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invited speakers abstract submission timetable & program discussions


The scientific program of the conference will include invited presentations by the experts in the field of the “Channeling 2014” topics, selected oral presentations, and poster sessions.

Overhead, slide and video projector linked to a PC will be available. In case of PC presentation the files of the PowerPoint (or pdf) format should be loaded to the PC provided by the organizers before the session of the talk. You may bring your own computer, of course; however there will be no support for your own material.

Posters should be presented during the whole working day. The size of the display area for a poster is 80 cm in width and 100 cm in height.

>> Invited speakers with tentative titles of their talks (confirmed):

@ Uli Wienands, SLAC, USA
Observation of Remarkable Deflection of a Multi-GeV Electron Beam by a Thin Crystal

@ Xavier Artru, IPNL & Université de Lyon-I, France
Status of QED in Radiation by Relativistic Electrons in Matter

@ Vladimir G. Baryshevsky, Research Institute for Nuclear Problems, BELARUS
Spontaneous and Induced Radiation of Relativistic Electrons/Positrons in Natural and Photonic Crystals. Volume Free Electron Laser: from Microwave and Optical to X-Rays Range

@ Leonard Feldman, Rutgers school SUNJ, USA
Channeling for Advanced Electronic Materials Research

@ Calin A. Ur, Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, ROMANIA
Luigi Palumbo, "Sapienza" University of Rome, ITALY
ELI - Extreme Light Infrastructure Project

@ Frank Zimmermann, CERN, SWITZERLAND
CERN Strategy and Future Large Scale Projects

@ Young Min Shin, FERMILAB, USA
Channeling Acceleration Research at Fermilab - Advanced Superconducting Test Accelerator (ASTA) Facility (TBD)

@ Allen Caldwell, Max Planck Institute, GERMANY
AWAKE - the Proton Wakefield Acceleration Experiment

@ Danilo Giulietti, University of Pisa, ITALY
Laser-Induced Plasma Channels by ns to fs Pulses

@ Victor Malka, LOA Palaisee, FRANCE
On Compact Light Source using Nano Wires Plasma Undulators

@ Leonida Gizzi, CNR INO Pisa, ITALY
Laser-Plasma Acceleration of Electrons for Radiobiology and Radiation Sources

@ Andrey Soloviev, ITP Frankfurt Goethe University, GERMANY
Channeling and Radiation of Ultra-Relativistic Electrons and Positrons in Linear, Bent and Periodically Bent Crystals as seen from Simulations with MBN Explorer, by G. Sushko, A. Korol, V.G. Bezchastnov, A.V. Solov'yov

@ Hironari Yamada, PPL Shiga, JAPAN
Synchrotron-Cherenkov Radiation Observed in Laboratory on Earth being Predicted in Astronomy

@ Didier Mazon, CEA IRFM, FRANCE
Magnetic Confinement Principles in TOKAMAK devices  and Actual Challenges

@ Peter Wobrauschek, ATI, AUSTRIA
Polycapillary Optics for Advanced X-ray Instrumentations

@ Giuseppe Dattoli, ENEA-Frascati, Italy
Multivariable and Multiindex Bessel Functions: A computational tool for Electromagnetic Processes

@ Jorge A. Fernandez, University of Bologna, Italy
Multivariable and Multiindex Bessel Functions: A computational tool for Electromagnetic Processes

@ Nikolai F. Shul'ga, NSC KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine
Electromagnetic Processes at High Energies with "half-bare" Particles

@ Massimo Ferrario, LNF INFN, Italy
Electromagnetic Processes at High Energies with "half-bare" Particles

@ Luca Serafini, INFN Milano, Milan, Italy
Applications and Approaches of Advanced Gamma Ray Compton Sources

@ Bruce Carlsten, LANL, Los Alamos, USA
Applications and Approaches of Advanced Gamma Ray Compton Sources

@ Alexander Potylitsyn, TPU, Tomsk, Russia
Spectral Characteristics of Radiation at Thomson and Compton Scattering of Relativistic Electrons in Intense Laser Field

@ Karo Ispiryan, YerPhI, Yerevan, Armenia
Channeling, Dechanneling and Focusing of Charged Particle beams in Hollow Laser Beams

@ Anand Pathak, University of Hydarabad, India
Channeling and Channeling Radiation from Imperfect Crystals with Dislocations and Anharmonic Interactions

>> For the Complete List of the Contributions, please, use the following link: https://agenda.infn.it/contributionListDisplay.py?confId=7409


>> Each author is requested to submit a camera-ready copy of the abstract of his contribution in English by June 15 via e-mail channeling2014@lists.lnf.infn.it

Authors are kindly required to follow the guidelines for Abstracts of Invited, Oral or Poster Contributions in doc, LaTeX (preferable style) or pdf formats (look also at the end of this document); the templates of these formats are also online available via the links on the page Downloads). Please, save and submit the abstract under your family name typed in small letters, e.g. abstract_smith.*** submitted by Dr. Smith.
Abstracts of all accepted papers (both oral and poster) will be published in the Advanced Program and distributed to all participants at registration. Post deadline abstracts will not be published. 

The "Channeling 2014" proceedings will be published as a special, but consecutively numbered, issue of the journal Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. The content of the Proceedings will consist of invited papers plus a selection of contributed papers.

>> For the Complete List of the Contributions, please, use the link https://agenda.infn.it/contributionListDisplay.py?confId=7409

Sunday, October 5



   Welcome Party

Monday, October 6

Tuesday, October 7

Wednesday, October 8


Thursday, October 9


   Social Dinner


Friday, October 10













download a pdf copy of the preliminary timetable



>> Channeling 2014: ADVANCE PROGRAM /pdf copy - ch2014_adv-prog-preliminary.pdf/


>> Additional to both technical program presentations of the conference (invited, oral, poster) and lectures of the opening Primer and two Round Table sessions, Channeling 2014 will offer the possibility to discuss various topics during evening round tables. Namely, Channeling 2014 program includes:

@ Primer session /October 5, 15:00 - Comune Anacapri/

The lectures on large future experiments at CERN and on ELI and ITER-TOKAMAK projects
This session will be followed by the welcome party at the Villa San Michele

N.B.: Capri and Anacapri are two Comunes on the island of Capri.

@ Dedicated session on crystal simulation routines /Hotel La Residenza/

"Crystal Simulation Routines for Particle Accelerators: Comparison and Benchmarking with Experimental Data" /Chair Francesca Galluccio, INFN-Napoli/

The UA9 experiment has demonstrated that bent crystals are able to steer the beam halo safely out of a high energy particle accelerator, thus allowing to decrease the total beam losses all around the machine.
Particle tracking simulations are a very powerful predictive tool and play a fundamental role in the design of complex particle accelerators.
Dedicated crystal models have been developed to simulate the interaction of high energy charged particles with crystals and to be included in tracking codes.
Validation of these models can be performed by comparison with the experimental data of crystal exposure to beam.
Several crystal modeling routines will be presented and their predictive power will be evaluated by comparison with the experimental data taken by the UA9 collaboration at the H8 extraction line of the CERN SPS.

@ Round Table /Hotel La Residenza/

"Propagation of Ultra-Intense Laser Pulses in Plasma Channels and Related Phenomena" /Chair Danilo Giulietti, University of Pisa/

The propagation of super-intense and ultra-short laser pulses in plasmas is a main concern in several applications of the laser-plasma interactions, from ICF to HEP. During the propagation in the plasma the light beam deeply changes its parameters, inducing at the same time the relativistic regime of the electron quivering motion. These extreme conditions are suitable for the electron acceleration in high field gradient, opening to the realization of compact secondary sources of X-gamma rays. Colleagues from the major laser infrastructures and research centers (CEA, RAL, Ecole Polytechnique, PALS, … ) participating to the Round Table will consider present and future links between the different applications of such physical phenomena.

/download a pdf copy of the extended abstract/
