

please find attached the report for today 
shift from 16-24. 
have a nice day 
Dalena, Elia, Beer  
RUN          DATE    START   STOP     TRIGGER        EVENTS  ALLDET.   B      NOTE
FINU00408  27/11/03  17:25   17:46      HYP            3209    ON      ON    stopped due to trip Lmd
									     thrs. TOFONE 48 mV
FINU00409  27/11/03  18:15   18:21      HYP             705    ON      ON    LMD conf. -3400+1800_Hebag
									     thrs. TOFONE 48 mV
FINU00410  27/11/03  20:47   21:35      HYP           15194    ON      ON    LMD conf. -3400+1850_Hebag
									     thrs. TOFONE 48 mV
FINU00412  27/11/03  21:50   22:11      HYP           34313    ON      ON    trigger test 
									     MALU Disabled	      
FINU00413  27/11/03  22:50   22:51    BTB-K+K-          767    ON      ON    Garbage
FINU00414  27/11/03  22:51   23:23    BTB-K+K-        45827    ON      ON    only tofino slabs 2 and 8
									     with low thr. 250 mV
FINU00415  27/11/03  23:28   23:41    BTB-K+K-        20139    ON      ON    only tofino slabs 2 and 8
									     with low thr. 250 mV