
shif report 25/11 8-16

Run		Start	Stop	Trigger		Detectors	B	
#ev	Note
Cosmo4535	7:47	8:18	ORfino.AND.ORfone	all ON	On	
15001	still beam: e+~10mA;e-~20mA; Tofone49e- OFF
Cosmo4536       8:19	8:31	ORfino.AND.ORfone   	all ON	On      
5616 	Stopped due to LMD trip (C4H10 bottle empty); still beam:e+~10mA;e-~20mA; 
Tofone49e- OFF;
Cosmo4537       9:01	10:12	ORfino.AND.ORfone	all ON  On      11004 	
Stopped to access into the pit (Tofone manteinance)  
Cali03218	11:20	11:32	Laser   	GTS-TOF         On      
5001   /

M.Bregant / S.Tomassini