How to read VIC 8251 mirrored memories

The VIC 8251 board is initialized at run INIT in the following way:

     Address      Content
    b0000000        1ffd  the maximum number of DFC tables
    b0000004           3  number of nodes in the farm
    b0000008    c0871a7e  IP address of farm node 1
    b000000C    c0871a7d  IP address of farm node 2
    b0000010    c0871a7f  IP address of farm node 3
    b0000014           7  flag 111 all farm nodes are in acquisition
    b0000018           0  validity trigger is infinite

In order to read those memories, do the following

packman Vme
Vmetst b0000000 0
Vmetst b0000000 4
Vmetst b0000000 8
Vmetst b0000000 c
Vmetst b0000000 10
Vmetst b0000000 14
Vmetst b0000000 18

and look at the line:

VME-Addr:B0000010, D32 data read: hexadecimal value
