
shift report

please find the attached shift report 
from Marcello and Dalena for the shift 
16-24 of Wen. 14/01/2004. 
RUN          DATE    START   STOP     TRIGGER        EVENTS  ALLDET.   B      NOTE
FINU01118  14/01/04  19:33   19:57  HYP.or.BHABHA     20001    ON      ON    LMD 3i 1700V instead of 1800V
									     18 e- in trip during injection
FINU01119  14/01/04  20:28   21:28     HYP            80%      ON      ON    LMD 3i 1700V instead of 1800V
						    of 20000	             18 e- in trip during injection
									     Run not correctly closed due to 
						    		             crash of disk server, NO FORM