1) add R. Volpe (Roma1) to the phi->a0 gamma paper 2) add S. Chi (LNF) to the KS->pi mu nu paper 3) add D. Bowring (LNF,Virginia) to the KS->pi+pi-pi0 paper 4) add S. Conetti (Virginia) to any paper in which the analysis uses QCAL (in this case add also the sentence "by DOE grant DE-FG-02-97ER41027;" in the acknowledgements) 5) add W. Kluge in the sigma hadronic papers 6) add F. Perfetto in the eta->3pi0 paper 7) add M. Testa in the CPT-QM test update paper 8) add D. Leone to ppg large angle paper 9) add "by INTAS, contracts 96-624, 99-37;" in the acknowledgements of the Ke2/Kmu2 paper 10) add "by Flavianet etc... (to be checked)" in the acknowledgements of papers with financial support by Flavianet.