
class description - source file - inheritance tree

class TFndDisplay : public TObject

TFndDisplay TFndDisplay() TFndDisplay TFndDisplay(Int_t size, Char_t* fHDT = $FND_DATA/HDT/onl.hdt) TFndDisplay TFndDisplay(TFndDisplay&) virtual void ~TFndDisplay() virtual Bool_t AllViews() TClass* Class() virtual void Clear(Option_t* option) virtual void DisableDetector(char* name) virtual void DisplayButtons() virtual Int_t DistanceToPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) virtual void Draw(Option_t* option) virtual void DrawAllViews() virtual void DrawHits() virtual void DrawTitle(Option_t* option) virtual void DrawView(Float_t theta, Float_t phi, Float_t psi) virtual void DrawViewGL() virtual void DrawViewX3D() virtual void EnableDetector(char* name) virtual void ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) Int_t GetZoomMode() virtual TClass* IsA() virtual void LoadPoints() TPad* Pad() virtual void Paint(Option_t* option) Float_t PTCut() virtual void SetDrawHits(Bool_t draw = kTRUE) virtual void SetDrawTracks(Bool_t draw = kTRUE) virtual void SetPickMode() virtual void SetPTcut(Float_t ptcut = 1.5) virtual void SetRange(Float_t rrange = 150., Float_t zrange = 150.) virtual void SetView(Float_t theta, Float_t phi, Float_t psi) virtual void SetZoomMode() virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void ShowNextEvent(Int_t delta = 1) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) virtual void UnZoom()

Data Members

Int_t fZoomMode = 1 if in zoom mode Bool_t fDrawAllViews True if AllViews selected Bool_t fDrawTracks True if tracks are drawn Bool_t fDrawHits True if hits are drawn Float_t fPTcut PT cut to select drawn objects Float_t fTheta viewing angle Float_t fPhi viewing angle Float_t fPsi viewing angle Float_t fRrange view size along Radius Float_t fZrange view size along beam direction Float_t fZoomX0[20] Low x-range for i-th zoom Float_t fZoomX1[20] High x-range for i-th zoom Float_t fZoomY0[20] Low y-range for i-th zoom Float_t fZoomY1[20] High y-range for i-th zoom Int_t fZooms Zooming order Int_t fHitsCuts Number of hits surviving cuts TCanvas* fCanvas pointer to display canvas TPad* fTrigPad pointer to trigger pad; TPad* fMomPad pointer to momentum cut pad TPad* fEtaPad pointer to rapidity cut pad TPad* fButtons pointer to buttons pad TPad* fPad pointer to event display main pad TSlider* fRangeSlider pointer to Range slider TButton* fPickButton button to activate "pick" mode TButton* fZoomButton button to activate "zoom" mode TArc* fArcButton Green/Red button to show pick/zoom mode TList* fFruits List of fruits TGeometry* fnd_geom FINUDA Mther Volume Char_t* fHDT Hdt input file name TFile* fHdtFile Hdt input file TFndHdt* fev Hdt Event

Class Description

    Utility class for the FINUDA  Event display (Hits & Tracks)        


TFndDisplay(Int_t size, Char_t *fhdt)
 Create an event display object
 A canvas named "edisplay" is created with a vertical size in pixels

  A QUICK Overview of the available functions
  The FINUDA event is started by the "fnd_evd.C" macro
  A canvas will appear, with on its left side the following buttons:
  *Next*          to get next event
  *Previous*      to get previous event
  *Top View*      to display the top view of current event
  *Side View*     to display the side view of current event
  *Front View*    to display the front view of current event
  *All Views*     to display front/side/top views of current event
  *OpenGL*        to use OpenGL for a 3D view
                  NB: OpenGL can't be used across the network
                  Before using OpenGL, its libraries must be loaded by
                  the $ROOTSYS/macros/GL.C macros
  *X3D*           to use X3D for a 3D view
                  Once n X3D, type M to get the list of possible options
                  (example: J to zoom, K to unzoom, mouse to rotate)
  *Pick*          Select "Pick" to point on a track with the mouse, and
                  use the right mouse button to choose the action
  *Zoom*          Select "Zoom" if you want to zoom; then select the area
                  to be zoomed with the left mouse button
  *UnZoom*        to revert the "Zoom" action

  slider R        can be used to select the default picture size
  slider pcut     can be used to change the momentum cut on tracks
  slider eta      can be used to change the rapidity cut on tracks




void Clear(Option_t *)
      Delete graphics temporary objects

void DisableDetector(const char *name)

void DisplayButtons()
  Create the user interface buttons

Int_t DistanceToPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)

void Draw(Option_t *)
  Display current event

void DrawAllViews()
  Draw  Front,  Side,  Top  views

void DrawHits()

void DrawTitle(Option_t *option)
  Draw event title

void DrawView(Float_t theta, Float_t phi, Float_t psi)
  Draw a view of FINUDA

void DrawViewGL()
  Draw View with OpenGL

void DrawViewX3D()
 Draw View with X3D

void EnableDetector(const char *name)

void ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
 Execute action corresponding to the mouse event

void LoadPoints()

void Paint(Option_t *)

void SetPickMode()

void SetZoomMode()

void SetPTcut(Float_t ptcut)

void SetRange(Float_t rrange, Float_t zrange)

void SetView(Float_t theta, Float_t phi, Float_t psi)
  change  viewing  angles

void ShowNextEvent(Int_t delta)

void UnZoom()

Inline Functions

             Bool_t AllViews()
              Int_t GetZoomMode()
              TPad* Pad()
            Float_t PTCut()
               void SetDrawHits(Bool_t draw = kTRUE)
               void SetDrawTracks(Bool_t draw = kTRUE)
            TClass* Class()
            TClass* IsA()
               void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
               void Streamer(TBuffer& b)
        TFndDisplay TFndDisplay(TFndDisplay&)

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