In Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics 
Frascati (Italy), 
May 16th - 20th, 2005

A. Riotto, "Cosmology scenarios and particle physics";

Links between particle physics and  cosmology will be discussed.
After a general introduction to basic cosmology, the following topics will
be addressed: cosmological inflation (model building, predictions, and
comparison with observations of the cosmic microwave background
anisotropies and the large scale structure); dark matter and dark energy.


 E.W. Kolb and M.S. Turner,
``The Early Universe,'',  Redwood City, USA: Addison-Wesley (1990).

D.H. Lyth and A. Riotto,
``Particle physics models of inflation and the cosmological density perturbation,
  Phys. Rept. 314, 1 (1999)  [arXiv:hep-ph/9807278].

P.J.E. Peebles and B. Ratra,
   ``The cosmological constant and dark energy,''
   Rev.Mod.Phys. 75, 559 (2003) [arXiv:astro-ph/0207347].

K.A. Olive,
 ``Dark matter,''  arXiv:astro-ph/0301505.