The 3rd Annual EUROFEL Meeting will be held at the Frascati National Laboratories on 24-25 October 2007.

The EUROFEL project is a Design Study funded by the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission. It has been focusing on critical R&D for the construction of new research infrastructures in Europe which will be based on free electron lasers providing intense, femtosecond radiation pulses at high repetition rate, continuously tunable throughout the VUV and X-ray regimes, for a broad range of scientific applications in physics, chemistry, biology and materials science.

The 3rd (and last) Annual Workshop at Frascati gathers all participants of the EUROFEL project to present and discuss the results of the project, to exchange know-how, and to foster continued collaborations for the construction of the new research infrastructures.

Participants are invited to register via web using the online registration form.


REGISTRATION: 30 September 2007

HOTEL RESERVATION: 20 September 2007


Annette Donkerlo
Manuela Giabbai
Maddalena Legramante

Tel.: +39-06 9403 2633-2274-2791
Fax: +39-06 9403 2203-2256

MG - 28 June 2007