K5 @ LNF

Created on: 29-Aug-2007
Last update: 29-Feb-2008

The Kerberos 5 authentication protocol is used by the Computing Services of the LNF to authenticate users to all services ( network/TRIP, mailing, AFS, interactive login, Trouble Ticket System, etc.).

Users who want to use Kerberos Authentication from their PC, need to install Kerberos 5 software and configure it with the following parameters:

You can also download krb5.conf file from: http://www.lnf.infn.it/computing/afs/krb5.conf

For Microsoft Windows users installing MIT KFW (Kerberos For Windows) provide "http://www.lnf.infn.it/computing/afs/" as path for web download during the setup (click here for details)

mail to: Sandro.Angius@lnf.infn.it / Sandro Angius

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