1. list_archive usage: list_archive e.g. list_archive /runcond/db/online/trigconf/ --Don't forget the last slash. Otherwise you will get the dir list instead of file list. list_archive shows the list of files archived from fibm04 and kloe01 . is the path interested. See also kloe_retrieve to get the files back. If you have not found the files you need please try list_backup. node filespaces fibm04 /kloe/soft, /runcond kloe01 /big, 2. list_backup usage: list_backup e.g. list_backup /runcond/root/physmon/ list_backup shows the list of files backuped from fibm04 and kloe01. is the path interested. See also kloe_restore to restore the files backuped and deleted. If you have not found the files you need please try list_archive. node filespaces fibm04 /kloe/soft, /runcond kloe01 /big, 3. list_runs/list_runstats usage: list_runs List information of last 10 runs. Type "list_runs -h" to see all the help information. 4. list_raws usage: list_raws #start_run_number #end_run_number List raw information of runs from #start_run_number to #end_run_number. Type "list_raws -h" to see all the help information. 5. list_datarecs usage: list_datarecs #start_run_number #end_run_number List information of data reconstruction of runs from #start_run_number to #end_run_number. Type "list_datarecs -h" to see all the help information. 6. list_caffe usage: list_caffe #run_number List trigger caffe information of run #run_number. 7. list_torta usage: list_torta #run_number List trigger torta information of run #run_number. 8.list_archiving usage: list_archiving List currently archiving files. 9. list_datarec_streams_unarch usage: list_datarec_streams_unarch List streams of data reconstruction which are going to be archived.