*############################################################ *FINDA Montecarlo and Offline reconstruction software * v. 6.04/03 06-12-2007 * Release notes *############################################################ * *############################## *# Montecarlo Changes # *############################## * Germano * - TSTUDY flag part modified * filling of ntuple 112 for target studies * (see GUSTEP for ntuple description) * * - target 5 degrader bug fix * the degrader material was Lithium-6 instead of mylar * * - in fidamc.dat the default crossing angle is now 0.015 rad * instead of 0.0125 rad (as it is in fidarc) (BEAM card) * *############################## *# Reconstruction Changes # *############################## * Alessandra, Germano * Bug fixes in FILLGENHYP and USWORK * * By Francesca ... * In PRTRK the check on the IERR FLAG of the PREFITL subroutine was added. * If the procedures returns with an ERROR flag condition the PREFITS * subroutine is added to avoid the Triplets which don't get over the T0/TBAR * goodness check. In the past versions in this case the TOF connection was * wrong, because the helix parameters bank wass not correctly filled. * If the PREFITS procedure returns with an error flag the track is skipped. * To avoid a not correct assignment of the type of the track in * FILLGENHYP(and USWORK) a * check of the STRAW TUBES T0/TBAR goodness is done. Only if the goodness of * the straw tubes of the triplet connected to the track is good (this * goodness is mandatory to fit the tracks with straw) the bit of TRIPLET * presence is lifted up. This control was added to avoid incorrect TYPEMIN * and TYPEPLU assignments. * In the MC reconstruction case the ISIM/OSIM specific energy loss (in * FILLGENHYP and USWORK) are corrected using the F_DEDX(IMODULE) constant * of the DATA_TAK common block. * Some protection to avoid memory leakage are added in VERTFIT and PFVERT. * In EUSTE1 and BACKTRK the dimension of the vector XYZTRK is increased to * 450 and Maximum number of points for graphics in BACKTRK is increased to * 130 to allow the drawing of all the backtracking points in the interactive * fidarc.