
News from DAFNE

Dear Colleagues,

the tuning of the machine is continuing. In this week there were some
technical inconveniences, and also a problem with the cryoplant.
Moreover, due to the Alghero workshop regarding a possible DAFNE 2
project, almost all machine staff was not at LNF. In any case some
progress has been achieved also for the elctron ring, while the positron
one, which was tuned first, could not be used due to a problem with the
positron converter in the LINAC.
It is hence not foreseen any FINUDA starting up at beginning of next week.

It is however expected to have a major step forward in the next week, and
a possible entering in "business" of FINUDA from the subsequent one, where
"business" means start to switch on the detectors, see their response,
measure the level of backgrounds and so on, and, finally, to try to see
the collisions and measure the Luminosity. In this respect it is obvious
that the first detector we should be able to switch on, when machine
conditions will be appropriate and safe, will be tofino.

Taking advantage of the forced shut down from September 11 afternoon, to
Sepetember 12 morning, a few hours acquisition, with no beams cirlulating,
magnet OFF, and only tofone-tofino and microstrip ON, was done collecting
about 30000 events,  in order to study the eventual radiation damage
suffered up to now by the microstrip and their embedded electronics. The
bias currents and pedestals were found to be increased particularly for
the strips in the radial (horizontal) plane. The data are now being
analyzed to study the detector performace respect to the May-July measured

A new DAFNE update will be given in the mid of next week.

		The RUN