The core of an operating system, usually responsible for basic I/O and process execution.
kernel object
In the Windows operating system, an object used by the system and by applications to manage numerous resources, such as processes, threads, and files. See graphics device interface object, user object. Contrast with critical section.
key access
A property that enables elements to be accessed by matching keys.
key bag
An unordered flat collection that uses keys and allows duplicate elements. See heap. Contrast with key set, key sorted bag, key sorted set.
key collection
(1) An abstract class that has the property of key access. (2) In general, any collection that uses keys. See key sorted collection.
key equality
A relation that determines whether two keys are equal.
key function
A function with the name key() that, when used on a flat collection, returns a reference to the key of an element.
key set
An unordered flat collection that uses keys and does not allow duplicate elements. Contrast with key bag, key sorted bag, key sorted set.
key sorted bag
A sorted flat collection that uses keys and allows duplicate elements. Contrast with key bag, key set, key sorted set, sorted bag.
key sorted collection
An abstract class with the properties of key equality and sorted elements. See sorted collection.
key sorted set
A sorted flat collection that uses keys and does not allow duplicate elements. Contrast with key bag, key set, key sorted bag, sorted set.
key-type function
Any of several functions of an element type that are used by the Collection Class Library member functions to manipulate the keys of a class.
(1) A predefined word reserved for the C or C++ language that you cannot use as an identifier. (2) A symbol that identifies a parameter.