.Saviano, S. Muhammad, D.Piccolo, G.Raffone, M.Caponero, L. Passamonti, D. Pierluigi, A. Russo, F. Primavera, S.Cerbelli, A. Lalli, M. Valente, M. Ferrini, B. Teissandier, M. Taborelli, M. Parvis, S. Grassini, J. Tirill, F. Sarasini, A.V. Franchi | Systematic studies on the GEM foil material are performed to measure the moisture diffusion rate and saturation level. These studies are important because the presence of this compound inside the detector's foil can possibly change its mechanical and electrical properties and, in such a way, the detector performance can be affected. To understand this phenomenon, a model is developed with COMSOL Multhiphysics v. 4.3, which described the adsorption and diffusion within the geometry of GEM foil, the concentration profiles and the time required to saturate the foil. The COMSOL model is verified by experimental observations on a GEM foil sample. This note will describe the model and its experimental verification results. | |
5371 | 2016-01-14 | Fiber Bragg Grating sensors for deformation monitoring of GEM foils in HEP detectors | 2016 | L. Benussi, S. Bianco, M. Caponero, S. Muhammad, L. Passamonti, D. Piccolo, D. Pierluigi, G. Raffone, A. Russo, G. Saviano | Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors have been so far mainly used in high energy physics (HEP) as high precision positioning and re-positioning sensors and as low cost, easy to mount, radiation hard and low space- consuming temperature and humidity devices. FBGs are also commonly used for very precise strain measurements. In this work we present a novel use of FBGs as flatness and mechanical tensioning sensors applied to the wide Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) foils of the GE1/1 chambers of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of CERN. A network of FBG sensors has been used to determine the optimal mechanical tension applied and to characterize the mechanical stress applied to the foils. The preliminary results of the test performed on a full size GE1/1 final prototype and possible future developments will be discussed. | |
5366 | 2015-10-27 | Relativit Speciale - Esercizi e Complementi | 2015 | INFN-DIV-15-03-LNF.pdf | D. Babusci | |
5365 | 2015-10-14 | Breve storia della ricerca delle oscillazioni nei neutrini solari ed atmosferici fino al 1998, con particolare riguardo all'esperimento MACRO | 2015 | INFN-15-08-LNF.pdf | F. Ronga | Comunemente si tende a indicare il 1998 come anno della scoperta delle oscillazioni di neutrino. In realtà la storia è molto più complessa ed è durata circa 30 anni. Durante questi anni vi è stato inoltre un dibattito spesso acceso sulla mancanza dei neutrini elettronici provenienti dal sole e sulla mancanza dei neutrini di tipo muonico nelle cascate dei raggi cosmici. Tale dibattito però era limitato ai pochi ricercatori coinvolti direttamente negli esperimenti. Nel 1998 l'evidenza divenne tale da cancellare tutti i dubbi ed il risultato venne accettato da tutta la comunità scientifica. A causa dei numerosi protagonisti di questa complessa vicenda il premio Nobel per le oscillazioni di neutrino è stato assegnato solo in questi giorni, il 6 ottobre 2015, dopo ben 17 anni, a Arthur McDonald per le oscillazioni dal sole e a Tataaki Kajita per le oscillazioni di neutrini atmosferici. Tali Nobel seguono quelli del 2002 a Raymond Davis jr e Masatoshi Koshiba aventi come motivazione ufficiale la prima rivelazione di neutrini astrofisici dal sole e dalla supernova del 1987. |
5364 | 2015-09-30 | Top Quark Pair Production in Association with a Jet with NLO QCD Off-Shell Effects at the Large Hadron Collider | 2015 | INFN-15-07-LNF.pdf | G. Bevilacqua, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus and M. Worek | We present a complete description of top quark pair production in association with a jet in the dilepton channel. Our calculation is accurate to next-to-leading order in QCD (NLO) and includes all non-resonant diagrams, interferences and off-shell effects of the top quark. Moreover, non-resonant and off-shell effects due to the finite W gauge boson width are taken into account. This calculation constitutes the first fully realistic NLO computation for top quark pair production with a final state jet in hadronic collisions. Numerical results for differential distributions as well as total cross sections are presented for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at 8 TeV. With our inclusive cuts, NLO predictions reduce the unphysical scale dependence by more than a factor of 3 and lower the total rate by about 13% compared to leading order QCD (LO) predictions. In addition, the size of the top quark off-shell effects is estimated to be below 2%. |
5363 | 2015-09-15 | Novel proposal for a low emittance muon beam using positron beam on target | 2015 | INFN-15-06-LNF.pdf | M. Antonelli, M. Boscolo, R. Di Nardo, P. Raimondi | Muon beams are customarily obtained via K=π decays produced in proton interaction on target. In this paper we investigate the possibility to produce low emittance muon beams from electron-positron collisions at centre-of-mass energy just above the μ+μ- production threshold with maximal beam energy asymmetry, corresponding to a positron beam of about 45 GeV interacting on electrons on target. We present the main features of this scheme with an outline of the possible applications. |
5362 | 2015-05-12 | What next at LNF: Perspectives of physics research at the Frascati National Laboratories | 2015 | INFN-15-05-LNF.pdf | F. Bossi (editor), D. Alesini, M.P. Anania, M. Antonelli, D. Babusci, A. Balerna, S. Bartalucci, M. Bazzi, M. Bellaveglia, S. Bellucci, G. Bencivenni, M. Benfatto, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, S. Bianco, S. Bistarelli, A. Boni, M. Boscolo, P. Branchini, B. Buonomo, P. Campana, C. Cantone, M. Caponero, A. Cataldo, M. Cestelli Guidi, E. Chiadroni, V. Chiarella, P. Ciambrone, A. Cianchi, R. Cimino, A. Clozza, C. Curceanu, S.B. Dabagov, R. Del Grande, S. DellAgnello, G. Delle Monache, E. De Lucia, R. De Sangro, A. De Santis, A. Di Domenico, D. Di Gioacchino, D. Di Giovenale, P. Di Nezza, D. Domenici, U. Dosselli, A. Drago, A. DUffizi, A. Fantoni, M. Ferrario, G. Finocchiaro, L. Foggetta, M. A. Franceschi, A. Gallo, P. Gauzzi, A. Ghigo, P. Gianotti, S. Giovannella, C. Guaraldo, D. Hampai, M. Iliescu, G. Lamanna, G. Lanfranchi, A. Liedl, C. Ligi, M. P. Lombardo, V. Lucherini, P. Levi Sandri, A. Marcelli, M. Martini, M. Mascolo M. Mastrucci, F. Micciulla, M. Mirazita, S. Miscetti, G. Morello, D. Moricciani, V. Muccifora, F. Murtas, E. Nardi, S. Okada, E. Pace, M. Pallavicini, M. Palutan, A. Paoloni, A. Passeri, L. Pellegrino, D. Piccolo, K. Piscicchia,C. Polese, M. Poli Lener, L. Porcelli, G. Raffone, M. Raggi, R. Ricci, U. Rotundo, L. Sabbatini, P. Santangelo, I. Sarra, G. Saviano, E. Sbardella, B. Sciascia, A. Scordo, H. Shi, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, T. Spadaro, B. Spataro, E. Spiriti, A. Stecchi, S. Tomassini, C. Vaccarezza, P. Valente, A. Variola, G. Venanzoni, F. Villa, J. Zmeskal, M. Zobov | The Frascati National Laboratories (LNF) are the oldest and largest research infrastructure of INFN, mainly devoted to the research in nuclear and particle physics, to the development of particle accelerators and frontier studies on new acceleration techniques. LNF is the place where the first electron-positron collisions were obtained in the early 60s. Presently LNF operates two accelerator complexes: DAFNE, an e+e- collider with center of mass energy set to the mass of the φ meson, 1020 MeV. SPARC, a high intensity photoinjector capable of delivering electron beams up to 200 MeV, combined with a high power laser (FLAME), able to produce ultra short pulses, in the so called SPARC_LAB facility. The laboratory hosts also the NAUTILUS gravitational waves resonant bar detector, and thanks to the availability of several infrastructures, workshops, clean rooms etc.., it is also widely used as a facility for constructing large particle detectors used in other laboratories. The purpose of the present document is to address the question: is there a viable program on the development of internal activities which can allow the Laboratory to maximally exploit its capabilities and to maintain its role at the forefront of scientific research in the next decade? In particular, given the present Italian financial situation, is this possible by wisely upgrading the presently running infrastructures at moderate costs? On November 10-11, 2014 a workshop was held at LNF with the aim to discuss the above issues, with a broad participation of researchers from Italian and foreign institutions. A second workshop dedicated to the applications of the existing facilities to Materials Science was held on February 26-27, 2015. This document tries to summarize the main conclusions of these discussions. |
5361 | 2015-04-28 | Sulla Pedagogia/Didattica della Matematica | 2015 | INFN-DIV-15-2-LNF.pdf | C. Lo Surdo | |
5360 | 2015-04-07 | VIP Data Analysis Report | 2015 | INFN-15-04-LNF.pdf | D. Pietreanu,L. Sperandio | In this report the data analyses for the VIP experiment, which took data at the LNGS-INFN laboratory in the period 2006-2010, is presented in detail, together with the final result on the limit of the Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP) probability for electrons. The data analysis is performed by using the ROOT software, in the first part without the refined charge transport correction, while in the second part with an optimized procedure for the charge transport correction for the Charged-Coupled Devices (CCDs). After introducing the structure of the data files, the cuts made to get the files available for the refined analysis are described. All the steps to obtain the final histograms and the fit results are presented in detail, together with the calculations for the identification of the region of interest and of the limit for the PEP violation probability. |
5359 | 2015-04-03 | Tests of the HEPD device at the SPARC-LAB facility | 2015 | INFN-15-03-LNF.pdf | Riccardo Pompili, Enrica Chiadroni, Cinzia De Donato, Massimo Ferrario, Giuseppe Masciantonio, Bruno Spataro | We reported here simulation studies performed with the GPT code on the beam dynamics of the SPARCLAB photoinjector. These studies are finalized to test an High Energy Particle Detector (HEPD) having the aim to identify the type of particle (proton, electron, ion) and the direction in order to be able to establish the angle between the trajectory of the particle and the Earth's magnetic field (pitch angle). The measurement of the incident particle direction is essential to understand the spatial correlation between the earthquake and detection sites. Good angular resolution is expected to play a key role for the understanding of the physics responsible for the phenomena. The data reported in this note foresees the use of the high brightness electron beam produced at SPARCLAB with energies in the range between 5 and 100 MeV. |
5358 | 2015-03-24 | Il sistema di controllo periferiche per il portale INFN-ANN dell'esperimento SCINTILLA | 2015 | INFN-15-02-GE.pdf | R. De Vita, E. Fanchini, G. Firpo, A. Manco, G. Ottonello, F. Parodi, F. Pratolongo, V. Vigo | Questa nota descrive il sistema di controllo periferiche utilizzato dal Radiation Portal Monitor (RPM) sviluppato nellambito del progetto europeo SCINTILLA per la rivelazione di radiazioni nel monitoraggio di autoveicoli e container da trasporto. |
5357 | 2015-03-16 | Misure di Raggi Cosmici a Orvieto con i Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati | 2015 | INFN-DIV-15-1-LNF.pdf | L. Battistelli, S. Belcapo, F. Esposito, L. Ghezzi, D. Sensi, M. Anelli, C. Gatti | Questa relazione è stata scritta da un gruppo di studenti che hanno partecipato ad uno stage organizzato presso il Liceo Ettore Majorana di Orvieto nel Dicembre 2014. Lo stage, inserito in una serie di iniziative organizzate da Giuseppe De Ninno e Adele Riccetti in occasione di 'Orvieto Scienza 2015', voleva avvicinare questo gruppo di studenti al mondo della fisica delle particelle elementari con una attività sperimentale e didattica. Contattati tramite Pasquale Di Nezza, coordinatore di 'Scienza Per Tutti', abbiamo proposto un percorso di scoperta degli sciami cosmici ispirato all'articolo di Pierre Auger 'Extensive Cosmic- Ray Showers' pubblicato sulla Review of Modern Physics Vol. 11 del 1939. In questo articolo di sole 4 pagine Auger, dotato di pochi contatori Geiger-Muller e di una incredibile intuizione, riesce a determinare le proprietà dei raggi cosmici primari e degli sciami da essi prodotti. Per svolgere l'attività sperimentale abbiamo allestito un piccolo apparato con alcuni rivelatori a scintillatore e un'opportuna elettronica per elaborare i segnali. Quindi, nell'arco di un pomeriggio, una notte di presa dati ed una mattina, abbiamo in parte ripercorso il ragionamento e le misure di Auger fino a stimare quanti raggi cosmici primari e con quale energia colpiscono l'atmosfera e quante particelle e quale estensione ha lo sciame prodotto. Pensiamo che la miglior testimonianza della riuscita di questa esperienza venga dalle parole di uno dei ragazzi che hanno passato molte ore a raccogliere dati, fare conti e ragionamenti: «A parte la suggestione che un esperimento come questo può esercitare su uno studente del Liceo, mi ha colpito in particolare come un argomento così complesso possa essere stato affrontato da noi in modo relativamente semplice». (M. Anelli, C. Gatti) |
5356 | 2015-03-11 | A novel fast timing micropattern gaseous detector: FTM | 2015 | INFN-15-01-BA.pdf | R. De Oliveira, A. Sharma, M. Maggi | In recent years important progress in micropattern gaseous detectors has been achieved in the use of resistive material to build compact spark-protected devices. The novel idea presented here consists of the polarisation of WELL structures using only resistive electrodes. This allows a new device to be built with an architecture based on a stack of several coupled layers where drift and WELL multiplication stages alternate in the structure. The signals from each multiplication stage can be read out from any external readout boards through the capacitive couplings. Each layer provides a signal with a gain of $10^{4},-,10^{5}$. The main advantage of this new device is the dramatic improvement of the timing provided by the competition of the ionisation processes in the different drift regions, which can be exploited for fast timing at the high luminosity accelerators (e.g. HL-LHC upgrade) as well as applications outside particle physics. |
5355 | 2014-12-18 | CLB Test Report | 2014 | INFN-14-21-GE.pdf | A. Orzelli, V. Kulikovskiy, P. Musico, M. Cresta, C. Hugon, F. Pratolongo, L. Wiggers, P. Jansweijer, J.W. Scmelling, D. Real, D. Calvo, S. Biagi, R. Travaglini, G. Pellegrini | In this note we describe all tests performed on the Central Logic Board (CLB). The CLB is designed to manage slow control instrumentations and PMT data for each Digital Optical Module (DOM). |
5353 | 2014-12-16 | Job Packing: Optimized Configuration for Job Scheduling | 2014 | INFN-14-19-CCR.pdf | S. Dal Pra | The default behaviour of a batch system is to dispatch jobs to nodes having the lower value of some load index. Whilst this causes jobs to be equally distributed among all the nodes in the farm, there are cases when different types of behaviour may be desirable, such as having a completely full node before dispatching jobs to another one, or having similar jobs dispatched to nodes already running jobs of the same kind. This work defines the packing concept, different packing policies and useful metrics to evaluate how good the policy is. A simple farm simulator has been written to evaluate the expected impact on a farm of different packing policy. The simulator is run against a sequence of real jobs, whose parameters have been taken from the accounting database of INFN-°©‐Tier1. The effectiveness of two packing policies of interest, namely relaxed and exclusive, are compared. The exclusive policy proves to be better, at the cost of unused cores in the farm, whose number is estimated. The possibility of implementing the exclusive policy on a specific batch system, LSF 7.06, is exploited. Relevant configurations are shown and an overall description of the mechanism is presented. |
5354 | 2014-12-16 | The Electronic Design and the Layout of Central Logic Board (CLB) for the KM3NET Experiment | 2014 | INFN-14-20-GE.pdf | M. Anghinolfi, M. Cresta, C. Hugon, V. Kulikovskiy, P. Musico, A. Orzelli, F. Pratolongo | In this note we describe the design and construction of Central Logic Board (CLB) for the KM3NeT experiment. This board is inserted into the Digital Optical Module (DOM). The CLB is designed to manage slow control instrumentations and PMT data for each DOM. An optical connection is used to receive commands and send all the data to the On Shore station. |
5351 | 2014-12-10 | Aspetti di Sicurezza nella Programmazione di Siti WEB in Ambiente Accademico | 2014 | INFN-14-17-CCR.pdf | M. Michelotto, D. Vettore | Lobiettivo di questa guida è fornire un supporto a chi deve gestire un server web in ambito accademico e deve sviluppare codice per il server web. Dopo aver installato un server web è importante anche mettere in sicurezza il codice per evitare attacchi da malintenzionati. |
5352 | 2014-12-10 | Aspetti di Sicurezza nella Gestione di Siti WEB in Ambiente Accademico | 2014 | INFN-14-18-CCR.pdf | M. Michelotto, D. Vettore | Lobiettivo di questa guida è fornire un supporto da un punto di vista sistemistico per la configurazione di Web Server in ambito accademico Si intende seguire lamministratore nella configurazione e installazione offrendogli dei consigli nel caso in cui ci possano essere dubbi ed evidenziando i punti più critici |
5350 | 2014-11-26 | Hybrid Scheme of Positron Source at SPARC_Lab LNF Facility: Channeling Radiation and Amorphous Photon Converter | 2014 | INFN-14-16-LNF.pdf | S.V. Abdrashitov, O.V. Bogdanov, S.B. Dabagov, Yu.L.Pivovarov, T.A.Tukhfatullin | The hybrid scheme of the positron source for SPARC_LAB LNF facility (Frascati, Italy) is proposed. The comparison of the positron yield in a thin amorphous W converter of 0.1 mm thickness produced by bremsstrahlung, by axial <100> and planar (110) channeling radiations in a W crystal is performed for the positron energy range of 1 3 MeV. It is shown that channeling radiation by 200 MeV electrons (parameters of SPARC LNF Frascati) in a 10 µm W crystal can produce positrons in the radiator of 0.1 mm thickness with the rate of 10102 s-1 at planar channeling and of 103104 s-1 at axial channeling. |
5349 | 2014-11-19 | !CHAOS: a cloud of controls MIUR project proposal | 2014 | INFN-14-15-LNF.pdf | F. Antonucci, C. Bisegni, M. Caberletti, M. Castellano, L. Catani, B. Checcucci, R. Centioni, P. Ciuffetti, G. Di Pirro, L. G. Foggetta, F. Galletti, R. Gargana, P. Lubrano, A. Mandelli, M. Mara, G. Mazzitelli, A. Michelotti, M. Michelotto, R. Orr, M. Piccini, S. Pulvirenti, A. Stecchi, S. Tomassini, G. Salina, F. Spagnoli, P. Veronesi, L. Vigliano, M. Zagaroli, G. Zizzi | This note presents a synthesis of !CHAOS: a cloud of controls proposal submitted to MIUR as Premiale 2012. The aim of this document is to underline the evolution of the !CHAOS project from a candidate of control systems (CS) for the SuperB accelerator to a prototype of Information Technology (IT) distributed infrastructure, to be dedicated not only to accelerators and large high energy physics (HEP) experiments, but also to the society as a whole and to the industries. In this framework, !CHAOS may potentially become an INFN product, a spinoff, a center of competencies coming from HEP. Participant laboratories, Institutions and companies have currently undergone several changes with respect to the present document and part of the choices here described have been modified due to the reduction of the budget, the large delay in the delivery of the support and the reduction of personnel since the proposal idea. |
5347 | 2014-11-12 | Properties of potential eco-friendly gas replacements for particle detectors | 2014 | INFN-14-13-LNF.pdf | L. Benussi et al. | Modern gas detectors for detection of particles require F-based gases for optimal performance. Recent regulations demand the use of environmentally unfriendly F-based gases to be limited or banned. This review studies properties of potential eco-friendly gas candidate replacements. |
5348 | 2014-11-12 | A study of HFO-1234ze (1,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene) as an eco-friendly replacement in RPC detectors | 2014 | INFN-14-14-LNF.pdf | L. Benussi et al. | Modern gas detectors for detection of particles require F-based gases for optimal performance. Recentregulations demand the use of environmentally unfriendly F-based gases to be limited or banned. This report shows results of studies on performance of RPCs operated with a potential eco-friendly gas candidate 1,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene, commercially known as HFO-1234ze. |
5346 | 2014-09-01 | Il Plasma di Quark e Gluoni e la Fisica con Ioni Pesanti ad ATLAS | 2014 | INFN-DIV-14-02-LNF.pdf | C. Gatti | In questo articolo si da una breve introduzione divulgativa sulla fisica del plasma di quark e gluoni. Viene poi spiegato come è prodotto questo stato della materia mediante l'urto tra ioni pesanti. Infine, vengono discussi alcuni dei risultati più rilevanti dell'esperimento ATLAS. |
5345 | 2014-05-29 | PORFIDO on the NEMO phase 2 and KM3 phase 1 towers | 2014 | INFN-14-12-LNF.pdf | O. Ciaffoni, M. Cordelli, R. Habel, A. Martini, L. Trasatti | PORFIDO (Physical Oceanography by RFID Outreach) is an underwater measurement system designed to gather oceanographic data from the Optical Modules of a neutrino telescope with a minimum of disturbance to the main installation. PORFIDO is composed of a sensor glued to the outside of an Optical Module, in contact with seawater, and of a Reader placed inside the sphere, facing the sensor. Data are transmitted to the reader through the glass by RFID and to shore in real time for periods of years. The sensor gathers power from the radio frequency, thus eliminating the need for batteries or connectors through the glass. We have deployed four PORFIDO probes measuring temperatures with the NEMO Phase 2 tower in march 2013. After more than one year all probes are operative and are transmitting temperature data from 3500 m depth. In the fall of 2014 we will deploy with the first KM3 Phase 1 towers an improved version of PORFIDO with a resolution of 0.5E-3 ˚C. |
5344 | 2014-05-07 | Review del Tier-2 di ATLAS dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati | 2014 | INFN-14-11-LNF.pdf | E. Vilucchi, M. Antonelli, C. Gatti, R. Di Nardo, U. Dosselli, M. Pistoni, R. Ricci, U. Rotundo, M. Testa | In questo documento viene presentato il Tier-2 di ATLAS dei LNF in tutti i sui aspetti. Dopo la presentazione dell'infrastruttura ospitante (sala calcolo, impianto elettrico e di raffreddamento), si ripercorrono tutte le attività degli ultimi anni che hanno coinvolto la farm, il personale del gruppo locale di ATLAS ed i servizi dei LNF: attività di analisi, sinergie con gli altri gruppi e divisioni dei Laboratori e sinergie sviluppate con altri siti dell'INFN e con strutture al di fuori dell'INFN. |
5343 | 2014-05-05 | Direct measurment of antares detector angular resolution with moon shadow effect | 2014 | INFN-14-10-GE.pdf | M. Sanguineti, C. Distefano, V. Kulikovskiy, H. Costantini, C. Hugon | The cosmic ray Moon shadow analysis is a unique method to test the pointing performance of a neutrino telescope, like the ANTARES detector. In this article the 2007-2012 data sample is analysed and a 3.06 σ significance of Moon shadow effect is found. For this analysis a dedicated Monte Carlo simulation has been produced and an opportune test statistic function has been defined. This is the first direct measurement of the angular resolution of the ANTARES detector (0.7°±0.2°). |
5342 | 2014-04-28 | Progetto della nuova facility di irraggiamento al CNAO | 2014 | INFN-14-09-LNF.pdf | M. Pullia, C. Sanelli,S. Alpegiani, G. Battistoni, G. Bazzano, L. Bellan, A. Bertola, E. Bollito, J. Bosser, E. Bressi, G. Butella, L. Casalegno, L. Celona, G. Ciavola, M. Ciocca, P. Cirrone, A. Clozza, M. Del Franco, E. Di Pasquale, M. Donetti, A. Facoetti, L. Falbo, R. Ferrari, M. Ferrarini, S. Foglio, L. Frosini, A. Galat, G. Gallo, S. Gammino, F. Generani, F. Gerardi, A. Ghigo, S. Gioia, S. Giordanengo, V. Lante, A. Lanza, L. Lanzavecchia, A. Mairani, D. Mascali, R. Monferrato, J. Moreno, M. Necchi, M. Nodari, A. Parravicini, L. Pellegrino, M. Pelliccioni, M. Pezzetta, C. Priano, E. Rojatti, S. Rossi, S. Savazzi, M. Scotti, G. Sensolini, M. Serio, S. Sironi, D. Sora, B. Tagaste, S. Toncelli, G. Venchi, V. Vercesi, B. Vischioni, S. Vitulli, C. Viviani | La Fondazione CNAO ha tra i suoi scopi anche lo svolgimento di attività di ricerca. Il centro CNAO è stato concepito sin dallinizio con tre sale di trattamento, espandibili fino a cinque, ed una sala sperimentale nella quale le attività di ricerca possano venire svolte senza intralciare e senza essere intralciate dalla attività clinica.Tale sala sperimentale deve essere progettata per essere multi-uso, cioè tale da poter venire utilizzata per attività di ricerca nei campi più disparati e non specializzata in un tipo di attività particolare. Possibili argomenti di ricerca sono radiobiologia, sviluppo di monitor di fascio, sviluppo di dosimetri, studi di radiation hardness e molti altri ancora.Lo studio di tale facility ed in particolare lo studio degli aspetti tecnici legati allampliamento del complesso dellacceleratore è stato portato avanti congiuntamente da CNAO e INFN, nellambito dellaccordo quadro approvato nel 2009 e del nuovo accordo quadro stipulato nel 2013. Per meglio identificare le necessità dei possibili utenti è stato svolto un sondaggio i cui risultati sono stati considerati nella definizione delle specifiche funzionali della linea e della sala sperimentale. Tale sondaggio è illustrato più avanti in questo documento. In questo documento viene descritto il progetto della sala sperimentale e delle linee di alta e di bassa energie coinvolte. Nella prima parte del documento viene data una descrizione generale del progetto, mentre i dettagli sono generalmente riportati nelle appendici e nei documenti allegati. |
5341 | 2014-04-23 | Il fenomeno della superconduttivit | 2014 | INFN-DIV-14-01-LNF.pdf | D. Di Gioacchino | In questa nota divulgativa sono presentate le proprietà fenomenologiche della fase superconduttrice quali la resistenza elettrica nulla, lespulsione del campo magnetico o effetto Meissner, il concetto di campo magnetico critico e supercorrente critica, gli ordini di grandezza delle variabili fisiche coinvolte puntualizzando le tappe storiche della superconduttività. Si mostra il differente comportamento fra un superconduttore e un conduttore perfetto e sono introdotte le due classi di materiali superconduttori e le differenti strutture cristalline. Inoltre si accenna cosa è un quanto di flusso magnetico, le conseguenze dovute alla quantizzazione del campo magnetico in un superconduttore. Brevemente si presenta la speculazione che delinea i fondamenti microscopici del fenomeno superconduttivo: la teoria BCS e il concetto della formazione delle coppie di Cooper. Infine è accennata la descrizione della transizione di fase da uno stato normale a quello superconduttore come rottura spontanea della simmetria, concetto elegante e potente usato in modo generale per la comprensione di molteplici fenomeni fisici |
5339 | 2014-04-01 | DAFNE Gamma-Rays Factory | 2014 | INFN-14-07-LNF.pdf | D. Alesini, I. Chaikovska, A. Variola, S. Guiducci, F. Zomer, C. Milardi, M. Zobov | Gamma sources with high flux and spectral densities are the main requirements for new nuclear physics experiments to be performed in several worldwide laboratories and envisaged in the ELI-NP (Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics) project or in the IRIDE (Interdisciplinary Research Infrastructure with Dual Electron Linacs) proposals. The paper is focalized on an experiment of gamma photons production using Compton collisions between the DAFNE electron beam and a high average power laser pulse, amplified in a Fabry-Pérot optical resonator. The calculations show that the resulting gamma beam source has extremely interesting properties in terms of spectral density, energy spread and gamma flux comparable (and even better) with the last generation gamma sources. The energy of the gamma beam depends on the adopted laser wavelength and can be tuned changing the energy of the electron ring. In particular we have analyzed the case of a gamma factory tunable in the 2-9 MeV range. The main parameters of this new facility are presented and the perturbation on the transverse and longitudinal electron beam dynamics is discussed. A preliminary accelerator layout to allow experiments with the gamma beam is presented with a first design of the accelerator optics. |
5340 | 2014-04-01 | Electrons diffusion and signal noise contributions on electron clusters detection efficiency | 2014 | INFN-14-08-LNF.pdf | M. Beretta, C. Gatti, G. Felici, G. Finocchiaro | The Cluster Counting (CC) technique, proposed for dE/dx measurements with the SuperB drift-chamber, could, significantly, improve particle identification by avoiding the fluctuations involved in charge measurements. As the technique is quite sensitive to the detector working conditions and to the front-end chain response, in this note we have investigated the effects on clusters detection efficiency of electron diffusion, preamplifier frequencyresponse and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) using different algorithms. The evaluation is based on Garfield datasets, generated for a single cell geometry, at different impact points for π/µ/e particles with momenta 120, 140, 160, 180 and 210 MeV. The current waveforms generated by Garfield have been shaped according to the preamplifier response and different amounts of white gaussian noise has been added to the waveforms to simulate different SNRs. Finally an estimation of π/µ/e separation is shown. |
5337 | 2014-03-25 | Deflection of Proton Beams by Crystal Miscut Surface | 2014 | INFN-14-05-LNF.pdf | A.A. Babaev, S.B. Dabagov | The theory of beam deflection by the terrace crystal field forming the miscut surface was developed. The phenomenology of proton channeling and quasichanneling has been applied to describe new features of the beam deflection. The computer experiment results on proton beam deflection by the crystal miscut surface are presented. The analysis predicts efficient beam deflection by the acute crystal end due to repelling miscut potential. |
5338 | 2014-03-25 | Possible upgrades of the DAFNE Beam-Test Facility (BTF) | 2014 | INFN-14-06-LNF.pdf | P. Valente, B. Buonomo, L. Foggetta | The BTF (Beam-Test Facility) is a transfer line using the electron or positron beam of the DAΦNE LINAC. The particle beams can be attenuated, energy-selected and collimated for a wide range of energy and intensity. The beam parameters can be tuned to match the needs of each users, mainly in the field of HEP detector testing, but also dedicated studies of electromagnetic interaction. The BTF has been operational for more than 10 years, mainly in parasitic mode to the operation of the DAΦNE collider, delivering beams for an average of more than 220 days/year. The potential of the BTF facility can be further enlarged following different lines of development, which are briefly discussed in this paper: improvement of the environmental shielding for high-intensity applications; extension of the beam bunch time-width; addition of new collimators to reduce beams divergence and background at low intensity; doubling of the beam extraction system and transport line; improvement of the tagged photon source; increase of the maximum energy from 750/550 MeV (for electrons/positrons) to about 1 GeV/750 MeV respectively; improvement of a neutron line using the photo-production target; improvement of the beam diagnostics, mainly based on particle detectors, and the develop of a new BTF sub-system controls. |
5336 | 2014-03-13 | Proposal to search for a dark photon in e+ on target collisions at DAFNE linac | 2014 | INFN-14-04-LNF.pdf | M. Raggi, V. Kozhuharov | Photon-like particles are predicted in many extensions of the Standard Model. They have interactions similar to the photon, are vector bosons, and can be produced together with photons. The present paper proposes a search for such particles in the e+e- → Uγ process in a positron-on-target experiment, exploiting the positron beam of the DAΦNE LINAC at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, INFN. With a 550 MeV/c beam and 104 positrons per bunch in one year of running a sensitivity in the relative coupling constant down to 10-6 is achievable, in the mass region from 2.5 MeV < MU < 20 MeV, compatible with the preferred region from the 3σ discrepancy in gμ -2.The proposed experimental setup and the analysis technique is discussed. |
5335 | 2014-02-18 | The NORCIA Experiment | 2014 | INFN-14-03-LNF.pdf | D. Di Gioacchino, G. Gatti, A. Marcelli, B. Spataro, V. Dolgashev, S.G. Tantawi, A.D. Yeremian, J. Rosenzweig | A high gradient X band accelerating structure has been fabricated with the electroforming process . Low level RF measurements are in perfect agreement with the design predictions. A promising proposal in order to get a irises cooling is described, too. The high power RF tests are in progress at SLAC. |
5334 | 2014-02-11 | Accounting Data Recovery. A Case Report from INFN-T1 | 2014 | INFN-14-02-CNAF.pdf | S. Dal Pra | Starting from summer 2013, the amount of computational activity of the INFN-T1 centre reported by the official accounting web portal of the EGI community accounting.egi.eu, was found to be much lower than the real value. Deep investigation on the accounting system pointed out a number of subtle concurrent causes, whose effects dated back from May and were responsible for a loss of collected data records over a period of about 130 days. The ordinary recovery method would have required about one hundred days. A different solution had thus to be designed and implemented. Applying it on the involved set of raw log files (records, for an average production rate of jobs/day) required less than 4 hours to reconstruct the Grid accounting records. The propagation of these records through the usual dataflow up to the EGI portal was then a matter of a few days. This report describes the work done at INFNT1 to achieve the aforementioned result. The procedure was then adopted to solve a similar problem affecting another site, INFNPISA. This solution suggests a possible alternative accounting model and provided us with a deep insight on the most subtle aspects of this delicate subject. |
5333 | 2014-01-15 | Integrazione Single Sign on su JASPERSERVER PER INFN AAI | 2014 | LNF-14-1(P).pdf | F. Serafini, M. Canaparo | Il presente documento descrive come implementare il Single Sign On tramite Shibboleth con JasperServer 4.5. Lo scopo di questa attività è stato di integrare nel servizio di Business Intelligence dellINFN, lautenticazione gestita con AAI e il Single Sign On in modo tale da rendere questo servizio accessibile con le stesse modalità degli altri offerti da INFN. |
5332 | 2013-12-17 | Per se definition of Dirac's Delta funcion | 2013 | INFN-13-23-LNF.pdf | M. Pallotta | We examine critically the various denitions of the Dirac's Delta, we note that we are constantly in the presence of a discontinuity at innity which makes it impossible to give a correct denition of the Dirac's Delta per se. Then we give its denition per se according to the standards dictated by Dirac himself: it is a 'function' that is zero everywhere except at the zero point where it has an innite value and is such that the integral from minus innity to plus innity is 1 and that also multiplied by a 'well-behaved function' it gives the value of the function at the point 0. Note also that if we accept the Cesàro summability we arrive quickly, also in this case, at a correct per se denition of the Delta itself. We are then reasoning on the relationship between mathematics and physics. |
5328 | 2013-11-21 | Evaluation of the Anomalous X-Ray Energy in VIP Experiment | 2013 | INFN-13-19-LNF.pdf | S. Di Matteo, L. Sperandio | In this communication we analyze three possible decay channels of an eventual Pauli-principle-violating electron in a copper wire. The electron can reach the lowest 1s state either through a direct transition from Cu conduction band (K edge), or by a 2p (3p) capture, with a subsequent Kα (Kβ) emission. The energy of the produced x-ray depends on the path followed by the electron. Here we calculate the three different energy values and try to give a plausible estimate for the relative transition rates. |
5329 | 2013-11-21 | Evaluation of the anomalous X-ray energy in VIP experiment: some values from Dirac-Fock method | 2013 | INFN-13-20-LNF.pdf | S. Di Matteo, L. Sperandio | The goal of the VIP experiment was to improve the limit on the Pauli Exclusion Principle through the search of anomalous X-ray in copper atoms, produced by fresh electrons (introduced through electrical current that crosses our sample and thus new respect to the existing ones in the copper, that had already all the time to perform the allowed and prohibited transitions) which have the probability to do the Pauli-forbidden transition [1] [2]. Here we calculated the energy shift of the anomalous X-ray for three possible decay channels: direct transition to 1s (K-edge) and 2p (3p) capture with a subsequent Kα (Kβ) emission [3]. Since we are considering a non-antisymmetrized electron then we can follow the case of a muonic atom. The reported values were obtained from Dirac-Fock calculations, as previously performed for a variety of muonic atoms by Mallow et al. [4]. Dirac-Fock approximation takes into account the relativistic corrections that are relevant for heavy ions, as we have considered our sample (ZCu = 29). Thanks to a numerical code it is possible to perform relativistic calculations for atoms, using the multiconfiguration approximation for the N-electron wave function. This scheme proceeds through the optimization of the parameters during a self-consistent process [5]. Muon and electron can be treated in analogous way through the self-consistent field theory, to obtain wave functions and energies. The most commonly used approximation to treat the Hamiltonian of an N-electron system is the so called no pair approximation that explicity excludes electron-positron pairs. The effects of the Breit operator, the Lamb shift and all sort of radiative corrections, as perturbations, are included. |
5330 | 2013-11-21 | Evaluation of the X-ray transition energies for the Pauli-Principle-violating atomic transitions in several elements by using the Dirac-Fock method | 2013 | INFN-13-21-LNF.pdf | C. Curceanu, L. De Paolis, S. Di Matteo, H. Elnaggar, L. Sperandio | In the light of the ongoing upgrade of the VIP experiment and of other possible similar experiments, in this paper we analyze the Pauli-principle-violating atomic transitions of an electron for a wide class of metal conductors (Cu, Au, Ag, Ge, Pb). We remind that a Pauli-principle-violating atomic transition is defined as a radiative transition towards a final state that is already fully occupied. Of course, such transitions should not normally take place, because of the Pauli principle and these experiments are conceived in order to detect the possible tiny violations of the Pauli principle. The aim of the present report is to provide the theoretical support to this class of experiments, by calculating the energy shifts that the emitted x-rays would undergo in the case of violation of the Pauli principle. We also provide an estimate for the relative transition rates, discuss the results and describe in some details the program used for the calculations. |
5331 | 2013-11-21 | Snowmass Report: Ideas for Muon Production from Positron Beam Interaction on a Plasma Target | 2013 | INFN-13-22-LNF.pdf | M. Antonelli, P. Raimondi | Muon beams are customary obtained via K/ decays produced in proton interaction on target. In this paper we will investigate the possibility to produce low emittance muon beams from electron positron collisions at centre-of-mass energy just above the μ+μ- production threshold with maximal beam energy asymmetry-i.e. a ~ 45 GeV positron beam interacting on an electron target . |
5326 | 2013-11-04 | The AC multi-harmonic magnetic susceptibility measurement setup at the LNF-INFN | 2013 | INFN-13-18-LNF.pdf | S. Wang, Z. Wu, A. Marcelli, D. Di Gioacchino | AC magnetic susceptibility measurement is a fundamental characterization tool in materials science, to study the dynamic magnetic response of magnetic materials and superconductors. An AC multi-harmonic magnetometer is available at the LAMPS laboratory of the LNF-INFN. The magnetometer allows performing experiments with an AC driving magnetic field with variable amplitude from 0.1 to 20 Gauss and in the frequency range from 17 to 2070 Hz. A DC magnetic field 0-8 T produced by a superconducting magnet can be applied, while data may be collected in the temperature range 4.2-300 K using a liquid He cryostat. The first seven AC magnetic multi-harmonic susceptibility components can be measured with a magnetic sensitivity of 1x10-6 emu and a temperature precision of 0.01 K. Here we will describe in detail the magnetometer, the instrumental control and the data acquisition framework. Special attention will be dedicated to the user-friendly LabVIEW-based software platform that allows running the experiments. |
5325 | 2013-10-22 | Misura della vita media del Muone | 2013 | INFN-DIV-13-02-LNF.pdf | M. Beretta, C. Bloise, M. Dreucci, C. Gatti, S. Martellotti | |
5324 | 2013-10-21 | Comparison of fast amplifiers for diamond detectors | 2013 | INFN-13-17-GE.pdf | M. Osipenko, S. Minutoli, P. Musico, M. Ripani, B. Caiffi, A. Balbi, G. Ottonello, S. Argir, S. Beol, N. Amapane, M. Masera, G. Mila | The development of Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) diamond detectors requests for novel signal amplifiers, capable to match the superb signal-to-noise ratio and timing response of these detectors. Existing amplifiers are still far away from this goal and are the dominant contributors to the overall system noise and the main source of degradation of the energy and timing resolution. We tested a number of commercial amplifiers designed for diamond detector readout to identify the best solution for a particular application. This application required a deposited energy threshold below 100 keV and timing resolution of the order of 200 ps at 200 keV. None of tested amplifiers satisfies these requirements. The best solution to such application found to be the Cividec C6 amplifier, which allows 100 keV minimal threshold, but its coincidence timing resolution at 200 keV is as large as 1.2 ns. |
5323 | 2013-10-08 | La scoperta del Bosone di Higgs: la versione di ATLAS | 2013 | INFN-DIV-13-01-LNF.pdf | C. Gatti | |
5322 | 2013-10-01 | Instruments and methods for XRF analysis of multilayer materials | 2013 | INFN-13-16-LNF.pdf | C. Polese, S. Dabagov, A.Esposito, M. Ferretti, A. Gorghinian, D. Hampai, A. Liedl | In this paper all the research activities carried out till now for the project of the PhD Course in Materials, Technologies and Complex Industrial Systems Engineering MATISE (XXVIII cycle) on the development of XRF analysis for the characterization of multilayer objects of cultural interest are illustrated. This project is carried out within the frame of the collaboration between the laboratory XLab Frascati of Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (INFN) and the Istituto Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali di Roma (CNR). |
5320 | 2013-09-11 | Piano per la Migrazione Sistemistica dellImpianto di Contabilit INFN dalla release R11i a 32bit alla R12.1.3 64bit | 2013 | INFN-13-14-CNAF.pdf | C. Galli | Questo documento si propone di esporre, nel modo più semplice e lineare possibile, le scelte progettuali e le soluzioni tecniche che caratterizzano il percorso di Migrazione Sistemistica dellattuale impianto tecnologico della Contabilità INFN, a partire dallattuale versione 11i delle Oracle Applications1 verso la più recente release 12i. Il percorso intrapreso ha dimostrato diverse peculiarità, anche rispetto altre attività di migrazione simili nel panorama Italiano. Tali caratteristiche sono dovute soprattutto alla configurazione dellattuale sistema contabile INFN, alla definizione dei requisiti tecnologici R12 necessari ed ai desiderata individuati sulla nuova release. Il path di migrazione coinvolge alcuni passi, come la conversione del Character Set del database o lupgrade della versione di Java utilizzata nello stack tecnologico delle Applications, che pur non essendo strettamente necessari sono fortemente auspicabili sia dal punto di vista prestazionale che da quello della sicurezza. Purtroppo alcuni di questi passaggi introducono una serie di problematiche tecniche che hanno richiesto lavoro aggiuntivo per la loro risoluzione e che talvolta hanno implicato una ridefinizione successive del percorso stesso. Dato che i supporti ufficiali Oracle offrono una vasta quantità di documentazione, gran parte del lavoro è stato caratterizzato dalle verifiche sulla compatibilità tra guide e documenti. Oracle infatti aggiorna costantemente le sue Reference online, includendo le nuove patch per la risoluzione dei bug riscontrati. Tutto questo influenza notevolmente la corretta implementazione degli step di migrazione. |
5321 | 2013-09-11 | Disaster Recovery INFN: Configurazione di una soluzione High Availability con Oracle Data Guard 11g | 2013 | INFN-13-15-CNAF.pdf | C. Galli | Questo documento ha lo scopo di presentare in forma sintetica gli step necessari alla configurzione e realizzazione di un ambiente di High Availability con particolare riferimento ai contesti Oracle Database 11g così come verrà implementato nellambito del progetto di Disaster Recovery dellINFN. Dopo una breve introduzione sulla soluzione tecnica adottata per la configurazione dellambiente H.A., ovvero Oracle Data Guard 11g, vengono presentati gli step necessari alle fasi di Setup iniziale, Avvio della replica (locale o geografica), Verifica, gestione di Faiver o Switchover e Monitoraggio. Nei rispettivi capitoli verranno inoltre presentate le eventuali differenze, rispetto al caso standard, che possono avere luogo in base alle diverse conformazioni degli ambienti di lavoro Primary e Standby. In ultimo nelle appendici vengono presentate anche alcuni consigli come ad esempio la configurazione di un canale sicuto TCPS/SSL per le connessioni tra Primary e Slave nel caso di un collegaemnto geografico su reti aperte. |
5319 | 2013-09-04 | Tau/Charm Factory Accelerator Report | 2013 | INFN-13-13-CLAB.pdf | M.E. Biagini, S. Bini, R. Boni, M. Boscolo, N. Carmignani, A. Chiarucci, R. Cimino, F. Cioeta, D. Cittadino, A. Clozza, M. DAgostino, M. Del Franco, A. Delle Piane, E. Di Pasquale, A. Drago, G. Frascadore, S. Gazzana, R. Gargana, S. Guiducci, S. Incremona, C. Ligi, S. M. Liuzzo, G. Mazzitelli, A. Michelotti, E. Paoloni, R. Petronzio, M. Pivi, P. Raimondi, R. Ricci, L. Sabbatini, C. Sanelli, G. Schillaci, M. Sedita, M. Serio, A. Stella, S. Tomassini | The present Report concerns the current status of the Tau/Charm accelerator project and in particular discusses the issues related to the lattice design, to the accelerators systems and to the associated conventional facilities. The project aims at realizing a variable energy flavor factory between 1 and 4.6 GeV in the center of mass, and succeds to the SuperB project from which it heritates most of the solutions proposed in this document. The work comes from a cooperation involving the LNF accelerator experts, the young newcomers, mostly engineers, of the Cabibbo Lab consortium and key collaborators from external laboratories. The result of this effort is impressive, given the little time elapsed since SuperB cancellation, and is due to the enthusiasm of its contributors as well as to the deep and reusable work done for the parent project SuperB, showing the knowledge accumulated in accelerator physics at LNF. In the last section a possible time scale for the construction, as well as the financial load and the personnel requests, are preliminary outlined. Detector design and specific Physics channels to be studied by such an accelerator will be addressed in a separate document, ready by the end of September. The current work on these topics is concentrating in re-adapting the BaBar detector to a symmetric machine and to more stringent particle identification requirements. The physics case is robust and specific with a few discovery channels, but detector simulations are needed to assess the final potential of the experiment. A Tau/Charm Factory can provide multiple returns. An immediate economic one, related to the job opportunities of its construction and operation, and to the average presence on the territory of hundreds of physicists, engineers and technicians, most of them from an international community. The preparation to international tenders for its realization will make the Italian industries more competitive in future tenders of accelerator based infrastructures, including those related to medical physics or light sources. The attraction of young researcher abroad will generate a brain catch program. The project will strongly contribute to the HORIZON 2020 program of excellent science through the development of skills and talents. It will be an incubator of future emerging technologies, anticipated and tested in the High Energy Physics environment (electronics, engineering, web, computing). In particular, detector performances require the development of high technology in 3D electronics devices for the integration of sensors (particle trackers), today one of the major trends in the emerging industrial technologies. Sophisticated software codes are needed to simulate and treat the huge amount of data coming for the experiment, calling for a powerful computational network based on GRID technology. The novel control system developed for the accelerator can be exported to the industrial world. On the accelerator side, very low emittance rings, such as in Tau/Charm project, will generate skills useful in the development of future linear colliders Damping Rings. The capability for Italy to host an International laboratory, the Cabibbo Lab, may activate a co-funding process from European countries in a reciprocity scenario with respect to the Italian contributions to major European infrastructures. Besides a frontier particles detector and collider, the infrastructure aims to host a Free Electron Laser (FEL) facility with Angstrom class resolution, for state of the art material and biophysics studies, and a test area where extracted beam of various type will be available, ensuring to the facility a long exploitation time. As described briefly at the end of this document, key applications will then be made available for a wider scientific and industrial community. |
5318 | 2013-07-03 | Digital Hydrophone Signal Acquisition and Analysis for KM3NET | 2013 | INFN-13-12-GE.pdf | F. Ameli, M. Bonori, C. Cal, C. Hugon, V. Kulikovskiy, P. Litrico, A. Orzelli, G. Riccobene, F. Simeone, S. Viola, R. Masullo | The KM3NeT project foresees the utilization of hydrophones for various purposes such as positioning calibration, oceanographic measurements and possibly neutrino detection. Hydrophones will be connected to the Control Logic Board (CLB) inside Optical Modules, were incoming data will be acquired, packed and sent to the On-Shore station. It is planned to use hydrophones with a digital output, encoded with the AES3 protocol with a sample rate of 192 kHz and an amplitude resolution of the signal of 24 bits. This output is directly provided by the digital hydrophone, or by a digitizer in case of an analog one. The present document will report the result of the interfacing of a digital hydrophone to the Kintex 7 FPGA describing hardware and firmware; in case of the utilization of an analog hydrophone for the final design, there will probably be modifications in the hardware, while the firmware part can be the same in both cases. |
5316 | 2013-07-02 | Manifold Design of the GEM Detectors for a Uniform Gas Flow | 2013 | INFN-13-10-LNF.pdf | G. Raffone | A simple design solution of manifolds is suggested to get nearly uniform flow of the gas mixture inside the GEM chamber. Analytical expressions concerning the design of the piping system are derived and numerically checked by means of the ANSYS-FLOTRAN code v.13 [1]. A full gas flow CFD simulation of the trapezoidal detector is finally performed on the basis of the proposed formulae that should be thoroughly validated only by further experimental tests. |
5317 | 2013-07-02 | CHE and Related Stresses in GEM Foils | 2013 | INFN-13-11-LNF.pdf | G. Raffone | The Coefficient of Hygroscopic Expansion (herein α_CHE) of a GEM foil is simply computed assuming that the expansion is only due to the kapton layer that absorbs and retains the water vapor content of the moisture (or in general of any gas mixture) through the holes; that expansion is highly constrained by the copper layers and the resulting compressive (in kapton) and tensile (in copper) stresses can be easily estimated assuming that no other external loads are applied. It will be shown that the α_(CHE-GEM) in a GEM foil (2x5 + 50 micron) is 0.135 times lower than the α_(CHE-kapton) of the single kapton foil; then the effect of the Relative Humidity (herein RH) on the sag of the GEM foils is substantially negligible if the kapton-free-to-expand areas are small. |
5315 | 2013-07-01 | Test for the Measurement of Diffusion Coefficient of Water in Kapton Foils for the Gem Detector of the Upgraded High-Pseudorapidity Muon Detection in CMS | 2013 | INFN-13-09-LNF.pdf | A.V. Franchi, G. Saviano, M. Ferrini, M. Valente, L. Benussi, S. Bianco, D. Piccolo, G. Raffone | GEM detectors are the subject of careful studies and discussions within the CERN scientific community, with a view to their possible installation on several experiments of LHC, including CMS. These chambers consist of three layers microholes of Kapton (50 µm) sheets, Copper-cladded on both surfaces (5 µm per coat), spaced a few millimeters between them. A systematic study of the materials making up the detector is in progress in order to monitor the possible change of properties and behaviors of the chambers, as a result of interaction with process fluids and of radiations. This study is focused on the contact with ambient air and moisture, therefore we wanted to determine the value of the diffusion coefficient of water in the detector polyimide. The presence of this compound inside the detector sheets can determine a change of mechanical and electrical properties. The determination of the diffusion coefficient will allow then to describe, later, a model of adsorption and diffusion within the entire sheet geometry GEM, gaining concentration profiles and the time required to saturate the system. |
5312 | 2013-06-13 | About the Extraction of Beams with a Very Small Momentum Dispersion | 2013 | INFN-13-08-GE.pdf | M. Conte, A.U. Luccio | The properties of the m/4 nonlinear resonance are proposed as a tool for attaining beams with very small momentum dispersion and horizontal emittance. |
5311 | 2013-06-07 | Guida al Sistema di catalogazione e gestione delle Dotazioni Tecnologiche INFN per fini di Trasferimento Tecnologico | 2013 | INFN-13-07-PG.pdf | B. Checcucci, F. Cantini | La presente relazione intende fornire una breve giuda comportamentale per luso di un database relazionale, sviluppato dal gruppo di lavoro presso la sezione INFN di Perugia, volto a fornire una mappatura delle risorse infrastrutturali dellente così come censite dai referenti T.T. nellanno 2011. Limpianto si articola in due parti: una dedicata alla consultazione dei dati raccolti (parte prima); l' altra dedicata all inserimento, aggiornamento o cancellazione dei dati suddetti (parte seconda). Sia la consultazione non limitata che la modifica dei dati, richiedo l'effettuzione del login nel portale, all'indirizzo: http://www.pg.infn.it/cntt7 . |
5310 | 2013-05-22 | Technical Design Report of the Superconducting Dipole for fair SIS300 | 2013 | INFN-13-06-GE.pdf | F. Alessandria, S. Angius, G. Bellomo, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, U. Gambardella, R. Marabotto, R. Musenich, R. Repetto, M. Sorbi and G. Volpini | This report deals with the design of the high field rapidly-cycling super-conducting dipoles needed for SIS300 synchrotron of the FAIR facility at GSI. The main results of the R&D activities, developed for supporting the design choices, are presented elsewhere. The characteristics of the dipole come from the requirement of the SIS300. The present lattice design includes 48 long dipoles with magnetic length 7.757 m and 12 short dipoles with magnetic length 3.879 m. The coils have two main features: they are curved (the corresponding sagitta is 112.8 mm for long dipoles), and they are fast ramped (for a superconducting magnet). Both these characteristics demanded a challenging R&D, aimed at the development of the required low loss conductor, a robust design with respect to fatigue issues and a suitable winding technology. The Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) performed this R&D. A project, called DISCORAP (Dipoli SuperCOnduttori RApidamente Pulsati), was developed in accordance with a specific INFN-FAIR Memorandum of Understanding signed by both institutions in December 2006. As output of this project a complete cold mass model of the short dipole was built and preliminary tested. The cold mass was integrated into a horizontal cryostat and presently activities are ongoing for testing the magnet at GSI cryogenic facilities. |
5309 | 2013-04-16 | Fifty years since the first European synchrotron radiation-derived XAFS spectrum (Frascati, 1963) | 2013 | INFN-13-05-LNF.pdf | A. Mottana, A. Marcelli | The first absorption spectra recorded in Europe using synchrotron radiation as the X-ray source were the K-edge of Al and the LIII-edge of Cu taken at Frascati electron synchrotron by the French-Italian group made of Y. Cauchois, C. Bonnelle and G. Missoni in April 1963. |
5308 | 2013-03-28 | International Linear Collider - Technical Design Report | 2013 | ILC Global Design Effort and World Wide Study | ||
5307 | 2013-03-25 | Radiation damage: evaluation of cosmic rays fluxes and high intensity radiation beams | 2013 | INFN-13-03-LNF.pdf | D. Di Gioacchino, G. Gatti, L. Ingrosso, A. Marcelli, B.V. Robouch, and B. Spataro | Cosmic rays causes concern about the lifetime and stability of materials exposed to these radiations and in particular about the life of humans involved in long term missions. Radiations interacting inside a bulk material generate along its track ionization, displacement of atoms through collisions, energy deposition, etc. Calculations to carefully evaluate these effects at low and high energies are important tools to be used in many applications. Indeed, materials and devices exposed to high intensity radiation beams present inside accelerator buildings may experience similar and even higher irradiation phenomena. We will present and discuss here some calculations of the dose absorbed by reference materials exposed to cosmic radiations. The same tools can be used to evaluate many other phenomena associated to the exposition of intense charged and neutral beams. |
5306 | 2013-03-20 | Analisi Preliminare sull'Evoluzione del Sistema di Mailing dell'INFN | 2013 | INFN-13-02-CCR.pdf | R. Veraldi, A. Brunengo, A. Gianoli, M. Michelotto, M. Serra, A. Tirel | Questo documento fotografa lattuale situazione del servizio di posta elettronica presente nelle sedi INFN e analizza dei possibili nuovi scenari che possano ottimizzare lutilizzo delle risorse, sia in termini di hardware impiegato sia per il numero di addetti (FTE). |
5314 | 2013-02-20 | SuperB Detector Technical Design Report | 2013 | INFN-13-01-PI.pdf | SuperB Collaboration (F. Forti et al.) | In this Technical Design Report (TDR) we describe the SuperB detector to be installed on the SuperB e+e- high luminosity collider. The SuperB asymmetric collider, foreseen to be constructed on the Tor Vergata campus near the INFN Frascati National Laboratory, is designed to operate both at the Υ(4S) energy in the center of mass with a luminosity of 1036 cm-2s-1 and at the τ/charm production threshold with a luminosity of 1035 cm-2s-1. This high luminosity, producing a data sample about a factor 100 larger than present B Factories would allow investigation of new physics effects in rare decays, CP Violation and Lepton Flavour Violaion. This document details the detector design presented in the Conceptual Design Report (CDR) in 2007. The R&D and engineering studies perfomed to arrive at the full detector design are described, and an updated cost estimate is presented. |
5305 | 2012-12-22 | ECLOUD12: Joint INFN-CERN-EuCARD-AccNet Workshop on Electron-Cloud Effect | 2012 | R. Cimino, G. Rumolo, F. Zimmermann | This report contains the Proceedings of the Joint INFN-Frascati, INFN-Pisa, CERN-LER and EuCARD-AccNet Mini- Workshop on Electron-Cloud Effects, ECLOUD12, held at La Biodola, Isola dElba, from 5 to 9 June 2012. The ECLOUD12 workshop reviewed many recent electron-cloud (EC) observations at existing storage rings, EC predictions for future accelerators, electron-cloud studies at DAFNE, EC mitigation by clearing electrodes and graphite/carbon coatings, modeling of incoherent EC effects, self-consistent simulations, synergies with other communities like the Valencia Space Consortium and the European Space Agency. ECLOUD12 discussed new EC observations at existing machines including LHC, CesrTA, PETRA-3, J-PARC, and FNAL MI; latest experimental efforts to characterize the EC including EC diagnostics, experimental techniques, mitigation techniques such as coating and conditioning, advanced chemical and physical analyses of various vacuumchamber surfaces, beam instabilities and emittance growth ; the status of EC physics models and (new, more versatile and additional) simulation codes and their comparison with recently acquired experimental data; and the mitigation requirements and potential performance limitations imposed by the EC on upgraded and future machines, including HL-LHC, FAIR, ILC, Project-X, SuperB and SuperKEKB. A dedicated session addressed problems related to RF breakdown and multipacting for space applications. A number of open questions and future R&D needs were identified. | |
5304 | 2012-12-21 | Ottimizzazione Energetica Ottenibile dall'Ampliamento dei Parametri Termoigrometrici all'Interno del Centro di Calcolo TIER 1 | 2012 | INFN-12-25-CNAF.pdf | A. Mazza, G. Bortolotti, A. Ferraro, M. Onofri | Di fronte alla costante crescita del costo dellenergia elettrica è ormai una pratica indispensabile la scelta di tecniche e sistemi a basso consumo per il miglioramento dellefficienza energetica dei centri di calcolo. In questi centri ad alto fabbisogno energetico il raffreddamento delle apparecchiature informatiche rappresenta mediamente il 30% del consumo complessivo di energia elettrica, pertanto assume unimportanza strategica comprendere quali siano le condizioni più favorevoli per minimizzarne i costi di esercizio. Gli studi condotti sul tema hanno evidenziato i maggiori rendimenti delle macchine frigorifere a fronte dellaumento delle temperature di esercizio allinterno delle sale calcolo, tantoché gli stessi produttori di apparecchiature informatiche propongono macchine in grado di operare a temperature sempre più alte e intervalli di umidità relativa sempre più ampi. Nel presente documento si descrive lo studio effettuato per il centro di calcolo Tier 1, presso il CNAF dellINFN a Bologna, finalizzato alla valutazione dellimpatto che deriva dallaumento delle temperature di esercizio nella sala calcolo, sia in termini di risparmio energetico ed economico sia in termini di ridondanza e resilienza dellimpianto. Lo studio si conclude con la stima del risparmio di energia elettrica consumata per il raffreddamento a fronte dellinnalzamento della temperatura di setpoint dellacqua refrigerata da 8.5 °C a 14 °C, risparmio che si calcola del 14% circa. |
5302 | 2012-12-18 | Measuring Propagation Speed of Coulomb Fields | 2012 | INFN-12-23-LNF.pdf | A. Calcaterra, R. de Sangro, G. Finocchiaro, P. Patteri, M. Piccolo, G. Pizzella | The problem of gravity propagation has been subject of discussion for quite a long time: Newton, Laplace and, in relatively more modern times, Eddington pointed out that, if gravity propagated with finite velocity, planets motion around the sun would become unstable due to a torque originating from time lag of the gravitational interactions. Such an odd behavior can be found also in electromagnetism, when one computes the propagation of the electric fields generated by a set of uniformly moving charges. As a matter of fact the Liénard-Weichert retarded potential leads to a formula indistinguishable from the one obtained assuming that the electric field propagates with infinite velocity. Feyman explanation for this apparent paradox was based on the fact that uniform motions last indefinitely. To verify such an explanation, we performed an experiment to measure the time/space evolution of the electric field generated by an uniformely moving electron beam. The results we obtain on such a finite lifetime kinematical state seem compatible with an electric field rigidly carried by the beam itself. |
5303 | 2012-12-18 | Beam dynamics studies and design of the LINAC-LER transfer line for the electron Injector of SuperB | 2012 | INFN-12-24-LNF.pdf | S. Guiducci, D. Pellegrini | The transfer line from the Linac to the Low Energy Ring (LER) for the latest layout of the SuperB project is a critical part of the injector. It must implement a total of 149_ small-radius bending in the horizontal plane, a vertical dogleg and a final vertical angle to match the tilt of the LER. Details of the design are explained in this note together with the beam dynamics studies and the estimation of the maximum acceptable energy error for an efficient injection. |
5301 | 2012-12-12 | Progresso e Pregiudizi nella Fisica dei Raggi Cosmici sino al 2006 | 2012 | INFN-12-22-PG.pdf | A. Codino | Si descrive in quale modo il complesso di teorie, modelli ed idee fondamentali sulla radiazione cosmica, il corpus theoreticum utilizzato per circa mezzo secolo, è stato demolito da recenti misure di alcuni esperimenti. Il conflitto tra dati sperimentali e previsioni del corpus theoreticum tradizionale attiene: (1) linesistenza delleffetto GZK tra 5x1019 e 3x1020 eV; (2) linadeguatezza del meccanismo accelerativo diffusivo nei resti di supernova nella spiegazione del ginocchio; (3) la previsione errata della predetta teoria accelerativa della posizione in energia del secondo ginocchio dello spettro dei raggi cosmici; (4) l inadeguatezza del Modello a Fossa della radiazione cosmica extragalattica; (5) l assenza di una componente dominante extragalattica della radiazione cosmica ad energie inferiori a 5x1019 eV; (6) il fallimento generale dei Modelli a Scolo nello spiegare le proprietà dei raggi cosmici alle basse energie; (7) la previsione errata dell aumento dellanisotropia della radiazione cosmica al crescere dell energia tra 1012 e 1017 eV ; (8) il disaccordo tra il rapporto di flusso misurato boro/carbonio e quello previsto nei Modelli a Scolo ad energie superiori a 50 GeV/u. Lo smantellamento dellimpianto teorico tradizionale della Fisica dei Raggi Cosmici è accompagnato dalla spiegazione qualitativa e quantitativa di alcune caratteristiche fondamentali dello spettro in energia dei raggi cosmici: il ginocchio, il secondo ginocchio, la caviglia e la composizione chimica della radiazione cosmica tra 1012 e 4x1019 eV. Questo progresso è stata conseguito dal 2006 con la Teoria degli Indici Costanti. |
5300 | 2012-12-03 | Server per Nodi di Calcolo | 2012 | INFN-12-21-PD.pdf | M. Michelotto, M. Serra, A. Brunengo | Questo documento descrive il panorama dei processori disponibili sul mercato per nodi di calcolo (Worker Node) nel 2010 e previsione per il 2011. Per i nodi di calcolo la metrica principale è HEP-SPEC06[1] e il rapporto Euro/HEP-SPEC06. Il documento è una versione ridotta di un documento redatto dagli stessi autori, su richiesta del Presidente della Commissione Calcolo e Reti come ausilio per i referee delle Commissioni Scientifiche Nazionali con analisi dei costi e stime per gli anni futuri. |
5299 | 2012-11-30 | SSH Authentication Using Grid Credentials | 2012 | INFN-12-20-TO.pdf | D. Berzano | SSH is one of the most widely used tools in Unix. Apart from opening remote shells, its most intriguing feature is the capability to tunnel TCP connections, providing for both a secure channel and an authentication mechanism for generic services lacking them. We will show how to setup a very simple infrastructure that temporarily authorizes users presenting valid X.509 credentials, and in particular Grid users, to use SSH by performing the authentication through HTTPS beforehand. We will also compare this method with tools that provide similar functionalities, such as GSI-Enabled OpenSSH. Finally, a brief description of PROOF on Demand for the LHC ALICE experiment is presented as a use case. |
5298 | 2012-11-26 | Fondamenti Matematici Della Fisica Macroscopica(un percorso geometrico), Parte III | 2012 | INFN-12-19-LNF.pdf | C. Lo Surdo | |
5297 | 2012-11-12 | Appunti di Relativit Ristretta e di Cinematica Relativistica | 2012 | INFN-12-18-LNF.pdf | M. Artioli, D. Babusci, G. Dattoli | |
5295 | 2012-10-03 | A Study of Materials Used for Muon Chambers at the CMS Experiment at the LHC: Interaction with Gas, New Materials and New Technologies for Detector Upgrade | 2012 | INFN-12-17(T)-LNF.pdf | S. Colafranceschi | This thesis lays its foundation in both technological and theoretical studies carried out between several aspects of applied engineering. There are several original contributions within the material science. The first is the detailed studies about the CMS RPC gas filters, which required an intense 3 years data-taking and ended up with a complete characterization of purifier materials. On top of this a stable ad − hoc setup (GGM) has been developed for the CMS Experiment in order to monitor the RPC muon chamber working point. Finally a complete new detector has been designed, build and tested using new technology and new electronics establishing the words record in size for this kind of detector, which is taken under consideration for the upgrade of the high-⌘ region of the CMS Experiment. |
5294 | 2012-09-19 | Test system for the General Interface Boards | 2012 | INFN-12-16-LNF.pdf | A. Balla, L. Iafolla | The GIB boards (General Interface Boards) and the dedicated crate were designed and realized by a team of the SEA (Servizio Elettronica e Automazione) group of the research division. The main task of these boards is to interface the front-end electronics (FE or transition boards) dedicated to different detectors of KLOE-2 experiment with the higher stages of the acquisition system. The GIBs are equipped with many types of interfaces: optical link, RS232, USB, Ethernet and a 184-pins connector for the crate; the link between the GIBs and the front-end boards is done through the backplane of the crate. About 90 boards were produced and some tests were necessary to discard the broken ones. The toughest is the test of the pins for the crate: so we developed a dedicated system and software in order to accomplish it in a fast and sure way. We wrote this note to show how this system works in the case of a future production of new GIB boards. |
5293 | 2012-09-10 | Active Radiation Shield for Space Exploration Missions | 2012 | INFN-12-15-PG.pdf | R. Battiston,W.J. Burger, V. Calvelli, R. Musenich, V. Choutko, V.I. Datskov, A. Della Torre, F. Venditti,C. Gargiulo, G. Laurenti, S. Lucidi, S. Harrison and R. Meinke | |
5292 | 2012-08-31 | A possible hard X-Ray FEL with the SuperB 6 GeV Electron Linac | 2012 | INFN-12-14-LNF.pdf | D. Alesini, M. P. Anania, P. Antici, D. Babusci, A. Bacci, A. Balerna, R. Bartolini, M. Bellaveglia, M. Benfatto, R. Boni, R. Bonifacio, M. Boscolo, B. Buonomo, M. Castellano, L. Catani, M. Cestelli-Guidi, A. Cianchi, R. Cimino, E. Chiadroni, S. Dabagov, A. Gallo, D. Di Gioacchino, D. Di Giovenale, G. Di Pirro, A. Drago, A. Esposito, M. Ferrario, F. Ferroni, M. Gambaccini, G. Gatti, S. Guiducci, R. Gunnella, S. Ivashyn, S. Lupi, A. Marcelli, M. Mattioli, G. Mazzitelli, A. Mostacci, M. Migliorati, E. Pace, A. Perrone, V. Petrillo, R. Pompili, C. Ronsivalle, J. B. Rosenzweig, A. R. Rossi, W. Scandale, L. Serafini, O. Shekhovt, B. Spataro, C. Vaccarezza, A. Vacchi, A. Variola, G. Venanzoni, F. Villa. | The possibility to drive a SASE X-ray FEL using the 6 GeV electron linac foreseen by the SuperB project has been recently considered. In this paper a preliminary design study based on FEL scaling laws supported by HOMDYN and GENESIS simulations is presented. The goal of this work is to provide a preliminary design study of the FEL system, based on state of the art normal conducting technology, suitable to conduct a realistic evaluation of the additional costs required to drive an FEL user facility making use of the SuperB linac. |
5291 | 2012-08-03 | Phase contrast imaging opportunities at DAFNE | 2012 | INFN-12-13-LNF.pdf | Q. Hou, A. Marcelli | This document is a feasibility study for a x-ray phase contrast imaging beamline using the emission of a DAΦNE wiggler. Taking in consideration source flux, coherence and geometrical parameters we compared the main x-ray phase contrast imaging methods: the Zernike phase contrast with a transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM), a X-ray coherent diffraction imaging (CDI), a diffraction enhanced imaging (DEI) and a X-ray Talbot interferometry (XTI). Considering the DAΦNE parameters, the Talbot-Lau interferometry appears the most suitable layout matching the wiggler source. We present and discuss the optical system of this beamline based on a spherical grating monochromator and two focusing mirrors. |
5290 | 2012-08-01 | Fondamenti Matematici della Fisica Macroscopica (un percorso geometrico), Parte II | 2012 | INFN-12-12-LNF.pdf | C. Lo Surdo | |
5289 | 2012-07-13 | A study on sparking events in the data analysis of the ANTARES detector | 2012 | INFN-12-11-GE.pdf | M. Sanguineti, M. Anghinolfi, E. Davydova, V. Kulikovskiy | The ANTARES detector, completed in 2008, is the largest neutrino telescope in the Northern hemisphere. It is located at a depth of 2.5 km in the Mediterranean Sea, 40 km off the Toulon shore. The scientific scope of the experiment is very broad, being the search for astrophysical neutrinos as the main goal. In this note we analyse some events reconstructed with an anomalous high number of hits on PMTs. Likely these noise events are produced by light from electric discharge on PMT bases. We propose a method to distinguish these events from high-energy muon events. |
5288 | 2012-07-09 | Fondamenti Matematici della Fisica Macroscopica (un percorso geometrico), Parte I | 2012 | INFN-12-10-LNF.pdf | C. Lo Surdo | |
5286 | 2012-06-01 | Report on the development of the DisOpto board for the HET taggers of KLOE2 | 2012 | INFN-12-08-LNF.pdf | L. Iafolla, A. Balla, P. Ciambrone, M. Gatta, M. Mascolo, R. Messi | For the KLOE upgrade (KLOE-2) we built a new couple of subdetectors: the HETs, two position detectors for electrons and positrons dedicated to the study of the $\gamma\gamma$ physics. The developed Data AcQuisition (DAQ) system of these two detectors is fully compatible with the data acquisition and trigger systems of KLOE. The DAQ of the HETs transfers the data to the KLOE acquisition through a VME bus while the trigger systems are connected through lemo cables. The electrical ground of the two systems must not to be connected in order to reduce the noise effects. This led us to develop a decoupling board called DisOpto. |
5287 | 2012-06-01 | Studio di fattibilit di un TDC tollerante alle radiazioni per la camera a deriva di SuperB | 2012 | INFN-12-09-LNF.pdf | L. Iafolla, P. Ciambrone, G. Felici | Nellambito delle attività di sviluppo della camera a deriva dellesperimento SuperB è stato fatto uno studio di fattibilità di un TDC con risoluzione dellordine del ns per le misure dei tempi di deriva degli elettroni. Lelettronica di front-end (di cui il TDC fa parte) verrà istallata nella piattaforma posizionata sopra al rivelatore per contenere la lunghezza dei cavi e non degradare eccessivamente il rapporto segnale/rumore: lintero sistema deve quindi essere tollerante a una radiazione di background che al momento è stimata dellordine del kRad/anno. Fino a pochi anni fa i suddetti requisiti avrebbero portato alla realizzazione di un circuito dedicato (ASIC) con i conseguenti costi e tempi di sviluppo poiché i dispositivi FPGA disponibili erano o basati su SRAM, e quindi incompatibili con il background di radiazioni previsto, o non avevano le prestazioni sufficienti. Le più moderne ed efficienti FPGA prodotte dalla ACTEL e basate su memorie di tipo FLASH (e quindi più resistenti alla radiazione) hanno apportato una notevole semplificazione e riduzione di costi nello sviluppo di applicazioni che devono funzionare in presenza di moderate dosi di radiazione. In questo contesto lo studio di fattibilità del TDC, basato sulla tecnica ``4xOversampling e implementata su ACTEL ProAsic3, ha dimostrato che è possibile implementare fino a 32 canali con relativo sistema di readout. Infine, per mitigare ulteriormente gli effetti causati dalla radiazione, è stata elaborata una innovativa logica decisionale che consente una notevole semplificazione nella realizzazione del circuito stampato. |
5285 | 2012-05-18 | TDC e sistema di acquisizione per il rivelatore HET di KLOE-2: Manuale utente | 2012 | INFN-12-07-LNF.pdf | L. Iafolla, A. Balla, M. Beretta, P. Ciambrone, F. Gonnella, M. Mascolo, R. Messi, D. Moricciani | Lupgrade di KLOE (KLOE-2) prevedeva linstallazione di un sistema di tagging, per lo studio della fisica gamma-gamma, costituito da 2 nuove coppie di rivelatori: HET e LET. Il sistema di acquisizione (DAQ) del rivelatore HET e' stato implementato su una scheda VME basata su una FPGA (Virtex-5). Esso consiste principalmente di un TDC, un sistema di elaborazione dati (Zero suppression) e una interfaccia VME. Nella prima parte di questo documento sono descritti i principi di funzionamento e larchitettura del TDC e del DAQ; nella seconda parte sono descritte le modalita' di configurazione del sistema e la formattazione dei dati in uscita. |
5284 | 2012-05-02 | Noise lower limit calculation for SuperB DCH Cluster Counting front-end electronics | 2012 | INFN-12-06-LNF.pdf | A. Balla, M. Beretta, P. Ciambrone , G. Felici, M. Gatta, L. Iafolla | Cluster counting technique [1] can improve particles identification in tracking devices, like drift chambers, by removing Landau tails. The technique is based on the counting of primary ionization clusters and, to be implemented, it requires slow drift velocity gas mixtures, fast amplifiers, fast sampling devices (> 1GS/s) and, finally, correct termination of the sense wire (to avoid signal reflection). Because the termination resistor low value, its noise contribution is not negligible then setting a lower limit on the readout chain noise. |
5283 | 2012-04-26 | Cesros summability vs Diracs delta | 2012 | INFN-12-05-LNF.pdf | M. Pallotta | We will see that with the Cesàros summability we can have a function which is defined on [0,+\infty), it is zero everywhere and (+\infty) at point 0. Later we will study its properties. In addition we will identify a set of functions that they define the Diracs delta too. |
5282 | 2012-04-20 | MATPRO Upgraded version 2012: a computer library of material property at cryogenic temperature | 2012 | INFN-12-04-MI.pdf | G. Manfreda, L. Rossi, M. Sorbi | For computing of quench propagation in superconducting magnets, a number of material properties from cryogenic to room temperature are necessary. The code MATPRO is a computer library, developed in the LASA lab, to providing thermal and electric properties at cryogenic temperatures of most used materials in superconducting magnets. Specific heat is provided for many materials, too. Although not complete, and with some limitations that are evidenced int eh paper, the library might be useful to be integrated into suitable custom numerical codes., Written in Fortran language, MATPRO library can work also as stand alone and can be interrogated in order to give in output both the required property or tables easy to be plotted. This paper is a description of the updated version of MATPRO released in 2012. The previous edition of MATPRO is described in [1]. |
5281 | 2012-04-03 | Tools and facilities of the Milan section of the INFN | 2012 | INFN-12-03-MI.pdf | F. Broggi | In this note the main tools, experimental capabilities, and intellectual know-how of the Milan section of the INFN are listed. The main purpose is to spread out informations outside INFN and especially to the productive world, as a starting point towards future collaborations with the industries. |
5280 | 2012-04-02 | Diffraction radiation of electron bunches for one- and two-slit systems | 2012 | INFN-12-02-LNF.pdf | V. Shpakov, S. B. Dabagov | New research in acceleration physics leads to growing up the power of charged particles bunches. Existed methods based on interaction of detection devices with bunches do not satisfy our need, because of the fact that new high intensity bunches can damage this devices. Moreover, these methods do not allow analyzing the bunches in real time. Recently new technique based on ODRI (optical diffraction radiation interference) by a bunch at its propagation through the slit was proposed. In this work the results of theoretical simulations on diffraction radiation, in particular ODRI, by electrons for various slit systems as well as the comparison with the DESY experimental data are presented. |
5279 | 2012-03-20 | Relativistic tests | 2012 | INFN-12-01-GE.pdf | M. Conte | In this paper we propose to use as a tool for relativistic tests light ions capable of emitting e.m. radiation. Single-ionized Helium atoms look to be the most appropriate particles. |
5275 | 2011-12-22 | Software per la rilevazione di vibrazioni | 2011 | LNF-11-20(NT).pdf | S. Fioravanti | Descrizione del software per la rilevazione delle vibrazioni sullapparato sperimentale KLOE. Di seguito, saranno descritti tutti i passaggi per una corretta configurazione di una scheda NI PXI-4472, e come compilare il software. |
5273 | 2011-12-21 | PRESS-MAG-O: status of the commissioning and of the associated R&D | 2011 | LNF-11-19(NT).pdf | A. Puri, A. Marcelli, M. Cestelli Guidi, P. Postorino, E. Pace, A. De Sio, L. Gambicorti, G. Della Ventura, A. Notargiacomo, D. Di Gioacchino | PRESS-MAG-O is a unique innovative apparatus under commissioning at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), designed to perform experiments on materials under extreme conditions. The instrument will allow concurrent magnetic and spectroscopic experiments under high pressure and high DC magnetic field in a wide temperature range. A highly sensitive SQUID gradiometer designed to fit inside a diamagnetic DAC cell and cooled inside the cryostat hosting a 8 T superconducting magnet is the heart of the instrument. The cryostat has been designed with four access ports two of them equipped with special windows and optical lenses to focus and collect radiation down to the IR region to perform spectroscopic experiments on the sample loaded in the DAC. In this report we summarize the technical characteristics of the system and the status of test and commissioning at the end of 2011. |
5274 | 2011-12-21 | MID2 | 2011 | INFN-TC-11-10.pdf | M. Cresta, B. Gianesin, M. Marinelli, F. Pratolongo | In questa nota si descrive lo strumento MID2 che sostituisce il prototipo all'ospedale Galliera di Genova per la misura non invasiva del sovraccarico di ferro nell'uomo. E' analizzato, brevemente, il principio di funzionamento dello strumento per proseguire con la spiegazione degli elementi che lo compongono cioè il Rack, il Suscettometro la Barella e il Laser. Per ogni parte si descrivono i suoi componenti e le loro connessioni. Nella seconda parte della nota si trovano tutti gli schemi elettrici necessari alla comprensione del funzionamento dello strumento che fanno parte integrante del fascicolo tecnico consegnato all'ospedale. |
5270 | 2011-12-15 | The Fancy Table, a 5-axis silicon detector beam test bench | 2011 | INFN-TC-11-8.pdf | G. Alampi, G. Cotto, P. Mereu, D. Gamba | We describe a specially designed motorized table, the fancy table, to test on a beam line prototypes of devices, like MAPS, HyPixels, microstrip detectors, with sensible area varying from few mm2 to dozens of cm2. |
5271 | 2011-12-15 | Electrostatic Storage Ring | 2011 | INFN-TC-11-9.pdf | M. Conte | In the trial [1] of measuring the proton electric moment, storage rings with electrostatic lattice have been considered. Here an overview is given about the main parameters regarding such a kind of focusing. Beyond confirming all the issues regarding this subject, a non-null element M31 is introduced in all the 3 3 matrices which deal with the vector (x, x′, Δp/p) and its role is discussed. |
5267 | 2011-11-22 | Development of a High Temperature Hybrid CMNS Reactor | 2011 | LNF-11-17(P).pdf | F. Celani, P. Marini, V. di Stefano, M. Nakamura, O. M. Calamai, A. Spallone, A. Nuvoli, E. Purchi, V. Andreassi, B. Ortenzi, F. Piastra, E. Righi, G. Trenta, E. Marano. | We presents some improvements on the reactor presented at ICCF14 (Washington D.C. August 2008): use of long-thin Pd wires with nano-coated surfaces by multi-layers of several elements, loading with D2 at pressure <10bar; wires temperatures >500°C; Stainless Steel (SS) reactor wall temperature <100°C; current density along Pd up to 45 kA/cm2; voltage drop along the Pd wire up to 70V. Mainly, the Pd wire temperature was increased up to 750°C and was improved the temperature detection of anomalous excess heat, if any, using a SS shielded type K thermocouple: it was put inside a small Cu tube, used as thermal equalizer, where, at the outer surface, both the active Pd wire and the reference Pt were twisted. The overall results were in agreement with that obtained in 2008 experiments and they confirm the positive effect of high temperatures in increasing the amount of anomalous energy gain. In both the experiments the fast and simple isoperibolic calorimetry was used. Main gas adopted were: He and He (60%)-Ar(40%) mixture, both for calibration purposes; D2 and D2(60%)-Ar(40%) as potentially active gas. |
5268 | 2011-11-22 | On Proton Multiple Inelastic Nuclear Interactions in Bent Crystals | 2011 | LNF-11-18(R).pdf | A. Babaev, S. Dabagov | The probability of inelastic nuclear interactions is studied for relativistic channeled and quasi-channeled protons in a bent crystal. Multiple passage of projectiles through experimental setup was in details considered. Simulation results were compared with known experimental ones, paying attention to the features observed. |
5266 | 2011-11-21 | Brief Explanation of Experimental Data Set on Excess Heat and Nuclear Transmutation in Multiplly Nanocoated Ni Wire | 2011 | LNF-11-16(P).pdf | H. Kozima, F. Celani | Experimental data of excess heat generation and nuclear transmutation obtained in Ni wire multiplly nano-coated with Pd and a compound of B, Sr, Ba and Th at up to 900 degC have been analyzed using the TNCF model. The Ni wire is 50 μm in diameter and 82 cm long. The coating is made of Pd and the compound about 50 times resulting in a surface layer of about oneμm thick. The maximum excess energy Qmax is 1800 W/g of the Ni wire. There have occurred various nuclear transmutations. The most notable results are enumerated as follows: (1) Elements Ti, Cr, Co, As, Ir, and Tl have increased. (2) B, Sr, Pd and Ba have decreased. (3) Fe and Ni have not showed remarkable change. (4) In the case of B, Sr and Ba, the rates of the decrease are larger for lighter isotopes. (5) 105B/115B ratio decreased over 14%. (6) 10546Pd decreased about 5% and 10246Pd increased about 9%. These data have been analyzed using the TNCF model successfully applied for explanation of various experimental data sets over the past 15 years. We can estimate the parameter of the model nn using the data for 105B and 10546Pd as follows; nn = 1.3 × 109 cm3 (by the decrease of 105B) and nn = 2.5 × 1011 cm3 (by the decrease of 10546Pd). These values show the situation in the experiment belong to a range of fairly large value of the parameter where we can expect the nuclear reactions by a single neutron and also a n-p cluster. The excess heat generation of 1800 W/g at its maximum has been investigated using the value of nn estimated above and a formula for the excess energy is induced. Assuming the surface layer of 1μm thick is made of Pd only, for illustrative purposes, we have obtained Qav about 1% of the observed maximum one. If the average value of the excess energy is about 10% of the maximum, the discrepancy is about one order of magnitude. If we know the correct composition of the surface layer, the calculated value of Qav will increase a little. The nuclear transmutation of several elements confirmed by the experiment is qualitatively explained assuming the single neutron absorption by elements in the surface layer. The decrease of Ru might be explained by a single n-p cluster absorption. |
5265 | 2011-11-03 | FastCam Nuova Ultraveloce Streak-Camera: Studio del Trasporto del Fascio di Elettroni in Camera UHV | 2011 | LNF-11-15(IR).pdf | A. La Monaca, D. Nanni, F. Terra | Il progetto FastCam, sviluppato nei LNF dellINFN per la rivelazione di eventi luminosi ultraveloci (femtosecondi) ed applicazione alla diagnostica del laser FLAME, è qui presentato. FastCam è uninnovativa streak camera a scansione sincrona, di alta risoluzione spaziale e temporale, in cui la deflessione del fascio elettronico è ottenuta per mezzo del profilo veloce di un campo elettrico trasversale di una particolare cavità RF, accordata a 5.2 GHz. I parametri del fascio elettronico sono stati studiati con SIMION 8.0, un programma di simulazione di ottica ionica a 2D e 3D. In particolare, è stato analizzato il parametro che più limita la risoluzione temporale della streak camera, la dispersione che il fascio elettronico subisce nel transito della camera UHV. Le simulazioni sono state organizzate in modo da ottenere dimensioni e caratteristiche del fascio in funzione di ogni suo parametro nelle varie regioni attraversate della streak camera. La propagazione degli elettroni è stata simulata sotto leffetto delle tensioni di griglia catodica e delle lenti focheggianti di Einzel, considerando leffetto della carica spaziale, della distribuzione di energia dei fotoelettroni e le caratteristiche geometriche e costruttive del sistema. I risultati della simulazione hanno permesso di dare un primo notevole contributo ad ottimizzare il prototipo di streak camera qui presentato. I calcoli teorici, fatti su modelli matematici di trasporto di fascio di elettroni nella camera da vuoto dal percorso e campi elettrici ottimizzati, sono stati perfezionati, usando Mathematica della Wolfram. Il risultato di questi calcoli fornisce una risoluzione temporale inferiore a 170 fs per gli impulsi della luce visibile. |
5269 | 2011-10-26 | Calibrating the Photosensors for the DCAL Extension of the Alice Electromagnetic Calorimeter: An Activity Report | 2011 | INFN-TC-11-7.pdf | F. Astuti, A.Badal, A.Caliv, A.Grimaldi, V.Indelicato, P. La Rocca, F.Librizzi, G.S.Pappalardo, O.Parasole, C.Petta, F. Riggi | The activity carried out to characterize and assemble a final set of about 1700 Avalanche Photo Diodes (APD) to be used in the additional super-modules of the DCAL ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter is described |
5264 | 2011-10-17 | Production and Study of Baryons with Beauty at the Italian Heavy-Flavor Factory SuperB | 2011 | LNF-11-14(P).pdf | A. Feliciello, T. Bressani, V. Lucherini | SuperB is an INFN flagship project for a new high-luminosity heavy-flavor factory. Along with its companion detector, it is dedicated to the search for CP violation effects in the $B$ meson sector with the aim of looking for direct and indirect signals of new physics, beyond the Standard Model. However it could offer as well the opportunity for a systematic, high-statistics study of $b$ baryon properties and for a search for super-nuclei, that is bound nuclear systems with an explicit content of beauty. |
5263 | 2011-10-07 | The Spin Contribution to the Synchrotron Light | 2011 | INFN-TC-11-6.pdf | M. Conte | In order to detect the spin contribution to the synchrotron radiation, the so-called spin light, we propose to compare the characteristics of the radiations emitted by a spin-less charged particle with the huge crop of data regarding the synchrotron light, i.e. the radiation emitted by particles endowed with a magnetic moment. Helium nuclei are proposed as the lightest stable spin-less charged particles available. |
5260 | 2011-09-06 | Interventi su KERNEL e Microcode per Adeguare il Processore AMD 8356 REV. B2 allAmbiente GRID | 2011 | INFN-CCR-11-1.pdf | D. Fabiani, E. Mazzoni | Nel periodo 2009-2010 la Sezione di Pisa ha installato e messo in produzione un cluster da 1024 core composto dal 128 server bi-processori equipaggiati con CPU AMD Opteron 8356 rev. B2, quad core. Subito dopo lavvio del cluster (sotto GRID) sono stati riscontrati problemi di prestazioni legati al processore. Il presente lavoro descrive la situazione registrata e gli interventi apportati al Kernel Linux ed al Microcode per ovviare al problema. |
5261 | 2011-09-01 | A Data Environment for Software Development Process | 2011 | INFN-CCR-11-2.pdf | M. Canaparo, C. Galli, E. Ronchieri, C. Vistoli | The maturity of software development process is strictly related to the implementation of the best practices typically followed by software team to perform particular tasks and to meet particular objectives. Its improvement is guaranteed by the presence of metrics that are designed and measured to plan and control productivity, effectiveness, quality and timeliness of software projects and products. The measurement of metrics contributes to collecting right data to the handling of the analysis process, and to establishing a dashboard to the management of the overall health of the process. This paper describes a data environment suitable for improving the quality of the software process, developed in the context of the ETICS 2 European project. The data environment encompasses: 1) the trend analysis disseminator; and 2) the representation of software metrics and other useful software project information according to a standard organizational dashboard. The paper also describes the data environment implementations. |
5259 | 2011-07-15 | Photons and $\\ pi^0$ discrimination in the electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCal) of the ALICE experiment | 2011 | LNF-11-13(P).pdf | A. Casanova Diaz, L. Calero Diaz, G. Conesa Balbastre, L. Cunqueiro Mendez | The ALICE experiment at the LHC identifies photons, electrons and neutral mesons with the electromagnetic calorimeters PHOS and EMCal. At high transverse momentum the $pi^0$ decays into two photons with a small aperture angle in the lab system, what makes difficult their identification as separated photons in the calorimeters. One of the proposed methods to discriminate between photons and high momentum $pi^0$s is to study the shape of the shower produced in the calorimeter. In this note we present our results for shower shape MC studies using EMCal. We identify photons with an efficiency higher than the 80% for photons with energies in the range 10-25 GeV. |
5258 | 2011-07-14 | A possible infrared origin of leptonic mixing | 2011 | LNF-11-12(P).pdf | F. Terranova | Fermion mixing is generally believed to be a low-energy manifestation of an underlying theory whose energy scale is much larger than the electroweak scale. In this paper we investigate the possibility that the parameters describing lepton mixing actually arise from the low-energy behavior of the neutrino interacting fields. In particular, we conjecture that the measured value of the mixing angles for a given process depends on the number of unobservable flavor state at the energy of the process. We provide a covariant implementation of such conjecture, draw its consequences in a two neutrino family approximation and compare these findings with current experimental data. |
5257 | 2011-07-05 | Il Progetto della Nuova Sala Calcolo e la Farm di ATLAS dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati | 2011 | LNF-11-11(IR).pdf | E. Vilucchi, A. Annovi, M. Antonelli, F. Cerutti, A. Martini, M. Pistoni, R. Ricci, U. Rotundo, S. Vescovi, C. Gatti, M. Testa | I Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati ospitano un proto-Tier2 di ATLAS e alcune risorse di calcolo e di storage ad uso del gruppo locale. La farm in Grid svolge le funzioni di un Tier2, pur essendo di dimensioni ridotte (circa un terzo di un Tier2). Oltre alla farm di ATLAS, i Laboratori ospitano cluster di calcolo e risorse di storage di altri gruppi, tra cui: il gruppo degli acceleratori impegnato nel progetto SuperB, il gruppo ALICE, il gruppo dei teorici, ecc...; per cui si è ritenuto opportuno costituire, allinterno del servizio del centro di calcolo, un reparto dedicato al calcolo scientifico [CS]. La creazione di questo reparto, subordinata a una serie di lavori infrastrutturali da realizzare, consentirà la collaborazione tra gli esperimenti, al fine di arrivare alla condivisione di competenze e allacquisto di sistemi di calcolo e storage comuni. Inoltre, la messa in comune di alcuni servizi (ad esempio: un unico sistema di code batch e un server per le installazioni comune) e di personale tecnico dedicato porterebbe certamente ad un uso più efficace delle risorse umane. |
5256 | 2011-06-24 | Down Going Muon Rate Monitoring in the Antares Detector | 2011 | INFN-TC-11-5.pdf | K. Gracheva, M. Anghinolfi,V. Kulikovskiy, E. Shirokov, Y. Yakovenko | Large underwater telescopes have been proposed as a challenging method to measure high energy neutrinos from astrophysical objects. In recent years, The Antares collaboration has designed and realized the first detector of this type in the Mediterranean Sea. Muon tracks produced by the neutrino interaction in the surrounding medium are reconstructed from the arrival time and the number of photo-electrons of the Cherenkov light measured by the Photomultiplier tubes (PMT) array of the detector. In order to provide sufficient statistics, the events from various periods in the year must be summed together taking care of the various environmental conditions and detector configurations. In this note we describe effective criteria to group compatible runs based on the effective number of active PMTs in each run. |
5255 | 2011-06-22 | PORFIDO: Oceanographic Data Sensor for the NEMO Phase 2 Tower | 2011 | LNF-11-10(P).pdf | O. Ciaffoni, M. Cordelli, R. Habel, A. Martini, L. Trasatti | PORFIDO (Physical Oceanography by RFID Outreach) is a system designed to gather oceanographic data in parallel with underwater Cerenkov neutrino experiments, without interfering with the main setup. A sensor is glued to the outside of an Optical Module, in contact with seawater, and a reader is placed inside, facing the sensor. Data are collected by the sensor and transmitted to the reader through the glass by RFID. The sensor gathers power from the radio frequency, thus eliminating the need for batteries or connectors through the glass. In the framework of KM3Net, we plan to deploy several PORFIDO probes with the NEMO Phase 2 tower in 2011 1). We have performed several tests to prove the functionality of the system and the absence of any interaction with the NEMO electronics. |
5254 | 2011-06-15 | SuperB Progress Report: The Collider | 2011 | LNF-11-9(P).pdf | Eds.: M.E. Biagini, R.Raimndi, J. Seeman | |
5253 | 2011-05-30 | Collaborative Research for a High-Resolution VUV Free Electron Laser User Facility at SPARC | 2011 | LNF-11-8(NT).pdf | M. Coreno, L. Giannessi, R. Gunnella, A. Marcelli, E. Pace, L. Poletto, N. Zema | Free electron lasers (FELs) are unique sources of tunable coherent radiation, based on the interaction of a relativistic electron beam with a permanent magnetic field. Taking advantage of their characteristics, many scientific applications are possible using these 4th generation powerful sources of radiations. With its high-quality beam the SPARC FEL designed to work at long wavelengths allows non-linear coherent harmonic generation also in the VUV range. Although other FEL proposals are under discussions in other European facilities in addition to SPARC a few other projects may now offer similar performances: TESLA at Hamburg and FERMI at Trieste. The document is a proposal to use the radiation emitted by SPARC in the ultraviolet range with a unique beamline to be installed in the LI2FE laboratory based on a high resolution monochromator made available from the STFC Daresbury Laboratory (U.K.). |
5252 | 2011-05-23 | Report of the INFN - Group 2 Stratospheric Balloons Working Group | 2011 | LNF-11-7(IR).pdf | S. Masi, P. De Bernardis, D. Campana, F. Gatti, N. Giglietto, A. Melchiorri, R. Mussa, F. Terranova | In 2011 a working group dedicated to the study of the physics opportunities offered by stratospheric balloons has been formed within the INFN Commissione II (Astroparticle physics). The Working Group has been mandated to investigate the role that future balloon-borne experiments can play in the next 5-10 years and the scientific and technological issues that can be addressed with this technique without resorting to space-based experiments. This report summarizes the findings of the working group and its recommendations. |
5251 | 2011-05-18 | The Measurement of Late-Pulses and After-Pulses in the Large Area Hamamatsu R7081 Photomultiplier with Improved Quantum-Efficiency Photocathode | 2011 | INFN-TC-11-4.pdf | S. Aiello, M. Anghinolfi, A. Balbi, M. Brunoldi, K. Gracheva, A. Grimaldi, V. Kulikovskiy, E. Leonora, G. Ottonello, D. Sciliberto, M. Taiuti, Y. Yakovenko | In recent years, large underwater telescopes have been designed and realized to measure high energy neutrinos from astrophysical objects. Muon tracks produced by the neutrino interaction in the surrounding medium are reconstructed from the arrival time and the number of photo-electrons of the Cherenkov light measured by the Photomultiplier tubes (PMT) array of the detector. For a correct reconstruction procedure, both the scattering of the light in the water and the late and after pulses produced in the PMTs must be considered. In this paper we report on this latter effect which has been measured in our laboratory using a laser in the single photoelectron mode (SPE) on a Hamamatsu R7081MOD 10' PMT with a high quantum efficiency photocathode. The PMT voltage supply was set to provide the 1 photo-electron peak at 10 pC as during normal operation: in this condition we find that the late-pulse contribution is small but not negligible. |
5250 | 2011-05-04 | Annual Report 2010 | 2011 | AA.VV. | ||
5248 | 2011-04-07 | Analysis of Relativistic Proton Deflection by Bent Crystals | 2011 | LNF-11-4(P).pdf | A. Babaev, and S.B. Dabagov | The peculiarities of the motion of charged particles through the bent crystals open wide possibilities to manipulate charge particle beams. Namely, bent crystal techniques allow deflecting and separating the particles on dependence of their energies. In this manuscript simulations for the deflection of relativistic proton beam by bent crystallographic planes are presented; our simulations are based on the numerical solution of the equation for radial proton motion. |
5249 | 2011-04-07 | Measurement of the Absolute Gas Gain and the Gain Variations Study in Straw-Tube Detectors | 2011 | LNF-11-5(P).pdf | A. Kashchuk, P. Gianotti, O. Levitskaya, L. Passamonti, D. Pierluigi, A. Russo, M. Savrie | We present results the absolute gas gain measurement of a straw drift-tube detector filled with the binary gaseous mixture ArCO2(10%) at 2 bars gas pressure. The measurement was performed using intensive 1.3 GBq 137Cs-source in order to be able to measure the primary ionization current corresponding to the unity gas gain. The results of gas gain measurement vs. voltage at fixed gas pressure and temperature were fitted and parameterized by Diethorns formula for further studies of the gas gain variations. |
5247 | 2011-04-06 | Cold Nuclear Fusion | 2011 | LNF-11-3(P).pdf | E.N. Tsyganov (UA9 Collaboration) | Recent accelerator experiments on fusion of various elements have clearly demonstrated that the effective cross-sections of these reactions depend on what material the target particle is placed in. In these experiments, there was a significant increase in the probability of interaction when target nuclei are imbedded in a conducting crystal or are a part of it. These experiments open a new perspective on the problem of so-called cold nuclear fusion |
5246 | 2011-03-30 | The International Linear Collider A Technical Progress Report | 2011 | LNF-11-2(NT).pdf | Eds.: E. Elsen, M. Harrison, L. Hesla, M. Ross, P. Royole-Degieux, R. Takahashi, N. Walker, B. Warmbein, A. Yamamoto, K. Yokoya, M. Zhang | |
5245 | 2011-03-21 | Riprogettazione del Sito WEB della Sezione di Trieste dell'INFN in Base ad Alcuni Principi del Design Centrato sull'Utente | 2011 | INFN-TC-11-3.pdf | C. Strizzolo, E. Fragiacomo, E. Novacco, S. Piano, G. Venier, N. D'Antoni, A. Richetti | Il sito web della Sezione di Trieste dell'INFN stato completamente ristrutturato nel 2010. Questo documento descrive il processo di analisi e riorganizzazione, basato su alcune tecniche e modalit di lavoro proprie della progettazione centrata sull'utente (User Centered Design). |
5244 | 2011-02-28 | Preliminary Tests of a Scintillator-Based Mini-Station for Extensive Air Showers Measurements | 2011 | INFN-TC-11-2.pdf | S. Aiola, P. La Rocca, O.P arasole, F. Riggi | This Report describes the construction, working conditions and preliminary tests for a mini-station to be employed for educational cosmic ray measurements. The individual detectors are based on small scintillation tiles with a wavelength shifter (WLS) readout. Low cost, dedicated power supplies have been designed for each individual unit. Signal handling, data acquisition and time stamping of the collected events may be provided by dedicated Quarknet cards. The combined use of at least three such detectors placed at a proper relative distance will allow the detection and, to some extent, the reconstruction, of extensive air showers. |
5243 | 2011-02-21 | Bruno Touschek: Particle Physicist and Father of the $e^+e^-$ Collider | 2011 | LNF-11-1(P).pdf | L. Bonolis, G. Pancheri | This article gives a brief outline of the life and works of the Austrian physicist Bruno Touschek, who conceived, proposed and brought to completion the construction of AdA, the first electron-positron storage ring. The events which led to the approval of the AdA project and the Franco-Italian collaboration which confirmed the feasibility of electron-positron storage rings will be recalled. We shall illustrate Bruno Touschek's formation both as a theoretical physicist and as an expert in particle accelerators during the period between the time he had to leave the Vienna Staat Gymnasium in 1938, because of his Jewish origin from the maternal side, until he arrived in Italy in the early 1950s and, in 1960, proposed to build AdA, in Frascati. The events which led to T 's collaboration with Rolf Widero e in the construction of the first European betatron will be described. The article will make use of a number of unpublished as well as previously unknown documents, which include an early correspondence with Arnold Sommerfeld and BT 's letters to his family in Vienna from Italy, Germany and Great Britain. The impact of T 's work on students and collaborators from University of Rome will be illustrated through his work on QED infrared radiative corrections to high energy $e^+e^-$ experiments and the book {it Meccanica Statistica}. |
5240 | 2011-01-19 | Charge Breeding Simulations in a Hollow Gun Ebis | 2011 | INFN-TC-11-1.pdf | V. Variale | Charge breeding technique is used for Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) production in the Isotope Separation On Line (ISOL) method in order of optimizing the re-acceleration of the radioactive element ions produced by a primary beam in a thick target. That technique is realized by using a device capable of increase the radioactive ion charge state from +1 to a desired value +n. In some experiments a continuous RIB of a certain energy could be required. Recently, a charge breeding device based on a hollow gun EBIS that in principle could reach a Continuous Wave (CW) operation, has been proposed1). Although, in principle, the hollow in the electron beam produced by that EBIS can be reduced up to zero by an enough high focussing solenoid magnetic field, a reduction on the ion charge state increase efficiency should be expected. In order to study that problem, a code already developed for studying the ion selective containment in a EBIS with RF quadrupoles, BRICTEST2), has been implemented. In this paper, the ion charge state breeding decrease due to the hollow electron beam has been studied by simulating the ion motion inside the hollow gun EBIS with the implemented BRICTEST code |
5239 | 2010-12-21 | A High-Luminosity e+ e- Collider for Precision Experiments at the GeV scale | 2010 | LNF-10-25(IR).pdf | G. Venanzoni, D. Babusci, M. Bertani, C. Bloise, F. Bossi, A. Clozza, A. Drago, A. Gallo, G. Isidori, C. Milardi, M. Mirazita, D. Moricciani, A. Passeri, M. Preger, P. Raimondi, C. Sanelli, B. Spataro, S. Tomassini, M. Zobov, et. al. (the total list of autors is reported in the last page of the document) | This document, prepared for the European Call FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-1, describes the proposal for a design study for a high-luminosity (1033cm-2s-1) electron-positron (e+e-, in the following) collider with a variable center of mass energy in the range from about 0.6 GeV to about 3 GeV |
5238 | 2010-12-15 | Material Studies for the RPC Muon Detector of CMS | 2010 | LNF-10-24(NT).pdf | S. Bianco, S. Colafranceschi, F. Felli, T. Greci, L. Passamonti, D. Pierluigi, C. Pucci, A. Russo, G. Saviano | The RPC muon detector of the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider uses fluorine-based gases in volumes made by bakelite plates, in high-radiation environment. Studies of radiation damage on bakelite are presented. Bakelite samples were taken from gaps irradiated at the GIF. Preliminary results on an analysis campaign based on SEM-EDS, XRD and chemical analyses performed on a high-statistics sample will be discussed. |
5236 | 2010-11-19 | On Moderate Energy Electron Dechanneling in Thick Si Crystals | 2010 | LNF-10-22(IR).pdf | O.V. Bogdanov, and S.B. Dabagov | A model of planar channeling of 400 MeV electrons taking into account the dechanneling processes in a crystal is developed. The dynamics of the initial angular distribution of relativistic electrons as a function of standard deviation has been studied. The simulation results for the density function of channeled projectiles distribution in a thick Si (111) crystal are presented. |
5237 | 2010-11-19 | Caratterizzazione preliminare del sistema di misura di campo magnetico del B-TRAIN di CNAO | 2010 | LNF-10-23(IR).pdf | G. Franzini, D. Pellegrini, A. Stella, M. Pezzetta, M. Pullia | |
5214 | 2010-10-26 | A 1 mm Scintillating Fibre Tracker Readout by a Multi-anode Photomultiplier | 2010 | LNF-10-21(P).pdf | B.D. Leverington, M. Anelli, P. Campana, R. Rosellini | WThis technical note describes a prototype particle tracking detector constructed with 1 mm plastic scintillating bres with a 64 channel Hamamatsu H8500 at-panel multi- anode photomultiplier readout. Cosmic ray tracks from an array of 11 gas-lled drift tubes were matched to signals in the scintillating bres in order to measure the resolution and eciency of tracks reconstructed in the bre-based tracker. A GEANT4 detector simulation was also developed to compare cosmic ray data with MC results and is discussed in the note. Using the parameters measured in this experimental setup, modied bre tracker designs are suggested to improve resolution and eciency in future prototypes to meet modern detector specications. |
5213 | 2010-09-28 | Alcune Tecniche per Grid e Dintorni | 2010 | INFN-CCR-10-6.pdf | A. Ciampa, S. Arezzini, D. Fabiani, E. Mazzoni | Nel presente lavoro verranno descritte le seguenti tecniche realizzate e messe in produzione nel GRID Data Center della Sezione di Pisa dellINFN: Utilizzo di chroot per limplementazione dei worker node e dei server di middleware di GRID. Lobiettivo principale che si vuole perseguire è il disaccoppiamento tra lhardware (in generale il sistema sottostante) ed il server che gira lapplicativo. Per questa strada si può ottenere anche un altro importante risultato per i worker node: la possibilità di offrire diverse configurazioni e tipologie di server, anche con controllo dinamico. Riferendosi al punto successivo, si possono gestire dinamicamente configurazioni per worker node e nodi per code locali. Coesistenza di code locali e GRID sulla stessa farm con possibilità di dare accesso alle code locali anche ad una comunità remotamente distribuita. Il primo punto ha lobiettivo di estendere idealmente la modalità di condivisione di risorse anche al di fuori del paradigma GRID, tendendo ad includere quegli utenti che presentano esigenze più spostate verso linterattivo. Il secondo punto, che rappresenta un esempio dellutilizzo e dellutilità del progetto AAI, tende a dare alle code locali lo stesso tipo di canale di fruizione che caratterizza le code GRID. Linfrastruttura AAI utilizzata per dare accesso remoto alle code locali può addirittura essere utilizzata per accedere alle stesse code GRID. Lutilizzo di GPFS come file system sottostante ad un SRM (a Pisa abbiamo inproduzione sia dCache che StoRM), permette il facile import/export di file tra aree sotto SRM e aree accedute direttamente via Posix. Questo è un tassello importante nellintegrazione dellambiente GRID con lambiente delle code locali, specialmente se pensiamo ad una realizzazione coerente di una struttura che metta risorse in condivisione tra i Tier2 e i futuri Tier3. |
5212 | 2010-09-23 | Valutazione di Apparati di Aggregazione e di Edge Routing per i TIER2 INFN | 2010 | INFN-CCR-10-5.pdf | A. Brunengo, A. De Salvo, D. Di Bari, G. Donvito, R. Gomezel, P. Lo Re, G. Maron, E. Mazzoni, M. Morandin, A. Spanu, S. Zani | Scopo di questo documento di riportare ai siti ospitanti i centri di analisi LHC di secondo livello (Tier2) e ai relativi servizi calcolo il lavoro fatto dal gruppo NetArch della CCR nellambito dellevoluzione a 10 Gbps della rete delle farm dei suddetti centri. Viene anche affrontata la problematica dellaccesso a 10 Gbps di questi centri T2 allinfrastruttura ottica della rete della ricerca denominata Garr-X. Questo documento focalizza quindi lattenzione sul centro T2 e sulle possibili architetture di rete in grado di connettere nei modi pi efficaci il set di worker nodes con i relativi server di disco garantendo al tempo stesso un flusso duplex a 10 Gbps verso la WAN. Il documento non si occupa invece della topologia di connessione tra i vari T2 con il T1 nazionale e con gli altri siti Tier internazionali. Queste informazioni sono riportate in Proposta INFN per la rete dei Tier2 di LHC in GARR-X (documento CCR-37/2010/P), prodotto sempre dal gruppo NetArch. |
5209 | 2010-09-20 | Operational Methods and Lorentz-Type Equations of Motion | 2010 | LNF-10-19(P).pdf | D. Babusci, G. Dattoli, E. Sabia | We propose an operational method for the solution of differential equations involving vector products. The technique we propose is based on the use of the evolution operator, defined in such a way that the wealth of techniques developed within the context of quantum mechanics can also be exploited for classical problems. We discuss the application of the method to the solution of the Lorentz-type equations. |
5210 | 2010-09-20 | CMS Trapezoidal GEM Foils Structural Analysis | 2010 | LNF-10-20(IR).pdf | G. Raffone | The demand of large area GEM detectors requires extreme working conditions of the layered foils from structural point of view; larger area need higher biaxial tensile loads to overcome large deflections and the related stresses may exceed the copper yield limit just around the holes; the present work shows that for a trapezoidal CMS GEM foil (W=1040 mm; L1=530 mm; L2=345 mm) the sag due its own weight is about 28.6 μm f  (electrostatic loads not included) for a tensioning of S=1 N/mm; the related stresses are lower than the yield only in a biaxial load. Numerical results are from ANSYS Educational v. |
5208 | 2010-09-07 | HEP-SPEC06 - Guida AllUso | 2010 | INFN-CCR-10-3.pdf | A. Crescente, M. Michelotto | Recentemente la comunità delle alte energie ha scelto un nuovo benchmark per misurare la potenza dei nodi di calcolo. HEP-SPEC06 è il nuovo benchmark di riferimento che sostituisce SPECINT 2000. Questa nota descrive i motivi che hanno portato alla sostituzione e spiega come va usata la nuova unità di misura |
5211 | 2010-09-07 | Proposta INFN per la Rete dei TIER2 di LHC in GARR-X | 2010 | INFN-CCR-10-4.pdf | A. Brunengo, A. De Salvo, D. Di Bari, G. Donvito, R. Gomezel, P. Lo Re, G. Maron, E. Mazzoni, A. Spanu, S. Zani | La presente proposta è frutto di incontri con i rappresentanti di tutti i Tier di LHC italiani e quindi rappresenta una visione condivisa su come l'INFN intende connettere i propri centri di calcolo di secondo livello al Tier1 nazionale e agli analoghi centri di altre nazioni, attraverso la costituenda rete GARR-X. A questi incontri di indirizzo sono seguite numerose discussioni tecniche promosse dal gruppo NetArch della Commissione Calcolo e Reti di INFN con lo scopo di delineare i requisiti principali dei collegamenti dei Tier2 alla rete ottica di GARR-X. Linterazione con i colleghi del GARR che si occupano della nuova rete è stata frequente e il documento Progetto di Rete GARR-X: La rete dei Tier2 dellINFN in GARR-X di M. Marletta, M. Carboni e C. Battista del GARR, che sostanzialmente propone gli scenari tecnici possibili per la rete dei Tier2, rappresenta il riferimento tecnico principale della presente proposta. |
5206 | 2010-08-04 | Indagine sui Servizi Offerti dai Servizi Calcolo dellINFN | 2010 | INFN-CCR-10-1.pdf | S. Parlati, P. Spinnato | In questo lavoro sono presentati i risultati dellanalisi dei dati ricavati da unindagine volta ad ottenere una panoramica sui servizi offerti dai Servizi di Calcolo dellINFN nellambito del calcolo scientifico e dei servizi di base. Tale indagine ha lobiettivo di aprire una discussione sul livello qualitativo dei servizi e sulle possibilità di apportare miglioramenti ad essi. Il lavoro si è basato sui dati ottenuti da un questionario inviato ai responsabili dei Servizi Calcolo di tutte le sedi INFN. Si è evidenziato come i Servizi Calcolo siano fortemente coinvolti nello sviluppo e nella gestione infrastrutturale delle risorse informatiche, mentre lo sono meno per quanto riguarda le applicazioni di calcolo scientifico. Si è visto inoltre come la carenza di personale faccia sì che le attività dei Servizi siano orientate principalmente ai servizi di base, soprattutto nelle sezioni con meno afferenti, mentre i laboratori nazionali riescono ad offrire un maggior supporto al calcolo scientifico. Daltro canto, il personale dei laboratori è meno coinvolto di quello delle sezioni in attività didattiche o di collaborazione con esperimenti. In questi ultimi inoltre lincidenza del precariato è maggiore rispetto che nelle sezioni. In ultimo, si è visto come i Servizi diano unautovalutazione positiva sul proprio operato, maggiore per gli aspetti tecnici, meno per ciò che riguarda linterazione con gli utenti. |
5207 | 2010-08-04 | Progetto Cluster GRID CSN4: La Proposta di PISA | 2010 | INFN-CCR-10-2.pdf | A. Ciampa, E. Vicari | Nellottobre 2009 la Commissione Scientifica Nazionale 4 pubblicò, internamente allINFN, una Call per la realizzazione di un cluster nazionale atto a rispondere alle esigenze di calcolo, anche parallelo, della Commissione stessa in ambito GRID. Il presente lavoro riporta la proposta progettuale della Sezione di Pisa, presentata nel dicembre 2009, elaborata secondo i requisiti stabiliti dalla Commissione stessa con il supporto di un gruppo di esperti espressi dalla Commissione Calcolo e Reti. Tali requisiti sono riportati in allegato. La proposta della Sezione di Pisa è risultata quella selezionata dalla CSN4, nel febbraio 2010. |
5201 | 2010-07-05 | La Trasmutazione delle Scorie Nucleari per la Chiusura del Ciclo dellEnergia Nucleare | 2010 | INFN-TC-10-6.pdf | V. Scanziani, M. L. Bonardi, F. Groppi, S. Manenti, P. Pierini | In Europa - con circa 197 reattori in funzione - con una capacità totale di 170 GWe (su un totale di 440 reattori al mondo e di circa 60 nuovi impianti in costruzione), lenergia elettrica prodotta annualmente dalla fonte nucleare costituisce circa il 23% del fabbisogno elettrico totale. Il combustibile nucleare esausto, proveniente dalle centrali nucleari adibite alla produzione di energia elettrica, costituisce la maggior parte dei rifiuti nucleari (rad-waste) prodotti ogni anno. Dallinizio del programma nucleare fino al 2003, sono state prodotte 255 000 tonnellate di metalli pesanti, contenenti oltre 2 500 tonnellate di elementi transuranici. Il riprocessamento e lo smantellamento delle armi nucleari ha inoltre prodotto 170 tonnellate di metalli pesanti e 100 tonnellate di plutonio. |
5200 | 2010-06-25 | The Cantes Experiment: a Carbon Nanotubes Based Electron Gun toImprove the Performances of the Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources | 2010 | INFN-TC-10-5.pdf | F. Odorici, M. Cuffiani, L. Malferrari, R.Rizzoli, G. P. Veronese, S. Gammino, L. Celona, D. Mascali, N. Gambino, R. Miracoli, G. Castro, F. P. Romano, T. Serafino, F. Di Bartolo, V. Guglielmotti, S. Orlanducci, V. Sessa, M. L. Terranova | The increase of electron density in ECR ion sources assures efficient ionization of very low-gas-pressure plasma. The purpose of this experiment was the creation of a carbon nanotubes based electron gun, in order to inject electrons in the plasma core and to follow how the charge state distribution and the X-ray spectra change. The use of carbon nanotubes leads to an increase of the plasma density and to a relevant reduction of the number of high energy electrons, which are detrimental for the reliability of the modern ECRIS. |
5197 | 2010-06-23 | Proposal for taking data with the KLOE-2 detector at the DAPHNE collider upgraded in energy | 2010 | LNF-10-17(P).pdf | D. Babusci, C. Bini, F. Bossi, G. Isidori, D. Moricciani, F. Nguyen, P. Raimondi, G. Venanzoni, D. Alesini, F. Archilli, D. Badoni, R. Baldini-Ferroli, M. Bellaveglia, G. Bencivenni, M. Bertani, M. Biagini, C. Biscari, C. Bloise, V. Bocci, R. Boni, M. Boscolo, P. Branchini, A. Budano, S.A. Bulychjev, B. Buonomo, P. Campana, G. Capon, M. Castellano, F. Ceradini, E. Chiadroni, P. Ciambrone, L. Cultrera, E. Czerwinski, E. Dane', G. Delle Monache, E. De Lucia, T. Demma, G. De Robertis, A. De Santis, G. De Zorzi, A. Di Domenico, C. Di Donato, B. Di Micco, E. Di Pasquale, G. Di Pirro, R. Di Salvo, D. Domenici, A. Drago, M. Esposito, O. Erriquez, G. Felici, M. Ferrario, L. Ficcadenti, D. Filippetto, S. Fiore, P. Franzini, G. Franzini, A. Gallo, G. Gatti, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, A. Ghigo, F. Gonnella, E. Graziani, S. Guiducci, F. Happacher, B. Hoistad, E. Iarocci, M. Jacewicz, T. Johansson, W. Kluge, V.V. Kulikov, A. Kupsc, J. Lee Franzini, C. Ligi, F. Loddo, P. Lukin, F. Marcellini, C. Marchetti, M.A. Martemianov, M. Martini, M.A. Matsyuk, G. Mazzitelli, R. Messi, C. Milardi, M. Mirazzita, S. Miscetti, G. Morello, P. Moskal, S. Meller, S. Pacetti, G. Pancheri, E. Pasqualucci, A. Passeri, M. Passera, V. Patera, A.D. Polosa, M. Preger, L. Quintieri, A. Ranieri, P. Rossi, C. Sanelli, P. Santangelo, I. Sarra, M. Schioppa, B. Sciascia, M. Serio, F. Sgamma, M. Silarski, B. Spataro, A. Stecchi, A. Stella, S. Stucci, C. Taccini, S. Tomassini, L. Tortora, C. Vaccarezza, R. Versaci, W. Wislicki, M. Wolke, J. Zdebik, M. Zobov | This document reviews the physics program of the KLOE-2 detector at DAFNE upgraded in energy and provides a simple solution to run the collider above the φ-peak (up to 2, possibly 2.5 GeV). It is shown how a precise measurement of the multihadronic cross section in the energy region up to 2 (possibly 2.5) GeV will have a major impact on the tests of the Standard Model through a precise determination of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and the effective fine-structure constant at the MZ scale. With a luminosity of about 10^32 cm^-2 s^-1, DAFNE upgraded in energy can perform a scan in the region from 1 to 2.5 GeV in one year by collecting an integrated luminosity of 20 pb^-1 (corresponding to a few days of data taking) for single point, assuming an energy step of 25 MeV. A few years of data taking in this region would provide important tests of QCD and effective theories by γγ physics with open thresholds for pseudo-scalar (like the η), scalar (f0, f0 , etc...) and axial-vector (a1, etc...) mesons; vector-mesons spectroscopy and baryon form factors, tests of CVC, and searches for exotics. In the final part of the document a technical solution for the energy upgrade of DAFNE is proposed. |
5198 | 2010-06-23 | Potenzialit di una Sorgente di Neutroni per Misure di Tempo di Volo da Installare su Spar-X | 2010 | LNF-10-18(IR).pdf | S. Bartalucci | Il progetto SPAR-X prevede la realizzazione nellArea di Ricerca Romana di un Linac ad elettroni di elevatissima potenza di picco, ma anche di notevole potenza media, tale da aprire la possibilità di generare fasci secondari di particelle senza interferire con loperazione principale della macchina. Nellarticolo si analizzano le potenzialità di SPAR-X quale sorgente di neutroni per misure con il metodo del tempo di volo, la cui importanza è sottolineata dal crescente interesse a livello mondiale per nuovi dati nucleari e verrebbe ad inserirsi perfettamente nel quadro programmatico che punta al rilancio dellEnergia Nucleare in Italia. Una sorgente di neutroni di basso costo ma con prestazioni in termini di intensità e risoluzione energetica allaltezza degli standard mondiali appare perfettamente realizzabile. |
5199 | 2010-06-23 | Presente e Futuro nellutilizzo delle Risorse Energetiche Nucleari con una Valutazione di Rischi e Beneficii: LAnomalia del Caso Italiano | 2010 | INFN-TC-10-4.pdf | M. Bonardi, F. Groppi | Nonostante una opposizione irrazionale e talvolta puramente ideologica, lenergia del nucleo è lunica soluzione possibile altamente pulita, sicura ed inesauribile per risolvere il problema energetico globale in maniera sostenibile. La quantità di scorie nucleari è minima e può essere ulteriormente trasmutata mediante tecnologie dedicate. I reattori nucleari della nuova generazione possono produrre efficacemente sia elettricità sia idricità risolvendo anche il problema dei trasporti attualmente fortemente dipendente dai combustibili fossili. Purtroppo la sensazione del rischio porta lumanità a sopravvalutare i rischi di tale fonte energetica ed a sottovalutare ampiamente altri rischi in conseguenza oltre che dellirrazionalità, anche della disinformazione e talora dellabitudine consolidata da molti secoli o di storia. |
5195 | 2010-06-18 | Nuclear Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Radiation Chemistry, Health Physics and Sustainable Nuclear Energy Production | 2010 | INFN-TC-10-2.pdf | L. Mauro, Bonardi, F. Groppi, S. Manenti, E. Rizzio, E. Sabbioni | Nuclear Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Radiation Chemistry and Heath Physics play a fundamental role in sustainable nuclear energy production. Their applications are crucial in each stage of the nuclear power cycle. There will be stressed some particular chemical steps concerning the extraction and production of fuel pellets, claddings and assemblies, water radiolysis, plant decommissioning and their reprocessing or disposal cycle. The objectives of this work are: the presentation and the discussion about strength and weakness of the nuclear and radiochemical methods to be used in the sustainable production of nuclear energy and the stressing of the great need of education and training of young scientists in the field of. nuclear and radiochemical (N&R) techniques, in order to ensure a sustainable supply of qualified personnel, whose number have declined steadily and dramatically in the last 20 years. A review on main problematic regarding the different fuel cycles is presented, distinguishing between the traditional open fuel cycle (UOT) adopted in many Countries and the more advanced close cycle, with reprocessing of the nuclear rad-waste, taking into account the partitioning (P) and transmutation (P&T) of U and Pu radionuclides, fission products (FPs), minor actinoids (MAs) and activation products. |
5196 | 2010-06-18 | Production of Nuclear Hydrogen Nu2 or Hydricity by High Temperature Nuclear Reactor | 2010 | INFN-TC-10-3.pdf | M. Bonardi, F. Groppi, S. Manenti | Hydrogen in both gaseous or liquid form is an energy vector also called hydricity. Hydrogen gas in very rare in the atmosphere and in geological sites, thus it must be produced with advanced technological devices, mainly by water splitting. This clean energetic utility can be produced efficiently by dedicated high or very high temperature nuclear reactors of Generation IV, instead of using the traditional methods based on steam reforming of either light hydrocarbons or coal. The advantages are evident due to the high power density of a nuclear power plants and the almost complete lacking of green-house gaseous emissions, heavy metals and radioactive ones, typical of traditional thermoelectric power plants. This method for producing NuH2 is clean, safe and environmental friendly. There are being discussed the main thermochemical and pyrochemical routes for water splitting in H2 and O2, by using at least three designs of nuclear reactors of Gen IV, that are described in some details. |
5193 | 2010-05-11 | Annual Report 2009 | 2010 | AA VV | ||
5192 | 2010-04-13 | Technical Design Report of the gamma gamma Taggers for the KLOE-2 Experiment | 2010 | LNF-10-14(P).pdf | KLOE-2 Collaboration: F. Archilli, D. Badoni, D. Babusci, G. Bencivenni, C. Bini, C. Bloise,V. Bocci, F. Bossi,P. Branchini, A. Budano, S. A. Bulychjev, P. Campana, G. Capon, F. Ceradini, P. Ciambrone, E. Czerwinski, E. Dan`e, E. De Lucia, G. De Robertis, A. De Santis, G. De Zorzi, A. Di Domenico, C. Di Donato, B. Di Micco, D. Domenici, M. Dreucci, O. Erriquez, G. Felici, S. Fiore, P. Franzini, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, F. Gonnella, E. Graziani, F. Happacher,B. Hoistad, E. Iarocci,M. Jacewicz, T. Johansson, A. Kupsc, V. V. Kulikov, L. Kurdadze, J. Lee Franzini, F. Loddo, M. A. Martemianov, M. Martini, M. A. Matsyuk, D. Mchedlishvili, R. Messi, S. Miscetti, G. Morello, D. Moricciani, P. Moskal, F. Nguyen, V. Patera, A. Passeri, L. Quintieri, A. Ranieri, P. Santangelo, I. Sarra, M. Schioppa, B. Sciascia, A. Sciubba, M. Silarski, M. Tabidze, C. Taccini, L. Tortora, G. Venanzoni, R. Versaci, W. Wislicki, M. Wolke, J. Zdebik and A. Balla, S. Cerioni, M. Gatta, N. Lacalamita, S. Lauciani, R. Liuzzi, M. Mongelli, A. Pelosi, M. Pistilli, V. Valentino | |
5191 | 2010-04-07 | Construction and Test of a Prototype of Segmented Straw | 2010 | LNF-10-13(IR).pdf | L. Benussi, S. Bianco, A. Ceccarelli, P. Gianotti, L. Passamonti, D. Pierluigi, A. Russo, A. Tiburzi | We have realized a prototype of a segmented straw tube with the intention to use it with straight straws in order to reconstruct particle trajectories in three dimensions. The basic idea is that of using the information of the curved straws, to allow the determination of the space coordinate along the wires of the straight tubes. To realize this project we started with the construction of a single-tube prototype made of linear segments of straw inscribed in a circle. We report here the details of the construction of the prototype, together with some preliminary tests. |
5190 | 2010-03-31 | Spectral Characteristics of Planar Channeling Radiation by 20-800 MeV Electrons in a Thin Silicon Carbide | 2010 | LNF-10-12(IR).pdf | B. Azadegan, and S.B. Dabagov | Spectral distributions of channeling radiation by 20÷800 MeV electrons in different planes of a thin 4H polytype silicon carbide crystal is presented. We demonstrated that channeling in 4H SiC with hexagonal structure has some new features not available in other structures. Using Doyle-Turner approximation to the atomic scattering factor and taking in to account thermal vibrations of atoms, the continuum potentials for different planes of 4H polytype SiC single crystal were calculated. In the frame of quantum mechanic, the theory of channeling radiation has been applied to calculate the transverse electron states in the continuum potential of the planes and to study transition energies, linewidths, depth dependence for population of quantum states and spectral radiation distributions. At electron energies higher than 100 MeV the spectral distributions of radiation are calculated by classical calculations and successfully compared with quantum mechanics solutions. Specific properties of planar channeling radiation in 4H polytype SiC are discussed. |
5187 | 2010-03-04 | X-Ray Refraction 3D-Simulation Software: First Approach | 2010 | LNF-10-9(IR).pdf | L. Marchitto, L. Allocca, D. Hampai, and S.B. Dabagov | In this work preliminary results on simulation of X-ray propagation in media characterized by low index of both refraction and absorption. First approach has proved the feasibility of typical Math code application for the analysis of X-ray imaging measurements performed by means of high-flux and low-divergent beams shaped by polycapillary half lens. |
5188 | 2010-03-04 | Polycapillary X-Ray Imaging of a Gasoline Spray | 2010 | LNF-10-10(P).pdf | L. Allocca, L.Marchitto, S.Alfuso, D. Hampai, G. Cappuccio, S. B. Dabagov | Laboratory X-ray techniques based on polycapillary optics have been first used for studying high dense sprays of the jet injection systems. Polycapillary optical elements are well known systems that enable shaping divergent X-ray beams (with energy of up to 30 keV) as well as to get high contrast image of the object studied due to the suppression of multiple scattered part of radiation. We have used a Cu Kα X-ray source in combination with polycapillary halflens (or semilens) and a Photonic Science CCD detector. Due to the low absorption features of gasoline for the used energy range, the images have been acquired in synchronized mode with the spray injection. As a result, it is shown that the absorption signal well emerges respect to the background indicating an interaction of the beam with the fuel. |
5186 | 2010-03-03 | Infrared and X-ray Simultaneous Spectroscopy: A Novel Conceptual Beamline Design for Time Resolved Experiments | 2010 | LNF-10-8(P).pdf | A. Marcelli, Wei Xu, D. Hampai, L. Malfatti, P. Innocenzi, U. Schade, and Z. Wu | Many physical/chemical processes such as metal-insulator transitions or self-assembly phenomena involve correlated changes of electronic and atomic structure in a wide time range from microseconds to minutes. To investigate these dynamical processes we not only need a highly brilliance photon source in order to achieve high spatial and time resolution but new experimental methods have to be implemented. Here we present a new optical layout to perform simultaneous or concurrent Infrared and X-ray measurements. This approach may indeed return unique information such as the interplay between structural changes and chemical processes occurring in the investigated sample. A beamline combining two X-ray and IR beams may really take advantage of the unique synchrotron radiation properties: the high brilliance and the broad spectrum. In this contribution we will describe the conceptual layout and the expected performance of a complex system designed to collect IR and X-ray radiation from the same bending magnet on a third generation synchrotron radiation ring. If realized, this beamline will allow time resolved spectroscopy experiments offering new scientific opportunities in many frontier researches. |
5185 | 2010-02-24 | DD Fusion in Crystals | 2010 | LNF-10-7(P).pdf | E.N. Tsyganov (communicated by S.B. Dabagov) | The article discusses the mechanism of DD 4Не fusion and so-called nonradiative thermalization of the reaction in crystals. The dynamics of this process is considered. The assumption that the decay time of the compound nucleus depends on its excitation energy makes experiments in crystals compatible with the acceleration data. We consider the processes in the crystals that increase the intensity of DD fusion in comparison to the amorphous media, and the yield of the reaction is estimated. |
5182 | 2010-02-19 | Feasibility Study for the Realization of a Scientific Computing Service at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN Report of the Scientific Computing Service Working Group | 2010 | LNF-10-5(IR).pdf | M. Benfatto, S. Bianco, F. Bossi, V. Chiarella, S. Dell'Agnello, R. de Sangro (WG Chair), P. Di Nezza, M. L. Ferrer, E. Pace, L. Pellegrino, R. Ricci, F. Ronchetti, F. Terranova, E. Vilucchi | This document contains the final report of the working group set up to study the feasibility of a Scientific Computing Service at the INFN's Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. The goal of the working group was to determine the location, infrastructure, hardware, software, manpower and funding profile needed to support the many computing activities of the experimental groups operating in the laboratory, including an ATLAS tier2 centre and an analysis farm for ALICE. |
5184 | 2010-02-19 | SPARX-FEL -- Technical Design Report (Version 2.00) Version 2.00 | 2010 | LNF-10-6(IR).pdf | AA VV | |
5181 | 2010-02-16 | A New Approach in Modeling the Response of RPC Detectors | 2010 | LNF-10-4(P).pdf | L. Benussi, S. Bianco, S. Colafranceschi, F.L. Fabbri, D. Piccolo, G. Saviano, A.K. Bhattacharyya, A. Sharma | The response of RPC detectors is highly sensitive to environmental parameters. A novel approach is presented to model the response of RPC detectors in a variety of experimental conditions. The algorithm, based on Artificial Neural Networks, has been developed and tested on the CMS RPC commissioning. |
5179 | 2010-02-09 | Technical Design Report of the Inner Tracker for the KLOE-2 experiment | 2010 | LNF-10-3(P).pdf | KLOE-2 Collaboration: F. Archilli, D. Badoni, D. Babusci, G. Bencivenni, C. Bini, C. Bloise,V. Bocci, F. Bossi,P. Branchini, A. Budano, S. A. Bulychjev, P. Campana, G. Capon, F. Ceradini, P. Ciambrone, E. Czerwinski, E. Dan`e, E. De Lucia, G. De Robertis, A. De Santis, G. De Zorzi, A. Di Domenico, C. Di Donato, B. Di Micco, D. Domenici, M. Dreucci, O. Erriquez, G. Felici, S. Fiore, P. Franzini, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, F. Gonnella, E. Graziani, F. Happacher,B. Hoistad, E. Iarocci,M. Jacewicz, T. Johansson, A. Kupsc, V. V. Kulikov, L. Kurdadze, J. Lee Franzini, F. Loddo, M. A. Martemianov, M. Martini, M. A. Matsyuk, D. Mchedlishvili, R. Messi, S. Miscetti, G. Morello, D. Moricciani, P. Moskal, F. Nguyen, V. Patera, A. Passeri, L. Quintieri, A. Ranieri, P. Santangelo, I. Sarra, M. Schioppa, B. Sciascia, A. Sciubba, M. Silarski, M. Tabidze, C. Taccini, L. Tortora, G. Venanzoni, R. Versaci, W. Wislicki, M. Wolke, J. Zdebik and A. Balla, S. Cerioni, M. Gatta, N. Lacalamita, S. Lauciani, R. Liuzzi, M. Mongelli, A. Pelosi, M. Pistilli, V. Valentino | The technical design report of the Inner Tracker for the KLOE-2 experiment is presented |
5180 | 2010-02-09 | Installation and Configuration of dCache Storage System with INFNGRID Profile for gLite Middleware | 2010 | INFN-TC-10-1.pdf | H. Riahi, F. Vella | The CMS experiment is expected to produce a few Peta Bytes of data per year and distribute them globally. Within the CMS computing infrastructure, some user tasks can be performed at level of CMS Tier-3 sites without any supports or sites reliability guaranteed by CMS collaboration. In this note, we present the integration of dCache storage system and Glite middleware to allow users to perform physics analysis. We describe briefly, in this paper, Perugia data center and its distinctive features with an overview of dCache and Glite middleware. We show in detail the followed steps and the solutions to possible problems. Finally, we describe perspectives in integrating dCache storage system with Glite middleware. |
5178 | 2010-02-05 | PORFIDO: Oceanographic Data for Neutrino Telescopes | 2010 | LNF-10-2(P).pdf | M. Cordelli, R. Habel, A. Martini, L. Trasatti | PORFIDO (Physical Oceanography by RFID Outreach) is a system designed to be installed in the optical modules of the NEMO experiment and possibly, in future underwater neutrino telescopes to gather oceanographic data with a minimum of disturbance to the main project and a very limited budget. The system gathers oceanographic data (temperature, etc.) from passive RFID tags (WISPs) attached to the outside of the NEMO optical modules with an RF reader situated inside the glass sphere, without the need of connectors or penetrators, which are very expensive and offer low reliability. Ten PORFIDOs will be deployed with the NEMO Phase 2 tower in 2011. |
5177 | 2010-02-04 | Optimization of a Linac-Based Neutron Source for Time-of-Flight Measurements | 2010 | LNF-10-1(P).pdf | S. Bartalucci, V. Angelov | The conceptual design of a neutron source for time-of-flight (TOF) measurements with good energy resolution was presented in a previous paper, aiming at its implementation on a high energy electron Linac . There is a growing interest in nuclear data worldwide and the existing neutron sources are clearly insufficient. The distinguished feature of this source is the very small size of the neutron producing target, what reduces the uncertainty on the neutron pathlength and so helps improve resolution. This in turn allows one to reduce the neutron flightpath down to only 1 m, in order to keep the flux at an acceptable level for a given energy resolution. Hence a special design of the shielding used for background reduction is needed, if compared to other similar sources. The basic criterion used in designing the various components was the optimization of the TOF resolution, and consequent background reduction, which were done mainly by extensive simulations with the MCNP5 code. The optimization results of the main elements of this source (target, moderator, shielding, collimator) are reported on in this paper, suggesting the feasibility of a simple, cheap and flexible neutron facility with an energy resolution ≤ 5% to be implemented even on a low power but high energy electron Linac. |
5176 | 2010-01-25 | The Design and Commissioning of the MICE Upstream Time-of-Flight System | 2010 | INFN-AE-10-1.pdf | R.~Bertoni, A.~Blondel, M.~Bonesini, G.~Cecchet, A.~de Bari, J.S.~Graulich, Y.~Kharadzov, M.~Rayner, I.~Rusinov, R.~Tsenov, S.~Terzo, V.~Verguilov | In the MICE experiment at RAL the upstream time-of-flight detectors are used for particle identification in the incoming muon beam, for the experiment trigger and for a precise timing ($\\sigma_t \\sim 50$ ps) with respect to the accelerating RF cavities working at 201 MHz. The construction of the upstream section of the MICE time-of-flight system and the tests done to characterize its individual components are shown. Detector timing resolutions $\\sim 50-60$ ps were achieved. Test beam performance and preliminary results obtained with beam at RAL are reported. |
5175 | 2009-12-23 | Chemical Analyses of Materials Used in the CMS RPC Muon Detector | 2009 | LNF-09-18(P).pdf | S. Bianco, S. Colafranceschi, D. Colonna, M. Giardoni, F. Felli, T. Greci, A. Paolozzi, L. Passamonti, D. Pierluigi, C. Pucci, A. Russo, G. Saviano, M. Abbrescia, R. Guida | Results are reported on a study of materials used in the CERN Closed Loop recirculation gas system presently under test with the RPC muon detectors in the CMS experiment at the LHC. Studies include a sampling campaign in a low-radiation environment (cosmic rays at the CERN ISR test site). We describe the dedicated RPC chamber tests, the chemical analysis of the filters and gas used, and discuss the results of the Closed Loop system. |
5174 | 2009-12-23 | Calcolo Scientifico: Prime Metodologie Quantitative per un Ambiente di Produzione | 2009 | INFN-CCR-09-6.pdf | A. Ciampa, E. Mazzoni | Vengono definiti il contesto e lattività di Calcolo Scientifico, prendendo ad esempio la Sezione di Pisa, intesa come produzione, pensando ad un approccio di tipo industriale. Si propone una prima metodologia per la valutazione quantitativa dei livelli di produzione, dellefficienza nellutilizzo degli impianti e della distribuzione dei costi. La valutazione dei consumi e lattribuzione dei costi sono basate sul consumo di energia elettrica: viene descritto come questo parametro possa essere considerato solo un esempio pratico e viene accennato a quali tipi di consumi, costi, modalità possa essere estesa lapplicazione della metodologia proposta. I risultati di un survey con applicazione alla Sezione di Pisa sono allegati in appendice |
5173 | 2009-12-21 | Optical Study of IR PRESSMAGO Collector | 2009 | LNF-09-17(IR).pdf | L. Gambicorti, F. Simonetti, A. Marcelli, D. Di Gioacchino, E. Pace, A. De Sio | A feasibility study of an optical system to concentrate and to focalize the synchrotron beam for the PRESS_MAG_O experiment of the Vth Committee of the INFN has been proposed. This report describes the study of a collector with two different configurations, to match the optical and mechanical requirements, obtaining performances that are in agree with the opto-mechanical constrains. During the study the requirements has been analyzed and the performances of collectors are described in collimated and non collimated beam. At the end a comparison between the performances of the solutions and conclusions are reported. |
5172 | 2009-12-18 | JAVA REF Framework | 2009 | LNF-09-16(NT).pdf | C. Bisegni | Gli applicativi di Gestione Ospiti e GOVA realizzati in ambito nazionale si basano su un framework custom per lo sviluppo di applicativi java a tre livelli. E composto da tre parti: Client, Common e Server. Integra un sistema di comunicazione in HTTP basato sulla libreria Apache HTTPClient (http://hc.apache.org/httpclient-3.x) e usa una servlet come entry-poiny per il server layer. Lo scopo del framework è quello di velocizzare lo sviluppo di sistemi software a tre livelli e di conseguenza lo sviluppo di business logic (processi applicativi) nel middle-tier e renderne veloce la pubblicazione e lesecuzione tramite protocollo |
5171 | 2009-12-03 | The Time Resolved Positron Light Emission (3+L) Experiment: A Novel Diagnostics Tool for the DAFNE Positron Ring | 2009 | LNF-09-15(R).pdf | A. Bocci, M. Cestelli Guidi, A. Clozza, A. Drago, A. Grilli, A. Marcelli, A. Raco and R. Sorchetti, L. Gambicorti, A. De Sio, E. Pace | |
5169 | 2009-11-30 | Quest for precision in Hadronic Cross Sections at Low Energy: Monte Carlo tools vs. Experimental data. (Working Group on Radiative Corrections and Monte Carlo Generators for Low Energies) | 2009 | S. Actis, A. Arbuzov, G. Balossini, P. Beltrame, C. Bignamini, R. Bonciani, C. M. Carloni Calame, V. Cherepanov, M. Czakon, H. Czy˙z, A. Denig, S. Eidelman, G. V. Fedotovich, A. Ferroglia, J. Gluza, A. Grzelinska, M. Gunia, A. Hafner, F. Ignatov, S. Jadach, F. Jegerlehner, A. Kalinowski, W. Kluge, A. Korchin, J. H. Kuhn, P. Lukin, P. Mastrolia, G. Montagna, S. E. Muller, F. Nguyen, O. Nicrosini, D. Nomura, G. Pakhlova, G. Pancheri, M. Passera, A. Penin, F. Piccinini, W. Placzek, T. Przedzinski, E. Remiddi, T. Riemann, G. Rodrigo, P. Roig, O. Shekhovtsova, C. P. Shen, A. L. Sibidanov, T. Teubner, L. Trentadue, G. Venanzoni, J. J. van der Bij, P. Wang, B. F. L. Ward, Z. Was, M. Worek, and C. Z. Yuan | We present the achievements of the last years of the experimental and theoretical groups working on hadronic cross section measurements at the low energy e+e− colliders in Beijing, Frascati, Ithaca, Novosibirsk, Stanford and Tsukuba and on τ decays. We sketch the prospects in these fields for the years to come. We emphasize the status and the precision of the Monte Carlo generators used to analyse the hadronic cross section measurements obtained as well with energy scans as with radiative return, to determine luminosities and τ decays. The radiative corrections fully or approximately implemented in the various codes and the contribution of the hadronic vacuum polarisation are discussed. | |
5170 | 2009-11-30 | Load Test on the EMCAL Module Frame | 2009 | INFN-TC-09-10.pdf | F. Noto, A. Palmeri | A consortium of French, Italian and US institutions is constructing a large electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCal ), which will complete the ALICE detector capabilities for measuring the entire range of physics observables in heavy ion interactions. Jet quenching, the interaction of energetic partons with dense matter, has been shown at RHIC to provide a broad range of unique and sensitive probes of the hot QCD medium. Jet quenching will play an equally important role in the LHC heavy ion physics program. The EMCal enables ALICE to explore the physics of jet quenching in detail, over the large kinematic range provided in heavy by the LHC. |
5168 | 2009-11-25 | Manuale di Installazione di un Servizio di Posta Elettronica Completo di Filtri Anti-Virus e Anti-Spam con Politica di Implementazione OPT-OUT | 2009 | INFN-TC-09-9.pdf | A. DAmbrosio | Con la seconda ristrutturazione dei servizi di calcolo centrali della Sez. INFN di Torino e dei Dipartimenti di Fisica dellUniversità, considerato il notevole aumento della frazione di spam sul totale di E-Mail consegnate agli utenti, a Settembre 2007 si è colta loccasione per modificare la politica di implementazione dei filtri anti-spam/virus da OPT-IN ad OPT-OUT, con inasprimento di alcune funzionalità di default rispetto al progetto iniziale (INFN/TC-05/09 del 01/07/2005), per redigerne un manuale dettagliato di installazione. Le istruzioni qui contenute hanno validità generale per qualunque piattafor-ma Unix. |
5167 | 2009-11-19 | Ground Motion Measurements at LNF | 2009 | LNF-09-13(P).pdf | B. Bolzon, L. Brunetti, M. Esposito, A. Jeremie, U. Rotundo, S. Tomassini | Preliminary measurements of ground motion have been done at the LNF for Super B site characterization. Measurements done during 18 hours in the vertical direction near a main road on surface show that earth motion (from 0.2Hz to 1Hz) is around 70nm, and that cultural noise (from 1Hz to 100Hz) varies from about 12nm to 35nm between 17h40 and 8h00 and from 38nm to 65nm between 09h40 and 11h40 on average, but highly increases between 8h00 and 09h40 due to traffic of rush hours ([3; 30] Hz) up to 240nm. However, measurements done during 20 minutes simultaneously on the surface and a 50m depth hole show that cultural noise is well attenuated in depth on its entire bandwidth (from 1Hz up to at least 100Hz). Vertical ground motion measured for 20 minutes in three other points located near various vibration sources during non rush hours the day was shown to be almost the same, about 70-80nm from 0.2Hz to 100Hz and about 30-35nm from 1Hz to 100Hz on average. Also, ground motion measurements done during 20 minutes simultaneously in the three directions at two points (located also near different vibration sources) show that horizontal motion is not much higher than vertical motion compared to horizontal tolerances which should be much less strict than the vertical one. To finish, measurements of ground motion coherence has been done for different distances on two different floors close to each other at LNF (soft and rigid) and compared to the one of ATF2 where a special floor was built for stability. Results confirm that a rigid floor keeps the coherence at higher frequencies, and that the LNF floor is much better than the one of ATF2 although it was not built for stability. |
5166 | 2009-11-13 | Finite Element Model of the Cylindrical GEM Detector as New Inner Tracker of Kloe2 and Mechanical Characterization of the Employed Materials | 2009 | LNF-09-12(IR).pdf | L. Quintieri, G. Bencivenni, A. Ceccarelli, S. Cerioni, S. Lauciani, D. Domenici, M. Pistilli | In this report we describe the study of the mechanical behavior of the cylindrical GEM detector to be used as new inner tracker for the Kloe2 experiment. The measurements of the tensile tests, that we did to characterize the mechanical properties of the non conventional materials used for the detector, are accurately described. At the end of the experimental tests, we were able to derive the Elasitcity Modulus values for each material and accurately reconstruct the correspective $\\sigma(\\epsilon)$ curves. These experimental values have been used to perform 3-D simulations (by Ansys code) of the non-linear structural response of the detector under several tensile loads, in order to estimate the entity of the consequently induced strain and stress. One of the main objectives of this work, in fact, consists in the realization of a valuable computational tool that allows to foresee and analyze the mechanical response of the GEM detector to specified loads and boundary conditions. In order to be confident in the reliability of the simulation results, a validation against experimental well-know configurations has been done. The comparison between the finite element code predictions with the experimental results is discussed. |
5165 | 2009-10-26 | A Twin-Laser System Driving a Powerful Inverse Compton X-ray Source | 2009 | INFN-TC-09-8.pdf | I. Boscolo | The basics of a complete twin-laser system driving both the LINAC accelerator and the interaction chamber of a powerful inverse Compton source is discussed. The pourpose is the production of trains of 100 pulses, 10 ps long, with an internal frequency of 100 MHz at a repetition rate of 10 Hz. The pulse energy of the egun-laser, the one driving the accelerator photocathode, is about 10 $\\mu J$, while the Compton-laser, the one driving the interaction chamber, is 1 J. The egun-laser is conceptually based on a powerful Nd:YAG(YLF) oscillator seeded by a saturated laser pulse. The Compton-laser is based on a commercial 1 J-15 ps-10 Hz Nd:YAG(YLF) coupled to a passive enhacing cavity which can generate the pulse trains. The energy and brilliance of the two lasers are discussed in view of producing an X-ray source capable of delivering more than $10^{10}$ photons p |
5163 | 2009-10-23 | Riflessioni sulla Virtualizzazione | 2009 | INFN-CCR-09-5.pdf | Alberto Ciampa | Proposta di un semplice contesto metodologico per la valutazione degli ambiti applicativi nei quali introdurre la virtualizzazione. Vengono presentati e brevemente analizzati quattro scenari: worker nodes on demand, virtualizzazione per high availability, farm on demand e virtualizzazione per interattivo. Si conclude con la presentazione della proposta per il coinvolgimento della Sezione di Pisa nel Gruppo di Virtualizzazione. |
5164 | 2009-10-23 | Investigation of the Temperature Dependence of Avalanche Photo Diodes for the Alice Electromagnetic Calorimeter | 2009 | INFN-TC-09-7.pdf | A. Badal, P. La Rocca, G.S. Pappalardo, C. Petta, A. Pulvirenti, F. Riggi | This report briefly describes the temperature dependence of the avalanche photo diodes installed in the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter. Such aspect is important, since these devices will work at ambient temperature inside the L3 magnet, thus suffering considerable temperature changes during the data-taking. Additional tests carried out on the APDs before their final installation showed the possibility to accurately study the temperature dependence and find a suitable parameterization to foresee the APD behaviour for different conditions of temperature and gain. |
5162 | 2009-10-20 | Criteri di Progettazione degli Impianti Elettrici per lAlimentazione dei Centri di Calcolo TIER2 | 2009 | INFN-CCR-09-4.pdf | Ruggero Ricci | Il presente elaborato riporta le linee guida per la progettazione degli impianti elettrici dei centri di calcolo di TIER2 dellINFN. Vengono esaminati alcuni provvedimenti impiantistici per il miglioramento della continuità del servizio delle apparecchiature elettroniche di calcolo in relazione alle esigenze di funzionamento dei TIER2. |
5161 | 2009-10-15 | Flussi Misurati di Protoni ed Elio e l'Origine del Ginocchio nello Spettro della Radiazione Cosmica | 2009 | INFN-TC-09-6.pdf | Antonio Codino | Si esaminano concisamente le osservazioni dei ginocchi degli spettri in energia di protoni ed elio nell'intervallo 10$^{15}$-10$^{17}$ eV effettuati dagli esperimenti Eas-top e Kascade nonch\\'e la coerenza generale dei risultati ottenuti. \\\\ Bench\\'e sussistano differenze nei flussi dei singoli ioni e nella forma degli spettri osservati causate dalle varie procedure adottate nell'analisi dati, alcune caratteristiche basilari degli spettri misurati permettono di discriminare le teorie esistenti sull'origine e la natura del ginocchio e dei ginocchi dei singoli ioni nello spettro della radiazione cosmica primaria. \\\\ Si prova che le propriet\\`a misurate degli spettri dei protoni oltre 10$^{16}$ eV sono in disaccordo con il meccanismo di accelerazione diffusivo con onde d'urto nei resti di supernova che prevede un crollo di efficienza accelerativa degli ioni cosmici con l'energia oltre 10$^{15}$ eV. Il disaccordo \\`e quantificato in una differenza di 3 ordini di grandezza a 10$^{17}$ eV tra flussi osservati di protoni e flussi previsti.\\\\ Le caratteristiche osservate degli spettri di protoni oltre 10$^{15}$ eV costituiscono un risultato conclusivo per la spiegazione dell'origine e la natura del ginocchio dello spettro della radiazione cosmica secondo la recente {\\it Teoria degli Indici Spettrali Costanti} dove i ginocchi e il ginocchio, essendo estranei a qualsivoglia meccanismo accelerativo, sono effetti della propagazione dei raggi cosmici galattici, legati alle dimensioni finite del disco, alla forma e intensit\\`a del campo magnetico, alla posizione del sistema solare nella Via Lattea e alla quantit\\`a di gas nel mezzo interstellare. |
5160 | 2009-10-13 | Accelerators R&D | 2009 | LNF-09-11(P).pdf | C. Biscari | R&D on particle accelerators dedicated to high energy physics applications are reviewed. Progress in particle colliders follows two different paths, one aiming at increasing the available energy in collision, the other at increasing the luminosity. Present collider performances and their plans on both fronts for the next future are described, together with the ideas and the technologies being developed for the projects that will be built after LHC. Neutrino beam facilities and plans for plasma wakefield accelerators are mentioned. |
5159 | 2009-09-30 | Concept of DD Fusion In Crystals | 2009 | LNF-09-10(P).pdf | E. N. Tsyganov | This article addresses the yields of products of the reaction and the so-called non-radiation thermalization of D+D fusion in crystals. Concept of the process is proposed. |
5155 | 2009-09-11 | Measurement of the Luminosity at the DAFNE Collider Upgraded with the Crab Waist Scheme | 2009 | LNF-09-9(P).pdf | M. Boscolo, F. Bossi, B. Buonomo, G. Mazzitelli, F. Murtas, P. Raimondi, G. Sensolini, M. Schioppa, F. Iacoangeli, P. Valente, N. Arnaud, D. Breton, L. Burmistrov, A. Stocchi, A. Variola, B. Viaud, P. Branchini | The test of the crab waist collision scheme, undergoing at the e+e- Frascati DAFNE accelerator complex since February 2008, requires a fast and accurate measurement of the absolute luminosity, as well as a full characterization of the background conditions. Three different monitors, a Bhabha calorimeter, a Bhabha GEM tracker and a gamma bremsstrahlung proportional counter have been designed, tested and installed around the interaction point end of 2007-beginning of 2008. In this paper, we describe these detectors and present their performances in various operation conditions during the 2008 and 2009 DAFNE runs. |
5154 | 2009-07-31 | Il Ginocchio Nudo del Ferro, sua Necessit ed Evidenza Empirica | 2009 | INFN-TC-09-5.pdf | Antonio Codino | Lo spettro in energia della radiazione cosmica ha un piegamento ripido intorno a (5-7)x1017 eV scoperto dallesperimento Akeno nel 1992 noto come secondo ginocchio. Avvalendosi di una recente teoria che spiega quantitativamente le proprietà del ginocchio e della caviglia viene identificata la natura del secondo ginocchio e se ne determinano le caratteristiche misurabili. Si prova che il secondo ginocchio corrisponde alla caduta di flusso del ferro oltre 1017 eV. Tale caduta è scolpita nello spettro dei raggi cosmici con il valore massimo dellindice spettrale di 3.3, marchio distintivo unico del medesimo spettro nel grande intervallo di energia 1010-5x1019 eV. Si evidenzia come il secondo ginocchio si relaziona alle maggiori strutture misurate dello spettro dei raggi cosmici in modo peculiare e soprattutto misurabile: (A) il valore massimo dell indice spettrale di 3.3; (B) la peculiare banda di energia di (5-7)x1017 in cui lindice assume il valore massimo di 3.3; (C) la sua posizione relativa in energia rispetto al ginocchio nominale del protone a 4x1015 eV (D) lesistenza della caviglia e la sua posizione a 4x1018 eV successiva al secondo ginocchio lungo lasse dellenergia; (E) la composizione chimica dei raggi cosmici dominata dal ferro nella regione (5-7)x1017 eV del secondo ginocchio. Le proprietà A, B, C e D sono in accordo con i dati sperimentali mentre la proprietà E solo con una parte di essi essendoci discrepanze notevoli nelle misure tra esperimenti diversi. |
5153 | 2009-07-20 | Thermal Equilibrium of Light Contaminant Atoms in a Crystal | 2009 | LNF-09-8(P).pdf | E. N. Tsyganov | This article addresses aspects of thermal equilibrium of light contaminant atoms in crystals. Long-wavelength lattice vibrational motion interactions with contamination of light atoms are considered. |
5151 | 2009-07-06 | Il GRID Data Center dellINFN di Pisa | 2009 | INFN-CCR-09-2.pdf | Silvia Arezzini, Tommaso Boccali, Federico Calzolari, Alberto Ciampa, Simone Marini, Enrico Mazzoni, Subir Sarkar, Sonia Taneja, Giuseppe Terreni | La candidatura della Sezione INFN di Pisa come membro del consorzio italiano dei Tier 2 di CMS è stata proposta nel Giugno 2005. Partendo dallinizio del commissioning avvenuto alla fine del 2006, si descrive lattuale stato di ciò che, nel corso del progetto, è divenuto un GRID Data Center. Tale descrizione è organizzata tematicamente seguendo quelle che sono le diverse componenti del centro: infrastrutture, calcolo (farm), rete, storage e organizzazione GRID. Si conclude descrivendo le attività progettuali in corso e la direzione che si intende seguire per lo sviluppo futuro. |
5152 | 2009-07-06 | INFN-Pisa Network and Storage Scenario for LHC TIER 2 and GRID Data Center | 2009 | INFN-CCR-09-3.pdf | Silvia Arezzini, Alberto Ciampa, Tommaso Boccali, Enrico Mazzoni | Based on the specifications provided by the CMS Experiment, the Network and Storage requirements for a Tier 2 site (T2) are analyzed. A proposal for a possible solution is presented and discussed, targeted to the Pisa CMS T2 site. In the analysis, the current situation of the Pisa Grid Data Center is taken as a starting point, and the future growing path is taken into account for the next couple of years. Two different final architectures are presented. |
5150 | 2009-06-25 | Dynamics of Bound State Populations for Channeled Electrons/Positrons | 2009 | LNF-09-7(IR).pdf | A. Babaev, and S.B. Dabagov | When electrons or positrons are planar channeled through a crystal, the spectrum of bound energy states forms and one can observe so-called channeling radiation. The intensity of channeling radiation depends on populations of bound energy levels. These populations change during projectiles motion through a crystal that, in turn, influences the CR intensity. In this manuscript we present theoretical model and computer codes to investigate the bound energy spectra of planar-channeled electrons and positrons and to obtain the initial populations of bound states. Solving the kinetic equations and using some approximations we explore the dynamics of bound state populations. In the future taking into account the dechanneling processes more realistic picture of evolution of bound state populations will be giving. |
5149 | 2009-06-11 | A Photo-Neutron Facility for Time-of-Flight Measurements | 2009 | LNF-09-6(IR).pdf | S. Bartalucci, Vl. Angelov, K. Drozdowicz, D. Dworak, G. Tracz | The accelerator-based neutron sources, which are driven by electron Linacs, still appear quite attractive, notably because of their use in the cross section measurements with the time-of-flight method. This is due to their better beam quality and economy aspects, what make them complementary, and in some case even superior to the hadron (protons, deuterons) driven spallation facilities. A conceptual design study of a powerful neutron source has been developed, aiming at the implementation on a future normal- or super-conducting Linac to be built in the Rome Research Area, but keeping enough flexibility for being installed on any high energy linac. The uniqueness of this source in Italy because of its white neutron spectrum and high TOF resolution has to be stressed. A general description of the facility in given in this report , with an illustration of the scientific case, of the main physical and technical issues that affect the source optimum design, and a tentative estimate of the costs and time scheduling required. |
5148 | 2009-05-15 | Technical Design Report of a Superconducting Model Dipole for FAIR SIS300 | 2009 | INFN-TC-09-4.pdf | F. Alessandria, S. Angius, G. Bellomo, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, U. Gambardella, R. Marabotto, R. Musenich, R. Repetto, M. Sorbi and G.Volpini | This report deals with the R&D activities aimed at developing the high field rapidly-cycling super-conducting dipoles needed for SIS300 synchrotron of the FAIR facility at GSI. The present lattice design includes 48 long dipoles with magnetic length 7.757 m and 12 short dipoles with magnetic length 3.879 m. The coils have two main features: they are curved (the corresponding sagitta is 112.8 mm for long dipoles), and they are fast ramped (for a superconducting magnet). Both these characteristics demand a challenging R&D, aimed at the development of the required low loss conductor, a robust design with respect to fatigue issues and a suitable winding technology. The Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) is performing this R&D. A project, called DISCORAP (Dipoli SuperCOnduttori RApidamente Pulsati), started in 2006 in accordance with a specific INFN-FAIR Memorandum of Understanding signed by both institutions in December 2006. The aim is to have a complete cold mass model of the short dipole ready in the summer of 2009. After a preliminary test of the cold mass in a vertical cryostat, it will be integrated into a horizontal cryostat for a test series at GSI. |
5147 | 2009-05-05 | Design and Implementation of the gLite CREAM Job Management Service | 2009 | INFN-TC-09-3.pdf | Cristina Aiftimiei, Paolo Andreetto, Sara Bertocco, Simone Dalla Fina, Alvise Dorigo, Eric Frizziero, Alessio Gianelle, Moreno Marzolla, Mirco Mazzucato, Massimo Sgaravatto, Sergio Traldi, Luigi Zangrando | Job execution and management is one of the most important functionality provided by every modern Grid middleware. In this paper we describe how the problem of job management has been addressed in the gLite middleware by means of the CREAM and CEMonitor services. CREAM (Computing Resource Execution and Management) provides a job execution and management capability for Grid systems, while CEMonitor is a general-purpose asynchronous event notification framework. Both services expose a Web Service interface allowing conforming clients to submit, manage and monitor computational jobs to a Local Resource Management System. |
5145 | 2009-04-16 | Centralizzazione del Servizio di Posta Elettronica per lINFN | 2009 | INFN-CCR-09-1.pdf | M. Corosu, F. Costa, O. Pinazza, A. Spanu, R. Veraldi, G. Vita Finzi | Questa ricerca è stata affidata al gruppo Mailing dalla Commissione Calcolo e Reti, con lo scopo di indagare i diversi aspetti di un possibile servizio di posta centralizzato. Nelle sedi i servizi calcolo sono oggi impegnati a fornire lo stesso servizio di posta, quasi replicato, con grande impegno di personale e risorse. I vantaggi della centralizzazione del servizio sono evidenti: oltre a liberare i servizi dal carico di lavoro legato al servizio di posta, si utilizzerebbero le risorse hardware in modo più ottimizzato e si potrebbero implementare politiche di servizio, antispam e antivirus uniformi e più efficaci. Restano però ancora alcuni dubbi sulla convenienza di questa eventuale riorganizzazione: la grande complessità introdotta in un servizio sempre più critico, i costi elevati, la gestione del traffico locale e dellallarmistica. La scelta dei sistemi e delle possibili soluzioni ha come presupposti: - che il livello di servizio fornito sia uguale o superiore a quello attuale - che il sistema possa essere integrato nellinfrastruttura di AAI - che lerogazione del servizio centralizzato liberi effettivamente il personale dei servizi dal carico di lavoro legato alla posta elettronica (sistemistico e di helpdesk) Le soluzioni commerciali che soddisfano queste richieste sono di due tipi: - quelle che offrono le caselle di posta e gli strumenti per lamministrazione ed ospitano e gestiscono lhardware in maniera trasparente per il cliente, e costano circa 50 per utente/anno (es. Google Apps) - quelle che gestiscono il sistema ospitato presso il cliente, con costi simili alla soluzione precedente (Oracle, IBM) o non quantificabili a priori (es. Microsoft), ma comunque elevati. A costi decisamente minori, una soluzione opensource gestita completamente dallINFN risulta tecnicamente complessa anche se non impossibile; richiede però lidentificazione di uno o più siti dove allestire linfrastruttura necessaria, la progettazione, lacquisto, linstallazione e la gestione di un sistema hardware scalabile e ad alta affidabilità e listituzione di un apposito servizio con personale specializzato per la gestione e manutenzione del servizio e per lhelpdesk. Lintroduzione del Metodo a Gerarchia Analitica (AHP: Analytic Hierarchy Process) ha permesso di valutare con criteri qualitativi, oltre che quantitativi, e secondo pesi diversi, le diverse alternative, confermando che lattuale soluzione distribuita è tuttora la più adatta alle esigenze di servizio dellEnte. |
5146 | 2009-04-16 | Papers presented at EPAC 2008 | 2009 | LNF-09-5(P).pdf | Accelerator Division | |
5144 | 2009-04-08 | Study of the Bernstein Waves Heating in the WEGA Stellarator Plasma and Possible Applications to ECRIS ECR Ion Sources | 2009 | INFN-FM-09-1.pdf | H. Laqua, M. Otte, Y. Podoba, D. Mascali, S. Gammino, L. Celona, F. Maimone, G. Ciavola, R. Miracoli, N. Gambino | The Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources (ECRIS) are nowadays the most effective devices that can feed the particle accelerators in a continuous and reliable way, providing high current beams of multiply charged ions. The heating mechanism of the ECRIS plasma is based on the Electron Cyclotron Resonance, that is able to create multi-keV electrons useful for ionization and to produce a conspicuous number of electrons up to MeV energies, as demonstrated by recent experiments on 3rd generation sources. These electrons are completely useless for the production of highly charged ions (their ionization cross section is very low) and they are also detrimental for the source safety, because they increase the heat load on the superconducting magnets cryostat, making the magnets operations problematic. With the aim to study alternative plasma heating mechanisms for ECRIS, a series of experimental measurements have been carried out at Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics of Greifswald, where a Stellarator for nuclear fusion research operates. In the last years it has been demonstrated that the Stellarator plasma can be efficiently heated by means of electrostatic Bernstein waves (BW), generated through an electromagnetic to electrostatic mode conversion mechanism named OXB-conversion. We will show that a proper BW-heating strongly reduces the number of high energy electrons over a large range of pressure and power. A possible injection scheme for ECRIS-like devices has been designed on this basis and it will be proposed along with a preliminary modelling of the waves to plasma coupling and waves path and absorption via OXB-conversion in ECR ion sources. |
5143 | 2009-04-03 | 2008 ANNUAL REPORT | 2009 | LNF-09-4(IR).pdf | AA.VV | |
5142 | 2009-03-19 | Splitter Box per lEsperimento CORMORAD | 2009 | INFN-TC-09-2.pdf | Marco Battaglieri, Gabriele Firpo, Massimo Ivaldi, Fabio Pratolongo | In questa nota si descrive il progetto di uno Splitter box attivo per segnali analogici veloci realizzato per lesperimento CORMORAD ed i test di verifica e funzionamento su di esso condotti. I test sono stati eseguiti sia sul prototipo di laboratorio sia con la versione definitiva inserita nella DAQ dellesperimento. Tutti i test hanno dimostrato la conformità del funzionamento alle specifiche di progetto. |
5140 | 2009-03-18 | Simulations of off-momentum particle trajectories along Dafne optics | 2009 | LNF-09-3(IR).pdf | L. Quintieri, D. Babusci, F. Archili, D. Moricciani, R. Messi | The principal aim of this work is the study of the off-momentum particles along the Da$\\phi$ne Optics. We did the tracking of all those particles that are supposed to be generated in one of the two Interactions Points, as a result of the collisions between electrons and positrons that do not success to produce $\\Phi$ particles. The majority of these particles are destined to die along the machine path, impinging on the vacuum chamber, generating secondary particle showers. In order to evaluate correctly the points along the line on which the off-momentum particles are lost and to estimate successively their contribution to the background around the Interaction Region of Da$\\phi$ne, we used the BDSIM code. This code conjugates the capabilities of fast particle tracking in accelerators, as more standard optics codes do (MAD), with that of simulating, by means of Monte Carlo techniques, the interaction of the lost particles with matter. All the results of the analysis developed up to now are illustrated in this note. The results of this analysis are useful for defining the suitable locations along the Da$\\phi$ne optics of the $\\gamma\\gamma$ tagger detectors, in the frame of the Kloe2 program for studying the $\\gamma\\gamma$ Physics at Da$\\Phi$ne. |
5137 | 2009-02-13 | Cuore Experiment: Towers Construction System | 2009 | INFN-TC-09-1.pdf | Valerio Pettinacci, Silvio Morganti, Antonio Zullo | CUORE experiment, predicted to be installed at Gran Sasso National Lab, consists in a detector placed inside a large cryostat. This detector is composed by 1000 very pure crystals, organized in a 20 copper towers system. The main problem of this assembly, is to integrate these towers, keeping a radioactively pure environment around crystals and copper frames, in order to dont compromise the detector functionality. This job describes how has been decided to proceed, in the LNGS clean room, for the towers assembly. |
5134 | 2009-02-02 | Deep Inelastic Processes and the Equations of Motion | 2009 | INFN-AE-09-1.pdf | Elvio Di Salvo | We show that the Politzer theorem on the equations of motion implies approximate constraints on the quark correlator, restricting considerably, for sufficiently large $Q^2$, the number of independent distribution functions that characterize the internal structure of the nucleon, and of independent fragmentation functions. This result leads us to suggesting an alternative method for determining transversity. Moreover our approach implies predictions on the $Q^2$-dependence of some azimuthal asymmetries, like Sivers, Qiu-Sterman and Collins asymmetry. Lastly, we discuss some implications on the Burkhardt-Cottingham and Efremov-Leader-Teryaev sum rules. |
5133 | 2009-01-15 | Deuteron Electromigration in Thin PdWires CoatedWith Nano-Particles: Evidence for Ultra-Fast Deuterium Loading and Anomalous, Large Thermal Effects | 2009 | LNF-09-1(P).pdf | F. Celani, P. Marini, V. Di Stefano, A. Spallone, M. Nakamura, E. Purchi, O. M. Calamai , V. Andreassi, E. Righi, G. Trenta, A. Marmigi, G. Cappuccio, D. Hampai, F. Todarello, U. Mastromatteo, A. Mancini, F. Falcioni, M. Marchesini, P. Di Biagio, U. Martini, P. G. Sona, F. Fontana, L. Gamberale, D. Garbelli | Large excess heat is measured in a Pd wire coated with nano-particles. A long (65 cm) and thin (50 μm) Pd wire is coated with thin layers of Pd nano-particles, stabilized against self-sintering by the addition of selected chemical elements: the coating is adhered to the wire surface by heating it in air up to about 800°C. The wire is then heated with up to 1 A of direct current in a pressurized D2 gas atmosphere. The D+ deuterons in the Pd lattice are forced to move toward the cathodic end of the wire because of the voltage drop along the wire (the Cöhn effect). Large excess power density (about 400 W/g of Pd), at high temperatures (up to 400-500°C), is then measured using isoperibolic calorimetry. The reference experiment is made, in situ and without opening the cell, using a Pt wire of same dimensions as the Pd wire, to which was applied the same electrical power. The onset of excess heat occurs in during a phase change from an α + β combined phase of the Pd-D to the α phase, and is proportional to the current density, and to the corresponding voltage drop or input power applied, i.e. the Pd temperature. In the range of temperatures explored up to now, the excess power has exhibited positive feedback behaviour versus temperature. This may prove useful to developing future self-sustaining devices for practical applications. No anomalous effects were found using 4He (or Ar, or dry-air) gases. |
5130 | 2008-12-22 | Worker Node per il Calcolo LHC | 2008 | INFN-CCR-08-2.pdf | Michele Michelotto | Questo documento descrive il panorama dei processori disponibili sul mercato per i nodi di calcolo (Worker Node) nei prossimi mesi. La valutazione delle prestazioni dei processori in questo momento di transizione tra SPEC INT 2000 e un altro benchmark, probabilmente della suite SPEC CPU 2006, risulta alquanto problematica poiché vengono usati vecchi e nuovi benchmark, con dati in parte pubblicati e in parte misurati. Il documento si conclude con una tabella in cui si evidenziano le prestazioni delle macchine attuali e di quelle delle generazioni precedenti in termini di SI2k e SPEC INT 2006 in attesa della scelta di WLCG come benchmark di riferimento per il futuro. Infine sono riportati i prezzi di alcuni medi acquisti di Worker Node (taglia tipica dei Tier2) degli ultimi mesi nell'intento di valutare i prezzi per gli acquisti futuri (2009). |
5131 | 2008-12-22 | Rapporto sullAttivit Svolta nei due Corsi INFN per la Formazione GRID Martina Franca (TA) 5-9 E 12-23 Novembre 2007 | 2008 | INFN-CCR-08-3.pdf | Valeria Ardizzone, Antonio Calanducci, Emidio Giorgio | |
5135 | 2008-12-22 | An analysis of materials used in the RPC detector and in the closed loop gas system of CMS at the LHC | 2008 | LNF-08-33(IR).pdf | S. Bianco, S. Colafranceschi, D. Colonna, T. Greci, A. Paolozzi, L. Passamonti, D. Pierluigi, C. Pucci, A. Russo, G. Saviano, M. Abbrescia, R. Guida | The results are reported of the study of materials used in the CERN Closed Loop recirculation gas system currently under test with the RPC muon detectors in the CMS experiment at the LHC. Studies include a sampling campaign in a low-radiation environment (cosmic rays at the CERN ISR test site). We describe the dedicated RPC chamber tests, the chemical analysis of the filters and gas used, and discuss the results of the Closed Loop system. |
5132 | 2008-12-22 | Integrare il Calcolo Locale MPI nella FARM INFN-GRID | 2008 | INFN-CCR-08-4.pdf | Roberto Alfieri, Roberto Covati e Enrico Tagliavini | Si descrive l'esperienza di integrazione dei cluster locali utilizzati per il calcolo MPI presso il Gruppo Collegato di Parma nella farm Grid. Tale integrazione è stata realizzata in modo tale da garantire un accesso prioritario e trasparente alle risorse per gli utenti locali ma nel caso in cui tali risorse risultino inutilizzate è stato previsto il loro riutilizzo per job MPI provenienti dagli utenti di InfnGrid. Vengono inoltre analizzate le problematiche legate all'introduzione del tool mpi-start per la gestione contemporanea di diversi flavor di MPI. |
5128 | 2008-12-15 | Scheda DWFD dellEsperimento EXPADES | 2008 | INFN-TC-08-10.pdf | A. Anastasio, A. Pandalone, A. Vanzanella | Questa nota descrive il modulo Digital WaveForm Digitizer (DWFD) da noi sviluppato per lesperimento EXPADES. Ciascun modulo DWFD si interfaccia con otto chip ASIC full custom (SER_09) appositamente sviluppati in tecnologia CMOS da 0.35 micron per il front end dellesperimento EXPADES e provvede sia alla formazione dei segnali per la logica di trigger sia alla campionatura e memorizzazione degli ingressi in una memoria di evento per la successiva determinazione del canale interessato dallHit e alla sua durata. I moduli DWFD si basano sulle FPGA Virtex IV (XC4VFX12-10FF668) di ultima generazione della Xilinx. |
5129 | 2008-12-15 | Uso dei Sensori in Fibra Ottica per Applicazioni Aerospaziali e per i Rivelatori dellEsperimento CMS | 2008 | LNF-08-32(Thesis).pdf | Stefano Colafranceschi | |
5127 | 2008-12-09 | QCD and Total Cross-Sections : Photons and Hadrons | 2008 | R.M. Godbole, A. Grau, G. Pancheri and Y.N. Srivastava | In this contribution, we discuss total cross-section model which can be applied to both photon and purely hadronic processes. We find that the model can reproduce photo-production cross-sections with minimal modifications from the proton case. We also discuss how the model could accomodate extrapolation of !! p processes to ! p using Vector Meson Dominance models. | |
5124 | 2008-12-04 | Total Photo-Production Cross-Section at Very High Energy | 2008 | LNF-08-28(P).pdf | R.M. Godbole, A. Grau, G. Pancheri, and Y.N. Srivastava | In this paper we apply to photoproduction total cross-section a model we have proposed for purely hadronic processes and which is based on QCD mini-jets and soft gluon re-summation. We compare the predictions of our model with the HERA data as well as with other models. When we extend the model to cosmic ray energies, our model predicts substantially higher cross-sections at TeV energies than models based on factorization but lower than models based on mini-jets alone, without soft gluons. We discuss the origin of this difference and comment on the Froissart bound for photon induced processes. |
5125 | 2008-12-04 | The CMS RPC Gas Gain Monitoring System: an Overview and Preliminary Results | 2008 | LNF-08-29(P).pdf | L.~Benussi, S.~Bianco, S.~Colafranceschi, D.~Colonna, L.~Daniello, F.~L.~Fabbri, M.~Giardoni, B.~Ortenzi, A.~Paolozzi,, L.~Passamonti, D.~Pierluigi, B.~Ponzio, C.~Pucci, A.~Russo, G.~Roselli, A.~Colaleo, F.~Loddo, M.~Maggi, A.~Ranieri, M.~Abbrescia, G.~Iaselli, B.~Marangelli, S.~Natali, S.~Nuzzo, G.Pugliese, F.~Romano, R.~Trentadue, S.~Tupputi, R.~Guida, G.~Polese, N.~Cavallo, A.~Cimmino, D.~Lomidze, P.~Noli, D.~Paolucci, P.~Piccolo, C.~Sciacca, P.~Baesso, M.~Necchi, D.~Pagano, S.~P.~Ratti, P.~Vitulo, C.~Viviani | The status of the CMS RPC Gas Gain Monitoring (GGM) system developed at the Frascati Laboratory of INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) is reported on. The GGM system is a cosmic ray telescope based on small RPC detectors operated with the same gas mixture used by the CMS RPC system. The GGM gain and efficiency are continuously monitored on-line, thus providing a fast and accurate determination of any shift in working point conditions. The construction details and the first result of GGM commissioning are described. |
5123 | 2008-11-29 | Sensitivity and Environmental Response of the CMS RPC Gas Gain Monitoring System | 2008 | LNF-08-27(P).pdf | L. Benussi, S. Bianco, S. Colafranceschi, F. L. Fabbri, M. Giardoni, B. Ortenzi, A. Paolozzi, L. Passamonti, D. Pierluigi, B. Ponzio, A. Russo, A. Colaleo, F. Loddo, M. Maggi, A. Ranieri, M. Abbrescia, 5, G. Iaselli, 5, B. Marangelli, S. Natali , S. Nuzzo, G.Pugliese, F. Romano, G. Roselli, R. Trentadue , S. Tupputi, R. Guida, G. Polese, A. Sharma, A. Cimmino, D. Lomidze, D. Paolucci, P. Piccolo, P. Baesso, M. Necchi, D. Pagano, S. P. Ratti, P. Vitulo , C. Viviani | Results from the gas gain monitoring (GGM) system for the muon detector using RPC in the CMS experiment at the LHC is presented. The system is designed to provide fast and accurate determination of any shift in the working point of the chambers due to gas mixture changes. |
5122 | 2008-11-27 | LAmplificatore di Carica del Chip SER_09 | 2008 | INFN-TC-08-9.pdf | E. Energico, P. Parascandolo | Il numero dei canali di lettura negli esperimenti di fisica sia di alta energia che di bassa energia che impiegano rivelatori al silicio sta incrementando continuamente, e pertanto cè un grande sviluppo di dispositivi custom che integrano sullo stesso ASIC un numero grande di canali sia allo scopo di abbattere i costi sia allo scopo di compattare un elevato numero di canali su di una piccola superficie. Per lesperimento EXPADES, il Servizio Elettronico e Rivelatori della Sezione INFN di Napoli, ha sviluppato il chip SER_09 in tecnologia CMOS da 0.35 micron della AMS (Austrian Microsystem). LASIC legge 16 strip e, per ciascun canale nella sezione dingresso, è stato incorporato, oltre allamplificatore di carica, anche una uscita veloce per il timing. Luscita dellamplificatore di carica è connessa dapprima ad uno shaper ed è poi seguita da un banco di 16 peak and hold e da un multiplexer analogico a 16 canali. |
5121 | 2008-11-24 | Optical Far Field Diffraction Pattern Test of Laser Retroreflectors for Space Applications in Air and Isothermal Conditions at INFN-LNF | 2008 | LNF-08-26(IR).pdf | A. Boni, C. Cantone, S. DellAgnello, G. O. Delle Monache, M. Garattini, N. Intaglietta, C. Lops, M. Martini, L. Porcelli | We describe the INFN-LNF standard procedure for the optical Far Field Diffraction Pattern (FFDP) test of cube corner laser retroreflectors (CCRs) for space applications, when these CCRs are in air and in isothermal conditions around (22 ± 2)°C. This procedure was developed in 2007 and 2008, using prototype GLONASS CCRs lent to LNF by IPIE of Moscow and a GPS-2 flight model CCR array lent to LNF by the University of Maryland at College Park (all using Al-coated fused silica retroreflectors of 27 mm diameter). This was done in the context of the INFN experiment ETRUSCO2. The modeling of FFDP measurements is performed with a commercial software, CodeV by O.R.A. Inc., and it has been cross-checked against two independent software programs developed by other two members of the ILRS Signal Processing Working Group, D. Arnold and T. Otsubo, finding very good agreement among the three. In summer 2008 this procedure has been validated by performing the FFDP test of the LAGEOS Sector, an engineering prototype on loan from NASA-GSFC, equipped with 37 uncoated, fused silica retroreflectors of 38 mm diameter. We report test results for the GLONASS and LAGEOS CCRs. Details of the test procedure and CodeV simulations are given for the particular case of the LAGEOS Sector. |
5119 | 2008-11-11 | Nerone Test at 2500 m DEPTH | 2008 | LNF-08-25(IR).pdf | Marco Cordelli, Roberto Habel, Agnese Martini, Luciano Trasatti | NERONE is an instrument designed and built at the LNF to measure with high accuracy and without any bias the attenuation length of light in clean water, capable of operation up to 4000m m depth. Several new technical solutions have been used in the design, including a small and cheap stepper motor assembly. In september 2008, final tests were conducted to a depth of 2500 m, and the results show that the instrument is performing according to design. |
5118 | 2008-10-28 | La Power Board per la Stringa Antares a Capo Passero | 2008 | INFN-TC-08-8.pdf | Massimiliano Cresta, Davide Piombo, Fabio Pratolongo | Il presente documento è il rapporto riguardante i test di funzionamento svolti sulla scheda in oggetto, tali test sono orientati alla verifica della corretta operatività e ad una stima di affidabilità della scheda. I risultati riportati sono ottenuti in condizione di sovraccarico, per un periodo continuativo di una settimana. La stabilità dimostrata dalla scheda durante tutto il periodo indica un ottimo margine di affidabilità nelle normali condizioni operative. |
5116 | 2008-10-22 | Design of the Radiation Shielding Around the DAFNE BTF Target | 2008 | LNF-08-23(NT).pdf | L. Quintieri, R. Bedogni, B. Buonomo, M. Chiti, M. De Giorgi, A. Esposito, A. Gentile, M. Iannarelli, G. Mazzitelli, R. Sorchetti, G. Sensolini, M. Sperati, P. Valente | This report describes the design of the radiation shield around the energy degrader target at the beginning of the BTF transfer line, successfully installed in May 2008. In particular, the results of Monte Carlo code (Fluka) simulations have been discussed, while the processing of the dose measurements, before and after the installation, is still in progress and will be discussed in a next work. |
5117 | 2008-10-22 | Feasibility Study of a Neutron Source at the DA$\\Phi$NE BTF Facility | 2008 | LNF-08-24(NT).pdf | L. Quintieri, B. Buonomo, G. Mazzitelli, P. Valente | There is an increasing interest in our scientific community to have a neutron source at the INFN for detector calibrations and physics investigations in different domains. In this report we describe the preliminary study that we have done to estimate the feasibility of a photo-neutron source at the Da$\\phi$ne Beam Test Facility. The physics of the neutron photo-production is introduced and synthetically discussed in the first 2 sections. In the following ones we show the details of the Montecarlo simulations and the comparison of these results with some important semi-empirical correlations. Finally, we reported some values of the integrated neutron flux, that we expected to have, when a 510 MeV electron beam impinges on a suitable target, made of high Z material. |
5115 | 2008-10-20 | Characterization of Avalanche Photo Diodes for the First Super-Module of the ALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter | 2008 | INFN-TC-08-7.pdf | F. Astuti, A. Badal, F.Blanco, F.Fichera, N.Giudice, A.Grimaldi, N.Guardone, P. La Rocca, F. Librizzi, G.S. Pappalardo, C. Petta, A. Pulvirenti, F. Riggi, S.Urso, R.Vernet | A status report is given of the ongoing activities in Catania concerning the testing procedures for the Avalanche Photo Diodes (APD) to be used in the first super-module of the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter. A description of the equipment, testing procedure and protocol, together with results from a first sample of APDs are reported. |
5114 | 2008-10-09 | Standards-Based Job Management in Grid Systems | 2008 | INFN-TC-08-6.pdf | Paolo Andreetto, Sergio Andreozzi, Antonia Ghiselli, Moreno Marzolla, Valerio Venturi, Luigi Zangrando | In this paper we review some recent standards which address interoperability for three important Grid services: the BES/JSDL specifications for job submission and management, the SAML notation for authorization and authentication, and the GLUE specification for resource modeling. We describe how standards-enhanced Grid components can be used to form interoperable building blocks for a Grid architecture, and describe how existing Grid software components have actually been re-engineered to support these specifications. From this experience we draw some conclusions on the strengths and weaknesses of the standards, and how they can be improved to address some of the issues we encountered. |
5113 | 2008-10-02 | On Crystal-Assisted Processes by Means of 20-800 MeV e-/e+ LNF Beams | 2008 | LNF-08-22(IR).pdf | A .Babaev, O.V. Bogdanov, V.I. Efremov, K.B. Korotchenko, Yu.P. Kunashenko, Yu.L. Pivovarov, and S.B. Dabagov | Based on this idea, in this report we are discussing the features of 20-800 MeV e-/e+ channeling in various crystals. Namely, paying attention to the complex character of radiation origin, the new peculiarities of channeling radiation from relativistic particles have been described in details; the processes of multiple scattering have been studied using a modified binary collision model; the possibility of the particle spin manifestation in radiation parameters has been analyzed; various solutions for coherent production of e-/e+ pairs in crystals have been presented. The results of both computer simulations and estimations are given in many figures and tables. |
5112 | 2008-09-29 | Thermal Conductivity Measurements at Cryogenic Temperatures: Hardware and Software Apparatus | 2008 | INFN-TC-08-5.pdf | Antonio Paccalini, Giancesare Rivoltella and Giovanni Volpini | An apparatus to measure the thermal conductivity of bulk samples at cryogenic temperatures is in use at LASA Laboratory since some years. The Magnex Scientific Ltd cryostat and the inner mechanical system realized at LASA, have maintained good performances during the time. On the contrary, the electrical connections have been damaged by the thermal cycles experienced, for this reason they have been replaced. The realization of the thermal sensors, AuFe (0.07% at.w.)-Cromel P thermocouples (TC), has been improved and standardized. A new electronic system, h/w and s/w, has been realized. The temperatures are acquired by a nanovoltmeter, while the measure parameters (pressures, cryogenic levels, etc) are acquired by a precision multiplexer. The acquisition, the storage and the readout of the data are managed in real time by LabView 8.5. The reliability of the measures and the quantity of the data have allowed a deeper study of instrumental phenomena as, for instance, the capacitive effect of the nitrogen level probe on the TC voltage and the relationship between the different thermal zero levels and the physical conditions of the apparatus. |
5111 | 2008-09-22 | A Restful Approach to the OGSA Basic Execution Service Specification | 2008 | INFN-TC-08-4.pdf | Sergio Andreozzi, Moreno Marzolla | The~\\ac{BES} specification has recently been proposed by the~\\ac{OGF} as the standard job submission and management interface across different Grid middlewares. This specification defines a~\\ac{WSDL} interface for creating, monitoring and managing computational jobs (called activities), and for querying the capabilities of the~\\ac{BES} service itself. In this paper, we propose an alternate incarnation of the~\\ac{BES} functionalities according to the~\\ac{REST} architectural style. We describe the mapping of the~\\ac{BES} operations in terms of HTTP actions on resources. We compare the~\\ac{REST} formulation of~\\ac{BES} with the standard WS-based one. We show that all~\\ac{BES} operations can be expressed in a very natural way using the standard HTTP protocol and following the~\\ac{REST} approach; moreover, we present useful extensions that are expected to appear in the near future. |
5110 | 2008-09-08 | KAIUM at DAFNE ? | 2008 | LNF-08-21(IR).pdf | Vincenzo Lucherini, Tullio Bressani | The possibility of producing and detecting at DAΦNE, in the present configuration, a new Hydrogen isotope formed by a (K+e-) bound system (Kaium) is addressed, considering the unique opportunity to have the machine tuned at its best on the verge of the KLOE roll-in, with a dedicated, and relatively simple experiment of short duration. If Kaium will be detected at DAΦNE, it could in perspective pave the way for a series of highly sophisticated experiments focused in the precision measurement of several quantities, as the K+ mass, that, together with K- mass, are strictly related to CPT invariance. |
5109 | 2008-09-03 | Activity Report 2007 | 2008 | AA.VV | ||
5108 | 2008-07-23 | New Monochromator and Sonar System - User Manual | 2008 | INFN-TC-08-3.pdf | Veronica Diaz, Piero Ciliberti, Stefano Levorato, Mauro Bari | In this note, we report the features of the RICH Gas Monitoring System. A dedicated system has been designed to handle the delicate radiator gas operations for COMPASS RICH-1. The gas analysis system consists of two components the monochromator system and the sonar system. The monochromator system allows a wavelength-dependent determination of the transparency of the gas in the interesting wavelength range and can indicate the presence of contaminants. The sonar system can determine the composition of a binary gas mixture to a percent level accuracy. |
5106 | 2008-07-18 | Elemental Mapping and Micro-Imaging by X-Ray Capillary Optics | 2008 | LNF-08-18(P).pdf | Dariush Hampai, Sultan B. Dabagov, Giorgio Cappuccio, Antonio Longoni, Tommaso Frizzi, Giannantonio Cibin, Valeria Guglielmotti and Marco Sala | Many experiments have recently revealed the advantages of ``confocal'' optical configuration for the fluorescence studies. Indeed, this peculiar layout enables micro X-ray fluorescence mapping simultaneously with X-ray imaging. In this letter the results of experimental investigations for novel polycapillary lenses are presented. The recorded image of characterized extended sample ($\\sim$ 3 mm) with a 6 $\\mu$m spatial resolution, limited by the CCD pixel size, is shown. The use of a second polycapillary lens in the confocal scheme followed by a SDD detector provides an additional option for elemental studies. A prototype of compact XRF spectrometer with a spatial resolution less than 100 $\\mu$m has been designed. |
5107 | 2008-07-18 | Merging and Splitting of Clusters in the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the KLOE Detector | 2008 | LNF-08-19(Thesis).pdf | Jaroslaw Zdebik | The work was carried out in the framework of the KLOE collaboration studying the decays of the phi meson produced in the DAFNE accelerator in the collisions of electron and positron. The main aim of this thesis was investigation of the influence of the merging and splitting of clusters in decays with the high multiplicity of gamma quanta, which are at most biased by these effects. For this aim we implemented the full geometry and realistic material composition of the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter in FLUKA package. The prepared Monte Carlo based simulation program permits to achieve a fast generation of thedetector response separately for each interested reaction. The program was used to study the reconstruction efficiency with the KLOE clustering algorithm as a function of the photocathode quantum efficiency. It was also used to investigate merging and splitting probabilities as a function of the quantum efficiency. The conducted studies indicated that the increase of quantum efficiency does not improve significantly the identification of clusters. The influence of these effects was estimated for eta meson decays into 3 neutral pions and K_short meson into 2 neutral pions. |
5104 | 2008-07-01 | Bandwidth Enhancement for Parametric AmplifiersOperated in Chirped Multi-Beam Mode | 2008 | LNF-08-16(P).pdf | F. Terranova, H. Kiriyama, F. Pegoraro | Abstract: In this paper we discuss the bandwidth enhancement that can be achieved in multi-Joule optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) systems exploiting the tunability of parametric amplification. In particular, we consider a pair of single pass amplifiers based on potassium dideuterium phosphate (DKDP), pumped by the second harmonic of Nd:glass and tuned to amplify adjacent regions of the signal spectrum. We demonstrate that a bandwidth enhancement up to 50% is possible in two configurations; in the first case, one of the two amplifiers is operated near its non-collinear broadband limit; to allow for effective recombination and recompression of the outgoing signals this configuration requires filtering and phase manipulation of the spectral tail of the amplified pulses. In the second case, effective recombination can be achieved simply by spectral filtering: in this configuration, the optimization of the parameters of the amplifiers (pulse, crystal orientation and crystal length) does not follow the recipes of non-collinear OPCPA. |
5103 | 2008-06-23 | Study of the Response of the NEMO-KM3 Detector Instrumented with Direction-Sensitive Optical Module | 2008 | INFN-TC-08-2.pdf | M. Anghinolfi, M. Bersani, K. Fratini, V. Kulikovsky, M. Osipenko, A. Plotnikov, E. Shirokov, M. Taiuti, S. Zavatarelli | We studied the performances of the underwater neutrino telescope NEMO-KM3 equipped with direction-sensitive optical modules. The main feature of these optical modules is to detect the direction of the incoming Cherenkov light. In this note we show that the effective area of the underwater neutrino telescope NEMO-KM3 could be improved at low neutrino energies (E$_nu < 10$ TeV) by adding in the reconstruction procedure the information on the direction of the detected Cherenkov light. As a consequence we show that it is possibile to reduce the number of towers from 81 to 64 maintaining the same effective area of NEMO-KM3. |
5100 | 2008-06-16 | Una Infrastruttura di Autenticazione e Autorizzazione Flessibile e Scalabile per una Comunita' Scientifica Locale | 2008 | INFN-CCR-08-1.pdf | Roberto Alfieri, Roberto Covati | Viene descritto un modello scalabile di Autenticazione e Autorizzazione per l'accesso a tutte le risorse di calcolo e di rete per una ampia comunità locale di utenti, come può essere un Campus Scientifico. L'infrastruttura è stata implementata presso il Campus Universitario di Parma. |
5099 | 2008-06-12 | Fondamenti della Fisica-Matematica Classica una Introduzione | 2008 | Camillo Lo Surdo | A book in progress on the foundations of macroscopic mathematical physics, ranging from synthetic euclidean geometry to general relativity. At present, over 800 pages in 48 files. (In italian) | |
5098 | 2008-05-09 | Multi-Streamer Studies on Gas Mixtures for the OPERA RPCs | 2008 | LNF-08-14(NT).pdf | Alessandro Paoloni, Ubaldo Denni, Giulietto Felici,Maria Antonietta Frani, Alessandro Mengucci, Giuseppe Papalino, Mario Spinetti | Resistive Plate Chambers with bakelite electrodes are employed in the spectrometers of the OPERA experiment. The RPCs are operated in streamer mode with the gas mixture $Ar/C_2H_2F_4/i-C_4H_{10}/SF_6=75.4/20.0/4.0/0.6$. The studies performed in order to choose the operating gas mixture have been already published. In this note the results of additional tests on the multi-streamer probability are presented. |
5097 | 2008-05-08 | Papers presented at PAC 2007 | 2008 | LNF-08-13(P).pdf | Accelerator Division | |
5139 | 2008-04-28 | Design and Construction of a Laser-Ranged Test Mass for the Deep Space Gravity Probe Mission and Test of a Hollow Retroreflector for the GPS-3 | 2008 | LNF-08-12(IR).pdf | S. DellAgnello, G. O. Delle Monache, A. Boni, C. Cantone, M. Garattini, N. Intaglietta, C. Lops, M. Martini | The Satellite/lunar laser ranging Characterization Facility (SCF) of INFN-LNF in Frascati, Italy, is devoted to the characterization of the detailed thermal properties and the optical performance of laser- ranged payloads (the SCF-test) for GNSS, Space Geodesy and Fundamental Physics applications [1][2]. The Optical Lab is a second LNF facility dedicated to the far field diffraction pattern (FFDP) industrial acceptance test of laser cube corner retroreflectors (CCR) for space applications. We tested about 200 flight CCRs to be deployed in space by imminent launches at the two LNF facilities. These launches are for the current American Global Navigation Satellite System Constellation, the GPS-2 by NASA and for the European VEGA Program, by ESA/ASI. Some of the tested CCRs are for undisclosed missions by other space agencies. Deep Space Gravity Probe (DSGP) is a mission led by NASA-JPL (S. Turyshev is the PI), proposed to NASA and to the ESA Cosmic Vision program to study the anomalous deceleration of the Pioneer 10 and 11 probes and other important interplanetary science topics. In the context of a three-year study on Cosmology and Fundamental Physics (COFIS) funded by ASI and led at national level by P. de Bernardis we designed a prototype laser-ranged test mass for the DSGP satellite formation. This mass is being built at LNF and will be SCF-Tested at the SCF. We are also collaborating with NASA-GSFC (J. McGarry et al) on the test of innovative CCRs for the GPS-3. The goal of this R&D is to convince the US Air Force and Department of Defense of the full functionality of the hollow retroreflector design. This is a prerequisite to propose the deployment of retroreflectors on the GPS-3, which, unlike GALILEO, is a military constellation. |
5094 | 2008-03-27 | A Review of Experimental studies about Hydrogen over-loading within Palladium wires (H/Pd ≥ 1) | 2008 | LNF-08-10(P).pdf | A. Spallone, A. Marmigi, F. Celani, P. Marini, V. di Stefano | Many hundred of systematic tests have been performed, at Frascati National Laboratories, in order to achieve very high concentration of Hydrogen (overloading) into Palladium wires. The electrodes (cathode in central position: Pd wires 50 or 100 μm tick; anode: Pt wires 0.5mm tick) were placed in a coaxial geometry into a small cylinder electrolytic cell. A specific study has been performed in order to optimise the electrolytic solution based on H2O (400 cm3) + HCl (50 ÷ 200 μM) and small amounts (tenth of μM) of salts (carbonate or sulphates) of the following alkaline and alkaline-earth metals: Li, Na, K, Ca or Sr. Very small amounts (hundred of nM) of HgCl2 has been also added to the electrolyte. The addition of Hg ions has been crucial to achieve very high and stable overloading. To increase the reproducibility of the overloading a peculiar loading protocol, based on high/low (or OFF/ON) cathodic current cycles, has been tested successfully. The H/Pd loading ratios have been estimated by the on-line measurement of the normalised wire resistance (R/Ro). Loading results are quite satisfactory: H/Pd ≥ 0.97 (R/Ro≤ 1.30; input electrolytic current/voltage: 7V, 5mA) are typically reached and sometimes H/Pd ≥ 1 (R/Ro ≅ 1.15; input current/voltage: 11V, 2.5mA) has also been achieved. The reproducibility of the results is quite satisfactory. |
5093 | 2008-03-25 | Anomalous Heat Generation by Surface Oxidized Pd Wires in a Hydrogen Atmosphere | 2008 | LNF-08-9(P).pdf | A. Marmigi, A.Spallone, F.Celani, P. Marini, V.di Stefano | Thin Pd wires (diameter 50 micrometers) surface oxidized through Joule heating have been loaded in a Hydrogen atmosphere at pressures in the range 1 - 10 bar. The atomic ratio H/Pd reached in the experimental conditions has been evaluated through its relationship with the electrical resistivity of Hydrogen loaded Pd. It was found that the loading rate of the surface oxidized Pd wires is exceptionally higher than with the untreated ones (full loading in a few minutes as compared with several hours). It was also observed that surface treated wires with H/Pd ≥ 0.75, don't lose Hydrogen even when Joule heated at temperatures up to about 150 °C in a Hydrogen atmosphere. When the wire temperature exceeds 150 °C (applied power about 12.4 W) there is an anomalous heat generation (about 3.5 W). During an experimental test, comprising feeding the wire with stepwise increasing power values each for 500-600 seconds, followed by a period of zero power, it was observed that when the power was cut off after the period of powering with 14 W, the wire spontaneously heated for about 70 seconds releasing an estimated heat of 1650 ± 160 J, corresponding to 3940 ± 400 Kcal per mole of Pd. Peak power was ~ 16 W. The wire resistance spontaneously reaches a value R/Ro = 2.40 and then slowly dropped to the original value of 1.80 at room temperature. In a second experimental test with the same wire similar phenomena have been observed although of lower intensity but lasting over 3000 seconds. After 16 W powering for 500 seconds, the power was cut off. Again the wire heated spontaneously releasing an anomalous heat of 3600 ± 360 J, corresponding to some 13200 ± 130 Kcal per mole of Pd. The peak power was ~ 3 W. The wire resistance increased spontaneously up to R/Ro = 2.01 and then slowly decreased down to 1.90. |
5091 | 2008-03-12 | Nuclear Photodisintegration in the Solar Field: Numerical Simulations of the Gerasimova-Zatsepin Effect | 2008 | INFN-AE-08-1.pdf | P. La Rocca and F. Riggi | Numerical simulations of the photodisintegration process of cosmic nuclei in the photon solar field and of the transport of their charged products in the interplanetary magnetic field have been carried out. The fragmentation probability and the separation between the two fragments have been evaluated as a function of the energy and mass of the primary nucleus, by the use of a realistic model of the interplanetary magnetic field |
5092 | 2008-03-12 | A Nexafs Study of Nitric Oxide Layers Adsorbed from a Nitrite Solution Onto a Pt(111) Surface | 2008 | LNF-08-8(P).pdf | M. Pedio, E. Casero, S. Nannarone, A. Giglia, N. Mahne, K. Hayakawa, M. Benfatto, K. Hatada, R. Felici, J.I. Cerd, C. Alonso, J. A. Martin-Gago | NO molecules adsorbed on a Pt(111) surface from dipping in an acidic nitrite solution are studied by near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) techniques. LEED patterns and STM images show that no long range ordered structures are formed after NO adsorption on a Pt(111) surface. Although the total NO coverage is very low, spectroscopic features in N K-edge and O K-edge absorption spectra have been singled out and related to the different species induced by this preparation method. From these measurements it is concluded that the NO molecule is adsorbed trough the N atom in an upright conformation. The maximum saturation coverage is about 0.3 monolayers, and although nitric oxide is the major component, nitrite and nitrogen species are slightly co-adsorbed on the surface. The results obtained from this study are compared with those previously reported in the literature for NO adsorbed on Pt(111) under UHV conditions. |
5089 | 2008-02-21 | Fisica Fondamentale con la Missione Lunare MAGIA | 2008 | LNF-08-6(IR).pdf | S. DellAgnello, R. Vittori, G. O. Delle Monache, D. G. Currie, G. Bellettini, R. March, R. Tauraso, C. Prosperi, C. Cantone, M. Garattini, A. Boni, M. Martini, C. Lops, N. Intaglietta, M. Maiello | Il Consigio di Amministrazione dell'ASI, nella sua seduta del 7/2/2008, ha individuato le cinque proposte, nellambito del Bando Piccole Missioni, di cui verrà finanziato lo studio di Fase A, ovvero lo studio di fattibilità preliminare alla scelta delle due missioni che verranno lanciate entro il 2014. Una di queste cinque missioni è MAGIA (Missione Altimetrica Gravimetrica geochimica Italiana lunAre), di cui il Principal Investigator è la Prof. A. Coradini (INAF-IFSI) e il Prime Industriale è Rheinmetall Italia S.p.A. La missione si propone di rispondere ad alcune delle questioni di maggiore importanza per lo studio della Luna quali la struttura interna, elemento necessario per comprendere lorigine e la formazione, la ricerca di evidenze di processi di differenziazione che devono aver caratterizzato la parte iniziale della formazione e la correlazione con la successiva fase dominata dalla craterizzazione della superficie. Al momento, i dati geochimici e mineralogici da telerilevamento lunare, utili per raccordare le analisi dei campioni di rocce prelevate in-situ ad aree del satellite più vaste, sono disponibili solo per la near side. Inoltre anche le missioni più recenti (Clementine, SMART-1, Lunar Prospector) non avevano a bordo strumenti in grado di effettuare unanalisi mineralogica accurata. MAGIA si propone inoltre una precisa caratterizzazione del campo gravitazionale lunare, ed ad unaccurata misura del suo stato rotazionale. Questi temi sono tutti strettamente legati tra loro concorrendo, infatti, a migliorare la comprensione dellorigine ed evoluzione della Luna. Inoltre, MAGIA mostrerà come si possa utilizzare una piattaforma in orbita circumlunare al fine di ottenere misure di fisica fondamentale, quali un miglioramento delle misura del redshift gravitazionale, una precursor mission per la proposta di Lunar Laser Ranging di seconda generazione, MoonLIGHT, ed un potenziale ulteriore miglioramento dei test delle Relatività Generale grazie ad una misura indipendente della posizione del selenocentro rispetto a Terra. Questo Report descrive il pacchetto di Fisica Fondamentale della proposta MAGIA. |
5088 | 2008-02-18 | Minijets, Soft Gluon Resummation and Photon Cross-Sections | 2008 | LNF-08-5(P).pdf | R.M. Godbole, A. Grau, G. Pancheri, Y.N. Srivastava | We compare the high energy behaviour of hadronic photon-photon cross-sections in different models. We find that the photon-photon cross-section appears to rise faster than the purely hadronic ones($pp$ and $p\\bar{p}$). |
5087 | 2008-02-06 | Properties of Nanocomposites Based on Resin and Carbon Nanotubes | 2008 | LNF-08-4(P).pdf | S Bellucci, F Micciulla, N Pugno | A systematic study of the electrical properties of polymeric composite materials based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs), carried out at INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati is reviewed. The purpose was to make a light, thin and mechanically strong composite material to cover electric circuits against external electromagnetic interference. The epoxy resin that was used as a polymeric matrix is a commercial Shell product Epon 828. Two types of curing agent were used along with the resin, namely the A1 curing agent and PAP8 agent. The composite is obtained using the A1 curing agent, selected for the stability of the corresponding composite over a wide range of pressure values, in comparison with a different curing agent (namely PAP8). Benchmarking the resistivity properties of composites based on CNTs with those containing micron-sized graphite particles as a constituent, shows the advantages of using carbon nanotubes. The change in the resistivity values for carbon nanotubes based composites turns out to be significant, even for small changes in the added carbon nanotubes percentage. These results might be important for determining the most suitable recipe for the realization of composite materials for high-fidelity circuits in aerospace applications, or even in devices exposed to disturbances predominantly electromagnetic in their nature. It is planned also to present in future reports a study of carbon nanotubes based composites with PAP8. Also, we plan to show the composite behavior in controlled humidity environments and for different temperatures. Finally preliminary results on the mechanical characterization of the nanocomposites will be presented elsewhere |
5084 | 2008-02-04 | A New Approach to LAGEOS Spin Orientation and its Role IN General Relativity Measurements | 2008 | LNF-08-3(P).pdf | Douglas Currie, Simone DellAgnello, Giovanni Delle Monache, Marco Garattini, Roberto Tauraso | The two LAGEOS Satellites have addressed a variety of issues in Geophysics (GP) and General Relativity (GR). The extreme accuracy of laser ranging (currently approaching millimeter accuracy) now means that very small error sources act upon LAGEOS and have become important, affecting the study of GP (e.g., the tides) and GR (e.g., Lense-Thirring Effect). Initial measurements and analysis of the spin orientation were first performed at the in the early 1990s at the University of Maryland. However, the spin rate of LAGEOS has slowed to the point that this method is no longer effective. A new observing approach (the Pocket Modulation Effect) to determine the spin axis has been proposed by the first author. Data that addresses this method has been collected at various sites and is being analyzed at INFN-LNF. We will report on the physics involved in the PME and describe the laboratory data and simulations performed to validate the proposed approach, the LAGEOS data obtained at sites, the new analysis procedures and then address the impact of this new information. |
5083 | 2008-01-30 | Large Rapidity Gaps Survival Probabilities at LHC | 2008 | LNF-08-2(P).pdf | Rohini M. Godbole, Agnes Grau,Giulia Pancheri, Yogendra N. Srivastava | We calculate the probability of large rapidity gaps in high energy hadronic collisions using a model based on QCD mini-jets and soft gluon emission down into the infrared region. Comparing with other models we find a remarkable agreement among most predictions. |
5082 | 2008-01-11 | The INFN-LNF Space Climatic Facility | 2008 | LNF-08-1(P).pdf | D. Arnold, G. Bellettini, A. Boni, C. Cantone, I. Ciufolini, D. G. Currie, S. DellAgnello, G. O. Delle Monache, M. A. Franceschi, M. Garattini, N. Intaglietta, A. Lucantoni, M. Martini, T. Napolitano, A. Paolozzi, R. Tauraso, and R. Vittori | The Space Climatic Facility (SCF) is an experimental apparatus built in 2006 at the Frascati National Laboratory of INFN to study the thermal thrusts acting on the LAGEOS I and II satellites and to perform integrated thermal and optical characterization of retro-reflector (CCR) arrays for laser ranging. The latter include the new LARES satellite, whose main scientific goal is to improve the measurement accuracy of the frame dragging of the Earth (Lense-Thirring effect) predicted by General Relativity and reach a relative accuracy of the order of 1%. The SCF is also devoted to make the same tests on CCR arrays deployed on GNSS constellations (especially on GALILEO) within an approved INFN experiment, ETRUSCO. The SCF is a cylindrical cryostat where a realistic space environment is established in terms of pressure (10-6-10-7 mbar), temperature (down to 77 K) and e.m. radiation (Sun simulator and infrared Earth simulator). Thermal simulations are well advanced and laser-optical simulations are making good progress. |
5081 | 2008-01-09 | Traction Tests for The Qualification of the TTF/ILC Composite Support Posts | 2008 | INFN-TC-08-1.pdf | S. Barbanotti, M. Bonezzi, M. Todero, N. Panzeri | Between January and June 2007 a new set of 6 low thermal conduction structural supports for the TTF cold mass has been produced at INFN Milano LASA. The support posts will be used for the cryomodule that will be delivered by INFN for the ILCTA at FNAL. This document resumes the characteristics of the pieces produced and describes the tests and measurements performed to characterize and qualify these devices. |
5080 | 2007-12-05 | Qualificazione di Contenitori inn Titanio Effettuati In Camera Iperbarica | 2007 | INFN-TC-07-13.pdf | A. Ferrari, A. Grimaldi, A.Rottura | In questo rapporto è descritto il test effettuato con camera iperbarica su 3 contenitori in titanio per qualificarne la loro tenuta ad una pressione esterna di lavoro di 350 bar equivalente a 3500 m di colonna dacqua. |
5079 | 2007-12-03 | Alcune Riflessioni Generali sulle Teorie Fisico-Matematiche | 2007 | LNF-07-28(IR).pdf | Camillo Lo Surdo | Avvertenza: Con le piccole modifiche del caso, i due articoli (I,II) che seguono sono lIntroduzione e lultima Appendice Generale con le quali si apre, e rispettivamente si chiuderà, un libro sui Fondamenti della Fisica Matematica Macroscopica che il loro autore sta attualmente scrivendo. Tra di esse, al momento sono state redatte circa settecento pagine. Ovviamente (II) va letto dopo (I). Notice: With slight modifications, the two following articles (I,II) are the Introduction and the last General Appendix which opens, and respectively will close, a book on the Foundations of Macroscopic Mathematical Physics presently under progress by the same author. In between, some seven hundred pages have been written to date. Of course, (II) should be read after (I). |
5077 | 2007-11-30 | Confronto di Prestazioni di Applicazioni Hep con Benchmark Sintetici | 2007 | INFN-CCR-07-10.pdf | Michele Michelotto | I siti candidati ad ospitare i centri di calcolo Tier2 hanno comprato a fine 2006 diversi nodi di calcolo. Tipicamente macchine 1U con doppio processore dual core e 4 GB di memoria. Il costo medio, Iva Compresa, si aggira attorno ai 0.5 Euro/SI2000. |
5078 | 2007-11-30 | Costi e Prestazioni dei Worker Node per il Calcolo LHC | 2007 | INFN-CCR-07-11.pdf | Michele Michelotto | Questo documento descrive il panorama dei processori disponibili sul mercato per nodi di calcolo (Worker Node) nei prossimi sei dodici mesi. La valutazione delle prestazioni dei processori in questo momento di transizione tra SPEC int 2000 e SPEC int 2006 è molto delicato perché non è chiaro quale sarà la scelta futura come benchmark di riferimento. Spero in un rapido passaggio a SPEC int 2006 rate misurato con compilatore gcc. Cercherò anche di prevedere i prezzi per acquisti tipici da Tier2 (10-30 box). |
5076 | 2007-11-30 | Performance of Dual Processor Server on Hep Code | 2007 | INFN-CCR-07-9.pdf | Michele Michelotto | Evaluation of cpu architecture for dual processor Worker Node. The performances of dual processor WN are evaluated using some programs commonly used in HEP environment. Finally the performances are compared to the clock of the cpu to assess and to the Spec 2000 CpuInt (commonly called specint) taken from the spec.org site. |
5073 | 2007-11-26 | Neutrino Hierarchy from CP-Blind Observables with High Density Magnetized Detectors | 2007 | LNF-07-26(P).pdf | A. Donini, E. Fernandez-Martinez, P. Migliozzi, S. Rigolin, L. Scotto Lavina, M. Selvi, T. Tabarelli de Fatis, F. Terranova | High density magnetized detectors are well suited to exploit the outstanding purity and intensities of novel neutrino sources like Neutrino Factories and Beta Beams. They can also provide independent measurements of leptonic mixing parameters through the observation of atmospheric muon-neutrinos. In this paper, we discuss the combination of these observables from a multi-kton iron detector and a high energy Beta Beam; in particular, we demonstrate that even with moderate detector granularities the neutrino mass hierarchy can be determined for $\\theta_{13}$ values greater than 4$^\\circ$. |
5074 | 2007-11-26 | Sterile Neutrinos at the CNGS | 2007 | LNF-07-27(P).pdf | A. Donini, M. Maltoni, D. Meloni, P. Migliozzi, F. Terranova | We study the potential of the CNGS beam in constraining the parameter space of a model with one sterile neutrino separated from three active ones by an O(eV2) mass-squared difference, $\\Delta m2_{SBL}$. We perform our analysis using the OPERA detector as a reference (our analysis can be upgraded including a detailed simulation of the ICARUS detector). We point out that the channel with the largest potential to constrain the sterile neutrino parameter space at the CNGS beam is $\\nu_\\mu \\to \\nu_\\tau$. The reason for that is twofold: first, the active-sterile mixing angle that governs this oscillation is the less constrained by present experiments; second, this is the signal for which both OPERA and ICARUS have been designed, and thus benefits from an extremely low background. In our analysis we also took into account $\\nu_\\mu \\to \\nu_e$ oscillations. We find that the CNGS potential to look for sterile neutrinos is limited with nominal intensity of the beam, but it is significantly enhanced with a factor 2 to 10 increase in the neutrino flux. Data from both channels allow us, in this case, to constrain further the four-neutrino model parameter space. Our results hold for any value of $\\Delta m2_{SBL} \\gtrsim 0.1~\\eV2$, i.e. when oscillations driven by this mass-squared difference are averaged. We have also checked that the bound on $\\theta_{13}$ that can be put at the CNGS is not affected by the possible existence of sterile neutrinos. |
5075 | 2007-11-26 | XEN e i Benefici della Virtualizzazione HVM | 2007 | INFN-CCR-07-8.pdf | Riccardo Veraldi | Xen è un Virtual Machine Monitor che consente limplementazione di macchine virtuali. Grazie alla tecnologia presente nelle CPU di ultima generazione è possibile girare un sistema operativo nativo come macchina virtuale su Xen. I benefici sono molteplici e vanno dalla possibilità di girare sistemi operativi misti a 32 e 64 bit su un unico hardware, allimplementazione dellalta affidabilità, al test di nuovi sistemi operativi. Il seguente documento descrive Xen nellottica di hypervisor di macchine virtuali utilizzando come base (dom0) la distribuzione Scientific Linux 5.0 x86_64 |
5072 | 2007-11-16 | EXPLORER and NAUTILUS Correlation for Damped Sinusoid Signals | 2007 | LNF-07-25(IR).pdf | G. Modestino and G.Pizzella | The correlation coefficient between the data of the cryogenic resonant detectors EXPLORER and NAUTILUS, for the case of damped sinusoid gravitational wave signals, has been studied. It is found that it is possible to obtain a 5 $\\sigma$ result for gravitational waves with amplitude of the order of $h\\sim 10^{-20}-10^{-19}$. |
5071 | 2007-11-08 | AMADEUS Phase-1: Physics, Setup and Roll-in Proposal | 2007 | LNF-07-24(IR).pdf | P. Buehler, M. Cargnelli, A. Hirtl, T. Ishiwatari, P. Kienle, J. Marton, E. Widmann, J. Zmeskal, M. Faber, A. Ivanov, A. Hussein, F. Nichitiu, D. Gill, G. Beer, A. Olin, B. Borasoy, R. Nissler, U. Raha, A. Rusetsky, H. Orth, A. Gillitzer, V.E. Lyubovitskij, N. Hermann, L. Fabietti, B. Ketzer, R. Kreken, S. Neubert, S. Paul, K. Suzuki, W. Weise, Q. Weitzel, S. Choudhoury, J. Esmaieli, S.Z. Kalantari, M. Raiesi, S. Bartalucci, M. Bazzi, M. Catitti, C. Curceanu, A. d'Uffizi, C. Guaraldo, M. Iiescu, P. Levi Sandri, M.P. Lombardo, D. Pietreanu, A. Romero Vidal, S. Scordo, D. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, L. Sperandio, O. Vazquez Doce, F. Ghio, B. Girolami, L. Bombelli, C. Fiorini, T. Frizzi, A. Longoni, L. Ludhova, G. Violini, P. Gensini, R. Casalbuoni, M. Di Toro, A. Dote', Y. Akaishi, T. Yamazaki, S. Wycech, P. Hawranek, S. Kistryn, A. Magiera, J. Smyrski, A. Wronska, A.M. Bragadireanu, T. Ponta, T. Preda, A. Tudorache, V. Tudorache, M. Calin, A. Jipa, I. Lazanu, A.E. Astratyan, V.V. Barmin, V. Baru, L. Bogdanova, V.S. Borisov, G.V. Davidenko, A. Dolgolenko, V. Grishina, L. Kondratyuk, A. Krotenkova, M.A. Kubantsev, A. Kudryavtsev, I.F. Larin, V.A. Matveev, V.A. Shebanov, N.N. Shishov, L.I. Sokolov, V. Tarasov, G.K. Tumanov, E. Turdakina, O.V. Bulenkov, B.A. Chernysev, Yu.B. Gurov, S.V. Lapushkin, A.K. Ponosov, D.A. Romanov, F.M. Sergeev, R.R. Shafigullin, P. Aslanyan, A. Galoyan, V. Uzhinsky, V.V. Burov, V.S. Richvitsky, S.H. Connell, R. Lemmer, J.-P. Egger, L. Schaller, S. Popescu, L. Tauscher, B. Lauss | A proposal for the phase-1 of the AMADEUS experiment at DAFNE is presented. It contains the physics goals, the setup design, the Monte Carlo simulations and the luminosity requests; a roll-in proposal is also put forward. |
5070 | 2007-11-05 | On Possibility of Spin Manifestation in Channeling Radiation | 2007 | LNF-07-23(IR).pdf | A. Babaev, S.B. Dabagov | The Dirac equation for both electron and positron moving under planar channeling condition was considered. The influence of projectiles spin on the bound energy levels of transverse motion was estimated within analytical approach. The estimates show that for ultra relativistic projectiles and for variety of crystals the presence of a spin results in a small splitting of a bound energy level. This effect, in principle, can be revealed by the use of precise techniques. |
5068 | 2007-10-19 | Measurement of the Frequency Responsivity of a Fiber Optic Air Backed Mandrel Hydrophone up to 10 Khz in Air | 2007 | INFN-TC-07-12.pdf | M.Anghinolfi, A.Bersani, A.Calvi, A.Cotrufo, M.Ivaldi, O.Ershova, F.Parodi, D.Piombo, A.Plotnikov and L.Repetto | We describe the measurements which we have conducted to determine the responsivity of our prototype fiber optic hydrophone in air in the frequency range up to 10 kHz. Hydrophone calibration was performed with the help of a microphone with a known frequency response characteristic. Hydrophone responsivity was found to be flat within ±6 dB in the given frequency range. We also studied the minimum pressure amplitude detectable by our hydrophone in air. |
5067 | 2007-10-09 | Proposal for a Set up of an Rf Power Hall For X-Band Accelerating Structures Testing at LNF | 2007 | LNF-07-21(IR).pdf | D. Alesini, R. Boni, M. Calvetti, V. Chimenti, A. Clozza, A. Gallo, L.Pellegrino, R. Ricci, C. Sanelli, B. Spataro, F. Tazzioli, C. Vaccarezza | In this paper we present a study to provide the LNF, under the Accelerator Division responsibility, of an RF power hall to accommodate a 50 MW X-Band klystron together with its High Voltage modulator to be used as a test stand for characterizing high frequency RF accelerating structures. The proposal is to locate the Test Hall in a portion of the LNF building #7 where a shielded bunker already exists and has been used to test and pre-conditioning the DAFNE RF cavities before their installation in the accelerator halls |
5066 | 2007-09-25 | A Biperiodic X-Band Cavity for SPARC | 2007 | LNF-07-20(P).pdf | D.~Alesini, B.~Spataro, L.~Ficcadenti, A.~Mostacci, L.~Palumbo, A.~Bacci$^c$, R.~Parodi | n order to produce a high brightness electron beam for the Frascati Linac coherent light source (SPARC) the use of an accelerating section with frequency equal to the fourth harmonic of the main S-Band Linac frequency is needed. This paper discusses the design and the realization of a compact X-band linear accelerating section for obtaining 5MV average accelerating gradient, working at a frequency of 11.424~GHz and operating on the $\\pi/2$ standing wave mode. Numerical predictions compared with measurements made on a copper prototype at room temperature are reported. |
5065 | 2007-09-24 | A Proposal for the Roll-in of the KLOE-2 Detector | 2007 | LNF-07-19(IR).pdf | F. Bossi, F. Anulli, D. Babusci, R. Baldini, G. Bencivenni, M. Beretta, S. Bertolucci, C. Bloise, P. Campana, G. Capon, P. Ciambrone, E. Dan'e, E. De Lucia, P. De Simone, D. Domenici, G. Felici, E. Iarocci, J. Lee Franzini, M. Martini, F. Mescia, S. Miscetti, S. M'ueller, F. Murtas, L. Pancheri, M. Palutan, V. Patera, M. Poli Lener, P. Santangelo, B. Sciascia, A. Sciubba, G. Venanzoni, R. Versaci, R. Beck, B. Borasoy, A. Nikolaev, R. Nissler, M. Unverzagt, G. De Robertis, O. Erriquez, F. Loddo, A. Ranieri, E. Czerwinski, P. Moskal, J. Zdebik, V. Babkin, V. Golovatyuk, I. Tyapkin, P. Beltrame, A. Denig, W. Kluge, D. Leone, S. A. Bulychjov, V. V. Kulikov, M. A. Martemianov, M. A. Matsyuk, C. Bini, V. Bocci, G. De Zorzi, A. Di Domenico, P. Franzini, P. Gauzzi, E. Pasqualucci, M. Testa, A. D'Angelo, R. Di Salvo, A. Fantini, R. Messi, D. Moricciani, P. Branchini, F. Ceradini, B. Di Micco, E. Graziani, F. Nguyen, A. Passeri, L. Tortora, A. Go, L. Kurdadze, D. Mchedlishvili, M. Tabidze$^dag$, H. Cal'en, K. Fransson, B. H'oistad, T. Johansson, A. Kupsc, P. Marciniewski, J. Zloman | This is a proposal for a multi-step installation of the KLOE-2 detector on the \\DAF\\ beam line, starting from the fall of 2008. |
5063 | 2007-09-19 | High Temperature Deuterium Absorption in Palladium Nano-Particles | 2007 | LNF-07-18(P).pdf | V. Andreassi, G. Cappuccio, F. Celani1, P. Di Biagio, V. Di Stefano, F. Falcioni, F. Fontana, L. Gamberale, D. Garbelli, D. Hampai, M. Marchesini, P. Marini, A. Marmigi, A. Mancini, U. Mastromatteo, M. Nakamura, E. Purchi, P. Quercia, E. Righi, P.G. Sona, A. Spallone, F. Todarello, G. Trenta | On the basis of the Yoshiaki Aratas sauna bath reactor, a simplified reactor (one chamber, without the second internal hollow Pd chamber were the material to be studied is filled) has been built, capable of operating at high pressures (100 bar) and at temperatures from -196 up to 350°C. With this instrument various Pd containing materials were tested: Pd black, HSA Pd black, Pd on activated carbon, Pd (from nitrate) on colloidal silica, Pd in porous γAl2O3, Pd-Sr nitrate in porous γAl2O3. The D/Pd ratios have been measured in all the materials. Evidence of excess heat was found with some of the tested materials. The one chamber reactor was improved later by adding a second, reference chamber, which is similar to the working chamber, as a sort of differential calorimeter. Such a device is capable to highlight (and measure), in real time, the occurrence of excess heat in Pd powders or Pd containing materials put in the crucible of the measurement chamber of the instrument. With respect to the reference chamber, whose crucible is filled with inert material, the excess heat, due to the Deuterium absorption, makes the temperature of the working chamber to rise. Both the chambers are supplied with the same power input. A sample of Pd black_HSA (4.8 g) showed (at 290°C) a clear excess temperature of 13.5°C equivalent to an excess heat of up to 520milliwatts. The direct relationship between the excess heat and the D2 content in the Pd powder has been demonstrated: in fact, when a partial degassing of the Pd powder occurred, a subsequent decrease of the excess heat also occurred.The anomalous excess heat, due to the close interaction, at nanometric scale, of Deuterium with Pd, seems to be clearly detected by proper experimental set-up and operating conditions. The amount of energy detected is larger of any chemical reaction known. |
5060 | 2007-09-17 | Optical Characterization of Lares Cube Corner Reflectors | 2007 | LNF-07-17(Thesis).pdf | Alessandro Lucantoni | |
5059 | 2007-07-24 | A Multi Purpose Reprogrammable NIM Module | 2007 | INFN-TC-07-11.pdf | Andrea. Papi, Pasquale. Lubrano, Ermanno Imbergamo | We inform about the realization of a NIM interface module thought to replace large variety of old fashioned electronics usually present in experimental setups for Nuclear Physics. In the following note, we discuss the design guidelines along with the most relevant technical choices that we performed |
5058 | 2007-07-18 | The Update of the Rich Control System | 2007 | INFN-TC-07-10.pdf | Veronica Diaz | In this note, I report the features of the RICH Control System software package. This performs the programming and control of the COMPASS RICH-1 read-out. The porting of the all the software modules of the system to Windows XP Operating System and the Update of the hardware of the richctrl computer will allow to work with the updated XP Operating System that will be supported by CERN in the next coming years. |
5057 | 2007-07-16 | Distributions of the Signals from Gravitational Antennas Versus Nautilus Local Sidereal Hours (NALSH) and Correlations Between the Signals and X-Ray Signatures in Close Binary Systems and SGR | 2007 | LNF-07-16(P).pdf | Gian Paolo Murtas | I have considered coincidences between signals detected by resonant detectors of Gravitational Wave NAUTILUS and EXPLORER located in LNF Frascati and CERN Geneva SW. Time coincidences acceptance is $\\pm$ 10 s. In this way the coincidences are accidentals and have a physical meaning if they are due to projectiles hitting independently the two distant detectors. In order to understand the phenomena I have performed correlations with X-ray detected by satellites and found that 4U1820-30, XTEJ1550-564, SGR1627-41, SGR1900+14, SGR1806-20, during the 1997, 1998 ware the responsible Sources. Studying the energy distribution of the projectiles versus NAUTILUS Local Sidereal hours I found that these projectiles have a quadrupolar structure i.e. transport polarization and the simplest interpretation is t hat they are GRAVITONS. |
5056 | 2007-07-09 | Study of the Optical Properties of the Mirrors of the Directional Optical Module for the Nemo Neutrino Underwater Telescope | 2007 | INFN-TC-07-9.pdf | M. Brunoldi, R. Chittofrati, G. Ottonello, A. Rottura,E. Shirokov, M. Taiuti | The reflectivity properties of different materials have been studied in order to select the best material to be used in the NEMO Directional Optical Module. The Cherenkov light produced in water by muons has been simulated with a monochromatic coherent laser of 476 nm of wavelength; to reduce refractive effects, a semi-cylinder shaped piece of Plexiglas has been used to simulate the light guide. Different reflecting materials have been matched to the Plexiglas and reflected light power has been measured by a photodiode as a function of incident light angle. |
5055 | 2007-07-05 | Dynamic Aperture Optimization for the DAΦNE Upgrade | 2007 | LNF-07-15(IR).pdf | Eugene Levichev, Pavel Piminov, Pantaleo Raimondi, Mikhail Zobov | Recently proposed novel idea of crabbed waist beam-beam collisions will be tested at DAΦNE during the collider run for the Siddharta experiment. In order to achieve the goal luminosity, large dynamic aperture is a matter of primary importance. A new method of a dynamic aperture optimization based on step-by-step chromaticity compensation with choosing the best sextupole pair at each step was applied to the DAΦNE upgrade lattice. Several tune points were considered taking into account both high luminosity and large dynamic aperture. Algorithm and results of optimization will be presented. |
5054 | 2007-06-26 | Sistema di Acquisizione per Impiego in Laboratorio di Fisica Nucleare, Basato su Bridge USB CAEN V1718 | 2007 | INFN-TC-07-8.pdf | M. Ivaldi, M. Battaglieri, A.Bersani, M. Brunoldi, R. De Vita, G. Ottonello, D. Piombo, A. Rottura | Nella presente pubblicazione è descritto il funzionamento hardware e software di un sistema di acquisizione, basato sullutilizzo di un Bridge CAEN® V1718, assemblato e testato nella seconda metà del 2006 presso il Gruppo III INFN Sezione di Genova. |
5053 | 2007-06-18 | Searching for Triple Coincidences among the Resonant Gravitational Wave Detectors AURIGA, EXPLORER and NAUTILUS in the year 2005: A Study on the Coincidence Window | 2007 | LNF-07-14(IR).pdf | G. Giordano and G. Pizzella | We report here the results of a study on the search for triple coincidences among the resonant gravitational wave detectors AURIGA, EXPLORER and NAUTILUS in the year 2005. The main problem we have studied has been how to choose the coincidence window for the best search of triple coincidences. If the window is too small we may loose real coincidences, if the window is too large, we do get all real coincidences, but they are imbedded in a large background of accidental coincidences. We find that the best choice is a window not greater than two or three standard deviations of the time uncertainty of each event. |
5051 | 2007-06-14 | Note on Type 3 TTF Cryomodule | 2007 | INFN-TC-07-6.pdf | S. Barbanotti | This document describes the design and production of a type 3 TTF cryomodule designed by INFN in the framework of the TESLA1-2) Collaboration. The aim of this report is to document the design and the cryomodule production, starting from the material choices up to the production tests. As reference for the cryomodule production and test have been considered the two cryomodule type 3+ fabricated at E. Zanon company during 2007. |
5052 | 2007-06-14 | La Scheda E-Tibbo | 2007 | INFN-TC-07-7.pdf | V. Masone, P. Parascandolo | Questa nota descrive una possibile applicazione del modulo EM202 della Tibbo Technology come analizzatore di rete. Tramite la scheda E-Tibbo, che alloggia in un crate VME, è possibile spedire e ricevere dati sulla rete Ethernet 100 BaseT |
5050 | 2007-06-08 | Solenoid Magnet and Flux Return for the \\PP~Detector | 2007 | INFN-BE-07-1.pdf | Andrea Bersani, Renzo Parodi, Andrea Pastorino | In this paper we present the project of the Solenoid Magnet for the PANDA detector developed in Genova. This project features a coil realized with a Rutherford--type, aluminum stabilized superconducting cable, wound inside an aluminum alloy coil former and indirectly cooled with a forced circulation of liquid helium. The concept of this magnet is based on many other working magnets, developed for different detectors, such as BaBar, Finuda, Delphi or CMS. A complete characterization of the magnetic, mechanical and thermal properties of the magnet is presented, with an ansatz on the time schedule to be followed to fulfill the detector deadlines. |
5048 | 2007-06-06 | 2006 Annual Report | 2007 | LNF-07-13(IR).pdf | AA.VV | |
5047 | 2007-06-06 | Controllo Automatico Dellilluminazione in un Microscopio per LAnalisi di Emulsioni Nucleari | 2007 | INFN-TC-07-5.pdf | Fabrizio Formisano, Nicola DAmbrosio | In questa nota viene descritta la progettazione di un controllo automatico dellilluminazione per i microscopi automatizzati utilizzati nellesperimento OPERA per lanalisi delle emulsioni nucleari. Le caratteristiche richieste al controllo hanno reso necessarie alcune particolari scelte di progetto per garantire unalta efficienza e unottima qualità dellemissione luminosa con costi contenuti |
5049 | 2007-06-06 | Nota su Windows Vista | 2007 | INFN-CCR-07-7.pdf | Nunzio Amanzi, Silvia Arezzini, Enrico M.V. Fasanelli, Gian Piero Siroli, Giulia Vita Finzi | Il recente rilascio da parte di Microsoft Corp. del nuovo sistema operativo Windows Vista e la contemporanea apparizione sul mercato di computer in cui tale sistema è preinstallato allatto dellacquisto, ha alimentato nelle varie Sezioni una dinamica discussione sui primi riscontri e sulle opportunità di utilizzo di questa nuova piattaforma s/w in merito alla quale il Gruppo Windows desidera esprimere il proprio contributo in termini di linee di indirizzo. |
5043 | 2007-05-25 | General Computation and Grid TIER2 Toward LHC | 2007 | INFN-CCR-07-3.pdf | Giuseppe Sava, Rosanna Catania, Emidio Giorgio, Gianluca Passaro, Gianni Mario Ricciardi | The Network Services working group was planned to improve synergy among the staff of the Computation and Network Division and IT specialists of all the national and regional Grid teams operating inside the Department of physics of Catania. So also the IT general services can improve projects and performances:towards LHC era. |
5044 | 2007-05-25 | Ottimizzazioni del Protocollo TCP per Connessioni LHCOPN a 10 GB/S | 2007 | INFN-CCR-07-4.pdf | Marco Bencivenni | Lobiettivo del lavoro è stato quello di verificare le prestazioni e le configurazioni di vari elementi di un sistema di comunicazione a 10 Gb/s (server, interfacce di rete per nodi terminali, linee locali e geografiche sperimentali) al fine di individuare una configurazione ottimale che permetta lottimizzazione delle prestazioni di unapplicazione basata sul protocollo di trasmissione TCP. Sono stati quindi individuati una serie di parametri chiave sia di tipo hardware che software, la cui configurazione risulta particolarmente rilevante ai fini delle performance sperimentate. |
5045 | 2007-05-25 | Temp Sentry: Un Sistema di Rilevazione Dati Ambientali | 2007 | INFN-CCR-07-5.pdf | Alberto Guerra | Il sistema di condizionamento di una sala macchine è uno dei fattori di maggiore criticità. Attualmente sono ospitate presso la sala calcolo del SICR (Servizio Impianti Calcolo e Reti) della sezione di Roma le risorse informatiche dei gruppi di ricerca operanti in sezione e del polo GARR di Roma. Si tratta di circa 220 server, 30 sistemi di storage, 20 apparati di rete, più svariati monitor e KVM. Il gran numero di apparecchiature ha evidenziato la necessità di rilevare i dati ambientali nel tempo, impostando soglie di allarme, superate le quali deve essere segnalata la variazione di stato. Attualmente il sistema sviluppato rileva la temperatura tramite 3 sonde termiche; i dati sono riportati su grafici disponibili via Web e in caso di superamento della soglia di allarme vengono inviate email di segnalazione. Il prossimo sviluppo previsto aumenterà il numero di sonde termiche, verrà rilevata anche lumidità e sarà integrato un sistema per linvio di SMS. Questa nota descrive lhardware, il programma di gestione degli allarmi e il metodo utilizzato per la pubblicazione su Web dei grafici. |
5046 | 2007-05-25 | dCache, Storm/GPFS and DPM: Performance Tests, SRM Compliance, Advanced Configurations | 2007 | INFN-CCR-07-6.pdf | Giacinto Donvito, Vincenzo Spinoso | Grid storage managers represent a new way to deal with large sets of files in a Grid environment. They are growing quickly, meeting LHC experiment requirements; in particular, nowadays they must honour SC4 requirements as a subset of the whole complete set of features to be implemented for 2008. The SRM interfaces are needed, both in version 1 and 2, and higher and higher transfer rates (i.e. in SC4, 100MB/sWAN/disk and 1GB/s inside LAN) cant be managed through a classic SE. Possible candidates as SRMstorage managers are dCache, DPM and StoRM. This work aims to test installation, configuration, features and limits of those storage managers; the resulting overview will be useful both for Tier 2 sites and dCache/DPM developers, and will represent a basis on which to start a regular testing activity about grid storage management. All the results reported in this note are updated to January 2006. All the software tested is now released in a newer version, with more functionalities added. This work is the result of a working activity born as a requirements of the INFN Commissione Calcolo e Reti. |
5042 | 2007-05-22 | High Availability a Basso Costo | 2007 | INFN-CCR-07-2.pdf | Domenico Diacono, Sabino Cal | Lo scopo di questo progetto è quello di portare in produzione servizi erogati in Alta Disponibilità, al fine di ridurre il tempo dinterruzione del servizio allo 0,01%. La caratteristica peculiare rispetto ad altri progetti che ottengono lo stesso risultato è l'utilizzo di componenti hardware e software standard, facilmente reperibili e generalmente più economici. |
5041 | 2007-05-21 | NERONE: First Results | 2007 | LNF-07-12(NT).pdf | Marco Cordelli, Roberto Habel, Agnese Martini, Luciano Trasatti | A new instrument designed to measure with high accuracy and without any bias the attenuation length of light in clean water (NERONE) is presented. Several new technical solutions have been used in the design, including a small and cheap motor for deep sea water. The instrument has been debugged during four cruises, from 2001 to 2005. First results are presented, obtained in June 2006 in the Catania test site at a depth of 2000 m. Although some improvement is still necessary, the performance of the instrument was very satisfactory. |
5040 | 2007-05-16 | Tecnologia iSCSI Prime Esperienze | 2007 | INFN-CCR-07-1.pdf | Alessandro Tirel | Questo documento descrive le prove sulla tecnologia iSCSI effettuate presso la Sezione di Trieste. Non tutti gli aspetti del protocollo sono stati testati, sono state valutate in particolare le performance di soluzioni basate su dispositivi hardware e software. Questa attività è stata promossa dal gruppo di lavoro Storage su mandato della Commissione Calcolo e Reti dellINFN. |
5032 | 2007-04-16 | X-Band RF Structure Thermal Analysis and Tests | 2007 | LNF-07-11(P).pdf | V. Chimenti, L. Palumbo, B. Spataro, L.Quintieri, F. Tazzioli | The design of X-band multi-cell RF structures for particle accelerators requires an accurate estimation of the sensitivity to the mechanical deformations induced by the surface power loss on the metallic walls. The prediction of these effects is important for conceiving a tuning strategy that assures the correct structure operation when integrated into the accelerator complex. An experimental technique is proposed for preliminary testing of the mechanical deformations caused by a thermal load that can generate in the RF cavity a temperature gradient profile as close as possible to the real one induced by the electromagnetic power loss. Because we want to find a method that can be easily and cheaply implemented in the laboratory, a thermal radiator with uniform heating power density, placed on the axis of the RF cavity, has been chosen as heating source. A multi-physics finite-element code (ANSYS) has allowed comparing the measured temperature gradients with the computed ones. The good agreement validates the application of the code, which has been extended to the joint solution of the electromagnetic and thermal problem. Thus the sensitivity to deformations can be directly evaluated. |
5031 | 2007-04-03 | Experimental study of the $(K^+,K^0)$ interactions on $^7$Li close to threshold | 2007 | LNF-07-10(P).pdf | The FINUDA Collaboration: M. Agnello, G. Beer, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, H.C. Bhang, S. Bianco, G. Bonomi, E. Botta, M. Bregant, T. Bressani, S. Bufalino, L. Busso, D. Calvo, P. Camerini, M. Caponero, P. Cerello, B. Dalena, F. De Mori, G. D'Erasmo, D. Di Santo, D. Elia, F. L. Fabbri, D. Faso, A. Feliciello, A. Filippi, V. Filippini, R. Fini, M. E. Fiore, H. Fujioka, P. Gianotti, N. Grion, O. Hartmann, H.B. Kang, A. Krasnoperov, V. Lenti, V. Lucherini, V. Manzari, S. Marcello, T. Maruta, N. Mirfakhrai, O. Morra, T. Nagae, A. Olin, H. Outa, E. Pace, M. Pallotta, M. Palomba, A. Pantaleo, A. Panzarasa, V. Paticchio, S. Piano, F. Pompili, R. Rui, G. Simonetti, H. So, V. Tereschenko, S. Tomassini, R. Toyoda, R. Wheadon, A. Zenoni | The inelastic charge exchange reaction ($K^+$, $K^0$) on $^7$Li has been experimentally investigated close to threshold with the FINUDA spectrometer at the $e^+e^-$ collider DA$\\Phi$NE by searching for $K^0_S$ decays. It is the first time that this process has been studied at such low momentum. An upper limit of 2.0 mb (at 95$\\%$ Confidence Level) has been measured for the total cross section. |
5030 | 2007-04-03 | Electromagnetic Study and Optimization of the Pm-Trips Ion Source and the Related Microwave Line | 2007 | INFN-TC-07-4.pdf | F. Maimone, L. Celona, G. Ciavola, F. Consoli, S. Gammino, S. Barbarino, L. Tumino | The microwave discharge proton source PM-TRIPS (Permanent Magnet TRASCO Intense Proton Source) is under construction at INFN-LNS and its goal is to generate a 40 mA proton current at 80 kV extraction voltage with low emittance and high reliability. In order to improve the performances of such ion source, an electromagnetic study of the whole source with particular care to the microwave coupling and to the high voltage insulation has been carried out by using the Ansoft HFSS code and the results are here reported. |
5028 | 2007-03-12 | ETRUSCO: Extra Terrestrial Ranging to Unified Satellite COnstellations | 2007 | LNF-07-8(IR).pdf | R. Vittori, A. Boni, C. Cantone, S. DellAgnello, G. O. Delle Monache, M. Garattini, N. Intaglietta, C. Lops M. Martini, C. Prosperi, G. Bellettini, R. Tauraso | We describe the basic goals of the ETRUSCO experiment and the work done in 2006, together with our international collaborators, which led to the approval of the proposal by the INFN-CSNV in October 2006. Some of the 2007 funds were made available in November 2006 and were used to buy optical instrumentation. In 2007 the LNF Satellite laser ranging Characterization Facility (SCF) has been upgraded to perform integrated laser ranging tests and thermal measurements (SCF-Test) of the planar retro-reflector arrays installed on the satellites of GNSS constellations. This will be done in a realistic environment, which simulates the orbital conditions of the GPS-2 (USA), GLONASS (Russia), and soon GALILEO (EU), at altitudes of about 20000-23000 Km. The year 2007 has been devoted to the SCF-Test of a prototype model of a retro-reflector deployed on the two of GPS-2 satellites, on the GLONASS constellation and on GIOVE-A and GIOVE-B, the prototypes of GALILEO. This SCF-Test has been successful and data analysis is well underway. The experimental work at the SCF will also be compared to software models of the thermal, structural, orbital and optical behavior of the prototypes. Detailed thermal models of the LAGEOS-type retro-reflectors have already been built and checked with SCF measurements. Work is in progress to develop these models also for the GNSS. The year 2008 is dedicated to the SCF-Test of a flight model of a retro-reflector array to be deployed on one of the next GPS-2 satellites. The long-term goal of ETRUSCO is to perform at LNF the SCF-Test the larger and more important GALILEO laser retro-reflector arrays. Planning and provisions to reach this goal are well underway: in fact, INFN-LNF is participating to a call for tender for the Support to the Coordination of the European GALILEO Simulation and Testing Infrastructure, issued by the Galileo Supervisory Authority, in the context of FP7-GALILEO. The result of the tender is due by October 2008. |
5027 | 2007-02-27 | Sistema di Remotizzazione KVM Utilizzato al TIER1 CNAF | 2007 | INFN-TC-07-3.pdf | Pier Paolo Ricci | Lo studio e lutilizzo di un sistema avanzato di remotizzazione di Keyboard Video e Mouse (KVM) all'interno della sala macchine del Tier1 si è reso necessario nel corso degli anni per garantire laccesso allalto numero di macchine presenti nella sala. Il motivo principale che ci ha indotti a valutare lutilizzazione di un tale sistema è il fatto che la sala macchine non è presidiata e si trova ad una certa distanza dagli uffici dove il personale del centro ha sede abituale di lavoro. Il presente articolo intende riportare le varie fasi di studio e realizzazione che si sono susseguite negli scorsi anni al fine di identificare e rendere utilizzabile in produzione un sistema di remotizzazione KVM il più possibile efficiente. A tale proposito vengono riportati inoltre i costi e i fornitori dei vari sistemi utilizzati e i vantaggi e svantaggi che essi hanno evidenziato al fine di voler costituire un breve riferimento per altri centri che intendano usufruire di tali apparati. |
5026 | 2007-02-27 | The OPERA Power Distribution System | 2007 | LNF-07-7(NT).pdf | A. Candela, G. Felici, F. Terranova | We describe the power distribution system designed and implemented for the electronic subdetectors (scintillators, RPC/XPC/VETO, drift tubes) and facilities (BMS, DAQ, water cooling plant, magnets) of the OPERA experiment. This note is intended as a technical description of the system and a reference for on-call experts and shifters. |
5025 | 2007-02-21 | Total Cross-Section at LHC from Minijets and Soft Gluon Resummation in the Infrared Region | 2007 | LNF-07-6(P).pdf | G. Pancheri and R. Godbole and A. Grau and Y.N. Srivastava | A model for total cross-sections incorporating QCD jet cross-sections and soft gluon resummation is described and compared with present data on $pp$ and ${\\bar p}p$ cross-sections. Predictions for LHC are presented for different parameter sets. It is shown that they differ according to the small x-behaviour of available parton density functions. |
5024 | 2007-02-20 | SuperB, a High-Luminosity Heavy Flavour Factory: Conceptual Design Report | 2007 | INFN-AE-07-2.pdf | M.~Bona, J.~Garra Tic'o, , E.~Graug'es Pous, P.~Colangelo, F.~De Fazio, A.~Palano, M.~Manghisoni, V.~Re, G.~Traversi, G.~Eigen, M.~Venturini, N.~Soni, M.~Bruschi, S.~De Castro, P.~Faccioli, A.~Gabrielli, B.~Giacobbe, N.~Semprini Cesari, R.~Spighi, M.~Villa, A.~Zoccoli, C.~Hearty, J.~McKenna, A.~Soni, A.~Khan, }, A.Y.~Barniakov, M.Y.~Barniakov, V.E.~Blinov, V.P.~Druzhinin, V.B.~Golubev, S.A.~Kononov, I.A.~Koop, E.A.~Kravchenko, E.B.~Levichev, S.A.~Nikitin, A.P.~Onuchin, P.A.~Piminov, S.I.~Serednyakov, D.N.~Shatilov, Y.M.~Shatunov, Y.I.~Skovpen, E.P.~Solodov, C.-H.~Cheng, B.~Echenard, F.~Fang, D.G.~Hitlin, F.C.~Porter, T.N.~Pham, R.~Fleischer, G.F.~Giudice, T.~Hurth, M.~Mangano, G.~Mancinelli, B.T.~Meadows, A.J.~Schwartz, M.D.~Sokoloff, A.~Soffer, C.D.~Beard, T.~Haas, R.~Mankel, G.~Hiller, P.~Ball, M.~Pappagallo, M.R.~Pennington, W.~Gradl, S.~Playfer, A.~Abada, D.~Becirevic, S.~Descotes-Genon, O.~P`ene, D.~Andreotti, M.~Andreotti, D.~Bettoni, C.~Bozzi, R.~Calabrese, A.~Cecchi, G.~Cibinetto, P.~Franchini, E.~Luppi, M.~Negrini, A.~Petrella, L.~Piemontese, E.~Prencipe, V.~Santoro, G.~Stancari, F.~Anulli, R.~Baldini-Ferroli, M.E.~Biagini, M.~Boscolo, A.~Calcaterra, A.~Drago, G.~Finocchiaro, S.~Guiducci, G.~Isidori, S.~Pacetti, P.~Patteri, I.M.~Peruzzi, M.~Piccolo, M.A.~Preger, P.~Raimondi, M.~Rama, C.~Vaccarezza, A.~Zallo, M.~Zobov, R.~de Sangro, A.~Buzzo, M.~Lo Vetere, M.~Macr'i, M.R.~Monge, S.~Passaggio, C.~Patrignani, E.~Robutti, S.~Tosi, J.~Matias, W.~Panduro Vazquez, F.~Borzumati, V.~Eyges, S.A.~Prell, T.K.~Pedlar, S.~Korpar, R.~Pestotnik, M.~Stariv c, M.~Neubert, A.G.~Denig, U.~Nierste, T.~Agoh, K.~Ohmi, Y.~Ohnishi, J.R.~Fry, C.~Touramanis, A.~Wolski, B.~Golob, P.~Krivzan, H.~Flaecher, A.J.~Bevan, F.~Di Lodovico, K.A.~George, R.~Barlow, G.~Lafferty, A.~Jawahery, D.A.~Roberts, G.~Simi, P.M.~Patel, S.H.~Robertson, A.~Lazzaro, F.~Palombo, A.~Kaidalov, A.J.~Buras, C.~Tarantino, G.~Buchalla, A.I.~Sanda, , G.~D'Ambrosio, G.~Ricciardi, I.~Bigi, C.P.~Jessop, J.M.~LoseccoK.~Honscheid, N.~Arnaud, R.~Chehab, Y.~Fedala, F.~Polci, P.~Roudeau, V.~Sordini, V.~Soskov, A.~Stocchi, A.~Variola, A.~Vivoli, G.~Wormser, F.~Zomer, A.~Bertolin, R.~Brugnera, N.~Gagliardi, A.~Gaz, M.~Margoni, M.~Morandin, M.~Posocco, M.~Rotondo, F.~Simonetto, R.~Stroili, G.R.~Bonneaud, V.~Lombardo, G.~Calderini, L.~Ratti, V.~Speziali, M.~Biasini, R.~Covarelli, E.~Manoni, L.~Servoli, C.~Angelini, G.~Batignani, S.~Bettarini, F.~Bosi, M.~Carpinelli, R.~Cenci, A.~Cervelli, M.~Dell'Orso, F.~Forti, P.~Giannetti, M.~Giorgi, A.~Lusiani, G.~Marchiori, M.~Massa, M.A.~Mazur, F.~Morsani, N.~Neri, E.~Paoloni, F.~Raffaelli, G.~Rizzo, J.~Walsh, V.~Braun, A.~Lenz, G.S.~Adams, I.Z.~Danko, E.~Baracchini, F.~Bellini, G.~Cavoto, A.~D'Orazio, D.~Del Re, E.~Di Marco, R.~Faccini, F.~Ferrarotto, M.~Gaspero, P.~Jackson, G.~Martinelli, M.A.~Mazzoni, S.~Morganti, G.~Piredda, F.~Renga, L.~Silvestrini, C.~Voena, L.~Catani, A.~Di Ciaccio, R.~Messi, E.~Santovetti, A.~Satta, M.~Ciuchini, V.~Lubicz, F.F.~Wilson, R.~Godang, X.~Chen, H.~Liu, W.~Park, M.~Purohit, A.~Trivedi, R.M.~White, J.R.~Wilson, M.T.~Allen, D.~Aston, R.~Bartoldus, S.J.~Brodsky, Y.~Cai, J.~Coleman, M.R.~Convery, S.~DeBarger, J.C.~Dingfelder, G.P.~Dubois-Felsmann, S.~Ecklund, A.S.~Fisher, G.~Haller, S.A.~Heifets, J.~Kaminski, M.H.~Kelsey, M.L.~Kocian, D.W.G.S.~Leith, N.~Li, S.~Luitz, V.~Luth, D.~MacFarlane, R.~Messner, D.R.~Muller, Y.~Nosochkov, A.~Novokhatski, M.~Pivi, B.N.~Ratcliff, A.~Roodman, J.~Schwiening, J.~Seeman, A.~Snyder, M.~Sullivan, J.~Va'Vra, U.~Wienands, W.~Wisniewski, H.~Stoeck, H.-Y.~Cheng, H.-N.~Li, Y.-Y.~Keum, M.~Gronau, Y.~Grossman,F.~Bianchi, D.~Gamba, P.~Gambino, F.~Marchetto, E.~Menichetti, R.~Mussa, M.~Pelliccioni, G.F.~Dalla Betta, M.~Bomben, L.~Bosisio, C.~Cartaro, L.~Lanceri, L.~Vitale, V.~Azzolini, J.~Bernabeu, N.~Lopez-March, F.~Martinez-Vidal, D.A.~Milanes, A.~Oyanguren, P.~Paradisi, A.~Pich, M.A.~Sanchis-Lozano, R.~Kowalewski, J.M.~Roney, J.~Back, T.J.~Gershon, P.F.~Harrison, T.E.~Latham, G.B.~Mohanty, A.A.~Petrov, M.~Pierini, | This Conceptual Design Report presents a detailed program of high statistics heavy flavour physics that has sensitivity to physics beyond the Standard Model through the measurement of CP-violating asymmetries, rare decay branching fractions, and kinematic distributions affected by new heavy particles in the loops of second order diagrams. These studies would be carried out at a novel new accelerator, SuperB, an asymmetric e+e- collider designed to exploit small emittance beams and strong focusing to obtain a luminosity in excess of 1036 cm-2 s-1 at the Y(4S) energy, two orders of magnitude higher than what has been achieved at the two existing B-Factories. The design of the SuperB collider and of an upgraded detector capable of carrying out the physics program are described in detail |
5023 | 2007-02-01 | Conceptual Design of an Intense Neutron Source for Time-of-Flight Measurements | 2007 | LNF-07-5(P).pdf | S. Bartalucci, V. Angelov, K. Drozdowicz, D. Dworakc, G. Tracz | Among the accelerator-based neutron sources, the ones which are driven by electron Linacs still appear quite attractive, notably in the case of cross section measurements with the time-of-flight method. This is due to their better beam quality and economy aspects, which make them complementary, rather than inferior to the hadron (protons, deuterons) driven spallation facilities. A conceptual design study of a powerful neutron source has been developed, aiming at the implementation on a future normal- or super-conducting Linac to be built in the Rome Research Area, but keeping enough flexibility for being installed on any high energy linac. We report in this paper on the first simulation results, mainly about the general design of the target-moderator assembly and the radiation shielding. |
5022 | 2007-01-31 | Configurazione dei Servizi di Posta Elettronica per la Sezione INFN di Genova | 2007 | INFN-TC-07-2.pdf | Alessandro Brunengo, Mirko Corosu | Viene di seguito descritta la scelta degli applicativi e delle configurazioni hardware e software per dotare la sezione INFN di Genova di un servizio di posta elettronica affidabile e dotato delle funzionalita ritenute idonee al lavoro dellutenza del Servizio Calcolo locale. La realizzazione dei vari servizi descritti sono il risultato di approssimazioni successive che ha raggiunto un livello di stabilita e di prestazioni idoneo alle funzionalita richieste, e potenzialmente scalabile entro un ordine di grandezza senza sostanziali rivoluzioni della architettura. Come vedremo i requisiti imposti al sistema, in particolare quello di indipendenza delle macchine coinvolte da altri servizi che non fossero linfrastruttura di rete, ha reso necessaria una configurazione opportuna anche di servizi di rete potenzialmente indipendenti dalla posta elettronica, quali DNS ed authentication service. Le scelte operate non sono le uniche possibili, ma sono tra quelle ritenute idonee a dotare la sezione di un servizio che offre le funzionalita desiderate, trovando un equilibrio tra le esigenze di ridondanza e quella di non eccedere nella complessita del sistema, sia per contenere i costi che per limitare il man power necessario alla gestione hardware e software. |
5020 | 2007-01-29 | Beam-Beam Issues for Colliding Schemes with Large Piwinski Angle and Crabbed Waist | 2007 | LNF-07-3(IR).pdf | Pantaleo Raimondi, Dmitry Shatilov, Mikhail Zobov | Numerical simulations have shown that a recently proposed crabbed waist scheme of beam-beam collisions can substantially increase the luminosity of a collider. In this paper we give a qualitative explanation why this scheme works. For this purpose we use simple geometrical considerations and analyze peculiar properties of vertical motion modulations by synchrotron and horizontal betatron oscillations. It is shown that in the 'crabbed waist' scheme these modulations, which are the main sources of beam-beam resonances excitation, are significantly suppressed. Some numerical examples demonstrating the effect of the crabbed waist collisions are also given. |
5021 | 2007-01-29 | The RAP Cryogenics | 2007 | LNF-07-4(IR).pdf | Carlo Ligi, Sam Masa Vinko | The cryogenic setup of the RAP (Rivelazione Acustica di Particelle) experiment is described. The liquid helium cryostat operation, together with the commissioning of the dilution refrigerator, is reported. |
5019 | 2007-01-26 | Servizio di Posta Elettronica ad Alta Affidabilit | 2007 | INFN-TC-07-1.pdf | Alessandro Tirel, Claudio Strizzolo | Questo documento descrive la realizzazione di un sistema cluster dedicato alla fornitura di servizi ad alta affidabilità. In particolare verrà analizzata un'applicazione relativa al servizio di posta elettronica, il quale rappresenta un elemento ad elevata criticità all'interno di ogni sede dell'INFN. Tra le caratteristiche salienti della struttura descritta: l'utilizzo della tecnologia Fibre Channel; l'implementazione della Red Hat Cluster Suite; l'autenticazione tramite protocollo LDAP e l'attivazione di caselle di posta virtuali. |
5018 | 2007-01-23 | A Neural Network Approach to High Energy Cosmic Rays Mass Identification | 2007 | INFN-AE-07-1.pdf | Simone Riggi, Rossella Caruso, Antonio Insolia, Mario Scuderi | An event-by-event study, based on neural network methods, of the mass identification in high energy cosmic rays was carried out with simulated data, in order to check the possibility of analyzing real data measured at the Pierre Auger Observatory. Extensive air showers were simulated with the CORSIKA code, using the hadronic model QGSJET98. The goodness of the method in recognizing the mass of the primary was tested making use of the parameters extracted from the simulated longitudinal profiles. We showed that the designed supervised neuralnetwork is able to discriminate, with high identification efficiency and purity, between proton- and iron-induced showers. We tested our method also in presence of a four components primary flux (proton, helium, oxygen, and iron). Typical results for the classification matrix obtained are presented and discussed. |
5017 | 2007-01-11 | MoonLIGHT-R: MOON LASER INSTRUMENTATION FOR GENERAL RELATIVITY HIGH-ACCURACY TESTS An ASI study for a robotic mission on the Moon | 2007 | LNF-07-2(IR).pdf | G. Bellettini, C. Cantone, S. DellAgnello (Co-PI), G. O. Delle Monache, M. Garattini, N. Intaglietta, D. G. Currie (Co-PI),R. Vittori | New robotic lunar landings may take place during next decade. The Italian Space Agency (ASI) has requested proposals for interesting and compelling physics experiments to be performed with the severe weight, size, power and deployment restrictions inherent to lunar sorties. MoonLIGHT-R is a proposal for improving by a factor 1000 or more the accuracy of the current Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) experiment, performed since 1969 with retro-reflector arrays deployed by Apollo 11, 14 and 15. LLR is the only Apollo experiment still taking data today. Achieving this goal requires a new, different thermal, optical and mechanical design of the retro-reflector array and detailed simulations and experimental tests. MoonLIGHT-R is a light, compact, very-long lasting, maintenance-free and completely passive payload. MoonLIGHT-R will perform accurate tests of General Relativity (GR) already with the existing ILRS systems (like ASI-MLRO) . This accuracy will get better and better as laser technologies improve over the next few decades, like they did relentlessly since the invention of the laser in the 60s. A specific cosmological model, which explains the acceleration of the Universe via modified GR at very large distances, can be fully tested by measuring an anomalous precession of the Moon perigee. A high scientific return is guaranteed. We are committed to the space-climatic and laser-optical simulation (and, at a later stage, experimental characterization) of the new LLR array using the LNF Space Climatic Facility (SCF). The payload construction and deployment is an opportunity for the national industries. Preliminary space-climatic simulations and payload specs are presented in this LNF report. |
5016 | 2007-01-08 | Coupling Impedances Studies and Measurements of the COLDEX Upgraded Vacuum Chamber | 2007 | LNF-07-1(P).pdf | D.~Alesini, B.~Spataro, M.~Migliorati, A.~Mostacci, L.~Palumbo, V.~Baglin, B.~Jenninger, F.~Ruggiero | The coupling impedances of the upgraded beam screen and cold/warm transition of the cold bore experiment (COL\\-DEX) vacuum chamber installed in the SPS machine are investigated. Detailed studies of the coupling impedances budget of the beam screen circular vacuum chamber with narrow longitudinal slots and the cold/warm transition are discussed. A comparison with the experimental tests is also presented |
5014 | 2006-12-19 | Qualification of a Thermal GAP Filler to be Used as Electronics to Structure Interface | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-18.pdf | S. Cerchi, S. Cuneo, S. Minutoli, P. Musico, E. Robutti, D. Torazza, | A thermal gap filler has been selected, and its performance measured before and after irradiation, to qualify it for the use in TOTEM T1 telescope. Experimental results are presented and commented. |
5013 | 2006-12-13 | DAFNE Upgrade for Siddharta Run | 2006 | LNF-06-33(IR).pdf | D. Alesini, D. Babusci, M.E. Biagini, R. Boni, M. Boscolo, F. Bossi, B. Buonomo, A. Clozza, G. Delle Monache, G. Di Pirro, A. Drago, A. Gallo, S. Guiducci, M. Incurvati, C. Ligi, F. Marcellini, G. Mazzitelli, C. Milardi, L. Pellegrino, M. Preger, L. Quintieri, P. Raimondi, R. Ricci, U. Rotundo, C. Sanelli, M. Serio, F. Sgamma, B. Spataro, A. Stecchi, A. Stella, S. Tomassini, C. Vaccarezza, M. Zobov, A. D'Angelo, R. Messi, D. Moricciani, S. Bettoni, I. Koop, E. Levichev, P. Piminov, D. Shatilov, V. Smaluk | |
5012 | 2006-12-12 | Simulation of the Thermo-Optical Properties of the Lares and Lageos Satellites for a Precise Measurement of the Lense-Thirring Effect in General Relativity | 2006 | LNF-06-32(Thesis).pdf | Student: Arianna Bosco; Thesis Advisor: Prof. G. Bellettini; Co-Thesis Advisor: Ing. G. O. Delle Monache | |
5011 | 2006-12-04 | The Realization of an Optic Fiber Air Backed Mandrel Hydrophone for Frequencies up to 20 KHz | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-17.pdf | M. Anghinolfi, A. Calvi, A. Cotrufo, M. Ivaldi, O. Yershova, F. Parodi, D. Piombo, A. Plotnikov and L. Repetto | We describe how we have realized the prototype of an optic fiber air backed mandrel hydrophone designed to measure frequencies up to 20 kHz. The characteristics of the materials we have selected, the procedure of winding the optic fibers and the coating process are described in detail. |
5010 | 2006-11-27 | Studio dei Materiali e Interazione con i Gas Presenti nei Rilevatori a Muoni per lEsperimento CMS | 2006 | LNF-06-31(Thesis).pdf | Laureando: Cristiano Pucci; Relatore: Prof. Antonio Paolozzi; CoRelatore: Dr. Luigi Benussi | |
5009 | 2006-11-20 | A Beta Beam Complex Based on the Machine Upgrades for the LHC | 2006 | LNF-06-30(P).pdf | A.~Donini, E.~Fernandez-Martinez, P.~Migliozzi, S.~Rigolin, L. Scotto Lavina, T. Tabarelli de Fatis, F.~Terranova | The Beta Beam CERN design is based on the present LHC injection complex and its physics reach is mainly limited by the maximum rigidity of the SPS. In fact, some of the scenarios for the machine upgrades of the LHC, particularly the construction of a fast cycling 1~TeV injector (``Super-SPS''), are very synergic with the construction of a higher $\\gamma$ Beta Beam. At the energies that can be reached by this machine, we demonstrate that dense calorimeters can already be used for the detection of $\\nu$ at the far location. Even at moderate masses (40 kton) as the ones imposed by the use of existing underground halls at Gran Sasso, the CP reach is very large for any value of $\\theta_{13}$ that would provide evidence of $\\nu_e$ appearance at T2K or NO$\\nu$A ($\\theta_{13}\\geq 3^\\circ$). Exploitation of matter effects at the CERN to Gran Sasso distance provides sensitivity to the neutrino mass hierarchy in significant areas of the $\\theta_{13}-\\delta$ plane. |
5008 | 2006-11-07 | Fluorescence Analysis by Spectroscopy Transmission and Electron Streak Camera (FASTEST-CAM. A proposal for detecting time-synchronized ultra-fast light phenomena | 2006 | LNF-06-29(IR).pdf | Andrea La Monaca, Giorgio Cappuccio, Roberto De Masi, Andrea Maria Di Lellis, Paolo Di Muro, Roberto Favilla, Fabrizio Fiori, Pasqualino Gaudio, Michele Maffia, Paolo Mariani, Alberto Mazzini, Ivan Micetich, Domenico Nanni, Maria Richetta, Franco Rustichelli, Benedetto Salvato, Francesco Spinozzi | Aim of FASTEST-CAM experiment is to develop and build at Frascati a new instrumentation for detecting ultra-fast light phenomena in a large frequency spectrum extended from X-rays to infrared. The apparatus is based on a customized 'streak camera', realized at reasonable cost and using an architecture open to future applications (e. g. Adrontherapy). The instrumentation will be applied: 1) to carry out fluorescence measurements of complex systems with very high time and space resolutions, using a monochromatic UV beam of wavelength 280 nm of synchrotron radiation of DAΦNE; 2) for diagnosing movement instabilities of the electron bunches and time-space emission fluctuations of the light pulses delivered by the machine or by the new ultra fast light sources, FEL, in development in LNF. |
5007 | 2006-11-01 | MoonLIGHT-M: Moon Laser Instrumentation for General Relativity High-Accuracy Tests | 2006 | LNF-06-28(IR).pdf | G. Bellettini, C. Cantone, S. DellAgnello, G. O. Delle Monache, M. Garattini, N. Intaglietta | New manned lunar landings may take place during next decade. In view of this possibility, space agencies around the word have requested to the international scientific community proposals for interesting and compelling physics experiments to be performed with the severe weight, size, power and deployment restrictions inherent to the first lunar sorties. Answering the recent NASA call Suitcase Science to the Moon, a group formed by INFN-LNF, Astronaut Roberto Vittori of the Italian Air Force and several US research institutions has presented a proposal for improving by a factor 1000 or more the accuracy of the current Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) experiment (performed in the last 37 years using the retro-reflector arrays deployed on the Moon by the Apollo 11, 14 and 15 missions). Achieving such an improvement requires a modified thermal, optical and mechanical design of the retro-reflector array and detailed experimental tests. The new experiment will allow a rich program of accurate tests of General Relativity already with current laser ranging systems. This accuracy will get better and better as the performance of laser technologies improve over the next few decades, like they did relentlessly since the 60s. The LNF group has committed itself to perform the full climatic simulation and experimental characterization of the new retro-reflector prototypes using the new INFN-LNF Space Climatic Facility (SCF). Preliminary simulations are reported in this document. The space-climatic, laser-optical studies and tests will be done by members of this ITALY-US collaboration, because they are deeply linked to the proposed physics measurements. For the mechanics support structures and the suitcase there is window of work opportunity for industries. This internal LNF report (pages 2-21) is an excerpt from the Proposal presented to NASA on October 27 2006 by the authors listed at page 2. MoonLIGHT-M is the internal LNF name given to this Proposal (where -M indicates that this is intended for a Manned mission) |
5006 | 2006-10-20 | Disegno e Layout di un OP-AMP Full Custom in Tecnologia da 0.35μ | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-16.pdf | S. Energico | Questa nota descrive passo passo la procedura di layout di un amplificatore operazionale in tecnologia da 0,35 micron utilizzando Cadence con lHit-Kit 3.70 dellAMS. Viene confrontata la simulazione pre-layout con quella post-layout e viene dimostrato che con unaccurata disposizione dei componenti le differenze tra le due simulazioni sono molto piccole. |
5003 | 2006-10-17 | Strategie per lUpdate Management Process | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-13.pdf | Francesca Del Corso | Larticolo si propone di illustrare le metodologie per il sofware update ed il Security Patch Management su piattaforma Microsoft mostrando quali sono i processi, i tool e le utility per tenere aggiornati i propri sistemi minimizzando loccorrenza e la gravità di possibili attacchi che sfruttino le vulnerabilità presenti sui sistemi. Il documento contiene inoltre una panoramica dei test effettuati presso la sezione INFN di Firenze e sullattuale ambiente di produzione, proponendosi come linea guida e di consultazione per le altre sezioni INFN. |
5004 | 2006-10-17 | A Fiber Optic Air Backed Mandrel Hydrophone to Detect High Energy Hadronic | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-14.pdf | M. Anghinolfi, A. Calvi, A. Cotrufo, M. Ivaldi, O. Yershova, F. Parodi, D. Piombo, A. Plotnikov and L. Repetto | We have studied the design of an air-backed optic fiber hydrophone. With respect to the previous models, this prototype is optimized to provide a band width sufficiently large to detect acoustic signals produced by high energy hadronic showers in water. After a discussion on the geometrical configuration and on the choice of the materials we evaluate the expected performances on the basis of simple analytical calculations. |
5005 | 2006-10-17 | AMS 14C Measurements At Labec on Viri (Fifth International Radiocarbon Inter-Comparison) Samples | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-15.pdf | Agnese Cartocci, Mariaelena Fedi, Marco Manetti, Francesco Taccetti | Since May 2004, the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) beam line of the new 3 MV Tandetron accelerator of LABEC laboratory in Florence has been in operation. The line, equipped with the necessary hardware for 14C, 10Be, 26Al and 129I measurements, has been used only for radiocarbon measurements so far. We have been involved both in measurements on test samples and in dating applications in collaboration with Universities and other Institutions. After a brief description of the AMS beam line, we report on a set of radiocarbon measurements performed on samples of the Fifth International Radiocarbon Inter-comparison (VIRI) campaign. This campaign, coordinated by the Department of Statistics of the University of Glasgow, basically involves all the radiocarbon laboratories worldwide, both AMS and conventional beta-counting ones. Our data have been here compared to the statistical distributions of all collected data (average values and standard deviations). |
5002 | 2006-10-01 | Proposal for a Systematic Study of the CERN Closed Loop Gas System Used by the RPC Muon Detectors in CMS | 2006 | LNF-06-27(IR).pdf | M. Abbrescia, A. Colaleo, R. Guida, G. Iaselli, R. Liuzzi, F. Loddo, M. Maggi, B. Marangelli, S. Natali, S. Nuzzo, G. Pugliese, A. Ranieri, F. Romano, R. Trentadue, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, S. Bianco, M.A. Caponero, D. Colonna, D. Donisi, F.L. Fabbri, F. Felli, M. Giardoni, B. Ortenzi, M. Pallotta, A. Paolozzi, L. Passamonti, B. Ponzio, C. Pucci, G. Saviano, G. Polese, I. Segoni, N. Cavallo, F. Fabozzi, P. Paolucci, D. Piccolo, C. Sciacca, G. Belli, A. Grelli, M. Necchi, S.P. Ratti, C. Riccardi, P. Torre, P. Vitulo | We propose to study features, optimization and commissioning of the CERN Closed Loop gas system used by the RPC muon detectors in experiment CMS at the LHC. Studies include a three-phase campaign both in low-radiation (cosmic rays at the CERN ISR test site) and high-radiation (at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility) environment. We describe dedicated RPC chambers tests and chemical analysis of filters and gas used which will allow us to fully characterize the Closed Loop system in view of the upcoming commissioning of the CMS RPC detector. |
5000 | 2006-09-14 | Un Operazionale Full Custom in Tecnologia 0.35 Micron | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-12.pdf | P. Parascandolo, V. Sipala | Nella progettazione analogica full custom il progettista lavora a livello del transistor singolo sia nel disegno dello schema elettrico che nella definizione del corrispondente layout. A partire da determinate specifiche, il progettista sceglie lo schema elettrico che meglio risponda alle richieste. Si dimensionano i singoli transistor e se ne simula il comportamento. Stabilite le caratteristiche elettriche del progetto si passa alla realizzazione del layout, vale a dire del disegno che permette la definizione delle maschere per limplementazione del circuito sul silicio. Questa nota descrive la progettazione con calcoli analitici dello schema elettrico di un amplificatore operazionale e le simulazioni dello stesso, utilizzando il programma Virtuoso proprietario di Cadence e confronta i risultati delle simulazioni con il calcolo teorico. Lamplificatore è un VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) realizzato in tecnologia CMOS da 0.35 micron dalla AMS (AustriaMicroSystems). |
5001 | 2006-09-14 | Applicazioni Tecnologiche della Camera Spaziale Climatica dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati | 2006 | LNF-06-26(IR).pdf | G. Bellettini, A. Bosco, C. Cantone, I. Ciufolini, D. Currie, S. DellAgnello, G. Delle Monache, M. A. Franceschi, M. Garattini, T. Napolitano, A. Paolozzi, E. C. Pavlis, D. P. Rubincam, V. J. Slabinski, R. Tauraso | La Camera Spaziale Climatica (CSC) dei LNF è un progetto integrato di fisica fondamentale e di trasferimento tecnologico alle attività civili ed industriali. Nella CSC, infatti, si misurano le caratteristiche termiche ed ottiche delle componenti dei satelliti LAGEOS I e II (già operativi) e la loro evoluzione LARES (da realizzare ai LNF). Lo scopo è quello di migliorare laccuratezza della misura del trascinamento dello spazio-tempo in Relatività Generale (effetto Lense-Thirring) e delle applicazioni tecnologiche di Geodesia Spaziale, grazie al nuovo satellite LARES ed alla CSC. La traiettoria orbitale viene determinata con la tecnica dellinseguimento via laser dei satelliti da Terra (Satellite Laser Ranging, SLR). Lapplicazione tecnologica più importante è il contributo fondamentale alla definizione del sistema internazionale di riferimento e di posizione terrestre (ITRF, Intern. Terrestrial Reference Frame), emesso dallo IERS (Intern. Earth rotation and Reference systems Service). Esso è lo standard per tutte le attività civili, industriali e scientifiche, a Terra e nello spazio, che necessitano di un sistema di riferimento assoluto. Le misure effettuate nella CSC saranno, inoltre, estremamente utili allintegrazione tra GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) ed SLR, che avrà compimento sulle future costellazioni GALILEO (Europa, ≥ 2008) e GPS-3 (USA, ≥ 2011). SLR fornisce il sistema di riferimento assoluto ed il GNSS permette la navigazione in tempo reale rispetto ad esso: il meglio delle due tecnologie, dallo spazio per la Terra. |
4998 | 2006-09-13 | Probing Gravity in Neo with High-Accuracy Laser-Ranged Test Masses | 2006 | LNF-06-24(P).pdf | A. Bosco, C. Cantone, S. Dellagnello, G. O. Delle Monache, M. A. Franceschi, M. Garattini, T. Napolitano, I. Ciufolini, S. Negri, A. Agneni, F. Graziani, P. Ialongo, A. Lucantoni, A. Paolozzi, I. Peroni, G. Sindoni, G. Bellettini, R. Tauraso, E. C. Pavlis, D. G. Currie , D. P. Rubincam, D. A. Arnold, R. Matzner, V. J. Slabinski | Gravity can be studied in detail in Near Earth Orbits (NEO) using laser-ranged test masses tracked with few mm accuracy by ILRS. The two LAGEOS satellites have been used to measure frame dragging (a truly rotational effect predicted by GR) with a 10% error. A new mission and an optimized, second generation satellite, LARES (I. Ciufolini PI), is in preparation to reach an accuracy of 1% or less on frame dragging, to measure some PPN parameters, to test the 1/r2law in very weak field and, possibly, to test select models of unified theories (using the perigee). This requires a full thermal analysis of the test mass and an accurate knowledge of the asymmetric thermal thursts due to the radiation emitted by Sun and Earth. A Space Climatic Facility (SCF) has been built at INFN-LNF (Frascati, Italy) to perform this experimental program on LAGEOS and LARES prototypes. It consists of a 2 m ×1 m cryostat, simulators of the Sun and Earth radiations and a versatile thermometry system made of discrete probes and an infrared digital camera. The SCF commissioning is well underway. A test of all its sub-systems has been successfully completed on August 4, 2006, using a LAGEOS 3 ×3 retro-reflector array built at LNF. This prototype has been thermally modeled in detail with a commercial simulation software. We expect to demonstrate the full functionality of the SCF with the thermal characterization of this LAGEOS array by the beginning of September 2006. Keywords: gravitomagnetism; climatic test; thermal analysis. |
4999 | 2006-09-13 | DAFNE Monitored by FINUDA | 2006 | LNF-06-25(P).pdf | M. Agnello, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, H.C. Bhang, S. Bianco, G. Bonomi, E. Botta, M. Bregant, T. Bressani, L. Busso, D. Calvo, P. Camerini, P. Cerello, B. Dalena, F. De Mori, G. D'Erasmo, D. Di Santo, D. Elia, F. L. Fabbri, D. Faso, A. Feliciello, A. Filippi, V. Filippini, R. Fini, M. E. Fiore, H. Fujioka, P. Gianotti, N. Grion, B. Kang, A. Krasnoperov, V. Lucherini, V. Lenti, V. Manzari, S. Marcello, T. Maruta, N. Mirfakhrai, O. Morra, T. Nagae, H. Outa, E. Pace, M. Pallotta, M. Palomba, A. Pantaleo, A. Panzarasa, V. Paticchio, S. Piano, F. Pompili , R. Rui, G. Simonetti , H. So, V. Tereschenko, S. Tomassini, R. Wheadon, A. Zenoni | The FINUDA spectrometer, devoted to hypernuclear physics and installed on the DA$\\Phi$NE two rings collider at the Laboratori Nationali di Frascati, is able to monitor the relevant machine parameters, as luminosity, collision vertexes, c.m. energy and transversal momentum boost, during the process of data taking to study hypernuclear physics without affecting it. The collider parameters relevant to optimize the machine performances to the needs of the experiment are measured both on-line and off-line in a run-to-to run basis, in an efficient, redundant way, allowing the continuous extraction of reliable and cross-checked information on the machine working conditions. |
4997 | 2006-09-07 | Papers presented at EPAC 2006 | 2006 | LNF-06-23(P).pdf | Accelerator Division | |
4996 | 2006-08-29 | Hadron Properties in the Nuclear Medium -- the PANDA Program with $\\overline{\\mbox{p}}$A Reactions | 2006 | LNF-06-22(P).pdf | Olaf N.~Hartmann | The PANDA experiment at FAIR comprises the possibility to study antiproton annihilations on nuclear targets. Such reactions are ideally suited to investigate the in-medium-potential of hadrons -- charmed mesons, charmonium, antikaons, antibaryons -- making use of the PANDA detector system to detect the final state particles. The paper discusses connected experimental results, predictions i.a. for the so far unexplored region of the charm quark mass, and the intended experimental procedure. |
4995 | 2006-07-20 | Optimal Strategy for the Search of Coincident Events Between EXPLORER and NAUTILUS | 2006 | LNF-06-21(IR).pdf | G. Modestino, G.Pizzella and F.Ronga, for the ROG Collaboration | In order to compare the efficiency of two different acquisition times for the detection of coincident pulse signals, analyses of real data of the bar-detectors are performed. For each of the two gravitational wave detectors, EXPLORER and NAUTILUS, statistical results on coincident signals wIth selected cosmic ray events are presented for 3.2 ms and $200~\\mu s$ sampling times of acquisition. |
4994 | 2006-07-17 | Electrochemical Compression of Hydrogen inside a PD-AG Thin Wall Tube, by Alcohol-Water Electrolyte | 2006 | LNF-06-20(P).pdf | Francesco Celani, A. Spallone, P. Marini, V. Di Stefano, M. Nakamura, V. Andreassi, A. Mancini, E. Righi, G. Trenta, E. Purchi, U. Mastromatteo, E. Celia, F. Falcioni, M. Marchesini, E. Novaro, F. Fontana, L. Gamberale, D. Garbelli, P.G. Sona, F. Todarello, G. Dagostaro, P. Quercia | Yoshiaki Arata (Osaka University) has since 1955 developed and on 1994 patented in Japan (also USA, N° 5647970, 1997) a procedure for producing ultrahigh pressure H/D gas, based on the electrolytic loading of a hollow cathode made of a Hydrogen and/or Deuterium absorbing material (Pd). The truthfulness of Aratas results and even the real existence of Aratas device have been recently challenged by an influent Italian scientist and suspected to be merely a computer simulation experiment. Accordingly, we decided to replicate the Arata experiment in order to confirm his results. A further reason for such a replication is due to the consideration that the electrolytic compression of Deuterium (D) is the basic for most of the Cold Fusion experiments. Moreover, the experiment allows for a direct evaluation of the D2 (or H2) pressure inside the hollow cathode, without making use of indirect measurements, like those based on the well-known Baranowsky curve (change of the Pd electrical resistance, versus D or H absorption). The cathode was a Pd-Ag (75%-25%) tube, closed at one end (diameter 10mm, total length 10cm, useful length exposed to electrolyte 9cm) with a very thin wall (thickness about 50μm), previously used as a Hydrogen purifier (home-made by Dr. Silvano Tosti: ENEA, Frascati, Italy). The effective volume of the Pd-Ag tube (partially filled with a porous ceramic tube, in order to avoid the vacuum collapse of the Pd-Ag tube), pipes, valves and pressure gauges was about 18ml. The anode was a Pt (purity >99.99%) wire (diameter 0.25mm) wounded as a pseudo-cylindrical spiral of radius about 4cm. The total length of the Pt wire was about 200cm, number of turns about 5. The volume of the electrolyte was about 2000ml. The cell was commercial glass (Pyrex type). The solution, according to our long experience in this field, was alcohol-water type (C2H5OH 85-90%, H2O 15-10%) electrolyte. Th(NO3)4 (in 5% wt HNO3), SrCl2 and Hg2SO4 salts were added. Th and Sr salts were added at an amount of some tens of micromoles, and the Hg ion at an amount of only a few micromoles. The electrolytic current density was as low as 2-10mA/cm2. The anode-cathode voltage was 20-136Volts. During the experiment the cell temperature ranged between 20 and 60°C. The Pd-Ag tube surface was previously mechanically cleaned (by fine, silica based, sandy soap), acetone rinsed, washed several times with distilled water, and finally treated at a temperature of about 450°C for a complete degassing. Before the cathodic H loading operations, the surface was activated by proper cycles of anodic oxidation. Vacuum was made inside the tube cavity, connecting pipes, pressure gauges and valves. We reached a maximum value of pressure inside the hollow cathode of about 8.5atm (absolute 9.5). The maximum value of 8.5atm was imposed by the mechanical strength limit of the 50μm wall of the tube. We would like to note that the faradic efficiency, i.e. the amount of hydrogen gas produced by the electrolytic current (collected and pressurised inside the tube) reached values as large as 15--20%; the efficiency strongly depends on the Pd surface conditions, type of electrolyte, current density, and temperature. In comparison, the device invented by Arata (using usual D2O - LiOH 0.1M electrolyte, tube 2.5mm thick) had efficiency on the order of 0.5--2.5%. Arata was able to reach pressures as high as several hundred atmospheres; up to now, we cant say anything regarding the capability of our electrolyte in obtaining such a high pressures. In a further set of experiments we are going to use a thicker (0.250mm) ultra-pure (99.99%) Pd tube, specially developed for this purpose by ORIM SpA Company (Italy). In conclusion: 2 The effectiveness of the original device developed by Yoshiaki Arata since 1955 was fully confirmed; 3 The surprisingly high Faradic yield for H-D loading in hydro-alcoholic electrolyte might open some ways toward practical applications; 4 The measurement of H2 pressure in the hollow cathode directly confirms our previous results (H/Pd-D/Pd close to one, measured by the change in resistivity of the Pd cathode, and high faradic efficiency), obtained by electrochemical loading of long (typically 60cm) and thin (diameter 50μm) Pd wires in C2H5OH-H2O or C2H5OD-D2O electrolytes. Following the positive results of our experiment we received the acknowledgement of a large part of the Italian scientific community formerly sceptical about all that concerns Cold Fusion. Moreover, one of the most diffuse and influential (in Italy) INTERNET blog about environment & clean energy (http://www.vglobale.it) has adopted, as front page for 3 months, the photo of the experimental apparatus build at INFN-LNF. The number of down-loads of such photo (and 2 pages of explanations/comments) was quite large (increases of over 500 access/day of the blog, up to now). Such blog is certified by spazio RP and was established about 9 years ago. |
4992 | 2006-07-10 | Measurements of the Temperature Coefficient of electric Resistivity of hydrogen Overloaded Pd | 2006 | LNF-06-18(P).pdf | Antonio Spallone, Francesco Celani, Paolo Marini, Vittorio di Stefano | As reported in previous papers, we performed many electrolytic loading tests using thin Pd wires, achieving loading ratios of H/Pd ≥ 0.95 (H/Pd over-loading). In particular, we defined a reproducible loading protocol suitable for achieving such an over-loading level, based on the use of very diluted acid electrolytic solutions (with additions of tenths of micro-moles of Ca or Sr or Li cations and some hundred nano-moles of Hg ions) and operating with electrolytic current cycles from a few mA up to one hundred mA. By observing the day/night cyclic fluctuations of electrical resistance, as a function of the corresponding temperature variations, of stable, long term, H/Pd loadings we were able to calculate the temperature coefficient of resistivity (Kθ) of the Pd-H system at very high H/Pd loadings. Many years ago (on 1998) we reported an unexpected value showing that the Kθ parameter values increase when H/Pd exceeds 0.75 (i.e. after that R/Ro goes beyond the 1.8 peak value, i.e. to the right side of the R/Ro / H/Pd curve). This fact was confirmed by the ISR-Stanford Group (McKubre and Tripodi) and Pirelli-Research Group (Gamberale and Garbelli). In this paper we show several measurements of Kθ at different overloading values of H / Pd up to ≅ 1 (corresponding at R/Ro=1.12) where Kθ =(13±1) ⋅ 10-3 K-1 , i.e. more than six times higher than the minimum value achieved at the R/Ro=1.8 peak value. This result can corroborate the hypothesis that a new Pd-H phase (full β-phase or the beginning of β+γ phase) could occur after the H/Pd=0.75 loading ratio (at the end of α+β phase), as claimed by many authors as the necessary condition for excess (anomalous) heat from Pd-D system (at D/Pd ≥ 1). |
4993 | 2006-07-10 | The Italy-Japan Project-Fundamental Research on Cold Transmutation Process for Treatment of Nuclear Wastes | 2006 | LNF-06-19(P).pdf | Akito Takahashi, Francesco Celani, Yasuhiro Iwamura | The IJ Project proposes, as the first phase research, that confirmation of the cold transmutation using radioactive isotopes as Cs-137, Sr-90 and Cs-135 to non-radioactive elements will be implemented based on the MHI method. A theoretical background has been given by the TSC-induced nuclear reactions3). Charge-neutral pseudo-particle of 4d/TSC can become as small as 10 fm radius in its minimum state of squeezing motion and will make 4D-capture reaction with host metal (or added metal) nuclei in the surface region of permeation1,2) samples. Major reaction will be: M(A,Z) + 4d/TSC → M(A+8, Z+4) + Q Theoretical modeling of the process is briefly explained and resulting reaction products, their decays and final stable isotopes are predicted for Cs-137, Sr-90 and Cs-135 transmutations. |
4991 | 2006-07-07 | New Procedures to Make Active, Fractal Like, Surfaces on Thin PD Wires | 2006 | LNF-06-17(P).pdf | Francesco Celani, A. Spallone, E. Righi, G. Trenta, G. DAgostaro, P. Quercia, V. Andreassi, O. Giacinti, P. Marini, V. DI Stefano, M. Nakamura, F. Todarello, E. Purchi, A. Mancini, P. G. Sona, F. Fontana, L. Gamberale, D. Garbelli, E. Celia, F. Falcioni, M. Marchesini, E. Novaro, U. Mastromatteo | In the framework of anomalous effects coming out because very close interaction of some specific gas (usually Deuterium-D, some times Hydrogen-H) with some specific solid materials (usually Palladium-Pd, some times Nickel or others) is an emerging evidence that the physical condition at the surface of the host element play a crucial role. It has been experimentally demonstrated, by Yoshiaki Arata at Osaka University, that nano-particles of Pd, embedded in a matrix of Zr02, are able to absorb extremely large amounts of H and/or D, at even room temperature and pressure. Because of such results, we re-analyzed some of our previous experiments under the new point of view and were convinced that most of our positive results in Condensed Matter Nuclear Science come because of lucky, specific condition of our Pd cathode. We decided to improve the quality of Pd, from the point of view of production of nanostructure at its surface as large (and stable) as possible, in a controllable way, using both electrolytic procedure and special preparation of Pd before the use. Some of our efforts seemed to give positive results, although the stability at long time as to be improved. |
4990 | 2006-06-30 | Starting Generators for ABS Intensity Calculations and Magnet System Design | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-11.pdf | Michelle Stancari | In his recent thesis, Alexander Nass\\cite{Nass:thesis} used the direct simulation monte carlo (DSMC) method to simulate the supersonic expansion of the hydrogen beam of an atomic beam source (ABS), finding good agreement with measured data for both atomic and molecular beams. Because the properties of such expansion cannot be calculated analytically, the potential applications of such simulations are numerous. In particular, when designing the sextupole magnets that both polarize and focus the ABS beam, one needs to know how the speed, direction, and position of the beams' atoms are distributed While the original simulations of Nass provided only the average value of these distributions, a recent extension of the simulation provides the speed, position and direction of every atom simulated. This additional information can be used to test the crude models of the beam previously employed to calculate magnet transmissions. In addition, it is demonstrated that the speed distribution of the atoms predicted by DSMC is very sensitive to the numerical value for the cross section used to simulate collisions. |
4987 | 2006-06-20 | Q^2 Dependence of Azimuthal Asymmetries in Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering | 2006 | INFN-AE-06-2.pdf | Elvio Di Salvo | We study several azimuthal asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering and in Drell-Yan, interpreting them in the framework of the formalism of the quark correlator, with a particular reference to T-odd functions. The correlator contains an undetermined energy scale, which we fix on the basis of a simple and rather general argument. We find a different value than the one assumed in previous treatments of T-odd functions. This implies different predictions on the $Q^2$ dependence of the above mentioned asymmetries. Our result about the azimuthal asymmetry of unpolarized Drell-Yan agrees with presently available data, contrary to the alternative assumption on the scale. Predictions on other azimuthal asymmetries could be tested against data of planned experiments on Drell-Yan and semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. |
4984 | 2006-05-23 | Il Sistema di Controllo di un Bruciatore per Lanalisi ed il Monitoraggio del Rischio Ambientale | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-10.pdf | A. Anastasio | Questa nota descrive il sistema di controllo della temperatura di un bruciatore sviluppato allinterno di un apparato basato su uno spettrometro a tempo di volo adoperato per effettuare lanalisi del rischio ambientale. Il modulo è basato su un microcontrollore PIC16F877 che ha 5 canali analogici dingresso ed un convertitore analogico digitale a 10 bit. |
4985 | 2006-05-23 | Omega-Like Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors as Position Monitoring Device: A Possible Pixel Position Detector in CMS? | 2006 | LNF-06-13(NT).pdf | S. Bianco, M.A.Caponero, F.L. Fabbri, A.Paolozzi | We make the exercise of considering the possible use of FBG sensors as a position device for the pixel detector of experiment CMS at LHC (CERN). We discuss the main features of FBG sensors, describe their use in HEP which we pionereed with the FINUDA experiment at DAFNE and developed for the BTeV experiment R& D at Frascati. We show results including long term stability, resolution, radiation hardness and characterization of Fiber Grating Sensors used to monitor structure deformation, repositioning and surveying of silicon detector in High Energy Physics. We discuss alignment issues in CMS silicon trackers and we evaluate a possible use of FBG sensors in the experiment. |
4983 | 2006-05-23 | A Case Study FOR Educational Collaborations between High Schools in Cosmic Ray Physic | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-9.pdf | A.Badal, F. Blanco, F.Fichera, P. La Rocca, E.Leonora, F.Librizzi, G.S.Pappalardo, O.Parasole, A.Pulvirenti and F. Riggi | Educational experiments in cosmic ray physics, carried out with small size Geiger counters, suffer of limited statistics. High schools however may share their equipment to use such counters in parallel to increase the statistics and allow for educational measurements of the cosmic ray flux in a reduced time. As a test, a measurement of the barometric coefficient for cosmic rays was carried out by the use of six counters and a specially designed fan-in circuitry. |
4981 | 2006-05-15 | Analisi Gas-Cromatografiche Effettuate Presso la Sezione di Napoli, sulla Miscela Impiegata negli RPC di ATLAS | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-8.pdf | Riccardo de Asmundis | Presso la Sezione INFN di Napoli sono in svolgimento, mediante limpiego di tecniche Gas-Cromatografiche (GC), analisi di contaminazione della miscela di gas utilizzata nei rivelatori RPC destinati allesperimento ATLAS. Questa attività, in atto da circa un triennio, ha lintento di proseguire sulla scorta dellesperienza fatta presso la GIF-X5 del CERN, ove un gruppo di RPC finali di ATLAS è stato sottoposto a forte irraggiamento gamma con sorgente di 137Cs per un lungo periodo (2002-2005) [ ]. Le condizioni di lavoro sono ben differenti, in quanto la Sezione non dispone di alcun irraggiamento artificiale, per questo è stata utilizzata la fonte naturale di radiazione costituita dai raggi cosmici. Lattività ha come obiettivi, da una parte, il controllo della qualità della miscela gassosa impiegata durante le fasi di test ai raggi cosmici dei rivelatori RPC, dallaltra lo studio degli effetti che il volume sensibile del rivelatore può avere sul gas. |
4979 | 2006-05-05 | Overview of the Electrical Characterization of the AMS/CMS Silicon Microstrip Detectors | 2006 | INFN-AE-06-1.pdf | Nicoleta Dinu, Emanuele Fiandrini, Livio Fan | This paper presents an overview of the electrical parameters commonly measured for the electrical certification of silicon micro-strip sensors. Mainly, parameters which contribute to the noise at the input of the read-out electronics will be described: the single-strip leakage current, the biasing resistance (the poly-silicon resistance for poly-silicon biasing and the bias-ring to strip resistance for punch-through biasing), the dielectric current and the coupling capacitance (for AC-coupling). Global parameters like total capacitance and total leakage current will be also presented. The general characteristics of the hardware system and a description of the electrical set-up configurations recommended for an accurate measurement of the electrical parameters will be also illustrated. |
4978 | 2006-04-03 | Prospects for $e^+e^-$ physics at Frascati between the $\\phi$ and the $\\psi$ | 2006 | LNF-06-11(IR).pdf | F. Ambrosino, F. Anulli, D. Babusci, S. Bianco, C.Bini, N.Brambilla, R.De Sangro, P.Gauzzi, P.M. Gensini, S. Giovannella, V. Muccifora, M. Negrini, F. Nguyen, S. Pacetti, G.Pancheri, M. Passera, A. Passeri, A.D.Polosa, M.Radici, Y.N. Srivastava, A.Vairo, G.Venanzoni, G.Violini | We present a detailed study, done in the framework of the INFN 2006 Roadmap, of the prospects for $e^+e^-$ physics at the Frascati National Laboratories. The physics case for an $e^+e^-$ collider running at high luminosity at the $\\phi$ resonance energy and also reaching a maximum center of mass energy of 2.5 GeV is discussed, together with the specific aspects of a very high luminosity $\\tau$-charm factory. Subjects connected to Kaon decay physics are not discussed here, being part of another INFN Roadmap working group. The significance of the project and the impact on INFN are also discussed. |
4977 | 2006-03-16 | 2005 Annual Report | 2006 | LNF-06-10(IR).pdf | AA VV | |
4976 | 2006-03-14 | Simulations and Measurements about the Electromagnetic Properties for the Cylyndrical Cavity of the Serse Ion Source | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-7.pdf | F. Maimone, D. Mascali, F. Consoli, S. Barbarino, L. Celona, G. Ciavola, S. Gammino | The electron heating process in an ECR ion source is affected by the electromagnetic properties of the plasma chamber and by the coupling properties of microwave generators with the chamber itself. Hence, the theoretical and experimental study of these properties is very important in order to improve the transfer of the electromagnetic waves energy to the plasma electrons. In this report an analytical and numerical characterization of the SERSE plasma chamber resonant modes is presented along with an experimental and numerical characterization of the microwave coupling. |
4974 | 2006-03-01 | CONStanza: Data Replication with Relaxed Consistency | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-6.pdf | Andrea Domenici, Flavia Donno, Gianni Pucciani, Heinz Stockinger | Data replication is an important aspects in a Data Grid for increasing fault tolerance and availability. Many Grid replication tools or middleware systems deal with read-only files which implies that replicated data items are always consistent. However, there are several applications that do require updates to existing data and the respective replicas. In this article we present a replica consistency service that allows for replica updates in a single-master scenario with lazy update synchronisation. The system allows for updates of (heterogeneous) relational databases, and it is designed to support flat files as well. It keeps remote replicas synchronised and partially ('lazily'') consistent. We report on the design and implementation of a novel ``relaxed'' replica consistency service and show its usefulness in a typical application use case. |
4975 | 2006-03-01 | Modification of Radiation by Relativistic Particles in Thin Target Due to Transition Radiation | 2006 | LNF-06-9(P).pdf | N. Nasonov, V.A. Likhaekev, S.B. Dabagov | Influence of transition radiation by relativistic electrons crossing a thin target on other emission processes involved in electron-target interaction is considered. Strong modification of the characteristics of such emission mechanisms as bremsstrahlung and polarization bremsstrahlung as well as parametric X-ray radiation in crystalline targets is discussed in this work. |
4973 | 2006-02-28 | SFERA - Proposal for a Sperical Gravitational Wave Detector | 2006 | LNF-06-8(IR).pdf | INFN - (Frascati Genova L'Aquila Roma Roma2) University of Genova University of Lieden | |
4972 | 2006-02-24 | Detection of Pulsed Synchrotron Radiation Emission with Uncooled Infrared Detectors | 2006 | LNF-06-7(P).pdf | Alessio Bocci, Massimo Piccinini, Alessandro Drag, Mariangela Cestelli, Diego Sali, Pierangelo Morini, Emanuele Pace, Jozef Piotrowski, Augusto Marcelli | The synchrotron light emission is a non-thermal radiation source covering a large energy domain from IR to X-ray energies, with a time structure determined by the length and shape of the stored bunches. With suitable infrared detectors, the pulsed emission can be used to perform spectroscopic experiments at high time and spatial resolution. However, fast infrared detectors can be also applied to investigate the physical structure of the stored particles. We present here the first characterization of the synchrotron light emission at DAΦNE using detectors optimized in the mid-IR domain with a sub-ns time resolution. Experiments have been performed using the infrared SINBAD beamline, characterizing the emission of the 105 bunches stored in the electron ring of this e+-e- collider. With both uncooled photoconductive and photovoltaic infrared detectors optimized to work at a wavelength of 10.6 μm we resolved the infrared temporal emission of the electron bunches structure at DAΦNE characterized by bunches separated of 2.7 ns with a rise time of 176 ps and a fall time of 660 ps. |
4969 | 2006-02-20 | Tests with GPS Camac Units for Educational Experiments on Cosmic Ray Physics | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-4.pdf | A. Badal, F. Blanco, P. La Rocca, F. Librizzi, G.S.Pappalardo, A.Pulvirenti and F. Riggi | Educational and professional experiments in cosmic ray physics usually require the use of GPS units for a precision time-stamp of the collected events, in order to correlate events measured with independent detectors. As a part of an educational program aimed to carry out experiments in collaboration with high school teams, several tests of a time-stamp system based on the use of CAMAC GPS units was performed. Position and time information for periodic as well as for random events were collected, to check the reliability of the method and the achievable resolution, in view of on-going experiments with extended arrays of cosmic ray detectors. |
4970 | 2006-02-20 | Galactic Basins of Helium and Iron around the Knee Energy | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-5.pdf | Antonio Codino, Franois Plouin | The differential energy spectrum of cosmic rays exhibits a change of slope, called $knee$ of the spectrum, around the nominal energy of $3 \\times 10^{15}$ $eV$, and individual $knees$ for single ions, at different energies. The present work reports a detailed account of the characteristics and the origin of the knees for Helium and Iron. Current observational data regarding the magnetic field, the insterstellar matter density, the size of the Galaxy and the galactic wind, are incorporated in appropriate algorithms which allow to simulate millions of cosmic-ion trajectories in the disk. Bundles of ion trajectories define galactic regions called basins utilized in the present analysis of the knees. The fundamental role of the nuclear cross sections in the origin of the helium and iron knees is demonstrated and highlighted. \\par The results of the calculation are compared with the experimental data in the energy interval $ 10^{12}$ $eV$ - $ 5 \\times 10^{17}$ $eV$. There is a fair agreement between the computed and measured energy spectra of Helium and Iron; rather surprisingly their relative intensities are also in accord with those computed here. The results suggest that acceleration mechanisms in the disk are extraneous to the origin of the $knees$. |
4971 | 2006-02-20 | Applicazioni Tecnologiche della Camera Spaziale Climatica dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati | 2006 | LNF-06-6(IR).pdf | G. Bellettini, A. Bosco, C. Cantone, I. Ciufolini, D. Currie, S. DellAgnello, G. Delle Monache, M. A. Franceschi, M. Garattini, T. Napolitano, A. Paolozzi, E. C. Pavlis, D. P. Rubincam, V. J. Slabinski, R. Tauraso | La Camera Spaziale Climatica (CSC) in allestimento ai LNF è un progetto integrato con applicazioni di fisica fondamentale e di ricaduta e trasferimento tecnologico per usi civili ed industriali . Nella CSC, infatti, si intendono studiare sperimentalmente le caratteristiche ottiche e termiche delle componenti dei satelliti LAGEOS I e II (già operativi) e la loro evoluzione LARES (in via di realizzazione ai LNF). Lo scopo è quello di migliorare laccuratezza della misura del trascinamento dei sistemi inerziali in Relatività Generale (effetto Lense-Thirring [1] [2]) e delle applicazioni di Geodesia. Gli elementi orbitali vengono determinati con inseguimento via laser da Terra dei satelliti (Satellite Laser Ranging, SLR). Lapplicazione tecnologica piu importante è il contributo fondamentale alla definizione del sistema internazionale di riferimento di posizione terrestre (ITRF, Intern. Terrestrial Reference Frame), emesso dallo IERS (Intern. Earth Reference Service), lo standard assoluto per tutte le attività civili, industriali e scientifiche, a Terra e nello spazio, che necessitano di un sistema di riferimento assoluto. Le misure effettuate nella CSC saranno, inoltre, estremamente utili allottimizzazione dellintegrazione tra il GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) [6] ed SLR, che avrà compimento sulle costellazioni di GALILEO (Europa) e GPS-3 (USA). |
4968 | 2006-02-17 | Software per il Monitoring dei Parametri Oracle | 2006 | LNF-06-5(NT).pdf | Claudio Bisegni | Questo documento illustra il funzionamento del programma di monitoring per i database Oracle (8i, 9i, 10g) CheckDatabase. Il tool è indicato a chi deve monitorare, nel tempo, landamento dei parametri scelti in modo da avere unindicazione sui fattori che impattano le performance del Database |
4967 | 2006-02-09 | Statistical Model of Sphalerite Structured Quaternary A1xBxYyZ1-y Systems | 2006 | LNF-06-4(P).pdf | B.V. Robouch, A. Kisiel, A. Marcelli, M. Cestelli Guidi, M. Piccinini, E. Burattini, A. Mycielski | Tetrahedron coordinated sphalerite quaternary systems of type A1-¬xBxYyZ1-y consist exclusively of binary and ternary elemental tetrahedra, four of the first and four of the latter, each one with three configurations, i.e., a total of sixteen elemental tetrahedron configurations. These configurations cannot contain all four constituent atoms simultaneously in the same elemental tetrahedron; as a consequence we can consider each ternary tetrahedron composition as diluted in the quaternary compound. Thus, A1xBxYyZ1-y extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) data can be treated by using the strained tetrahedron model which, originally developed to deal with ternary systems, has already exhibited excellent agreement with numerous experimental data. To determine ion site occupation preferences of quaternary systems, we applied this model to our EXAFS data for Cd1-xMnxSeyTe1-y and to GaxIn1-xAsySb1-y data available in the literature, and compared them to those derived from ternary data for Cd1-xMnxTe and GaxIn1-xAs. In both sets, as the ternary is diluted in the quaternary system, a drift of the preference values of the pure ternary is observed. The present analysis of experimental reflectivity far infrared (FIR) phonon spectra of quaternary Cd1¬xMnxSeyTe1-y crystals confirms the model predictions and leads to an interpretation of the experimental data for A1-xBxYyZ1-y quaternary systems |
4952 | 2006-01-27 | Measurement of the Trips Source Plasma Parameters by Means of a Langmuir Probe | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-3.pdf | D. Mascali, G. Ciavola, S. Gammino, L. Celona, F. Consoli, S. Passarello, S. Barbarino, F. Maimone | The intense proton source TRIPS, designed for the TRASCO project and now under installation at the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, has been operational for 4 years at INFN-LNS and now all the macroscopic parameters are well defined, as for beam current, beam emittance, neutralization factor and reliability. No information has been available up to now about the plasma parameters for such a type of microwave discharge ion source, except for theoretical estimations. This report will describe the measurements of electron and ion density, temperature, plasma potential for typical operational conditions, along with the description of the experimental set-up used for the measurements, based on a Langmuir Probe |
4949 | 2006-01-20 | MATPRO: a Computer Library of Material Property at Cryogenic Temperature | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-2.pdf | Lucio Rossi, Massimo Sorbi | For computing of quench propagation in superconducting magnets, a number of material properties from cryogenic to room temperature are necessary. This paper presents the main features (and limitations) of a computer library that provides thermal and electric properties of most used materials in superconducting magnets. Although not complete, the library might be useful to be integrated into suitable custom numerical codes. The library, written in Fortran language, can work also as stand alone and can be interrogated in order to give in output both the required property or tables easy to be plotted. |
4950 | 2006-01-20 | Tracking in Antiproton Annihilation Experiments | 2006 | LNF-06-3(P).pdf | Olaf N. Hartmann | A major ingredient of the planned new accelerator complex FAIR, to be constructed at the GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, is the availability of antiproton beams with high quality and intensity. Among the experiments which will make use of this opportunity is PANDA, a dedicated experiment to study antiproton annihilations on nucleons and nuclei. This article gives an overview on the foreseen techniques to perform charged particle tracking in the high rate environment of this experiment. |
4948 | 2006-01-19 | Particolato Atmosferico A Modena Nellestate 2004 Risultati dellAnalisi Elementale e Statistica | 2006 | INFN-TC-06-1.pdf | Alessandra d'Alessandro, Franco Marenco, Federico Mazzei, Silvia Nava, Paolo Prati, Roberta Vecchi | Nellestate del 2004, 69 campioni di particolato atmosferico raccolti a Modena dallAgenzia Regionale Prevenzione e Ambiente dellEmilia-Romagna sono stati sottopostiad analisi elementale, per mezzo di fluorescenza a raggi X. Le concentrazioni riscontrate degli elementi sono successivamente state sottoposte ad analisi statistica multivariata, al fine dievidenziarne le correlazionie metterne in luce le sorgenti. Quattro sorgentisono state individuate, permettendo di quantificare la componente naturale (11 µg/m3) e quella antropica (20 µg/m3) del particolato nella città durante il periodo diosservazione. |
4947 | 2006-01-15 | VPN at LNF User Guide | 2006 | LNF-06-2(NT).pdf | Angelo Veloce | La presente nota tecnica rappresenta una guida per lutente affinche possa connettersi alla Local Area Network (LAN) dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati utilizzando un CISCO VPN Concentrator 3030. Lobiettivo e quello di permettere ad utenti mobili di accedere in modo trasparente alle risorse della propria LAN superando access-list o firewall presenti sul Router di frontiera ad Internet. Le modalità di accesso implementate sono due: attraverso luso di IPSec ed attraverso SSL, soluzione denominata WebVPN. |
4946 | 2006-01-13 | Enabling Pulse Compression and Proton Acceleration in a Modular ICF Driver for Nuclear and Particle Physics Applications | 2006 | LNF-06-1(P).pdf | F. Terranova, S.V. Bulanov, J.L. Collier, H. Kiriyama, F. Pegoraro | The existence of efficient ion acceleration regimes in collective laser-plasma interactions opens up the possibility to develop high-energy physics facilities in conjunction with projects for inertial confinement nuclear fusion (ICF) and neutron spallation sources. In this paper, we show that the pulse compression requests to make operative these acceleration mechanisms do not fall in contradiction with current technologies for high repetition rate ICF drivers. In particular, we discuss explicitly a solution that exploits optical parametric chirped pulse amplification and the intrinsic modularity of the lasers aimed at ICF. |
4951 | 2005-12-23 | Future Research Activities at LNF | 2005 | LNF-05-33(IR).pdf | Editorial Board: M. Benfatto, M.E. Biagini, C. Bloise, A. Fantoni, G. Isidori, E. Pace, F. Terranova} | |
4939 | 2005-12-22 | Using GNU Autotools for the GDMP Package | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-15.pdf | Flavia Donno, Maria Santa Mennea | In this document we give a short introduction to the GNU Autotools functionality and we explain their use to manage the GDMP package, pointing out the problems encountered and outlining, where necessary, the need to review the structure of the package. |
4940 | 2005-12-22 | Storage Management in the GRID | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-16.pdf | Flavia Donno, Gigliola Vaglini | An application running on a Grid infrastructure needs to be able to transparently access distributed data available at some storage centers. The Grid middleware and infrastructure are responsible to reserve the necessary space, enforce local authorization policies, privacy and security, allow for transparent access to the underlying local storage system, etc. The goal and main contribution of this paper is to give an overview of the state of the art of storage management technologies in the Grid. Clear overviews are important in order to better drive the research evolution and for general guidance. We present a summary of hardware and software storage solutions adopted in various research centers part of the LHC Computing Grid infrastructure and the open problems to establish standards for file sharing and a master namespace server. Then we analyze the requirements for a Grid application, we present the Grid solutions proposed and the prototypes currently under test |
4937 | 2005-12-22 | Spectroscopy of D Mesons | 2005 | LNF-05-28(P).pdf | S. Bianco | The scenario of heavy quark meson spectroscopy underwent recently a major revolution, after the observation of BABAR and CLEO, confirmed by BELLE, of $\\DsJ$ L=1 excited states, and by further evidences by SELEX. These experimental results have cast doubts on the incarnations of the ideas of Heavy Quark Effective Theory in heavy quark spectroscopy. I shall review the status of experimental data, discuss implications and sketch an outlook. |
4938 | 2005-12-22 | Nuclear and Hadron Physics with Antiprotons: PANDA@FAIR | 2005 | LNF-05-29(P).pdf | Olaf N. Hartmann | The future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at the GSI Darmstadt, Germany, comprises an experimental program with high quality and high intensity antiproton beams in the momentum range from 1.5 to 15 GeV/c. PANDA (Antiproton Annihilation at Darmstadt) is a dedicated experiment to study antiproton annihilations on protons and nuclei. This article gives an overview on the experimental facility, the physics program with special emphasis on the nuclear physics topics, and the status of the detector design. |
4941 | 2005-12-22 | Micrometric Position Monitoring Using Fiber Bragg Gratin Sensors in Silicon Detectors | 2005 | LNF-05-30(P).pdf | E.Basile, F.Bellucci, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, S. Bianco, M.A. Caponero, D. Colonna, F. Di Falco, F.L. Fabbri, F. Felli, M.Giardoni, A. La Monaca, F.Massa, G. Mensitieri, B. Ortenzi, M. Pallotta, A. Paolozzi, L. Passamonti, D. Pierluigi, C. Pucci, A. Russo, G. Saviano | We show R\\&D results including long term stability,resolution, radiation hardness and characterization of Fiber Grating sensors used to monitor structure deformation, repositioning and surveying of silicon detector in High Energy Physics. |
4942 | 2005-12-22 | Two-And Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Analysis of the Straw Tubes Tomography in the BTeV Experiment | 2005 | LNF-05-31(P).pdf | E.Basile, F.Bellucci, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, S. Bianco, M.A. Caponero, D. Colonna, F. Di Falco, F.L. Fabbri, F. Felli, M. Giardoni, A. La Monaca, F.Massa, G. Mensitieri, B. Ortenzi, M. Pallotta, A. Paolozzi, L. Passamonti, D.Pierluigi, C. Pucci, A. Russo, G. Saviano | A check of the eccentricity of the aluminised kapton straw tubes used in the BTeV experiment is accomplished using X-ray tomography of the section of tubes modules. 2 and 3-dimensional images of the single tubes and of the modules are reconstructed and analysed. Preliminary results show that a precision better than 40 $\\mu$m can be reached on the measurement of the straw radii. |
4943 | 2005-12-22 | A Novel Approach for an Integrated Straw Tube-Microstrip Detector | 2005 | LNF-05-32(P).pdf | E.Basile, F.Bellucci, L.Benussi, M. Bertani, S. Bianco, M.A. Caponero, D. Colonna, F. Di Falco, F.L. Fabbri, F. Felli, M.Giardoni, A. La Monaca, G. Mensitieri, B. Ortenzi, M. Pallotta, A. Paolozzi, L.Passamonti, D.Pierluigi, C. Pucci, A. Russo, G. Saviano, F. Massa, F.Casali, M.Bettuzzi, D.Biancon, F. Baruffaldi, E. Petrilli | We report on a novel concept of silicon microstrips and straw tubes detector, where integration is accomplished by a straw module with straws not subjected to mechanical tension in a Rohacell $^{ \\circledR}$ lattice and carbon fiber reinforced plastic shell. Results on mechanical and test beam performances are reported on as well. |
4935 | 2005-12-20 | Papers presented at PAC 2005 | 2005 | LNF-05-26(P).pdf | Accelerators Division | |
4936 | 2005-12-20 | Calibration of the Resonant Gravitational Wave Detectors Explorer and Nautilus in 2003 and 2004 Using Cosmic Rays | 2005 | LNF-05-27(IR).pdf | G. Modestino, G.Pizzella, F.Ronga -- for the ROG Collaboration | The cryogenic resonant gravitational wave detectors EXPLORER and NAUTILUS are able to detect cosmic ray showers. The experimental result leads to classify the responses in two categories: many small signals, in most cases with small multiplicity, obeying the thermo-acoustic model, and few large signals, usually associated to large multiplicity, which exceed the thermo-acoustic model by orders of magnitude, and whose understanding is still under investigation. Using the low multiplicity showers, we make a relative calibration of the apparatuses, comparing the response of EXPLORER with that of NAUTILUS. This comparison turns out useful when searching for coincidences between gravitational waves detectors. |
4934 | 2005-12-20 | SuperB: a Linear High-Luminosity B Factory | 2005 | INFN-AE-05-8.pdf | J. Albert, G. P.Dubois-Felsmann, D. G. Hitlin, F. C. Porter, G. Bonneaud, S. Playfer, M. Biagini, P. Raimondi, A. Stocchi, France , S. Bettarini, G. Calderini, F. Forti, M. A. Giorgi, A. Lusiani, N. Neri, Superiore and INFN, I-56127 Pisa, Italy , L. Silvestrini, INFN, I-00185 Roma, Italy , M. Ciuchini, Y. Cai, S. Ecklund, D. W. G. S. Leith, A. Novokhatski, B. N.Ratcliff, A. Roodman, J. Seeman, M. Sullivan, U. Wienands, W. J. Wisniewski, D. B. MacFarlane, F. Martinez-Vidal, T. J. Gershon, M. Pierini | This paper is based on the outcome of the activity that has taken place during the recent workshop on ``\\SuperB\\ in Italy'' held in Frascati on November 11-12, 2005. The workshop was opened by a theoretical introduction of Marco Ciuchini and was structured in two working groups. One focused on the machine and the other on the detector and experimental issues. The present status on \\CP\\ is mainly based on the results achieved by \\babar\\ and \\Belle. Estabilishment of the indirect \\CP\\ violation in \\B\\ sector in 2001 and of the direct CP violation in 2004 thanks to the success of \\pep2\\ and KEKB \\epem\\ asymmetric $B$ Factories operating at the center of mass energy corresponding to the mass of the \\FourS. With the two $B$ Factories taking data, the Unitarity Triangle is now beginning to be overconstrained by improving the measurements of the sides and now also of the angles $\\alpha$, and $\\gamma$. We are also in presence of the very intriguing results about the measurements of \\stwob\\ in the time dependent analysis of decay channels via penguin loops, where $\\b \\to \\s\\sbar\\s$ and $\\b \\to \\s\\dbar\\d$. \\mtau\\ physics, in particular LFV search, as well as charm and ISR physics are important parts of the scientific program of a \\SuperB Factory. The physics case together with possible scenarios for the high luminosity \\SuperB Factory based on the concepts of the Linear Collider and the related experimental issues are discussed. |
4932 | 2005-11-29 | Conceptual Design for a Polarized Proton-Antiproton Collider Facility at GSI | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-14.pdf | F. Bradamante, I. Koop, A. Otboev, V. Parkhomchuk, V. Reva, P. Shatunov, Yu. Shatunov | Two possible options of polarized proton-antiproton collider at the future HESR storage ring are considered. It is shown that the modifications of the present HESR project which are needed to arrange for the polarized proton-antiproton collisions are relatively moderate. An achievable luminosity of 5·1031 cm-2·sec-1 will provide a possibility to carry out experiments in the CM energy range 10-30 GeV, a particularly interesting option for Drell-Yan physics. |
4930 | 2005-11-25 | A Photon Tag Calibration Beam for the AGILE Satellite | 2005 | LNF-05-24(IR).pdf | S. Hasan, M. Prest, L. Foggetta, C. Pontoni, A. Mozzanica, G. Barbiellini, M. Basset, F. Liello, F. Longo, E. Vallazza, B. Buonomo, G. Mazzitelli, L. Quintieri, P. Valente, F. Boffelli, P. Cattaneo, F. Mauri | The AGILE satellite will be launched in 2006 for the study of gamma rays in the energy range 30~MeV-50~GeV. The satellite has to be calibrated using gamma rays of known energy. The calibration facility is being developed at the Beam Test Facility (BTF) at the INFN Laboratories in Frascati. The photons are produced by bremsstrahlung of electrons with a maximum momentum of 750~MeV/c. The electrons are tagged using a dipole magnet whose internal walls are covered by microstrip silicon detectors: depending on the energy loss, they impinge on a different strip once the dipole current has been set to a given value. The correlation between the direction of the electron measured by a pair of $x$-$y$ silicon chambers and the impinging position on the tagging module inside the magnet allows the tagging of the photon. The paper describes the calibration layout and tests and the results, compared with the Montecarlo simulation, in terms of production rate and energy resolution. |
4931 | 2005-11-25 | High Granularity Silicon Beam Monitors for Wide Range Multiplicity Beams | 2005 | LNF-05-25(IR).pdf | A. Mozzanica, F.~Risigo, A. Bulgheroni, M. Caccia, C. Cappellini, M. Prest, L. Foggetta, B. Buonomo, G. Mazzitelli, P. Valente, E. Vallazza | positron beams in the energy range tens of MeV-750~MeV in a wide range of intensity, from 1 up to 10$^{10}$ particles per pulse. The pulse rate is 50~Hz. This paper describes the implementation of two types of high granularity silicon beam monitors: two pairs of silicon strip detectors readout by single particle ASICs for the low multiplicity range (1-100 particles) and a silicon strip detector with charge integrating electronics to cover the remaining range (100-$10^{10}$). Both the silicon detectors are characterized by large dimensions (up to 9.5$\\times$9.5~cm$^{2}$) and a granularity in the 100~$\\mu$m range. The paper describes the two systems and the results obtained during several dedicated runs. |
4928 | 2005-11-14 | First Results on Vacuum Brazing of Rf 11 Ghz Accelerating Structure at Frascati Laboratories | 2005 | LNF-05-22(IR).pdf | P. Chimenti, V. Chimenti, A. Clozza, R. Di Raddo, V. Lollo, M. Migliorati, B. Spataro | The international scientific community of particle accelerators has an increasing interest in developing new and more performing accelerating structures. The X band linear accelerating cavities are very promising devices to obtain high accelerating gradients. The aim of this paper is to describe the mechanical and vacuum brazing procedures adopted to realize a 11.4 GHz RF linear accelerating structure. |
4929 | 2005-11-14 | An Investigation on Electroforming Procedures Kor R.F. 11 Ghz Linear Accelerating Structures at Frascati Laboratory | 2005 | LNF-05-23(IR).pdf | P. Chimenti, V. Chimenti, A. Clozza, R. Di Raddo, V. Lollo, M. Migliorati, B. Spataro | An activity on the design and construction of high frequency, multicell accelerating structures is in progress at Frascati Lab using the Vacuum Brazing Technique. An alternative to the standard machining and brazing procedure is the Galvanoplastic technique of Electroforming. A study on the possibility of obtaining the same final result following this completely different technique is in progress. |
4926 | 2005-11-09 | Neutron emission from D$_{2}$ gas in magnetic fields under low temperature | 2005 | LNF-05-20(P).pdf | Tadahiko Mizuno, Tadashi Akimoto, Akito Takahashi, and Francesco Celani | We observed neutron emissions from pure deuterium gas after it was cooled in liquid nitrogen and placed in a magnetic field. Neutron emissions were observed in ten out of ten test cases. Neutron burst of 5.5\\,counts/s were 1000 times higher than the background counts. These bursts occurred one or two times within a 300\\,s interval. The total neutron emission can be estimated from the counting efficiency, and it was \\mbox{10$^{4}$--10$^{5}$\\,counts/s.} The reaction appears to be highly reproducible, reliably generating high neutron emissions. We conclude that the models proposed heretofore based upon d--d reactions are inadequate to explain the present results, which must involve magnetic field nuclear reactions. |
4927 | 2005-11-09 | An Overview of Experimental Studies on H/P\\lowercase{d} Over-Loading with thin P\\lowercase{d} Wires and Different Electrolytic | 2005 | LNF-05-21(P).pdf | A. Spallone F. Celani V. Di Stefano P. Marini | Hundreds of electrolytic loading tests of thin Pd wires in different experimental conditions have been performed in order to find out the best procedures for stable, high hydrogen overloading into the palladium lattice. In a very dilute acid solution thin Pd cathodes (50 or 100\\,$\\mu $m in diameter) and thick Pt anodes (0.5\\,mm in dia{-}\\break meter) were used in a parallel or coaxial geometry. Normalised resistance ($R/R_{0}$) of the Pd cathode was on-line and continuously measured in order to determine the actual H/Pd values. Different electrolytic solutions have been tested by adding to the acid solution very low amounts of Ca, Sr, Li, and Hg ions; high loading H/Pd ratios have been achieved with a satisfactory grade of reproducibility. Several loading procedures have been performed in a wide range of electrolysis current (from a few mA up to 100\\,mA) and at different Hg ion concentrations. The obtained results allowed for the definition of a loading protocol that ensures very high H/Pd over-loading. Stable $R/R_{0} \\le 1.2$ values (corresponding to H/Pd ratios $\\ge $ 1) can be currently achieved with an extremely low power electrolytic supply (10\\,V, 5\\,mA) |
4924 | 2005-11-03 | X-ray Propagation Through Hollow Channel: PolyCAD - A Ray Tracing Code | 2005 | LNF-05-19(P).pdf | Dariush Hampai, Sultan B. Dabagov, Giorgio Cappuccioand Giannantonio Cibin | ``PolyCAD'', a CAD program designed for X-ray photon tracing in polycapillary optics, is described. To understand the PolyCAD code and its results, the theoretical bases of X-ray transmission by a single cylindrical channel (monocapillary) are discussed first. Then cases of cylindrical, lens and semi-lens shaped polycapillary optics are examined. PolyCAD allows any type of X-ray source to be used: an X-ray tube of finite beam dimensions or an astrophysical object can be simulated in combination with the polycapillary optics. The radiation density distribution images formed on a screen located at various focal distances are discussed. The good agreement of the PolyCAD results with experimental and previous theoretical findings validate the code. |
4921 | 2005-10-26 | Request Tracker: un Software Open-Source per il Trouble Ticket Management | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-13.pdf | Francesca Del Corso, Riccardo Veraldi | RT rappresenta una soluzione valida per la gestione delle richieste di help desk da parte degli utenti e dei certificati rilasciati dellINFN Certification Authority. Si tratta di un pacchetto open-source, flessibile, personalizzabile e di facile manutenzione. Di seguito vengono delineate le procedure per la sua installazione, configurazione e manutenzione, con una panoramica sulluso del CLI per lautomazione e lintegrazione con tool esterni e di add-on aggiuntivi. Il seguente documento vuole essere una guida operativa per il LAN Manager che intende adottare questa soluzione, in produzione presso la Sezione INFN di Firenze da oltre due anni. |
4923 | 2005-10-26 | Measurements of the Temperature Coefficient of Electric Resistivity of Hydrogen Overloaded Pd | 2005 | LNF-05-18(IR).pdf | Antonio Spallone, Francesco Celani, Paolo Marini, Vittorio Di Stefano | DisponibileA s reported in previous papers, we performed many electrolytic loading tests using thin Pd wires, achieving loading ratios of H/Pd ≥ 0.95 (H/Pd over-loading). In particular, we defined a reproducible loading protocol suitable for achieving such an over-loading level, based on the use of very diluted acid electrolytic solutions (with additions of tenths of micro-moles of Ca or Sr or Li cations and some hundred nano-moles of Hg ions) and operating with electrolytic current cycles from a few mA up to one hundred mA. By observing the day/night cyclic fluctuations of electrical resistance, as a function of the corresponding temperature variations, of stable, long term, H/Pd loadings we were able to calculate the temperature coefficient of resistivity (Kθ) of the Pd-H system at very high H/Pd loadings. Many years ago (on 1998) we reported an unexpected value showing that the Kθ parameter values increase when H/Pd exceeds 0.75 (i.e. after that R/Ro goes beyond the 1.8 peak value, i.e. to the right side of the R/Ro / H/Pd curve). This fact was confirmed by the ISR-Stanford Group (McKubre and Tripodi) and Pirelli-Research Group (Gamberale and Garbelli). In this paper we show several measurements of Kθ at different overloading values of H / Pd up to ≅ 1 (corresponding at R/Ro=1.12) where Kθ =(13±1) ⋅ 10-3 K-1 , i.e. more than six times higher than the minimum value achieved at the R/Ro=1.8 peak value. This result can corroborate the hypothesis that a new Pd-H phase (full β-phase or the beginning of β+γ phase) could occur after the H/Pd=0.75 loading ratio (at the end of α+β phase), as claimed by many authors as the necessary condition for excess (anomalous) heat from Pd-D system (at D/Pd ≥ 1). |
4925 | 2005-10-10 | An Optical System Developed for Target Laser Pulse Generation | 2005 | INFN-BE-05-2.pdf | Simone Cialdi, Ilario Boscolo, Andrea Paleari | We present the optical system developed for laser pulse shaping investigations. The items of the system are: a mode-locked 5 W 100 MHz 90 ps Nd:YAG laser coupled to an optical fiber, a programmable pulse shaping system, an autocorrelator and a spectrometer. The system can be programmed to generate any target waveform compatible with the spectral bandwidth of the laser system. The generation of a 2 ps compressed pulse and of rectangular, double-pulse and multi-pulse profiles with fairly good stability is discussed. The system is built for tests of shaping systems arranged in different configurations. |
4920 | 2005-09-30 | A 32 Channels Charge Integrating ADC Based on Digital Signal Integration | 2005 | LNF-05-16(IR).pdf | A. Balla, M. Beretta, P. Branchini, P. Ciambrone, G. Corradi, E. De Lucia, P. de Simone, G. Felici, M. Gatta, V. Patera | A digital charge integrator with programmable gate width and range has been designed for use in the KLOE drift chamber front-end chain. The system has a resolution of $9$ bits ranging from $600$ $fC/count$ up to $\\approx 76$ $pC$ and integration time ranging from $100$ $ns$ to about $13$ $\\mu sec$. Thirty two channels have been packaged in a single VME 9U board. |
4918 | 2005-09-23 | Further Studies, About New Elements Production, by Electrolysis of Cathodic Pd ThinLong Wires, in Alcohol-Water Solutions (H, D) and Th-Hg Salts. New Procedures to Produce Pd Nano-Structures | 2005 | LNF-05-14(P).pdf | Francesco Celani, A. Spallone, P. Marini, V. Di Stefano, M. Nakamura, E. Todarello, A. Mancini, P. G. Sona, E. Righi, G. Trenta, C. Catena, G. Dagostaro, P. Quercia, V. Andreassi, F. Fontana, L. Gamberale, D. Garbelli, E. Celia, F. Falcioni, M. Marchesini, E. Novaro, U. Mastromatteo | Abstract They were continued, at National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Frascati National Laboratories-Italy, the systematic studies about detection of new elements, some even with isotopic composition different from natural one, after prolonged electrolysis of Pd wires. The electrolytic solution adopted is the, unusual, used from our experimental group since 1999. In short, it was a mixture of both heavy ethyl alcohol (C2H5OD at 90-95%) and water (D2O, at 10-5%), with Th salts at micromolar concentration and Hg at even lower concentration (both of spectroscopic purity). The liquid solutions, before use, were carefully vacuum distilled (and on line 100nm filtered) at low temperatures (30-40°C) and analysed by ICP-MS. The pH was kept quite mild (acidic at about 3-4). The cathode is Pd (99.9% purity) in the shape of long (60cm) and thin wires (diameter only 0.05mm). Before use, it is carefully cleaned and oxidised by Joule heating in air following a (complex) procedure from us continuously improved (since 1995). Before and after use, some pieces of it, about 50% of total length, are ICP-MS analysed. The anode is a Pt wire (purity>99.99%), 0.250mm diameter. The cell adopted is usually a borosilicate chemical glass (like SCHOTT-DURAN, Germany), filling volume about 750cc. Recently (since July 2004) an ultra-pure quartz cylinder (volume about 1050cc) was adopted in order to rule out possibilities of corrosion effects from the cell. The sample older and details of cell are made only of PTFE, as detailed at ICCF10 and ICCF11. |
4919 | 2005-09-23 | Innovative Procedure for fhe, In Situ, Measurement of the Resistive Thermal Coefficient Of H(D)/Pd During Electrolysis; Cross-Comparison of New Elements Detected in The ThHgPdD(H) Electrolytic Cells | 2005 | LNF-05-15(P).pdf | Francesco Celani, A. Spallone, E. Righi, G. Trenta, C. Catena, G. Dagostaro, P. Quercia, And V. Andreassi, P. Marini, V. Di Stefano, M. Nakamura, A. Mancini, P.G. Sona , F. Fontana, L. Gamberale, And D. Garbelli, E. Celia, F. Falcioni, M. Marchesini, And E. Novaro , U. Mastromatteo | In the framework of cold fusion studies one of the most important parameters is the deuterium (D) to palladium (Pd) ratio, D/Pd. It is well known that the value of this parameter is related to the normalised resistivity (R/R0) of the DPd system. When at high D/Pd ratios (i.e. at low R/R0 values) some excess heat occurs, the Pd wire temperature increase and, as a consequence, the apparent R/R0 value also increases. This effect might give raise to ambiguous data interpretation: similar results are in fact expected in case of a Pd wire degassing (i.e. decreasing of D/Pd ratio). To solve this problem, we developed an innovative procedure and a suitable experimental set-up for the in situ measurement of the Resistive Temperature Coefficient (which is affected only by the real D/Pd ratio) during electrolysis. We will report the results on the hydrogen and deuterium loading of thin (50 µm), and long (60 cm) Pd wires, immersed in a solution of C2H5OD (or C2H5OH) and D2O (or H2O), with addition of thorium (Th) and mercury (Hg) salts at micromolar concentra¬tions. Evidence of transmutations of some elements occasionally present on the Pd surface, and sometimes also in the electrolytic solution, have often been claimed in cold fusion experiments. In the present work, unexpected elements have been detected by high-resolution ICP-MS analysis. Some of these elements have also an isotopic composition different from the natural one. |
4915 | 2005-09-15 | Detection of the SR Infrared Emission of the Electron Bunches at DAΦNE | 2005 | LNF-05-12(NT).pdf | Alessio Bocci, Massimo Piccinini, Alessandro Drago, Diego Sali, Pierangelo Morini, Emanuele Pace, Augusto Marcelli | The synchrotron light emission is a radiation source covering a large energy domain from IR to x-ray energies, with an accurate sub-nanosecond time structure determined by the temporal and the physical structure of the stored electron bunches. With proper detectors, the synchrotron radiation emission can be used to perform spectroscopic experiments with very high time and spatial resolution but also to investigate the physical structure of the bunches. We present here the first characterization of the synchrotron light emission of DAΦNE in the midIR domain with a resolution time of few ns. Experiments have been performed using the SINBAD beamline, characterizing the emission of 105 bunches stored in the electron ring of the DAΦNE collider. With a small uncooled infrared detector optimized to work at a wavelength of 10.6 μm we observed the gap between individual bunches separated by about 8 ns, a time equivalent to a frequency of 125 MHz. |
4917 | 2005-09-15 | A New Concept for Streamer Quenching in Parallel Plate Chambers | 2005 | LNF-05-13(P).pdf | A. Calcaterra, R. de Sangro, G. Mannocchi, P. Patteri, P. Picchi, M. Piccolo, N. Redaelli, T. Tabarelli de Fatis, G.C. Trinchero | In this paper we propose a new concept for streamer quenching in Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs). In our approach, the multiplication process is quenched by the appropriate design of a mechanical structure inserted between the two resistive electrodes. We show that stable performance is achieved with binary gas mixtures based on Argon and a small fraction of isobutane. Fluorocarbons, deemed responsible for the degradation of the electrode inner surface of RPC detectors, are thus fully eliminated from the gas mixture. This design also results in a much simplified assembly procedure. Preliminary results obtained with a few prototypes of Mechanically Quenched RPCs and some prospects for future developments are discussed. |
4914 | 2005-09-14 | Characterisation and Test of the Power Supply System of the Pamela Experiment | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-12.pdf | Valter Bonvicini, Stefano Ciano | This work describes the measurements and tests performed in Trieste in order to fully characterize the performance of the Power Supply System (PSS) of the space experiment PAMELA. The PSS behavior has been analyzed by means of an ad hoc designed set-up reproducing the electrical experimental conditions specified in the PAMELA ICD (Interface Control Document) and expected during the three-year lifetime of the mission. |
4913 | 2005-08-31 | FLUKA: A Multi-Particle Transport Code | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-11.pdf | Alfredo Ferrari, Paola R. Sala, Alberto Fass, Johannes Ranft | This report describes the 2005 version of the Fluka particle transport code. The first part introduces the basic notions, describes the modular structure of the system, and contains an installation and beginners guide. The second part complements this initial information with details about the various components of Fluka and how to use them. It concludes with a detailed history and bibliography. |
4912 | 2005-07-18 | An Inexpensive Coincidence Circuit for the Pasco Geiger Sensors | 2005 | INFN-AE-05-7.pdf | Filippo Fichera, Paola La Rocca, Francesco Librizzi, and Francesco Riggi | A simple coincidence circuit was devised to carry out educational coincidence experiments involving the use of Geiger counters. The system was tested by commercially available Geiger sensors from PASCO, and is intended to be used in collaboration with high school students and teachers. |
4911 | 2005-07-14 | Second Order Harmonics Suppression With Glass Filters for Synchrotron UV Radiation Calibration Measurement | 2005 | LNF-05-11(IR).pdf | E. Burattini, A. De Sio, L. Gambicorti, F. Malvezzi, A. Marcelli, F. Monti, E. Pace | This development is the latest result of the cooperation between the National Laboratories of Frascati and the Department of Astronomy and Space Science of the University of Florence to improve the capabilities of the existing DXR-2 beam line at the DAΦNE-LIGHT laboratories. This collaboration has assessed a new facility in order to characterize optics and sensors in a wide spectral range (ranging from VUV to IR). Previous measurements [1] have highlighted some limitations in the present setup, as higher signal levels due to the diffracted radiation of the grating in the second order have to be removed to allow an accurate detection. In this work a glass filter is used to remove such spurious signal present in the spectral region with λ > 360 nm. The characteristics of the filter and its application to the optical system used to measure the sensitivity of a diamond-based photoconductor have been discussed. |
4910 | 2005-07-14 | Status of the MEG Experiment: Timing Counter Experimental Results | 2005 | INFN-AE-05-6.pdf | R. Valle, F. Gatti, S. Dussoni, G. Cecchet, M. Rossella and D. Zanello | The Timing Counter (TC) of the MEG experiment must achieve a time resolution equal or better than 100 ps FWHM (σ = 42.5 ps). The results obtained, at the Beam Test Facility (BTF) of Frascati/Italy, on two TC prototypes elements, permitted the selection of the scintillator, providing the best timing resolution, achieving an average resolution of 92 ps FWHM (σ = 39.2 ps) with a plastic scintillator. |
4909 | 2005-07-04 | Design, Implementation and Configuration of a GRID Site with a Private Network Architecture | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-10.pdf | Leonello Servoli, Mirko Mariotti, Francesco Truncellito | We present a possible solution for the configuration and implementation of a GRID site with the Worker Nodes belonging to a private network, using LCFGng as a tool for managing the configuration, and PBS as batch queueing system, in the framework of the INFN GRID. |
4908 | 2005-07-04 | Manuale di Installazione di un Servizio di Posta Elettronica Completo di Filtri Anti-Virus e Anti-Spam | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-9.pdf | Giorgio Bar, Alberto DAmbrosio, Franca De Giovanni | Con il completamento della ristrutturazione dei servizi di calcolo centrali della Sez. INFN di Torino e dei Dipartimenti di Fisica dellUniversità (Rif. INFN/TC-02/23 del 16/09/2002, più successivo lavoro di aggiornamento), si è colta loccasione per redigere un manuale dettagliato di installazione del più complesso di questi servizi, quello di Posta Elettronica. Le istruzioni qui contenute, pur facendo riferimento alla piattaforma Unix da noi utilizzata (Tru64-UNIX 5.1A for Alpha) ed alla configurazione locale, hanno comunque validità generale per qualunque altra piattaforma Unix, e sono state redatte avvalendosi della collaborazione del Gruppo di Lavoro SEC-MAIL del GARR. |
4905 | 2005-06-01 | Daφne Lattice With Two LowBeta Interaction Regions | 2005 | LNF-05-10(Thesis).pdf | Gabriele Benedetti | This doctoral thesis is focused on the development of the DAPHENE lattice to collide in the second interaction point where the FINUDA detector was installed in 2003. Modelling of the second interaction region and of the modified wigglers are described in detail. The constraints to be fulfilled by the lattice and the agreement between the model and the beam measurements are discussed. A model dependent technique for beam based alignment has been implemented for the mainrings. The developed procedure and its results are presented. |
4904 | 2005-06-01 | A Direct Search for the \\C\\P-Violating Decay $K_S\\,$~\\to~$\\,3\\pi^0$ with the KLOE Detector at DA$\\Phi$NE | 2005 | LNF-05-9(P).pdf | The KLOE Collaboration: F. Ambrosino, A. Antonelli, M. Antonelli, C. Bacci, P. Beltrame, G. Bencivenni, S. Bertolucci, C. Bini, C. Bloise, V. Bocci, F. Bossi, D. Bowring, P. Branchini, R. Caloi, P. Campana, G. Capon, T. Capussella, F. Ceradini, S. Chi, G. Chiefari, P. Ciambrone, S. Conetti, E. De Lucia, A. De Santis, P. De Simone, G. De Zorzi, S. Dell'Agnello, A. Denig, A. Di Domenico, C. Di Donato, S. Di Falco, B. Di Micco, A. Doria, M. Dreucci, G. Felici, A. Ferrari, M. L. Ferrer, G. Finocchiaro, C. Forti, P. Franzini, C. Gatti, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, E. Gorini, E. Graziani, M. Incagli, W. Kluge, V. Kulikov, F. Lacava, G. Lanfranchi, J. Lee-Franzini, D. Leone, M. Martini, P. Massarotti, W. Mei, S. Meola, S. Miscetti, M. Moulson, S. M'uller, F. Murtas, M. Napolitano, F. Nguyen, M. Palutan, E. Pasqualucci, A. Passeri, V. Patera, F. Perfetto, L. Pontecorvo, M. Primavera, P. Santangelo, E. Santovetti, G. Saracino, B. Sciascia, A. Sciubba, F. Scuri, I. Sfiligoi, T. Spadaro, M. Testa, L. Tortora, P. Valente, B. Valeriani, G. Venanzoni, S. Veneziano, A. Ventura, R. Versaci, G. Xu | We have searched for the decay $K_S \\to 3 \\pi^{0}$ with the KLOE experiment at DA$\\Phi$NE using data from $e^+ e^-$ collisions at a center of mass energy $W\\sim m_{\\phi}c^2$ for an integrated luminosity \\L\\ = 450 pb$^{-1}$. The search has been performed with a pure \\ks\\ beam obtained by tagging with \\kl\\ interactions in the calorimeter and detecting six photons. We find an upper limit for the branching ratio of $1.2 \\times 10^{-7}$ at 90\\% C.L. |
4903 | 2005-05-27 | The Use of a Syncytium Model of the Crystalline Lens of the Human Eye to Study the Light Flashes Seen by Astronauts | 2005 | LNF-05-8(P).pdf | Giampietro Nurzia, Renato Scrimaglio, Bruno Spataro, Francesco Zirilli | A syncytium model to study some electrical properties of the eye is proposed in the attempt to explain the phenomenon of anomalous Light Flashes (LF) perceived by astronauts in orbit. The crystalline lensis modelled as an ellipsoidal syncytium having a variable relative dielectric constant. The mathematical model proposed is given by a boundary value problem for a system of two coupled elliptic partial differential equations in two unknowns. We use a numerical method to compute an approximate solution of this mathematical model and we show some numerical results that provide a possible (qualitative) explanation of the observed LF phenomenon. In particular, we calculate the energy lost in the syncytium by a cosmic charged particle that goes through the syncytium and compare the results with those obtained using the Geant 3.21 simulation program. We study the interaction antimatter-syncytium. We use the Creme96 computer program to evaluate the cosmic ray fluxes encountered by the International Space Station. |
4906 | 2005-05-19 | Comparison of Geant4 Electromagnetic Physics Models Against the Nist Reference Data | 2005 | INFN-AE-05-4.pdf | Katsuya Amako, Susanna Guatelli, Vladimir N. Ivanchenko, Michel Maire, Barbara Mascialino, Koichi Murakami, Petteri Nieminen, Luciano Pandola, Sandra Parlati, Maria Grazia Pia, Michela Piergentili, Takashi Sasaki, Laszlo Urban | The Geant4 Simulation Toolkit provides an ample set of physics models describing electromagnetic interactions of particles with matter. This paper presents the results of a series of comparisons for the evaluation of Geant4 electromagnetic processes with respect to NIST reference data. A statistical analysis was performed to estimate quantitatively the compatibility of Geant4 electromagnetic models with NIST data; the statistical analysis also highlighted the respective strengths of the different Geant4 models |
4902 | 2005-05-19 | Design and RF Measurements of an X-Band Accelerating Structure for Linearizing the Longitudinal Emittance at Sparc | 2005 | LNF-05-7(P).pdf | D. Alesini, A. Bacci, P. Chimenti, V. Chimenti, A. Clozza, A. Falone, V. Lollo, M. Migliorati, A. Mostacci, F. Palpini, L. Palumbo, B. Spataro | The paper presents the design of an X-band accelerating section for linearizing the longitudinal phase space in the Fractal Linac Coherent Light Source (SPARC). The nine cells structure, operating on the standing wave mode, is fed by a central coupler and has been designed to obtain a 42 MV/m accelerating gradient. The 2D profile has been determined using the electromagnetic codes Super fish and Oscar-2D while the coupler has been designed using HFSS. Bead-pull measurements made on a copper prototype have been done and the results are illustrated and compared with the numerical ones. Mechanical details of the realized prototype and RF properties of the structure as a function of the assembly characteristics are also discussed. |
4900 | 2005-05-09 | Rectangular Pulse Formation in a Laser Harmonic Generation | 2005 | INFN-BE-05-1.pdf | Simone Cialdi, Fabrizio Castelli, Ilario Boscolo | In a harmonic generation process the temporal profile of the up-converted pulse undergoes significative changes depending on the input profile and crystal length. A simple theoretical treatment and the corresponding physical view are presented. The matter and the properties of two shaping systems are investigated in view of producing rectangular up-converted pulses as required by laser driven radiofrequency electron sources. |
4901 | 2005-05-09 | Electroweak Corrections Uncertainty on the W Mass Measurement at Lep | 2005 | INFN-AE-05-3.pdf | Fabio Cossutti | The systematic uncertainty on the $W$ mass and width measurement resulting from the imperfect knowledge of electroweak radiative corrections is discussed. The intrinsic uncertainty in the 4-$f$ generator used by the DELPHI Collaboration is studied following the guidelines of the authors of {\\tt YFSWW}, on which its radiative corrections part is based. The full DELPHI simulation, reconstruction and analysis chain is used for the uncertainty assessment. A comparison with the other available 4-$f$ calculation implementing DPA $\\mathcal{O}(\\alpha)$ corrections, {\\tt RacoonWW}, is also presented. The uncertainty on the $W$ mass is found to be below 10 MeV for all the $WW$ decay channels used in the measurement. |
4897 | 2005-04-21 | La Scheda Avi (Atom to Vme Interface) per LApparato Exodet | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-6.pdf | Antonio Anastasio, Vincenzo Masone, Pasquale Parascandolo | Questa nota descrive la scheda AVI da noi sviluppata e che è stata utilizzata sullapparato EXODET dapprima ai Laboratori Nazionali di Argonne (USA), poi presso i Laboratori di Riken (Giappone) ed attualmente ai Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. La scheda AVI (ATOM to VME Interface) funziona da modulo di interfaccia con il chip ATOM sviluppato originariamente per lesperimento BaBar. |
4898 | 2005-04-21 | Un Preamplificatore di Carica per le Interazioni Laser | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-7.pdf | Raimondo Chiaramonte, Pasquale Parascandolo | Questa nota descrive un preamplificatore di carica a basso costo sviluppato per trattare i segnali di front-end in uscita dal fotomoltiplicatore dello spettrometro usato in un esperimento per la misura di armoniche di ordine elevato in molecole allineate. |
4899 | 2005-04-21 | Una Sonda Attiva a Basso Costo | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-8.pdf | Pasquale Parascandolo, Antonio Vanzanella | Questa nota descrive la realizzazione di una sonda attiva basata su componenti a basso costo e di elevata banda passante che consente di effettuare alloscilloscopio, direttamente sul circuito in esame, oltre che una misura del segnale anche una misura realistica del rumore. |
4896 | 2005-04-11 | Impedances of the Cold Bore Experiment, Coldex, Installed in the SPS Machine | 2005 | LNF-05-6(P).pdf | B. Spataro, D. Alesini, M. Migliorati, A. Mostacci, L. Palumbo, V. Baglin, B. Jenninger, F. Ruggiero | This note focuses on the impedances evaluation of the cold bore experiment called COLDEX, and installed in the SPS machine. A comparison between analytical model and numerical results is presented. Tests on power losses are also shown. |
4895 | 2005-04-07 | Annual Report 2004 | 2005 | LNF-05-5(IR).pdf | AA.VV. | |
4894 | 2005-04-04 | Analysis of Neutron and Muon Counting During a Forbush Decrease | 2005 | INFN-AE-05-2.pdf | Paola La Rocca and Francesco Riggi | Data measured with a small Geiger counter during a Forbush decrease were compared to neutron and muon fluxes reported by professional monitor stations. Correlation between neutron and muon rates was studied and compared to results obtained outside the Forbush decrease. |
4892 | 2005-02-23 | Microwave Apparatus for Gravitational Waves Observation | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-5.pdf | R. Ballantini, A. Chincarini, S. Cuneo, G. Gemme, R. Parodi, A. Podest, and R. Vaccarone; Ph. Bernard, S. Calatroni, E. Chiaveri, and R. Losito; R.P. Croce, V. Galdi, V. Pierro, and I.M. Pinto; E. Picasso | In this report the theoretical and experimental activities for the development of superconducting microwave cavities for the detection of gravitational waves are presented. |
4891 | 2005-02-22 | Proposal of a Bunch Length Modulation Experiment in DAΦNE | 2005 | LNF-05-4(IR).pdf | D. Alesini, G. Benedetti, M. Biagini, C. Biscari, R. Boni, M. Boscolo, A. Clozza, G. Delle Monache, G. Di Pirro, A. Drago, A. Gallo, A. Ghigo, S. Guiducci, M. Incurvati, C. Ligi, F. Marcellini, G. Mazzitelli, C. Milardi, L. Pellegrino, M. Preger, P. Raimondi, R. Ricci, C. Sanelli, M. Serio, F. Sgamma, B. Spataro, A. Stecchi, A. Stella, C. Vaccarezza, M. Vescovi, M. Zobov, C. Pagani, E. Levichev, P. Piminov, D. Shatilov, J. Byrd, F. Sannibale, J. Fox, D. Teytelmann | We propose an accelerator physics experiment in DAΦNE to prove the regime of bunch length modulation in storage rings, which has never been tested before in any existing accelerator. The result of the experiment can be of great interest for the future colliders and for the synchrotron light sources. The concept has been developed at the Divisione Acceleratori in the framework of super-factory studies. Collaborations with international groups interested in the experiment have been set-up. |
4889 | 2005-02-18 | Il Progetto ScienzaPerTutti:la Fisica in Rete | 2005 | LNF-05-3(P).pdf | L. Benussi, H. Bilokon, R. Baldini, P. de Simone, A. C. De Vitis, E. Durante, F.L. Fabbri, G. Isidori, G. Nicoletti, P. Modestino, P. Patteri, C. Petrascu, S. P. Ratti, F. R. Romano, D. Sirghi e P. Valente | ScienzaPerTutti (http://scienzapertutti.lnf.infn.it) sviluppa un progetto di comunicazione/divulgazione sui temi della scienza, rivolto al pubblico generico con particolare attenzione al mondo della scuola. Realizzato da ricercatori dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dellINFN, in due anni ha totalizzato oltre 1500000 accessi. Caratteristiche qualificanti sono: comunicazione diretta tra chi produce e chi fruisce della scienza; dichiarata contaminabilità agli idiomi comunicativi del mondo giovanile; dinamicità dei contenuti che qualificano il sito, più che come opportunità occasionale di visita, come periodico evento-appuntamento in rete. Lo sviluppo del progetto si basa su un comitato redazionale permanente, sulla collaborazione desperti, ma anche sui contributi dei web-nauti visitatori. |
4890 | 2005-02-18 | Realizzazione di un Sistema di Autenticazione ed Autorizzazione Centralizzato Basato su Kerberos 5 e OpenLDAP | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-4.pdf | Domenico Diacono | In questa nota tecnica si illustra dettagliatamente la procedura per la realizzazione di un servizio di autenticazione ed autorizzazione centralizzata, utilizzando rispettivamente Kerberos V e openLDAP, su sistema operativo GNU/Linux. Le indicazioni sono relative in particolare alla distribuzione Gentoo, ma sono facilmente adattabili a qualsiasi distribuzione. Come esempio di servizio che fa uso della struttura creata viene descritta linstallazione di una nuova cella AFS direttamente autenticata dai KDC Kerberos, e la preparazione di una macchina di public login, alla quale è possibile collegarsi usando un utente LDAP con la sua password Kerberos 5 e la home directory nella nuova cella AFS. |
4888 | 2005-02-15 | Nanotubes for Particle Channeling, Radiation and Electron Sources | 2005 | LNF-05-2(P).pdf | S. Bellucci | Carbon nanotubes consist in graphene sheets rolled into seamless hollow cylinders with diameters ranging from 1 nm to about 50 nm. They have been produced as both single-walled and multi-walled nanotubes. The diameter of the MWNTs typically ranges from 10 to 50 nm, while the length exceeds 10 micron. For SWNTs, the diameter is only 1 nm and the length is up to 100 micron. Nanotubes exhibit unique physical and chemical properties as being a quasi-one dimensional material. The main involvements of the INFN-LNF group in channeling researches are described, i.e. channeling of high energy beams in nanotubes (with the synthesis and characterization of the ordered nanotube samples), crystal extraction and collimation at IHEP (with the design and production of the bent crystals), crystal undulator R & D (with the characterization of the crystal undulator prototypes with SEM and the positron beam). We consider a precise determination of the optimal experimental conditions for channeling of accelerated particles (protons, positrons, photons, neutrons) through micro- and nano-structured crystals and films of aligned nanotubes, as promising candidates for producing highly focused beams. |
4887 | 2005-02-10 | CP Violation in B Mesons Decays: A Review After Five Years of B-Factories | 2005 | LNF-05-1(P).pdf | I. Peruzzi | |
4883 | 2005-01-27 | The Silicon Laboratory in Udine: Quality Assurance Tests on the Wafer Sensors for the Atlas Pixel Detecto | 2005 | INFN-AE-05-1.pdf | G. Cabras, S. D Auria, D. Cauz, D. Cobal, M. Cobal, B. De Lotto, C. Del Papa, S. Gorokhov, H. Grassmann, L. Santi | In this note we describe the set-up that has been implemented in the Silicon laboratory at the Physics Department of the University of Udine, in order to perform the quality tests on the wafer sensors for the ATLAS Pixel Detector. The Quality Control Procedure to be fulfilled by the participating institutes is described in an ATLAS protocol. At our institute the pre-production measurement phase has recently been completed, while the production phase is running. A brief description of the measurements and a summary of the results obtained are also presented. |
4886 | 2005-01-27 | A New Monte Carlo - GEANT4 Simulation Tool for the Development of a Proton Therapy Beam Line and Verification of the Related Dose Distributions | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-3.pdf | G.A.P. Cirrone, G. Cuttone, S. Guatelli, S. Lo Nigro, B. Mascialino, M.G. Pia, L. Raffaele, G. Russo, M.G. Sabini | Using the Monte Carlo simulation tool GEANT4 we simulated the hadron-therapy beam line of the CATANA (Centro di AdroTerapia ed Applicazioni Nucleari Avanzate) center. This is the unique italian hadron-therapy facility in which 62 MeV proton beams are used for the radiotherapeutic treatment of choroidal and iris melanomas. All the elements, such as diffusers, range shifters, collimators and detectors, typical of a proton-therapy line were modelled. The beam line provides an ideal environment for the experimental testing and validation of the software developed. The software architecture was developed, and the validation of the software is in its final stage. Simulated ranges, energy distribution, depth and lateral dose distributions for full energy proton beams will be compared tothe experimental results obtained at LNS (Laboratori Nazionali del Sud) with different detectors. |
4885 | 2005-01-25 | Esperimento THALAS: Analisi Dei Rischi e Pericoli del Prototipo Biosuscettometro | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-2.pdf | S. Cuneo, F. Gastaldo, B. Gianesin, M. Marinelli, E. Oliveri, G. Sobrero | Il documento descrive lanalisi dei rischi dellapparecchiatura denominata biosuscettometro così come progettata per la realizzazione di un prototipo destinato allapplicazione su pazienti e volontari sani presso lOspedale Galliera di Genova. |
4884 | 2005-01-24 | Esperimento THALAS: Relazione Tecnica Progettazione Meccanica Prototipo Biosuscettometro | 2005 | INFN-TC-05-1.pdf | S. Cuneo, B. Gianesin, M. Marinelli, R. Puppo, G. Sobrero | Il documento descrive i calcoli strutturali eseguiti a verifica della stabilità meccanica dellapparato denominato biosuscettometro, così come progettato per la realizzazione di un prototipo destinato allapplicazione su pazienti volontari presso lOspedale Galliera di Genova. |
4882 | 2004-12-22 | Are Small Single Geiger Counters Able to Show up Cosmic Daily Variation Effects? A Case Study for Educational Investigations | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-14.pdf | Paola La Rocca and Francesco Riggi | Data measured with a small Geiger counter for a period of approximately three months were analyzed to search for daily variation effects, after proper correction for the influence of the atmospheric pressure. Harmonic dial analysis for each individual day was carried out. The ratio of the measured flux between selected intervals within the 24 hours was also investigated. Methods and results are presented in the framework of educational studies involving high-school teams. |
4881 | 2004-12-22 | An Abstract Model of the Virtual Organization Membership Service | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-18.pdf | Sergio Andreozzi, Vincenzo Ciaschini, Luca dell'Agnello | Grid systems involve the coordination of resources and services that are not subject to centralized control, span multiple trust domains and are accessible by a large number of users. They require a functionality for mapping users and credentials that exist at the virtual level to users and credentials that exist at the physical level. In this paper, we present a rigorous modeling of the Virtual Organization Membership Service (VOMS), a credential-based access control system. It enables the management and secure distribution of roles, groups and capabilities of users at the virtual level by improving both scalability and flexibility aspects. |
4880 | 2004-12-22 | Neutrino Long Base Line Experiments in Europe | 2004 | LNF-04-29(P).pdf | F. Ronga | A short summary of the past, present and future neutrino experiments in Europe is given. The main emphasis is on long base line accelerator experiments. |
4893 | 2004-12-22 | Caratterizzazione di un Fotoconduttore Basato su Singolo Cristallo di Diamante 1b Mediante Luce di Sincrotrone | 2004 | LNF-04-30(IR).pdf | E. Burattini, A. De Sio, F. Malvezzi, A. Marcelli, F. Monti, E. Pace | Questo rapporto mostra i risultati di alcune misure di calibrazione di rivelatori UV basati su film di diamante sintetico, utilizzando il setup esistente sul canale di luce di sincrotrone DXR-2 disponibile presso il Laboratorio DAΦNE-L dei Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati. Lo scopo di queste misure è effettuare una valutazione del funzionamento e delle caratteristiche della beamline, in relazione alla possibilità di trasformare la strumentazione della linea stessa e adattarla alle necessità sperimentali per fare misure di test e caratterizzazione di rivelatori e sistemi ottici nelle bande spettrali che vanno dallUV da vuoto al vicino IR. I risultati mostrano i limiti attuali della beamline per luso sullintervallo desiderato, ma al contempo evidenziano le potenzialità della luce di sincrotrone per la caratterizzazione di rivelatori, potenzialità del resto già note. |
4879 | 2004-12-09 | Chemical and Magnetic Characterization of the Steels for the Opera Spectrometers | 2004 | LNF-04-28(IR).pdf | A.Cecchetti, B.Dulach, D.Orecchini, G.Peiro, F.Terranova | A full characterization of the chemical and magnetic properties of the steels for the OPERA magnetic spectrometers has been carried out during mass production. In the following, we present the results and discuss the impact of the different steel responses on the B-field maps and on the physics performance of the detectors. |
4877 | 2004-11-23 | Reconstruction of the K*(892)0 Resonance Signal in pp Collisions at the LHC Regime Through the Alice Detector | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-12.pdf | Angela Badal, Roberto Barbera, Giuseppe Lo Re, Armando Palmeri, Alberto Pulvirenti, Giuseppe S. Pappalardo and Francesco Riggi | The reconstruction of the physics signal due to the decay of K*(892)0 and its antiparticle into K\\pi in pp collisions at the energetic regime planned for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been investigated by a full simulation carried out within the environment of the ALICE detector. The event mixing technique was used to evaluate the combinatorial background. The role of particle identification of the decay products is discussed. Detection efficiency and statistical significance are reported. |
4878 | 2004-11-23 | Long Term Monitoring of Cosmic Ray Flux And Atmospheric Pressure: Estimation of the Barometric Coefficient by a Simple Geiger Counter | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-13.pdf | Barbara Famoso, Paola La Rocca and Francesco Riggi | In this document we want to discuss the possibility to observe the barometric effect and to extract an estimate of the barometric coefficient by the use of a simple and inexpensive experimental set-up. To this aim, atmospheric pressure and cosmic muon flux at sea level were continuously monitored for a period of about three months, using a small Geiger counter, together with an atmospheric pressure sensor. An accurate analysis of the data collected led to a value for the barometric coefficient of (0.051±0.015) %/mbar, in accordance with the expected value. This result showed that the study of the barometric effect does not necessarily require sophisticated apparata but can be easily carried out with equipments that even a high school could dispose of. For this reason such kind of measurements could offer to high school students a good opportunity to approach the field of experimental high-energy physics. |
4875 | 2004-11-17 | Select Experimental Trends in Astro-Particle Physics in Space | 2004 | LNF-04-26(IR).pdf | D. Babusci, C. Curceanu(Petrascu), S. Dell'Agnello, G. Delle Monache, M.A. Franceschi, M. Ricci, R. Vittori | This report is in part based on the contribution to the Detector Working Group presented at the meeting on LNF long term planning, held on May 7, 2004, at INFN-LNF (Frascati, Italy). The initial work has been expanded, in some case evolving into experimental R&D work on new activities (LAZIO-SiRad and LARES). We will describe: (i) satellites with magnetic spectrometers for particle physics in low earth orbits (LEO, ~ 400 Km), (ii) the idea of networks of µ-satellites (for example to monitor the short term instability of the Van Allen belts); (iii) stratospheric balloon-based experiments; (iv) satellite laser-ranging experiments for testing the frame-dragging effects predicted by general relativity (GR), the equivalence principle and, possibly, forsetting bounds on string-inspired brane theoretical models. We think that this document can be the starting point for future and further work in astro-particle physics in space at LNF. |
4876 | 2004-11-17 | A Power Supply Study for the Ramping Dipoles of the Synchrotron Ring of the CNAO Project | 2004 | LNF-04-27(IR).pdf | M. Incurvati, C. Sanelli | A hadrons (Protons and light Carbon ions) synchrotron accelerator is in construction under the responsibility of the CNAO (Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncolociga) and INFN finalized to the therapy of deep tumours. The accelerator complex is composed of two ion sources, a linear accelerator, a low energy and medium energy transfer lines that will transfer the ion beam to the synchrotron ring, where the beams will be accelerated to the prescribed beam energy according to the deep to which the beam energy (Bragg peak) and the dose amount must be released. Only one high energy transfer line is foreseen at this stage of the project. This transfer line will drive the beam to three treatment rooms, corresponding to three horizontal beam lines and one vertical beam line. Additional high energy transfer lines are foreseen in second phase of the project. The synchrotron ring is constituted of 16 H shaped bending dipoles that will accelerated the ion beams till to the requested extraction energy. These bending dipoles must be powered by means of a suitable power supply, 3000 A 1600 V, that must accomplish the acceleration cycle in less than 1.6 s. The characteristics and performances of such challenging power supply are described in this note. A 24 pulse SCR based topology is proposed, and control circuitry simulations are developed together with a deep analysis of the expected output current shape in terms of current ripple and residual current error. |
4873 | 2004-11-15 | A Scintillating-fiber Beam Profile Monitor for the DAFNE BTF | 2004 | LNF-04-24(IR).pdf | M. Anelli, B. Buonomo, G. Mazzitelli and P. Valente | A scintillating-fiber beam profile detector has been designed, built and tested, for the monitoring of the position and size of the electron beam of the DAFNE, the recently commissioned electron beam-test facility at the Frascati LNF. A description of the detector construction and assembly, together with the results achieved during the 2003-2004 run, are here reported. |
4874 | 2004-11-15 | A Novel Approach for an Integrated Straw Tube-Microstrip Detector | 2004 | LNF-04-25(P).pdf | E. Basile, F. Bellucci, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, S. Bianco, M.A. Caponero, D. Colonna, F. Di Falco, F.L. Fabbri, F. Felli, M. Giardoni, A. La Monaca, G. Mensitieri, B. Ortenzi, M. Pallotta, A. Paolozzi, L. Passamonti, D.Pierluigi, C. Pucci, A. Russo, G. Savian, S. Tomassini | We report on a novel concept of silicon microstrips and straw tubes detector, where integration is accomplished by a straw module with straws not subjected to mechanical tension in a Rohacell® lattice and carbon fiber reinforced plastic shell. Results on mechanical and test beam performances are reported on as well. |
4872 | 2004-11-03 | The Geant4 REMSIM Simulation for Dosimetry in Interplanetary Manned Space Missions | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-11.pdf | Susanna Guatelli, Maria Grazia Pia | The study of the dosimetric effects of space radiation on astronauts is an important concern of space missions for the exploration of the Solar System. To protect the crew, shielding must be designed, the environment must be anticipated and monitored and a warning system must be put in place. A Geant4 simulation has been developed for a first quantitative study of existing vehicle concepts and planet surface habitat designs, and the radiation exposure of crews therein. We will show first results of the dosimetric analysis of proposed shielding solutions in the selected geometrical set-ups, complemented with a critical analys is of the Geant4 tools currently available for this type of studies. |
4871 | 2004-10-26 | Implementazione di un VPN Server Utilizzando il Cisco VPN Concentrator 3005 | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-17.pdf | Riccardo Veraldi, Francesca Del Corso | Le VPN rappresentano una soluzione valida per il transito di traffico di tipo privato su rete pubblica, offrendo un servizio importante agli utenti che al di fuori delle sezioni INFN abbiano lesigenza di potere accedere alle risorse e allambiente della LAN in modo trasparente, sicuro ed economico. Di seguito è presentato uno studio di implementazione del servizio VPN attraverso lutilizzo del Cisco VPN Concentrator 3005. Sono delineate le procedure per la configurazione del servizio con soluzioni che vogliono privilegiare laspetto della sicurezza attraverso luso dei certificati digitali. Il seguente documento vuole essere una guida operativa per il LAN Manager che intende adottare questa soluzione. |
4869 | 2004-10-26 | Statistical Strained-Tetrahedron Model Of Local Ternary Zincblende Crystal Structures | 2004 | LNF-04-23(P).pdf | B.V.Robouch, E.M.Sheregii, A.Kisiel | A statistical strained-tetrahedron model developed to better describe and understand the local structure of ternary zincblende crystals, interprets experimental EXAFS and far-infrared spectra. it considers five tetrahedron configurations distorted in shape and size, characteristic of ternary zincblende alloys, allows non random distributions, hence site occupation preferences, conserves coordination numbers, respects stoichiometry, and assumes next neighbor values determine preferences beyond next neighbor. Configuration probabilities have three degrees of freedom. The nineteen inter-ion crystal distances are constrained by tetrahedron structures; to avoid destructive stresses, we assume average tetrahedron volumes of both sublattices to relax to equal values. the number of distance free-parameters ≤7. Model estimates, compared to published EXAFS results, validate the model. knowing configuration probabilities, one writes the dielectric function for far-Infrared absorption or reflection spectra. Constraining assumptions restrict the number of degrees of freedom. unfolding experimental spectra yields SOP coefficient values and\\or specific oscillator strengths. validation again confirms the model. |
4870 | 2004-10-25 | The Extension and Shape of the Collecting Zones of the Galactic Cosmic Rays From Helium to Iron | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-10.pdf | Antonio Codino, Franois Plouin | Hundreds millions of cosmic-ray trajectories, from Helium to Iron, have been simulated in the galactic disk in order to calculate the mean distance of cosmic-ray sources from the Earth. The dominant parameters affecting this distance is the galactic magnetic field which makes cosmic-ray trajectories much longer, about 3 orders of magnitudes, than the physical distance from the source to the Earth. The calculations indicate that cosmic-ray sources powering the local flux around the Earth are mainly disseminated along the regular magnetic field lines of the Galaxy. The spatial distribution of the sources form characteristic figures in the disk volume, the collecting regions of cosmic rays. Assuming cosmic-ray sources to be uniformly distributed in the disk of the Milky Way, at the arbitrary energy of 1 TeV/u, the typical length and width of these regions are 29.9 and 0.53 kpc for Helium and 20.0 and 0.27 kpc for Iron. The mean physical distance of cosmic-ray sources from the Earth turns out to be 3.5 kpc for Helium and 1.6 kpc for Iron. |
4868 | 2004-10-25 | High Energy Beta Beams Without Massive Detector | 2004 | LNF-04-22(P).pdf | F. Terranova, A. Marotta, P. Migliozzi, M. Spinetti | In this paper, the possibility to exploit a high energy beta beam without massive detectors is discussed. The radioactive ions are boosted up to very high $\\gamma$ with the neutrino beam pointing towards an instrumented surface located at a moderate baseline (e.g. from CERN to the Gran Sasso Laboratories). $\\nu_e \\rightarrow \\nu_\\mu$ oscillations and their CP conjugate are tagged as an excess of horizontal muons produced in the rock and tracked by the low-mass instrumented surface installed in one of the LNGS experimental halls. We show that the performance of this complex for what concerns the determination of the $\\theta_{13}$ angle of the leptonic mixing matrix is comparable with the current low-$\\gamma$ design based on a gigantic water Cherenkov at Frejus. |
4865 | 2004-10-15 | A New Configuration for a Strawtubes - MicrostripsDetector | 2004 | LNF-04-19(P).pdf | E. Basile, F. Bellucci, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, S. Bianco, M.A. Caponero, D. Colonna, F. Di Falco, F.L. Fabbri, F. Felli, M. Giardoni, A. La Monaca, G. Mensitieri, B. Ortenzi, M. Pallotta, A. Paolozzi, L. Passamonti, D.Pierluigi, C. Pucci, A. Russo, G. Saviano, S. Tomassini | We report on a novel concept of silicon microstrips and straw tubes detector, where integration is accomplished by a straw module with straws not subjected to mechanical tension in a Rohacell® lattice and CFRP shell. |
4866 | 2004-10-15 | Statistical Analysis of Inter-Ionic Distances and Occupation Preferences In Ternary Zincblende And Wurzite Structured Crystal | 2004 | LNF-04-20(P).pdf | B.V. Robouch, E.M. Sheregii, A. Kisiel | The statistical strained-tetrahedron model was developed to overcome two common assumptions of previous models: 1) rigid undistorted ion sublattice of regular tetrahedra throughout all five configurations and 2) random ion distribution. These simplifying assumptions restrict the range of applicability of the models to a narrow subset of ternary alloys for which the constituent binaries have their lattice constants and standard molar enthalpies of formation (ΔfH0) equal or quasi-equal. Beyond these limits predictions of such models become unreliable, in particular, when the ternary exhibits site occupation preferences (SOPs). The strained-tetrahedron model, free from rigidity and stochastic limitations, was first developed to interpret structural information obtained with the use of x-ray absorption experimental data. It was validated on published EXAFS data of both zincblende (ZB) and intermetallide materials. The model was then extended to describe and interpret infrared spectra. The derivation and verification of the validity of our model and its assumptions are detailed in our published papers. We extend the model to cover the interpretation of far IR spectra and successfully apply it to a set of GaAsyP1-y spectra. The unfolding gives the SOP coefficient values and\\or specific oscillator strengths (OSs). Comparison with data available in the literature showed the good agreement of our model predictions. |
4867 | 2004-10-15 | Local Structure Properties of Ga1-xAlxN Epitaxial Layer | 2004 | LNF-04-21(IR).pdf | B.V. Robouch, A. Kisiel, E. Burattini, I. Kutcherenko, L.K. Vodopyanov | The strained-tetrahedron model is used to analyze the wurzite structure of epitaxial GaAlN thin films on a sapphire substrate. Site occupation preference (SOP) coefficients and first two shell inter-ion distances are calculated in the ideal wurzite structure approximation. The coefficient values W1=0, W2=1.86, and W3=1, indicate a strong deviation from a random distribution with preference of Ga-N to Al-N pairs. This suggests that GaAlN thin films could be less homogeneous and more difficult to grow beyond 50% AlN. Also the far-infrared GaAlN phonon spectra should exhibit only four strong lines instead of eight. |
4864 | 2004-09-30 | GLUE Schema Implementation for the LDAP Data Model | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-16.pdf | Sergio Andreozzi | |
4863 | 2004-09-06 | Pilot Production Grid Infrastructure For High Energy Physics Applications | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-15.pdf | Sergio Andreozzi, Daniele Bonaccorsi, Vincenzo Ciaschini, Alessandro Cavalli, Flavia Donno, Sergio Fantinel, Federica Fanzago, Antonia Ghiselli, Alessandro Italiano, Mirco Mazzucato, Andrea Sciaba, Heinz Stockinger, Gennaro Tortone, Marco Verlato, Cristina Vistoli | Current Data Grid tools are enhancing and getting more mature. On the other hand, several application users express their needs and requirements to deploy Grid tools in their daily work. Thus, there is a strong need that Grid tools make the transition from prototype tools to production tools. We have made several improvements and additions to an early release of the European DataGrid software tools in order to meet the requirements of data intensive sciences. We show that our software release is stable and performs well in order to be used in an international production infrastructure for physics data simulation with one High Energy Physics experiment. Furthermore, we outline the experience with interoperability solutions from the Grid Laboratory Uniform Environment (GLUE) activity. |
4862 | 2004-07-30 | Papers presented at EPAC 2004 | 2004 | LNF-04-18(P).pdf | Accelerator Division | |
4856 | 2004-07-29 | First Results on Hypernuclear Spectroscopy from the FINUDA Experiment at DAFNE | 2004 | LNF-04-12(P).pdf | M. Agnello, G. Beer, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, S. Bianco, E. Botta, T. Bressani, L. Busso, D. Calvo, P. Camerini, P. Cerello, B. Dalena, F. De Mori, G. D'Erasmo, D. Di Santo, F.L. Fabbri, D. Faso, A. Feliciello, A. Filippi, V. Filippini, E.M. Fiore, H. Fujioka, P. Gianotti, N. Grion, A. Krasnoperov, V. Lucherini, S. Marcello, T. Maruta, N. Mirfakhrai, O. Morra, A. Olin, E. Pace, M. Pallotta, M. Palomba, A. Pantaleo, A. Panzarasa, V. Paticchio, S. Piano, F. Pompili, R. Rui, G. Simonetti, H. So, S. Tomassini, R. Wheadon, A. Zenoni | FINUDA is the hypernuclear physics experiment carried out at DA$\\Phi$NE, the $e^+e^- \\, \\phi$-factory of the INFN Frascati Laboratory. The aim of the experiment is to study simultaneously the formation and decay of hypernuclei produced by the strangeness exchange reaction induced by the stopped $ K^-$ coming from the decay of the $\\rm {\\phi(1020)} $ mesons. This paper presents the first preliminary results concerning spectrometer performances, hypernuclear formation and decay from the first FINUDA data set. |
4858 | 2004-07-29 | New Focus Results On Charm Physics | 2004 | LNF-04-14(P).pdf | S.Bianco (on behalf of the FOCUS Coll.) | New results from the photoproduction experiment FOCUS are reported: Dalitzplot analysis, semileptonic form factor ratios and excited meson spectroscopy. |
4855 | 2004-07-29 | Optimization of Superconducting Coils for Solar Cosmic Rays Protection During Interplanetary Missions | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-14.pdf | Linda Imbasciati, Lucio Rossi, Massimo Sorbi, Piero Spillantini | During manned interplanetary missions, it is necessary to protect the crewmembers from the high energetic solar cosmic rays, mainly protons. A feasible solution consists of an active shield by means of a superconducting magnet. This magnetic lens is able to deflect the almost unidirectional solar cosmic rays away from the zone that can be occupied by crewmembers. Our study indicates that an air core toroid with inner diameter of 0.5 m and outer diameter of 3.5 m and a peak field of 2.80 T is suitable for astronaut protection. In this paper the detailed magnetic, mechanical and thermal design is presented, and different configurations for the superconducting coils are compared in order to find the most efficient and convenient solution in such a complex environment. |
4852 | 2004-07-06 | Qlasa: A Computer Code For Quench Simulation In Adiabatic Multicoil Superconducting Windings | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-13.pdf | Lucio Rossi, Massimo Sorbi | Abstract Prediction of the quench evolution is an important task in designing superconducting magnets. Especially when different coils are coupled together, with possibility of energy exchange among them, very dangerous situation may happen, not easy to predict with simple analytical evaluation. The code QLASA described in this report is originated from the codes DYNQUE and QLASA in use at the superconducting magnet group of the LASA laboratory (University and INFN-Milan): it is mainly intended for adiabatic multiple solenoids, with different power supplies, but can now deal partially with different geometries. It can be used as a design tool, since it allows to control many parameters, it treats the windings as a medium of average properties (that may differ along the three dimensions) and it is coupled with an extensive custom library of cryogenic properties, although its main use has been restricted so far to NbTi and Nb3Sn conductors. It is particularly useful when internal voltages and internal temperatures need to be computed. The report describes the winding modeling, all steps of thermal and electrical computations and how they are separated as well as the coupling with the cryogenic library. The limitations of the codes, written in F77, are explained and underlined, as well as the suggestion to use it in geometry different from the axis-symmetric. Finally a few examples of input files are given and comparisons among predictions and experiments are reported. |
4853 | 2004-07-06 | A Statistical Toolkit for Data Analysis | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-9.pdf | Stefania Donadio, Susanna Guatelli, Barbara Mascialino, Andreas Pfeiffer, Maria Grazia Pia, Alberto Ribon, Paolo Viarengo | The present project aims to develop an open-source and object-oriented software Toolkit for statistical data analysis. Its statistical testing component contains a variety of Goodness-of-Fittests, from Chi-squared to Kolmogorov-Smirnov, tolessknown, but generally much more powerful tests such a sAnderson-Darling, Goodman, Fisz-Cramer-vonMises, Kuiper, Tiku. Thanks to the component-based design and the usage of the standard abstract interfaces for data analysis, this tool can be used by other data analysis systems or integrated in experimental software frameworks. This Toolkit has been released and is downloadable from the web. In this paper we describe the statistical details of the algorithms, the computational features of the Toolkit and describe the code validation. |
4851 | 2004-06-29 | La Controller Board dello Spettrometro di Muoni dellesperimento Opera | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-12.pdf | Vincenzo Masone | Questa nota descrive la scheda Controller Board (CB) progettata nellambito dellesperimento OPERA in allestimento presso i Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. Scopo principale del progetto è la realizzazione di uninterfaccia tra le schede di Front-End collegate ai rivelatori ed il sistema di acquisizione basato sullo standard Ethernet. I dati dingresso sono sottoposti ad un processo di soppressione degli zeri e successivamente immagazzinati in attesa di essere acquisiti. Per la gestione della scheda è stato implementato un protocollo di controllo, basato sullo standard RS-232, che costituisce un sistema alternativo di acquisizione dei dati provenienti dalle Front-End Boards. |
4850 | 2004-06-21 | A Goodness-of-Fit Statistical Toolkit | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-8.pdf | G.A.P. Cirrone, S. Donadio, S. Guatelli, A. Mantero, B. Mascialino, S. Parlati, A. Pfeiffer, M.G. Pia, A. Ribon, P. Viarengo | Statistical methods play a significant role through out the life-cycle of physics experiments, being an essential component of physics analysis. The present project in progress aims to developan object-oriented software Toolkit for statistical data analysis. The Toolkit contains a variety of Goodness-of-Fittests, from Chi-squared to Kolmogorov-Smirnov, to less known, but generally much more powerful tests such as Anderson-Darling, Goodman, Fisz-Cramer-vonMises, Kuiper. Thanks to the component-baseddesign and the usage of the standard abstract interfaces for data analysis, this tool can be used by other data analysis systems or integrated in experimental software frameworks. In this paper we describe the statistical details of the algorithms and the computational features of the Toolkit. With the aim of showing the consistency between the code and the mathematical features of the algorithms, we describe the results we obtained reproducing by means of the Toolkit a couple of Goodness-of-Fittesting examples of relevance in statistics literature. |
4849 | 2004-06-14 | PICCA - a PIC Demo Board for LabVIEW Courses | 2004 | LNF-04-11(NT).pdf | Marco Cordelli, Agnese Martini, Luciano Trasatti | We have designed and built, with the help of Servizio di Progettazione Elettronica of LNF, a demo board using a PIC 16F876 microcontroller, several peripherals and an RS/232 link intended as a control link with a separate computer running a high level control language, i. e. LabVIEW, with the main purpose of setting up in our LabVIEW courses a working system for data acquisition /controls |
4848 | 2004-06-09 | Realizzazione di un Sisema di Movimentazione dei Bersagli per un Laser a 1KHz | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-11.pdf | Antonio Anastasio | Questa nota descrive il sistema sviluppato per la movimentazione di bersagli sotto vuoto, usato per lo studio dei processi di ablazione e di deposizione di film sottili a mezzo laser |
4846 | 2004-05-19 | Un Layout piu' Accessibile per il Sito WEB della Sezione di Trieste dell'INFN | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-10.pdf | Claudio Strizzolo | Il layout del sito web della Sezione di Trieste dell'INFN è stato completamente ridisegnato nel gennaio del 2004. Il sito è stato adeguato alle raccomandazioni del World Wide Web Consortium, con lintenzione di migliorarne in particolare laccessibilità e la possibilità di riutilizzo dei contenuti. Questo documento descrive le caratteristiche del nuovo layout e presenta alcune considerazioni tecniche emerse nel corso del suo sviluppo. |
4840 | 2004-05-06 | Progetto di una Sospensione Meccanica a Bassa Frequenza di Risonanza per Masse Cilindriche | 2004 | LNF-04-10(NT).pdf | M. Bassan L. Quintieri | Lo studio di risonanze meccaniche di particolari strutture ha sempre rivestito una grande importanza negli esperimenti di ricerca di onde gravitazionali: basti pensare alla rilevanza del trasduttore risonante nelle antenne gravitazionali e a quella dei filtri meccanici per lisolamento sismico di qualunque apparato di rivelazione, sia risonante che interferometrico. In questa nota descriveremo lo studio di un supporto, con geometria particolare, che può essere definita a 'trave ripiegata', finalizzato a sorreggere masse cilindriche. Uno degli obiettivi del lavoro descritto in questa nota consiste nel valutare se questa struttura, già utilizzata in passato per risonatori di bassa frequenza, possa essere impiegata proficuamente per la realizzazione di uno stadio di sospsensione meccanica. I filtri di attenuazione delle vibrazioni sono invariabilmente concepiti sul principio di funzionamento del filtro passa-basso, dove un risonatore meccanico fornisce 6 dB/ottava di attenuazione per frequenze superiori alla propria risonanza. È quindi ovvio cercare di produrre stadi di attenuazione con la più bassa frequenza di risonanza possibile. Poichè sospensioni di bassa frequenza per grandi masse richiedono risonatori di grandi dimensioni, è parso naturale affrontare inizialmente il problema con un modello in scala: per restare nel campo di una progettazione concreta, abbiamo quindi adottato come obiettivo la sospensione di un piccolo cilindro sostenuto per la circonferenza mediana. Applicazione pratica immediata di questo schema è la sospensione di piccoli specchi per i prototipi di interferometri criogenici, dove lo specchio deve essere isolato meccanicamente, ma termicamente ben ancorato al punto freddo dellapparato. |
4839 | 2004-05-06 | Acqua Pesante (D2o) Irradiata: Dal Reattore Nucleare Alla Cellula | 2004 | LNF-04-9(P).pdf | C. Catena, D. Pomponi, G.Trenta, F.Celani, P. Marini, G. De Rossi, E. Righi | Summary: Researches curried out to justify the strong pH variability of D2O utilized to overloading deuterium in palladium and to investigate the reason for the disappearance of mercury dispersed in the electrolytic solution to patch the microslit of palladium wires, leaded us to a discovery of a new bacterial species, we named: Ralstonia detusculanense e Stenotrophomonas detusculanens; they turned out to be responsible of the noticed anomalies. Therefore, to remove these inconveniences, we sterilized the D2O using high doses of gamma radiation. Hall this was a solid justification to start an experimental study to compare the biological effects of D2O not irradiated and irradiated at high doses. This research clearly demonstrated a greater increase of the biological effects due to irradiated with respect to the non irradiated heavy water. This greater effectiveness was evaluated by means of the cell survival reduction and of the apoptosis increase. At the same time the experiment indicates that normal irradiated water loss in time hits efficacy in a greater extent with respect to the heavy irradiated water. Looking at the experimental results the question comes out on what mechanisms could be responsible of the cellular lethal damages at low concentrations of heavy irradiated water. We are pointing out our attention on deuterated free radicals and on the possibility of their implications in some biological structures or processes. A further aspect that came out was the persistence in the long run of the high cytotoxic efficacy of irradiated D2O. This radiomimetic behaviour of irradiated D2O is justifying the experimental extension to the molecular compounds produced by irradiation (ROS or/and other molecules); we intend reach this aim through chemical-physical methodologies and, at the same time, we hope also to obtain useful indications on cellular interaction mechanisms involved in the specific field of cancer cell lethality. |
4838 | 2004-04-30 | Annual Report 2003 | 2004 | LNF-04-8(IR).pdf | AA.VV. | |
4837 | 2004-04-28 | Cloud Radar : Radar Airborne per Misure in Nube. Note di Calcolo sul Sistema di Puntamento | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-9.pdf | Progetto: V. Carassiti, F. Evangelisti Calcoli struttura e azionamenti: V. Carassiti Disegni: F. Evangelisti Installazione degli azionamenti : M. Furini, L. Landi, M. Melchiorri, S. Squerzanti Comandi e controlli degli azionamenti : R. Malaguti, S. Mantovani, C. Pennini | E stato realizzato un sistema di movimentazione per il puntamento del cloud radar, uno strumento che utilizza leffetto doppler per analizzare ostacoli metereologici. Una parabola trasmittente ed una ricevente analizzano una porzione di spazio nella direzione dellostacolo da analizzare. La movimentazione della struttura di alloggiamento delle parabole è ottenuta con due assi controllati. Il cloud radar è di proprietà dellAgenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) che ne ha finanziato il progetto. La seguente nota descrive il calcolo del sistema di puntamento. |
4841 | 2004-04-14 | Precision Validation of Geant4 Electromagnetic Physics | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-2.pdf | G.A.P. Cirrone, G. Cuttone, S. Donadio, V. Grischine, S. Guatelli, P. Gumplinger, V. Ivanchenko, M.Maire, A. Mantero, B. Mascialino, P. Nieminen, L. Pandola, S. Parlati, A. Pfeiffer, M.G. Pia, L. Urban | The Geant4 toolkit provides an ample set of physics models for electromagnetic interactions. Results from a series of detailed tests with respect to well established reference data sources and experiments are presented, focusing on the precision validation of cross sections and angular distributions of various alternative physics models available in Geant4. Such precision tests are especially relevant for critical applications of simulation models, such as tracking detectors, calorimetry, neutrino and other astroparticle experiments, medical physics. |
4842 | 2004-04-14 | A Software Toolkit For Statistical Data Analysis | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-3.pdf | S. Donadio, S. Guatelli, B. Mascialino, A. Pfeiffer, M.G. Pia, A. Ribon, P. Viarengo | We present a project in progress to develop a software toolkit for statistical data analysis. The toolkit is based on advanced software technologies, integrating generic programming techniques with object oriented methods, and adopts a rigorous software process, to ensure a high quality of the product. Thanks to the component-based architecture and the usage of the standard AIDA interfaces, this tool can be easily used by other data analysis systems or integrated in experimental frameworks. The initial component of the system addresses goodness of fittests; its applications include the comparisons of data distributions in a variety of use cases typical of HEP experiments: regression testing (invarious phases of the software life-cycle), validation of simulation through comparison to experimental data, comparison of expected versus reconstructed distributions, comparison of different experimental distributions - or of experimental with respect to theoretical ones -in physics analysis, monitoring detector behavior with respect to a reference in online DAQ. The system will provide the user the option to choose among a wide set of goodness-of-fit tests (chi-squared, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Anderson-Darling, Lilliefors, Kuiper, Cramer-vonMises, etc.), specialised for various types of binned and unbinned distributions. Its flexible design makes it open to further extension to implement other tests. This system would represent a significant improvement with respect to the current availability of comparison tests in HEP libraries, limited to the chi-squared and Kolmogorov-Smirnov algorithms. We present the architecture of the toolkit, the detailed design of the basic statistical testing component and preliminary results of its application, in particular concerning the physics validation of the Geant4 Simulation Toolkit. We discuss the openness of the project, welcoming contributions from experts and userrequirements from experiments. |
4843 | 2004-04-14 | Overview of Geant4 Application In Medical Physics | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-4.pdf | L. Beaulieu, J.F. Carrier, F. Castrovillari, S. Chauvie, F. Foppiano, G. Ghiso, S. Guatelli, S. Incerti, E. Lamanna, S. Larsson, M.C. Lopes, L. Peralta, M.G. Pia, M. Piergentili, P. Rodrigues, V.H. Tremblay, A. Trindade | We present a series of achievements associated with Geant4-based applications in medical physics and, in particular, in radiotherapy (external beams and brachytherapy), protontherapy, PEM, PET, MRT, metabolic therapy, IORT; projects in microdosimetry and radiobiology are beginning. The Geant4 CT-interface allows to reproduce realistically the patient anatomy, the integration to the GRID allows to run the applications sharing distributed computing resources. The Geant4 Medical Physics Group has born from the collaboration of Geant4 with several research and medical physics institutes in Europe. |
4844 | 2004-04-14 | Code-Testing of Statistical Test Implementations | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-5.pdf | P. Cirrone, S. Donadio, S. Guatelli, A. Mantero, B. Mascialino, L. Pandola, S. Parlati, M.G. Pia, P. Viarengo, F. James, A. Pfeiffer, A. Ribon | In this note we discuss in general how to test the implementation code of statistical tests, and then we treat in detail the case of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. It will be shown that some 'obvious' expected properties, like the flatness distributions of p-values from repeating drawings from the same parent distribution, are not indeed reproduced even in absence of bugs in the code, due to either asymptotic approximations in the formulas used to compute the p-value, or to the discreteness of the distance distribution in the case of direct Monte Carlo evaluation of the p-value. This makes the code-testing more complicated. Some practical advice is presented anyhow. |
4845 | 2004-04-14 | From Dicom Togrid: A Dosimetric System For Brachytherapy Born From Hep | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-6.pdf | Franca Foppiano, Susanna Guatelli, Jakub Moscicki , Maria Grazia Pia, Michela Piergentili | In brachytherapy software defines the experimental configuration of radioactive seeds appropriate to achieve the desired dose distribution in the patient.We will show you how nowadays it is possible to develop a software for brachytherapy which achieves the goal of high accuracyand speed thanks to the combination of various software toolkits: Geant4 simulation toolkit, AIDA analysis toolkit, GRID and the web. Geant4-based brachytherapy application calculates dose distribution in tissues with great accuracy, in a realistic experimental set-up derivedfrom CT data. The AIDAanalysis toolkit provides the elaboration of simulation results. It is possible to run Geant4-based brachytherapy application through a web portal, sharing distributed computing resources thanks to the integration in the GRID, making possible even to modest size hospitals to profit of advanced treatment planning tools. |
4847 | 2004-04-14 | Data Analysis in Hep: A Statistical Toolkit | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-7.pdf | Stefania Donadio, Susanna Guatelli, Barbara Mascialino, Andreas Pfeiffer, Maria Grazia Pia, Alberto Ribon, Paolo Viarengo | Statistical methods play a significant role through out the life-cycle of HEP experiments, being an essential component of physics analysis. Only a few basic tools for statistical analysis were available in the public domain FORTRAN libraries for HEP. Nowadays the situation is hardly unchanged even among the libraries of the new generation. The present project in progress aims to develop an object-oriented software toolkit for statistical data analysis. More in particular, the Statistical Comparison component of the toolkit provides algorithms for the comparison of data distributions in a variety of use cases typical of HEP experiments, as regression testing (in various phases of the software life-cycle), validation of simulation through comparison to experimental data, comparison of expected versus reconstructed distributions, comparison of data from different sources - such as different sets of experimental data, or experimental with respect to theoretical distributions. The toolkit contains a variety of goodness-of-fittests, from chi-squared to Kolmogorov-Smirnov, tolessknown, but generally much more powerful tests such as Anderson-Darling, Lilliefors, Cramer-vonMises, Kuiper. Thanks to the component based design and the usage of the standard AIDA interfaces, this tool can be used by other data analysis systems orintegrated in experimental software frameworks. We present the architecture of the system, the statistics methods implemented and the results of its first applications to the validation of the Geant4 Simulation Toolkit and to experimental data analysis. |
4836 | 2004-04-14 | Realizzazione di un Web Server Sicuro con User Mode Linux | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-8.pdf | Domenico Diacono, Giacinto Donvito | La realizzazione di un Web server è sempre più spesso necessaria nella attività di ricerca per permettere la condivisione rapida di informazioni. La diffusione capillare dellaccesso alla rete e il conseguente aumento dei casi di propagazione di virus e worm che sfruttano vulnerabilità nei server impone una forte attenzione alla sicurezza. In questo studio si propone luso di una distribuzione GNU/Linux poco diffusa, Gentoo-Linux, allinterno della quale mediante la modifica del kernel User Mode Linux attivare un server virtuale completamente separato dalla macchina ospite. In questo modo una eventuale compromissione attraverso i servizi Web della macchina virtuale avrà scarse probabilità di raggiungere la macchina principale. |
4834 | 2004-04-02 | Detection of Turn-to-turn Insulation Failures in the Toroidal ATLAS Coils after Cold Mass Assembling | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-6.pdf | E. Acerbi, G. Baccaglioni, G. Cartegni, M. Sorbi, G. Volpini | |
4835 | 2004-04-02 | Nbn: A Fast, Low Cost, Mini Data Acquisition System for Nuclear Physics | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-7.pdf | Antonio Ordine | A multiparametric data acquisition system, based on VME system and Macintosh desktop computer, has been developed as an evolution towards smaller size (few tens of raw parameters) nuclear physics experiments of an acquisition system implemented for heavy ion induced nuclear reactions (few hundreds of parameters and high counting rates) using VME, CAMAC-FERA modules and middle size Work-Station (as Digital alpha station and/or HP WS). The system acquires data from VME ADCs, processes and stores them on a SCSI storage media (EXABYTE or DLT unit). The block diagram and the main features of the system and its friendly user interface will be described. |
4832 | 2004-03-29 | Neutrino Oscillation Studies with Laser-Driven Beam Dump Facilitis | 2004 | LNF-04-7(IR).pdf | S.V.Bulanov, T.Esirkepov, P.Migliozzi, F.Pegoraro, T.Tajima, F.Terranova | A new mechanism is suggested for efficient proton acceleration in the GeV energy range; applications to non-conventional high intensity proton drivers and, hence, to low-energy (10-200~MeV) neutrino sources are discussed. In particular we investigate possible uses to explore subdominant $\\bar{\\nu}_\\mu \\rightarrow \\bar{\\nu}_e$ oscillations at the atmospheric scale and their CP conjugate. We emphasize the opportunity to develop these facilities in conjunction with projects for inertial confined nuclear fusion and neutron spallation sources. |
4833 | 2004-03-25 | Study of a Pure Object Programming Language for Reliable System Development | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-5.pdf | Matteo Sassi | In nuclear physics the use of object oriented programming languages is continuously growing. Object programming is used in the development of data analysis frameworks such as ROOT from CERN and the SMI++ one used by DELPHI experiment. The object programming languages allow a rapid and flexible development of the data analysis software and acquisition control code, and a reduction of development and maintenance costs, because each system is viewed as a collection of objects. However the use of object oriented programming in the development of dependable systems introduces the reliability problem. To solve this problem a Pure Object Language Core (POLC) has been studied, based on the formal theory of the objects. In the present work this study is discussed. An example of application based on an optimum digital filter for gamma high resolution spectroscopy is presented. |
4829 | 2004-03-24 | Progetto e Realizzazione di un Manipolatore Micrometrico a sei Gradi di Liberta' per Spettroscopia a Bassa Temperatura in Alto Vuoto ---- Project and Manufacturing of a high-vacuum, six-axes Micromanipulator for Low Temperature spectroscopy | 2004 | LNF-04-6(IR).pdf | A. Marcelli, G. Cibin and A. Raco | Nell'ambito del progetto {\\em{CryoAlp}} \\`{e} stato sviluppato e collaudato un sistema di movimentazione micrometrica a sei gradi di libert\\`{a} progettato per esperimenti di microscopia e spettroscopia in alto vuoto. Le caratteristiche di questo sistema micrometrico, dimensioni compatte, ampio campo operativo unito ad alta precisione, possibilit\\`{a} di eseguire mappature di superfici con geometrie complesse, compatibilit\\`{a} con ambiente di alto vuoto, temperature di esercizio fino a {-50} $^o$C, rendono questo sistema unico nel suo genere per esperimenti non convenzionali su campioni con superfici irregolari, in condizioni di temperatura controllata in vuoto. In the framework of the {\\em{CryoAlp}} project we developed and tested a micro-positioning system with six degrees of freedom devoted to spectromicroscopy experiments in a high-vacuum regime. The characteristics of this micrometric system: compactness, wide operating range combined to a high precision, capability to perform mapping of sample surfaces with complex geometries, compatibility with high-vacuum, operating temperatures down to {-50} $^o$C - make this system a unique system, tailored to specific requirements of non conventional experiments, such as those looking at samples with non homogeneous surfaces, in a controlled temperature regime in vacuum. |
4828 | 2004-03-23 | Study of Tensile Response of Kapton and Mylar Strips to AR and CO2 Mixtures for the BteV Straw Tube Detector | 2004 | LNF-04-5(P).pdf | E.Basile F. Bellucci M.Bertani S.Bianco M.A.Caponero F. Di Falco F.L.Fabbri F.Felli M.Giardoni A. La Monaca G.Mensitieri B.Ortenzi M.Pallotta A.Paolozzi L.Passamonti D.Pierluigi A.Russo S.Tomassin | Gas mixtures are known to affect mechanical properties of plastic materials of interest in HEP gas detectors. We have studied tensile properties of several materials for use in the straw tube detector of experiment BteV at the Fermilab Tevatron. A straw tube is a complex structure made up of two different layers of polymeric material with aluminium deposition and glue, therefore we have decoupled all these elements to better understand gas effect on each one. We have tested four different gas mixtures of Ar and CO2 on several strips of kapton and mylar loaded at about 200g (typical tension for straw tubes in BTeV). We have also considered temperature, pressure and relative humidity effects on strips mechanical tension. |
4831 | 2004-03-19 | Comparison of ECR Ion Source Performance for Different Microwave Generators | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-4.pdf | A. Galata', L. Ciavola, F. Consoli, S. Gammino, S. Marletta | A complete set of measurements ha been carried out in order to confirm the performances enhancement, previously observed in SERSE source when the cavity is fed by means of a TWT generator instead of a Klystron generator, which ha been commonly used. It was observed that higher extracted currents are produced for higher charge states by using TWT at 14 GHz, while higher extracted currents for every charge state wer ,e obtained when the microwaves at 18 GHz are provided to the source. A description of experimental set-up and of the results obtained are given next. The comparison of data will be analysed and an explanation in terms of the current model of ECRIS plasma will be proposed. |
4827 | 2004-03-19 | Infrared Spectra Normalization at SINBAD | 2004 | LNF-04-4(IR).pdf | M. Cestelli Guidi, A. Marcelli, A. Nucara and P. Calvani | In the long wavelength region the Synchrotron Radiation emission has peculiar properties. However, the Infra Red Synchrotron Radiation flux is linearly dependent on the beam current I. At DAFNE, an e+- e- collider, because of the short beam lifetime, infrared data acquisition performed using a Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometer is strongly affected by this dependence, which has to be corrected by post-acquisition normalization. Here is presented NORMA©, an original software package developed using OPUS® macros and VB scripts, which automates this procedure for data acquisition using both the interferometer and the microscope. |
4825 | 2004-03-18 | Supporting the Development Process of the DataGrid Workload Management System Software with GNU autotools, CVS and RPM | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-2.pdf | G. Avellino, S. Beco, B. Cantalupo, A. Maraschini, F. Pacini, S. Monforte, M. Pappalardo, D. Kouril, A. Krenek, Z. Kabela, L. Matyska, M. Mulac, J. Pospisil, M. Ruda, Z. Salvet, J. Sitera, M. Vocu, F. Giacomini, E. Ronchieri, A. Gianelle, R. Peluso, M. Sgaravatto, M. Mezzadri, F. Prelz, A. Guarise, R. Piro, A. Werbrouck, D. Colling | DataGrid is project funded by the European Commission to develop and deploy distributed computing components for reference applications in the domains of Particle Physics, Earth Observation and Bioinformatics. The software development is shared among nine contractual partners, in seven different countries, and is organized in work-packages covering different areas. In this paper, we discuss how combination of Concurrent Version System, GNU autotools and other tools and practices was organised to allow the development, build, test and distribution of the DataGrid Workload Management Sys-tem. This is the product of one speci_c work-package that is not only characterised by rather high internal geographic and administrative dispersion (four institutions with de-velopers at nine different locations in three countries), but by the fact we had to integrate and interface to dozen of third-party code packages coming from different sources, and to the software products coming from other three development work-packages internal to the project. high level of central co-ordination needed to be maintained for project-wide steering, and this had also to be re_ected in the software development infrastructure, while maintaining ease-of-use for distributed developers and automated procedures wherever possible. |
4826 | 2004-03-18 | Una Struttura di Autenticazione Centralizzata per Diversi Gruppi di Sistemi LINUX, Realizzata con NIS e ISPEC | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-3.pdf | Tullio Macorini, Claudio Strizzolo, Lucio Strizzolo | Il presente documento descrive una struttura di autenticazione centralizzata per sistemi Linux, che consente di gestire laccesso a diversi insiemi di macchine da parte di gruppi distinti di utenti. La struttura in oggetto è in produzione per il riconoscimento degli utenti su vari sistemi di calcolo della Sezione di Trieste, dislocati in siti geografici differenti. Larchitettura è stata realizzata per mezzo di un unico dominio NIS, impiegando alcune funzionalità particolari offerte dai moduli di autenticazione di Linux, e utilizzando il protocollo IPsec per garantire la sicurezza delle comunicazioni tra i server NIS. Il documento presenta le caratteristiche principali della struttura ed alcune modalità operative per la sua realizzazione. |
4824 | 2004-02-17 | PolyCAD: A New X-Ray Tracing Code for Cylindrical Polycapillary Optic | 2004 | LNF-04-3(IR).pdf | D. Hampai, S.B. Dabagov, and G. Cappuccio | A new CAD program designed for X-ray photon tracing in polycapillary optics is described. As starting approach the simplest case of cylindrical polycapillary optics is presented. The PolyCAD allows any type of X-ray source such as an X-ray tube of finite beam dimensions as well as an astrophysical object in combination with polycapillary optical samples to be simulated. Using geometrical optics approximation the program was drawn up by a code for two different sources: a point-source and an X-ray tube. The radiation distributions formed by the cylindrical lens on a screen located at various distances are discussed. The agreement with the results earlier published validates the PolyCAD results. |
4823 | 2004-02-05 | A Shaper for Providing Long Laser Waveforms | 2004 | INFN-BE-04-1.pdf | Simone Cialdi, Ilario Boscolo | We discuss the features of a shaping device consisting of a spectral amplitude modulator followed by a pair of diffraction gratings arranged as a linear dispersive stretcher. The system is proposed in view of transforming input short pulses into much longer target pulses. The shaper transfers a spectral amplitude profile into a temporal profile. The device is interesting for its mechanical simplicity, its stability to perturbations of input pulse parameters and optical apparatus alignment and finally for its capability to provide long rectangular pulses with fast rise time as required by radiofrequency electron guns. |
4820 | 2004-01-16 | A Proposal For Cosmic Ray Studies Involving Collaborations Between Higher Education, Research Sites and Local Area High Schools | 2004 | INFN-AE-04-1.pdf | Barbara Famoso Francesco Riggi | This is a proposal for a collaboration between the INFN, the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Catania, and local area high schools, aimed at carrying out experimental studies in cosmic ray physics. The purpose of the collaboration is to investigate the possible involvement of high schools sites in studies related to nuclear and high energy experimental physics, and the educational aspects of such involvement. According to the idea outlined in the present proposal, the INFN/University Department site will act as a central data collection and processing institution, managing an array of scintillator-based detectors. Each high school joining the project could handle its own detector for cosmic muons, with the overall set of detectors resulting in a large array allowing the study of both local properties of the cosmic muon flux and large area correlations as well. A basic introduction to the different physics items which could be investigated in this framework is given in the present document, together with some technical aspects on how to carry out such measurements. The role of the educational aspects of the proposal is also stressed. |
4819 | 2004-01-13 | Observation of Local Chiral-Symmetry Breaking in Globally Centrosymmetric Crystals | 2004 | LNF-04-2(P).pdf | S. Di Matteo, Y. Joly, A. Bombardi, L. Paolasini, F. de Bergevin, and C. R. Natoli | A thorough tensor analysis of the Bragg-forbidden reflection (00:3)h in corundum systems having a global center of inversion, such as V2O3 and a-Fe2O3, shows that anomalous x-ray resonant diffraction can access chiral properties related to the dipole-quadrupole (E1-E2) channel via an interference with the pure quadrupole-quadrupole (E2-E2) process. This is also confirmed by independent ab initio numerical simulations. In such a way, it becomes possible to detect chiral quantities in systems where dichroic absorption techniques are ineffective. |
4818 | 2004-01-12 | Il Ciclo di Costruzione della Target Cell del Recoil Detector dellEsperimento HERMES | 2004 | INFN-TC-04-1.pdf | V. Carassiti, F. Evangelisti, M. Furini, L. Landi, M. Melchiorri, S. Squerzanti G. Ciullo, P. Ferretti-Dalpiaz, P. Lenisa | E stata realizzata una target cell per il recoil detector dellesperimento Hermes presso il laboratorio Desy di Amburgo (D) . Lesperimento è sul fascio dellanello di accumulazione Hera ed il suo scopo è di investigare la struttura di spin del protone tramite scattering profondamente inelastico leptone-nucleone. Le parti principali che compongono il recoil detector sono: un detector al silicio attorno alla target cell sotto vuoto, un tracker a fibre scintillanti immerso in un campo magnetico longitudinale di 1 Tesla ed un detector per fotoni costituito da alcuni strati di scintillatori. La presente nota tecnica descrive le procedure di costruzione ed assemblaggio delle parti costituenti la target cell. |
4821 | 2003-12-18 | Measurement of Masses and Widths of Excited Charm Mesons D_2 and Evidence for Broad States | 2003 | LNF-03-22(P).pdf | J. M. Link, P. M. Yager, J. C. Anjos, I. Bediaga, C. Gobel, A. A. Machado, J. Magnin, A. Massafferri, J. M. de Miranda I. M. Pepe E. Polycarpo, A. C. dos Reis, S. Carrillo, E. Casimiro, E. Cuautle A. Sanchez-Hernandez, C. Uribe, F. Vazque, L. Agostino, L. Cinquini, J. P. Cumalat, B. O'Reilly, I. Segoni, M. Wahl, J. N. Butler, H. W. K. Cheung, G. Chiodini, I. Gaines, P. H. Garbincius, L. A. Garren, E. Gottschalk, P. H. Kasper, A. E. Kreymer, R. Kutschke, M. Wang, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, S. Bianco, F. L. Fabbri, A. Zallo, M. Reyes, C. Cawlfield, D. Y. Kim, A. Rahimi, J. Wiss, R. Gardner, A. Kryemadhi, Y. S. Chung, J. S. Kang, B. R. Ko, J. W. Kwak, K. B. Lee, K. Cho, H. Park, G. Alimonti, S. Barberis, M. Boschini, A. Cerutti, P. D'Angelo, M. DiCorato, P. Dini, L. Edera, S. Erba, M. Giammarchi P. Inzani, F. Leveraro, S. Malvezzi, D. Menasce, M. Mezzadri, L. Moroni, D. Pedrini, C. Pontoglio, F. Prelz, M. Rovere, S. Sala, T. F. Davenport III, V. Arena, G. Boca, G. Bonomi, G. Gianini, G. Liguori, M. M. Merlo, D. Pantea, D. Lopes Pegna, S. P. Ratti, C. Riccardi, P. Vitulo, H. Hernandez, A. M. Lopez, E. Luiggi, H. Mendez, A. Paris, J. E. Ramirez, Y. Zhang, J. R. Wilson, T. Handler, R. Mitchell, D. Engh, M. Hosack, W. E. Johns, M. Nehring, P. D. Sheldon, K. Stenson, E. W. Vaandering, M. Webster, M. Sheaff | Using data from the FOCUS experiment we analyze the $D^+\\pi^-$ and $D0\\pi^+$ invariant mass distributions. We measure the $D_2^{*0}$ mass $M_{D_2^{*0}} = (2464.5 \\pm 1.1 \\pm 1.9) \\mev$ and width $\\Gamma_{D_2^{*0}} = (38.7 \\pm 5.3 \\pm 2.9) \\mev$, and the $D_2^{*+}$ mass $ M_{D_2^{*+}} = (2467.6 \\pm 1.5 \\pm 0.76) \\mev$ and width $ \\Gamma_{D_2^{*+}} = (34.1 \\pm 6.5 \\pm 4.2) \\mev$. We find evidence for broad structures over background in both the neutral and charged final state. If each is interpreted as evidence for a single $L=1$, $j_q=1/2$ excited charm meson resonance, the masses and widths are $M_{1/2}^0 =(2407 \\pm 21 \\pm 35 ) \\mev$, $\\Gamma_{1/2}^0 = (240 \\pm 55 \\pm 59) \\mev$, and $M_{1/2}^+ = (2403 \\pm 14 \\pm 35 ) \\mev$ $\\Gamma_{1/2}^+ = (283 \\pm 24 \\pm 34 ) \\mev$, respectively |
4822 | 2003-12-18 | First results from the FINUDA Experiment at DA$\\Phi$NE | 2003 | LNF-03-23(P).pdf | M. Agnello, G. Beer, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, S. Bianco, E. Botta, T. Bressani, L. Busso, D. Calvo, P. Camerini, P. Cerello, B. Dalena, F. De Mori, G. D'Erasmo, D. Di Santo, F.L. Fabbri, D. Faso, A. Feliciello, A. Filippi, V. Filippini, E.M. Fiore, H. Fujioka, P. Gianotti, N. Grion, A. Krasnoperov, V. Lucherini, S. Marcello, T. Maruta, N. Mirfakhrai, O. Morra, A. Olin, E. Pace, M. Palomba, A. Pantaleo, A. Panzarasa, V. Paticchio, S. Piano, F. Pompili, R. Rui, G. Simonetti, H. So, S. Tomassini, R. Wheadon, A. Zenoni | In spring 2003 the FINUDA detector was installed at the $\\phi$ factory DA$\\Phi$NE in the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN (Italy). In October 2003 the commissioning of the apparatus was accomplished and the first data taking started with a set of nuclear targets $^6Li$, $^7Li$, $^{12}C$, $^{27}Al$, $^{51}V$. The data collection will continue until a total integrated luminosity of 250 pb$^{-1}$ is recorded. Light and medium A hypernuclei will be abundantly produced by the strangeness exchange reaction induced by the stopped K$^-$ coming from the decay of $\\phi(1020)$ mesons. The aim of the experiment is to simultaneously measure the excitation energy spectra of the produced hypernuclei, with a resolution better than 1~MeV, the lifetime of the $\\Lambda$ embedded in the different hypernuclei and the partial widths $\\Gamma_\\pi$, $\\Gamma_{np}$ and $\\Gamma_{nn}$ for mesonic and non mesonic hypernuclear decays. Information on neutron-rich hypernuclei and rare hypernuclear two-body decays might be available too, with the statistics that will be collected at the end of the run. In the present paper, first results concerning in-beam detector calibration, spectrometer performances and very preliminary hypernuclear formation and decay spectra will be presented. |
4815 | 2003-12-12 | Sistemi Storage su Disco Utilizzati al TIER1 CNAF | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-19.pdf | Ricci Pier Paolo, Stefano Zani | Il presente articolo si presenta come una descrizione introduttiva dei vari apparati di stoccaggio dati su disco attualmente in produzione all'INFN TIER1 presso il CNAF di Bologna. Per ogni apparato è presente sia una descrizione tecnica dell'hardware sia una serie di note sul sistema software di management,configurazione e monitoraggio. Inoltre sono stati riportati per ogni apparato una serie preliminare puramente indicativa di risultati di performance di accesso sequenziale al disco oltre ad una descrizione generale del sistema di storage disco del TIER1 visto nella sua globalità. |
4816 | 2003-12-12 | Thermal and Isotopic Anomalies when Pd Cathodes are Electrolyzed in Electrolytes Containing Th-Hg Salts Dissolved at Micromolar Concentration in C2H5OD/D2O Mixtures | 2003 | LNF-03-21(P).pdf | F. Celani, A. Spallone, E. Righi, G. Trenta, C. Catena, G. Dagostaro, P. Quercia, V. Andreassi, P. Marini, V. Di Stefano, M. Nakamura, A. Mancini, P.G. Sona, F. Fontana, L. Gamberale, D. Garbelli, F. Falcioni, M. Marchesini, E. Novaro, U. Mastromatteo | Discussed in this paper is the evolution of work that started, since March 1989, by using the M. Fleischmann and S. Pons method and ended by using thin palladium wires electrolyzed in an electrolyte consisting of slightly acidic heavy alcohol-water solution containing thorium (Th) and mercury (Hg) salts at micromolar concentrations. The resulting large and dynamic loading of the Pd wires was studied. The recent use of thorium instead of strontium resulted in thermal anomalies and detection of new elements in larger amounts. The results with Sr are qualitatively in agreement with what was found by Y. Iwamura (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Yokohama-Japan) using multilayers of Pd-CaO-Pd-Sr in flowing deuterium gas. Most results seem to be in agreement with a multi-body resonance fusion of deuterons model recently developed by A.Takahashi (Osaka University-Japan). |
4814 | 2003-12-11 | Condor and the Bologna Batch System | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-18.pdf | Peter Couvares, Paolo Mazzanti, Daniela Bortolotti, Franco Semeria | A very simple batch system for UNIX Linux machines, based on Condor software is presented. This system may be very useful for managing farms and is very customizable and flexible. It has been extensively tested on a dedicated farm in INFN Bologna. |
4813 | 2003-12-04 | Studio Preliminare di VPN per lINFN | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-17.pdf | Ombretta Pinazza, Alessandro Brunengo, Enrico M.V. Fasanelli, Enrico Mazzoni, Claudio Soprano, Riccardo Veraldi, Stefano Zani | Le Virtual Private Networks sono nate allo scopo di trasportare traffico privato su una rete pubblica in maniera sicura e autenticata. Lintroduzione delle VPN nel nostro Ente potrebbe rappresentare uno strumento per aumentare il livello di sicurezza nelle comunicazioni fra le unità operative decentrate e per agevolare i ricercatori che si spostano sempre più di frequente fra le sedi, i laboratori italiani o stranieri e coloro che lavorano da casa. Il Netgroup ha promosso questo studio preliminare per fornire ai Servizi di Calcolo e Reti uno strumento di partenza per la scelta di tecnologie emergenti necessarie a una tipologia di lavoro sempre più mobile e dinamica. |
4812 | 2003-11-20 | The 5 MeV Electron Linac for Radiation Processing in Messina | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-16.pdf | L. Auditore, R.C. Barn, D. De Pasquale, A. Italiano, A. Trifir, M. Trimarchi | Several modern applications of radiation processing require compact and self-contained electron accelerators. To match these requirements, a 5 MeV, 1 kW electron linac has been developed at the Dipartimento di Fisica (Università di Messina), and will be described in this paper. This standing wave accelerator, driven by a 3 GHz, 2.5 MW Magnetron generator, has an autofocusing structure, and will be used to study several applications of radiation processing. |
4804 | 2003-11-17 | Photon Total Cross-Sections | 2003 | LNF-03-20(P).pdf | R.M. Godbole A. Grau G. Pancheri and Y.N. Srivastava | We discuss present predictions for the total $\\gamma \\gamma$ and $\\gamma p $ cross-sections, highlighting why predictions differ. We present results from the Eikonal Minijet Model and improved predictions based on soft gluon resummation. |
4802 | 2003-11-14 | Progetto CONDOR: Installazione Automatica del Software | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-15.pdf | Daniela Bortolotti, Paolo Mazzanti, Franco Semeria | Viene descritta una semplice realizzazione di un tool di installazione, basato su web, del software Condor particolarmente adattato alle esigenze di base per il Condor Pool INFN su WAN. Tale procedura viene incontro a necessita da tempo espresse dalla comunita INFN associata ai problemi di calcolo. In sostanza si e detto che una delle ragioni della staticita del pool stesso per quanto riguarda il numero delle macchine che lo compongono, e dovuta ad oggettive difficolta dovute alla installazione di base, ossia quella fornita con il software. La nostra speranza e che questo metodo di installazione permetta effettivamente di aggiungere macchine al Condor Pool Nazionale e cosi servire meglio e meglio ottimizzare le risorse di calcolo. Per questi motivi e stato volutamente mantenuto a livelli di estrema semplicita di uso, ma, speriamo, di ragionevole efficacia per le necessita dellINFN. Puo facilmente essere esteso, se la comunita scientifica lo richiedera. |
4803 | 2003-11-14 | The HARP TOF-WALL ELECTRONICS and TRIGGER LOGIC | 2003 | INFN-AE-03-6.pdf | G. Barichello, A. De Min, D. Gibin, A. Guglielmi, M. Laveder, A. Menegolli, M. Mezzetto | In this note the HARP TOF-WALL electronic system is described. The TOF-WALL system adopted as a time digitizer the TDC CAEN V775, which was expressly designed and tested in collaboration with INFN TOF HARP groups. The measurements of TDC linearity, crosstalk and thermal drift, show a very good performance. Details of the behavior of re-designed discriminators and new-designed line receivers are also given. Finally, the TOF-WALL trigger logic is described, in particular the implementation of the local triggers foreseen specifically for the needs of the TOF-WALL |
4801 | 2003-11-03 | Monte Carlo Simulation of the SPS WANF Neutrino Flux | 2003 | INFN-AE-03-5.pdf | G. Collazuol and A. Guglielmi | The method developed for the calculation of the West Area Neutrino Beam used by NOMAD at the CERN SPS for the $\\nu_{\\mu} \\rightarrow \\nu_{\\tau}$ and $\\nu_{\\mu} \\rightarrow \\nu_e$ oscillation searches is described. The calculation is based on particle production computed using a recent version of FLUKA suitably tuned to SPY and NA20 results on hadron production. The neutrino fluxes were predicted with an uncertainty of about $ 8 \\%$ for $\\nu_{\\mu}$ and $\\nu_e$, $10 \\%$ for $\\overline{\\nu}_{\\mu}$, and $12 \\%$ for $\\overline{\\nu}_e$. The energy-dependent uncertainty achieved on the $\\nu_e/\\nu_{\\mu}$ ratio ranged from 4 to $7 \\%$ whereas its normalization uncertainty was $4.2 \\%$. |
4800 | 2003-10-27 | Peak Finding Through Scan Statistics | 2003 | LNF-03-19(P).pdf | F. Terranova | We discuss the conditions under which Scan Statistics can be fruitfully implemented to signal a departure from the underlying probability model that describes the experimental data. It is shown that local perturbations (``bumps'' or ``excesses'' of events) are better dealt within this framework and, in general, tests based on these statistics provide a powerful and unbiased alternative to the traditional techniques related with the $\\chi^2$ and Kolmogorov distributions. Approximate formulas for the computation of Scan Statistics in the range of interest for high energy and nuclear physics applications are also presented. |
4792 | 2003-10-20 | On the Narrow dip Structure at 1.9~GeV/c$^2$ in Diffractive Photoproduction | 2003 | LNF-03-18(P).pdf | P.L.~Frabetti, H.W.K.~Cheung, J.P.~Cumalat, C.~Dallapiccola, J.F.~Ginkel, W.E.~Johns, M.S.~Nehring, E.W.~Vaandering, J.N.~Butler, S.~Cihangir, I.~Gaines, P.H.~Garbincius, L.~Garren, S.A.~Gourlay, D.J.~Harding, P.~Kasper, A.~Kreymer, P.~Lebrun, S.~Shukla, M.~Vittone, R.~Baldini-Ferroli, L.~Benussi, \\, M.~Bertani, S.~Bianco, F.L.~Fabbri, S.~Pacetti, A.~Zallo, C.~Cawlfield, R.~Culbertson, R.W.~Gardner, E.~Gottschalk, R.~Greene, K.~Park, A.~Rahimi, J.~Wiss, G.~Alimonti, G.~Bellini, M.~Boschini, D.~Brambilla, B.~Caccianiga, L.~Cinquini, M.~DiCorato, P.~Dini, M.~Giammarchi, P.~Inzani, F.~Leveraro, S.~Malvezzi, D.~Menasce, E.~Meroni, L.~Milazzo, L.~Moroni, D.~Pedrini, L.~Perasso, F.~Prelz, A.~Sala, S.~Sala, D.~Torretta, D.~Buchholz, D.~Claes, B.~Gobbi, B.~O'Reilly, J.M.~Bishop, N.M.~Cason, C.J.~Kennedy, G.N.~Kim, T.F.~Lin, D.L.~Puseljic, R.C.~Ruchti, W.D.~Shephard, J.A.~Swiatek, Z.Y.~Wu, V.~Arena, G.~Boca, G.~Bonomi, C.~Castoldi, G.~Gianini, M.~Merlo, S.P.~Ratti, C.~Riccardi, L.~Viola, P.~Vitulo, A.M.~Lopez, L.~Mendez, A.~Mirles, E.~Montiel, D.~Olaya, J.E.~Ramirez, C.~Rivera, Y.~Zhang, J.M.~Link, V.S.~Paolone, P.M.~Yager, J.R.~Wilson, J.~Cao, M.~Hosack, P.D.~Sheldon, F.~Davenport, K.~Cho, K.~Danyo, T.~Handler, B.G.~Cheon, Y.S.~Chung, J.S.~Kang, K.Y.~Kim, K.B.~Lee, S.S.~Myung | The narrow dip observed at 1.9~GeV/c$^2$ by the Fermilab experiment E687 in diffractive photoproduction of $~3\\pi^+3\\pi^-$ is examined. The E687 data are refitted, a mechanism is proposed to explain why this resonance appears as a dip, and possible interpretations are discussed. |
4781 | 2003-10-07 | The Study of the Noise of Silicon JFET Transistors in a Wide Temperature Range | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-14.pdf | C. Arnaboldi, A. Fascilla, Mark W. Lund, G. Pessina | Different low noise JFET processes that have shown outstanding dynamic and noise performance at both room temperature and low temperatures have been selected. For most of them we have been able to detect the presence of shallow individual traps at low temperature, which create low frequency Generation-Recombination (G-R) noise. For one device type no evidence of traps has been observed at the optimum temperature of operation (around 100 K). It had a very small residual low frequency noise. This device has been cooled down to 14 K. From below 100 K down to 14 K the noise was observed to increase due to G-R noise originating from donor atoms (dopants) inside the channel. A very simple theoretical interpretation confirms the nature of G-R noise from these very shallow trapping centers. We also studied devices from a process optimized for room temperature operation and found noise corresponding to the presence of a single deep level trap. Even for this circumstance the theory was experimentally confirmed. The measurement approach used allowed us to achieve a very high accuracy in the modeling of the measured G-R noise. The ratio of the density of the atoms responsible for G-R noise above the doping concentration, NT/Nd, has been verified with a sensitivity around 10-7. |
4780 | 2003-10-01 | Test di Configurabilta' e Prestazioni del Router Juniper | 2003 | LNF-03-17(P).pdf | Franco Brasolin, Angelo Veloce | Questo documento illustra le modalità e i risultati dei test dei nuovi router Juniper della famiglia M5. Il lavoro si inserisce nelle attivita del Netgroup, afferente alla Commissione Nazionale di Calcolo e Reti dellINFN. Lobiettivo è verificare la configurabilità e le performance di questi apparati in previsione della sostituzione degli attuali router di accesso alla rete GARR. This document shows procedures and tests of the new router Juniper of M5 family. This work is requested by the Netgroup belonging to the INFN National Commission of Network and Computing. The purpose is to verify how to set this Router and his performances. This is due to the future substitution of the INFN current Routers. |
4779 | 2003-09-18 | Novel High Flux X-Ray Source: A Laboratory Synchrotron | 2003 | LNF-03-16(P).pdf | O.V. Mikhin, S.B. Dabagov, V.D. Gelver, A.V. Priladyshev | A novel x-ray laboratory system optimized for diffraction studies of protein crystals and macromolecules as well as for phase contrast analysis and other applications is described. The system is based on a micro-focus X-ray source of 10W power and provides the minimum focal spot size of ~ 10 µm and the flux of ~ 4.5¥1012 ph/sec at the Cu Ka-line. |
4778 | 2003-09-10 | Results on Position Monitoring and Dispacement (Omega-Like Device) by Means of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors for the BTeV Detector | 2003 | LNF-03-15(IR).pdf | L. Benussi, M. Bertani, S. Bianco, M.A. Caponero, D. Colonna, F. Di Falco, F.L. Fabbri, F. Felli, M. Giardoni, A. La Monaca, F.Massa, B. Ortenzi, M. Pallotta, A. Paolozzi, L. Passamonti, D.Pierluigi, A. Russo | We propose to use Fiber Bragg Grating sensors for position monitoring of silicon tracking detectors up to a micron precision. We also introduce the concept of a device (the Omega-like device) which, instrumented with FBG sensors, is able to relocate moving structures with a 10 micron precision. We show R&D results including long term stability, resolution, radiation hardness and characterization of Fiber Bragg Grating sensors used to monitor structure deformation, repositioning, and surveying of silicon detectors in High Energy Physics. |
4777 | 2003-09-09 | On Trapped Modes in the LHC Recombination Chambers: Numerical and Experimental Results | 2003 | LNF-03-14(P).pdf | B. Spataro, D. Brandt, F. Caspers, D. Li, M. Migliorati, A. Mostacci, L. Palumbo, F. Ruggiero, L. Vos | The recombination chamber in LHC (Large Hadron Collider) allows the separated proton beams to merge into a common vacuum chamber surrounding the interaction points. It has been subject of thorough studies concerning its interaction with the circulating beam. In this paper we present the numerical and experimental results of our investigation on an approximated geometry. We show that in the smooth transitions between pipes of different diameters a trapped mode may exist, both in the real and in the approximated geometry. In the real structure, the mode is weak and not harmful both for the beam stability and power loss |
4775 | 2003-09-09 | A Laser Pulse Shaper for the Low Emittance Radiofrequency SPARC Electron Gun | 2003 | INFN-BE-03-2.pdf | Simone Cialdi and Ilario Boscolo | The generation of an electron beam in a 3 GHz radiofrequency gun with a very low emittance requires a photocathode driven by a 10 ps ultraviolet high energy pulse with a rise time minor than 1 ps. This pulse can be provided by a Ti:Sa laser system completed with a pulse shaper programmed for that task. We discuss the design of a 4f-grating-lens pulse shaper optimized for our long rectangular pulse and for the lowest sensitivity to alignment. The Acousto-Optic Programmable Dispersive Filter shaping system is briefly discussed. |
4776 | 2003-09-09 | Features of a Phase-only Shaper Relative to a Long Rectangular Ultraviolet Pulse | 2003 | INFN-BE-03-3.pdf | Simone Cialdi, Ilario Boscolo and Alessandro Flacco | The generation of a very low-emittance high peak charge electron beam in a 3-GHz radiofrequency electron gun requires a rectangular shaped electron beam of 10 ps with a rise time less than 1 ps at the cathode surface. This is obtained illuminating a photocathode with a powerful ultraviolet laser pulse of that form. A programmable pulse shaper is added into the chain of the components of a femtosecond solid-state laser system for producing such a kind of pulse. The shaping system operates as a spectral phase-only filter. A genetic algorithm, in conjunction with a proper cost-function, is used to determine the phase function to be set in the shaper for generating the square pulse matching the specifications. The simulations show that the system is very sensitive to the signal parameters and alignment. The simulations show that the output signals at the fundamental and third harmonic have differences relevant for the setting of the system. |
4774 | 2003-09-03 | R&D Mechanical Studies of the Photon Detector Microcells and Modules for the EUSO Experiment | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-13.pdf | M. Ameri, F. Cadoux, R. Cereseto, G. Corti, S. Cuneo, P. Musico, E. Pace, A. Petrolini, P. Pollovio, F. Pratolongo, F. Siccardi, A. Vinci | During the phase 'A' of the EUSO experiment 5),6), extensive R&D studies have been done to optimise the mechanical arrangement of the photon multipliers on the focal surface. The activity has been focused on micro-cell and photon detector module sub-assemblies, the modular units that should tessellate the focal surface of the instrument. Alternative solutions have been investigated, simulations have been performed, prototypes built and tested. All that activity allowed to check the compliance of several features with the space environment, thus identifying those that could be applied in the final design. |
4773 | 2003-08-29 | Utilizzo del Software CASTOR al TIER1 CNAF | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-12.pdf | Ricci Pier Paolo per TIER1 staff | Lo sviluppo delle moderne tecnologie e la crescita delle richieste di spazio storage in termini di filesystem da parte degli esperimenti di fisica delle alte energie (HEPE High Energy Phisics Experiment) ci ha portati a considerare seriamente l'utilizzo di un hardware di librerie a nastro e di un software di archiviazione non proprietario. Nel presente articolo viene presentata la fase di test e pre-produzione svolta allINFN CNAF Bologna utilizzando il software di archiving CASTOR realizzato al CERN con una descrizione dell'hardware e del software coinvolto oltre che ad una serie di risultati preliminari |
4772 | 2003-08-25 | Studies on a Bi-periodic X-band Structure for SPARC | 2003 | LNF-03-13(R).pdf | D. Alesini, A.Bacci, M.Migliorati, A.Mostacci, L.Palumbo and B.Spataro | The paper presents the design of a compact bi-periodic accelerating section, operating at the frequency of 11.424 GHz, for linearizing the longitudinal phase space in the Frascati Linac Coherent Light Source (SPARC). The structure operates on the p/2 standing wave mode with axial coupled cavities, and it is designed to obtain a 5 MV accelerating voltage. The proposed accelerating section represents an alternative design to the standard p-mode cavity, having some advantages as discussed in the paper. Numerical simulations have been carried out with SUPERFISH, OSCARD2D and ABCI codes, in frequency and in time domain. The study includes: field profile optimization, quality factor and shunt impedance calculation, analysis of the generator-cavity coupling and thermal analysis. |
4770 | 2003-07-23 | A Voltage Generator by Trasmission Lines | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-10.pdf | V. Nasssi, F. Belloni, D. Doria, A. Lorusso | In this paper we describe the design and the experimental results of a circuit able to compress a rectangular pulse causing its amplitude to increase. Utilizing a pulse forming line of 12 m long and a storage line of 6 m both connected on a load resistor by means of fast transistor switch, a time compression factor of 2 was achieved. Charging the pulse forming line at V_0, the output matched pulse was V_0/2, 120ns. Instead, the compressor output pulse was V_0,60 ns against a V_0,120ns pulse delivered by a 12 m Blumlein line charged at V_0. High voltage short pulse circuits open new horizons in the field of accelerator construction. |
4771 | 2003-07-23 | Theory and Realization of a New Current Pulse Compression Circuit | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-11.pdf | V. Nassisi, F. Belloni, D. Doria, A. Lorusso | In this work a new circuit to compress a pulse current utilizing transmission lines and transistor switches is proposed. It demonstrated a time compression factor of 2 on a low load impedance. A 12 m, 50\\Omega coaxial transmission line provided a current pulse of 3 A, 120 ns. A 6 m, 50\\Omega storage line connected to main line was able to store the 50% of the initial pulse. A fast switch was used in order to close both lines on a halved load impedance with respect to the transmission line characteristic one. We obtained a current pulse compression recording an output current of 6 A, 60 ns. PACS: 84.30N, 84.40Mk. |
4769 | 2003-07-22 | Ptential for Realiability Improvement and Cost Optimazion of LINAC and Cyclotron Accelerators | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-9.pdf | Paolo Pierini, Editor Contributors: D. Barni, P. Michelato, L. Monaco, M. Novati, R. Paulon, P. Pierini, D. Sertore (INFN-Milano-LAS), C. Pagani (University of Milano and INFN-Milano-LASA, R. Ferdinand, H. Safa, S. Palanque (CEA/Saclay), J.L. Biarrotte, C. Commeaux, T. Junquera, A.C. Mueller, A. Tkatchenko (CNRS/Orsay), L. Burgazzi (ENEA), Y. Jongen, D. Vandeplassche (IBA) | This document identifies and discusses the proper design strategies that have been followed in order to meet the reliability and availability specifications for a high intensity proton accelerator meant as the spallation neutron driver for an eXperimental Driven System (XADS) for nuclear waste transmutation. The document describes also how these strategies can be applied in the different components of the XADS accelerator design, and how design iterations can lead to reliability improvements. The Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) methodology has been used on the suggested design for highlighting the reliability critical areas. Finally, a first rough cost estimation of the XADS accelerator is also provided. |
4767 | 2003-07-16 | MIR, a Feasibility Study for a Measurement of the Dynamical Casimir Effect | 2003 | INFN-AE-03-4.pdf | C. Braggio, G. Bressi, G. Carugno, C. Del Noce, V. Dodonov, A. Lombardi, A. Palmieri, G. Ruoso, D. Zanello | Even at absolute zero, the vacuum is seething with activity and behaves as a fluid in which moving objects dissipate their kinetic energy. The dynamical Casimir effect foresees that a metallic mirror put in motion in quantum vacuum gives rise to dissipated energy in the form of real photons, called the Motion Induced Radiation. The final aim of this study is to present a solution to the main experimental difficulty, that is to realize the oscillating motion of the metallic wall at high frequency (10^9 ÷ 10^10 Hz). To obtain a fast moving wall we propose to switch an effective microwave mirror on and off in very short intervals of time changing the reflectivity of the semiconductor by shining pulsed laser beam on its surface. In this way a microwave mirror can be created and disappears at very high frequency, giving rise to a system equivalent to that of a fast moving metallic slab. |
4766 | 2003-07-11 | Papers Presented at PAC 2003 | 2003 | LNF-03-12(P).pdf | Accelerator Division | |
4764 | 2003-06-18 | Nota tecnica sul possibile utilizzo di Firewall nell INFN | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-7.pdf | Stefano Zani, Riccardo Veraldi, Franco Brasolin, Angelo Veloce, Mario Masciarelli, Claudio Soprano, Fulvia Costa | Questo documento e una nota tecnica prodotta dal sottogruppo Firewall del Netgroup afferente alla Commissione Calcolo e Reti dellINFN. Il documento contiene un resoconto sui test effettuati sulle piattaforme di Firewall più diffuse e fornisce una valutazione dal punto di vista della funzionalità, gestibilità e prestazioni nellottica di possibili applicazioni nelle sezioni INFN. |
4768 | 2003-06-18 | Electron Donors And Their Role On The Performance Of Microwave Discharge And Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-8.pdf | S. Gammino, G. Ciavola, L. Torrisi, L. And, L. Celona, M. Maggiore, S. Manciagli , M. Presti, C. Percolla, E. Calzona, V. Vinciguerra, S. Dobrescu, L. Schacter, A. Drentje, K. Stiebing | In order to enhance the output of highly charged ions from an electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS), several techniques like wall coating, biased disk, electron gun have been proposed and are meanwhile employed as standard tools at most of the existing installations. Although the detailed mechanisms are not clear, it has become evident that the additional injection of electrons into the plasma chamber of an ECRIS considerably improves its performances. Depending on the special conditions of the source these additional electrons can either compensate for losses of plasma electrons or even may change global plasma parameters (e.g. plasma potential) and hence positively influence the extraction at high rates of highly charged ions. The first experiments on biased disk were carried out at CEA, Grenoble and KVI, Groningen in 1990-91 and since then, this method is used by almost any ECRIS in the world. Wall coating is not so widely used but it has been proved to be effective not only for ECRIS but also for microwave discharge ion source (MDIS). Other methods to provide electrons to the plasma will be described in the following. In particular, at the Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Bucharest, special metal-dielectric (MD) structures of Al-Al2O3 have been developed. They are characterized by their very high secondary electron emission coefficients and therefore they seem to be ideal to be used in an ECRIS. Preliminary tests at IK in Frankfurt and at KVI have given interesting results. In the following an analysis of the possibilities opened by this method and other methods involving electron donors in ECRIS and MDIS field is carried out. |
4763 | 2003-06-12 | ULTRA -Uv Light Transmission and Reflection in the Atmosphere Technical Report. A supporting experiment for the EUSO project | 2003 | INFN-AE-03-3.pdf | Osvaldo Catalano, Piero Vallania, Didier Lebrun, Patrick Stassi, Mario Pimenta, Catarina Espirito Santo | The ULTRA experiment has been designed in the framework of the EUSO project to provide quantitative measurements of the reflected/diffused signal produced by the EAS impacting on the Earth surface. The detector is a hybrid system consisting of an UV optical detection unit, the UVscope, and an array of scintillators, the ETscope (EAS Telescope). The UVscope is used to detect Cherenkov diffused UV light from EAS which are detected in coincidence by the ETscope array. The atmospheric transmission properties will also be studied using the UV light detector and a laser emitter. Moreover, measurements of light from meteors are feasible with the same instrumentation. In this paper the various physical items involved in this research are introduced and discussed, and a detailed project of the experimental setup together with preliminary estimations of the expected performances are presented. |
4760 | 2003-06-11 | Beam Control and Manipulation with Microwave Devices in Particle Accelerators | 2003 | LNF-03-11(Thesis).pdf | David Alesini | |
4757 | 2003-06-10 | Annual Report 2002 | 2003 | LNF-03-10(IR).pdf | AA. VV. | |
4756 | 2003-06-10 | A Cicerone for the Physics of Charm | 2003 | LNF-03-9(P).pdf | S.Bianco, F.L.Fabbri, D.Benson, I.Bigi | After briefy recapitulating the history of the charm quantum number we sketch the experimental environments and instruments employed to study the behaviour of charm hadrons and then describe the theoretical tools for treating charm dynamics. We discuss a wide range of inclusive production processes before analyzing the spectroscopy of hadrons with hidden and open charm and the weak lifetimes of charm mesons and baryons. Then we address leptonic, exclusive semileptonic and nonleptonic charm decays. Finally we treat D^0 barD^0 oscillations and CP (and CPT) violation before concluding with some comments on charm and the quark-gluon plasma. We will make the case that future studies of charm dynamics in particular of CP violation can reveal the presence of New Physics. The experimental sensitivity has only recently reached a level where this could reasonably happen, yet only as the result of dedicated efforts. This review is meant to be both a pedagogical introduction for the young scholar and a useful reference for the experienced researcher. We aim for a self-contained description of the fundamental features while providing a guide through the literature for more technical issues. |
4755 | 2003-05-23 | Response of an Underwater Cherenkov Detector to Supernova Neutrinos | 2003 | INFN-AE-03-2.pdf | Ernesto Amato, Lucrezia Auditore, Renato C. Barn, Vincenzo D'Amico, Domenico De Pasquale, Antonio Italiano, Antonio Trifir, Marina Trimarchi | We present a complete Monte Carlosimulation of the response of a realistic model of a deep-underwater Cherenkov detector to Supernova neutrinos. The various sources of noise are discussed in detail and a statistical treatment of the data is proposed based upon the integration on a properly chosen time interval. The results show that the neutrino flux emitted by a Supernovaexploding in our Galaxy can be detected from such a telescope |
4752 | 2003-05-07 | The Transversity Function and Doule Spin Azimuthal Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Pion Leptoproduction | 2003 | INFN-AE-03-1.pdf | Elvio Di Salvo | We show that the transverse momentum dependent transversity function is proportional to the longitudinal polarization of a quark in a transversely polarized proton. This result suggests an alternative, convenient method for determining transversity, without know-ing unusual fragmentation functions. The method consists of measuring the double spin azimuthal asymmetry in semi-inclusive pion leptoproduction by a transversely polarized proton target. The asymmetry, which is twist 3, is estimated to be more than 10%under the most favourable conditions. The experiment we suggest is feasible at facilities like DESY and CERN. |
4751 | 2003-05-07 | An X-Band Structure For a Longitudinal Emittance Correction at SPARC | 2003 | LNF-03-8(R).pdf | A.Bacci, M.Migliorati, L.Palumbo, B.Spataro | The paper presents the design of a compact standing wave accelerating structure operating at a frequency f =11.424 GHz for the low energy part of the X-FEL project to be realized at the Frascati Laboratories (SPARC). The structure, designed for obtaining a 5 MeV energy gain, has to be used for linearizing the longitudinal space phase in the Frascati Linac Coherent Light Source. Numerical electromagnetic simulations were carried out by using the numerical codes SUPERFISH and OSCARD2D in frequency domain and ABCI in time domain. This report describes the detailed behaviour of main RF parameters of a standing wave accelerating structure operating on p mode |
4747 | 2003-05-06 | Movable Faraday Cup Measurements for Ion Beams Characterization | 2003 | INFN-FM-03-1.pdf | D. Doria, A. Lorusso and V. Nassisi | In this article we present the results of a non-equilibrium laser-plasma generated by an ultraviolet excimer laser. These studies are very important to develop new ion sources via laser-plasma technique (LPT). All measurements were realized at fixed laser energy of 70 mJ. It was concentrated on a 0.004 cm2 spot by a convergent focal lens of 15 cm focal length. The target utilized was a disc of Cu of 99.99% pure and to detect the plasma flow pulse at different positions along drift tube, we developed an 8 cm in diameter movable Faraday cup. Analyzing the time-of-flight (TOF) pulse we was able to distinguish the electron pulse, the suprathermal ions and the thermal evolution of the plasma. Besides, applying a breakdown voltage as polarizing voltage to the Faraday cup, we characterized the neutral component. To determine the efficiency of the system on particles production, we measured the total etched material per pulse, 0.235 mg, and the fractional ionization, 10%. The flux distribution was measured by an optical transmission analysis of a Cu deposited film on a glass substrate. The ablation process expelled particles with an initial velocity of 34 km/s while the maximum ions concentration was emitted after 1 ms with a mean velocity of about 20 km/s. During the propagation the plasma longitudinal dimension changed from 7.5 cm near the target (8 cm) to 31 cm near the cup (40 cm). At low distances, the cup waveforms presented a plateau due to the high dense plasma which gets the space charge regime governed by the Child-Langmuir law. By our results the maximum charge distribution was generated at the target and it decreased with the distance. |
4749 | 2003-05-06 | Design and Manufacturing of Composite Spherical Mirrors for the GRAAL Cerenkov Particle Detector | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-6.pdf | G. Castiglioni, M. Castoldi, R. Cereseto, S. Cuneo, F. Mora, R. Puppo, L. Vigiani | This paper reports the manufacturing cycle set-up and the production results of the spherical mirrors to be installed in the GRAAL Cerenkov detector. Up to 121 mirrors have been assembled and checked. Production tips and statistics are reported here as a record for future similar application |
4750 | 2003-05-06 | LHCb Muon Off-Detector Eectronics: The IB System | 2003 | LNF-03-7(IR).pdf | Alessandro Balla, Matteo Beretta, Federico Bertino, Maurizio Carletti, Paolo Ciambrone, Giovanni Corradi, Giulietto Felici, Maurizio Gatta, Giovanni Paoluzzi, Giuseppe Papalino, Massimo Santoni | The LHCb muon trigger system is based on logical channels. For some stations and/or regions the logical channels correspond to the DIALOG outputs, while other stations and/or regions require a combination (OR) of channels coming from more than one chamber or more than one DIALOG output channels. In these cases special boards called Intermediate Boards (IB) are used to generate the logical channel. The 152 IB to instrument the muon detector will be located outside the chamber on the racks near the apparatus. Because of the radiation level foreseen near the detector (@ 2 krad) radiation tolerant device must be used to implement the logic. |
4746 | 2003-05-05 | Recent Advances and Novel Ideas for High Brightness Electron Beam Production Based on Photo-Injectors | 2003 | LNF-03-6(P).pdf | M. Ferrario, M. Boscolo, V. Fusco, C. Vaccarezza,C. Ronsivalle, J. B. Rosenzweig, L. Serafini | Photo-injectors beam physics remains a fruitful and exciting field of research. New ideas have been recently proposed to achieve ultra-high brightness beams, as particularly needed in SASE-FEL experiments, and to produce flat beams as required in linear colliders. An overview of recent advancements in photo-injector beam physics is reported in this paper. |
4745 | 2003-04-28 | Next generation long baseline experiments on the path to leptonic CP violation | 2003 | LNF-03-5(P).pdf | P.Migliozzi, F. Terranova | In this paper we quantify the trade-off between setups optimized to be ancillary to Phase II Superbeams or Neutrino Factories and experiments tuned for maximal sensitivity to the subdominant terms of the neutrino transition probability at the atmospheric scale (``maximum discovery potential''). In particular, the theta(13) sensitivity is computed for both Phase I superbeams (JHF-SK and NuMI Off-Axis) and next generation long baseline experiments (ICARUS, OPERA and MINOS). It is shown that Phase I experiments cannot reach a sensitivity able to ground (or discourage in a definitive manner) the building of Phase II projects and that, in case of null result and without a dedicated antineutrino run, this capability is almost saturated by high energy beams like CNGS, especially for high values of the ratio Delta m2_{21}/Delta m2_{31}. |
4748 | 2003-04-16 | Fault Considerations and Effects of Shorts in the Barrel Toroid Coil System | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-5.pdf | F. Broggi | The ATLAS Barrel Toroid (BT) is a superconducting toroid made of 8 coils of 25 m length and 5 m width, providing the magnetic field for the muon spectrometer of the ATLAS detector, one of the experiments of the Large Hadron Collider, under construction at CERN. In addition to the BT the ATLAS magnetic structure foresees two End Cap Toroid (ECT) with the same 8 structure geometry of the BT, and a Central Solenoid (CS). The evaluation of the forces arising in the Barrel Toroid coil system, when unbalanced current flows in different coils, has already been investigated when the LASA laboratory entered the ATLAS project. Here the refinement of the calculations, with the definitive parameters and discharge circuit configuration is done. |
3517 | 2003-03-25 | Biological Applications of Synchrotron Infrared Spectroscopy in Europe BASIE | 2003 | LNF-03-4(NT).pdf | BASIE Collaboration: A. Marcelli (Coordinator), P. Calvani, P. Roy, D. Moss, L. Degiorgi, M.J. Tobin, U. Schade, K. Hinrichs, A. Mondini, L. Quaroni, A. Cupane, G. Onori, E. Burattini, M. Chesters, G. Menestrina, E. Goormaghtigh, P. Mariani, J. Breton, D. Naumann, M. Manfait, J. Susini, W.E. Smith, S.M. Doglia, M. Colombatti, B. Lendl, A. Barth, I. Anastassopoulou, M. Lankosz, P. Rich, S. Fisher | With the sequencing of the human genome completed, life science is entering the new era of structural and functional genomics and proteomics, in which the rapid identification and instantaneous sequencing of genes central to cellular processes and diseases leads to questions concerning the structure and function of the gene products. These new challenges require new methods of analysis and interdisciplinary efforts. In structural genomics, great progress has been made at so-called structure factories. But there remains a deficit in methods for studying the relationship between structure and function in proteins. Recently, FTIR spectroscopy has emerged as the most powerful tool for structural/functional investigations in biology because of its abilityto provide information on processes at multiple levels of organization. It has been used to investigate structural-functional relationships and molecular mechanisms at the atomic level in purified proteins, but also for large protein complexes; for investigations of environmental toxin pathways and programmed cell death in cells; and for tissue classification and disease diagnosis in tissue. Although, in all of these studies, SR IR light sources bring FTIR spectroscopy to the cutting edge in terms of the spectral range and spatial resolution, it remains true that it is used by a few specialized research groups. The new era of life science research coincides with anunprecedented development in European capabilities: we have two well established IRSR beamlines at Daresbury and Orsay, joined last year by three new ones and more are under construction or are planned. BASIE will bring together interdisciplinary scientists from 10 EU countries, ready to develop together specialized equipments, techniques and software optimized for a range of life science studies covering all levels of organization from molecules to tissues. In this way, BASIE may be the leader in Europe for these strategic researches. |
4739 | 2003-03-21 | Preliminary Tests of Digital Pulse Shape Acquisition from Chimera CsI(Tl) Scintillators | 2003 | INFN-BE-03-1.pdf | M.Alderighi, A.Anzalone, L.Auditore, N.Arena, R.Bassini, C.Boiano, S.Brambilla, G.Cardella, S.Cavallaro, M.DAndrea, E.DeFilippo, E.Geraci, D.Ghilardi, C.Gilardi, F.Giustolisi, A.Grzeszczuk, P.Guazzoni, E.Laguidara, G.Lanzan, G.Lanzalone, D.Nicotra, P.Opichal, T.Paduszynski, A.Pagano, M.Papa, S.Pirrone, G.Politi, F.Porto, E.Rosato, S.Russof, G.Sacc, M.Sassi, G.Sechi, A.Trifir, M.Trimarchi, S.Urso, M.Vigilante, L.Zetta | A sampling digital to analog converter (12-bit, 100 MS/s) has been used to perform a digital pulse shape acquisition of the signals coming from a typical CHIMERA 6x6x12 cm3 CsI(Tl) scintillator coupled to a standard CHIMERA electronic chain, up to the amplifier. The preliminary results obtained with Tandem beams are presented. |
4740 | 2003-03-21 | Installazione, Configurazione e Test di un Cluster di PC per Calcolo Parallelo e Seriale con Software Open-Source | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-4.pdf | Domenico Diacono | Questo documento illustra in modo dettagliato i passi necessari allinstallazione di un cluster di PC Linux con il pacchetto software OSCAR. Il cluster è dotato di bilanciamento automatico del carico mediante openMosix e di ambiente di sviluppo parallelo MPI/PVM. Nel documento si dimostra come anche lambiente di calcolo parallelo può trarre beneficio della presenza del bilanciamento automatico del carico. |
3516 | 2003-02-24 | Commissioning of the DAFNE Beam Test Facility | 2003 | LNF-03-3(P).pdf | G. Mazzitelli, P. Valente | The DAFNE Beam Test Facility (BTF) is a beam transfer line optimized for the production of a defined number of electrons or positrons, in a wide range of multiplicities and down to single-electron mode, in the energy range between 50 and 800 MeV.The typical pulse duration is 10 ns and the maximum repetition rate is 50 Hz.The facility is aimed mainly for detector calibration purposes. The BTF has been successfully commissioned in February 2002, and started operation in November of the same year. The schemes of operation, the commissioning results, as well as the first users' experience are here reported. |
3515 | 2003-02-18 | Synchrotron Radiation from DAFNE Bending Magnet and Wiggler | 2003 | LNF-03-2(IR).pdf | Irina Titkova, Mikhail Zobov, Sultan Dabagov | DAFNE is a special kind of accelerator dedicated to the production of F-particles coming from the annihilation of electrons and positrons at the F-resonance energy. However, due to the very large circulating current, DAFNE represents also a high flux source of synchrotron radiation in the infrared and soft X-ray wavelength region. In this paper the main characteristics of synchrotron radiation from DAFNEs wigglers and dipole magnets are estimated for the parasitic regime of operation. The results of calculations for KLOE and DEAR lattices have been compared. |
4738 | 2003-02-18 | Preliminary Design of TOTEM T1 Telescopes Mechanical Support Structures | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-3.pdf | M. Bozzo, S. Cuneo, K. Eggert, M. Macr, M. Oriunno, R. Puppo | The present design of the TOTEM T1 telescopes mechanical support structure is described in detail in view of the Technical Design Report. Constraints, structural considerations, layout and operating sequences are described below, and will be used as a baseline for the final design. |
4737 | 2003-02-07 | Cyclotron Production of High Specific Activity Radiochemical Forms of Vanadium, Manganese and Tallium for Metallo-Toxicological Studies | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-2.pdf | Flavia Groppi, Claudio Birattari, Mauro Bonardi, Luigi Gini, Mario Gallorini, Enrico Rizzio, Enrico Sabbioni, Enzo Menapace, Dolores Arginelli, Alberto Ghioni and Hae Song Mainardi | In this paper are presented the production methods for very high specific activity radionuclides (HSARNs) of vanadium (V), manganese (Mn) and thallium (Tl), which have been developed in our laboratories for labeling different chemical forms of these elements present in the echo-systems in ultra-trace amounts, for metallo-toxicological and bio-kinetic studies. Use was made of both cyclotron and thermal nuclear reactor. If the nuclear reaction and/or decay product has atomic number different from irradiated target, it is possible separating the radioactive nuclide from irradiated target, without intentional addition of isotopic carrier. These kinds of radionuclides are named No Carrier Added, NCA, and their specific activity is very high and can reach values close to the theoretical Carrier Free one, CF. The experimental determination of specific activity, chemical and radiochemical purities is mandatory for all these kinds of applications. |
4736 | 2003-02-05 | Sistema di Deposizione di CsI in Camera di Evaporazione ad Alto Vuoto per Fotoconvertitori di un Rivelatore RICH | 2003 | INFN-TC-03-1.pdf | E.Cisbani, S.Colilli, F.Cusanno, R.Fratoni, F.Garibaldi, F.Giuliani, M.Gricia, M.Iodice, M.Lucentini, A.Mostarda, L.Pierangeli, F.Santavenere, G.M.Urciuli, P.Veneroni | Nellambito della collaborazione con il Laboratorio Jefferson Lab, in Virginia-Stati Uniti, il Gruppo Sanità Collegato della Sezione INFN di Roma 1, ha realizzato un rivelatore di tipo Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH). Tale rivelatore è utilizzato in esperimenti di fisica degli ipernuclei, in Hall A al Jefferson Lab, sotto la responsabilità italiana, allo scopo di migliorare lidentificazione delle particelle (protone, pioni, mesoni K).Il piano di fotoconversione di fotoni Cherenkov emessi dalle particelle che attraversano un radiatore, nel rivelatore, rappresenta uno degli elementi più critici del rivelatore RICH.Il Gruppo Collegato ha progettato, costruito e messo a punto un sistema completo di deposizione di film di Ioduro di Cesio (CsI) su fotocatodi di dimensione 600x400 mm2, suddiviso in pad di 8x8 mm2. La presente nota descrive in dettaglio lintero sistema consistente in un evaporatore di grandi dimensioni (altezza 1100 mm e diametro 1200 mm) con relativi sistemi di vuoto e di controllo.Le evaporazioni sino ad oggi realizzate hanno dato risultati eccellenti in termini di efficienza quantica di fotoconversione e le procedure tecniche utilizzate si sono dimostrate affidabili. |
3514 | 2003-01-09 | A Crystal Chemical Investigation of Cr Substitution in Muscovite by XANES Spectroscopy | 2003 | LNF-03-1(P).pdf | A. Cardelli, G. Cibin, M. Benfatto, S. Della Longa, M.F. Brigatti, A. Marcelli | This work introduces a novel procedure to fit the scattering features of XANES spectra. The procedure was applied and validated on a chromium containing muscovite for which structural and crystal chemical characterization is available from literature. The simulation, which involved clusters formed by up to 90 atoms, proved to be effective in representing the Cr local environment, even if the system is characterized by a very low metal content, as demonstrated by the extremely good correspondence with experimental data |
4735 | 2002-12-19 | LINMGR - Uno Strumento per la Gestione Centralizzata del Software su Sistemi Linux ReDHat | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-31.pdf | Roberto Gomezel, Tullio Macorini, Claudio Strizzolo, Lucio Strizzolo, Alessandro Tirel | In questo documento viene presentata una soluzione, realizzata presso la Sezione di Trieste dellINFN, per la gestione centralizzata dei calcolatori con sistema operativo Linux RedHat, con lobiettivo di semplificare linstallazione e laggiornamento dei pacchetti software, e la gestione dei sistemi. |
3548 | 2002-12-18 | Unexpected Detection of New Elements in Electrolytic Experiments with Deuterated Ethyl-alcohol, Pd Wire, Sr and Hg Salts | 2002 | LNF-02-031(P).pdf | F. Celani, A. Spallone, P. Marini, V. di Stefano, M. Nakamura, A. Mancini, G. DAgostaro, E. Righi, G. Trenta, P. Quercia, C. Catena, V. Andreassi, F. Fontana, D. Garbelli, L. Gamberale, D. Azzarone, E. Celia, F. Falcioni, M.Marchesini, E. Novaro | The insoluble powder recovered at the bottom of our electrolytic cell, after several electrolytic deuterium loading/deloading cycles, was analysed by an ICP-MS analyser. The electrolyte was constituted of a deuterated hydro-alcoholic solution; Sr and Hg salts were added to such a solution at micromolar concentration; the cathode was a long and thin Pd wire. The ICP-MS analyses of the insoluble powder were motivated from the recent results of Y. Iwamura and collaborators at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries-Researh Center (Yokohama, Japan) showing reproducible transmutation of Sr into Mo (isotopic composition different from natural one) and Cs into Pr, when a special multilayer Pd sheet was subjected to a prolonged Deuterium gas flowing. Some of our results look partially in agreement with Y. Iwamura report. Other unexpected elements were also detected with an isotopic distribution close to the natural one. The production of stable isotopes by Selective Channel Photofission, according to the model of A.Takahashi (Osaka University, Japan), can help for understanding. Further works, hopefully also from other Laboratories, are needed to clarify this kind of results. |
4733 | 2002-12-18 | The INFN-GRID Testbed | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-30.pdf | Roberto Alfieri, Roberto Barbera, Patrizia Belluomo, Alessandro Cavalli, Roberto Cecchini, Andrea Chierici, Vincenzo Ciaschini, Luca DellAgnello, Flavia Donno, Enrico Ferro, Antonio Forte, Luciano Gaido, Antonia Ghiselli, Alberto Gianoli, Alessandro Italiano, Stefano Lusso, Marisa Luvisetto, Paolo Mastroserio, Mirco Mazzucato, Daniele Mura, Mario Reale, Livio Salconi, Marco Serra, Fabio Spataro, Francesco Taurino, Gennaro Tortone, Luca Vaccarossa, Marco Verlato, Giulia Vita Finzi | The INFN-GRID project, in close collaboration with the EU-funded DataGrid project, is facing the challenge of implementing a wide-area computational and data grid for the needs of the INFN experimental activities. The testbed is the test infrastructure where the grid services have been implemented. In this document the goals, the actual implementation and the future evolution of the testbed are described |
3547 | 2002-12-16 | Modeling Skin Effect in Large Magnetized Iron Detectors | 2002 | LNF-02-030(P).pdf | M. Incurvati, F.Terranova | The experimental problem of the calibration of magnetic field in large iron detectors is discussed. Emphasis is laid on techniques based on ballistic measurements as the ones employed by MINOS or OPERA.In particular, we provide analytical formulas to model the behavior of the apparatus in the regime, keeping into accounteddy current effects and the finite penetration velocity of the driving fields.These formulas ease substantially the design of the calibration apparatus. Results are compared with experimental data coming from a prototype of the OPERA spectrometer. |
4731 | 2002-12-13 | A Transmission Line Circuit for High Current Pulses | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-28.pdf | V. Nassisi and A. Pedone | An new concept to get high current pulses by transmission lines has been developed. Utilizing two 50 W transmission lines and a fast transistor to switch on the circuit, a rectangular current pulse without the reduction to a half of its intensity has been obtained. 8 m long transmission lines were charged up to 1 kV. They yielded a current pulse of 20 A, 500 V of maximum voltage. Similar set up opens applications in the field of high current short pulse generators. |
4732 | 2002-12-13 | Intense Plasma Generated by Laser Irradiation | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-29.pdf | D. Doria, V. Nassisi and A. Pedone | In this work we present the experimental results concerning the study of the plasmaproduced by pulsed laser irradiation of a copper target. The analysis of the generated plasmaplume was performed for three different laser spot sizes determining the threshold conditionsof the ablation process. A diagnostic system with a Faraday cup was developed in order todetect the ion current along the propagation tube. Time-of-flight (TOF) measurements wereperformed, and an adjustable voltage electrostatic barrier was employed in order to analysethe kinetic energy of the produced ions. To study the plasma characteristics we evaluated thetotal etched material per pulse, 1.8x1016 atoms/cm 2 , and the fractional ionisation, 36%. Amodified Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution was applied to provide a consistent description ofthe velocity distributions in the plume. The ablated material was spatially monitored by opticaltransmission analysis of a deposited film. |
4729 | 2002-12-12 | Behaviour and Measurements of the Interpancake Joint of the B ATLAS Model Coil | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-27.pdf | F. Broggi, N. Dolgetta, G. Volpini | The ATLAS Barrel Toroid (BT) consists of 8 superconducting coils of 25 m length and 5 m width, it provides the magnetic field for the muon spectrometer of the ATLAS detector, one of the experiments of the Large Hadron Collider, under construction at CERN. The cable used for the coils is an Aluminum stabilized NbTi rutherford cable and the coils are built with the double pancake technique, so a resistive joint between the cables of the two single pancake is present. The transverse magnetic field induces eddycurrents, during the ramping of the main current, whose intensity can sometimes exceed the transition limit. B0 is a one third length, full large scale model of one of the eight magnet composing the ATLAS barrel toroid. The B0 construction was decided to test the technical construction solutions and reproduce the behaviour of the final coils.In this paper the behaviour of the interpancake joint is analyzed and compared with theoretical models describing the current distribution at the joint. Measurements of the joint resistance are reported. |
3546 | 2002-12-10 | Light Quark Spectroscopy Results from FOCUS and E687 | 2002 | LNF-02-029(P).pdf | Stefano Bianco on behalf of the FOCUS and E687 Collaborations: J.M. Link, L. Agostino, G. Alimonti, J.C. Anjos, V. Arena, R. Baldini-Ferroli, S. Barberis, I. Bediaga, G. Bellini, L. Benussi, J.M. Bishop, G. Boca, G. Bonomi, M. Boschini, D. Brambilla, D. Buchholz, J.N. Butler, B. Caccianiga, A. Calandrino, S. Carrillo, E. Casimiro, N.M. Cason, C. Castoldi, C. Cawlfield, A. Cerutti, H.W.K. Cheung, G. Chiodini, K. Cho, Y.S. Chung, S. Cihangir, L. Cinquini, L. Cinquini, D. Claes, N. Copty, R. Culbertson, J.P. Cumalat, C. Dallapiccola, P. D'Angelo, T.F. Davenport III J.M. de Miranda, M. DiCorato, P. Dini, A.C. dos Reis, L. Edera, D. Engh, C.J. ennedy, S. Erba, F.L. Fabbri, P.L. Frabetti, I. Gaines, P.H. Garbincius, R. Gardner, L.A. Garren, M. Giammarchi, G. Gianini, J.F. Ginkel, B. Gobbi C. Gobel, E. Gottschalk, S.A. Gourlay, R. Greene, T. Handler D.J. Harding, H. Hernandez, M. Hosack, P. Inzani, W.E. Johns, J.S. Kang, P.H. Kasper, D.Y. Kim, G.N. Kim, B.R. Ko, A.E. Kreymer, A. Kryemadhi R. Kutschke, J.W. Kwak, Y. Kwon P. Lebrun, K.B. Lee, F. Leveraro, G. Liguori, T.F. Lin, A.M. Lopez, J. Magnin, S. Malvezzi, A. Massafferri, D. Menasce, H. Mendez, L. Mendez, M. Merlo, E. Meroni, M. Mezzadri, L. Milazzo, A. Mirles, E. Montiel, L. Moroni, S.S. Myung M.S. Nehring, D. Olaya, B. O'Reilly, D. Pantea, V.S. Paolone, K.S. Park, H. Park, D. Pedrini, I.M. Pepe, L. Perasso, C. Pontoglio, F. Prelz, M. Purohit, D.L. Puseljic, J. Quinones, A. Rahimi, J.E. Ramirez, S.P. Ratti, M. Reyes, C. Riccardi, C. Rivera, M. Rovere, R.C. Ruchti, S. Sala A. Sala, M. Sales, A. Snchez-Hernndez, I. Segoni M. Sheaff P.D. Sheldon, W.D. Shephard, S. Shukla, F. Sim, K. Stenson, J.A. Swiatek, P. Torre, D. Torretta, C. Uribe, E.W. Vaandering F. Vasquez L. Viola, M. Vittone, P. Vitulo, M.S. Webster, J.R. Wilson, J. Wiss, Z.Y. Wu, P.M. Yager, A. Zallo, Y. Zhang | Using the FOCUS spectrometer (experiments 687 and 831 at Fermilab) we confirm the existence of a diffractively photoproduced enhancement in $K^+K^- $ at 1750~\mevcc with nearly 100 times the statistics of previous experiments.We also observe a narrow dip structure at 1.9~GeV/c$^2$ in a study of diffractive photoproduction of the $~3\pi^+3\pi^-$ final state. |
3542 | 2002-11-29 | Beam-Beam Interaction Effects in DAFNE | 2002 | LNF-02-027(Thesis).pdf | Manuela Boscolo | Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca in Elettromagnetismo Applicato e Scienze Elettrofisiche Tutore: Prof. L. Palumbo, Correlatore: Dott. Mikhail Zobov, Coordinatore dottorato: Prof. Giorgio Gerosa |
3545 | 2002-11-29 | Experimental Review of Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations | 2002 | LNF-02-028(P).pdf | F. Ronga | A short review of the atmospheric neutrino experiments is given. The main enphasis is placed on SuperKamiokande, Soudan-2 and MACRO. |
4728 | 2002-11-18 | Planning on the Grid: a Status Report | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-26.pdf | Gabriele Garzoglio, Francesco Giacomini, Francesco Prelz, Massimo Sgaravatto, Todd Tannenbaum, Igor Terekhov | Traditional batch job schedulers are a poor fit for a grid computing environment. In order to respond to the grid scheduling challenges, the client must perform planning. In this paper, we expound upon the differences between planning versus scheduling, and present two grid projects which utilize a ClassAd matchmaking framework to enable planning on the grid. Planning for purposes of job placement within the EU DataGrid and DZero SAMGrid projects will be explored. |
4734 | 2002-11-11 | Relazione del Comitato per le Pari Opportunita dellINFN Anno 2001 | 2002 | INFN-AM-02-01.pdf | R. Alba, L. Brogiato, S. Cappelli, P. Fabbri, L. Fioretti, D. Muscolino, M.L. Paciello, G. Pancheri, P. Pilloni, P. Rufini, G. Ruggieri, C. Vannini | |
3541 | 2002-10-21 | Activity Report 2001 | 2002 | LNF-02-024(IR).pdf | AA.VV | |
4727 | 2002-10-21 | The HARP TOF-WALL Performance and Time Calibration | 2002 | INFN-BE-02-03.pdf | F. Bobisut, A. De Min, D. Gibin, A. Guglielmi, M. Laveder, A. Menegolli, M. Mezzetto and E. Pagan | The procedure to calibrate in time the scintillation counters of the HARP TOF-WALLusing cosmic muons is described in detail. The analysis of the collected cosmic eventswas also used to evaluate the performance of the detectors in terms of efficiency andtime resolution. All scintillation counters resulted to be fully efficient. The procedureallowed to precisely align in time the signals of all counters so that an overall intrinsictime resolution of 9 160 ps could be achieved |
3540 | 2002-10-18 | The DEAR Kaon Monitor at DAFNE | 2002 | LNF-02-023(P).pdf | V. Lucherini, A. M. Bragadireanu, G. Beer, C. Curceanu (Petrascu), J.-P. Egger, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, T. Ponta, D.L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, J. Zmeskal | Characteristics and performance of the kaon monitor of the DEAR experiment at the DA$\Phi$NE collider of Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati are described. The full TDC and ADC information collected from the detectors of the setup allows a clean observation of the charged kaon pairs from $\phi$-decayby means of their different arrival times with respect to the background particles. The number of detected kaons can be used to obtain an absolute luminosity measurement in the DEAR interaction point at DA$\Phi$NE |
4726 | 2002-10-15 | Preliminary Design of the Junction Box Pressure Vessels for the NEMO Experiment - R&D Phase | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-25.pdf | M. Ameri, S. Cuneo, D. Garufi, M. Musumeci, R. Occhipinti, R. Papaleo, G. Raia | According with the R&D philosophy of the first phase of NEMO experiment, an extensive investigation have been carried out in order to find practical alternatives to the standard design of pressure vessels for junction boxes that should operate on the sea bed for a long lifetime.Both technical and economical points of view have been considered, as well as reliability. Possible suppliers have been contacted to check the feasibility of the different solutions and estimate their cost. A final trade-off has been proposed, to help the collaboration to choose the solution for the detector prototype phase. |
3539 | 2002-09-30 | International Committee for Future Accelerators - Sponsored by the Particles and Fields Commission of IUPAP Beam Dynamics, Newsletter, No. 28 | 2002 | LNF-02-022(P).pdf | Editors in Chief: W. Chou and J.M. Jowett - Editors: C. Biscari, S. Chattopadhyay, S. Ivanov, H. Mais, J. Wei, and C. Zhang | At its meeting in Amsterdam on 30 July, ICFA approved the 29th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop: Beam Halo Dynamics, Diagnostics, and Collimation (HALO03) to be held on Long Island, New York, USA, 19-23 May 2003. This workshop will include a parallel workshop on Beam-beam Interactions. Further information on this and all other Panel activities can be found later in this newsletter and on our home page. |
3538 | 2002-09-24 | Study of the $K^{+}K^{-}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{0}$ final state in antiproton annihilation at rest in gaseous hydrogen at NTP with the OBELIX spectrometer | 2002 | LNF-02-021(P).pdf | F. Nichitiu, P. Gianotti, C. Guaraldo, A. Lanaro, V. Lucherini, C. Petrascu, A. Rosca, , G. Bonomi, M. P. Bussa, A. Donzella, E. Lodi Rizzini, L. Venturelli, A. Zenoni, A. Bertin, M. Bruschi, M. Capponi, S. De Castro, D. Galli, B. Giacobbe, U. Marconi, I. Massa, M. Piccinini, N. Semprini-Cesari, R. Spighi, S. Vecchi, V. Vagnoni, M. Villa, A. Vitale, A. Zoccoli, C. Cical`o, A. De Falco, A. Masoni, S. Mauro, G. Puddu, G. Usai, O. E. Gorchakov, S. N. Prakhov, A. M. Rozhdestvensky, V. I. Tretyak, M. Poli, V. Filippini, A. Fontana, P. Montagna, A. Rotondi, P. Salvini, F. Balestra, L. Busso, P. Cerello, O. Denisov, R. Garfagnini, A. Grasso, A. Maggiora, A. Panzarasa, D. Panzieri, F. Tosello, E. Botta, T. Bressani, D. Calvo, S. Costa, D. D'Isep, A. Feliciello, A. Filippi, S. Marcello, M. Agnello, F. Iazzi, B. Minetti, N. Mirfakhrai, S. Tessaro | A spin-parity analysis of a sample of $\bar{p}p \rightarrow K^+ K^- \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^0$ annihilation events taken at rest in gaseous $H_{2}$ at NTP is reported. The invariant mass spectrum of the $K^{+} K^{-} \pi^{0}$ system shows the presence of the $E/\iota$ resonance pattern at 1.42 GeV.The analysis of this signal confirms the results obtained by the OBELIX Collaboration in previous works, namely: the existence of two pseudoscalar states at 1.413 $\pm$ 0.002 and 1.460 $\pm$ 0.012 GeV with widths 0.051 $\pm$ 0.004 and 0.120 $\pm$ 0.015 GeV, respectively. The $\bar{p}p$ system in the $^{3}P_{1}$ wave shows also a signal corresponding to the axial vector $f_{1}(1420)$ decaying to $K^{*} \bar{K}$ with mass 1.420 $\pm$ 0.003 GeV and width 0.061 $\pm$ 0.005 GeV.A study of the incoherent phase space background shows that its origin is mostly due to the reflection of a resonant state in the $K^+ K^- \pi^+ \pi^-$ system. The isobar decomposition of this resonant state is mainly $f_{0}(1370)(\pi\pi)_{S}$, its parameters are: $J^{PC}$ = $0^{++}$, $m = 1.670 \pm 0.02$ GeV and width $0.267 \pm 0.036$ GeV. This signal can be probably identified with another decay mode of the $f_{0}(1710)$. |
4725 | 2002-09-24 | Realizzazione di un Sistema di Trasporto per Fotocatodo CsI | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-24.pdf | G. Menon | Questo documento descrive la realizzazione e il test di verifica di un sistema ditrasporto e stoccaggio per fotocatodi di rivelatori MWPC utilizzati come fotorivelatori incontatori RICH,mantenuti in atmosfera di gas inerte a pressione costanteL apparecchiatura è stata realizzata nel Laboratorio dell Area di Ricerca della Sezionedi Trieste. |
3536 | 2002-09-17 | Geometry of N=4 Twisted String | 2002 | LNF-02-019(P).pdf | S. Bellucci, A. Deriglazov, A. Galajinsky | We compare $N=2$ string and $N=4$ topological string within the framework of the sigma model approach. Being classically equivalent on a flat background, the theories are shown to lead to different geometries when put in a curved space.In contrast to the well studied K\'ahler geometry characterising the former case, in the latter case a manifold has to admit a covariantly constant holomorphic two--form in order to support an $N=4$ twisted supersymmetry.This restricts the holonomy group to be a subgroup of $SU(1,1)$ and leads to a Ricci--flat manifold. We speculate that, the $N=4$ topological formalism is an appropriate framework to smooth down ultraviolet divergences intrinsic to the $N=2$ theory. |
3537 | 2002-09-17 | AdS/CFT Equivalence Transformation | 2002 | LNF-02-020(P).pdf | S. Bellucci, E. Ivanov, S. Krivonos | We show that any conformal field theory in $d$-dimensional Minkowski space, in a phase with spontaneously broken conformal symmetry and with the dilaton among its fields, can be rewritten in terms of the static gauge $(d-1)$-brane on AdS$_{(d+1)}$ by means of an invertible change of variables. This nonlinear holographictransformation maps the Minkowski space coordinates onto the brane worldvolume ones and the dilaton onto the transverse AdS brane coordinate. One of the consequences of the existence of this map is that any $(d-1+m)$-brane worldvolume action on AdS$_{(d+1)}\times X^m$ (with $X^m$ standing for the sphere $S^m$ or more complicated curved manifold) admits an equivalent description in Minkowski space as a nonlinear and higher-derivative extension of some conventional conformal field theory action, with the conformal group being realized in a standard way. The holographic transformation explicitly relates the standard realization of the conformal group to its field-dependent nonlinear realization as the isometry group of the brane AdS$_{(d+1)}$ background. Some possible implications of this transformation, in particular, for the study of the quantum effective action of ${\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills theory in the context of AdS/CFT correspondence, are briefly discussed. |
4724 | 2002-09-16 | Ristrutturazione dei Servizi di Calcolo Centrali per la Sezione INFN ed i Dipartimenti di Fisica dellUniversit di Torino | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-23.pdf | G. Bar, A.DAmbrosio | In occasione dellaggiornamento dellhardware dei calcolatori centrali della nostra Se-zione, si è proceduto ad una ristrutturazione completa dei servizi ospitati su tali calcolatori, tenendo in considerazione anche le esigenze particolari della Sezione INFN di Torino. Infatti, questultima, oltre al dominio to.infn.it, gestisce anche quello dei Dipartimenti di Fisica ph.unito.it ed i relativi servizi (posta elettronica, web, ecc..) |
3535 | 2002-09-12 | NEXAFS Experiment and Multiple Scattering Calculations on KO2: effects on the phi resonance in the solid phase | 2002 | LNF-02-018(P).pdf | M. Pedio, Z. Y. Wu, M. Benfatto, A. Mascaraque, E. Michel, C. Ottaviani, C. Crotti, M. Peloi, M. Zacchigna, C. Comicioli | The high-energy resolution O K-edge absorption NEXAFS spectrum has been measured for in situ prepared potassium superoxide. The experimental data have been analyzed in detail by multiple scattering calculations using self-consistent field potentials. In particular the so-called pi resonance at rising edge, which presents a double peaks structure, has been totally resolved and reproduced by the calculations. This analysis indicates that the grown material is arranged in a KO2 structure with an O-O distance between 1.31Å and 1.34Å. Moreover, the calculation demonstrates both a complete ionic character of the bound between the O2- anion and the K atoms and a strong interaction between the anion and the solid-state matrices. |
3534 | 2002-09-09 | Local and average Fe distribution in trioctahedral micas: Analysis of Fe K-edge XANES spectra in the phlogopite-annite and phlogopite-tetra-ferriphlogopite joins on the basis of single-crystal XRD refinements | 2002 | LNF-02-017(P).pdf | F. Tombolini, M.Franca Brigatti, A. Marcelli, G. Cibin, A. Mottana, G. Giuli | In Fe-bearing trioctahedral micas Fe2+ occurs essentially in the octahedral O sheet whereas Fe3+ can either coexist with Fe2+ in the octahedral M sites or occur in tetrahedral T sites. Fe K-edge absorption spectra of twelve micas were recorded in an effort to relate their absorption features to the results of single-crystal X-ray structure refinements obtained on crystals from the same rock sample. This study involves the three end members phlogopite, annite and tetra-ferriphlogopite, used as reference materials, and nine micas intermediate in composition along the joins phlogopite-tetra-ferriphlogopite and phlogopite-annite. A detailed analysis of the XAS spectral features singles out the independent effects of coordination and valence shows and distinctly different position vs. intensity trends to be present that depend upon the local environment of Fe2+ and Fe3+. Bond distances evaluated from XANES spectra at the edge, or FMS, region agree well with those obtained by X-ray diffraction refinement. Distinct variations in the local to intermediate ranges of order of certain micas are determined by the analysis of XANES, or IMS, regions; they supplement well the information on their long range orders best obtained by X-ray refinement. |
4723 | 2002-09-09 | Authorization with multiple Virtual Organizations | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-22.pdf | V.Ciaschini, F. Spataro | In the grid world, users expect to be able to log into a grid-enabled machine without the need of having a personal account on the machine itself. To this end, users have organized themselves into Virtual Organizations (VOs) and access to the machines is (excepting differences in local policy, like for example the banning of a specific user) generally granted on the bases of VO membership. Up to now, users who are members of more than a Virtual Organization (VO) (or different subgroups of a single VO) have had no way to specify this while logging into the grid. This paper describes a possible solution to this problem. |
4721 | 2002-09-05 | The LASA Fast Acquisition System for the B00 and B0 Diagnostics | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-21.pdf | G. Rivoltella, A. Paccalini, F. Broggi | The ATLAS Barrel Toroid (BT) is a superconducting toroid made of 8 superconducting coils of 25 m length and 5 m width, providing the magnetic field for the muon spectrometer of the ATLAS detector, one of the experiments of the Large Hadron Collider, under construction at CERN.B0 is a full scale model, one third length of ATLAS barrel toroid eight coils.The B0 construction was decided to test the technical construction solutions and reproduce the behaviour of the final coils.In the frame of the ATLAS collaboration, the LASA Laboratory had to provide the acquisition system for the electrical signals from the B0 model coil.During the coils excitation there are two physical conditions: the power-on steady state and the quench event.The LASA-DAQ acquires always at the same sampling rate (500 Sample/sec), while the data storing occours once at second in steady state and at maximum speed during the quench.In this paper the characteristics and the design; both hardware and software, of the acquisition system of the electrical signals from the B0 model coil are described. |
4722 | 2002-07-20 | Construction of a Fast Laser-based Calibration System for the HARP Tof counters wall | 2002 | INFN-AE-02-02.pdf | M. Bonesini, M. Paganoni, A. Parravicini, A. Tonazzo, A. Andreoni, M. Bondani, F. Paleari, A. Sottocornola-Spinelli, D. Gibin, A. Guglielmi, A. Menegolli | A calibration and monitoring system for the Harp experiment scintillator-based time of flight system has been developed, by using an Nd-Yag laser with passive Q-switch and active/passive mode-locking and a custom made laser light injection system based on a bundle of IR monomode optical fibers. For the laser pulse timing a novel ultrafast InGaAs MSM photodiode, with 30 ps risetime, has been used. Experience over a several months data taking period in 2001 and 2002 shows that drifts in timing down to about 70 ps can be traced. |
3533 | 2002-07-12 | Papers Presented at EPAC 2002 | 2002 | LNF-02-016(P).pdf | Accelerator Division | (No Abstract) |
4719 | 2002-07-12 | Determination of the Normal Zone Length in the B0 ATLAS Model Coil | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-19.pdf | F. Broggi | The ATLAS Barrel Toroid (BT) is a superconducting toroid made of 8 coils of 25 mlength and 5 m width, providing the magnetic field for the muon spectrometer of theATLAS detector, one of the experiments of the Large Hadron Collider, under constructionat CERN. In addition to the BT the ATLAS magnetic structure foresees two End CapToroid (ECT) with the same 8 structure geometry of the BT, and a Central Solenoid (CS).The B0 construction was decided to test the technical construction solutions andreproduce the behavior of the final coils. The most powerful diagnostic sensors for studiesof the quench propagation are the pick-up coils.In this paper a short description of the characteristics of the pick-up coil signal,related to the quench propagation and to the current diffusion from the conductor to thestabilizer is given. Then, from the quench propagation velocity and the pick-up coil signalcharacteristics, the dimensions of the Normal Zone (NZ), the transited part of the cable, isdetermined, for different values of the main current in the magnet. The determination of theNZ dimensions is influenced by some experimental parameters, error affected, and by someassumptions. Because of these assumptions the NZ dimensions determined are onlyindicative, more precise measurements are not so far possible. |
4720 | 2002-07-12 | Design and Calibration of the Pick-up Colil for B0 and B00 ATLAS model Coil | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-20.pdf | G. Baccaglioni, F. Broggi, G. Cartegni | The ATLAS Barrel Toroid (BT) is a superconducting toroid made of 8 superconducting coils of 25 m length and 5 m width, providing the magnetic field for the muon spectrometer of the ATLAS detector, one of the experiments of the Large Hadron Collider, under construction at CERN. In addition to the BT the ATLAS magnetic structure forsees two End Cap Toroid (ECT) with the same 8 structure geometry of the BT, and a Central Solenoid (CS).B00 is a small coil built to verify the performances of the different cables used in the ATLAS magnets, while B0 is a full scale model, one third length of ATLAS barrel toroid eight coils.The B0 construction was decided to test the technical construction solutions and reproduce the behaviour of the final coils. To fulfil this aim the coil has been equipped with many sensors, among which the pick-up coil are very important for the study of the quench characteristics. In the frame of this collaboration one of the item of the INFN was to provide some diagnostic sensors, among which about 20 pick-up coil, for the quench propagation studies.In this paper the design and characteristics of the pick-up coil used in the B00 and B0 model coil are described, together with the calibration procedure.Some data measured during the magnet test are reported and discussed. |
4717 | 2002-07-11 | Simulating a Data GRID Environment | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-17.pdf | M. Castellano, G. Piscitelli, F. Tarricone, D. Di Bari, D. Cozza | |
4718 | 2002-07-11 | Scheduling System in a GRID Environment | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-18.pdf | M. Castellano, G. Piscitelli, F. Tarricone, D. Di Bari, D. Cozza | |
3530 | 2002-07-02 | Evidence of Anomalous Tritium Excess in D/Pd Overloading Experiments | 2002 | LNF-02-013(P).pdf | F. Celani, A. Spallone, P. Marini, V. di Stefano, M. Nakamura, E. Righi, G. Trenta, P. Quercia, A. Mancini, G. DAgostaro, C. Catena, S. Sandri, C. Nobili, V. Andreassi | Measurements of Tritium have been performed, using a very low background and accurate instrumentation, on electrolytes before and after Deuterium absorption in Palladium wires. Tritium was always present in the electrolytic cells, having long and thin Palladium wires (carefully degassed) as cathode and Platinum wire as anode, because normal contamination of deuterated liquids. Two different kinds of electrolytes were used (unusual, for several aspects, to conventional ones adopted in Cold Fusion experiments): the first one was composed by heavy water in DCl acidic environment (pH=4.5) with the addition of Strontium (and Mercury) salts at micro-molar concentration, the second one was composed by heavy ethyl alcohol--heavy water solution (concentration ratio about 11:1), acidic environment (DCl+D2SO4), with the addition of Strontium and Mercury concentrated as before.We have found anomalous Tritium production (at large statistical significance) only when the achieved loading ratio (D/Pd) was quite large (about 0.95) and several loading/deloading cycles had been performed. |
3531 | 2002-07-02 | Electrochemical D loading of Palladium wires by heavy ethyl-alcohol and water electrolyte, related to Ralstonia bacteria problematics | 2002 | LNF-02-014(P).pdf | F. Celani, A. Spallone, P. Marini, V. di Stefano, M. Nakamura, A. Mancini, G. DAgostaro, E. Righi, G. Trenta, P. Quercia, C. Catena | Taking in considerations the several effects of new kinds of bacteria living in heavy water (discovered by us in 1999), from the point of view of Deuterium (D) overloading inside Palladium (Pd), it was developed (since June 2001) a new kind of electrolyte based on mixture of alcohol and water (both heavy) with proper addition of Strontium (Sr) and Mercury (Hg) salts in an acidic environment (DCl, D2SO4): all these procedure according to what developed from our group since 1996 for H2O solutions (without H2SO4) and, since 2000, for light water-alcohol (with H2SO4). It was found excess heat (by high accuracy flow calorimeter) and excess Tritium (T) production (by low background T measurement instrumentation) only when the loading ratio was quite high and some movements to D inside Pd was performed.Efforts will be done to increase the absolute values of such experimental results, in the near future. |
3532 | 2002-07-02 | Experimental studies to achieve H/Pd loading ratio close to 1 in thin wires, using different electrolytic solutions | 2002 | LNF-02-015(P).pdf | A. Spallone, F. Celani, P. Marini, V. Di Stefano | Systematic studies have been performed in order to achieve very high concentration of Hydrogen (or Deuterium) into a Palladium lattice. In a very diluted acid electrolytic cell a thin Pd cathode wire (100 mm) and tick anode Pt wires (0.5 mm) has been used as electrodes in a coaxial geometry. Normalised resistance (R/Ro) of Pd-H wire system has been measured on-line and used as reference of H/Pd values.Alcoholic solution (95%) and electrolytic solution (5%) has been used with addition of a very low amount of Sr and Hg ions; high loading results have been achieved with a satisfactory grade of reproducibility.A typical result of this procedure is to have achieved, stable in the time, R/Ro=1.15 (corresponding to an estimation of H/Pd@1) with an extremely low electrolytic power supply (7 V, 5 mA).Transferring this procedure to Deuterated solution, until now a lower loading has been achieved (R/Ro= 1.55 as about D/Pd= 1.97). |
3529 | 2002-06-28 | VII LNF Spring School 2002 | 2002 | LNF-02-012(IR).pdf | AA. VV. | Transparencies |
4715 | 2002-06-28 | The HARP TOF-WALL Counter Construction and Test | 2002 | INFN-AE-02-01.pdf | G. Barichello, F. Bobisut, A. De Min, D. Gibin, A. Guglielmi, M. Laveder, A. Menegolli | In this note the preparation of the TOF-WALL scintillation counters for the PS214 experiment (HARP) at CERN PS and the laboratory tests with cosmic rays are reported. The measurement of detection efficiencies, time resolutions and attenuation of signals along the counters shows very good performances. The intrinsic time resolution resulted to be $\sim$ 150 ps. |
4716 | 2002-06-21 | INFN GRIDDATAGRID Prototype 1 | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-16.pdf | F.Donno, L.Gaido, A.Ghiselli, M.Mazzucato, F.Prelz, M.Sgaravatto | Introduction: Computing and networking technology evolution leads to more powerful computers and to high speed networks as low-cost commodity components. In parallel there is a growth of large-scale computing needs with high number of users widely distributed. This scenario is changing the way to think about-and use-computing resources. One of the most interesting and challenging approaches is the computational grid concept. DataGrid (www.eu-datagrid.org) is a European project (EDG) aiming to build a computational grid prototype on the basis of requirements coming from users in the application fields of the High Energy Physics[1], Earth Observations (EO) [2], and Bio-Informatics [3]. The first prototype of DataGrid is in place, since December 2001, with the functionalities foreseen in the release 1 of the project. The purpose of this document is to describe the most important characteristics of the grid proposal, the services of the first prototype and some of the problems emerged from the experience of the first steps of the project. |
3528 | 2002-06-14 | High Intensity, Pulsed, Slow Positron and Neutron Sources at INFN Frascati | 2002 | LNF-02-011(IR).pdf | S. Bartalucci | Considerable progress in RF Superconductivity in the last decade opened the possibility of building electron Linacs with high average intensity and high quality beams. This fact in turn has revitalized the use of Linacs for the production of secondary beams (like neutrons and slow positrons), which find many applications in Interdisciplinary Research.An overview of such sources, to be developed at the INFN Frascati Laboratories and implemented in the future high-brilliance, X-FEL Facility, is presented in this paper. |
3527 | 2002-06-10 | Beam Dynamics Study of a Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment | 2002 | LNF-02-010(IR).pdf | M. Aleksa, J.F. Amand, R. Garoby, F. Gerigk, K.Hanke, E.B. Holzer, E.S. Kim, A. Lombardi, M. Migliorati, S. Russenschuck, F. Tazzioli, C. Vaccarezza | We present a summary of simulation results for a muon cooling experiment. Two possible scenarios have been studied: The first is a subsection of the 88 MHz cooling channel in the CERN reference scheme for a neutrino factory. The second system studied is based on 200 MHz cavities as proposed in the US study II design. The studies comprise a scan of input beam parameters, various optics with and without alternating solenoid polarity as well as a cross-check with an independent simulation code. |
4714 | 2002-06-05 | The Description of the TempHuRA-Meter | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-15.pdf | M. Anghinol, M. Battaglieri, P. Cocconi, R.DeVita, F. Parodi, M. Ripani, A. Rottura, M. Taiuti, S. Zavatarelli | |
4712 | 2002-05-23 | Open SSL API Mini-Tutorial | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-14.pdf | R. Veraldi | Dopo una breve descrizione del protocollo SSL vengono presentate le principali API in C della libreria OpenSSL, toolkit Open Source che implementa SSL v2/v3 e TLS v1. Viene anche analizzato un esempio di semplice applicazione client/server da cui potere iniziare per sviluppare proprie applicazioni SSL. |
4711 | 2002-05-22 | Studio del Particolato Atmosferico nelle Frazioni Fine e Grossa del PM10 nelle Citt di Firenze, Genova, Milano e Napoli nel Periodo 18 Gennaio 16 Febbraio 2001 | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-13.pdf | V. Ariola, L. Campajola, A. DAlessandro, P. Del Carmine, F. Gagliardi, F. Lucarelli, P. A. Mand, G. Marcazzan, R. Moro, S. Nava, P. Prati, G. Valli, R. Vecchi, A. Zucchiatti | The composition of particulate matter in the atmosphere has been studied in four major italian towns (Florence, Genoa, Milan and Naples) by means of Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) techniques. The aerosol has been simultaneously collected in the four towns during the first weeks of 2001, by two-stage continuous streaker samplers, which separate the particulate matter in two fractions (fine and coarse fraction of PM10). The hourly concentrations in air of about 20 elements have been deduced by Particle Induced X-ray Emission, PIXE, analyses performed with the external proton beam facility of the 3 MV accelerator of INFN, at the Physics Department of the University of Florence. RIASSUNTO La composizione del particolato atmosferico in quattro grandi città italiane (Firenze, Genova, Milano e Napoli) è stata studiata con tecniche di Ion Beam Analysis (IBA). I campioni di particolato sono stati raccolti simultaneamente nelle quattro città durante le prime settimane del 2001 per mezzo di campionatori continui a due stadi (streaker samplers),che separano e raccolgono il particolato in due frazioni granulometriche (frazioni fine e grossa del PM10). Landamento orario della concentrazione di una ventina di elementi è stato dedotto tramite misure PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission), eseguite col setup di fascio esterno dellacceleratore dellINFN presso il Dipartimento di Fisica dellUniversità di Firenze. |
4709 | 2002-05-13 | The Instrumentation of the B0 ATLAS Model Coil | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-11.pdf | R. Berthier, F. Broggi, A. Paccalini, G. Rivoltella | The ATLAS Barrel Toroid (BT) is a superconducting toroid made of 8 superconducting coils of 25 m length and 5 m width, providing the magnetic field for the muon spectrometer of the ATLAS detector, one of the experiments of the Large Hadron Collider, under construction at CERN.B0 is a full scale model, one third length of ATLAS barrel toroid eight coils. The B0 construction was decided to test the technical construction solutions and reproduce the behaviour of the final coils. To fulfil this aim the coil has been equipped with many sensors.This paper describes the whole sensors/instrumentation system installed on B0. |
4710 | 2002-05-13 | Test on CERN Isolation Amplifiers Card and New Design for the B0 Diagnostic Voltage Acquisition Card | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-12.pdf | G. Rivoltella, A. Paccalini, F. Broggi | In the frame of the ATLAS collaboration, the LASA Laboratory had to provide the acquisition system for the electrical signals from the B0 model coil. B0 is a full scale model, one third length of ATLAS barrel toroid eight coils. The B0 construction was decided to test the technical construction solutions and reproduce the final coils behaviour. Two types of electrical signal must be handled, the isolated and the non-isolated ones. The isolated signals, for example, come from the inductive pick-up coil, while the non isolated signals are the ones coming directly from the cable.In order to interrupt the ground loops, reject the common-mode voltage, the electromagnetic noise and to protect the acquisition system from overvoltages during a quench, galvanic insulation must be provided.In this paper the test performed on two existing insulating CERN cards (POTAIM and DVMM) are reported. Then a new card design, better fitting the acquisition electronicrequirements, is discussed.The design is validated by the utilization of the acquisition cards and system for the B00 tests. Typical signals from the B00 magnet are reported; the noise problem is discussed and the noise reduction solution is presented. |
3526 | 2002-05-10 | Probing the Coordination and Geometry of Heme-iron Ligands in Hemoproteins by XANES (X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure) | 2002 | LNF-02-009 (P).pdf | S. Della Longa, M. Benfatto | X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) spectroscopy, is an emerging technique related to EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) spectroscopy. XANES probes the electronic state and the atomic structure of a metal site in biological macromolecules at any physical state of the sample and any environmental condition. For instance, the pH-dependent and temperature-dependent XANES spectra of ferric aquomet-myoglobin in solution have been studied to probe the main Fe-heme conformational changes following its acid-alkaline chemical transition, and the temperature-dependent spin transition of the alkaline form.In these last years, multiple scattering (MS) theory has been shown able to reproduce satisfactorily the experimental XANES data from the edge up to 150-200 eV. The ability to analyse the low-energy part of a x-ray absorption spectrum allows determining structural data that are very difficult to recover by EXAFS, such as bonding angles. Using light triggered systems allows to study trapped intermediate conformations and some aspects of the dynamics of biological complexes. XANES theory has been applied to interpret the dramatic spectroscopical changes in the XANES spectrum of a carbonmonoxy-myoglobin single crystal, following the photolysis of the Fe-CO bond at T=20K. The distance and orientation of the CO molecule from the Fe atom, and the position of the proximal histidine, have been determined at a resolution comparable with that of the more recent X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. Preliminary applications of the quantitative XANES analysis to hemoproteins in solutions are also presented. |
3524 | 2002-05-09 | Study of the Decay $\phi\rightarrow\eta\pi^0\gamma$ with the KLOE Detector | 2002 | LNF-02-007(P).pdf | The KLOE Collaboratoin: A. Aloisio, F. Ambrosino, A. Antonelli, M. Antonelli, C. Bacci, G. Bencivenni, S. Bertolucci, C. Bini, C. Bloise, V. Bocci, F. Bossi, P. Branchini, S. A. Bulychjov, G. Cabibbo, R. Caloi, P. Campana, G. Capon, G. Carboni, M. Casarsa, V. Casavola, G. Cataldi, F. Ceradini, F. Cervelli, F. Cevenini, G. Chiefari, P. Ciambrone, S. Conetti, E. De Lucia, G. De Robertis, P. De Simone, G. De Zorzi, S. Dell'Agnello, A. Denig, A. Di Domenico, C. Di Donato, S. Di Falco, A. Doria, M. Dreucci, O. Erriquez, A. Farilla, G. Felici, A. Ferrari, M. L. Ferrer, G. Finocchiaro, C. Forti, A. Franceschi, P. Franzini, C. Gatti, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, E. Gorini, F. Grancagnolo, E. Graziani, S. W. Han, M. Incagli, L. Ingrosso, W. Kim, W. Kluge, C. Kuo, V. Kulikov, F. Lacava, G. Lanfranchi, J. Lee-Franzini, D. Leone, F. Lu, M. Martemianov, M. Matsyuk, W. Mei, L. Merola, R. Messi, S. Miscetti, M. Moulson, S. M"uller, F. Murtas, M. Napolitano, A. Nedosekin, F. Nguyen, M. Palutan, L. Paoluzi, E. Pasqualucci, L. Passalacqua, A. Passeri, V. Patera, E. Petrolo, G. Pirozzi, L. Pontecorvo, M. Primavera, F. Ruggieri, P. Santangelo, E. Santovetti, G. Saracino, R. D. Schamberger, B. Sciascia, A. Sciubba, F. Scuri, I. Sfiligoi, T. Spadaro, E. Spiriti, G. L. Tong, L. Tortora, E. Valente, P. Valente, B. Valeriani, G. Venanzoni, S. Veneziano, A. Ventura, Y. XuY. Yu, Y. Wu | In a sample of \pt5.3,7, \f-decays observed with the KLOE detector at the Frascati \f-factory \DAF\ we find 605 \et\po\gam\ events with $\eta\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$ and 197 \et\po\gam\ events with $\eta\rightarrow\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$. The decay \et\po\gam\ is dominated by the process \f$\rightarrow$\ao\gam. From a fit to the \et\po\ mass spectrum we find BR(\f$\rightarrow$\ao(980)\gam)= $(7.4\pm0.7)\times 10^{-5}$. |
3525 | 2002-05-09 | CTF3 Design report | 2002 | LNF-02-008(IR).pdf | D.Alesini, C.Biscari, R.Boni, A.Clozza, G.Di Pirro, A.Drago, A.Gallo, A.Ghigo, F.Marcellini, C.Milardi, M.A.Preger, C.Sanelli, F.Sannibale, M.Serio, F.Sgamma, A.Stecchi, A.Stella, M.Zobov, R.Bossart, H.Braun, P.Brown, G.Carron, V.Chohan, R.Corsini, E.D'Amico, S.Deghaye, J.P.Delahaye, F.DiMaio, S.Doebert, B.Dupuy, G.Geschonke, L.Grning, G.Guignard, H.Hellgren, S.Hutchins, J.H.Lewis, E.Jensen, G.McMonagle, A.Millich, J.Monteiro, J.P.Delahaye, T.Otto, P.Pearce, E.Peschardt, R.Pittin, M.Poehler, J.P.Potier, L.Rinolfi, T.Risselada, G.Rossat, P.Royer, D.Schulte, J.Sladen, G.Suberlucq, I.Syratchev, F.Tecker, H.Trautner, L.Thorndahl, I.Wilson, W.Wnsch, A.Yeremian, R.Miller, R.Ruth, R.Koontz, I.N.Ross, E. Bente, G. Valentine, G.Bienvenu, M.Bernard, M.Omeich, R.Roux, T.Garvey | The design of CLIC is based on a two-beam scheme, where short pulses of high power 30 GHz RF are extracted from a drive beam running parallel to the main beam. The 3rd generation CLIC Test Facility (CTF3) will demonstrate the generation of the drive beam with the appropriate time structure, the extraction of 30 GHz RF power from this beam, as well as acceleration of a probe beam with 30 GHz RF cavities The project makes maximum use of existing equipment and infrastructure of the LPI complex, which became available after the closure of LEP. |
3523 | 2002-05-06 | A New Method to Obtain a Precise Value of the Mass of the Charged Kaon | 2002 | LNF-02-006(P).pdf | G. Beer, A.M. Bragadireanu, e ,W. Breunlich, M. Cargnelli, C. Curceanu (Petrascu), J.-P. Egger, H. Fuhrmann, C. Guaraldo, M. Giersch, M. Iliescu, T. Ishiwatari, K. Itahashi, B. Lauss, V. Lucherini, L. Ludhova, J. Marton, F. Mulhauser, T. Ponta, A.C. Sanderson, L.A. Schaller, D.L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi and J. Zmeskal | The results of a feasibility study performed by measuring, with a test setup at the collider DAFNE of Frascati, two previously unobserved transitions of kaonic nitrogen, demonstrated the possibility to make a precision measurement of the mass of the charged kaon. |
3522 | 2002-04-23 | Environment and Nuclear Physics: The GEDI Experiment | 2002 | LNF-02-005(IR).pdf | E. Bernieri, A. Balerna, A. Esposito, U. Denni, M. Chiti, M.A. Frani and V. Tullio | The aim of GEDI (Gamma Emission in Deep Ice) experiment was the realisation of a portable g-ray spectrometer for in situ radioactivity measurements on glaciers and snowfields. This kind of measurements is very useful in a wide set of environmental studies, in particular during glacial drillings for ice core studies and in pollution monitoring in high altitude or in remote areas, were sampling is difficult or impossible. In this paper the instrument realised and its performances on the field are described in detail.The results of the first measurements performed on the Appennini and Himalaya range, showing the presence in the snow of small amounts of the artificial radioisotope 137Cs, are also reported and discussed. |
3521 | 2002-04-22 | Measurement of Gamma (Ks->pi+pi- (gamma))/(Ks->pi0pi0) | 2002 | LNF-02-004(P).pdf | The KLOE Collaboratoin: A. Aloisio, F. Ambrosino, A. Antonelli, M. Antonelli, C. Bacci, R. Baldini-Ferroli, G. Bencivenni, S. Bertolucci, C. Bini, C. Bloise, V. Bocci, F. Bossi, P. Branchini, S. A. Bulychjov, G. Cabibbo, R. Caloi, P. Campana, G. Capon, G. Carboni, M. Casarsa, V. Casavola, G. Cataldi, F. Ceradini, F. Cervelli, F. Cevenini, G. Chiefari, P. Ciambrone, S. Conetti, E. De Lucia, G. De Robertis, P. De Simone, G. De Zorzi, S. Dell'Agnello, A. Denig, A. Di Domenico, C. Di Donato, S. Di Falco, A. Doria, M. Dreucci, O. Erriquez, A. Farilla, G. Felici, A. Ferrari, M. L. Ferrer, G. Finocchiaro, C. Forti, A. Franceschi, P. Franzini, C. Gatti, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, E. Gorini, F. Grancagnolo, E. Graziani, S. W. Han, M. Incagli, L. Ingrosso, W. Kluge, C. Kuo, V. Kulikov, F. Lacava, G. Lanfranchi, J. Lee-Franzini, D. Leone, F. Lu, M. Martemianov, M. Matsyuk, W. Mei, L. Merola, R. Messi, S. Miscetti, M. Moulson, S. Mueller, F. Murtas, M. Napolitano, A. Nedosekin, F. Nguyen, M. Palutan, L. Paoluzi, E. Pasqualucci, L. Passalacqua, A. Passeri, V. Patera, E. Petrolo, G. Pirozzi, L. Pontecorvo, M. Primavera, F. Ruggieri, P. Santangelo, E. Santovetti, G. Saracino, R. D. Schamberger, B. Sciascia, A. Sciubba, F. Scuri, I. Sfiligoi, T. Spadaro, E. Spiriti, G. L. Tong, L. Tortora, E. Valente, P. Valente, B. Valeriani, G. Venanzoni, S. Veneziano, A. Ventura, Y. Xu, Y. Yu | We have measured the ratio R= Gamma (Ks->pi+pi-(gamma))/(Ks->pi0pi0) with the KLOE detector at the DAFNE e+e- collider. This measurement is fully inclusive with respect to the pi+pi-gamma final state. The sample of over 10^6 two-pion decays of tagged Ks mesons allows a statistical error as low as 0.1% to be obtained. The accuracy is limited by systematic uncertainties, which are estimated primarily from data. We find R=2.236 +/- 0.003(stat) +/- 0.015(syst). |
4708 | 2002-04-17 | I Moduli di Controllo Locale (LCM) in Titanio del Rivelatore ANTARES | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-10.pdf | M. Ameri, M. Anghinolfi, M. Battaglieri, P. Cocconi, S. Cuneo, R. DeVita, F. Parodi, P. Pollovio, A. Rottura, S. Zavatarelli | La Sezione INFN di Genova ha realizzato i contenitori in titanio utilizzati in un test di immersione di parte del rivelatore ANTARES, il telescopio sottomarino per la misura di neutrini di alta energia. Questo report descrive le loro caratteristiche, il tipo di lavorazione utilizzato e il sistema autonomo contenuto in uno di essi per la misura dellaccelerazione e della rotazione durante le fasi di immersione dellapparato. |
3519 | 2002-04-10 | The Trigger System of the KLOE Experiment | 2002 | LNF-02-002(P).pdf | The KLOE Collaboration: M. Adinolfi, F. Ambrosino, M. Antonelli, C. Bini, V. Bocci, F. Bossi, P. Branchini, G. Cabibbo, R. Caloi, M. Casarsa, G. Cataldi, P. Ciambrone, E. De Lucia, G. De Robertis, P. De Simone, S. Dell'Agnello, A. Denig, A. Di Domenico, C. Di Donato, S. Di Falco, A. Doria, G. Felici, A. Ferrari, G. Finocchiaro, C. Forti, P. Franzini, C. Gatti, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, E. Graziani, P. Guarnaccia, M. Incagli, C. Kuo, G. Lanfranchi, M. Martemianov, W. Mei, R. Messi, M. Moulson, S. Muller, F. Murtas, L. Pacciani, M. Palutan , E. Pasqualucci, L. Passalacqua, A. Passeri, V. Patera, D. Picca, G. Pirozzi, L. Pontecorvo, M. Primavera, F. Ruggieri, P. Santangelo, E. Santovetti, G. Saracino, C. Schwick, B. Sciascia, A. Sciubba, I. Sfiligoi, T. Spadaro, E. Spiriti, P. Valente, B. Valeriani, G. Venanzoni, A. Ventura | We present the design of the trigger system for the KLOE experiment at the Frascati phi-factory DAFNE. The detector consists of a large volume drift chamber and a calorimeter both immersed in a 0.52 T solenoidal field. The trigger, structured with a first- and a second-decision level, is based on multiplicity of energy deposits in the calorimeter and of hits in the drift chamber. The selection criteria are described and the efficiency for detecting phi decays are evaluated with the data collected during the first runs. |
3520 | 2002-04-10 | Study of the Decay phi --> pi0 pi0 gamma with the KLOE Detector | 2002 | LNF-02-003(P).pdf | The KLOE Collaboration: A.Aloisio, F.Ambrosino, A.Antonelli, M.Antonelli, C.Bacci, G.Bencivenni, S.Bertolucci, C.Bini, C.Bloise, V.Bocci, F.Bossi,P.Branchini, S.A.Bulychjov, G.Cabibbo, R.Caloi, P.Campana, G.Capon, G.Carboni, M.Casarsa, V.Casavola, G.Cataldi, F.Ceradini, F.Cervelli, F.Cevenini, G.Chiefari, P.Ciambrone, S.Conetti, E.DeLucia, G.DeRobertis, P.DeSimone, G.DeZorzi, S.Dell'Agnello, A.Denig, A.DiDomenico, C.DiDonato, S.DiFalco, A.Doria, M.Dreucci, O.Erriquez, A.Farilla, G.Felici, A.Ferrari, M.L.Ferrer, G.Finocchiaro, C.Forti, A.Franceschi, P.Franzini, C.Gatti, P.Gauzzi, S.Giovannella, E.Gorini, F.Grancagnolo, E.Graziani, S.W.Han, M.Incagli, L.Ingrosso, W.Kim, W.Kluge, C.Kuo, V.Kulikov, F.Lacava, G.Lanfranchi, J.Lee-Franzini, D.Leone, F.Lu, M.Martemianov, M.Matsyuk, W.Mei, L.Merola, R.Messi, S.Miscetti, M.Moulson, S.Muller, F.Murtas, M.Napolitano, A.Nedosekin, F.Nguyen, M.Palutan, L.Paoluzi, E.Pasqualucci, L.Passalacqua, A.Passeri, V.Patera, E.Petrolo, G.Pirozzi, L.Pontecorvo, M.Primavera, F.Ruggieri, P.Santangelo, E.Santovetti, G.Saracino, R.D.Schamberger, B.Sciascia, A.Sciubba, F.Scuri, I.Sfiligoi, T.Spadaro, E.Spiriti, G.L.Tong, L.Tortora, E.Valente, P.Valente, B.Valeriani, G.Venanzoni, S.Veneziano, A.Ventura, Y.Xu, Y.Yu, Y.Wu | We have measured the branching ratio BR( phi --> pi0 pi0 gamma ) with the KLOE detector using a sample of ~5x10^7 phi decays. phi mesons are produced at DAFNE, the Frascati phi-factory. We find BR(phi-->pi0pi0gamma) = ( 1.09 +- 0.03(stat) +- 0.05(syst) )x10^-4. We fit the two--pion mass spectrum to models to disentangle contributions from various sources. |
4705 | 2002-04-10 | A Novel Scheme for the Integrated Voltage Divider of Silicon Drift Detectors | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-07.pdf | P. Burger, C. Piemonte, A. Rashevsky, A. Roncastri, A. Vacchi | Developing a large area silicon drift detector (SDD) for the ALICE experiment, one ofthe objectives was to work out a robust and redundant design. As soon as the detectoris planned to work without an external divider, the integrated voltage divider plays animportant role. Unlike the case of silicon microstrip or pixel detectors, a single defect inthe SDD may be propagated throughout the whole detector. We report a new design of theintegrated voltage divider that allows to prevent this propagation in most practical cases.Device simulations complement laboratory measurements |
4706 | 2002-04-10 | Method of Punch-Through Voltage Stablisation in Silicon Detectors | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-08.pdf | C. Piemonte, A. Rashevsky | Dealing with large-scale application of semiconductor detectors, one of the keystonesis to ensure the robustness and long-term electrical stability. A phenomenon that cancompromise the performance of a system based on these detectors is the dependence ofthe {\it punch-through} effect on the environmental conditions. In this paper we investigated the influence of humidity on the punch-through in microstrip and drift silicon detectors.Simulations and laboratory measurements on different prototypes were performed. Dataanalysis allowed to determine a special solution for the design of the cathode metallisationmask that reduces in a substantial way the evolution of the punch-through voltage due tohumidity influence. |
4707 | 2002-04-10 | Irradiation Tests of the ALICE Silicon Drift Detector at the LINAC of the Elettra Synchrotron in Trieste | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-09.pdf | C. Piemonte, A. Rashevsky, A. Roncastri | Three ALICE-D2 Silicon Drift Detectors were irradiated with 1 GeV electrons at theLINAC of the Elettra Synchrotron in Trieste. The aim of this test was to verify theradiation hardness of the device under an electron fluence equivalent to the particle fluence of ten years of ALICE operation. The anode current, the voltage distribution on theintegrated divider and the operation of the MOS injectors were tested. The note reportsthe results of these tests. |
4702 | 2002-04-04 | Adhesive Joint Design of a Full Composite, Ultra-Light Structure for High energy Physics | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-04.pdf | S. Cuneo, R. Cereseto, F. Gastaldo, F. Mora, M. Olcese, C. Pizzorno, R. Puppo | This note describes the activities done to design, optimise and qualify the glued joints of the composite support structure (stave) for the sensitive elements of the ATLAS Pixel Detector to be installed in the new Large Hadron Collider at CERN (Centre Européen pour la Recherche Nucleaire, Genève, Switzerland) 1). About 150 staves will have to be produced. The series production issues have been addressed and the manufacturing process has been set up. |
4703 | 2002-04-04 | An Ultra-Light Composite Structure to Support Electronic Devices in a Synchrotrone Particle Detector | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-05.pdf | S. Cuneo, R. Cereseto, F. Gastaldo, F. Mora, M. Olcese, C. Pizzorno, R. Puppo | This paper describes the extensive program of activity carried out to design, qualify and optimize the composite support structures (staves) for the sensitive elements of the ATLAS Pixel Detector to be installed in the new Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Design consideration, structural and thermal simulations and test covered all critical aspect of the components, finding a good agreement, so that the requirements in operation are expected to be met; the results are reported in detail. |
4704 | 2002-04-04 | The ECLISSE Experiment: Production of High Intensity Ion Beam by Means of a Hybrid Ion Source | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-06.pdf | S. Gammino, L. Torrisi, L. And, G. Ciavola, L. Celona, S. Genovese, A. M. Mezzasalma, J. Krsa, L.Lska, M. Pfeifer, K. Rohlena, E. Woryna, J. Wolowski, P. Parys, G.D. Shirkov, V. Mironov | The ECLISSE project (ECR ion source Coupled to a Laser Ion Source for charge State Enhancement) started in 1999 with the aim to obtain intense beam of highly charged ions (pulsed mode) by means of the coupling between a Laser Ion Source (LIS) and an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source. The major points to be investigated appeared to be the coupling efficiency of the ion beam produced by the LIS to the ECR plasma, as well as the possibility to enhance the available charge state by an ECRIS with respect to the standard methods used now to produce ion beams from solid samples (i.e. evaporation and sputtering). The theory suggests that this concept may be effective, provided that the ion energy from the LIS is of the order of a few hundreds of eV. The main features of the theory will be shown in the following, along with the results obtained in the off-line test at LNS facility (Nd:YAG laser 0.9 J / 9 ns, laser power densities < 10^11 W/cm^2) and at IPPLM facility (Nd:glass laser 10 J / 1 ns, limited to 1.5 J). |
3518 | 2002-03-25 | Measurement of the branching fraction for the decay | 2002 | LNF-02-001(P).pdf | The KLOE Collaboration: A. Aloisio, F. Ambrosino, A. Andryakov, A. Antonelli, M. Antonelli, C. Bacci, G. Bencivenni, S. Bertolucci, C. Bini, C. Bloise, V. Bocci, F. Bossi, P. Branchini, S. A. Bulychjov, G. Cabibbo, R. Caloi, P. Campana, G. Capon, G. Carboni, M. Casarsa, V. Casavola, G. Cataldi, F. Ceradini, F. Cervelli, F. Cevenini, G. Chiefari, P. Ciambrone, S. Conetti, E. De Lucia, G. De Robertis , R. De Sangro, P. De Simone, G. De Zorzi, S. DellAgnello, A. Denig, A. Di Domenico, C. Di Donato, S. Di Falco, A. Doria, M. Dreucci, O. Erriquez, A. Farilla, G. Felici, A. Ferrari, M. L. Ferrer, G. Finocchiaro, C. Forti, A. Franceschi, P. Franzini, C. Gatti, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, E. Gorini, F. Grancagnolo, E. Graziani, S. W. Hand, M. Incagli, L. Ingrosso, W. Kluge, C. Kuo, V. Kulikov, F. Lacava, G. Lanfranchi, J. Lee-Franzini, D. Leone, F. Lud, M. Martemianov, M. Matsyuk, W. Mei, A. Menicucci, L. Merola, R. Messi, S. Miscetti, M. Moulson, S. Muller, F. Murtas, M. Napolitano, A. Nedosekin, F. Nguyen, M. Palutan, L. Paoluzi, E. Pasqualucci, L. Passalacqua, A. Passeri, V. Patera, E. Petrolo, D. Picca, G. Pirozzi, L. Pontecorvo, M. Primavera, F. Ruggieri, N. Russakovic, P. Santangelo, E. Santovetti, G. Saracino, R. D. Schamberger, B. Sciascia, A. Sciubba, F. Scuri, I. Sfiligoi, T. Spadaro, E. Spiriti, G. L. Tong, L. Tortora, E. Valente, P. Valente, B. Valeriani, G. Venanzoni, S. Veneziano, A. Ventura, Y. Xu, Y. Yu, P. F. Zema | We present a measurement of the branching ratio \BR{\K\toP\pienu} performed using the KLOE detector. \ks-mesons are produced in the reaction \epemphikskl\ at the \DAF\ collider. In a sample of %$\ab\!\pt 5,7,$ \f\ decays$\ab\!\pt 5,6,$ \ks-tagged events we find \VS{624}{30} semileptonic \ks\ decays. Normalizing to the \ks\toP\pic\ count in the same data sample, we obtain $\BR{\DKSeIII}\!=\!\pt(6.91\pm0.37),-4,$, in agreement with the Standard Model expectation. |
4700 | 2002-03-21 | Study of the Reaction Mechanism of the $^{12}C+^{14}N$ Process at 28 and 35 MeV | 2002 | INFN-BE-02-02.pdf | E. Amato, L. Auditore, R. C. Barn, V. D'Amico, D. De Pasquale, A. Italiano, A. Trifir, M. Trimarchi | The study of the $^{12}C(^{14}N,^{14}N)^{12}C$ reaction was performed at two energies: 28 and 35 MeV. The results were analyzed in the frame of the EFR-DWBA (Exact-Finite-Range Distorted Wave Born Approximation) assuming the simultaneous and sequential transfer of a {\sl np} pair. The angular distributions, fairly reproduced in the first case, confirm the validity of the ge\-ne\-ra\-li\-zed BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) theo\-ry to explain this behaviour. Moreover this process could be regarded as a possible Nuclear Josephson Effect. |
4699 | 2002-03-04 | A Detectors od GravitationalWaves Based on Coupled Microwaves Cavities | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-03.pdf | A.Chincarini, G. Gemme, R. Parodi, P.Bernard, and E. Picasso | Since 1978 superconducting coupled cavities have been proposed as sensitive detector of gravitational waves. The interaction of the gravitational wave with the cavity walls, and the resulting motion, induces the transition of some electromagnetic energy from an initially excited cavity mode to an empty one. The energy transfer is maximum when the frequency of the wave is equal to the frequency difference of the two cavity modes. In this paper the basic principles of the detector are discussed. The interaction of a gravitational wave with the cavity walls is studied in the proper refrence frame of the detector, and the coupling between two electromagnetic normal modes induced by the wall motion is analyzed in detail. Noise sources are also considered; in particular the noise coming from the brownian motion of the cavity walls is analyzed. In the last section some ideas for the developement of a realistic detector of gravitational waves are discussed; the outline of a possible detector design and its expected sensitivity are also shown. |
4698 | 2002-02-27 | Realizzazione di un Mail Server su Trucluster con Software ASE | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-02.pdf | R. Gomezel, C. Strizzolo, L. Strizzolo, A. Tirel | Questo documento descrive la realizzazione di un mail server, effettuata su un sistema proprietario con processore Alpha in configurazione TruCluster.La struttura, realizzata presso la Sezione di Trieste, utilizza il software ASE. |
4697 | 2002-02-14 | A New Setup for the Underground Study of Capture Reactions | 2002 | INFN-BE-02-01.pdf | P. Cocconi, A. Loiano, F. Parodi, A. Rottura, R. Cereseto, M. Parodi, A. Manco, S. Minutoli, A. Palmieri, F. Siccardi | For the study of astrophysically relevant capture reactions in the underground laboratory LUNA a new setup of high sensitivity has been implemented. The setup includes a windowless gas target, a 4p BGO summing crystal, and beam calorimeters. The setup has been recently used to measure the d(p,g)3He cross section for the first time within its solar Gamow peak i.e. down to 2.5 keV c.m. energy. The features of the optimized setup are described. |
4696 | 2002-01-23 | The AGILE Silicon Tracker: An Innovative gamma-ray Instrument for Space | 2002 | INFN-TC-02-01.pdf | M. Prest, M. Barbiellini, G. Bordignon, G. Fedel, L. Liello, F. Longo, C. Pontoni, E. Vallazza | AGILE (Light Imager for Gamma-ray Astrophysics) is the first small scientific mis-sion of ASI, the Italian Space Agency. It is a light (100 kg for the scientific instrument) satellite for the detection of gamma-ray sources in the energy range 30 MeV - 50 GeV within a large field of view (1/4 of the sky). It is planned to be operational in the years 2003-2006, a period in which no other gamma-ray mission in the same energy range is foreseen.AGILE is made of a silicon tungsten tracker, a CsI(Tl) minicalorimeter (1.5 X0), an anticoincidence system of segmented plastic scintillators and a X-ray imaging detector sensitive in the 10-40 keV range. The tracker consists of 14 planes, each of them made of two layers of 16 single-sided, AC coupled, 410 µm thick, 9.5x9.5 cm 2 silicon detectors with a readout pitch of 242 µm and a floating strip. The readout ASIC is the TAA1, an analog-digital, low noise, self triggering ASIC used in a very low power configuration ( _ 400 µW/channel) with full analog readout. The trigger of the satellite is given by the tracker. The total number of readout channels is around 43000. We present a detailed description of the tracker, its trigger and readout logic, its assembly procedures and the prototype performance in several testbeam periods at the CERN PS. |
4693 | 2001-12-20 | Impressioni e Considerazioni dal Winter Meeting 2001 dellAmerican Nuclear Society, Reno, Nevada, USA: EBR-I e 'Cinquantenario' della Produzione di Energia Elettronucleare, Trasmutazione di Scorie Nucleare, Impieghi Avanzati degli Acceleratori, Reattori e Trasmutatori a Metalli Liquidi, Applicazioni Biomediche ed Industriali dei Radionuclidi e delle Radiazioni Ionizzanti | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-21.pdf | M. Bonardi, Hae Song Mainardi, F. Groppi, D.Barni, P. Michelato, C. Pagani, D. Sertore | In this report we review the main topics discussed during the annual Winter Meeting of the American Nuclear Society, ANS, held in Reno, Nevada, USA, on November 10-16, 2001. A brief historical review is presented of the early produced electricity by the Experimental fast Breeder Reactor-I of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, INEEL, presently site of Department of Energy, DOE, USA. Some definition and neutronic parameters involved in thermal and fast breeder nuclear rector technolgy are reported in some details. The possible applications of Accelerator Driven System (ADS) technology using high-energy and high-intensity proton accelerator for Nuclear Transmutation of rad-waste are reported. Some relevant concepts regarding nuclear reactor cooling by liquid metals, like Pb-Bi eutectic (LBE) and chemical-physical data concerned are discussed also. The use of nuclear energy could lead to an almost complete substitution of presently used fossil fuels like coal, oil and methane, with the highly echo-compatible 'hydricity' coming from the use of 'liquid hydrogen', as ultimate clean fuel for energy production and any kind of transportation vehicle. Some space is devoted to show that hydrogen fuel presents either less or comparable hazardness than more common gaseous fuels like methane and propane. The Hindenburg tragedy was due to the high flammability of the envelope of the Zeppelin air-ship and not to the presence of huge amouts of hydrogen gas itself. Finally, several non-energetic applications of radionuclides and radioactivity in industry, research and life sciences are presented. |
4694 | 2001-12-20 | Thin-Target Excitation Functions and Optimised Thick-Target Yields for natMo(p,xn)94g,95m,95g,96(m+g)Tc Nuclear Reactions Induced by Protons from Threshold up to 45 MeV. Radiochemical Separation and Quality Control | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-22.pdf | C. Birattari, M. Bonardi, F. Groppi, E. Sabbioni | This work describes the method adopted in our laboratories, to produce 94gTc, 95gTc, 95mTc and 96gTc radionuclides via proton-cyclotron irradiation on molybdenum targets of natural isotopic composition. Experimental thin-target excitation functions and 'effective' cross-sections for direct natMo(p,xn)ATc [with A=94,95,95,96] nuclear reactions, with incident proton energy in the range from threshold up to 44 MeV, are reported. Some definition of the equations used and nuclear data traceability are reported. Thick-target yield values, have been calculated and optimized, by numerical fitting and integration of the measured excitation functions. These values allow the optimization of the production yield of one radionuclide, minimizing at the same time the yield of the others. A novel radiochemical separation on NCA technetium radionuclides from both molybdenum target and niobium, zirconium and yttrium radioactive by-products is reported. Quality control tests of the radiotracer produced, were developed for the applications envisaged in environmental metallo-biochemical toxicology. |
3578 | 2001-12-19 | Effetti Indotti dall'Acqua Pesante (Come Tale e in Associazione a Raggi X) su Cellule Tumorali Umane Coltivate in Vitro | 2001 | LNF-01-030(IR).pdf | C. Catena, D. Pomponi, S. Pane, G. Trenta, E. Righi,F. Celani, P. Marini, M. Nakamura | Questo studio esamina leffetto citotossico dellacqua pesante (D2O), sterilizzata con raggi g da 60Co, presente nella coltura 'in vitro' di una linea di cellule tumorali umane (U937). Viene inoltre esaminata lazione citotossica dei raggi X singolarmente o combinati con la D2O.Sono stati indagati: la sopravvivenza cellulare (MTT test), la genotossicità (test dei micronuclei), la morte cellulare programmata (apoptosi). I dati sperimentali, da considerarsi preliminari, confermano la trasferibilità delle metodologie da noi impiegate nella misura degli effetti biologici della D2O. Concentrazioni della D2O fino al 5% sono da considerarsi compatibili con la funzionalità cellulare. Una concentrazione di oltre il 20% di D2O produce, in questa linea cellulare, una marcata letalità (sopravvivenza <10%). Leffetto combinato (D2O + raggi X) pone in evidenza un probabile effetto radioprotetivo sulla sopravvivenza cellulare da parte della D2O, almeno in corrispondenza della dose di 2Gy. Il solo trattamento con la D2O non modifica la frequenza dei micronuclei e lapoptosi. Trattamenti combinati con raggi X (2Gy) sembrano confermare il probabile effetto radioprotettivo della D2O al 4% e al 10%.Leffetto citotossico della D2O appare dunque promettente per possibili applicazioni in oncologia in funzione della sua azione di blocco del ciclo replicativo e per la letalità cellulare. E in corso un più ampio studio di approfondimento su linee cellulari normali e su alcune linee cellulari tumorali di diverso istotipo. AbstractThis study examines the cytotoxic effect of combined treatment of heavy water (D2O), sterilized by g rays from 60Co source, and X rays on human lymphoma cell line (U937) cultivated 'in vitro'. The end-points are cellular survival (MTT test), micronucleus induction (CB technique) and apoptosis. The preliminary data confirm the feasibility of the tests for the measure of the radiobiological effects. D2O concentrations up to 5% are totally compatible with the development of cellular culture (duplication kinetic). A concentration beyond 20% produces, in this line, a strong letality (survival <10%). After 2Gy of treatment the addition of 4% or 10% of D2O induces a possible radioprotective effect. The cytotoxic effect of the D2O, for its blocking action on the cell cycle, seems to be promising for applications in oncology. A study on healthy and on neoplastic primary cellular lines is now curried out by our research group. |
3577 | 2001-11-30 | NERONE: First Tests in Sea Water | 2001 | LNF-01-029(NT).pdf | M. Cordelli, R. Habel, A. Martini, L. Trasatti | We have built a prototype of a new instrument designed to measure with high accuracy and without any bias the attenuation length of light in clean water (NERONE). The instrument has been tested for the first time at low depth in the sea during a cruise on the CNR oceanographic ship THETIS on November 6, 2001, and its performance was satisfactory |
4692 | 2001-11-30 | Envelope Solitons Versus Solitons | 2001 | INFN-TH-01-04.pdf | R. Fedele | A theory involving a correspondence between envelope solitonlike solutions of the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation (GNLSE) and solitonlike solutions of the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation (GKVdE) is developed within the context of the Madelung's fluid description (fluid counterpart description of the GNLSE). This correspondence, which, under suitable constrains, can be made invertible, seems to be very helpful for finding one family of solutions (whether envelope solitonlike solutions of the GNLSE or solitonlike solutions of the GKdVE) starting from the knowledge of the other family of solution (whether solitonlike solutions of the GKdVE or envelope solitonlike solutions of the GNLSE). The theory is successfully applied to a wide classes of both modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation (MNLSE) and modified Korteweg-de Vries equation (MKVdE), for which bright and gray/dark solitonlike solutions are found. In particular, bright and gray/dark solitary waves are determined for the MNLSE with a quartic nonlinear potential in the modulus of the wavefunction (i.e. $q_1|\Psi|^2+q_2|\Psi|^4$) as well as for the associated MKdVE. Furthermore, the well known bright and gray/dark envelope solitons of the cubic NLSE and the corresponding solitons of the associated standard KdVE are easily recovered from the present theory. Remarkably, this approach opens up the possibility to transfer all the know how concerning the instability criteria for solitonlike solutions of the MKdVE to the instability theory of envelope solitonlike solutions of the MNLSE. |
4688 | 2001-11-28 | A Rapid Improved Method for Gamma-Spectrometry Determination of Thallium-202 Impurities, in [Thallium-201]Labelled Radiopharmaceuticals | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-18.pdf | F. Groppi, M. Bonardi, C. Birattari, L. Gini, M. Severgnini, C. Mainardi | In despite of the cyclotron production method and the efficiency of radiochemical processing adopted, the longlived radioisotopic impurity 202Tl is always present in [201Tl]labelled radiopharmaceuticals (RP) together with other short-living impurities like, 200Tl. A rapid determination of 202Tl impurity, is carried out by HPGe gamma spectrometry of 201Tl samples, shielded by a 5 mm thick envelope of lead. DT correction errors, random pile-ups, Compton continuum and X-ray fluorescence background, are very efficiently avoided and suppressed. Some experimental results on DT correction performances of a commercial HPGe counting chain are reported. The method described allows determination of 202Tl impurities in 201Tl radiopharmaceuticals with high sensitivity and short counting times. The same method could be applied in Nuclear Medicine routine, to determine 201Tl radioisotopic purity by means of a ionization chamber dose calibrator. |
3576 | 2001-11-13 | Measurements of Magnetic Field in the Prototype of the OPERA Spectrometer | 2001 | LNF-01-028(IR).pdf | G. Di Iorio, B. Dulach, M. Incurvati, M. Spinetti, F. Terranova, L. Votano | Measurements of magnetic fields in the prototype of the OPERA spectrometer are re-ported. Both the magnetic flux B in the iron and the fringe field in air have been measured by means of pick up coils and Hall probes. These measurements are aimed to the deter-mination of the value of B in the bulk of the spectrometer for different currents and test the magnetic properties of the material in a full-scale prototype. Moreover, comparisons with simulations based on finite-element analysis have been carried out. |
3575 | 2001-11-12 | Rivelazione Acustica di Particelle - RAP Proposal | 2001 | LNF-01-027(IR).pdf | S. Bertolucci, M. Cirillo, E. Coccia, A. de Waard, D. Di Giocacchino, V. Fafone, G. Fossati, A.J. Lobo, A. Marini, G. Mazzitelli, V. Merlo, I. Modena, G. Modestino, L. Pellegrino, G. Pizzella, L. Quintieri. G. Raffone, F. Ronga, R. Russo, P. Tripodi, P. Valente | In order to investigate the anomalous results obtained in the analysis of the gravitational wave resoanant detector NAUTILUS data in coincidence with cosmic ray showers, we propose to measure the effect of the passage of charged particles in a low temperature mechanical oscillator in a controlled environment, using the DA{\Phi}NE electron Beam Test Facility at LNF. |
3574 | 2001-11-08 | The Finuda Experiment: Status and Perspectives | 2001 | LNF-01-026(P).pdf | M. Bertani | FINUDA is a hypernuclear physics experiment that will be carried out at DA$\Phi$NE, the $e^+e^-$ \FI-factory currently in operation at the INFN Frascati Laboratory.The apparatus, which is assembled in the DA$\Phi$NE hall, consists of a magnetic spectrometer with high resolution tracking capabilities. In this paper the status of the experiment is presented, together with the main features of the apparatus and of its physics program. |
4686 | 2001-11-05 | Calibration of the CLTS and Verification of the Standard for the PT100 Temperature Sensors for the B0 Model Coil | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-17.pdf | F. Broggi, A. Paccalini, G. Rivoltella | In this paper the LASA calibration facility for the temperature sensors is described. After an overview of the most widely used temperature sensors in cryogenic applications, the calibration curves of some CLTS and Pt100 installed on the B0 model coil are reported and discussed. Then, by general considerations and from the specific results, the accuracy of every type of sensor is discussed.Good reading electronics is needed for accurate temperature measurements, especially for the Cryogenic Linear Temperature Sensors (CLTS).For CLTS the calibration is mandatory if used at low temperature.It is recommended to verify the characteristics of the Pt100, in order to check the standard of the sensors, either USA or EU.The calibration is necessary if good accuracy in the measurements is required and is anyway necessary if Pt100 are used at low temperature (below 60 K). |
4690 | 2001-11-05 | New Localized Superluminal Solutions to the Wave Equations with Finite Total Energies and Arbitrary Frequecies | 2001 | INFN-FM-01-2.pdf | M. Zamboni-Rached, E. Recami, H.E. Hernadez-Figueroa | By a generalized bidirectional decomposition method, we obtain new Superluminal localized solutions to the wave equation (for the electromagnetic case, in particular) which are suitable for arbitrary frequency bands; various of them being endowed with finite total energy. We construct, among the others, an infinite family of generalizations of the so-called X-shaped waves. Results of this kind may find application in the other fields in which an essential role is played by a wave-equation (like acoustics, seismology, geophysics, etc.) |
3573 | 2001-10-26 | Annual Report 2000 | 2001 | LNF-01-025(IR).pdf | AA.VV. | |
4685 | 2001-10-24 | The Argo Level-I DAQ System | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-16.pdf | A. Aloisio, A. Anastasio, S. Catalanotti, S. Cavaliere, V. Masone, S. Mastroianni, P. Parascandolo | The ARGO-YBJ experiment has been designed in order to study the cosmic rays, mainly cosmic gamma-radiation, at an energy threshold of ~100 GeV, by means of the detection of small size air showers. This goal will be achieved by operating a full coverage array detector in the Yangbajing Laboratory (Tibet, China) at 4300 m a. s. l. |
4684 | 2001-10-23 | The Argo Memory Board | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-15.pdf | A. Aloisio, S. Cavaliere, P. Di Meo, V. Masone, S. Mastroianni, L. Parascandolo, P. Parascandolo | This note describes the ARGO Memory Board module designed to be used within the Data Acquisition (DAQ) system of the ARGO detector at Yanbajng (Lhasa, Tibet) |
4683 | 2001-10-11 | RFSC Cavities for the Detection of Gravitational Waves: Recent Updates and Future Trands | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-14.pdf | Ph. Bernard, A. Chincarini, G. Gemme, R. Parodi, E. Picasso | The last experimental results obtained on a detector of small harmonic displacemens, based on two coupled superconducting cavities, are presented. Starting from these results, and from a deeper understanding of the detector's working principles, new ideas for the development of a realistic gravitational waves detector, based on superconducting cavities, are discussed. The outline of the detector design and of its expected final sensitivity are also shown. |
4681 | 2001-07-24 | Indirectly Cooled Superconducting Dipole for a Ion Gantry | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-13.pdf | M. Conte, P. Fabbricatore, S. Farinon, F. Gerardi, R. A. Laurenti, R. Musenich, P. Negri, M. Perrella, C. Priano, S. Rebora, L. Reina, S. Rossi, S. Squarcia, P. Zadaricchio | |
4679 | 2001-07-17 | A Polarizability Model of the Emission from Ceramic Cathods | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-12.pdf | I. Boscolo, S. Cialdi | We show that properly electroded ceramic disks are strong and robust electron emitters when excited with short voltage pulses. We present in the article a phenomenological view of the processes which is capable of explaining all the experimental observations. |
4680 | 2001-07-17 | A Statistical Approach to Leptonic Mixing and Neutrino Masses | 2001 | INFN-TH-01-03.pdf | F. Vissani | |
3572 | 2001-07-11 | A Syncytiun Model for the Interpretation of the Phenomenon of Anomalous Light Flashes Occuring in the Human Eye During Space Missions | 2001 | LNF-01-024(IR).pdf | P. Maponi, M. Ricci, B. Spataro, F. Zirilli | A syncytium model to study some electrical properties of the eye is proposed in the attempt to explain the phenomenon of anomalous Light Flashes (LF) perceived by astronauts in orbit.Recent experiments, placed on board the Russian Space Station MIR haveinvestigated the possible causes and have attempted to explain the physicalprocesses and their relation with Cosmic rays.We discuss a mathematical model of some electrical properties of theeye (i.e. the crystalline lens modelled as a spherical syncytium),that is a boundary value problem for a system of two coupled ellipticpartial differential equations in two unknowns.We use a numerical method to compute an approximate solution of thismathematical model and we show some numerical results that provide a possible(qualitative) explanation of the observed LF phenomenon. |
4678 | 2001-07-09 | Low Consumpion Charge Amplifiers for the Time of Flight Detector of the PAMELA Experiment | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-11.pdf | P. Di Meo, M. Di Pietro, P. Parascandolo | An important requirement for the Time of Flight (TOF) electronics of the PAMELA satellite detector is the low power consumption. We have designed two possible charge amplifiers which provide accurate measurements while keeping power absorption suitably low. |
3571 | 2001-07-05 | DAFNE Status | 2001 | LNF-01-023(P).pdf | DAFNE Team | No Abstract |
4665 | 2001-07-02 | Design of Pulse Stretchers for the Time of Flight Detector of the PAMELA Experiment | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-10.pdf | P. Di Meo, M. Di Pietro, P. Parascandolo | In this note we describe the design and the performance of two possible pulse stretchers to be used in the electronics readout chain of the Time of Flight (TOF) scintillators of the PAMELA experiment. |
4663 | 2001-06-30 | Report on the INFN - GRID Globus Evaluation | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-09.pdf | Roberto Alfieri, Cosimo Anglano, Roberto Barbera, Massimo Biasotto,Piergiorgio Cerello, Andrea Chierici, Andrea Controzzi, Flavia Donno,Tiziana Ferrari, Luigi Fonti, Antonio Forte, Luciano Gaido, Francesco Giacomini,Alberto Gianoli, Claudio Grandi, Andrea Guarise, Ivano Lippi,Giuseppe Lo Biondo, Stefano Lusso, Lorenzo Marzola, Francesco Prelz,Silvia Resconi , Carlo Rocca , Franco Semeria , Andrea Sciab ,Massimo Sgaravatto, Fabio Spataro, Gennaro Tortone, Giulia Vita Finzi , Zhen Xie | This are port on the Globus soft ware evaluation activities that have taken place within the INFN-GRID project (INFN-GRIDWorkPackage1). |
4662 | 2001-06-21 | Controllo ad Isteresi di Convertitori a Commutazione Mutuamente Accoppiati | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-08.pdf | F. Montecassiano | Il crescente impiego di apparecchiature elettroniche, sia nei laboratori di ricerca che a livello industriale e domenstico, ha evidenziato il problema dellinquinamento armonico prodotto dalle interfacce di alimentazione poste tra le apparecchiature e la rete di distribuzione dellenergia elettrica. Le interfacce, nel convertire lenergia prelevata dalla rete nella forma più adatta allapplicazione, possono assorbire correnti fortemente impulsive in grado di produrre distorsioni della tensione di rete ed emissioni di disturbi elettromagnetici capaci di compromettere il corretto funzionamento di altri apparati elettrici. La riduzione dellinquinamento armonico può essere ottenuta mediante tecniche di conversione dellenergia ad elevato fattore di potenza (power factor controller PFC), tramite le quali lassorbimento di corrente diviene praticamente sinusoidale ed in fase con la tensione di rete, ovvero a basso contenuto armonico. Un interessante sistema di conversione PFC prevede la connessione interleaved di due celle switching di tipo boost, funzionanti in continuous conduction mode con controllo ad isteresi di corrente e mutuamente accoppiate. Tale sistema è in grado di compiere un aggiustamento autonomo degli istanti di commutazione delle singole celle verso un regime vicino allopposizione di fase, ottenendo un miglioramento del fattore di potenza complessivo.Questo lavoro, dopo unattenta analisi sul comportamento del sistema descritto, propone un modello di tipo Phase Locked Loop che permette previsioni sulla frequenza e sulla fase di regime dei convertitori con controllo ad isteresi componenti il sistema interleaved; in questo senso, il modello proposto risulta un valido strumento nel progetto di nuovi sistemi PFC. |
3554 | 2001-06-01 | Evidence for a narrouw dip structure at 1.9 GeV/ c^2 in 3pi^+3p^- Diffractive Photoproduction | 2001 | LNF-01-022(P).pdf | A. Zallo for E687 Collaboration: P.L. Frabetti, H.W.K. Cheung, J.P. Cumalat, C. Dallapiccola, J.F. Ginkel, W.E. Johns, M.S. Nehring, E.W. Vaandering, J.N. Butler, S. Cihangir, I. Gaines, P.H. Garbincius, L. Garren, S.A. Gourlay, D.J. Harding, P. Kasper, A. Kreymer, P. Lebrun, S. Shukla, M. Vittone, R. Baldini-Ferroli, S. Bianco, F.L. Fabbri,S. Sarwar, A. Zallo, C. Cawlfield, R. Culbertson, R.W. Gardner,E. Gottschalk, R. Greene, K.Park, A. Rahimi, J. Wiss, G. Alimonti, G. Bellini, M. Boschini, D. Brambilla, B. Caccianiga, L. Cinquini, M. DiCorato, P. Dini, M. Giammarchi, P. Inzani, F. Leveraro, S. Malvezzi, D. Menasce, E. Meroni, L. Milazzo,L. Moroni, D. Pedrini, L. Perasso, F. Prelz, A. Sala, S. Sala, D. Torretta , D. Buchholz, D. Claes, B. Gobbi, B. OReilly, J.M. Bishop, N.M. Cason, C.J. Kenned, G.N. Kim, T.F. Lin, D.L. Puseljic, R.C. Ruchti, W.D. Shephard, J.A. Swiatek, Z.Y. Wu, V. Arena,G. Boca,G. Bonomi, C. Castoldi, G. Gianini, M. Merlo, S.P. Ratti, C. Riccardi, L. Viola, P. Vitulo, A.M. Lopez, L. Mendez, A. Mirles, E. Montiel, D. Olaya, J.E. Ramirez, C.Rivera , Y. Zhang, J.M. Link, V.S. Paolone, P.M. Yager , J.R. Wilson, J. Cao, M. Hosack, P.D. Sheldon, F. Davenport, K. Cho, K. Danyo, T. Handler, B.G. Cheon, Y.S. Chung, J.S. Kang, K.Y. Kim , K.B. Lee, S.S. Myung | A narrow dip structure has been observed at 1.9 GeV/c^2 in a study of diffractive photo-production of the 3pi^+ 3 pi^- final state performed by the Fermilab experiment E687. |
4660 | 2001-05-28 | The 2 RF-Cavities Parametric Amplifier | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-07.pdf | M. Conte, G. Gemme, M. Palazzi and R. Parodi | We shall illustrate a parametric amplifier, made of two coupled RF cavities, whose non-linear element is given by the Stern-Gerlach interaction between a polarized beam and a TE RF cavity, tuned in a suitable way. An experimental verification is suggested to be carried out at the South Hall Ring of MIT-Bates. |
3570 | 2001-05-21 | Scalar sigma meson effects in rho and omega decays | 2001 | LNF-01-021(P).pdf | A. Bramon , R. Escribano , J.L. Lucio M. , M. Napsuciale | The complementarity between Chiral Perturbation Theory and the Linear Sigma Model in the scalar channel is exploited to study $\pi^0 \pi^0$ production in \rho and \omega radiative decays, where the effects of a low mass scalar resonance \sigma (500)should manifest. The recently re-ported data on $\rho to \pi^0 \pi^0 \gamma$ seem to require the contribution of a low mass and moderately narrow $\sigma(500)$. The properties of this controversial state could be fixed by improving the accuracy of these measurements. Data on $\omega to \pi^0 \pi^0 \gamma $ can also be accommodated in our framework, but are much less sensitive to the \sigma(500) properties. |
4659 | 2001-05-11 | The Agile Silicon Tracker: Architectural Design and PrototypeTest Beam Results | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-06.pdf | G. Barbiellini, G. Fedel, F. Liello, F. Longo, C. Pontoni, M.Prest, M. Tavani, E. Vallazza | AGILE (LightImagerforGamma-rayAstrophysics) is a small scienti¹c satellite for the detection of cosmicg-ray sources in the energy range 30 MeV-50 GeV with a very large ¹eld of view (1/4 of the sky). It is planned to be operational in the years 2003-2006, a period in which no other $gamma$-ray mission in the same energy range is foreseen.The AGILE scienti¹c instrument is made of a silicon-tungsten Tracker, aCsI(Tl) Minicalorimeter, an Anticoincidence system and a X-ray imaging detector sensitive in the 10-40keV range.We present here a detailed description of the architectural design of the Silicon.Tracker with it strigger and readout logic, and the performance of the detector prototype during a test beam period at the CERN PS in May 2000. The Tracker performance is described in terms of position resolution and signal to noise ratio for on-axis and off-axis incident charged particles. The measured 40 &mu&m resolution for a large range of incident angles will provide an excellent angular resolution for cosmic $gamma$-ray imaging. |
3569 | 2001-05-04 | Vibrating Sample Holder for X-Ray Absorption Measurements on Single Crystals | 2001 | LNF-01-020(NT).pdf | V. Tullio, F. D'Anca, F. Campolungo, F. DAcapito, F. Boscherini, S. Mobilio | This technical note reports on the design, construction and performance of a vibrating sample holder in use on the GILDA - CRG beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. It permits to minimize the effects of coherent scattering (Bragg Scattering) when measuring the x-ray absorption coefficient of single crystals. |
4658 | 2001-04-30 | Unified Time Analysis of Photon and (Nonrelativistic) Particle Tunnelling, and the Superluminal Group-Velocity Problem | 2001 | INFN-FM-01-1.pdf | V.S. Olkhovsky, E. Recami, J. Jakiel | A unified approach to the time analysis of tunnelling of nonrelativistic particles is presented, in which Time is regarded as a quantum-mechanical observable, canonically conjugated to Energy. The validity of the Hartman effect (independence of the Tunnelling Time of the opaque barrier width, with Superluminal group velocities as a consequence) is verified for all the known expressions of the mean tunnelling time. Moreover, the analogy between particle and photon tunnelling is suitably exploited. On the basis of such an analogy, an explanation of some recent microwave and optics experimental results on tunnelling times is proposed. Attention is devoted to some aspects of the causality problem for particle and photon tunnelling. |
3565 | 2001-04-23 | The Tracking Detector to the KLOE Experiment | 2001 | LNF-01-016(P).pdf | The KLOE Collaboration: M. Adinolfi, F. Ambrosino, A. Andryakov, A. Antonelli, M. Antonelli, C. Bacci, R. Baldini-Ferroli, A. Bankamp, F. Bellini, G. Bencivenni, S. Bertolucci, C. Bini, C. Bloise, V. Bocci, F. Bossi, P. Branchini,, S. A. Bulychjov, G. Cabibbo, A. Calcaterra, R. Caloi, P. Campana, G. Capon, A. Cardini, M. Casarsa, V. Casavola, G. Cataldi,, F. Ceradini, F. Cervelli, G. Chiefari, P. Ciambrone, E. De Lucia, R. De Sangro, P. De Simone, S. DellAgnello, A. Denig, A. Di Domenico, C. Di Donato, S. Di Falco, A. Doria, E. Drago, G. Felici, A. Ferrari, M. L. Ferrer, G. Finocchiaro, G. Fischer, C. Forti, A. Franceschi, P. Franzini, C. Gatti, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, V. Golovatyuk, E. Gorini, F. Grancagnolo, E. Graziani,, M. Incagli, L. Ingrosso, Y. Y. Jiang, W. Kluge, V. Kulikov, C.Kuo, F. Lacava, G. Lanfranchi, J. Lee-Franzini, T. Lomtadze, C. Luisi, M. Martemianov, M. Matsyuk, W. Mei, A. Menicucci, R. Messi, S. Moccia, M. Moulson, S. Muller, F. Murtas, M. Napolitano, A. Nedosekin, L. Pacciani, P. Pa g`es, M. Palutan, M. Panareo, L. Paoluzi, E. Pasqualucci, L. Passalacqua, M. Passaseo, A. Passeri,, V. Patera, E. Petrolo, G. Petrucci, D. Picca, M. Piccolo, G. Pirozzi, M. Pollack, L. Pontecorvo, M. Primavera, E. Santovetti, G. Saracino, F. Sch onleber, B. Sciascia, A. Sciubba, I. Sfiligoi, T. Spadaro, S. Spagnolo, E. Spiriti, U. von Hagel, P. Valente, B. Valeriani, G. Venanzoni, S. Veneziano, A. Ventura | The design and construction of the large Drift Chamber for the KLOE experiment at the Frascati phi-factory, DAPHNE, are described. The relevant aspects of the various elements of the detector are reviewed together with a description of the track reconstruction program and of the calibration procedures. The performance of the detector based on measurements with cosmic rays and with e+ e- colliding beams during DAPHNE commissioning is presented. |
3566 | 2001-04-23 | The KLOE Electromagnetic Calorimeter | 2001 | LNF-01-017(P).pdf | The KLOE Collaboration: M. Adinolfi, F. Ambrosino, A. Antonelli, M. Antonelli, F. Anulli, G. Barbiellini, G. Bencivenni, S. Bertolucci, C. Bini, C. Bloise, V. Bocci, F. Bossi, P. Branchini, G. Cabibbo, R. Caloi, P. Campana, M. Casarsa, G. Cataldi, F. Ceradini, F. Cervelli, P. Ciambrone, E. De Lucia, P. De Simone, G. De Zorzi, S. DellAgnello, A. Denig, A. Di Domenico, C. Di Donato, S. Di Falco, A. Doria, O. Erriquez, A. Farilla, A. Ferrari, M. L. Ferrer, G. Finocchiaro, C. Forti, A. Franceschi, P. Franzini, M. L. Gao, C. Gatti, P. Gauzzi j , A. Giannasi i , S. Giovannella, E. Graziani, H. G. Han, S. W. Han, X. Huang, M. Incagli i , L. Ingrosso, L. Keeble, W. Kim, C.Kuo, G. Lanfranchi, J. Lee-Franzini,c;m T. Lomtadze i ,C. S. Mao, M. Martemianov, W. Mei, R. Messi, S. Miscetti, S. Moccia, M. Moulson, S. Muller, F. Murtas, L. Pacciani, M. Palomba, M. Palutan, E. Pasqualucci, L. Passalacqua, A. Passeri, D. Picca, G. Pirozzi, L. Pontecorvo, M. Primavera, P. Santangelo, E. Santovetti, G. Saracino, R. D. Schamberger, B. Sciascia, F. Scuri, I. Sfiligo, P. Silano, T. Spadaro, E. Spiriti, L. Tortora, P. Valente, B. Valeriani, G. Venanzoni, A. Ventura, S.Wolfle, Y.Wu, Y.G. Xie, P.F. Zema, C.D. Zhang, J.Q. Zhang, P. P. Zhao | The KLOE detector was designed primarily for the study of CP violation in neutral kaon decays at DAPHNE, the Frascati phi-factory. The detector consists of a tracker and an electromagnetic calorimeter. A lead-scintillating-fiber sampling calorimeter satisfies best the requirements of the experiment, providing adequate energy resolution and superior timing accuracy. We describe in the following the construction of the calorimeter, its calibration and how the calorimeter information is used to obtain energy, point of entry and time of arrival of photons, electrons and charged particles.With e+ e - collision data at DAPHNE for an integrated luminosity of some 2 pb-1 we find for electromagnetic showers, an energy resolution of 5.7%/sqrtE (GeV) and a time resolution of 54/sqrt(GeV) ps. We also present a measurement of efficiency for low energy photons. |
3567 | 2001-04-23 | The QCal Tile Calorimeter of KLOE | 2001 | LNF-01-018(P).pdf | The KLOE Collaboration: M. Adinolfi, F. Ambrosino, M. Antonelli, C. Bini, V. Bocci, F. Bossi, P. Branchini, G. Cabibbo, R. Caloi, G. Carboni, M. Casarsa, G. Cataldi, P. Ciambrone, S. Conetti, E. De Lucia, P. De Simone, S. DellAgnello, A. Denig, A. Di Domenico, C. Di Donato, S. Di Falco, A. Doria, A. Ferrari, G. Finocchiaro, C. Forti, A. Franceschi, P. Franzini, C. Gatti, P. Gauzzi, S. Giovannella, E. Graziani, M. Incagli, C.Kuo, G. Lanfranchi, M. Martemianov, W. Mei, R. Messi, S. Moccia, M. Moulson, S. Muller, C.T. Murphy, F. Murtas, L. Pacciani , M. Palutan, E. Pasqualucci, L. Passalacqua, A. Passeri, D. Picca, G. Pirozzi, L. Pontecorvo, M. Primavera, E. Santovetti, G. Saracino, B. Sciascia, I. Sfiligoi, T. Spadaro, E. Spiriti, P. Valente c , B. Valeriani, G. Venanzoni, A. Ventura | The quadrupole tile calorimeters of KLOE (QCAL) are two compact detectors placed close to the interaction point and surrounding the focusing quadrupoles. Their purpose is to increase the hermeticity of KLOE calorimetry. Each QCAL consists of a sampling structure of lead plates and scintillator tiles with wavelength shifter (WLS) fibers and mesh photomultiplier readout arranged in 16 azimuthal sectors. The arrangement of WLS fibers allows the measurement of the longitudinal position of the showers from time of flight (TOF).In this paper we describe the QCAL design and assembly and present preliminary results obtained with both cosmic rays and photons from KL decays. The time and energy calibration procedures are also discussed in detail. |
3568 | 2001-04-23 | LApparato dellEsperimento SFERA dei LNF | 2001 | LNF-01-019(NT).pdf | L. Cacciotti, L. Catani, R. Sorchetti, F. Tazzioli | E descritto lapparato dellesperimento SFERA del Gruppo V presso i LNF, che ha per scopo lo studio di foto emettitori robusti per i catodi degli acceleratori lineari avanzati di elettroni che trovano applicazione nei colliders e nei FEL. Sono illustrati gli apparati di misura del rendimento quantico di emissione e della distribuzione temporale degli impulsi emessi. Vengono inoltre accennati i metodi di misura e di elaborazione dei dati. |
3564 | 2001-04-19 | Beam Loading Compensation Schemes for the Muon Recirculating Linacs of the CERN Neutrino Factory | 2001 | LNF-01-015(R).pdf | M. Ferrario, V. Fusco, M. Migliorati | A train of 100 muon bunches, 2.2 ms long, with an average current of 0.1 A, has to be accelerated by the first recirculating linac (mRLA1) from 2 GeV up to 10 GeV (in 4 turns) with a rms relative energy spread se < 5 10^-3. Despite the huge amount of energy stored in the 352 MHz cavities adopted for this linac (~100 Joule @ 10 MV), the energy spread induced by beam loading effects without compensation results to be s_e=1.4 x10-2. We discuss in this note the results of a preliminary study about possible schemes for beam loading compensation in mRLA1. Simple scaling laws are derived by means of the phasor description of beam loading effects according to P. Wilson treatment. The code HOMDYN is used for multi-bunch computations whose main features are recalled in the appendix. |
4657 | 2001-04-19 | A Reliable Coaxial Feedthrough To Avoid Breakdown In Vertical Test Facilities For SC Cavity Measurements | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-05.pdf | A. Bosotti, G. Varisco | A common problem during the RF SC cavity tests in vertical cryostats is the breaking of coaxial feedthroughs due to sparking between the outer and inner coaxials. This paper shows a method to overcome this problem, together with the procedure employed to build the coaxial cable RF feedthrough |
4655 | 2001-04-06 | Il programma AirWatch ed il progetto EUSO | 2001 | INFN-AE-01-03.pdf | O. Catalano, G. D'Ali Staiti, S. Giarrusso, G. La Rosa, M.C. Maccarone, B. Sacco, L. Scarsi, F. Becattini, S. Bottai, A. Cartacci, D. Guetta, G. Landi, P. Mazzinghi, E. Pace, M. Romoli, M. Salvati, P. Sona, P. Spillantini, P.L. Tasselli, B. Tiribilli, G. Toci, S. Cuneo, D.De Marco, F. Fontanelli, F. Gatti, V. Gracco, P. Musico, M. Pallavicini, A. Petrolini, M. Sannino, G. Testera, M. Aglietta, G. Badino, P. Galeotti, P. Vallania, G. Giannini, A. Gregorio, R. Stalio | Il programma AirWatch riguarda l'osservazione dallo spazio degli sciami estesi di particelle prodotti nell'atmosfera da particelle cosmiche di altissima energia. Nell'ambito di tale programma si colloca il progetto EUSO, recentemente sottoposto all'ESA da una collaborazione internazionale. In questa nota si descrivono la problematica scientifica connessa con i raggi cosmici di altissima energia, le problematiche tecniche legate all'osservazione dallo spazio degli sciami atmosferici estesi e si descrivono le linee di unapossibile partecipazione dell'INFN al programma AirWatch ed al progetto EUSO in particolare. |
4656 | 2001-04-06 | Study report on the \textit{EUSO} photo-detector design | 2001 | INFN-AE-01-04.pdf | M. Ameri, S. Cuneo, F. Fontanelli, V.Gracco, P. Musico, M. Pallavicini, A. Petrolini, F. Pratolongo and M. Sannino | The aim of this report is to summarize the $R\&D$ and the work done so far for the design of a photo-detector for a space experiment based on the AirWatch concept, focusing on the \textit{EUSO} project proposed to ESA for installation on the International Space Station.The main results will be summarized, solutions to some problems will be presented and the most critical items requiring further study will be identified. A realistic baseline scheme for the photo-detector, based on the presently known information and constraints, is proposed. The outcome of these studies can be used to estimate the performance of \textit{EUSO} and to provide input to further engineering studies. Finally an activity plan for the development of the photo-detector will be presented. |
4654 | 2001-04-05 | The Liquid Xenon set-up of the DAMA Experiment | 2001 | INFN-AE-01-02.pdf | R. Bernabei, P. Belli, A. Bussolotti, F. Cappella, R. Cerulli, C.J. Dai, A. Incicchitti, A. Mattei, D. Prosperi | The main features at the low background DAMA pure liquid Xenox scintillator setup running deep underground in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of the INFN are described. |
4653 | 2001-04-02 | Masurio-99m, Masurio-99g, Renio-186g e Renio-188g: Radioelementi Chimici Isomorpi, ma con Aattivita Specifica e Proprieta Chimico-Fisiche Differenti. Storia e Pproduzione di Radio-Traccianti Metodiche di Produzione e Controllo di Qualita | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-04.pdf | Mauro Bonardi, Flavia Groppi | Masurium (Z=43) and rhenium (Z=75) have been discovered and chemically co-isolated in 1925, by a team of german chemists, made by Ida Tacke-Noddack, her husband Walter Noddack and Otto Carl von Berg, in uranium containing ores named "Platinerz" and "Columbite". Despite the evidence of this double discovery, as appears from the reading of their scientific publications of 1925 and 1934, only the discovery of stable rhenium was attributed to Ida Noddacks equipe. They identified the element of Z=43 in 1925 by an X-ray spectrum only; thus the "discovery" of element 43 was not validated and then attributed to the italian and french scientists Emilio Segrè and Carlo Perrier in 1937. They named it technetium (Tc), from the greek word: tecnhto¢V (artificiale). The name "artificial" is clearly unsuitable for element 43. In fact, as Ida Noddack showed about 15 years before the discovery of fission by Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, Otto Carl Frisch and Fritz Strabmann (1939), masurium is absolutely not an artificial element, but is present in any kind of natural ore containing uranium, together with many other natural fission and activation products. Presently, the radio-isomer of mass 99 of masurium (99mMa) and the two radionuclides of rhenium, 188gRe and 186gRe, are used extensively in Nuclear Medicine, the first for radiodiagnostics and the latter in radionuclide therapy. An historic review of the discovery of Ma and Re in 1925 is reported. Furthermore, original data on some proton-cyclotron production of masurium radionuclides, to be used in metallo-toxicology and environmental studies are reported. Radiochemical separation and quality control procedures are also shown in some details. Some definitions, useful in Nuclear and Radiochemistry are given and explained also. |
3562 | 2001-03-29 | Transition Radiation in the Pre-Wave Zone: An Approach to Solution | 2001 | LNF-01-013(P).pdf | V.A. Verzilov | An analytic approach to solution to the pre-wave zone problem is suggested for transition radiation produced by relativistic charged particles at the normal incidence on the infinite boundary between a metal and vacuum. |
3563 | 2001-03-29 | On the metastability of the Standard Model vacuum | 2001 | LNF-01-014(P).pdf | Gino Isidori, Giovanni Ridolfi, Alessandro Strumia | If the Higgs mass $m_H$ is as low as suggested by present experimental information, the Standard Model ground state might not be absolutely stable. We present a detailed analysis of the lower bounds on $m_H$imposed by the requirement that the electroweak vacuum be sufficiently long lived. We perform a complete one-loop calculation of the tunnelling probability at zero temperature, and we improve it by means of two-loop renormalization-group equations. We find that, for $m_H=115$~GeV, the Higgs potential develops an instability below the Planck scale for $m_t>(166\pm 2) \GeV$, but the electroweak vacuum is sufficiently long lived for $m_t > (175\pm 2) \GeV$. |
4652 | 2001-03-26 | Relazione del Comitato per le Pari Opportunita dellINFN Anno 2000 | 2001 | INFN-AM-01-01.pdf | R. Alba, L. Brogiato, S. Cappelli, O. Di Carlo, P. Fabbri, L. Fioretti, D.Muscolino, M.L. Paciello, G. Pancheri, P. Pilloni, P. Rufini,G. Ruggieri, P.Spolaore, C. Vannini | |
3561 | 2001-03-16 | Conceptual Design of the X-FEL Photo-Injector | 2001 | LNF-01-012(P).pdf | M. Ferrario, K. Flttmann, B. Grigoryan, T. Limberg, Ph. Piot | In this report the conceptual design for the TELSA X-ray free-electron laser photoinjector is presented. Beam Dynamics, design and operational issue are addresses. |
4651 | 2001-02-28 | Proposta di Implementazione di Windows 2000 nell'INFN | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-03.pdf | G.P. Siroli, S. Zani, A.Baldini, R. Esposito, E. M.V. Fasanelli, R. Giacomelli, G. Peco, F. Taurino, A. Tirel | |
3560 | 2001-02-21 | Insights on Neutrino Lensing | 2001 | LNF-01-011(P).pdf | R. Escribano, J.-M. Frere, D. Monderen, V. Van Elewyck | We discuss the gravitational lensing of neutrinos by astrophysical objects. Unlike pho-tons, neutrinos can cross a stellar core; as a result, the lens quality improves. We also estimate the depletion of the neutrino flux after crossing a massive object and the signal amplification expected. While Uranians alone would benefit from this effect in the Sun, similar effects could be considered for binary systems. |
3559 | 2001-02-20 | A Heterotic N=2 String With Space-Time Supersymmetry | 2001 | LNF-01-010(P).pdf | S. Bellucci, A. Galajinsky, O. Lechtenfeld | We reconsider the issue of embedding space--time fermions into the four-dimensional N=2 world--sheet supersymmetric string. A new heterotic theory is constructed, taking the right--movers from the N=4 topological extension of the conventional N=2 string but a c=0 conformal field theory supporting target--space supersymmetry for the left--moving sector. The global bosonic symmetry of the full formalism proves to be U(1,1), just as in the usual N=2 string. Quantization reveals a spectrum of only two physical states, one boson and one fermion, which fall in a multiplet of (1,0) supersymmetry. |
4650 | 2001-02-16 | Dynamical CP Violation and FCNC Processes | 2001 | INFN-TH-01-01.pdf | G.C. Branco, D. Delepine, R. Gonzlez Felipe | |
3558 | 2001-02-15 | Total Cross-Sections | 2001 | LNF-01-009(P).pdf | R.M. Godbole, A. Grau, G. Pancheri, Y.N. Srivastava | A unified approach to total cross-sections, based on the QCD contribution to the rise with energy, is presented for the processes $pp$, $p{\bar p}$, $\gamma p, \gamma \gamma, e^+e^- \rightarrow hadrons$. For proton processes, a discussion of the role played by soft gluon summation in taming the fast rise due to mini-jets is presented. For photon-photon processes, a comparison with other models indicates the need for precision measurements in both the low and high energy region, likely only with measurements at future Linear Colliders. |
3557 | 2001-02-06 | $\sigma^tot_2\gamma$ at e^+e^- Colliders | 2001 | LNF-01-008(P).pdf | R.M. Godbole, G. Pancheri | In this talk I briefly summarize different models for $\sigma^{tot}_{2 \gamma}$ ($e^+e^- \to \gamma \gamma \to$ hadrons) and contrast model predictions with the data. I will then discuss the capability of the future $e^+e^-$ and $\gamma \gamma$ colliders to distinguish between various models and end with an outlook for future work. |
3556 | 2001-02-02 | Towards the Complete N=2 Superfield Born-Infeld Action with Partially Broken N=4 Supersymmetry | 2001 | LNF-01-007(P).pdf | S. Bellucci, E. Ivanov, S. Krivonos | We propose a systematic way of constructing N = 2, d = 4 superfield Born-Infeld action with a second nonlinearly realized N = 2 supersymmetry. The latter, together with the manifest N = 2 supersymmetry, form a central-charge extended N = 4, d = 4 supersymmetry. We embed the Goldstone-Maxwell N = 2 multiplet into an infinite-dimensional off-shell supermultiplet of this N = 4 supersymmetry and impose an infinite set of covariant constraints which eliminate all extra N = 2 superfields through the Goldstone-Maxwell one. The Born-Infeld superfield Lagrangian density is one of these composite superfields. The constraints can be solved by iterations to any order in the fields. We present the sought N = 2 Born-Infeld action up to the 10th order. It encompasses the action found earlier by Kuzenko and Theisen to the 8th order from a self-duality requirement. This is a strong indication that the complete N = 2 Born-Infeld action with partially broken N = 4 supersymmetry is also self-dual. |
3553 | 2001-02-01 | Longitudinal Single-Bunch Instabilities | 2001 | LNF-01-005(P).pdf | M. Migliorati, L. Palumbo | After introducing the concepts of longitudinal wakefield and coupling impedance, we review the theory of longitudinal single-bunch collective effects in storage rings. From the Fokker-Planck equation we first derive the stationary solution describing the natural single-bunch regime, and then treat the problem of microwave instability, showing the different approaches used for estimating the threshold current.We end the lecture with the semi-empirical laws that allow us to obtain the single-bunch behavior above threshold, and with a description of the simulation codes that are now reliable tools for investigating all these effects. |
3555 | 2001-02-01 | Description and Operation of the DAGA2_HF Acquisition System for Gravitational Wave Detectors | 2001 | LNF-01-006(IR).pdf | Sabrina DAntonio | The new acquisition system for the gravitational wave detectors of the $ROG$ group,$NAUTILUS$ in operation at the $INFN$ Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati and $EXPLORER$ at $CERN$, is described. The system, operating with a $5~kHz$ sampling rate, allows on-line data analysis for the search of impulsive excitations of the gravitational wave detectors. |
3552 | 2001-01-30 | Considerations on low frequency , high gradient cavities for muon capture and cooling | 2001 | LNF-01-004(NT).pdf | B. Spataro, F. Tazzioli | In this note we discuss some alternatives in the design of low frequency cavities for Muon capture and cooling in a Neutrino Factory.Both solutions with closed and open irises are considered. The comparison between the various solutions is based on dimensions and power per unit length, for a given accelerating gradient. |
4649 | 2001-01-19 | Investigating the DAMA Annual Modulation Data in a Mixed Coupling Framework | 2001 | INFN-AE-01-01.pdf | R. Bernabei, M. Amato, P. Belli,, R. Cerulli, C.J. Dai, H.L. He, A. Incicchitti, H.H. Kuang, J.M. Ma, F. Montecchia, D. Prosperi | In this paper the data, collected by the 100 kg NaI (Tl) DAMA set-up deep underground in the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of I.N.F.N. during four annual cycles (57986 kg·day statistics ), are analysed in term s of WIMP annu al modulation signature considering a candidate with mixed couplin g to ordin ary matter. |
3551 | 2001-01-18 | Technical Layout of the TESLA Damping Ring | 2001 | LNF-01-003(NT).pdf | C. Sanelli, G. Barbagelata, A. Bixio, R. Boni, G. Canepa, A. Clozza, G. Di Pirro, G.P. Ghelardi, M. Grattarola, S. Guiducci, A. Lutri, S. Patrone, S. Rizzo, M. Serio, F. Sgamma, A. Stecchi | The electron positron linear collider TESLA will require two Damping Rings, where the2820 bunches, with an energy of 5 GeV, will be compressed to obtain a bunch spacing of 20ns. This bunch spacing fixes a Damping Ring length of 17 km. The major part of the dampingring will be installed in the linac tunnel; short return arcs, with a length of about 1.3 km each,will be installed in dedicated tunnels.This report describes the technical layout of one damping ring, developed in collaborationwith Ansaldo Ricerche, in all its components: magnetic system (dipoles, quadrupoles,sextupoles, steerers, electromagnetic wigglers), RF system (cryo-modules, RF power sources),Vacuum system (vacuum chambers, pumps, valves), Beam diagnostics, Computer controlsystem, Electrical services, Cooling system, etc. Drawings showing the detailed ring layout andalso every component of the ring are included. |
4648 | 2001-01-18 | MEDISOFT Versione 2.2: Guida alluso e file sorgente del programma per lacquisizione di immagini con sensore Medipix | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-02.pdf | E. Bertolucci, M. Conti, G. Mettivier, M. C. Montesi, P. Russo | |
4647 | 2001-01-12 | Heat Dissipation Tests on the Titanium Junction Box of the ANTARES Experiment | 2001 | INFN-TC-01-01.pdf | M.Ameri, M.Anghinofi, P.Cocconi, S.Cuneo, R.Papaleo, F.Parodi, G.Raia, A.Rottura | The Junction Box is the part of the ANTARES project where the main electro optical cable from the shore is splitted into the 13 lines that power the detector strings. The different active components housed inside will produce a total amount of heat greater than 1 KW; it is therefore important to guarantee a good heat dissipation to avoid damages to the instrumentation due to local overheating. This report describes the test performed in our laboratory using the titanium box equipped with different heaters and submerged in a water bath at 15C to simulate the real conditions. The results have defined the optimal configuration in order to guarantee a safe margin with respect to the maximum temperature allowed by the instrumentation; simulations performed with the FEA code show good agreement with the measured temperatures. |
3550 | 2001-01-10 | The CP-Violating Asymmetry in K_L to pi^+pi^- e^+e^- | 2001 | LNF-01-002(P).pdf | G. Ecker, H. Pichl | We update the theoretical analysis of the CP-violating asymmetryin the decay $K_L \to \pi^+\pi^- e^+ e^-$, relying on chiralperturbation theory and on the most recent phenomenological information. With the experimentally determined magnetic amplitude and branching ratio as input, the asymmetry can be calculated with good accuracy. The theoretical interpretation of the sign of the asymmetry is discussed. |
3549 | 2001-01-09 | A Low Walk Double Threshold Discriminator for Gas Tracking Devices | 2001 | LNF-01-001(P).pdf | A. Balla, L. Benussi, M. Bertani, S. Bianco, G. Corradi, F. L. Fabbri, P. Gianotti, M. Giardoni, V. Lucherini, E. Pace, L. Passamonti, F. Pompili, V. Russo, S. Sarwar, S. Tomassini | A 9U VME like double threshold discriminator has been designed and constructed at Frascati INFN laboratories. Its aim is to process the signals arising from gas drift chambers, introducing a very small time walk ($\sim$ 650 ps). Each discriminator board houses 32 channels. Each channel is located on an independent printed circuit mounted on socket.This solution is very convenient for replacing faulty channels without loosing operation of the full board. |
3618 | 2000-12-22 | N=2 N=4 Supersymmetric Born-Infeld Theories from Non Linear Realizations | 2000 | LNF-00-040(P).pdf | S. Bellucci, E. Ivanov, S. Krivonos | Starting from nonlinear realizations of the partially broken central-charge extended $N=4$ and $N=8$ Poincar\'e supersymmetries in $D=4$, we derive the superfield equations of $N=2$ and $N=4$ Born-Infeld theories. The basic objects are the bosonic Goldstone $N=2$ and $N=4$ superfields associated with the central charge generators.By construction, the equations are manifestly $N=2$ and $N=4$ supersymmetric and enjoy covariance underanother nonlinearly realized half of the original supersymmetries. They provide a manifestly worldvolumesupersymmetric static-gauge description of D3-branes in $D=6$ and $D=10$. For the $N=2$ case we find, to lowest orders, the equivalence transformation to the standard $N=2$ Maxwell superfield strength and restore, up to the sixth order, the off-shell $N=2$ Born-Infeld action with the second hidden $N=2$ supersymmetry. |
4646 | 2000-12-21 | Status of the High Current Proton Accelerator for the Trasco Program | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-23.pdf | M. Napolitano for TRASCO Collaboration | |
3615 | 2000-12-19 | Results on Charmed Meson Spectroscopy from FOCUS | 2000 | LNF-00-037(P).pdf | F.L. Fabbri on behalf of the FOCUS Collaboration. Coauthors are: J.M. Link, V.S. Paolone, M. Reyes, P.M. Yager (UC DAVIS); J.C. Anjos, I. Bediaga, C. Gbel, J. Magnin, J.M. de Miranda, I.M. Pepe, A.C. dos Reis, F. Simo, S. Carrillo, E. Casimiro, H. Mendez, A.Snchez-Hernndez,, C. Uribe, F. Vasquez; L. Cinquini, J.P. Cumalat, J.E. Ramirez, B. OReilly, E.W. Vaandering, J.N. Butler, H.W.K. Cheung, I. Gaines, P.H. Garbincius, L.A. Garren, E. Gottschalk, S.A. Gourlay, P.H. Kasper, A.E. Kreymer, R. Kutschke, S. Bianco, F.L. Fabbri, S. Sarwar, A. Zallo, C. Cawlfield, D.Y. Kim, K.S. Park, A. Rahimi, J. Wiss, R. Gardner, Y.S. Chung, J.S. Kang, B.R. Ko, J.W. Kwak, K.B. Lee, S.S. Myung, H. Park, G. Alimonti, M. Boschini, D. Brambilla, B. Caccianiga, A. Calandrino, P. DAngelo, M. DiCorato, P. Dini, M. Giammarchi, P. Inzani, F. Leveraro, S. Malvezzi, D. Menasce, M. Mezzadri, L. Milazzo, L. Moroni, D. Pedrini, F. Prelz, M. Rovere, A. Sala, S. Sala, T.F. Davenport III, V.Arena, G. Boca, G. Bonomi, G. Gianini, G. Liguori, M. Merlo, D. Pantea, S.P. Ratti, C. Riccardi, P. Torre, L. Viola, P. Vitulo, H. Hernandez, A.M. Lopez, L. Mendez, A. Mirles, E. Montiel, D. Olaya, J. Quinones, C. Rivera, Y. Zhang, N. Copty, M. Purohit, J.R. Wilson, K. Cho, T. Handler, D. Engh, W.E. Johns, M. Hosack, M.S. Nehring, M. Sales, P.D. Sheldon, K. Stenson, M.S. Webster, M. Sheaff, Y. Kwon | AbstractWe report the preliminary measurement by the FOCUS Collaboration (E831 at Fermilab) of masses and widths of the L=1 charm mesons: a D*^0_2 state of mass (width) 2463 .5 ±1 .5 ±1 .5(30 .5 ±1 .9 ±3 .8) MeV/c^2 decaying to D^+pi^-, and a D*^+_2 state of mass (width) 2468.2 ±1 .5 ±1 .4(28 .6 ±1 .3 ±3 .8)M V /c 2 decaying to D^0pi^+. The fit of the invariant mass distribution requires an additional term to account for a broad structure over background. |
3616 | 2000-12-19 | Preliminary Results on Charmed Meson Spectroscopy | 2000 | LNF-00-038(P).pdf | S. Sarwar (on behalf of the FOCUS Collaboration) Coauthors are: J.M. Link, V.S. Paolone, M. Reyes, P.M. Yager, J.C. Anjos, I. Bediaga, C. Gbel, J. Magnin, J.M. de Miranda, I.M. Pepe, A.C. dos Reis, F. Simo, S. Carrillo, E. Casimiro, H. Mendez, A.Snchez-Hernndez, C. Uribe, F. Vasquez, L. Cinquini, J.P. Cumalat, J.E. Ramirez, B. OReilly, E.W. Vaandering (CU Boulder); J.N. Butler, H.W.K. Cheung, I. Gaines, P.H. Garbincius, L.A. Garren, E. Gottschalk, S.A. Gourlay, P.H. Kasper, A.E. Kreymer, R. Kutschke; S. Bianco, F.L. Fabbri, S. Sarwar, A. Zallo, C. Cawlfield, D.Y. Kim, K.S. Park, A. Rahimi, J. Wiss, R. Gardner, Y.S. Chung, J.S. Kang, B.R. Ko, J.W. Kwak, K.B. Lee, S.S. Myung, H. Park, G. Alimonti, M. Boschini, D. Brambilla, B. Caccianiga, A. Calandrino, P. DAngelo, M. DiCorato, P. Dini, M. Giammarchi, P. Inzani, F. Leveraro, S. Malvezzi, D. Menasce, M. Mezzadri, L. Milazzo, L. Moroni, D. Pedrini, F. Prelz, M. Rovere, A. Sala, S. Sala, T.F. Davenport III, V. Arena, G. Boca, G. Bonomi, G. Gianini, G. Liguori, M. Merlo, D. Pantea, S.P. Ratti, C. Riccardi, P. Torre, L. Viola, P. Vitulo, H. Hernandez, A.M. Lopez, L. Mendez, A. Mirles, E. Montiel, D. Olaya, J. Quinones, C. Rivera, Y. Zhang, N. Copty, M. Purohit, J.R. Wilson, K. Cho, T. Handler, D. Engh, W.E. Johns, M. Hosack, M.S. Nehring, M. Sales, P.D. Sheldon, K. Stenson, M.S. Webster, M. Sheaff , Y. Kwon | We report the preliminary measurement by the FOCUS Collaboration (E831 at Fermilab) of masses and widths of the L=1 charm mesons D*^+_2 and D*^+_2 . The fit of the invariant mass distribution requires an additional term to account for a broad structure over background. |
3617 | 2000-12-19 | New Focus Results on Charm Mixing and CP Violation | 2000 | LNF-00-039(P).pdf | S. Bianco (for FOCUS Collaboration) Coauthors are: J.M. Link, V.S. Paolone, M. Reyes, P.M. Yager, J.C. Anjos, I. Bediaga, C. Gbel, J. Magnin, J.M. de Miranda, I.M. Pepe, A.C. dos Reis, F. Simo,S. Carrillo, E. Casimiro, H. Mendez, A.Snchez-Hernndez, C. Uribe, F. Vasquez, L. Cinquini, J.P. Cumalat, J.E. Ramirez, B. O'Reilly, E.W. Vaandering, J.N. Butler, H.W.K. Cheung, I. Gaines, P.H. Garbincius, L.A. Garren, E. Gottschalk, S.A. Gourlay, P.H. Kasper,A.E. Kreymer, R. Kutschke, S. Bianco, F.L. Fabbri, S. Sarwar,A. Zallo, C. Cawlfield, D.Y. Kim, K.S. Park, A. Rahimi, J. Wiss, R. Gardner, Y.S. Chung, J.S. Kang, B.R. Ko, J.W. Kwak,K.B. Lee, S.S. Myung, H. Park, G. Alimonti, M. Boschini, D. Brambilla, B. Caccianiga, A. Calandrino, P. D'Angelo, M. DiCorato, P. Dini, M. Giammarchi, P. Inzani, F. Leveraro, S. Malvezzi, D. Menasce, M. Mezzadri, L. Milazzo, L. Moroni, D. Pedrini, F. Prelz, M. Rovere, A. Sala, S. Sala, T.F. Davenport III, V. Arena, G. Boca, G. Bonomi, G. Gianini, G. Liguori, M. Merlo, D. Pantea, S.P. Ratti, C. Riccardi, P. Torre, L. Viola, P. Vitulo, H. Hernandez, A.M. Lopez, L. Mendez, A. Mirles, E. Montiel, D. Olaya, J. Quinones, C. Rivera, Y. Zhang, N. Copty, M. Purohit, J.R. Wilson, K. Cho, T. Handler, D. Engh, W.E. Johns, M. Hosack, M.S. Nehring, M. Sales, P.D. Sheldon, K. Stenson, M.S. Webster, M. Sheaff, Y. Kwon | We present a summary of recent results on CP violation and mixing in the charm quark sector based on a high-statistics sample collected by photoproduction experiment FOCUS (E831 at Fermilab). We have measured the difference in lifetimes for the $D^0$ decays: $D^0 \rightarrow K^-\pi^+$ and $D^0 \rightarrow K^-K^+$. This translates into a measurement of the $y_{CP}$ mixing parameter in the $\d0d0$ system, under the assumptions that $K^-K^+$ is an equal mixture of CP odd and CP even eigenstates, and CP violation is negligible in the neutral charm meson system. We verified the latter assumption by searching for CP violating asymmetry in the Cabibbo suppressed decay modes $D^+ \to K^-K^+\pi^+$, $D^0 \to K^-K^+$ and $D^0 \to \pi^-\pi^+$. We report preliminary results on a measurement of the branching ratio $\Gamma(D^{*+}\rightarrow \pi^+ (K^+\pi^-))/\Gamma(D^{*+}\rightarrow \pi^+ (K^-\pi^+))$. } |
3613 | 2000-12-18 | Low Emittance Photo-Injectors | 2000 | LNF-00-035(P).pdf | M. Ferrario | Photon colliders require high charge polarized electron beams with very low normalized emittances, possibly lower than the actual damping rings design goals ( *e_nx · e_ny |10^-7 m). Recent analytical and numerical efforts in understanding beam dynamics in rf photoinjectors have raised again the question whether the performances of an RF electron gun based injector could be competitive with respect to a damping ring. As a matter of discussion we report in this paper the most recent results concerning low emittance photoinjector designs: the production of polarized electron beams by DC and/or RF guns is illustrated together with space charge compensation techniques and thermal emittance effects. New ideas concerning multi-gun injection system and generation of flat beams by RF gun are also discussed. |
3614 | 2000-12-18 | Velocity Bunching in Photo-Injectors | 2000 | LNF-00-036(P).pdf | L. Serafini, M. Ferrario | We describe here a new method to increase the peak current of high brightness electron beams as those required to drive X-ray SASE FELs, that is based on a rectilinear compressor scheme utilizing the bunching properties of slow waves. It is shown that whenever a beam, slower than the synchronous velocity, is injected into a RF wave at the zero acceleration phase and slips back in phase up to the peak acceleration phase, it can be compressed as far as the extraction happens at the synchronous velocity. In fact, the bunch undergoes a quarter of synchrotron oscillation that induces a net compression (i.e. a bunch length reduction) up to a factor of 20 when proper care is taken to preserve the longitudinal emittance. A few examples are presented to demonstrate the potentialities of this method, by which multi-kA beams at very low emittance can be generated at moderate energies (about 100 MeV). |
3612 | 2000-12-11 | Thickness determination of thin polycrystalline film by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction | 2000 | LNF-00-034(P).pdf | J. Lhotka, R. Kuzel, G. Cappuccio and V. Valvoda | Three methods of thickness measurement based on absorption of X-rays in thin films were tested on polycrystalline titanium nitride film deposited on tungsten carbide substrate. The intensities of three reflections from each material were measured in the incidence range from 3° to 35° of the primary beam. After experimental correction for texture effects, data from the TiN film, the WC substrate or from their ratio were fitted by known functions using least squares routines. The substrate reflection intensities were found to be the most suitable for determining the thickness of the overlaying thin film. The average thickness of TiN film (2.00 ± 0.16 microns) determined from the substrate reflections was in fair agreement with the average value obtained from optical microscopy (2.2 ± 0.8 microns). The use of substrate reflections is generally preferable unless their intensities are spoiled by statistical errors (e.g., low intensity, grain size effect, texture etc.). The method based on the ratio thin-film/substrate reflection intensities is not complicated by correlation of the least square parameters but suffers strongly from accumulated experimental errors. |
4645 | 2000-12-11 | Note per l'Installazione di "HP OmniBack II" | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-22.pdf | G. Barbagallo, M. Carboni, D. Cobai, R. Ferrari, F. Ferrera, M. Gambetti, F. Prelz, I. Saccarola, C. Strizzolo, L. Strizzolo | |
4644 | 2000-12-06 | PcNets2000A Workshop aimed at discussing applicativem software, hardware aspects of cluster computing. | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-21.pdf | Ed. by A. Donati, G. di Carlo, M.P. Lombardo, P. Rossi | |
3610 | 2000-12-04 | Chiral loop and L$\sigma$M predictions for $\phi\rightarrow\pi^0\eta\gamma$ | 2000 | LNF-00-032(P).pdf | R. Escribano | A prediction for the contributions of chiral loops and the L$\sigma$M model to the radiative \phi\rightarrow\pi^0\eta\gamma$ decay mode is presented.The L$\sigma$M is used as an appropriate framework for describing the pole effects of the $a_0(980)$ scalar resonance.As a result, a better agreement with present available data is achieved for the higher part of the $\pi^0\eta$ invariant mass spectrum.For the branching ratio, a value of $B(\phi\rightarrow\pi^0\eta\gamma)=(0.75$--$0.95)\times 10^{-4}$is found. |
4643 | 2000-11-28 | Status of Particle Astrophysics | 2000 | INFN-AE-00-14.pdf | A. Bettini. B. Barish, E. Fernadez, T. Gaisser, I. Grenier, W. Haxton, E. Lorentz, K. Mannheim, V. Matveev, A. McDonald, J. Peoples, M. Spiro, Y. Totsuka, A. Wilson | |
4642 | 2000-11-22 | Object Oriented Design and Implementation of an Intra-Nuclear Transport Model | 2000 | INFN-AE-00-13.pdf | L.Bellagamba, A.Brunengo, E.Di Salvo, M.G.Pia | |
3609 | 2000-11-17 | Radiative $VP\gamma$ transitions and $\eta$-$\eta\prime$ mixing | 2000 | LNF-00-031(P).pdf | A. Bramon, R. Escribano, M.D. Scadron | A value for the $\eta$-$\eta\prime$ mixing angle is extracted from the data on $VP\gamma$ transitions using simple quark-model ideas.The set of data covers {\it all} possible radiative transitions between the pseudoscalar and vector meson nonets.Two main ingredients of the model are the use of the quark-flavour basis to describe the $\eta$-$\eta\prime$ system and the introduction of flavour-dependent overlaps for the various $q\bar{q}$ wave functions. The mixing angle is found to be $\phi_P=(37.7\pm 2.4)^\circ$. |
4640 | 2000-11-16 | An Underwater Detector and Software Filter for Background | 2000 | INFN-AE-00-12.pdf | R.C. Barn, A. Butkevich, V.DAmico, D.De Pasquale, A. Italiano, A. Trifir, M. Trimarchi | A Common problem of the neutrino detections is the cut of the background. To this aim, a simple method has been successfully employed to a Monte Carlo simulation of a large-scale neutrino detector, hopefully giving useful suggestions to the problem of the $km^{3}$ detector. |
4641 | 2000-11-16 | Evidence for Pair Correlation Effects in Heavy-Ion Reactions | 2000 | INFN-BE-00-04.pdf | L. Auditore, R.C. Barn, V.DAmico, D.De Pasquale, A. Italiano, A. Trifir, M. Trimarchi | The study of (35 MeV) $^{14}N+^{12}C$ elastic transfer reaction has been performed. The experimental data have been fitted by taking into account $np$ pair correlations by means of EFR-DWBA (Exact-Finite-Range Distorted Wave Born Approximation) analysis. The angular distribution, fairly reproduced, confirms the validity of the generalized BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) theory to explain this behaviour. As a consequence, evidence for possible nuclear Josephson effect has been found. |
3608 | 2000-11-14 | Performances of the FINUDA Drift Chambers in a Cosmic Ray Test | 2000 | LNF-00-030(IR).pdf | M. Agnello, M. Bertani, E. Botta, D. Calvo, P. Cerello, F. De Mori, G. D'Erasmo, A. Feliciello, A. Filippi, V. Filippini, P. Gianotti, G. Gomez, S. Marcello, O. Morra, A. Panzarasa, G. Tagliente, L. Venturelli | We report on a cosmic ray test of the FINUDA drift chambers performed inside the \fin\ detector without a magnetic field. From an accurate study of the drift cell space-time relations we determine both the spatial resolution and the mechanical alignment of the chambers. The chambers operate with a non-saturated 70\% He - 30\% iC_4H_10 as mixture and the drift cells are modeled using GARFIELD. After alignment of the drift chamber system, we find a spatial resolution averaged over the entire drift cell and over all angles of incidence of about 140 $\mu$m. |
3607 | 2000-11-07 | X-ray Scattering in capillary waveguides | 2000 | LNF-00-029(P).pdf | S.B. Dabagov, A. Marcelli | In the past unexpected coherent phenomena associated with propagation of soft x-ray synchrotron radiation through capillary optical elements (polycapillary lenses and systems of capillaries) have been observed and investigated. In this letter theoretical analysis on x-ray scattering atgrazing angles inside capillaries is presented. |
3605 | 2000-11-06 | Total Photonic and Hadronic Cross-sections | 2000 | LNF-00-027(P).pdf | R.M. Godbole, A. Grau, G. Pancheri | We discuss total cross-sections within the context of the QCD calculable mini-jet model, highlightings its successes and failures. In particular we show its description of $\gamma \gamma \rightarrow $ and compare it with OPAL and L3 data. We extrapolate this result to $\gamma\ p$ total cross-sections and propose a phenomenological ans\'atz for virtual photon cross-sections. We point out that the good agreement with data obtained with the Eikonal Minijet Model should not hide the many uncertainties buried in the impact parameter distribution. A model obtained from Soft Gluon Summation is briefly discussed and its application to hadronic cross-sections is shown. |
3606 | 2000-11-06 | Measurements of Coherent Diffraction Radiation and its Application for Bunch Length Diagnostics in Particle Accelerators | 2000 | LNF-00-028(P).pdf | M. Castellano, L. Catani, A. Cianchi, G. Orlandi, M. Geitz, V.A.Verzilov | Measurements of coherent diffraction radiation from a slit of a variable width generated by short electron bunches were performed in millimeter and submillimeter range. Experimental data are compared with transition radiation case and theoretical predictions. More realistic description, than the conventional theory does, is necessary to correctly account for the data. No noticeable difference in the bunch length value was observed between the diffraction radiation mode in a wide range of the slit widths and transition radiation one in the bunch length evaluation. |
3604 | 2000-10-20 | $K\rightarrow \pi\pi e^+e^-$ Decays and Chiral low-energy Constants | 2000 | LNF-00-026(P).pdf | Hannes Pichl | In this paper the branching ratios of the measured decay $K_L\rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-e^+e^-$ and of the still unmeasured decay $K^+\rightarrow\pi^+\pi^0e^+e^-$ are calculated to next-to-leading order in Chiral Perturbation Theory (CHPT). Recent experimental results are used to determine two possible values of the combination $(N^r_{16}-N_{17})$ of weak low-energy couplings (LEC) from the $\mathcal{O}(p^4)$ chiralLagrangian. Furthermore, the obtained values are compared to theoretical models of weak counter\-term couplings to distinguish between the two possibilities. Using the favoured value of the combination $(N^r_{16}-N_{17})$ and taking into account additional assump\-tions suggested by these models, one can predict the branching ratio of the se\-cond decay as a function of the numerically unknown combination $(N^r_{14}+2N^r_{15})$ of weak low-energy couplings. Finally, making use of a particular model for the individual LECs, one predicts the decay width of the $K^+$ decay in question. |
4639 | 2000-10-19 | Recent Results on B Physics from LEP | 2000 | INFN-AE-00-11.pdf | Carlo Caso | In this note I will present some of the most recent results on B properties based on the full LEP1 statistics (approx 4-4.5 M hadronic Z decays each LEP experiment). The selection of the topics follows in a way my personal experience and taste. Acknowledgments are due to LEP Collaborations for providing the data and to the various LEP Heavy Flavour Working Groups for combining the experimental results in the appropriate manner. |
3603 | 2000-10-16 | Algorithms for Search of Correlation Between GRBs and Gravitational Wave Burts | 2000 | LNF-00-025(P).pdf | G. Modestino, G. Pizzella | The problem to search for possible correlation between the Gamma Ray Bursts of still unknown origin and data recorded with the GravitationalWave detectors is studied. A new algorithm for this search based on the Kolmogoroff comparison of distributions is given, which is not affected by the presence of non-gaussian noise. |
4638 | 2000-10-03 | On the Investigation of Possible Systematics in WIMP Annual Modulation Search | 2000 | INFN-AE-00-10.pdf | DAMA Collaoration | |
4637 | 2000-09-29 | Cavity Longitudinal Loss Factor Measurements by Means of a Beam Test Facility | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-20.pdf | A. Palmieri, L. Tecchio, G. V. Lamanna, V. Variale, A.V. Aleksandrov, P.V. Logatchov, V.G. Vaccaro, M.R. Masullo | A new method for the measurement of Loss Factor for a RF cavity is presented. The method consists of measuring the above quantity by means of the detection both of the RF voltage induced by an electron bunch in the device under test and the bunch charge. The device to be ivestigated is a copper reentrant T-shaped cavity. The experimental results and their comparison with analytical and numerical results are presented. |
4634 | 2000-09-27 | GEANT4 Electromagnetic Physics | 2000 | INFN-AE-00-07.pdf | S. Chauvie, V. Grichine, P. Gumplinger, V. Ivanchenko, R. Kokoulin , S. Magni, M. Maire, P. Nieminen, M.G. Pia, A. Rybin, L. Urban | An overview of the main features of Geant4 electromagnetic physics is presented. The role played by advanced software engineering methodologies and by Object Oriented technology is illustrated. The main physics functionalities are described. |
4635 | 2000-09-27 | Medical Applications of the GEANT4 Toolkit | 2000 | INFN-AE-00-08.pdf | S. Agostinelli, S. Chauvie, F. Foppiano, S. Garelli, F. Marchetto, P. Nieminen, M.G. Pia, V. Rolando, Ada Solano | A powerful and suitable tool for attacking the problem of the production and transport of different beams in biological matter is offered by the Geant4 Simulation Toolkit. Various activities in progress in the domain of medical applications are presented: studies on calibration of brachytherapy sources and thermoluminescent dosimeters, studies of a complete 3-D inline dosimeter, development of general tools for CT interface for treat ment planning, studies involving neutron transport, etc. A novel approach, based on the Geant4 Toolkit, for the study of radiation damage at the cellular and DNA level, is also presented. |
4636 | 2000-09-27 | Space Applications of the GEANT4 Simulation Toolkit | 2000 | INFN-AE-00-09.pdf | E. Daly, H. Evans, F. Lei, F. Longo, S. Magni, R. Nartallo, P. Nieminen, M.G. Pia, P.R. Truscott | The space radiation environment is highly variable and dynamic. With the increasing number and complexity of space missions, the detailed analysis of the effects of that environment often requires the use of advanced Monte Carlo radiation transport tools. In this presentation, various space-oriented developments and applications based on the Geant4 particle transport toolkit are described. |
4633 | 2000-09-25 | High Quantum Efficiency Photocathode Preparation System for TTF Injector II | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-19.pdf | P. Michelato, C. Gesmundo, D. Sertore | The TESLA Test Facility (TTF) Injector II photocathode preparation system is in opera-tion since spring 1998. High quantum efficiency tellurium and alkali metals based pho-toemissive films are routinely produced at Milano with typical 10% quantum efficiency (QE). Photocathodes are then successfully transported with no QE degradation, using a handy ultra high vacuum (UHV) system, to DESY and here transferred to the RF gun. The main characteristics of the system and the future developments are here discussed. |
3602 | 2000-09-21 | Hadronic Cross-Sections in $\gamma \gamma$ Processes and the Next Linear Collider | 2000 | LNF-00-024(P).pdf | Rohini M. Godbole, G. Pancheri | In this note we address the issue of theoretical estimates of the hadronic cross-sections for $\gamma \gamma$ processes. We compare the predictions of the minijet model with data and with other models, highlighting the band of uncertainties in the theoretical predictions as well as those in the final values of the $\sigma (\gamma \gamma \rightarrow hadrons)$ extracted from the data.We find that the rise of $\sigma^{tot}_{\gamma \gamma}$ with energy shown in the latest $\gamma \gamma$ data is in tune with the faster rise expected in the Eikonal Minijet Models (EMM).We present an estimate of the accuracy with which this cross-section needs to be measured to distinguish between the different theoretical models which try to 'explain' the rise of total cross-sections with energy. We find that the precision of measurement required to distinguish the EMM type models from the proton-like models $\stackrel{<}{\sim}$ 20\%, whereas to distinguish between various proton-like models or between different parametrizations of the EMM, a precision $\stackrel{<}{\sim}$ 8-9\% or $\stackrel{<}{\sim}$ 6-9\% respectively, for 300 ${<}$ $\sqrt{s_{\gamma \gamma}$ ${<}$ 500 GeV. We also comment briefly on the implications for the predictions for the hadronic backgrounds at the next linear collider (NLC) to be run in the $\gamma \gamma$ mode $e^{+} e^{-}$ mode. |
3601 | 2000-09-19 | Energetic Cosmic Rays Observed by the Resonant Gravitational Wave Detector NAUTILUS | 2000 | LNF-00-023(P).pdf | P. Astone, M. Bassan, P. Bonifazi, P. Carelli, E. Coccia, S.D'Antonio,V. Fafone, G.Federici, A. Marini, G. Mazzitelli, Y. Minenkov, I. Modena, G. Modestino, A. Moleti, G. V. Pallottino, V. Pampaloni, G. Pizzella,L.Quintieri, F. Ronga, R. Terenzi, M. Visco, L. Votano | Cosmic ray showers interacting with the resonant mass gravitational wave antenna NAUTILUS have been detected. The experimental results show large signals at a rate much greater than expected. The largest signal corresponds to an energy release in NAUTILUS of 87 TeV. We remark that a resonant mass gravitational wavedetector used as particle detector has characteristics different from the usual particle detectors, and it could detect new features of cosmic rays. Among several possibilities, one can invoke unexpected behaviour of superconducting Aluminium as particle detector, producing enhanced signals, the excitation of non-elastic modes with large energy release or anomalies in cosmic rays (for instance, the showers might include exotic particles as nuclearites or Q-balls). Suggestions for explaining these observations are solicited. |
4632 | 2000-09-15 | Compensating the influence of the Earths Magnetic Field on the Scintillator Detector Resolutions by PMTs Orientation | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-18.pdf | A.Ianni. G. Korga, G. Ranucci, O. Smirnov, A. Sotnikov | |
3599 | 2000-09-13 | DAFNE Machine Project | 2000 | LNF-00-021(P).pdf | DAFNE Team | No Abstract |
3600 | 2000-09-13 | High Hydrogen Loading into Thin Palladium wires Through Precipitate of Alkaline_Earth Carbonate on the Surface of Cathode: Evidence of New Phases in the Pd-H System and Unexpected Problems due to Bacteria Contamination in the Heavy Water | 2000 | LNF-00-022(P).pdf | F.Celani, A. Spallone, P. Marini, V. Di Stefano, M. Nakamura, A. Mancini, S. Pace, P. Tripodi, D. Di Gioacchino, C. Catena, G. D'Agotaro, R. Petraroli, P. Quercia, E. Righi, G. Trenta | A new procedure has been developed at INFN Frascati Laboratory in order to achieve a very high Hydrogen or Deuterium electrolytic loading into a long and thin Palladium wire. This technique consists in the addition of a very small amount of alkaline-earth elements into a very diluted acidic solution.Because of enhancing pH values around the cathode, during the electrolysis, carbonates are able to precipitate onto the cathode's surface forming a thin layer which strongly increases the Pd loading; a computer simulation has been developed to find out the proper working conditions for the carbonates precipitation.Loading results of Hydrogen were excellent (H/Pd= 1). The evidence of a new phase in the Pd-H system was inferred from the basis of the variation of the thermal resistivity coefficient of the Pd wire as a function of the H/Pd ratio.Less satisfactory results were obtained for Deuterium (D/Pd@ 0.85, no excess heat) because of inorganic and organic contamination normally present in ordinary heavy water. A peculiar procedure to purify heavy water, developed at INFN-LNF, has permitted to achieve interesting loading, up to D[Pd=- 0.97, for several days and evidence of overheating of Pd wire i.e. 'excess heat'.We have discovered that the obtained poor results with the heavy water are mainly due to the presence of two kinds of new bacteria living in the commercial reactor-grade heavy water we have used for the loading tests. We named such bacteria (Ralstonia and Stenotrophomonas genera) 'Detusculanense' specie. |
4630 | 2000-09-09 | Setting of the Predefined Multiplier Gain of a Photomultiplier | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-16.pdf | O. Ju. Smirnov | |
4631 | 2000-09-09 | Resolutions of a Large Volume Liquig Scintillator Detector | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-17.pdf | O. Ju. Smirnov | |
4629 | 2000-09-06 | LDAP as a Network Information Service | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-15.pdf | G. Lo Biondo | This document focuses on how to use LDAP as a NIS substitute for user accounts man-agement. Having a lot of user accounts on several hosts often causes misalignments in the accounts configuration. LDAP can be used to build a centralized authentication system thus avoiding data replication and increasing data consistency. |
3598 | 2000-09-04 | 1/N_c and e'/e | 2000 | LNF-00-020(P).pdf | T. Hambye, P.H. Soldan | We present a recent analysis of epsilon'/epsilon in the 1/N_c expansion. We show that the 1/N_c corrections to the matrix element of Q_6 are large and positive, indicating a Delta I = 1/2 enhancement similar to the one of Q_1 and Q_2 which dominate the CP conserving amplitude. This enhances the CP ratio and can bring the standard model prediction close to the measured value for central values of the parameters. Several comments on the theoretical status of epsilon'/epsilon and the errors in its calculation are given. |
4628 | 2000-08-28 | Search for the Nucleon and di-nucleon Decay into Invisible Channels | 2000 | INFN-AE-00-06.pdf | R. Bernabei, M. Amato, P. Belli, R. Cerulli, C.J. Dai, V.Yu. Denisov, H.L. He, A. Incicchitti, H.H. Kuang, J.M. Ma, F. Montecchia, O.A. Ponkratenko, D. Prosperi, V.I. Tretyak, Yu.G. Zdesenko | |
4627 | 2000-07-25 | Antares Junction Box Mechanical Executive Design and Manufacturing | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-14.pdf | M. Ameri, M. Anghinolfi, P. Cocconi, S. Cuneo, R. Papaleo, F. Parodi, P. Prati, G. Raia, A. Rottura | This report describes the executive design and specification of the junction box container, complying with the requirements stated in the previous Antares official documents (1), (2), (3).Structural, thermal, corrosion, manufacturing and quality assurance considerations have been made, to produce a design that could both comply with the requirements and ensure a high reliability, trying to find a good cost compromise too. |
3597 | 2000-07-24 | Chiral Loops and a_0(980) Exchange in \phi to pi^0 \eta \gamma | 2000 | LNF-00-019(P).pdf | A. Bramon, E. Escribano, J.L. Lucio M, M. Napsuciale , G. Pancheri | The radiative $\phi\rightarrow\pi^0\eta\gamma$ decay is discussed emphasizing the effects of the $a_0$(980) scalar resonance which dominates the high values of the $\pi^0\eta$ invariant mass spectrum. In its lowest part, the proposed amplitude coincides with the reliable and ChPT-inspired contribution coming from chiral loops. The $a_0$(980) resonance is then incorporated exploiting the complementarity between ChPT and the linear sigma model for this channel. The recently reported experimental invariant mass distribution and branching ratio can be satisfactorily accommodated in our framework. For the latter, a value of $B(\phi\rightarrow\pi^0\eta\gamma)$ in the range $(0.75$--$0.95)\times 10^{-4}$ is predicted. |
4623 | 2000-07-10 | A Protocol to Perform Repair Joints Inside ATLAS Barrel Toroid Conductors | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-11.pdf | G. Volpini, C. Uva | In case substantial difficulties are met to extrude sufficiently long lengths of the conductor for the ATLAS Barrel Toroid, it could be necessary to join shorter pieces. We have shown elsewhere that these joints, when properly performed, have a resistance sufficiently low to allow their use inside the ATLAS windings. The details of the protocol suggested to perform these joints is herein described. |
4624 | 2000-07-10 | Measurement of an Internal Joint and a Layer-to-Layer Joint as a Function of the Magnetic Field | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-12.pdf | G. Volpini, M. Pojer | We have measured the resistance of an internal (repair) joint, 510 mm long, as a function of an applied magnetic field from 0 to 4 T. In the same experimental set-up we have also measured: i) the matrix aluminium RRR; ii) the contact resistance between the Rutherford cable and the matrix and iii) the resistance of a layer-to-layer joint, 105 mm long. |
4626 | 2000-07-10 | Clock Generator for BOREXino Experiment | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-13.pdf | A. Bevilaqua, F. Pratolongo | In questo documento vi è la descrizione del progetto della scheda di clock per lesperimento BOREXino [1]. Sono presentate le misure effettuate sulla scheda, per caratterizzare e per verificare che rispetti i vincoli fissati dallesperimento. Lo scopo di questa scheda è di generare i clock a 20 Mhz, a 50 Mhz e ad 60 Mhz, oltre che un segnale di clock programmabile, che può essere variato in un range da 30 fino a 70 Mhz. Questi segnali sono necessari a far funzionare correttamente tutte le schede dellelettronica digitale dellesperimento BOREXino. |
4625 | 2000-07-10 | High Sensitivity $2\beta$ Decay Study of $^116$Cd and $^100$Mo with the BOREXINO Counting Test Facility (CAMEO Project) | 2000 | INFN-BE-00-03.pdf | G. Bellini et al. | |
3596 | 2000-06-27 | A Reproducible Method to Achieve Very High (Over 1:1) H/PD Loading Ratio Using Thin Wires in Acidic Solution with Addition of Very Low Concentration Impurities | 2000 | LNF-00-018(P).pdf | A. Spallone, F. Celani, P. Marini, V. di Stefano | A peculiar electrolytic protocol has been determinate to achieve very high Hydrogen loading into a thin Palladium wire (H/Pd= 1): electrolysis (with high/low current cycles) has been performed with a very diluted acidic solution (H2O+HCl) adding a very small quantity of alkaline/earth or heavy metal elements (Sr and/or Hg). A systematic study has been performed with these elements (added to the electrolyte) in order to have a controlled loading dynamics. The aim and the result of this study has been to reproduce H/Pd * 1 loading value, just using very low electrolysis voltage and current (7V, 5mA).Other two independent Research Groups have tested this protocol reproducing similar results. |
3595 | 2000-06-15 | Leptogenesis from Neutralino Decay with Nonholomorphic R-parity Violation | 2000 | LNF-00-017(P).pdf | Thomas Hambye, Ernest Ma, Utpal Sarkar | In supersymmetric models with lepton-number violation, hence also R-parityviolation, it is easy to have realistic neutrino masses, but then leptogenesisbecomes difficult to achieve. After explaining the general problems involved,we study the details of a model which escapes these constraints and generatesa lepton asymmetry, which gets converted into the present observed baryonasymmetry of the Universe through the electroweak sphalerons. This modelrequires the presence of certain nonholomorphic R-parity violating terms.For completeness we also present the most general R-parity violating Lagrangian with soft nonholomorphic terms and study their consequences for the charged-scalar mass matrix. New contributions to neutrino masses in this scenario are discussed. |
4622 | 2000-06-08 | Proposal of a Hierarchical Neural System for the Automatic Classification of Multidetector Array Data | 2000 | INFN-BE-00-02.pdf | M. Alderighi, P. Guazzoni, S. Russo, G. R. Sechi, L. Zetta | Biological vision processes are at the basis of many studies in the image-processing field. In this context, pre-attentive neural networks developed by S. Grossberg constitute an interesting approach. They are able to extract meaningful information from the global structure of data rather than from local relationships, yielding to a coherent and complete visual perception (emergent perception), also in case of noisy and incomplete images. The paper presents the application of Grossbergs approach to the analysis of scatter plots from nuclear physics experiments. The design and implementation of a pre-attentive neural system developed for this purpose are presented. Simulation results prove the goodness of the approach. |
3594 | 2000-06-06 | Electromagnetism in Nonleptonic Weak Interactions | 2000 | LNF-00-016(P).pdf | G. Eker G. Isidori, G. Mddot{u}ller, H. Neufeld, A. Pich | We construct a low-energy effective field theory that permits the complete treatment of isospin-breaking effects in nonleptonic weak interactions to next-to leading- order. To this end we enlarge the chiral Lagrangian describing strong $\Delta S=1$ weak interactions by including electromagnetic terms with the photon as additional dynamical degree of freedom. The complete and minimal list of local terms at next-to-leading order is given., We perform the one-loop renormazation at the level of the generating functional and specialize to $K\to\pi\pi$ decays. |
4621 | 2000-06-01 | Backup dei Dati Utente nell'INFN: Requisiti e Valutazione della Tecnologia Hardware e Software | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-10.pdf | G. Barbagallo, M. Carboni, D. Cobai, R. Ferrari, F. Ferrera M. Gambetti, F. Prelz, I. Saccarola, C. Strizzolo, L. Strizzolo | In questo documento vengono descritti i requisiti per un sistema di backup comune per i servizi calcolo INFN identificati dal gruppo di lavoro Tool di interesse generale su mandato della Commissione Calcolo.Vengono inoltre illustrati i risultati e le conclusioni ottenute nel corso delle attivit' a di valutazione di pacchetti software commerciali e public domain. Sono infine descritti i risultati delle attivit` a di technology tracking di supporti e soluzioni di storage su disco enastro. |
4620 | 2000-06-01 | BA.SE.: Idee per un Backup Semplificato | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-09.pdf | G. Barbagallo, M. Carboni, D. Cobai, R. Ferrari, F. Ferrera M. Gambetti, F. Prelz, I. Saccarola, C. Strizzolo, L. Strizzolo | I prodotti commerciali di backup non forniscono una copertura completa delle esigenzedi backup identificate allinterno dei servizi calcolo dellINFN. Lintegrazione di compo-nentiesistenti di pubblico dominio con una struttura di storage estremamente semplifi-cata(e resa possibile dal basso costo delle unit` a a disco in ambiente PC) sembra fornireunalternativa pratica ed accessibile. Presentiamo le caratteristiche di un simile sistema. |
4619 | 2000-05-30 | Servizio di Accesso Dial-Up | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-08.pdf | S. Lusso | Questo documento riporta la procedura utilizzata per la realizzazione di un servizio di accesso dial-up.Il servizio dial-up consente all'utente il collegamento alla rete di istituto tramite linea telefonica. Il servizio è costituito essenzialmente da quattro componenti: una linea telefonica, un modem, un server di accesso ed un server di autenticazione. Le configurazioni possono variare a seconda delle esigenze e della disponibilità hardware.Nel documento si analizza la configurazione di un router Cisco e linstallazione di un server di autenticazione (XTACACS) e la sua configurazione su di un server UNIX. Sono riportate inoltre alcune soluzioni adottate per la gestione degli utenti. |
4618 | 2000-05-18 | Stress on Cold Mass Due to the Supporting System of the CMS Coil in the Vacuum Tank | 2000 | INFN-AE-00-5.pdf | S. Farinon, P. Fabbricatore | This report contains a verification analysis of the stress on cold mass coming from the supporting system of the CMS coil in the vacuum tank. The need to carry out this analysis is related to the high mechanical requirements for Al-alloy mandrels (218 MPa yield at cryogenic temperature), demanding accurate analysis of the impact of supporting system on cylinder stress. |
4617 | 2000-05-17 | A Model for the Corrent Distribution Inside the Resistive Joints of the ATLAS Toroids | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-07.pdf | G. Volpini | The eddy currents generated inside a cable joint may have remarkable consequences bothduring measurements on test joints and also during magnet operation. In the latter case theinduced currents may be very high, possibly exceeding the critical value. Also the powerdissipated by the resistive decay of such currents can be many times larger than the steady statevalue. These eddy currents -and therefore the dissipation- can be significantly reduced by meansof a suitable choice of the joint length. |
4616 | 2000-05-02 | The RF Control and Detection System for PACO the Parametric Converter Detector | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-06.pdf | Ph. Bernard, G. Gemme, R. Parodi, E. Picasso | In this technical note the rf control and detection system for a detector of small harmonic displacements based on two coupled microwave cavities (PACO) is presented. The basic idea underlying this detector is the principle of parametric power conversion between two resonant modes of the system, stimulated by the (small) harmonic modulation of one system parameter. In this experiment we change the cavity length applying an harmonic voltage to a piezo-electric crystal. The system can achieve a great sensitivity to small harmonic displacements and can be an interesting candidate for the detection of small, mechanically coupled, interactions (e.g. high frequency gravitational waves). |
4615 | 2000-04-21 | Production of Heavy Ion Beams by Operating Serse in DC Mode and Afeterglow Mode | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-05.pdf | S. Gammino, G. Ciavola, L. Celona, A. Girard, D. Hitz, G. Melin | The superconducting ECR ion source SERSE is going to be coupled to a 28 GHz generator, in order to achieve higher current of intermediate and high charge states of heavy ions. Some preliminary tests have been carried out to demonstrate the capability to produce currents of heavy ion beams in the order of hundreds emA in dc mode and afterglow mode.In particular, the latter tests in afterglow mode ùay play a relevant role in the design of the new source for the LHC heavy ion injector. |
4614 | 2000-04-14 | Influence of the Leakage Current on the Performance of Large Area Silicon Drift Detectors | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-04.pdf | C. Piemonte, A. Rashevsky, D. Novais | In this paper we investigate the influence of the leakage current on the performance of Silicon Drift Detectors. First, analytical considerations are given in order to highlight the problems, specific for this type of detector, that emerge with leakage current. Then the obtained results are compared with the data of laboratory measurements. Aiming at a mass production of SDDs for the Inner Tracking System of the ALICE experiment at LHC we propose a simple and fast measurement for a preliminary selection before passing to a detailed acceptance test. |
3593 | 2000-03-30 | Radiative Corrections to the Hadronic Cross--Section Measurement at DA$\Phi$NE | 2000 | LNF-00-015(P).pdf | V.A. Khoze, M.I. Konchatnij, N.P. Merenkov, G. Pancheri , L. Trentadue, O.N. Shekhovzova | The hadronic invariant mass distribution for the process of electron--positron annihilationinto a pair of charged pions accompanied by a photon radiated from the initial state has beenstudied for the region of DA$\Phi$NE energies. The Born cross--section and the electromagneticradiative corrections to it are calculated for realistic conditions of the KLOE detector. Thedependence on the physical parameters which define the event selection is obtained. |
3592 | 2000-03-28 | Superworldvolume Dynamics of Superbranes from Nonlinear Realizations | 2000 | LNF-00-014(P).pdf | S. Bellucci , E. Ivanov, S. Krivonos | Based on the concept of the partial breaking of global supersymmetry (PBGS), we derivethe worldvolume superfield equations of motion for N=1, D=4 supermembrane, as well as forthe space-time filling D2 and D3branes, from nonlinear realizations of the correspondingsupersymmetries. We argue that it is of no need to take care of the relevant automorphismgroups when being interested in the dynamical equations. This essentially facilitatescomputations. As a by-product, we obtain a new polynomial representation for the d=3,4 Born-Infeldequations, with merely a cubic nonlinearity. |
3591 | 2000-03-27 | The ratio $Phi& rightarrow K^+K^-/K^0$ bar K^0$ | 2000 | LNF-00-013(P).pdf | A. Bramon, R.Escribano, J.L.Lucio M., G.Pancheri | The ratio $\Phi\rightarrow K^+K^-/K^0\bar K^0$ is discussed and its present experimental value is compared with theoretical expectations. A difference larger than two standard deviations is observed. We critically examine a number of mechanisms that could account for this discrepancy, which remains unexplained. Measurements at DA$\Phi$NE at the level of the per mille accuracy can be presently expected to clarify whether there exist any anomaly. |
3588 | 2000-03-24 | Analisi Termostrutturale del Sistema Clessidra-Straws dell'Eesperimento FINUDA | 2000 | LNF-00-010(IR).pdf | S. Tomassini | È stato studiato il comportamento termostrutturale del sistema Clessidra-StrawTubes dellesperimento FINUDA. In particolare è stata studiata linfluenza della temperatura sulla sagitta e sulla freccia dei fili di tungsteno e degli straws in relazione alla deformazione termica della clessidra su cui sono vincolati. |
3589 | 2000-03-24 | Calibrazione del Robot per l'Installazione del Vertice di FINUDA | 2000 | LNF-00-011(IR).pdf | B. Dulach, S. Tomassini | È stata ottimizzata la meccanica del robot utilizzato nellesperimento FINUDA per linstallazione dei rivelatori di vertice allinterno della Clessidra. |
3590 | 2000-03-24 | Adiabatic Plasma Buncher | 2000 | LNF-00-012(P).pdf | M. Ferrario, T.C. Katsouleas, L. Serafini, I. Ben Zvi | In this paper we present a new scheme of injection into a plasma accelerator, aimed at producing a high quality beam while relaxing the demands on the bunch length of the injected beam. The beam dynamics in the injector, consisting of a high voltage pulsed photo-diode, is analyzed and optimized to produce a $lambda_p$ /20 long electron bunch at 2.5 MeV. This bunch is injected into a plasma wave in which it compresses down to $lambda_p$ /100 while simultaneously accelerating up to 250 MeV. This simultaneous bunching and acceleration of a high quality beam requires a proper combination of injection energy and injection phase. Preliminary results from simulations are shown to assess the potentials of the scheme. |
4613 | 2000-03-22 | The Stern-Gerlach Interacion Between a Traveling Particle and a Time Varying Magnetic Field | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-03.pdf | M. Conte, M. Ferro, G. Gemme, W.W. Mackay, R. Parodi, M. Pusterla | The general expression of the Stern-Gerlach force is deduced for a charged particle, endowed with a magnetic moment, which travels inside a time varying magnetic field. Then, the energy integral of the Stern-Gerlach force is evaluated in the case of a particle crossing a TE rf cavity with its magnetic moment oriented in different ways with respect as the cavity axis. We shall demonstrate that appropriate choices of the cavity characteristics and of the spin orientation confirm the possibility of separating in energy the opposite spin states of a fermion beam circulating in a storage ring and, in addition, make feasible an absolute polarimeter provide that a parametric converter acting between two coupled cavities is implemented. |
4612 | 2000-03-17 | On Line Monitoring of the TTF Cryostats Cold Mass with Wire Position Monitors | 2000 | INFN-TC-00-02.pdf | A. Bosotti, C. Pagani, G. Varisco | A Wire Position Monitor (WPM) system is used to measure on line the TTF cryomodules alignment stability and reproducibility during cooldown and warm up operations.This paper reports on the design and realization of the first set of 36 WPMs installed on the first TTF cryomodule, together with the explanation of the electronic read out systems and the analysis of the data acquired during the first three complete thermal cycles of the Linac. A paragraph on the improved WPMs for the other TTF cryomodules can be found at the end of the paper. |
3587 | 2000-03-15 | N=(4,4), 2D Supergravity in SU(2) x SU(2) Harmonic Superspace | 2000 | LNF-00-009(P).pdf | S. Bellucci, E. Ivanov | We work out the basics of conformal N=(4,4), 2D supergravity in the N=(4,4), 2D analytic harmonic superspace with two independent sets of harmonic variables. We define the relevant most general analytic superspace diffeomorphism group and show that in the flat limit it goes over into the 'large'' N=(4,4), 2D superconformal group. The basic objects of the supergravity considered are analytic vielbeins covariantizing two analyticity-preserving harmonic derivatives. For self-consistency they should be constrained in a certain way. We solve the constraints and show that the remaining irreducible field content in a WZ gauge amounts to a new short N=(4,4) Weyl supermultiplet. As in the previously known cases, it involves no auxiliary fields and the number of remaining components in it coincides with the number of residual gauge invariances. We discuss various truncations of this 'master'' conformal supergravity group and its compensations via couplings to N=(4,4) superconformal matter multiplets. Besides recovering the standard minimal off-shell N=(4,4) conformal and Poincaré supergravity multiplets, we find, at the linearized level, several new off-shell gauge representations. |
3586 | 2000-03-13 | Consistent Batalin--Fradkin quantization of Reducible First Class Constraints | 2000 | LNF-00-008(P).pdf | S. Bellucci, A. Galajinsly | We reconsider the problem of BRST quantization of a mechanics with infinitely reducible first class constraints. Following an earlier recipe [Phys. Lett. B{\bf 381} 105 (1996)], the original phase space is extended by purely auxiliary variables, the constraint set in the enlarged space being first stage of reducibility. The BRST charge involving only a finite numberof ghost variables is explicitly constructed. |
3585 | 2000-03-10 | Space Charge Effects in Rectilinear Motion: Emittance Compensation, Pulse Lengthening, and Halo Formation (Working Group #1 Summary) | 2000 | LNF-00-007(P).pdf | C. Chen, M.Ferrario | This report summarizes the presentations and discussions over a wide range of topics in Working Group I at the Second ICFA Advanced Accelerator Workshop on Physics of High-Brightness Beams held at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), November 9-12, 1999. Latest developments towards to a better understanding of high-brightness photoinjectors were reported. The design and commissioning of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Low-Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA) Radio-Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) were reported. The problem of beam halo formation was discussed in both beam transport systems and the SLAC 50 MW 11.4 GHz periodic permanent magnet (PPM) focusing klystron amplifier. A new class of corkscrewing elliptic beam equilibria was reported, and applications of such novel beam equilibria in controlling of charge-density and velocity fluctuations, beam halo formation and emittance growth were discussed. Pattern formation in proton rings was also discussed. |
4608 | 2000-03-10 | Localized Superluminal Solutions to Maxwell Equations Propagating Along a Normal-Size Waveguide | 2000 | INFN-FM-00-1.pdf | M. Zamboni Rached, E. Recami, F. Fontana | We show that localized (nonevanescent) solutions to Maxwell equations exist, which propagate without distortion along normal waveguides with Superluminal speed |
4609 | 2000-03-10 | Tunneling Through Two Successive Barriers and the Hartman (Superluminal) Effects | 2000 | INFN-FM-00-2.pdf | V.S. Olkhovsky, E. Recami, G. Salesi | We study the phenomenon of onedimensional nonresonant tunneling through two successive potential barriers, separated by an intermediate free region R, by analyzing the relevant solutions to the Schroedinger equation. We find that the total traversal time does not depend not only on the barrier widths (the socalled 'Hartman effect'), but also on the R width: so that the effective velocity in the region R, between the two barriers, can be regarded as infinite. This agrees with the results known from the corresponding waveguide experiments, which simulated the tunnelling experiment herein considered due to the formal identity between the Schroedinger and the Helmholt |