From: AXLNF1::WOLF 19-OCT-1995 11:51:37.13 To: EVENT_DISPLAY$CONSULTANT CC: WOLF Subj: Some news about the Display KLOE Display Meeting, 17/10/1995, LNF Present: F.Donno and W.Grandegger. Hi, Flavia and I discussed about the event display implementation for KLOE based on ONX or better on the "o"-packages. I will give a brief status about that meeting: The plan now is to finish a demo display soon, which then can serve as an example for the other people working on this project. This first demo will read YBOS banks from files produced by the MC and Analysis group for the 'one million event production'. Data from the MC YBOS banks HEAD, DHIT and CHIT from the barrel and the chamber will be visualized implementing only a very preliminary interface to geomerty and YBOS banks. I propose to meet after this demo is really working (beginning of November), but people can come to my office whenever they are at LNF and ask me about progress and status (I'm now in room B22 in the new building). At this meeting we can than discuss in more detail about the next steps necessary to learn the tool and move towards the final KLOE display. Sure, a lot of work remains to be done and we dedicate it to interested collaborators. At the moment we are changing building and so on. For this and other reasons the project is somehow delayed. Sorry, be patient. Cheers Wolfgang.