*###### MONTECARLO ############ * * *::> VERSION 6.05/04 11/12/2008 12.39.21 * * * FIMCCOD/UGINTG S. Piano A. Filippi * vertex alignment version 12/09/08 * FIMCCOD/UGTRKV S. Piano A. Filippi * LMD alignment trials: versions 12/09/08, 03/11/08 * (straight cosmic rays) * * TOFONE geometry: aluminum foils between slabs * FIMCCOD/UGETOF M. Palomba (since 07/2007) * FIMMCOD/DEFVB M. Palomba (since 07/2007) * FIMMCOD/COLORS M. Palomba (since 07/2007) * * FIMCCOD/FERMIMOM A. Filippi S. Piano * p**2 factor missing for distributions from Schiavilla and the * general one(IFERMI=2,3,4,6) * inserted p_f = 0.151 for 4He case * * FIMCCOM,SIDA_DEF A. Filippi * (commented) definitions to properly switch on FLUKA (HADR=5) * uncomment the 3 lines to activate changes * * Introduction of ntuple 410 (GENECDE, UHINIT, K_BCK) for the * efficiency studies. Changes can be activated using * SEL STUDEFFI when compiling the montecarlo. (P. Genova) * *________________________________________________________________________ * *::> VERSION 6.05/03 16/08/2008 13.49.15 * * all corrections by A. Filippi * * FIMCCOM/CMZLOGON * new compilation flags added into the installation banner * * fixes to comply to cvs translation (patchy flags tuning) * FIMCCOD/GZEBRA * FIMCCOD/UGINIT * FIMCCOD/UHINIT * FIMCREC/TRIGGER * GEANT321/GTHADR * GEANT321/GTREVE * *________________________________________________________________________ * *::> VERSION 6.05/02 25/07/2008 11.11.25 * * FIMCCDE/GENECDE * - new variable (WEIGHT) for phase space montecarlo simulations with * GENBOD inserted in generated events ntuple S.Piano * FIMCCOD/CKCARD * - update IDEACY range up to 42 to host new reactions S.Piano * FIMCCOD/GUSTEP * - MAXTRA parameter expanded to 100000 A.Filippi+S.Piano * FIMCCOD/K_BCK * - added the simulation of pickup, knockout, multinucleon absorption and * phase space reactions S.Piano * IDECAY 35 pickup reaction p+n->d * 36 pickup reaction n+d->t * 37 K- + ppnn + (A - ppnn) --> Lambda + t + (A - ppnn) * 38 K- + ppn + (A - ppn) --> Lambda + d + (A - ppn) * 39 K- + A --> L + t + (A - ppnn) * 40 K- + A --> L + t + n + (A - ppnnn) * 41 K- + A --> L + t + pi + (A - ppnn) * 42 K- + A --> S0 + t + pi + (A - ppnn) * - store simulated informations (ntuple 320) in JHEAD MC RDT header S.Piano+A.Filippi * FIMCCOD/FERMIMOM * - momentum distribution of np in 2H, dp in 3He, p in 4He added S.Piano * FIMCCOD/QUASIFREE * - added cases for 4He substructures S.Piano * FIMMCOD/PICKUP * - pickup reaction simulation (new deck) S.Piano * FIMCCOD/KNOCKOUT * - knockout reaction simulation (new deck) S.Piano * GEANT321/GTHADR * - bug fix: SHADR required to be always positive in order to avoid minimum * steps F.De Mori * GEANT321/GTREVE * MAXNST variable expanded to 80000 F.De Mori * *###### RECONSTRUCTION ############ * *::> VERSION 6.05/04 11/12/2008 14.14.33 * * = h129 ntuple upgrade * FIRCCDE/GENECDE A. Filippi S. Piano * added parameters in h129 alignment ntuple for helix track * geometrical features * FIRCCDE/UHINIT A. Filippi S. Piano * added parameters in h129 alignment ntuple for helix track * geometrical features * BHABHA/BHALONGTRK A. Filippi S. Piano * added helix parameters in bhabha residuals ntuple * * = multiple hits in chambers removal * FIRCCOD/DCHDEC A. Filippi * calls DCHCLW routine to drop hits from close wires * FIRCCOD/DCHCLW A. Filippi * routine to drop hits from close wires and retain the one with * largest ADC -new- * * = fixes for VTXREC tracks * FIRCCOD/PRTRK A. Piano A. Filippi * fix for VTXREC very-short track reconstruction * = graphics fixes for VTXREC tracks * FIGRAPH/UZPRXY A. Filippi * FIGRAPH/UZPRZY A. Filippi * FIGRAPH/UZPRZX A. Filippi * * = cosmic rays reconstruction code * COSMICS/FILLCR2 A. Filippi * chi2 from straight fit inserted in the 500 ntuple * run number and event number inserted in the 500 ntuple * COSMICS/COSMRECSI A. Filippi * shunt TOFINO not-hit slabs * COSMICS/ALIGNFIL A. Filippi * adjust hit position for LMD after the straight line fit * = graphics fixes for straight cosmic rays (SILICON flag) * FIGRAPH/UDRDXY A. Filippi * * = bhabha reconstructions code * BHABHA/BHATRKFIT A. Filippi * prepare call for BHALONGALIDCH (commented by now) * BHABHA/BHALONGALIDCH A. Filippi * bhabha long track fit without LMD points (experimental, call * commented by now) - new- * *________________________________________________________________________ * *::> VERSION 6.05/03 16/08/2008 13.30.12 * * all corrections by A. Filippi * * FIRCCDE/GENECDE * reshape of variable in 127 ntuple * +MCARLO flags removed: all variable present in the ntuple (whichever * flavor), set to -999 if not filled * new variables added in 127 ntuple with PULLSTUDY (MCARLO) flag * FIRCCOD/UHINIT * +MCARLO flags removed: all variable present in the ntuple (whichever * flavor), set to -999 if not filled * new variables added in 127 ntuple with PULLSTUDY (MCARLO) flag * FIRCCOD/FILLGENHYP * +MCARLO flags removed: all variable present in the ntuple (whichever * flavor), set to -999 if not filled * new variables added in 127 ntuple with PULLSTUDY (MCARLO) flag * FIRCCOD/PULLEVAL (new!) * evaluation of pull variables for montecarlo tracks (generated & * reconstructed) - called by FILLGENHYP * FIDAREC/BACKTRK * store in banks 1/p, theta, phi errors for each extrapolated track * FIRCCOD/GUTREV * fix for h100 proper filling (flag +SILICON, straight cosmic rays) * FIRCCOD/GENREC * update version number * FIRCCOD/GENRECMC * update version number * patchy flags tuning * * minor adjustments to comply cvs translations (patchy flags tuning) * FIRCCOD/REARUN * FIRCCOD/UGINOU * FIRCCOD/FIGEOM * FIRCCOD/REAGEO * FIRCCOD/RDTUPK * FIRCCOD/GUOUT * FIRCCOD/UGLAST * FIRCCOD/TOFDEC * FIRCCOD/PROVATOF * FIRCCOD/FILLKK * FIRCRDA/READ_LIB * FIRCRDA/READ_LIB03 * FIGEANE/ETRTGO * FIDAREC/ADJDCH * FIDAREC/FILMS * FIDAREC/VCOMEV * FIDAREC/XTRCH * BHABHA/BHALOOKIS * BHABHA/BHANOISE * BHABHA/FILLBABA * BHABHA/FILLCRBHA1 * FIGRAPH/TEMPLATE * FIGRAPH/PROCOM * FIGRAPH/S_VERT * FIGRAPH/T_APPA * FIGRAPH/UDTEMP * FIGRAPH/IGINFO *________________________________________________________________________ * *::> VERSION 6.05/02 25/07/2008 11.00.20 * * FIRCCOD/GENECDE * - new variable inserted for MC phase space reaction simulation A.Filippi+S.Piano * - new variable inserted to check energy loss in target and apparatus * and covariances A.Filippi * FIRCCDE/RECCDE * - change of ISIM MC thresholds FDM inserted by S.Piano * FIRCCOD/UHINIT * - new variables defined in ntuple 127 A.Filippi+S.Piano * FIRRCOD/RDTUPK * - addition of ntuple 320 for generated events in MC RDT header A.Filippi+S.Piano * FIRCCOD/FILLGENHYP * - new variables added in ntuple 128, ntuple 320 for generated quantities * stored in output file A.Filippi+S.Piano * FIGEANE/EUSTE1 * - new common GCKINE added, debug instructions added (now commented) A.Filippi * FIGEANE/EUSTE4 * - debug instructions added (now commented) A.Filippi * FIGEANE/EUSTE5 * - bug fix A.Filippi * FIDAREC/TRKFIT * - call to MLPID added S.Piano * FIDAREC/SHORTRK * -evaluation of track length only if it hits tofone (otherwise negative) A.Filippi * FIDAREC/LONGTRK * -evaluation of track length only if it hits tofone (otherwise negative) A.Filippi * FIDAREC/BACKTRK * -evaluation of track length only if it hits tofone (otherwise negative) A.Filippi * FIDAREC/MLPID * - bug fixes S.Piano * - adjustments for MCarlo PID S.Piano * FIDAREC/HEXCYLRNXT * - evaluation of intersections of helix-cylinder given the radius and * an approach point (new deck) A.Filippi * FIDAREC/CONTRLEN * - check if a track can be connected to TOFONE slabs and find its track * length until TOFONE (new deck) A.Filippi *