XVIII Physics in Collision
Three-Day Plenary Session Conference

Frascati, June 17-19,1998 

Fellowship Application Form

Limited funding is available for attending the conference. Preference will be given to young scientists
and applicants presenting posters.

Financial support can be requested for one of the following options:

  • Travel
  • Lodging
  • Registration fees

The request form must be filled in and sent by fax (+39-6-94032900) to the IAC Chairman
before March 20th. The popster summary
(see Poster Session Contributions) must be sent attached to the request for financial support.

The applicant must send, under separate cover and before April 10th , a letter of reference from a senior physicist to the IAC Chairman:

Franco L. Fabbri - IAC Chairman,
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Via E. Fermi 40, 00044 Frascati, Roma

Click here for the request form

  - Last Update
- Back to Welcome Page 
- General Information
- The Conference at a Glance
- The Scientific Program

- Registration Form
        By WWW
        By Fax
        By E-mail

- Poster Session Contributions
- Proceedings Instructions
- Fellowship Application Form

- Accommodation in Frascati
- Conference Events
- Conference Transportation
- Social Life in Frascati
- Travel to Frascati
- Weather during Conference
- Laboratories at a Glance
- Laboratories & other maps
- Villa Aldobrandini
- Villa Campitelli
- Conference Poster
- Previous Editions
- Sponsors

- Useful Links:
       Pic97 Transparencies
       Forthcoming Conferences

- Tourist Links:
       Comune di Roma (Italian)
       Rome city net
       Rome and Vatican Museum
       Frascati e dintorni (Italian)

- Nov-27-97
- Nov-27-97
- Nov-27-97
- in progress

- Nov-27-97
- Dec-10-97
- Nov-29-97
- Nov-27-97

- in progress
- Mar-11-98

- Nov-27-97
- Nov-27-97
- in progress
- Jan-19-98
- in progress
- Nov-5-97
- Nov-27-97
- Nov-27-97

- Nov-5-97
- Nov-5-97
- Nov-5-97

- Nov-5-97
- Nov-5-97
- Nov-5-97
- Nov-5-97
- Jan-19-98
- Jan-19-98
