Time over mass studies

The problem

The problem of a 'bad converging' fit shows up for the BS mode (and with 
some minor differences in the BD mode) AFTER
the change from v4r6 and v4r7.  Those two fit versions do differ (mainly)
JUST for the threatment of the time distribution:
in v4r6 we use the time distributions
in v4r7 we use the time/mass distributions instead (in order to move 1
setp forward in the direction of a simultaneous fit).
This change introduces some correlations among DeltaGamma and tau (BD fit) or
ReEta, ImEta, and w (BS fit) that results in an unstable
fit result: this means that the time needed to converge is much larger
in both cases and that in the BS case the error matrix is not accurate!

As material I link here the full log files for the various fits:

Full details on the problem can be found below.
Since, as shown below, the PDF have not changed, 
the problem is coming from elsewhere...

Bd fit

                                 V4R6 version                                                 V4R7 version   

   Floating Parameter  InitialValue    FinalValue +/-  Error     GblCorr.     InitialValue    FinalValue +/-  Error     GblCorr. 
  --------------------  ------------  --------------------------  --------     ------------  --------------------------  --------
              B02Kpi_A   -1.2250e-01   -1.2257e-01 +/-  3.52e-03  0.020008      -1.2250e-01   -1.2020e-01 +/-  3.53e-03  0.017990   
          DeltaGammaB0    0.0000e+00    1.2290e-02 +/-  1.06e-02  0.350707       0.0000e+00    9.9940e-03 +/-  1.98e-02  0.002730
           DeltaMassB0    5.0000e-01    5.0342e-01 +/-  4.27e-03  0.204821     	 2.6395e+03    2.6342e+03 +/-  2.34e+01  0.204087
               ImEtaB0   -5.6340e-01   -5.3480e-01 +/-  6.00e-02  0.376153      -5.6340e-01   -6.1761e-01 +/-  7.27e-02  0.307252
           N_B02KpiSig    8.8221e+04    8.8389e+04 +/-  2.44e+02  0.180780     	 8.8221e+04    8.7963e+04 +/-  2.44e+02  0.184133
          N_B02pipiSig    2.2889e+04    2.2878e+04 +/-  1.63e+02  0.148446     	 2.2889e+04    2.2750e+04 +/-  1.62e+02  0.126644
               ReEtaB0    1.0041e+00    9.9321e-01 +/-  3.63e-02  0.341890       1.0041e+00    1.0402e+00 +/-  4.08e-02  0.295791
           deltaB02Kpi    1.3100e+00    1.3094e+00 +/-  4.82e-03  0.589309     	 6.9155e+03    6.7120e+03 +/-  2.61e+01  0.623539
          deltaB02pipi    1.3100e+00    1.3017e+00 +/-  5.11e-03  0.588326     	 6.9155e+03    6.8476e+03 +/-  2.94e+01  0.625607
             etaB02Kpi    9.9000e-01    9.9391e-01 +/-  3.97e-03  0.591412     	 5.2262e+03    5.2668e+03 +/-  2.16e+01  0.625057
            etaB02pipi    9.9000e-01    9.9146e-01 +/-  4.25e-03  0.592951     	 5.2262e+03    5.2341e+03 +/-  2.31e+01  0.626484
              mB0_mean    5.2790e+03    5.2790e+03 +/-  5.60e-02  0.025570     	 5.2790e+03    5.2789e+03 +/-  5.65e-02  0.019278
             mB0_width    1.6000e+01    1.5944e+01 +/-  4.63e-02  0.206823     	 1.6000e+01    1.6035e+01 +/-  4.68e-02  0.209635
              muB02Kpi    1.3400e-03    1.3520e-03 +/-  1.41e-05  0.044000     	 1.3400e-03    1.3389e-03 +/-  1.41e-05  0.045450
             muB02pipi    1.3400e-03    1.3226e-03 +/-  1.53e-05  0.038988     	 1.3400e-03    1.3245e-03 +/-  1.52e-05  0.039125
                 tauB0    1.5400e+00    1.5340e+00 +/-  4.73e-03  0.307629       2.9200e-04    2.9226e-04 +/-  8.59e-07  0.101264
                   wB0    3.5000e-01    3.4586e-01 +/-  2.63e-03  0.273367     	 3.5000e-01    3.5416e-01 +/-  2.63e-03  0.272174

Bs fit

                                 V4R6 version                                                 V4R7 version   

    Floating Parameter  InitialValue    FinalValue +/-  Error     GblCorr.     InitialValue    FinalValue +/-  Error     GblCorr.
  --------------------  ------------  --------------------------  --------     ------------  --------------------------  --------
              BS2Kpi_A    1.4002e-01    1.7413e-01 +/-  1.85e-02  0.081627       1.4002e-01    1.2480e-01 +/-  1.89e-02  0.062194
          DeltaGammaBS    6.8500e-02    6.9737e-02 +/-  8.96e-03  0.374322       3.6800e+02    3.3117e+02 +/-  5.05e+01  0.378807
           DeltaMassBS    2.0000e+01    1.9980e+01 +/-  1.10e-02  0.339786       1.0738e+05    1.0739e+05 +/-  5.46e+01  0.344549
               ImEtaBS    3.0950e-01    3.6401e-01 +/-  4.32e-02  0.692582       3.0950e-01    5.6220e-01 +/-  2.65e-02  0.315765
            N_BS2KKSig    2.1578e+04    2.1431e+04 +/-  1.13e+02  0.185425       2.1578e+04    2.1607e+04 +/-  1.13e+02  0.178883
           N_BS2piKSig    5.8900e+03    6.0394e+03 +/-  1.15e+02  0.221637       5.8900e+03    5.8592e+03 +/-  1.13e+02  0.192940
               ReEtaBS    8.2820e-01    7.7806e-01 +/-  4.15e-02  0.673356       8.2820e-01    7.9403e-01 +/-  2.54e-02  0.352285
            deltaBS2KK    1.3100e+00    1.2993e+00 +/-  1.06e-02  0.585474       7.0334e+03    7.0171e+03 +/-  6.57e+01  0.627462
           deltaBS2piK    1.3100e+00    1.3137e+00 +/-  4.61e-03  0.584016       7.0334e+03    6.9401e+03 +/-  2.71e+01  0.631198
              etaBS2KK    9.9000e-01    9.9599e-01 +/-  8.83e-03  0.586562       5.3153e+03    5.2246e+03 +/-  4.86e+01  0.628514
             etaBS2piK    9.9000e-01    9.9108e-01 +/-  3.76e-03  0.585658       5.3153e+03    5.3193e+03 +/-  2.11e+01  0.632590
              mBS_mean    5.3690e+03    5.3690e+03 +/-  1.16e-01  0.018359       5.3690e+03    5.3690e+03 +/-  1.16e-01  0.016543
             mBS_width    1.6000e+01    1.6088e+01 +/-  9.53e-02  0.215808       1.6000e+01    1.6079e+01 +/-  9.43e-02  0.209741
               muBS2KK    1.3400e-03    1.3484e-03 +/-  3.23e-05  0.115346       1.3400e-03    1.3125e-03 +/-  3.24e-05  0.110522
              muBS2piK    1.3400e-03    1.3326e-03 +/-  1.40e-05  0.124330       1.3400e-03    1.3577e-03 +/-  1.40e-05  0.123159
                 tauBS    1.4600e+00    1.4668e+00 +/-  6.30e-03  0.385894       2.7200e-04    2.7166e-04 +/-  1.17e-06  0.381958
                   wBS    2.9000e-01    3.1191e-01 +/-  1.72e-02  0.769416       2.9000e-01    2.2588e-01 +/-  2.93e-06  0.000279

The changes

The PDFs are identical. We use everywhere the variablew time/mass instead of time. The only other change is in the parameters.

Fixed parameters have been changed in this way:
BD fitBS fit
Time FitTime over Mass FitTime FitTime over Mass Fit
   Constant Parameter    Value     
  --------------------  ------------

      DeltaMassMeanRdn    4.9052e-01
      DeltaMassSigmaB0    7.0000e-03
           N_B02KpiTot    1.8870e+05
          N_B02pipiTot    1.0854e+05
           alphaB02Kpi    1.3000e+00
          alphaB02pipi    1.3000e+00
               massMax    5.7000e+03
               massMin    4.9000e+03
                offset   -6.8281e+05
            tauMeanRdn    1.5547e+00
            tauSigmaB0    1.4000e-02
            timeMeanB0    0.0000e+00
           timeSigmaB0    3.9100e-02

             Parameter    Value     
  --------------------  ------------
     DeltaGammaMeanRdn    6.3063e-02
     DeltaGammaSigmaBS    1.2100e-02
      DeltaMassMeanRdn    1.9984e+01
      DeltaMassSigmaBS    1.2000e-02
            N_BS2KKTot    4.1383e+04
           N_BS2piKTot    1.0969e+05
            alphaBS2KK    1.3000e+00
           alphaBS2piK    1.3000e+00
               massMax    5.7000e+03
               massMin    4.9000e+03
                offset   -2.1917e+05
            tauMeanRdn    1.4676e+00
            tauSigmaBS    7.3000e-03
            timeMeanBS    0.0000e+00
           timeSigmaBS    3.9100e-02

Alessio Sarti
Last modified: Thu Apr 5 16:10:24 CEST 2007