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2013 status

May 13th, 2013

The current planning for the restart of the facility is the following:

Unfortunately, the requests largely exceeded the available beam time.


The BTF user committee has recommended the following beam-time allocation for year 2013 (with some adjustement for already known incompatibilities/problems): (pdf)
Even squeezing the maintance and technical stops periods, we still have some "overflow" in 2014: (pdf)

Important notice for the users

We warmly ask the users to inform us as soon as possible (, in the event of:
We recall that all participants to the test beam have to provide the documentation for the access formalities at LNF in advance (please, take into consideration that many periods are close to shutdown or vacation periods).
Please, consider that access for experimental activities should be granted also to LNF users/personnel not already authorized. All information is available at the link:
Access to the facility could also be funded by the European contract hadronPhysics I3 (Transnational Access to Research Infrastructure).