XI Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and Related Detectors



RPC2012 Best Poster and Best Presentation Awards

The Internationa Advisory Committee assigned the awards for

Best Talk
to Massimiliano Marchisone
for the contribution:
Performance of the ALICE muon trigger system in Pb-Pb collisions

2nd Best Talk
to Roberto Iuppa
for the contribution:
Results from the ARGO-YBJ experiment

3rd Best Talk
to Lorenzo Paolozzi
for the contribution:
Test for upgrading the RPCs at very high counting rate

Special Mention
to Sudeshna Dasgupta
for the contribution:
Proposed Trigger Scheme for the ICAL detecotr of India-based Neutrino Observatory

Best Poster
to Luis Lopes
for the contribution:
Study of RPCs for autonomous stations in cosmic ray research


All presenters (oral or poster) having an age below or equal to 35 years.

Awarding Body
The International Advisory Committee.

The awards will be presented at the RPC2012 closing on Friday 10 February, 2012.

The awards consist of a diploma plus a "surprise".

The name of the winners will be plublished in the RPC2012 web site.