The CGEM-IT Project

co-financed by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MAE)

as a Project of Great Relevance (PGR) starting 2013

  1. Status 2014-03-06 ()
  2. First occupation plots from planar setup, 2014-03-14
  3. 2-D residual plots from tracking chambers, 2014-03-19
  4. 1-D residual plots from tracking chambers, in X and Y, 2014-03-19
  5. Status 2014-06-10 (, )
  6. Cluster size and resolution in test chamber with GASTONE electronics ( ), 2014-07-31
  7. Cluster size in test chamber with APV electronics ( ), 2014-11-04
  8. Status 2015-05-10 (, )
  9. Status 2016-02-17 (, )