Autore/i: Giulia Pancheri, Luisa Bonolis
Titolo: Bruno Touschek with AdA in Orsay and the first direct observation of electron-positron collisions
Numero: INFN - 18 - 12/LNF
Data: 31-12-2018
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PDF file: INFN-18-12-LNF.pdf
Abstract: We describe how the first direct observation of electron-positron collisions took place
in 1963-1964 at the Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire d’Orsay, in France, with the
storage ring AdA, which had been proposed and constructed in the Italian National Laboratories
of Frascati in 1960, under the guidance of Bruno Touschek. The obstacles and
successes of the two and a half years during which the feasibility of electron-positron colliders
was proved will be illustrated using archival and forgotten documents, in addition
to transcripts from interviews with Carlo Bernardini, Peppino Di Giugno, Mario Fascetti,
François Lacoste, and Jacques Haïssinski.


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