In Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics 
Frascati (Italy), 
May 19th - 23rd, 2003

LNF Spring School 2001

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Bruno Touschek

In Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati , May 28 - June 2, 2001

Frascati - Italy



 Monday 28th of May

10:00-10:40 A. de Rujula (CERN) Gamma Ray Bursts (I) PDF
11:15 -11:55 A. de Rujula (CERN) Gamma Ray Bursts (II) PDF
12:00 -13:15 G. D' Agostini (U. of Rome La Sapienza) Statistical methods for frontier physics (I) PDF
15:00 - 15:40 P. Franzini(U. of Rome La Sapienza) CP - violation PDF
15:45 - 16:25  A. Masiero(SISSA) New Physics in CP violation Experiments PDF
17:00 - 17:40 A. Bettini(LNGS) Physics at the Gran Sasso Laboratory PDF
19:00 - 20:00 N. Cabibbo(U. of Rome La Sapienza) The making of the Standard Model in the Sixties PDF

  Tuesday 29th of May

9:30 -10:10 G. Altarelli (CERN) Neutrino Physics (I) PDF
10:15 - 10:55 G. Altarelli (CERN) Neutrino Physics (II) PDF
11:30 -12:10 A. de Rujula (CERN) Gamma Ray Bursts (III) PDF
12:15 - 12:55 A. de Rujula (CERN) Gamma Ray Bursts (IV) PDF
15:00 - 15:40 G.Martinelli (U. of Rome La Sapienza) CP-Violation in the K and B-system PDF
15:45 - 16:15 M. Sozzi (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) Recent NA48 results  PDF
16:20 - 16:50 G. Finocchiaro (LNF)  BaBar Results PDF
17:25 - 17:40 G. Garbarino (Barcelona) The neutral Kaon system  
17:45 - 18:00 T. Spadaro (LNF) Prospects for CP-violation detection with KLOE PDF
18:05 - 18:20 C. Gatti (U. of Pisa) Semileptonic K short decays in the KLOE detector PDF
18:25 - 18:40 C. Petrascu (LNF) First evidence of kaonic atoms signals with DEAR at DAFNE PDF

 Wednesday 30th of May

9:30 - 10:10 G. Altarelli (CERN) Neutrino Physics (III) PDF
10:15 - 10:55 G. Altarelli (CERN) Neutrino Physics (IV) PDF
11:30 - 12:10 G. D' Agostini (U. of Rome "La Sapienza") Statistical methods for frontier physics (II) PDF

 Thursday 31st of May

9:30 -10:10 S. Brodsky (SLAC) QCD and Light-Cone Quantization  PDF
10:15 - 10:55 S. Brodsky (SLAC) QCD and Exclusive Processes  PDF
11:30 -12:10 R. Jaffe (MIT) Transversity and angular momentum in the nucleon(I) PDF
12:15 - 12:55 R. Jaffe (MIT) Transversity and angular momentum in the nucleon(II)  
14:30 - 14:55 M. Diehl (Desy) Generalised Parton Distributions and all that  PDF
15:00 - 15:25 M. Guidal (Orsay) Extraction of information from Deeply Virtual Exclusive Processes  
15:30 - 15:55 M. Amarian (Nikhef) Experimental Study of Hard Exclusive Processes at HERA PDF
16:00 - 16:25 F. Sabatie (Saclay) Generalised Parton Distributions at COMPASS and Jlab PDF
17:00 - 18:55 J.-M. Laget (Saclay) The ESOP Network PDF
. F. Cano (Saclay)   PDF
. S. Morrow (Orsay) Acceptance studies of the CLAS detector at JLab PDF
. A. Metz (Amsterdam)   PDF
. D. Hasch (LNF) Single-spin azymuthal asymmetries in pi0 electroproduction in semi-inclusive DIS  
. A. Accardi (Heidelberg)   PDF
. F. Sannino (NORDITA) Color superconductivity: from QCD to gamma ray bursts PDF

 Friday 1st of June

9:30 -10:10 S. Brodsky (SLAC) QCD and exclusive processes: applications to exclusive b-decays PDF
10:15 - 10:55 S. Brodsky (SLAC) The effective QCD coupling at low scales PDF
11:30 -12:10 S. Stone ( U. of Syracuse) The B -TeV program at FNAL PDF
12:15 - 12:30 S. Stratmann (Bonn) Hard exclusive reactions involving soft pions PDF
12:30 - 12:45 A. Polosa (Helsinki) Exclusive B and D decays in a constituent quark model PDF
12:45 - 13:00 A. Banfi (U. Milano) Non perturbative corrections to hadronic jet shape variables PDF
14:30 - 15:35 G. Pancheri (LNF) The EURODAFNE Network  
. A. Rusetski (Bern) Isospin violation in hadronic atom observables PDF
. S. Cherry (Orsay) FESRs and the scalar meson problem PDF
. R. Escribano  (LNF) Vector and scalar meson exchange radiative vector meson decays PDF
. S. Di Falco (Karslruhe) Status of hadronic cross section measurement at KLOE PDF
15:35 - 15:50 C. Di Donato (Napoli) Radiative phi-decays with the KLOE detector PDF
15:50 - 16:10 N. Achasov (Novosibirsk) Analysis of the nature of the phi->gamma pi eta and phi-> gamma pi0 pi0 decays PDF
16:45 - 17:15 F. Farley (Yale U.) Precise measurement of muon g-2 at Brookhaven PDF
17:20 -  17:50 E. Remiddi (Bologna U.) The theoretical value of the (g-2) of the electron and muon PDF
17:55 - 18:25 J. Prades(U.of  Granada) Hadronic light-by-light contributions to muon g-2 PDF
18:30 - 19:00 F. Jegerlehner(DESY-Zeuthen) Status report on the theoretical error on the hadronic contribution PDF


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