Software Tools

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The memory management system chosen for the KLOE experiment is the YBOS package from CDF, because of its speed, the CPU time usage to book, fill and write out the banks, and because of the space used by the produced output.

The analysis driver chosen to combine several independent subprograms into a single executable image is the ANALYSIS_CONTROL package used at FERMILAB, together with the BUILD_JOB package. Among other features, ANALYSIS_CONTROL offers the possibility to control several modules at run-time, to manipulate the histograms associated with a given module, to enter a "parameter override" menu for any subprogram, to stop event analysis in the middle of an analysis path on the basis of event informations provided by an event selection or filter module (a module is a collection of subroutines that perform a specific analysis task).

The product chosen to maintain and manage several releases of the code is CVS . All the KLOE software related to a single detector library is stored in a centralized repository which is a directory populated with a hierarchy of subdirectories and files. Normally the user cannot access any of the files in the repository directly, but using CVS commands gets its own copy of the files to work on. Through UNIX groups it is possible to control developers access to a single repository. Using CVS it is possible to keep track of source changes made by a group of developers working on the same files.

An Anlysis_Control program PROD2NTU is available to make the analysis quick, reliable and easy to all students and collaborators that prefer not to start from scratch with the KLOE data structure.

Files on tape are accessed via the FATMEN/SHIFT CERN software packages, customised to work onto the OSF platform, and to address the directives to the tape robot DEC TL820. The files are served to users via a software mechanism completely trasparent.

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Last updated Oct 16, 1997