
Shift Report May 13 16:00-24:00

 + Goal of the first FINUDA  cosmic ray shift was to take
   cosmic ray data  with "a pioggia"  triggering.
 + Trigger used TOFONE slabs (9-28).and.(45-64)
 + Many hangs due to misaligned data. Also found a CAMAC
   problem, fixed. Do not consider runs before COSM3285.
 + Logged about 1.1M events to disk
 + Instructions for saving raw data files to
   are reported in logbook pag.3
  1) We have setup shift logbook, folders with monitoring outputs,
     folder with shift manuals.
  2) Fixed jammed printer
  3) Prepared web page with Shift Reports repository, updated
     semiautomatically on a daily base. See
     Finuda Private page--> Message Repository Shift Reports
 To do for next shift:
    0) Copy datafiles (from 3297) to dxcf01 
    1) Take more data with the same trigger. Max 100kevts/run.
    2) Prepare a checklist for STB,LMD,TOF
    3) Write a short shift report at the end of your shift and 
       mail it to finudagroup@lnf.infn.it 

 Simonetta Marcello
 Stefano Bianco