International Workshop on
Frontiers in FEL Physics and Related Topics

Elba Island-La Biodola, Tuscany (Italy) September 8 - 14, 2007


The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of new theoretical and experimental
results on free-electron laser physics and related topics, such as Quantum FEL, seeding with HHG,
CARL (Collective Atomic Recoil Laser), and advanced beam manipulations to optimize the FEL properties. 
The workshop is sponsored by INFN and ELETTRA, and supported by URLS and UCLA.
It will take place at the Hotel Hermitage, on the beautiful Biodola Beach of the Elba Island, Tuscany (Italy) from September 8 to 14, 2007

The workshop will have oral presentations (40 min) and oral communications (20 min), contributed papers and poster sessions. There will be ample time for discussion.

Contributions will be selected by the Organizing Committee with the advice of the Scientific Committee on the basis of an abstract. There will not be invited papers a priori.

The deadline for the one-page abstract submission is June 1, 2007
People interested in participating should apply within June 10, 2007

Workshop proceedings will be published as a Special Issue of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics A.