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    <table border=3>
    <i>Unique constraint:</i>
    <i>Foreing keys:</i>
    <tr bgcolor="silver">
    <th><i>Local fields(s)</i></th>
    <th><i>Foreing table</i></th>
    <th><i>Foreing field(s)</i></th>
    <td valing=top rowspan=3>descript.filespace_farm</td>
    This table contains the list of all the possible sources of raw
      files.Moreover,since not all the sources contain equally important
      data,there are also some flags that classify each source.
    <i>Fields description:</i>
    <table border=3>
    <tr bgcolor="silver">
    <th><i>Field name</i></th>
    <th><i>Field type</i></th>
    <th><i>Can be NULL?</i></th>
    <td align=center>integer</td>
    <td align=center>no</td>
    <td>Stream identifier,used for foreign keys</td>
    <td align=center>varchar(8)</td>
    <td align=center>no</td>
    <td>stream code,used for human readable interaction</td>
    <td align=center>integer (as boolean)</td>
    <td align=center>no</td>
    <td>If false,it will not be reconstructed.</td>
    <td align=center>integer (as boolean)</td>
    <td align=center>no</td>
    <td>If false,it could have been produced using only a subset of avaible
	    events (i.e. by a spy proces).</td>
    <td align=center>varchar(32)</td>
    <td align=center>no</td>
    <td>Free text description</td>
    <i>Primary key:</i>
    <i>Unique contrastrain:</i>
    <address><a href="mailto:igor.sfiligoi@lnf.infn.it">Giordani Chiara</a></address>
<!-- Created: Mon Jun 10 12:10:33 MEST 2002 -->
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Last modified: Fri Jul  5 15:47:42 MEST 2002
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