Unique constraint:

Foreing keys:

Local fields(s) Foreing table Foreing field(s)
Run_Nr logger.run_logger Run_Nr
Stream_Id descript.stream_descript Stream_Id
Archived decsript.archived_status Status
TServer_Id descript.filespace_farm TServer_Id
Stream_Id Stream_Id
Filespace_Id Filespace_Id

This table contains the list of all the possible sources of raw files.Moreover,since not all the sources contain equally important data,there are also some flags that classify each source.

Fields description:
Field name Field type Can be NULL? Description
Stream_id integer no Stream identifier,used for foreign keys
Code varchar(8) no stream code,used for human readable interaction
Analyze integer (as boolean) no If false,it will not be reconstructed.
All_Data integer (as boolean) no If false,it could have been produced using only a subset of avaible events (i.e. by a spy proces).
Description varchar(32) no Free text description

Primary key:

Unique contrastrain:

Giordani Chiara
Last modified: Mon Jun 10 12:10:41 MEST 2002