XVIII Physics in Collision
Three-Day Plenary Session Conference

Frascati, June 17-19,1998 


Villa Aldobrandini, Frascati
18-19 June 1998 

The poster sessions will be held from June 18 (morning) up to the end of the conference.

Contributions to the poster sessions will be selected 
on the basis of the relevance of the experimental results shown.
Poster Session authors should submit for acceptance a summary (MAX TWO PAGES) in LaTeX format using the following files before March 13th, 1998: 

Poster session contributions will not be published in conference proceedings. However, the Poster Summaries of accepted poster contributions will be collected in the PIC98 POSTER  SUMMARY BOOK and distributed to participants at the conference. 

Poster Summaries in postscript format must be sent to the attention of Dr. F.L.Fabbri (pic98@lnf.infn.it) before March 13th, 1998. Notification of acceptance will be given by E-mail, together with poster assembling instructions, before March 23th, 1998 

  Last Update
- Back to Welcome Page
- General Information
- The Conference at a Glance
- The Scientific Program

- Registration Form
        By WWW
        By Fax
        By E-mail

- Poster Session Contributions
- Proceedings Instructions
- Fellowship Application Form

- Accommodation in Frascati
- Conference Events
- Conference Transportation
- Social Life in Frascati
- Travel to Frascati
- Weather during Conference
- Laboratories at a Glance
- Laboratories & other maps
- Villa Aldobrandini
- Villa Campitelli
- Conference Poster
- Previous Editions
- Sponsor

- Useful Links:
       Pic97 Transparencies
       Forthcoming Conferences

- Tourist Links:
       Comune di Roma (Italian)
       Rome city net
       Rome and Vatican Museum
       Frascati e dintorni (Italian)

- Nov-27-97
- Nov-27-97
- Nov-27-97
- in progress

- Nov-27-97
- Dec-10-97
- Nov-29-97
- Nov-27-97

- in progress
- Mar-11-98

- Nov-27-97
- Nov-27-97
- in progress
- Jan-19-98
- in progress
- Nov-5-97
- Nov-27-97
- Nov-27-97

- Nov-5-97
- Nov-5-97
- Nov-5-97

- Nov-5-97
- Nov-5-97
- Nov-5-97
- Nov-5-97
- Jan-19-98
- Jan-19-98
