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4 The bare effective Hamiltonian

  Weak decays of light hadrons are more conveniently studied using the Wilson operator product expansion (OPE) [22]. With the OPE, it is possible to introduce an effective Hamiltonian, written in terms of renormalized local operators and of the corresponding Wilson coefficients [23]--[26]. Short-distance strong-interaction effects are contained in the coefficients and can be computed in perturbation theory, because of asymptotic freedom. Long-distance strong-interaction effects are included in the hadronic matrix elements of the local operators and must be evaluated with some non-perturbative technique (lattice, QCD sum rules, etc.). The convenience of the effective Hamiltonian approach is that all known non-perturbative methods are usually able to predict matrix elements of local operators only. In this section we introduce the bare effective Hamiltonian, the renormalization of which will be discussed in the next section.

At second order in the weak coupling constant and at zero order in the strong coupling constant, the effective Hamiltonian can be written in terms of a local product of two charged currents


where ; and are colour indices and the sum over repeated indices is understood. We have introduced the notation

for q=u,c,t. In terms of the , the unitarity condition of the CKM matrix can be written as

Equation (29) has been obtained from the original theory, by neglecting all masses and momenta with respect to . In practice, the effective Hamiltonian is obtained by taking in the T-product of the two charged currents and by putting the u, d and s masses to zero. In order to discuss CP-violation, it is convenient to write as

where contains the CP-violating phase and

Carlos E.Piedrafita