KLOE Event Display ] [ Bottom ]

Install, configure and customize
your own event display

The KLOE event display package will be managed and distributed like the "o" packages itself. For the KLOE specific part in Fortran the KLOE rules and methods are respected as described in KLOE memo #4.

Note: for the KLOE online software methods and rules similar to the LAL/Orsay one will be used as already announced in KLOE memo #40, but there are still some pieces missing !

In general everybody can install and customize its own event display but for KLOE a master event display will be developed and maintained by Luca Passalacqua (LNF) on the LNF UNIX cluster (more information soon).

For the moment I just will briefly describe how to get, install, configure, setup and customize the KLOE display demo. This manual procedure will be replaced by an automatic one soon. It is also assumed that the "o" packages are installed on your system. On the LNF UNIX cluster you can find them under /kloe/soft/lal.

The KLOE online software will be accessible via Anonymous FTP from hpkloe01.lnf.infn.it:/dist/online.

Bring the Vis package in your directory: csh> source /kloe/soft/lal/methods/v1/mgr/setup.csh csh> cd <root for VIS software> csh> mkdir Vis csh> cd Vis csh> ftp hpkloe01.lnf.infn.it anonymous <user name> ftp> cd dist/online/Vis ftp> bin ftp> get Vis.v0.tar.Z ftp> quit csh> uncompress Vis.v0.tar.Z csh> tar xvf Vis.v0.tar

Configure, setup and build the package. This you must done on each platform (HP-UX or OSF/1) once. If the LAL software is not under /kloe/soft/lal you must edit the file requirements to corrcet the path.

csh> cd v0/mgr csh> source $METHODSMGR/pack_config.csh csh> source setup.csh csh> make

The display program is started with:

csh> setenv DISPLAY <my_display>:0 csh> cd ../src csh> $VISBIN/Vis.exe &

The following files are relevant to make and build the display program:

Used to define platform specific environment variables like compile options, library locations etc. This file is actually interpreted by the command csh> source $METHODSMGR/pack_config.csh to create the setup file setup.csh
Used to setup the display package Vis. The command csh> source setup.csh must be done once per login session. It also contains the setup commands for the KLOE offline environment like setup rbio.
This makefile is needed to build the complete package. It especially links the program with all the libraries needed. The KLOE specific Fortran routines are read from $VISBIN/events.a.
Makefile for the KLOE specific Fortran routines. Creates and updates the library file $VISBIN/events.a. It is called from src/Makefile.
Will be continued and updated soon ...
[ KLOE Event Display ] [ Top ]

Last updated 23 January 1996 by Wolfgang Grandegger

Suggestions, comments and questions ? Please contact:

Wolfgang Grandegger (wolf@hpkloe01.lnf.infn.it)