XVIII Physics in Collision
Three-Day Plenary Session Conference

Frascati, June 17-19,1998

Travel to Frascati

Frascati is located 20 km south-east of Rome and about 50 km west of "Fiumicino" Airport
(Rome area map). The Frascati National Laboratories are about 2 km from Frascati center.
Participants arriving by plane:
From "Fiumicino" Airport you can take a train to "Rome-Termini " or "Rome -Tiburtina" railway stations. The tickets are available at the airport and cost about 13,000 Lit to "Rome-Termini" and
7,000 Lit to "Rome-Tiburtina".
Trains depart nearly every hour (timetable).

Train connection Rome-Frascati
Frascati can be easily reached by train from the Termini central railway station (timetable). Tickets cost about 3,100 Lit.
From Tiburtina station take "LINEA B" underground to Termini station and then the train to Frascati (Frascati map).
Getting to Frascati by bus:
At Termini railway station take the "LINEA A" underground toAnagnina. From Tiburtina railway station take the "LINEA B" underground to Termini station and then "LINEA A". About 100 meters outside Anagnina-stop take the "CO.TRAL" bus to Frascati. Bus-tickets can be purchased at the bus-stop.
By Road:
If you come by car, take the ring road "Grande Raccordo Anulare", then take exit 21-22, and follow the Frascati road sign. Drive along the Tuscolana road (Frascati map) for about 9 km to get to Frascati City Hall. To reach the Frascati Laboratories or Villa Campitelli you must take via E. Fermi on the Tuscalana road, about 8 km from "Grande Raccordo Anulare ". The INFN sign marks on the left Tuscolana-Fermi street corner. Follow the indications on the map.
Getting to Frascati by taxi
Taxi fare (yellow or white licensed cabs are strongly advised) from airport to Frascati is approximately to 100,000 Lit. Taxi fare from Termini to Frascati is approximately to 80,000 Lit.

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- Conference Events
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- Laboratories at a Glance
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- Villa Campitelli
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       Pic97 Transparencies
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- Tourist Links:
       Comune di Roma (Italian)
       Rome city net
       Rome and Vatican Museum
       Frascati e dintorni (Italian)

- Nov-27-97
- Nov-27-97
- Nov-27-97
- in progress

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- Dec-10-97
- Nov-29-97
- Nov-27-97

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- Mar-11-98

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- Nov-27-97
- in progress
- Jan-19-98
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- Nov-5-97
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- Nov-27-97

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- Nov-5-97
- Nov-5-97

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- Nov-5-97
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- Jan-19-98
- Jan-19-98
