
Version -1 of the FINUDA Code

   Dear FINUDA Collaborators, I have released the version 5.08/00 of 
   fidamc and fidarc, (-1) relative to the producion code to be used 
   next week for the massive data production.

   The version contains several improvements that you may see listed 
   below. The most important are:
   - Travel correction routines for straws for hype and bhabha events
   - Alignement (1st approx.) for VDET
   - Chamber relative alignemnt (rotation and axial)
   - New chamber drift cells for 1.0T
   Extensive checks and further calibration/alignment improvements are
   waited before releasing the final version.

   You may find asap the new versions on the web.

   Best regards   Aldo Zenoni

*CMZ :  5.08/00 26/02/2004  11.18.49  by  aldo zenoni
*-- Author :    aldo zenoni   26/02/2004
*::>          VERSION  5.08/00   26/02/2004 11.18.49
*  - Internal and external chamber array relative rotations inserted.
*    Values of rotations ROTANG, ROTANE obtained by cosmic ray data obtained
*    in 2003 calibration runs. Mods in UGEOIN, UGTRKV.
*  - New geometry of VDET inserted (1st approx.). Extensive changes in
*    UGINTG. Old geometry flagged provisionally with CMZ flag OLDGEO.
*    Waiting for being obsoleted.
*  - Small mods in FIDAMC card file

*CMZ :  5.08/00 26/02/2004  11.32.36  by  aldo zenoni
*-- Author :    aldo zenoni   26/02/2004
*::>          VERSION  5.08/00   26/02/2004 11.32.36
*  - New XTRCH inserted containing the drift time tables for chambers
*    for B=1.0T in different voltages and mixture conditions.
*    Table selection is done by ITAB flag defined in GENINI. Values from
*    (3 to 8) select different tables. Best actual value set to 7 in GENINI.
*  - Selected ITAB value printed out in GENINI when INTER. Mods in XTRSTR
*    and ADJDCH.
*  - Changes ion DCHDEC to correct for chamber misalignment along axis and
*    Zeta measurement shifts. Data from 2003 cosmic ray calibration runs.
*  - Travel correction routines for cosmic rays renamed as follows:
*    TRAVINO_COS: straight cosmic rays, trigger (OR-fone&Or-fino)
*    TRAVONE_COS: straight cosmic rays, trigger (OR-fone)
*    New routine TRAVONEB_COS: curved cosmic rays, trigger (OR-fone)
*    inserted.
*  - New routines STTRAVEL_HYP and STTRAVEL_BHA inserted for straw
*    tube correction for travel for Hype and Bhabha events. Mods in
*  - Trigger flag selection done now with .OR. condition on trigger bits
*    read in PU1 and PU2. Priority always on HYPE trigger.
*  - Small bug in TOFDEC corrected. Mods in READ_LIB for 0-event reading
*    for TOF and LMD.

Prof. Aldo Zenoni                        tel. +39 030 3715729      
Dipartimento di Meccanica                             3715798
Facolta' di Ingegneria                   fax. +39 030 3702448
Universita' di Brescia                   e-mail: zenoni@bs.infn.it
Via Valotti, 9