Event display

To start this tool use the commands:

packman didone


The procedure moves the working directory to:


where xx is the pseudoterminal number assigned to the use.

Different files are created:

The Event display tool reads in the database DB2 the value of the magnet current. If this value does not exist, in particular because the run was taken with the KLOE magnet off, Event display stops with error. In order to avoid this, uncomment the line:
!talk dcdbini inigeo bmap 1 kloe 0 2 2300. exit exit
in didone.uic and didone_auto.uic

The start_didone procedure has been modified on March 6, 2001 in order to kill other didone and Vis processes that were started from the same pseudoterminal, and probably are in a hung state, before starting the new ones.
