*############################################################ *FINDA Montecarlo and Offline reconstruction software * v. 6.04/01 17-10-2007 * Release notes *############################################################ * *############################## *# Montecarlo Changes # *############################## * FIMCCDE/GENECDE - New variables for MCarlo generated ntuple #320 * (background/acceptance reactions) * nuclear mas parameters update > S. Piano * FIMCCOD/UHINIT - New ntuple booking > S. Piano * FIMCCOD/K_BCK - new reactions added, for acceptance evaluation * IDECAY from 16->28 > S. Piano * WEAKHN/WEAKHN - bugs fixed in non-mesonic weak decay routine * > F. De Mori *- Changes to K_BCK * (by H. Fujioka) * Increasing NDIST to 34 in K_BCK *############################## *# Reconstruction Changes # *############################## * Update to fix minor bugs (A. Filippi) * Decks updated: * FIDAREC/SHORTRK - interactive version prints added, covariances definition * removed * FIDAREC/LONGTRK - bug fixed for -SHORT version, covariances def. removed * FIDAREC/BACKTRK - ERRFIT vector inizialization removed * TRAFIT/FITGEN - ERRFIT vector filling * TRAFIT/WINRES - call to WINERR allowed to propagate GEANE errors on track * TRAFIT/WINERR - ERRFIT vector init