
Shift report 22-12-2003, 16:00-24:00

All runs were taken with all detectors on, B on.

Run         Start   Stop    Trigger      #ev     Note

FINU01037   15:07   16:05   HYP          20001   /
FINU01038   16:05   16:56   HYP          16030   Stopped due to trip on 
TOFONE during e- injection
FINU01039   16:59   17:56   HYP          20001   /
FINU01040   17:56   18:51   HYP          20002   /
FINU01041   18:51   19:10   HYP          4338    Stopped due to trips on 
all detectors including microstrips
FINU01042   19:31   21:00   HYP          20001   Trips on all LMDs and 
TOFONE during injection
FINU01043   21:00   22:11   HYP          20001   Trips on all LMDs
FINU01044   22:11   23:11   HYP          20001   /

Beer / So / Lucherini