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recall is a command line tool used to copy files on recall disk areas. The selection of files is based on a SQL query.


recall type [options] recall_area query




recall can be used to manually copy files on recall disk areas. A normal user is never required to do so since KID automatically does the trick. It is however an invaluable tool for system administrators.

Using the -d flag, only files that are already on a disk can be copied.

recall normally uses a human friendly output. Using the -b flag, only names of the copied files will be printed.

Some examples

Recall a list of datarec files to a user recall area.

recall datarec all "stream_code='bgg' and version=16 and run_nr=22653"

Copy a set of datarec files to a specific recall area and limit the action only to files that are already on a disk.

recall datarec -d f0a 15 "stream_code='bgg' and version=16 and run_nr between 22000 and 23000"

A more elaborate request to copy raw files to the production area.

recall raw production "stream_code='ALL' and torta_name='2sect_DC2_c5' and Zero_Sup=1 and run_nr between 26000 and 26335"

A simple Monte Carlo request, with several recall areas listed. The least used area will be used.

recall mc f0a 15 f0b 13 f0b 15 "mccard_code='kskl_2pi'"

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

None yet.

Please send questions to Igor Sfiligoi

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