
MonteCarlo and Reconstruction code: new release v. 5.17

Dear collaborators,
a new version (5.17) of the offline Monte Carlo and Reconstruction code 
has been released. It is now available from our web site:

Best regards,
Germano Bonomi

Here's the release notes:

WARNING: from this version (5.17) on, the magnetic field map is necessary
to run both Montecarlo and Reconstruction. The field.map file must be 
downloaded and placed in the top installation directory.


Major changes

1) Global detector alignment 
   ISIM/OSIM/DCH have been aligned using STRAW tubes with COSMIC ray
   data with B=0.
   ISIM/OSIM/DCH have been shifted and rotated. 
   New geometry reflects the new positions.

2) B field map introduction
   Now it is possible to read the magnetic field map from an external file
   (field.map). This is the default option. Uniform B field could also be
   used. The B field option is driven by the FIELD card in fidamc.dat
   FIELD   0 -> no field
   FIELD   1 -> field from map
   FIELD   3 -> uniform field
3) COSM ntuple changed to NCOSM to avoid conflicts with COSM logical
   HYPE ntuple changed to NHYPE to avoid conflicts with HYPE logical

Major changes

1) Global detector alignment 
   New geometry with rotation and shift of detectors has been introduced 
in MC.
   Drift chamber corrections (auto-alignment) in DCHDEC have been
   disabled (shifts and rotation parameters set to 0) by default. Enabling 
   the flag DCHCORR (sel DCHCORR) will activate them again. To be
   obsoleted a.s.a.p.

2) B field map introduction
   Now it is possible to read the magnetic field map from an external file
   (field.map). This is the default option. Uniform B field could also be
   used. The B field option is driven by the FIELD card in fidamc.dat and
   stored in the geometry file.

3) Duplication of the ITAB variable (ITABC, ITABS)
   ITAB variable has been split into two new variables:
   ITABC for the drift chambers
   ITABS for the straw tubes

4) Straw routines modification
   Corrections to travoneb_cos for travel straw trigger or*fone
   New routine travinob_cos for travel straw trigger or*fino
   Corrections to ustrinit (tbar_b all set to 0)
   Corrections to cosmfitb
   Modifications to ntuple 124

5) TOF calibrations have been added to the database and the offline code
   modified accordingly

6) New ntuple 500 for fine alignment with cosmics
