from Monday, July 11th to Friday, July 15th, 2022.
The School is intended for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in theoretical and experimental high-energy physics. The 2022 edition of the School includes lectures on selected theoretical and experimental topics, discussion sessions, and the 7th Young Researchers' Workshop Physics Challenges in the LHC Era which will take place on Monday, July 11th and on Thursday, July 14th, 2022. Students planning to participate in the School are strongly encouraged to apply to give a presentation of their research in the Workshop.
The XX LNF Summer School program will also feature the
7th Summer School Colloquium Brave New Worlds:Discovery and Characterisation of Planets Beyond our Solar System Daniel Bayliss
University of Warwick, United Kingdom
The 2022 edition of the School consists of six sets of lectures, divided equally between theoretical and experimental topics, two discussion sessions, and the Summer School Colloquium on Science and Technology.
Lecture topics:
- Flavour physics in quarks and charged leptons: theory and experiments
- Early Universe Cosmology: Neutrinos, Dark Matter and Baryogenesis
- Cosmic Microwave Background: experimental challenges
- Precision Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
- Future colliders: from accelerator and detector technology to the scientific programme
- QCD and jets at colliders
Invited lecturers:
- Matteo Cacciari
- Andreas Crivellin
- Paolo De Bernardis
- Miguel Escudero Abenza
- Diego Guadagnoli
- Gianpiero Mangano
- Alberto Lusiani
- Marie-Hélène Schune
- Marcel Vos
See also the program, as well as the schedule. Details of the Young Researchers' Workshop can be found here.
Group photo
Thanks to all the participants in the XXth Frascati Summer School: Click here for a picture
Click on the links below to view the poster of the school