
Finuda Off-line Software Mailing List Archive: Minutes of the F

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<TITLE>Finuda Off-line Software Mailing List Archive: Minutes of the F</TITLE>
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Germano Bonomi (bonomi@nppbs1.ing.unibs.it)">
<META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="Minutes of the Frascati meeting (16/12/1999)">
<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>Minutes of the Frascati meeting (16/12/1999)</H1>
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<!-- subject="Minutes of the Frascati meeting (16/12/1999)" -->
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<STRONG>Subject: </STRONG>Minutes of the Frascati meeting (16/12/1999)<BR>
<STRONG>From: </STRONG>Germano Bonomi (<A HREF="mailto:bonomi@nppbs1.ing.unibs.it?subject=Re:%20Minutes%20of%20the%20Frascati%20meeting%20(16/12/1999)&replyto=Pine.LNX.4.04.9912200917460.19415-100000@nppbs1.ing.unibs.it"><EM>bonomi@nppbs1.ing.unibs.it</EM></A>)<BR>
<STRONG>Date: </STRONG>Mon Dec 20 1999 - 09:18:25 MET
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Minutes of the FINUDA OFF-LINE Software Meeting
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Frascati, 16-December-199
<P><P>&nbsp;&nbsp;I try to represent everybody as fairly as possible according to my 
&nbsp;&nbsp;understanding of the discussion. Let me know if you feel 
&nbsp;&nbsp;mis/under-represented and if you think I need to add anything.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;G. Gomez                                  
<P><P><P><P>Present: G. Bonomi, A. Feliciello, G. Gomez, A. Panzarasa, A. Zenoni.
<P>Current Status of the Code:
<P>It was decided that:
<P>-&gt; The FINUDA Software group will support two platforms: Digital Unix 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and Linux. Although the code presently runs on VMS systems as well, 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;this platform will no longer be supported by the group.
<P>-&gt; A new version (4.00) of the MC and reconstruction code will be 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;compiled and released. This version includes all the changes made 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to v 3.04 in order to make the code functional. 
<P>-&gt; CERNLIB 2000 has been released. G. Bonomi and G. Gomez will verify
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;that the new code release works on both platforms using either 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CERNLIB 99/2000 and add any linking options, if required, to be done 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;automatically during code installation.  
<P>*** A little bit of good news for Friday 17:
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Version 4.00 has already been released the morning of 17-December.  
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;We have checked that it runs on Linux and Digital Unix using either 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CERNLIB 2000 or CERNLIB 99. The Monte Carlo and reconstruction 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;programs seem to run well for MC input and real data, interactive 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and non-interactive, on both platforms. The latest release, as well 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;as all relevant information, can be found in the FINUDA Off-line 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Software WEB page:
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="http://fidabs.ing.unibs.it/finuda/rec_mc.html">http://fidabs.ing.unibs.it/finuda/rec_mc.html</A>
<P>-&gt; This version therefore becomes the common base from which code
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;development will be done. 
<P>FINUDA Off-line Group Mailing List
<P>It was decided that the group should have a mailing list to facilitate 
communication between group members. The task was assigned to G. Bonomi,
who has already created such a mailing list. All integrants of this
group should have received an e-mail with the relevant information.
The mailing list can also be accessed through the WEB page above, and
the address is:
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="mailto:Finuda.Offline@fidabs.ing.unibs.it?subject=Re:%20Minutes%20of%20the%20Frascati%20meeting%20(16/12/1999)&replyto=Pine.LNX.4.04.9912200917460.19415-100000@nppbs1.ing.unibs.it">Finuda.Offline@fidabs.ing.unibs.it</A>
<P>Contact G. Bonomi if you have any requests for modification of this
mailing list.
<P>Examples of Remaining Problems
<P>A. Feliciello pointed out a few examples of problems which still need
to be addressed in the code. It should be noted that this is in no way 
a comprehensive list of such problems. 
<P>-&gt; Regarding the graphics, general conventions should be used. 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For example, an asterisk is used to mark a hit associated to a track,
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;a cross marks a hit NOT associated to a track, warm colors denote
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;associated hits, cold colors denote non-associated hits, etc...
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In particular, for the new pattern recognition of cosmics using the 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ISIM+OSIM+ITOF, this convention was not followed (by G. Gomez).  
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;People working in any graphics development should pay attention to
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the existing conventions.
<P>-&gt; The geometry of the ISIM Si micro-strips needs to be changed: the
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;glass windows should be on the inside and the silicon on the
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;outside, similar to the OSIM, which is modeled correctly.
<P>-&gt; For the reconstruction of Hyper-nucleus events, there are
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;compilation warnings (at least on Digital Unix) which need to be
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;looked at. They are &quot;cern library error condition c205&quot; and
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot;cern 205 rzero ... F(A) and F(B) have the same sign&quot;. If anyone
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;knows about these messages, advice is welcome.
<P>-&gt; The phi -&gt; rho + pi generator might need some revision.
<P>-&gt; There are also warnings about the ISST and OSST structures missing.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;These structures (ISIM and OSIM support structures) were removed
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;when the new ISIM geometry was implemented (G. Gomez), and indeed
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;are no longer inside the detector. 
<P>-&gt; The interactive reconstruction needs several corrections. In
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;particular, Feliciello pointed out that the back-tracking feature  
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;exhibits some anomalous behavior.
<P>Cosmic Ray Data
<P>A. Zenoni pointed out that one of the most urgent objectives is the
analysis of cosmics, which are divided into 1) old cosmics taken for the
study of the Straw Tubes (STRW) and Drift Chambers (DCH1/2), and 2) new
cosmics being collected right now with the central detector
(ISIM+OSIM+TOFINO). These data need to be reconstructed and analyzed
in order to study the calibration, intrinsic resolution, and
efficiency for each sub-detector.  
<P>1) STRW + Chambers:
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A. Panzarasa, A. Feliciello and A. Zenoni will be in charge of 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;analyzing these cosmics and studying the DCH resolution. Their plan 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;of action is to get the latest version of GARFIELD to model the DCH 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;cell geometry, with the option to include the magnetic field. They
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;hope to reproduce the current geometry and resolutions, and 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;eventually to improve the DCH resolution to values comparable to 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;those expected.
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;V. Filippini will use the first cosmic ray data collected by the
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;central detector to update the database. After that, G. Gomez will
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;test the pattern recognition program for &quot;central detector&quot; cosmics.    
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Once the reconstruction program is verified to work properly, G.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gomez will perform initial studies of Si micro-strip resolutions and
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ITOF efficiency.
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;A. Zenoni suggested that the task of using these cosmic ray data
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;for testing of micro-strip reconstruction and alignment be given 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to L. Venturelli and S. Piano.
<P>Alignment + Detector Geometry
<P>The final detector alignment will require cosmic ray data taken with 
all sub-detectors. This alignment task will require some dedicated
work, for which no one has yet been assigned. A. Zenoni pointed out 
that it is highly desirable to have an on-line, interactive alignment 
<P>The detector geometry should reflect, as closely as possible, that
of the final aligned detector. To this effect, the Monte Carlo
geometry description should include any &quot;rigid body&quot; displacement or 
rotation evidenced by the alignment procedure. It is hoped that this
part of the code will be somewhat stable (as well as the detector
<P>In connection to the study of STRW + DCH cosmic ray data
by A. Panzarasa and A. Zenoni, the DCH cell displacements need to be
modeled correctly by displacing the entire cells, instead of using 
the temporary solution of displacing only the wires. 
<P>A. Feliciello and A. Panzarasa will try to insert into the
reconstruction program the positions from photometric studies of the
Drift Chambers.
<P>Modeling of Bhabha Scattering
<P>Modeling of Bhabha scattering is altogether missing in the current
off-line code. Some of the issues discussed were:
<P>-&gt; A Bhabha trigger has never been simulated or studied, and a 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;trigger request should be made. A careful assessment of the Toushek 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;background is needed. 
<P>-&gt; Pattern recognition and reconstruction code for Bhabha events needs 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to be developed. A. Zenoni proposed to assign this task to
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;P. Salvini, and offered to give her some help should she need it.
<P>-&gt; In connection to the alignment studies, Bhabha scattering events
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;could be useful for final detector alignment, if Bremsstrahlung
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;effects do not deteriorate the resolution too much.
-&gt; Bhabha reconstruction can (and will) be used to monitor
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the machine luminosity as well as the transverse profile of the
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;electron/positron beam .
<P>Integration of Existing Developments
<P>Mainly due to lack of time, Version 4.00 does not yet integrate
important code developments. In particular, we need to include in
future releases the work from:
<P>-&gt; P. Cerello: work on on-line/off-line connection and output for
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;off-line analysis in C and root. He has kindly offered 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to give us a cradle with respect to the latest version,
<P>-&gt; M. Bertani: work on Straw Tube simulation and reconstruction.
<P>-&gt; S. Piano  : work on micro-strip simulation and reconstruction and on
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;background generator.
<P>-&gt; A. Olin   : work on Monte Carlo studies of hyper-nuclear non-mesonic
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;decays and nuclear muon capture.
<P>Cradles with respect to version 4.00 would be greatly appreciated.
Once these cradles are available, A. Zenoni and G. Gomez will certify
them, and include them as soon as possible in future releases of the
<P>Voices from Vancouver
<P>Unable to attend the Frascati meeting, A. Olin sent an e-mail which
was considered and discussed. The issues raised were:
<P>-&gt; A. Olin pointed out that CMZ is no longer supported at CERN. He
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;asked if the group should consider switching to another code
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;management program, namely CVS. It was decided that we will stick
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;to CMZ. The latest CMZ version, 1.50, can be downloaded from the
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CMZ WEB page (there is a link from our page).
<P>-&gt; A. Olin and Ed Auld (joining FINUDA) offer to work on the study of
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;space-time relationships for the drift chambers. They would work in 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;parallel to A. Panzarasa using the STRW + DCH cosmic ray data. It
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;was deemed by the group a good idea to have people at Torino
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and Vancouver look at the data, and their offer is welcome. 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It might be a good idea for the Vancouver group to have their own 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;local database. Copies of the CDs containing these cosmic ray
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;data could be sent to them over the mail.     
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