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A quick reference for packman NOTE:

This page describes how the package management utility packman can be used. It will also explain in brackets the single steps executed.

The flavor HP-UX, package skel, and version v1 serve as example. The root of the online software is <root>.

The general syntax is:

tcsh> packman -flavor    [<flavor>]
              -configure [<package>  <version>]
              -setup     [<package>][<version>]
              -export    [<package>  <version>]
You can also give short option names like -s or the options -flavor, -configure and -setup together:
tcsh> packman -f HP-UX -c -s skel v1
Package installation and import can be done with packimport.csh.

NOTE: packman can only be used if you have a tcsh shell with version number greater than 6.03. If not you must do all the steps described in brackets manually which also works for the standard c-shell csh.

packman -flavor

Change the system default name flavor:
tcsh> packman -f HP-UX  ( setenv MANAGEFLAVOR HP-UX   )
tcsh> packman -f HP-UX  ( setenv MANAGEFLAVOR HP-UX   )
tcsh> packman -f        ( setenv MANAGEFLAVOR `uname` )
The last command redefines the default flavor.

packman -configure

Configure the package e.g. create the package tree and the setup files for this flavor:
tcsh> cd <root>/skel/v1/mgr
tcsh> packman -c         ( $MANAGEMGR/packconfig.csh )
tcsh> packman -c skel v1 ( $MANAGEMGR/packconfig.csh skel v1)

packman -setup

Setup the package e.g. run the specified setup script do define the development envirnonment:
tcsh> cd <root>/skel/v1/mgr
tcsh> packman -s         ( source setup.csh )
tcsh> packman -s skel v1 ( source <root>/skel/v1/mgr/setup.csh)
or if a default version is defined (symbolic link):
tcsh> packman -s skel ( source <root>/skel/default/mgr/setup.csh)

packman -export

Moves the compress tar archive from the package backup directory to the software distribution area. The backup file skel.v1.tar.Z can be created with the command:
tcsh> cd <root>/skel/v1/mgr
tcsh> gmake tar
To export the package use:
tcsh> cd $MANAGESAVE
tcsh> packman -e         ( mv skel.v1.tar.Z $MANAGEFTP/skel )
tcsh> packman -e skel v1 ( mv $MANAGESAVE/skel.v1.tar.Z 
		              $MANAGEFTP/skel )


To import a package you need first the script packimport.csh:
tcsh> mkdir <root>
tcsh> cd    <root>
tcsh> ftp hpkloe01.lnf.infn.it
<user name>
ftp> cd dist/online
ftp> get packimport.csh
ftp> quit
tcsh> chmod u+x packimport.csh
Then you can import the package via Anonymous FTP:
tcsh> cd <root>
tcsh> packimport.csh skel v1
The ping utility is used to find out, if the Anonymous FTP server is accessabile. If ping does not work correctly on your system you can use the -noping option:
tcsh> packimport.csh -noping skel v1

Wolfgang Grandegger ( wolf@hpserver.lnf.infn.it ), LNF/INFN, 18/3/96