
New test version: CMZ 4.02

Dear colleagues:

Last week we put together a new version of the FINUDA software. 
We have included changes and additions from several people, resulting in 
over 5000 lines of new code. The changes with respect to version 4.00 are 
the following:

Monte Carlo:

==> Generation of hyper-nucleus non-mesonic decay (A. Olin).

==> Bhabha reconstruction (P. Salvini)

==> Generators of background and cosmic ray events (S. Piano)

==> New ZEBRA storage structure for long-term data (A. Zenoni, 
                                              G. Gomez, V.Filippini)


==> Reconstruction code for the drift chambers (A. Panzarasa, A. Zenoni)

==> Reconstruction code for the Silicon micro-strips (L. Venturelli,
                                                      S. Piano, G. Gomez)

==> Reconstruction code for the Straw Tubes (G. Gomez, A. Zenoni)

==> New read_lib.C adapted to the latest DataBase (V. Filippini)

Some of the cradles had clashes (modified the same routines), and in 
some cases we had to put the changes in by hand. For this reason, we
have made a *TEST VERSION* of the code, called version 4.02.
We kindly ask all those who sent us their cradles to download this new 
test version from the FINUDA Off-line page at


and try to install and run, checking if your specific modifications work 
Let us know of additional corrections needed. After that, we will
release a final new version, which we will call 4.10

A note of warning: due to changes in the Straw Tube bank structure, 
the reconstruction of hyper-nuclear events does NOT work in this 
version. This is not a significant shortcoming for the moment, since we're
trying to analyze primarily cosmics, but this issue will certainly be 
addressed at the appropriate time. 

               Gervasio Gomez, software coordinator