ATLAS Software Workshop

May 14-18, 2001

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati ó INFN

Frascati (Rome) ó Italy


The ATLAS Software Week will be held in the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF), located in Frascati, a very attractive city, very close to Rome.

The accomodation will  be provided at the Hotel Giovannella, (Monte Porzio Catone) and at the Hotel Villa Mercede, (Frascati).

Reservations must be made before March 30, 2001 using the Registration/Reservation Form.

During the meeting the hotel shuttle service will pick up participants at the hotel every morning to take them to LNF and will take them back to the hotel at the end of the meeting activity at scheduled times.

Hotel shuttle, free of charge, is provided by the hotels on request to the Frascati station.

Registration Fees: 150.000 Italian Lira (to be paid in cash at the Registration Desk, cheques and credit cards cannot be accepted). 


M.L. March, 2001